"Weekends". Short texts in English for children and beginners. An essay on how I spend my day or my day How I spend my day off

My last weekend was one of the most enjoyable ones. My weekdays are usually monotonous and hard, so I always long for Saturdays and Sundays. Unfortunately my weekend is too short, that is why I do my best to make it really exciting.

Nothing extraordinary happened last Saturday because I was at school till 2 p.m. and then just went home to relax with my family. I helped my mum cook dinner, then all of us watched a nice movie. It was a comedy “Meet the parents”. The film didn't have any visual effects or computer graphics, but it was sweet and funny. At 7 p.m. I had a long foam bath, it was such a pleasure which I can afford only at weekends. Then I spent a couple of hours reading an amazing book. So I fell asleep with the book in my hands.

Sunday was completely different. Of course, I got up later than usual. After breakfast I did some housework while I listened to my favorite music. Then my friend phoned me and invited me and my brother to "The Amusement Park". The weather was nice and I agreed. So we took a bus and went to the park. We had so much fun. We went on a ferris wheel and all kinds of rides: water rides, train rides, swing rides. We screamed loudly. I think all kids love the rides. Although my little brother didn't quite like them, he got scared and even cried sometimes. After that we all went shopping as I needed to find a birthday present for my mother. And I found a beautiful scarf for her. I hope she will love it.

In the evening we were extremely tired but very happy. It was a great weekend. I had a lot of fun.


My last weekend was the most enjoyable. My weekdays are usually monotonous and difficult, so I always look forward to Saturday and Sunday. Unfortunately, my weekends are too short and I try my best to make them really interesting.

Nothing out of the ordinary happened last Saturday because I was at school until 2pm and then just went home to rest with my family. I helped my mom cook dinner, then we all watched a good movie. It was the comedy Meet the Parents. The movie didn't have any visual effects or CGI, but it was cute and funny. At 7 pm I went for a long bubble bath, it was such a pleasure that I can only afford on weekends. Then I spent a couple of hours reading an amazing book. So I fell asleep with a book in my hands.

Sunday was completely different. Of course, I got up later than usual. After breakfast, I cleaned the house a bit and listened to my favorite music at the same time. Then my friend called me and invited me and my brother to an amusement park. The weather was good and I agreed. So, we got on the bus and went to the park. We had so much fun. We rode the Ferris wheel and all kinds of slides: water slides, rail slides, swings. We screamed loudly. Probably all children like rides. Although my little brother did not like it very much, he was scared and even cried a little. After that we went shopping as I needed to find my mom's birthday present. And I found for her beautiful scarf. I hope she likes it.

In the evening we were extremely tired, but very happy. It was a great weekend. I had a lot of fun.

I usually wake up early around 7 am. I make my bed, wash my face and do my exercises. After that I have breakfast and go to school. To go was not boring on the road, I go for my friends. We love to spend time together and try to be together everywhere.

At school, classmates and interesting lessons are waiting for me. Our teacher tells and teaches us different sciences. Most of all I like physical education and mathematics. In physical education, we often play sports games and arrange various competitions. And I also like English language. I go to an elective in this subject and participate in olympiads. Several times I won prizes and I have diplomas.

After school, I usually do sports or go swimming. I love sports and try to fulfill all the tasks of the coach. After the sections, I return home. After a little rest, I start my lessons. When the lessons are done I try to help my parents with household chores. I can wash the dishes or sweep the floor. I also take care of pets, make sure they have clean water and food. In my free time, I usually go out with my friends. We have fun, play football or hide and seek.

We also like to go to the cinema or play computer games. But usually this can only be done on weekends, because on weekdays the whole day is busy. In the evening I usually play chess with my dad. Sometimes we play different games with the whole family. board games. Such as, for example, lotto, dominoes or monopoly. When the weather is good, I like to ride a bike with friends or parents.

On weekends, my family and I sometimes go out to nature or visit. And on ordinary days in the evenings I read interesting books. Most of all I like adventure and fantasy.

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Who doesn't love the weekend, especially if the program of these days is very exciting? Our family has traditions associated with these events. On one of those days, we all eat together at the cottage. Most often, we do this on Saturdays.

A mandatory action plan includes a firebox and a visit to the bathhouse, barbecue, and, of course, games. If the calendar has a warm season, from April to October, then it is assumed that everyone will find work in the garden. For example, my duties include weeding tomatoes in the morning and watering them in the evening.

In the afternoon, preparing firewood for kindling a bath.

Sometimes I rebel and want to wallow with a book in a sun lounger all day. Nobody objects. Only by lunchtime does the general idleness bother you, so you have to grab on to any work, just not to fall asleep.

The most interesting thing begins when everyone finishes work in the evening, bathes and goes to the clearing in front of the house. My great-grandfather arranged this place especially for recreation. There is also a small tennis court, and a huge oak round table, where the whole family gathers for dinner, which smoothly turns into tea before bedtime. How interesting stories can be heard sitting at this table.

If you come for the weekend

My uncle, Vladimir Konstantinovich, often gathers a company of children and adults who plays loto with him under matches. Everyone has equal chances, so most often everyone wins, and an excellent prize awaits everyone, namely, a lot of fun, jokes and laughter. No one is in a hurry to go to bed, because tomorrow is still a day off.

Well, if there is snow and frost outside, then the games are exclusively winter. The skating rink is flooded, snow towers are being built for subsequent battles. To warm others, a samovar is taken out.

But in the morning we have to part with our dacha again for a week. There is a whole day ahead, where everyone is left to himself and can do what he loves. Unfortunately, first I have lessons waiting for me, which must be prepared, because during the week I have circles and sections, there will be very little free time to devote more to homework, which could be done on weekends. After lunch I have a meeting with friends.

Every time we come up with something interesting to do. For example, last Sunday my friends and I went to a concert, I don’t even remember who, but it was very noisy and fun. Then we went to my house. I wanted to brag about my dad's gift. We all tested the new laptop together until Mom brought tea with cookies and sweets. Then we chatted a little more and we all parted ways. In the evening I just wanted to lie down in front of the TV.

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My weekends

My name is Natasha, I "m 15 years old. I go to school. I study many subjects there, such as physics, mathematics, the English language, the Russian language, history, geography, chemistry, literature, natural sciences, information technology and others.

Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday I practice English with my tutor. I love Saturday and Sunday! It is the only day when I can do whatever I want. However, I am not a couch potato (couch potato, lazybones).

Yes, I got up late on Saturday and Sunday, at about 10 am. Then I do my morning exercises or dance, listening to the music. Dancing and music let me relax. If I have a good mood, I go for a walk. Even if the weather is bad, there is snow, rain or hail, I still go for a walk.

Sometimes on Saturday and Sunday I go to our local swimming pool where I spend about two hours.

Almost every Sunday my grandparents come to visit us. They always bring gifts. However, they do not give me a toy because I am 15. They bring interesting books, fruits, fashionable clothes, cosmetics.

One or two hours I spend on the Internet. The Internet is a cool thing! I send letters and photos to my friends via e-mail, sometimes we talk on Skype. We discuss our last school week and we make our next week schedule.

My Mother, grandmother and my younger sister go to the store (go shopping) on ​​Saturday. I go there too because I have to help them to carry heavy bags to the car.

I love the weekends but they pass so quickly!

My weekend

How do you spend your weekends? Do you like Saturday and Sunday? My name is Natasha, I am 15 years old. I go to school. I teach many subjects at school: physics, mathematics, English, Russian, history, geography, chemistry, literature, natural history, natural science, computer science and others.

Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday I study English with my tutor. I really love Saturday and Sunday, because these are the only days when I can do whatever I want (I want). But I'm not a couch potato!

Yes, I get up late on Saturday and Sunday around 10 am. Then I do exercises or dance, listen to music. Dancing and music help me relax. If I'm in a good mood, I go for a walk. Even if the weather is bad, it snows, rains or hail, I still go for a walk.

Sometimes on Saturday and Sunday I go to the pool, I spend about two hours there.

Almost every Sunday my grandparents come to visit us. They always bring gifts. But they don't give me toys since I'm 15. They bring interesting books, fruits, fashionable clothes, cosmetics.

I spend one or two hours on the Internet. The Internet is a great thing! I send letters and photos to my friends by e-mail, sometimes we talk on Skype. We discuss the past school week and plan our next week.

On Saturday my mother, grandmother and younger sister go to the store. I go too, as I have to help them carry their heavy bags to the car.

I love weekends, but they go by fast!

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How I Spent My Weekend

I am a schoolgirl, I study 5 days a week, so I get really tired by Friday and look forward to having a weekend. I believe everybody needs rest to be productive at school or work. I usually spend my weekend with my friends. We watch films, walk in the park, visit some exhibitions or chat at a cafe. Sometimes I want to be alone for a while, so I just read books in my room.

But this weekend was different. My mother had her birthday on Saturday. On Friday evening my sister and I went shopping. We bought our mother a present - a beautiful scarf she always wanted. Then we went to the florist`s and bought 7 white roses - mum`s favorite flowers. We hid the present and the flowers in the room. On Saturday morning we got up early and decorated the flat. Mother loved the present and the flowers.

After that, we helped mum to cook delicious meals and to lay the table. At 4 p.m. the guests arrived. Some of them came with their children. After the celebration dinner, we listened to music, played games and had interesting conversations. When it got dark, we went outside and lit fireworks.

On Sunday we also had lots of work. We had to clean the flat after the party. Then we did our homework and in the evening we got very tired. But I still enjoyed this weekend very much. Our mom was happy and grateful and made new friends!


How I spent my weekend

I am a school student, I study 5 days a week, so by Friday I am tired and looking forward to the weekend. I believe that everyone needs rest in order to work or study productively. I usually spend my weekends with my friends. We watch movies, walk in the park, visit exhibitions or chat in cafes. Sometimes I need to be alone for a while, so I just read books in my room.

But this weekend was different. My mom had a birthday on Saturday. Friday night my sister and I went shopping. We bought a gift - a beautiful scarf that my mother always wanted. Then we went to the flower shop and bought 7 white roses - my mother's favorite flowers. We hid a gift and flowers in the room. Saturday morning we got up early and decorated the apartment. Mom really liked the gift and flowers.

After that, we helped my mother prepare delicious meals and set the table. The guests arrived at 4 o'clock. Some of them came with their children. After the gala dinner, we listened to music, played games and chatted on interesting topics. When it got dark, we went outside and started fireworks.

On Sunday we also had a lot of work. We had to clean the apartment after the party. Then we did our homework and by the evening we were very tired. But I still enjoyed the weekend. Our mom was happy and grateful, and we made new friends!