Happy birthday to a woman in January. Happy birthday voice greetings "January 1 - Happy birthday!". The new year has barely been born


January is the first month of the year. It symbolizes the beginning of a new life stage, a new era and a new segment in the life of each of us and society as a whole. Coming right after one of the biggest holidays of the year, January brings us a whole host of celebrations. And this time, among the traditional holidays, a special place is occupied by the birthday of your loved one.

Celebrate, unfortunately, in nature will not work. Here you must either stay at home or go to some institution. No, of course, the option with gatherings in nature is also available, but it is suitable only for men, and even then not all. One way or another, thinking over the venue for the celebration is not your prerogative. Your job is to attend the holiday and express beautiful congratulations happy birthday to a man or woman born in January.

We have collected large collection truly January poems abounding beautiful words and sincere wishes. Take any job offered here and congratulate the birthday man the way he deserves. Happy January!

On the day of January, New Year's
Flowers will bloom.
And the winter will swirl in a blizzard
Daring dreams!

happy birthday congratulations
From the heart of you!
We wish you good happiness
Peace and goodness!

We wish you to be successful
And be cheerful
Gracious and sinless
Live your life!

Oh, how lucky we are!
We are spoiled by fate
And Christmas and New Year,
And your wonderful birthday
We celebrate in January
Living on my calendar
So let the clock strike for happiness!
Let them take you under the wing
And good old Santa Claus
And the newborn Christ!

May health become strong
Like January frosts
Let fate beckons with purity
Like baby tears.

To make life beautiful
Blossoming white rose
For the angels to keep
All threats were driven away.

Let the snowflakes, freezing,
Happiness lies under your feet,
Happy birthday!
May your dreams come true!

Again January is conjuring outside the windows,
Sweeps streets, bridges.
He will draw for you today
Snowy, crystal flowers!

We wish you fun
Happiness and love and beauty!
May this birthday fulfill
The most cherished dreams!

Let them sparkle like a diamond
Admiring, delighting people
Facets of unique talent
Many, many more bright days!

Lucky for you though
Birthday in January.
This means that gifts
You get double.

I wish you happiness
A cart of money, a bag of good,
Very good health
To walk until the morning.

Understanding of the authorities
Only loyal friends
Optimism and good luck
mass creative ideas.

Who will be born on New Year's Eve
Those are lucky all their lives!
You are a typical example of this:
Everything is in order with personal life,
At work, you are respected
You live in harmony with all your family.
Be healthy, be loved
Be cheerful and happy
And let your sonorous laughter
Pleases everyone around!

Your birthday is in January
Let's celebrate great!
Let the trees in silver!
Let the insidious frost bite your nose!

On this day I want to wish
May every day be brighter than the previous one!
May there be blessings in the house!
Love you, big and tender!

January day, frost blizzard.
I want a thaw in my heart
And in the wallet is a snowdrift of currency,
Not to be bored for a minute.

Let the fairy tale inspire
In life, so that you are lucky in everything,
Live happily, happy birthday!
Out of spite for all the troubles.

January has come, and the birthday
It's coming close to you
Let every moment lead
Happy, happy new year!

January orders to dive into the snowdrifts,
Cheeks - burn, eyes - shine!
After all, a birthday is needed to
Laugh, rejoice, sing!

January day I want to congratulate you
And wish fulfillment of desires.
To love with all my heart, to be loved,
Hope and believe and dream.

Look at difficulties with equanimity,
Problems are quickly resolved.
Minutes you are unique,
Moments - to remember for years.

January behind the window.
Well, let's look at the calendar:
Bah, what's up
It's your birthday.

Well, congratulations
And wish for something.
The main thing is health
So that there is joy in the soul.

And luck will come in handy
And be patient not to get angry.
It's impossible without love
Fortunately, so that the path leads.

To help - true friends,
To strength - cheerfulness jet.
For order - do not be lazy.
All your wishes come true!

Lucky for you though
Birthday in January.
This means that gifts
You get double.

I wish you happiness
A cart of money, a bag of good,
Very good health
To walk until the morning.

Understanding of the authorities
Only loyal friends
Optimism and good luck
Tons of creative ideas.

Start calendar year ironically coincided with the beginning of the next year of your life, before the tangerines and Olivier had disappeared from the table, we again have a reason to raise a glass of champagne for a beautiful and refined nature. So let the holiday around you not end, and health allows you to celebrate it properly.

January is a joker, rich in holidays -
That New Year, then Christmas, Epiphany.
Companies rush from house to house.
And today is your birthday!

We congratulate and heartfelt warmth
We wish you with all our heart.
Let the road of life be bright
And may all wishes come true!

May health become strong
Like January frosts
Let fate beckons with purity
Like baby tears.

To make life beautiful -
Blossoming white rose
For the angels to keep
All threats were driven away.

Let the snowflakes, freezing,
Happiness lies under your feet,
Happy birthday!
May your dreams come true!

birthday in January
When the trees are in silver.
I congratulate you today
I wish you kindness, love.

Let fortune smile
Bad things won't come back to you.
More happy moments
All wishes come true!

Happy new year you were born
In one, consider, a month,
Which means your life will be
Nice to flow and fun.

And that means severe winter
It won't freeze you
Good luck will come to you
And happiness will not be forgotten!

New Year and Christmas, Christmas time and Epiphany,
In the center of the January holidays is someone's birthday.
Happy birthday to you!
I wish you happiness, joy, health from the bottom of my heart.
Let the turmoil cover the fun with your head
And to good luck and luck, the path will open for you!

Fluffy snow, everything is shrouded around,
Frost will fasten in the yard,
As if invented by a magician,
Birthday in January.

You have one more holiday in January,
Wishes doubly and gifts too.
I wish you smile more often
Enjoy life and a lot of happiness!

So that Frost on the window, wrote "Happy birthday!",
White snow on the ground brought inspiration!
For a good gnome to leave traces,
Where treasures can be found.

Much wealth and joy to you.
Love, passion, huge success,
And there is always a dear person,
Sweet, kind, noble!

Your birthday is in January
When the trees sleep
When they rage in the yard
Storm and snowfall.

But even though the blizzards are sweeping,
Always in your soul
Magical flowers bloom
And in the heart - warmth!

And you are brighter than winter
More beautiful than the stars
And than snowflakes fringe
You are much softer.

You be the queen and the dream
Insanely good.
Be the closest, gentle, that
About whom the soul sings.

January is a harsh and cold month, but some people have a very joyful and pleasant holiday during this period - a birthday! Please your friend or acquaintance with kind words and wishes. Let it be illuminated for a moment by your cordiality, warmth and attention. Birthday happens only once a year, so this event can truly be considered joyful and cheerful. The month of January is a period of great traditional holidays and joyful meetings, so your warm and nice congratulations they will only increase the influx of positive into the life of the birthday man and please with their warmth. Astrologers say that only the strongest, kindest and most purposeful personalities are born in January. Send your friend just such a congratulation, and you will see joy, a cheerful smile and happiness in his eyes. Let your kind words will warm the heart of the January birthday man and illuminate him with a pleasant spiritual light. With us you will find best congratulations happy birthday born in January - woman, man.

January will draw patterns on the window,
Snowflakes will lay out gentle lines.
I hasten to congratulate you on your birthday,
I kiss your velvety cheeks.
You are very cute, stay like that
Cheerful and bright, shining with happiness.
Your path will be illuminated by a bright star.
Let any accomplishments be subject to.

Not a few holidays, of course, in January,
But your birthday is a special holiday.
Today I came to visit you
I hope my visit is not in vain.
We will raise for you (and more than once),
Glasses filled with joy
So that your life is completely successful!
And so that your dream suddenly becomes a reality.

On this day, January and frosty
I will congratulate you on your birthday.
Let the stars light up in the sky
And sorrows and doubts will go away.
I wish you endless happiness
And love big and true.
May life be crowned with luck,
Joy huge and ringing.

May this day be frosty, clear,
May good friends be around
Let the mood be wonderful
And you can't cry or be sad.
We wish you happiness, joy, fun,
Success in small and big things,
And may there never be sadness
In your happy, joyful eyes!

January is cold and snowy.
Beginning of the year. Peak of winter.
Your home is cozy. Your gaze is tender.
In response, we give smiles.
And let worries await us tomorrow.
Let's forget about them for an hour.
On your birthday, as if by notes,
Let's play at the table now:
"Before" - we drink for beauty,
"Re" - for mind and kindness,
"Mi" - for the will and reliability,
"Fa" - for tact and caution,
"Salt" - for generosity without concealment,
"La" - for the talent of a housewife!
Well, "Si" - the last toast
We'll end up very simply:
We raised six glasses
all "played by notes",
On the seventh we want to say:
"Very good sitting!"

It is well known that the characters of people are very much dependent on the month in which they were born. Therefore, both gifts and congratulations must be chosen based on the month of birth.

Congratulations on a birthday born in January should not be made too hasty or free. Usually, people who were born this month are distinguished by a leisurely and calm character and do not like too active congratulations. As a gift for such people, it is best to present something practical, and preferably not bright and not aggressive colors. If a gift for a woman, you can present a beautiful brooch.

The boy was born in the winter cold,
On a cold January day
Our birthday boy was born
And attracted attention with a cry!
Height is tall, weight is not frail,
He amazed everyone with his beauty!
smart, strong, beautiful,
And definitely happy!

I congratulate my dear girlfriend in January,
Happy birthday holiday, I will glorify her!
Gently warm in the cold of winter with my warmth,
Drive away sorrows as soon as I can!
Dear, dear, on this birthday!
I love you even more, without a doubt.

January cold sweeps in the yard,
Dark and gloomy, cold everywhere,
But on a joyful date, on a birthday,
Let's cheer everyone up!
Let's sing songs loudly
Congratulations on your luck!
Wish the birthday man promotion!

Who was born in January, in clear weather,
Colds and hardships will not take that already!
On your birthday, we wish you luck!
We will glorify the name, cheer up!
Your path will be sincere, white as a blizzard!
And old friends aren't going anywhere!
Vanity will not disappear like a swarm of snowflakes!
You will always be with us, our best man!

Here are collected congratulatory verses for all birthdays on any day of 365 days a year.

Happy birthday to those born in winter

For those who have a birthday in winter, we offer the following congratulations.

- a birthday on the last day of the outgoing year, this is an amazing coincidence!

If your birthday is in January, for example, then you are very lucky, because the whole country is celebrating with you!

When everyone congratulates the strong half of humanity, it will give any male birthday even more self-confidence and masculinity. Less fortunate ladies, if their birthday coincided with such a holiday, do not despair and hide from people. You are the only one who will be congratulated and carried in the arms of men.

Happy birthday to a friend born in winter

White white on the streets of the evening,
And that means only one thing - winter is here!
To you, my friend, I say: “Trust me!”
And white snow, frost and ice drove me crazy.

I love winter, what can I do about it?
And I'm sure you love her too
The sun shines on white snowflakes
We can't take our eyes off this beauty.

From year to year, the same case,
But it never gets boring
Please, winter, torment us with cold
Take a couple of seats for us in your car.

Your three months are a magical spell.
I want to tell you only one thing:
“Today we celebrate a friend’s birthday”
Accept with respect you my friend!

Congratulations to a woman born in winter

Let the morning please
lovely winter,
And a ray of sunshine
Watching you.

And the birds are chirping
And it smells like spring...
'Cause the change of season
Not over the mountain.

The bullfinch congratulates
Swinging on a branch.
And they will come to visit
Favorite kids.

Winter morning -
And your birthday...
Let it be fabulous
Your mood!

Colleagues born in winter

Don't let the weather discourage you
Happy favorite work.
Close ones will warm you with care,
Or enjoy your freedom.

We love to work next to you
It's interesting with you, we admit.
You definitely won't let us get bored,
You will unite the team with friendship.

Congratulations from the team
Let the February winds pass by.
The sun gently warms you
And spring is coming soon.

Happy birthday! - Let's shout in chorus
And now we want a stack!

Birthday in December

You were born in December
Straight to the fabulous winter.
You are so good with us
Strong, smart and handsome.
And so talented
Just super! You are hero!
May the December frosts
They give you immunity
From colds and evil people,
Protects from the bad guys.
Happy Birthday, dear,
The coolest and coolest!

Happy birthday in January

Who has a birthday in January? Congratulations, dear birthdays! On this page there are verses for any date in January from the 1st to the 31st.

Birthday in January

You are not used to being afraid of frost,
And they are not accustomed to shed tears bitterly.
Strong character - you are a Capricorn,
And so God helps you!
We wish you January hardening,
So that you do not get sick, to the evil of all enemies.
So that the January sun shines brighter,
And you were happy with it!

Your birthday is January 1st
Mom gave birth on this day not in vain.
To congratulate you Santa Claus
And I brought you the best present!

On the same day, all of Russia celebrates a holiday - the New Year.

January 2nd you were born
You can't argue here
That's how life decided.
Have fun, relax
and celebrate the holiday.
After all, no one is given
rest 100%!

January 3rd is your birthday?
You are a Capricorn
What an obsession!
Dance, frolic
Drink champagne,
And sober up
You still have time.

Departed from New Year's
Again for a feast.
happy birthday congratulations
We are your girlfriend!
Born January 4th
Mom did her best here.
To open the second breath,
After the big Russian holiday.
Raise a glass again for a sweet one,
And another week off!

January 5th you were born.
So under the roof
You are your destiny.
A good number is five.
She will help you through life
At school, work and at home
You will always be excellent.

Born January 6th
And everyone around was surprised.
Almost at Christmas
As did Jesus Christ.

Christmas is also celebrated on your birthday, you are very lucky!

January 8th you were born
Well, today we wish
So that you drink from the heart.
Forgotten all the hardships and sorrows,
And just celebrated a birthday!

To be born on the 9th is wonderful
Your mother gave birth to you not in vain.
A great person was born to us,
We will never find someone like you.

January 10 is your birthday.
Everything will be cool, now let's live.
Let's spend the year with you!
Well, today we drink champagne.

Your birthday is January 11th
We all adore (Katya) you,
May your beauty not fade
And like the Snow Maiden, it does not melt.

Reserves and national parks of Russia also celebrate their birthday on this day.

Happy birthday congratulations
We wish you a great year.
So that you achieve heights
May you always be lucky.

On your birthday, the day of employees of the prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation is celebrated.

You were born on the 13th
Don't believe in superstition.
Let this number be
You just believe in him!

Two weeks of January
Your birthday
We celebrate the new year
The old style leads the way.
Well, for you gifts,
That Kamaz will not take away!

And on this day, everyone also celebrates the New Year according to the old style and the day of the creation of the pipeline troops of Russia.

half of January
It went by so quickly.
Here comes your birthday
Time to celebrate again.

On your birthday, the day of the formation of the investigative committee of the Russian Federation is also celebrated.

January 16 you were born
Therefore, we carry an armful of flowers.
beautiful woman
We would like to wish
For you to be loved
Like a daughter, wife and mother!

The 17th, in January, is your birthday.
And we are your parents - we will always be with you.
Let's support, caress, and wish a lot,
After all, you are our beloved daughter.

In January, the 18th, your birthday,
We came with gifts, a whole crowd.
Congratulations, sweet sun!
And we wish you a warm January!

In the Baptism of the Lord you were born,
so your life will be great.
May God keep you from any interference,
In Christ's bosom, you are the warmest of all!

On your birthday, January 19, all Orthodox celebrate the Epiphany of the Lord.

Happy birthday congratulations
We wish the winter sun
To warm your cheeks
And the stars shone at night.
Twenty is a great number
Consider yourself lucky!

Day of the Republic of Crimea - on your birthday 20.01!

You were born well
And celebrate well.
And your holiday is cheerful
Happy for sure!

And on this day, January 21, they celebrate the day of the engineering troops of Russia.

You were born on the 22nd
So, like in a fairy tale
There will be life.
Let 2 cars be in the garage,
And 22 will always be in the shower.

23rd is your birthday
Celebrate, walk, sing songs loudly.
To keep warm
In the fierce winter
You are good friends
Invite home.

Your jam day is January 24th,
And a week stays here until February.
Always be like a queen
Don't just look left
Be loved dear
The very best wife!

We'll be drunk tonight
On the day of the student and Tatyana.
And the most important thing in the world
We will celebrate your birthday.
Even if you are not Tatyana,
But these flowers are for you!

Tanya, how lucky
So you are born!
Double holiday for you
Like a queen.
Well, if you are a student
Then accept our compliment.
Your birthday is the brightest
The most colorful moment!

Student and Tatiana's Day is celebrated on your birthday. And also the day of the navigator of the Navy.

26 you were not born in vain at the end of January.
And she struck everyone with beauty,
And conquered us.
We wish you happiness and love
And you, like the sun, shine!

27 you were born
And beautify your life.
Like a flower, tender and beautiful
And your eyes are clean and clear.
Decorate the winter
Like a blue and white snowdrop.

On your birthday, the day of military glory of Russia and the Day of the complete liberation of Leningrad from the blockade of the Nazis are celebrated.

28 January,
We are celebrating a birthday.
And we're sorry
That it's only once a year.
After all, the day of jam is so beautiful,
Food, drinks - pleasure,
Pour it quickly, or I'll leave.

I congratulate you, dear
My husband is forever loved.
One so unique
And it's your birthday.
I wish us love and happiness
To bypass all bad weather.
Work uphill to go
Love you. Your wife.

Even on your birthday, Cyber ​​Monday is celebrated in Russia.

Son, happy birthday to you
I baked you cookies today.
I wish you don't need anything
and in terms of study he tried very hard.
May that birthday be remembered
Let your dream come true.

You have an unusual birthday
On the 31st day of the calendar!
Let this holiday be cool
Will always be with you.
Let friends come in a crowd,
And celebrate with you!

On your birthday we celebrate the day of the Russian jeweler and the birthday of Russian vodka! That's how lucky you were to be born!

Born in February

Congratulations Aquarius,
I do not regret pleasant words.
You don't sit still
Dream and create!

You have a lot to do
And ideas - more than enough.
Everything you do with love
All work is good for you!

And a steel character
You plow like a tractor on a field,
Like Gagarin and Titov
You are ready for exploits!

You can do everything around the house,
Sewing, cooking, crafting,
Bake a cake for the kids, cool!
Drive a nail into the wall.

These are Aquarius
These are the good guys.
We don't regret at all
That you were born in winter.

tempered natures,
And hot hearts!
A lot of happiness to Aquarius
We wish for no end!

Happy birthday greetings in spring

Lucky women, everyone congratulates you on a double holiday. Men can also not complain, along with women, they will congratulate you too - you are just in raspberries!

For those who, fate itself portends a cheerful and happy life. After all, not everyone is given to be born on the day of laughter. You are guaranteed to be considered the soul of any company and a merry fellow in life. Is that so, tell us?

Dedicated to spring birthdays ... To all those who were born in March, April or May, we give beautiful congratulations in verse and prose.

Birthday March 1 - congratulations


1.) March 1st is your birthday?
You smile with the spring sun,
You laugh loudly with a fresh drop,
And lift everyone's spirits!

You loosen your braids with a fast stream,
To recede snow and frost.
Screw your eyes with a cunning cat,
Gently purring some fairy tales ...

March 1st is your birthday
You are lucky to be the muse of spring,
We congratulate you with admiration,
And we wish you all the best!

2.) Smile at us, Mrs. Spring,
It's your birthday today!
You are due on March 1st
Be in great physical shape!

Fitness, air, nature, water,
Light breakfast - porridge with cereals,
Fruits, sun, exercises in the morning,
Keep youthful!

We will give gifts a cocktail,
Refreshing, delicious, desirable…
After March comes April
And you go on vacation you are far ...

And we also wish you
Be the artist of your own life.
Draw like a fairy tale for yourself -
And then you boldly strive for it!

3.) Happy birthday,
On a day like this - amazing!
March 1st
Your mother gave birth to you!

Gently kissed on the crown,
With caress changed diapers,
I loved it as much as I could
And took care of the baby.

The fish is a gentle nature,
The fish needs warmth.
She needs love
Like food and water.

We wish you a birthday
To be a beloved wife
Just a happy woman
And dear mommy!

For men:

1.) You were born on March 1,
Such is the March cat)
Well, very affectionate!
Scratch his whole belly!

- So that money often flows,
- For girls to fall in love with a guy,
- So that the cat is lucky in life,
- So that everything is fine!

2.) You were born on March 1,
The man with the taste of spring!
Eyes like a bottomless sky
And your hair is yours!

You are a strong protector of your beloved,
But gentle with her, like a child,
You are awesome and irresistible
We so, (Kostya), love you!

You are funny and sociable,
With you - at least in a feast, or in battle.
But better, let's have a birthday
We will celebrate with a noisy crowd!

3.) You are an exemplary husband and son,
A real family man.
The kids love you
They get on their knees.
And your wife is proud of you, -
He sets you as an example to everyone.
Don't forget about relatives
You visit mom and dad
You often call them
You speak softly to them.

We are grateful to you!
There is something, thanks!
Lucky in our family
There is a fish man.

Horoscope sometimes does not lie,
With a fish, luck awaits everyone.
We are doubly lucky.
Opening the door to spring!
And today is my birthday
You have no regrets
Exactly the 1st!
March has come, spring has come!

Congratulations dear
Be as golden
Stay baby you
Warm ray of spring!

Congratulations to women born in the spring:

1.) You are beautiful like spring,
Simply awesome!
Lips are like strawberries
And the eyes are like stars!
Everyone admires you
The girl is a flower
Happy birthday to congratulate
Everyone personally wants!
Gentle hand shake
Yes, hug your waist.
Fragrant on the cheek
kiss you!

2.) You were born in the spring,
Sweet girlfriend.
Here is a gift for you - a personalized mug!
Will you drink hot tea -
Remember your friend!

To the stand, to the section: birthdays of the month

3.) Spring is coming! Spring way!
There are many birthdays in the spring!
We congratulate them from the bottom of our hearts
And we want to be blooming!
You, decorating the team,
Giving men positive
Lead to the exploits of colleagues,
And drown the snow in their hearts!

4.) Happy birthday, colleague,
You were born in the spring
With warm sunshine today
Gathered to work.

Prepared salads
With the scents of spring
greens, spinach leaves,
Fresh cucumbers.

We wish you success
At work and in love.
To melt men
Instantly from the woman-spring!

Men - spring birthday:


1.) Happy birthday, my dear,
The most gentle and playful.
You are like the sun to me
You warm day by day.
My spring birthday
I don't need an alarm clock
Kisses wake you up
That's how much you love me!
Well, I love you
So I'm on fire!
Happy birthday, happy spring
Very good with you!


2.) Daddy was born on a warm spring day,
Therefore, we are also warm, with our fire.
Strong and mighty, our main leader,
But we love you, dad, just like that!

Do not look sternly if we cheat,
We know that you will forgive us if we do something.
You have a big heart, dad!
Happy birthday!
Daddy, the whole family loves!

Male colleague:

3.) You were born on a spring day
Colleague, not in vain.
Your character is sunny
Open, kind, clear!

We are cool every day,
You joke skillfully
But if we have difficulties,
You get down to business!

On your birthday, you are a hero
In the work team.
And the women run in droves
Congratulate you beautiful!

Everyone kisses on the cheek, loving,
Stroking your back
Pink lipstick marks
Complete the whole picture!

We wish you a career
And lots of money!
So that such a beautiful person
I could start my life over!

4.) Friend, take my words,
This is the real truth:
To me you are like a brother
Like an honorable mention.
On this warm spring day
Let's have a barbecue,
So nice in nature
Let's sit and smoke.
Let's drink, let's sing a song
We are with you, my friend
Under the guitar, over the hill,
Nightingale whistle!

Happy birthday greetings to Aries - born in April

Congratulations Aries
You are successful - everyone can see
Be good too
Laugh more often, from the heart!

Beautiful zodiac sign -
Aries is not like a monkey.
He is serious, businesslike,
It stands firmly on its feet.
He loves communication
And fun with friends.
Need help? Aries is here!
He will help, no problem!
He is both generous and skillful,
He is smart, he is brave.
Happy birthday, our ram!
Our beloved, kind byash!

Happy birthday greetings to an Aries girl

You are an Aries - a strong nature!
You're smart, not stupid at all!
You can achieve a lot
You know how to reach the goal.
Talented, kind, brave,
We love all of you very much!

You are beautiful, no doubt
Our Aries, you bring light!
You are active, modern,
And dressed to the nines!
Do you notice around
Even the little things, my friend!
Curious, playful
And divinely beautiful!
Happy birsday, my dear,
Live, illuminating us with light!

You are an Aries, born in April
And you're beautiful, trust me.
You are attractive, beautiful
The soul of any team!

Today is such a beautiful day
And you shine like a bright ray
You give light, bring good,
With you, everything around is warm.

The fire element rules the heart,
And not everyone opens the door,
And you are open only to the worthy,
You are heartbroken for everyone.
You manage your life well
And at work only success!

Let the birthday give
Full of joyful emotions
And at home waiting for you, my love,
And a strong and friendly family!

Happy birthday greetings to Aries man

Happy birthday aries
You are good to all of us!
You love work, smart, stubborn,
You are quite content with life.
Not a bore, and not a miser,
You are a top notch man!
Surprise, Help
You don't forget anyone.
You are our support in life,
You are not capricious.
In general, you are our ideal!
Be healthy and happy yourself!

real ram

You are a real ram
Active and shiny
Beautiful, intolerant,
And unique!

You are a great original
We wish capital
And health - a lot, a lot,
So that the ram does not suffer.

And great love
And perky smiles
So that you walk through life,
Never lose heart!

Birthday on May 1 is especially pleasant. Everyone rushes to the garden, to planting, to enjoy the spring warmth and delicious fragrant shish kebab. And you have a birthday, and of course you will celebrate it in nature!

Happy birthday May 1

You are a May Day miracle
solemnly born,
With laughter, ringing song,
And the sun in the window.

Congratulate you today
Again we came with a song,
Today is your holiday
As always, doubly so!

We love you sunshine
Our spring gift
Everyone was waiting for you to be born,
Everything is super, May Day!

Good health to you
Prosperity - Abramovich,
Love beautiful, sincere,
Now pour it!

May Day birthday

Congratulations friend on your first day!
On your birthday we wish you:
Always be at work, not without money,
After all, you are a hard worker with us, not a slacker!

With peace, friendship, you live with everyone,
And always be in a good mood!
Let your health not let you down
And your boss praises your work!

And the family will surround you with care,
So that you are the happiest husband.
And the kids inspire, do not grieve,
And they finish school with fives.

Well, the May Day sun will warm,
Your harvest will ripen by autumn.
So that you live in abundance with pleasure,
Congratulations, dear, happy birthday!

Your birthday is May 1st
We, as always, celebrate in the garden!
Your barbecue will captivate with aroma,
Drooling is flowing, as much as the mind is clouding!

Fresh salad with cold wine
Be always so young!
People are working in the garden on May Day,
You celebrate your birthday!

The spring sun brings joy
We'll kiss you on your birthday!

It's nice to wish you a walk on your birthday,
Do not work at work, in the office or in the factory,
And lie in the sun and leaf through a newspaper!
You were born on May Day, lucky - so celebrate!
Rest, take your time, but do not work in the beds!
Birthday in order to drink 100 grams,
Sing a song, call your friends
Chatter along with them.
Remember your youth
Wash the bones for someone ...
Dance, take a bath,
Wash dishes - as a punishment -
This is for my husband.
He will wash - so be it!
You are a queen and a goddess
On your birthday from now on!

Happy birthday greetings to summer birthdays

The life of those who were born in the summer was made easier by the fact that flowers, fruits and vegetables are more accessible for you than for winter birthdays. You are also lucky with the season that the weather is warm and sunny (we hope the summer will not let you down). Many, and probably you, are on vacation, so celebrating a birthday in the summer is a real plus. Rejoice in this!

With the onset of June, we realize that summer has come. If your jam day falls on one of the June days, then you are probably twins or cancer according to the horoscope, which means you like to eat delicious food and treat guests. We wish you a great celebration!

July and hot summer is the best time to be born. If you are the lucky one in July, then feel free to accept my sincere congratulations and best wishes for you.

It's not bad to be born in August. People born in the last days of the outgoing summer are usually talented, ambitious and generous. If you are a Leo or a Virgo, then try to spend your name day in such a way that you remember them with pleasure all year long.

Why is the sun laughing?
Because summer!
Why do stars sparkle?
Because summer!

Summer is good!
Happy summer!
Even if it's raining -
That's cool too!

You were born on a summer day
That's lucky!
And so we all
You are warm!

Men born in summer: June, July, August

Crayfish guys are not revelers,
Well, lions are not bullies,
Virgos are definitely not girls,
Let them not hide on the sidelines.
Gemini are not scoundrels
All cool guys!

For men born in summer:


On a hot, sunny day
Our son was born.
Summer boy birthday
The voice is loud, like an alarm clock.
Will you be us in the morning
And laugh in the evenings!
Our dear, our son,
I love you with all my heart!
Grow up and don't get sick
Surprise people!


It's good that in the summer
It's your birthday!
So many useful
There are treats!
Vegetables, berries -
Everything from the garden
We should try them
Urgent hunting!
They themselves planted
raised themselves,
We were surprised!
Be healthy,
Live richly
So that the whole year
Wages have gone up!


Dad is a summer birthday
Calls to the garden for barbecue.
Cook very tasty
We know this in advance!

He will crumble the salad himself,
With onion, fresh cucumber,
And on the summer veranda
We're all going to dinner!

Delicious - just a meal
Let's congratulate dad
Not an ounce of regret
That we are in the country again.

Be healthy, dear dad,
And live in harmony.
Interests and hobbies
Find yourself new ones!


My summer brother!
The whole family rejoices!
Kind, strong and simple,
My brother is golden.
Born with the sun
Washed with clean water
A feast for the eyes - not a brother,
Exactly - the future soldier!
Congratulations brother
Happy birthday my soldier.
Be beautiful and healthy
Mom and dad support!


Thank you good friend
What in the world are you.
That you were born in the summer
At the peak of the heat!
that you help so many
You are with a good heart
Sometimes you forget
That there is an interest.
Health, our friend,
Good luck in all things!
To have a great summer
And rest - just ah!


Our beloved grandfather
The kindest in the world
How nice to congratulate
Your idol!
You were born on a summer day
And now everything is like this:
Like the sun you warm us
Take a peek, you'll regret it.
Treat us on the sly:
sweet candy,
Even grandmothers are proud
Here are such grandfathers!

Women, summer birthday girls:


My mother was born
Like a flower in summer
Blossomed and as if in a dress,
Rose is dressed.

You are our beauty
We are proud of you.
After all, such beauty
Difficult to enjoy!

Happy Birthday to You,
The Scarlet Flower,
You always burn for us
Like a beacon!


My friend was born
Warm summer - just right!
How lucky are you
Vitamins on the table!
Treats - a whole paradise,
Know, just choose.
And strawberries and onions,
Cucumbers, yes zucchini,
And carrots and parsley,
Yes, cheesecakes on cottage cheese,
Covers (Galya) the table -
My husband is drooling!
Happy birsday, my dear,
Live like a butterfly, fluttering!
Love to you, health, beauty,
Everything you dream of!


Very cool in summer
Appear into the world.
Was destined
You will be born in summer!
You are a warm colleague
Soft, soulful.
Well, if necessary -
Very brave too.
Happy birthday, (Julia),
And we give a gift
From the heart now!

Happy birthday girl (August)

Tanechka, Tanya, my sun!
On your birthday, an angel sings!
On your birthday, the sun is burning
And the clouds have completely dissipated!
My little lion, I congratulate you!
Kissing hard and loving hard!

Happy birthday in autumn:

As a rule, sentimental people are born in autumn, and this is the best time to congratulate you and wish you warmth and balance. Autumn birthdays (virgins, scales, scorpions) are so arranged that they love to mourn, dream under the dripping rain. Don't be sad, celebrate your birthday more cheerfully!

September is a good time to be born into the world. If you were born, for example, on September 1, then all your life your birthday will remind you of your childhood, school and knowledge day. Invite classmates and celebrate your first day of school together.

Individuals are unremarkable in such a month as October. There are no major holidays, except perhaps the day of the elderly (October 1). And if your birthday coincided with this day? Do not worry, just joke that you are the wisest of all from birth.

November is Mother's Day. But it is a floating holiday that falls on the last Sunday of the month. And every year someone's jam day will coincide with this day. If you are also a mother, then we congratulate you doubly. And if not yet, then congratulate your mother yourself that she gave birth to a child on such a wonderful holiday!

happy birthday greetings in autumn

Your eyes are burning like autumn leaves
And what kind of holiday do you have? we ask slyly.

And you kindly invite us to your birthday,
And we will fill up with gifts, no doubt.

Your birthday is in the fall - how good,
Let the sun or rain outside the window.
It doesn't matter to us, believe me
After all, we are happy when we enter your door.

You are generous like autumn
Like an Indian summer you are warm,
Just don't cry like rain, we ask you
And be always healthy and kind.

Birthday in September

You were born in September
It means lucky
Because in September
You are healthy - all for evil.

You are smart and witty
And sometimes you are crazy
You know how to surprise
And always regret.

You were born in September
VIRGO in you lives inside,
Well, if you are a man,
Virgos love you so much!

Congratulations to a woman born in October

When the colored carpet lies
fallen leaves,
And the first ones fly
Let wet, snowflakes,
birthday autumn
Today I came to you
And gives you his soul
Half today!

She gives in to you
Today to be the main
And take it everywhere
Gifts, congratulations…
And there will be this day
Just a little warmer
More soulful and pleasant
After all, it's a birthday!

Autumn is in full swing
October in the yard
Today we will celebrate
Warm birthday.

In a cozy company
In the bright living room
At the birthday party
Our beloved!

Zodiac sign - Libra - interesting
You balance wonderfully.
And if someone hits you
Then your scales will tilt
And you briefly forget the balance,
Tell the offender that he pisses you off.

But most of the time you're kind and sweet
You try to give warmth to all your loved ones.
You love order, you thought of everything
No wonder your sign is called LIBRA.

Our scorpion
Birthday today,
You're delicious like a donut
And sweet as jam.

Can you please others?
And your image is unique.

But your trait upsets us -
Stab yourself with reproaches.
Don't regret what you've done, don't cry.
Do not hide your beautiful eyes.

Everything will be great for you!
And happy birthday to you!

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