How to create a promotional video. How to play (play fun) on a friend. Instructions in pictures How to make a prank

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Photography is a creative field where not only the ability to work according to the rules of composition and color is valued, but also the ability to make interesting photo. It can be something that makes the eye return to the image again and again: it is “wrong”, original, catchy. We are not talking about a creative stream of consciousness now, when a photograph does not reflect anything other than the technical characteristics of the camera and lens. It's about how to make an original photo by creatively experimenting with your idea.

You will need:

Looking for inspiration

Think about what unexpected or unusual you can offer your viewer. In fact, the plots of such photos can literally be found at every turn: an interesting person at a bus stop, funny purchases of a funny person, and so on.

You don't have to travel to Thailand or be in the middle of political events to take a cool photo. An old woman with a dog or a guy with colorful dreadlocks can look very original.

The question is how do you take it off. An ordinary portrait can become very original.

Model with a twist

If you understand the approximate plot (or you just know what you want to see at the output), select or simply “discover” the model for yourself. Of course, now we are talking about staged photographs. Reportage, documentary photographs with a "zest" often turn out by themselves, you just need to try to notice something that differs from the general picture of what is happening.

Your model can be either unusual in itself, or able to perfectly emphasize the originality of the surrounding space, if you want to take an interesting photograph of a landscape or architecture.

Playing with light

Do not forget about such an important component as light. We all studied physics at school and remember that light "draws" objects. It works the same way for optics.

Think about how you can set the light to advantage for a great photo. This can be backlight or background lighting, shooting with filters on lighting fixtures, and so on.

Choosing an angle

Another important component is the angle. Someone likes to shoot from the bottom point, someone - from the top. Some photographers use a special camera tilt called the Dutch angle.

Therefore, feel free to experiment to understand how to make original photo that reflects your idea.

Software Features

Do not neglect the ability to apply some kind of filter programmatically on the camera.

For example, Sony's SLT series models can offer photography in styles ranging from pop art to high-contrast black and white with deep dramatic shadows.

A joke is a funny prank of other people, a funny situation, anecdotes from life, and so on. He can be both good and evil. Some jokes are generally undesirable, as they can lead to unpredictable consequences. The rest, harmless, will cheer you up for the whole day.

How to make a joke?

You can do a lot of tricks. From the banal ones - a banana peel, a bucket of water over the door, a button on a chair, to complex ones - such when you don’t know until the very end that this is a joke.

The joke can be directed both to one person and to several.

An example of a joke for several people is this: the point guard is standing at a bus stop where there are a lot of people waiting for the bus, and talking on the phone. He has a cool phone - "iPhone". He talks for a long time and gradually starts yelling into the phone. "Reaching white heat," he throws his phone at the stop with all his might. The phone is shattered. The audience is confused and horrified. They do not know that this is a simple prank and that the phone is a toy.

How to make a joke for one person - there are also a lot of examples. For example: various kinds of video messages, solemn congratulations on behalf of the president, the prosecutor, the director of the Federal Security Service, and so on are cool.

Jokes are interesting with the help of store-bought or do-it-yourself things. For example: cool glasses, invisible ink, a scary spider, a cockroach, an airplane made of matches and flies, and others.

If a person has a car, then you can experiment with it, taking care of the keys to the door in advance.

Jokes in Photoshop

Using Photoshop, you can make unusual funny jokes. The program allows you to add funny accessories to photos, original background, change the shape of the body, face in the photo. It turns out awkward pictures that many will like and laugh at.

How to make a joke using Photoshop can be found in special video tutorials. There are a lot of them now.

Bad jokes include:

  1. Corpse in the trunk.
  2. Remove the chair from under the seated person.
  3. Scary scary mask.
  4. Dead man in the elevator.

Various programs about jokes on people are very popular now. For example: a girl sits and cries, her face buried in her knees. A passer-by comes up and asks what happened. Then the girl raises her head, and a passer-by sees the terrible face of a ghost. Naturally, the passer-by yells in fear and runs away.

Prank Day - April 1

There is a special day of jokes - April Fool's Day on April 1st. On this day, everyone, from young to old, is trying to play each other.

What a joke to make on April 1 - is already being decided a few days earlier. Spreading the door handle with something, giving a raw egg instead of a boiled egg, petty deceptions, such as “your whole back is white” and other harmless jokes - they sound all day on this holiday.

Most importantly, jokes should be unusual and unexpected. So that the person who is being played does not immediately understand that this is a joke. Otherwise, the draw will fail.

By learning how to make a joke funny, you can entertain friends and acquaintances, and cheer everyone up.

Do-it-yourself pleasant little things most often become the main factors in creating home comfort. Many of them are quite easy to make - just sleight of hand, a little imagination and creative inspiration.

Interesting things collected in our photo selection are not only pleasing to the eye, but also make life even more pleasant. Rather, let's start reviewing fascinating things with our own hands.

Rug of stones

Let your interior be one step closer to nature. This cute, handmade rug made of large pebbles makes for a vibrant natural decor - a great alternative to the traditional rug at the entrance.

Mug with golden accent

Have you been dreaming of transforming your favorite mug for a long time? Stop putting things off until later. Get a special aerosol with golden paint and start creating as soon as possible. There can be many design options - create to your health or follow the original example in the photo.

Lace lampshade

You will hardly find the similarity of this lace lampshade in any store, because such a masterpiece is the result of manual creativity and craftsmanship. The essence of the work is shown in the photo.

Paper cutting: evening city on a shelf

Real magic in your home is not difficult to do at all. This spectacular lantern in the shape of a fairy-tale castle is cut out of paper. Even your child can do this technique.

For crafts, prepare the following materials:

  • thick paper;
  • scissors, pencil, ruler, eraser, breadboard knife, glue stick;
  • New Year's garland (preferably on batteries).
  • a shelf for a picture (necessarily with a side that will hold the picture).

We bend the edge of the layout to install it on the shelf. We lay a garland along the bottom and light the lights. Fairy tale castle with lights is ready!

kitchen organizer

Kitchen accessories, made with love by you, look much more interesting than store-bought counterparts. With them, the surroundings are filled with a special warm atmosphere and comfort. Even such a simple cutlery organizer made of tin cans will give the interior a certain personality and charm.

Cardboard mirror frame

Get creative with your dressing table. Instead of a boring classic mirror, you can hang something more original above it, for example, a mirror with an openwork cardboard frame. Believe me, such a masterpiece with your own hands looks much more elegant than the store counterpart.

City plot from cable

Add a touch of unpredictability to your own interior. A long black cable, randomly lying around a white wall, can turn into an original minimalist urban plot against its background.

Vintage photo frame

An antique picture frame and simple wooden clothespins are great materials for creating a unique vintage-style photo frame with a creative touch.

Charging point in the box

If you are one of those who have accumulated a lot of chargers, we have a great solution for you in an aesthetic and at the same time functional box for storing them. It not only visually decorates the room and keeps all the devices in order, but also charges them on the spot!

book of kisses

A creative surprise for a loved one - a mini-book with kisses. Flipping through the pages, the hearts are becoming more and more.

Accessory for toast lovers

Here's a cute toast you can sew yourself. Nice gift for the occasion.

Shoes with cats

Add a little more color to your everyday life. Old ballet flats can be transformed in an original way by embellishing the socks with charming cat faces.

And you will need just a little: plain ballet flats, a brush, black and white paint, a white marker, masking tape. Then everything is according to the instructions in the photo.

Soul winter accessory

Homemade decorative skates will once again remind you of winter fairy tale and recreation on the rink.

If you want to make the same, then prepare large pins, felt, cardboard, woolen thread for laces, hot glue, a marker and a tapestry needle.

A little humor on a rainy day

Comic covers on rubber galoshes will certainly not allow you to be sad in rainy cloudy weather.

Adorable spiny hedgehog

A sewn hedgehog made of yarn can also have needles, but not their own, but sewing ones.

funny abstraction

Feel like an abstract artist by building bright emoticons from different miniature figures.

Cute kittens made of cardboard for holding thread

Collection of handmade stamps

Bunny bag for children

Why buy accessories for a child when you can make them yourself. A bag for a girl with a hare muzzle looks very original.

Ice cream garland

Create a summer mood by tying a garland of the most popular treat of this season - ice cream cone.

Notebook in homemade leather cover

Stylish hanger

Eyelets made of leather ribbons nailed to the wall - an extraordinary minimalist hanger or shelf for books, magazines and other small items.

magic vase

You can create a magical atmosphere in your home with simple beautiful things, such as this vase.

Rhinestone bracelet

Decorative letters for a refrigerator or children's board

Letters from the learning alphabet are a great idea for home decor. All you need is a little bit of golden paint.

Convenient headphone clip

Spectacular shimmer

A little palatial interior will give candles with golden and silver flicker. Such beauty can be made at home using old candles and aluminum tape.

Donut bracelet

Young fans of Homer Simpson will love this cute donut bracelet. Here you only need bright nail polish and a plastic children's bracelet, then all that remains is to dream up with icing.

Boring clothes

A simple beanie will make a big difference in your everyday style. It is enough to sew a few bright flowers along its edge.

T-shirt with a figured neckline

Sweatshirt with watercolor pattern

Pareo beach dress


Woven scarf

A simple white T-shirt will become more stylish if you sew a neat pocket with an interesting print to it.

More ideas for DIY crafts are presented in the following selection of photos.

As you can see, to please yourself and your loved ones, you do not need to spend a lot of effort and money. Your desire, creativity and inspiration can work wonders. And the result of work done by one's own hands cannot be compared with purchased accessories and other store items.

Do you like needlework? Tell us about your favorite creative masterpieces.

We all love to fool around, and in the age of high technology, doing this becomes much more sophisticated and interesting. For example, almost every second person can take a cool photo and send it to a friend with a playful caption. If you are one of the first, in the article I will give examples of several sites where you can play a prank on yourself, a friend or work colleague, and create a photo joke for him or himself..

The developers never cease to amaze us, and each time they delight us in newer ways. Quite, it would seem, recently we were presented with a service where you can determine age from photo (), and this caused some furor of the public and netizens, and also gave rise to a lot of memes.

Or the FindFace application - searching for people on VKontakte by a picture ... And a lot of different graphic editors, which can not be counted.

And I think this is just the beginning. After all, the entertainment industry brings good dividends.

Image Processing Sites

My first acquaintance with this service took place about 5 years ago. To be honest, I often continue to use it to this day. Here is the opportunity create photo effect free and in seconds.

Choose the one you need, upload a picture from your computer (you can take a picture immediately through a webcam). As an example, I chose Keanu Reeves.

Click on the button " Create a joke»

And we get the result.

No less popular portal, which, like the previous one, will amaze with the quantity and quality of all kinds of effects.

Create collage online also simple and technologically similar to the above method.

Photo filters, frames, installation and much more ...

And, as they say, "For a snack" I left this site. Since there are so many opportunities for creativity in one place that exceeds the portals I have described above, and perhaps known, at least to me, at the moment.

Here you have effects, frames, background replacement, collages, the ability to make a picture out of a photo, all kinds of props, editing, styling, "attach" hats, masks, animations, create postcards for the holidays and more, retouching, correction, cartoons and much more!!!

We upload a picture from a PC, you can from Facebook or by following a link.

We are waiting for the processing to finish.

That's all. I hope you liked the article and you will like it and share it with your friends.

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