Why were thin girls not loved in Rus'? Why are marriages with thin people dangerous? A visual comparison shows that thin people are not in trend. A photo

The phrase "Beauty is a terrible force!" probably familiar to everyone. And indeed - sometimes the desire for beauty pushes people to truly terrible deeds, forcing them to abuse radical methods for losing weight and leading to death.

One of the worst examples is the story of Valeria Levitina, the thinnest woman in the world. At 39, Valeria looks like a living mummy - with a height of 172 centimeters, she weighs only 25 kilograms, like a 6-year-old child. And the worst thing is that the woman did all this with herself.

In 1989, Valeria moved from Moscow to the USA with her parents. The young girl had a very beautiful appearance and easily won the beauty contest in 1994, becoming the owner of the title "Miss Chicago". This was the beginning of the end for Valeria ...

Lera got into the habit of constantly weighing herself as a child: all the women in her family had problems with weight, so the caring mother constantly weighed her little daughter and was afraid that she was too fat. Having won a beauty contest in the United States and decided to become a model, Levitina began to desperately lose weight. In a very short time, the 19-year-old girl lost a lot of weight, but did not stop there - and by the age of 24 she weighed only 38 kilograms.

This is how Valeria looked before - before she decided to lose weight

Now one of the thinnest people in the world lives in Monaco - only here, thanks to the constant sunny and warm weather, she feels more or less comfortable. Valeria almost does not feel the taste of food, and grocery shopping turns into hell. She eventually managed to get rid of the eating disorder that Levitina struggled with for more than 20 years, but the woman still cannot gain weight.

The story of Lizzy Velasquez is not at all like the story of Valeria Levitina - unlike the latter, Lizzy did not seek to lose weight on her own. The girl was born in 1989 with a very rare disease - neonatal progeroid syndrome, as a result of which her body is not able to accumulate body fat. At the moment, Velasquez weighs only 26 kilograms.

Newborn Lizzie weighed only 1.2 kilograms - and for 24 years she never managed to overcome the bar of 27 kilograms. To simply survive, the girl has to eat every 15 minutes and consume from 5 to 8 thousand calories a day.

It is worth giving the girl her due: despite the terrible disease that led to her becoming one of the thinnest people in the world, she did not give up and took up educational activities. Over the past few years, Velasquez has written several books and organized over 200 performances.

Lizzy Velasquez with her family - parents, sister and brother

Velasquez at an autograph session with his book "Be beautiful, be yourself"

Ioana Spangenberg was dubbed by the European media as a “living hourglass”: the girl’s waist circumference is only 50 centimeters, and her weight is only a little more than 38 kilograms. What caused the extreme thinness - no one knows: Ioana herself in all interviews tirelessly denies that she suffers from anorexia.

As a child, Ioana was a completely ordinary child, and she began to lose weight already in adolescence. Despite all the efforts, Spangerberg can not gain weight in any way - although, according to his own statement, he is reinforced daily with pizza, chocolate bars and other sources of “quick kilograms”.

In 2006, Spangerberg got married and started working as a fashion model - the designers from the "living mannequin", apparently, are completely delighted.

Men, for the most part, suffer much less from imperfections in appearance. According to statistics, only 15% of all patients diagnosed with anorexia or bulimia are men. However, for some men, the pursuit of beauty ends in tragedy. The clearest example is the story of Jeremy Gillitzer, a former fashion model who died in 2010 after a 25-year battle with anorexia at the age of 38. At the time of his death, he weighed only 30 kilograms and was one of the thinnest people in the world.

At the age of 12, little Jeremy was first diagnosed with anorexia, and by the age of 14 he learned to swallow laxatives so as to lose 1-3 kilograms at a time. In the next few years, the young man traveled to clinics - first private, and then, when his insurance ran out, public ones. And finally, a miracle happened - 20-year-old Gillitzer somehow recovered. With the same passion that he had lost weight before, Jeremy began to work out in the gym, got an excellent figure and found a job as a fashion model.
The magic didn't last long. In 2004, Gillitzer broke up with his first (and only) boyfriend, his mother became seriously ill, and Jeremy himself had two car accidents in a month. Depression forced the successful fashion model to return to old habits again. Unfortunately, this time attempts to be treated did not lead to success - a few years later, Gillitzer died.

28/11/03, Arman
It seems to me that thin girls are more clean ...

28/11/03, Khayushki
May I ask a question, gentlemen? With my height of 170 and weight of 45, is this normal or not? And, pardon the expression, I eat like a pig. Everyone is just surprised. I even have a plan for the future to get a little better, but it’s not fate.))) I’m still satisfied with myself)))

28/11/03, Olchik :)
And I love thin girls, though only so that they are not very thin, because. I myself am, and I really like it! But the most important thing is that men like it!!! Yes, I'm thin, but I'm very attractive. At first, I considered this a huge disadvantage. because my fuller girlfriends told me that I was too thin, but then I realized that I was a complete fool. Now everything is different, I really like it. Hayushki, as I understand you. She would have put on a little weight, but no luck. And I also eat everything and in large quantities. 170 and 45 are normal, many people only dream of this!!!

28/11/03, Olchik :)
LEHA-HA-HA!!! "A woman without a tummy - zhivan without a pillow" - your words??? Yes, it's just disgusting when a woman's stomach sticks out! That's just terrible!!! And what could be attractive about it? And the Navigator is also good - "For some reason, they behave more than cool in bed." Wrong girls you came across, believe me! Chest, ass, and who said that thin people don’t have all this? There is, but not in such a huge amount. What do you think about if a woman has huge breasts and a huge, sorry for the expression, ass? This is definitely not attractive! There are skinny ones and attractively skinny ones, and they are two different things!

29/11/03, Phantom333
For a long time I have no illusions about the fact that EVERYONE loves "very thin girls." In fact, experience suggests that only people who are brainwashed by gay fashion love them ... And perverts like me. Well, a fat girl won’t roll for me, even a normal girl won’t roll. For like to like :) Only VERY THIN :)

29/11/03, pajaro
I myself am a representative of this caste, so I simply cannot not love it. yes, I like to be skinny, fortunately, it’s not worth the trouble for me - by nature “not a horse’s food” - you don’t have to limit yourself to diets, but you need to go in for sports in order to be in shape, fit, it doesn’t matter if you are thin or not, but nothing should hang anywhere - the general tone! and I really like how hip jeans sit on such an elastic body and the piercing in the navel shines! like this!

29/11/03, True gentleman.
Skinny girls are fucking sexy! My girlfriend (by the way, a beautiful blonde) with a height of 180 cm weighs 49. I love her flat chest in a tank top, her flat, athletic belly! And the legs..mmm - so thin, tanned and very, very long. All my girls were pretty skinny. In general, fair and skinny is my passion!

29/11/03, Handsome
I personally wouldn't want to deal with a walking chest of drawers. And if in an intimate setting - horror, how can you communicate physically with one fat ?!

29/11/03, Igor, 19
People, you are crazy! You know what a thin girl I have! Weight is a little over 45. And this is with a height of 174cm! She has the best body in the world! And in Tunisia they rested: in a swimsuit, finally SUPER! Just envious here plump girls... I can't stand it .. Some kind of gelatin. Thin women at least look neat. And everything superfluous is bad.

29/11/03, Lalka
I am very skinny. Height 178, weight 50 kg. So what? I have such a constitution! Here, some people say that since they are thin, they are immediately flat. Well, I don't think it depends on thickness. We also saw fat masculine (without breasts and ass)! And everything is normal with me: hips 90, chest 87. Well, I'm not flat. Finally, who says that the thin ones are those who torture themselves with all sorts of diets and do not eat for days ?! People on the right, in my opinion, only talk about this: oh, poor things. Well, not every diet is so directly debilitating. So. I am thin, I can eat whatever I want and in any quantity (oh, my friends are jealous !!), this almost does not affect the figure (depending on height). The maximum amount I add after a stormy feast is 3 kg. And I eat oh so much. Everyone in the group is crazy with envy...

29/11/03, xxxDeLuXe
I love thin people very much, I recovered a lot after giving birth, but I’m already losing weight, I started going to gym. But I’ve never been thin, with a height of 181 I weigh 68-70 kg, and I have never had problems with the opposite sex. But it’s still thin not all, there should be a beautiful figure, and the face too.

29/11/03, lacosta007
I read what they write in the right column ... Mdya ... "There's nothing to grab"! Well, if it comes to that, then for example, you really can’t grab me by the belly, for lack of it. But everything else is there! And I’m not a board, quite normal volumes! And young people have never told me that I am so disgustingly disgustingly thin, although with a height of 175 I weigh less than 50 kg. And many girls admire my figure, because there is something to admire. It is very beautiful, although of course there are people who like chubby ones, but there are much fewer of them!

30/11/03, Kukunchik
What's the difference thin or not thin - everyone has their own ideas about thinness, the main thing is that it would be nice.

30/11/03, Ex Twiggy
Fragile, thin, painfully thin, white parchment skin, sunken cheekbones, eyes large and dark from hunger - this is beautiful, really beautiful. I used to be skinny, how everyone admired! And now .. With a height of 164, I weigh 47 kg. This is disgusting, I hate myself for it!!!

01/12/03, Bubbly
Oh yes... My benchmark is Twiggy. Thin girls are really real ... It's just a pity that most of them get sick with Pts. strong..

03/12/03, Asshole
little inches, in my opinion, are just lovely, slender, graceful, feminine, and I just want to protect and protect them :))) pick up and go with her even to the ends of the world, but with a lady of kills under 70 and further, you will reach the nearest lamppost pillar :)) PS I train myself, I swing.

03/12/03, Romych
aaaaaaaa - respect! I often go to one club, 3 prostitutes appear there every day. Little skinny and always together. Like fungi. All 16 years old. They rarely take them off, but I admire them all the time - it's cool. Probably 30 kg. weigh. =))))) In general, I myself am not very fat, so thin girls are good for me. I often heard from friends that my girls are thin, but never that they are scary. Recently I was very thin - I was already scared myself. =))

04/12/03, roly-poly
Not very thin, it is more pleasant to look at a girl with a figure than at a full one, who wears a short top and trousers and her whole figure is immediately visible. A girl shouldn't starve herself, but being slim is a lot more attractive - and GUYS love it. trust me.

04/12/03, Gipsy
Not that I love them. However, it's nice to see them in fashion magazines. It's stylish and chic. But in life ... I have long noticed that the attention of men depends little on the volume of the female body. Maybe, of course, they are greeted by clothes. You have to take care of yourself, I agree. But a man's love for a woman is not determined by her weight. That's for sure. By the way, it is very interesting that there are more people in the right column of this topic than in the left one.

15/01/04, Twiggy
Skinny girls are great! I myself am like that. It is best to have a thin, almost transparent figure with protruding bones. Fragile, pale and bony girls are the ideal of beauty. So lush ladies need to lose weight urgently.

30/04/04, Edvinna
No fat issues. No diet pills or magazines. No problems with the selection of clothes!

I overheard a conversation between two girls who were looking at photos of models with interest and convincing each other that not all men like thin ones, or rather, skinny ones. The girls in the photo (under the cut) are so similar that it is clear that the pattern is the same, only the sizes are different. Tell me, men, which of these girls is the most attractive?

In the photo above is a girl with forms, otherwise they are so similar that you can get lost.

I get it, no one likes fat people either. But I have not seen a single man over 30 who would like too thin girls. Here you go, a good example - these girls are very similar, both models, but one, thin, of our bottling - Alena Shishkova

And the other is US beauty Lindsey Pelas

It seems to me that Shishkova fades against the background of this girl with forms. You can’t call her Tolstoy, but appetizing just right.

I am interested in the opinion of men, since after all, all the sacrifices in the form of diets, torturing ourselves in the gyms and all sorts of expensive procedures there, we do for them. I roughly know the opinion of our women, they violently destroy everything superfluous on their bodies and condemn fullness a priori. This is already a disease imposed by the fashion & beauty industry.

Question for men - which of these girls looks better in your opinion?

It is known that in Rus' skinny girls simply did not exist, since the Slavs were more engaged in agriculture and the Slavic androtype initially meant portliness. Thin girls are anthropologically more adapted to a nomadic lifestyle, there are also many thin ones among the Mongoloids, who frankly saved on their women and therefore appreciated the “economical” female height of 1.50 m, and were often found even lower, respectively thinner.

In the days of Tsarist Russia, they tried not to marry thin girls. Many girls were specially fattened by their parents in order to get married somehow. Why did they so frankly dislike the thin? There are several reasons for this:

1. They were afraid to take the “yalitz”, that is, barren. The Slavs married for procreation, and since most girls had a Slavic body type, deviations from the norm, such as thinness, could mean hormonal deficiency, which does not allow you to get pregnant. Of course, our ancestors did not know anything about hormones, but for many centuries they had enough time to notice that thin women practically do not give birth.
2. Thin girls often had a narrow pelvis, because of which they died during childbirth or the child died. Midwives noticed such girls in advance, and matchmakers often refused to woo them (before the wedding, they examined both the bride and groom).
3. The infertility of the family was considered by the people as a curse from God. Therefore, no one wanted to incur such a danger.
4. Thinness could also be considered as the sickness of a girl. Especially often it was a symptom of consumption (tuberculosis), but there were a number of other dangerous chronic diseases.
5. A thin girl is not able to work. Women in Rus' not only sat at the window and embroidered. They had all the work around the house, around the house, in the garden, often in the field, in addition, it was the women who spun and wove, sheathed the whole family, this is not counting the care of children. A thin girl will not have so much strength and energy to cope even with part of the work. Note that corpulence is not swimming in fat, but also the presence of muscle mass, and in thin people all muscles have atrophied for a long time.
6. The thinness of the girl also served as a marker of her poverty. Wealthy peasants preferred to marry at least equals, so as not to have freeloaders.

All these reasons forced young people to bypass the yalits on the tenth road. We can even boldly conclude that thinness was perceived by our ancestors as a dangerous ugliness and a sign of degeneration.

Teasing sayings related to thinness:

“Flat board and two nipples”, “Punt (a boat with a flat bottom, not easy to manage)”, “ Washboard(apparently because of the ribbing)”, “neither boobs nor pussy (so thin that there’s nothing to look at)”.


Why You Shouldn't Marry Skinny Girls:

1. As mentioned above, most of them are barren.
2. Most of them may turn out to be sick with something, from rare types of worms, to tuberculosis or even HIV, not to mention all sorts of gastritis, beriberi and rickets.
3. Thin girls may turn out to be of a different race, which will inevitably lead to the appearance of sick offspring and the degeneration of the family.
4. If a girl is on a constant diet in order to maintain thinness, then in the same way she will be on a diet and being pregnant, thereby depriving your child of everything necessary. By the way, the health of the child is laid during pregnancy, and after the birth you no longer put health into it. That is why pregnant women should not be denied anything. But what if a woman refuses herself? By the way, many thin people themselves disfigured their children, putting on hard corsets, so that there would be no stretch marks and the stomach would not increase, all the consequences of such “preservation of the figure” are described in the book “Mother of Freaks”.
5. Often thin girls are professional athletes. The media portrays it as if it's good to exercise. But professional athletes exhaust themselves with training. They bring their body to the complete cessation of menstruation, and hence to infertility. But even if the athletes become pregnant, there is a danger that they will simply crush the child with their inflated abs during labor pains. Moreover, athletes retire at the age of 30 (the body wears out from hard training), so they try to make a career before the age of thirty. They do not have time for either gestation or postpartum recovery, they tritely have abortions dozens of times.
6. If the mother is in poor health, then the child will also be in poor health. What man wants to suffer with a child with rickets?
7. Maybe the skinny one just doesn’t know how to cook and her husband will have to starve with her?

And finally, a list of nationalities that are characterized by excessive thinness:

1. Jews. Not all of course, but most Jewish girls in their youth are very thin, but closer to thirty they boar until they are completely unable to go through the door, and this fullness is caused by hereditary diseases, this can be seen in unequal body proportions)
2. Tatars and other Mongoloids. For nomads, thinness was often characteristic, since they traveled long distances and ate exclusively meat. In addition, remember the Asian "thrifty" female growth. Many Mongoloids now have a height of 1.20, for which they received the nickname "girls of sucking growth"
3. Caucasians. Gracile features are characteristic of the highlanders. In addition to the Caucasian bride, you will receive a full village of her relatives in your apartment. By thirty-five, the bride herself will turn into a decrepit old woman and you will be ashamed to go out with her. Many will think that it is you with your mother or aunt.
4. Descendants ready. They are also characterized by a gracile physique, since the Goths were also originally nomads, although they are Europeans. They dissolved the thief of all the peoples with whom they fought. The problems of the Goths were in a bad temper. Therefore, there is a stereotype that thin people are often hysterical (however, hysteria is also characteristic of the previous paragraphs).