Congratulations with gratitude to the veterans of the Second World War in your own words. Congratulations with gratitude to veterans of the Second World War in your own words A country built by the hands of ordinary workers

Thousands of people live in our country who have earned by blood and sweat the honorary title of a veteran. Some of them went through the horrors of war, the second worked all their lives for the good of the fatherland, and the third were pioneers in many fields of science. All of them are our pride. That is why all congratulations to veterans must be sincere and warm, so as not to disgrace them in their eyes.

Unfortunately, this is not so easy to achieve. After all, words are not always able to express all the feelings that reign in our hearts. Nevertheless, when congratulating veterans, it is necessary to do everything possible so that tears of joy still roll from their eyes.

Congratulations to veterans in prose

Many people think that beautiful congratulations must be in verse. However, it is not. In fact, what matters is not the style in which the text is written, but how much emotion is invested in it. That is why genuine sincerity and warmth of feelings are much more important than the beauty of stanzas.

Therefore, congratulations to veterans in prose can be as touching as rhymed ones. Here everything will depend only on the writing skills of the author, and his desire to put his soul into his works.

Respect is the basis of everything

Regardless of for what particular merits a person received the title of veteran, one thing should be understood - it was not an easy path. In most cases, it was filled with a lot of suffering and titanic efforts, which are even hard to imagine now. That is why congratulations on the day of veterans from beginning to end should be saturated with respect and gratitude.

  • “Our dear veterans, thank you very much!!! For your courage and courage, which gave us a peaceful sky above our heads. For your unshakable steps forward, day by day bringing the day of Victory closer. For us, each of you is a great hero. We will never forget your deeds and accomplishments, and therefore accept our low bow.”

That which cannot be forgotten

Humanity must not forget what its heroes have done for it. So, the exploits and merits of our veterans should not sink into oblivion, at least during their lifetime. Therefore, congratulations to veterans should show not only respect for them, but also demonstrate that we do not forget their accomplishments. For example:

  • And on this day we remember everything
    What happened to you and your enemies
    As in the forty-fifth, warm May
    There was a joyful call.
    The war is over, the fascist is defeated,
    Which means everything went as it should.
    We only feel sorry for those who failed
    Live up to this moment.
    And now we're talking
    Thank you for this joy
    For a warm home, for the world around,
    For the fact that you are with us, relatives!

Special treatment for a veteran woman

If the congratulation is intended for a woman, then even more gratitude should be shown. After all, just imagine what such a fragile creature had to endure, and what troubles fell on her fate. But these proud women not only did not bend, but also overcame them, and in spite of everything, they became mothers.

Therefore, such congratulations to veterans should be very warm and tender, because they are primarily addressed to a woman.

  • “How much you have experienced: war, loss and devastation,
    And yet they were able to survive, at the fear of enemies and evil fate.
    And then we stood in those ranks who revived our state,
    With their work and faith in the truth, they returned us to their former glory.
    Now it's our turn to say thank you so much
    For those sleepless hours, for labor and long prayers.
    We will always remember you, love and affectionately cherish,
    And here is our big bow to you, and a huge bouquet of red roses.

Congratulations to Veteran Teachers

Do not forget about those who earned their title not only due to courage in war, but also wisdom in peacetime. And to be more precise, about veteran teachers. It should be understood that fighting brought destruction not only to cities and towns, but also to the minds of people.

At the end of the war, most children could not even count, let alone write. But fortunately there were those who wanted to fix it. The teachers of that time had a very hard time, and yet they overcame all hardships. It was thanks to their efforts that Soviet children became the standards of intellectual thought among many countries of that time. And this should always be remembered

  • “Teaching is the greatest profession. After all, it is they who help our children gain the experience and knowledge that is so necessary for life. Therefore, on this significant day, we sincerely want to wish you happiness, joy and health. Know that we have not forgotten about the great contribution that you made to the development of the country's intellectual heritage. And so, once again, Happy Holidays to you and your loved ones.”

A country built by the hands of ordinary workers

As mentioned earlier, the war brought a lot of destruction. Therefore, one can only sympathize with those people who rebuilt our country from ruins. Just imagine how much effort was spent on this, how many sleepless nights were spent in hard work.

But these people did not lose heart, because they did a good deed with their own hands. And it bore fruit, because a new, great country was built on the remnants of the past.

And so the congratulations should be just as big and meaningful. After all, this is the only way to thank them for the work done.

  • “On this beautiful day, I would like to congratulate all those who served our people with honor and truth. Those who were not afraid of hard work and, overcoming fatigue, built the well-being of our country day by day. Great glory and honor to you. Know that your work is not forgotten, and the achievements that you left behind will remind your descendants for a long time about how fearless people their ancestors were. And inspired by your victories, they will build an even better country. It was you who showed them this sacred path.”

Happy Birthday
in prose

Dear countrymen. This is your day. This is your holiday. But it is also our holiday. Because only in our memory, in our hearts, your feat that you accomplished in the distant 40s burns and will burn for a long time to come. Survive and defeat the fascists - this is your merit, which we will carry forward through the centuries and will not allow a revision of history and a repetition of the events that pulled you out of your families in 1941. with all my heart happiness and health to you.

On the great day of memory - the day of victory, I would like to congratulate all, and especially the main heroes of the occasion - veterans. To thank them for their deeds, for the lives given in the name of saving the country. I wish you health, prosperity, material well-being, long years. Peaceful sky above your head.

Dear grandfather! We congratulate you on this holiday. From the bottom of our hearts, we say “Thank you” to you for the fact that we live on our earth, that there is a peaceful sky above us. We wish you good health and many more happy years of life.

Dear (name), I sincerely congratulate you on the Great Victory Day. This one main holiday for the whole country. Our victory is thanks to the heroes, I would like to thank you very much and express my respect for your feat, work and courage. Good health and great happiness to you. Happy holiday!

I would like to congratulate you on the Great Victory Day. This day brought a feeling of freedom, peace and happiness to the whole country. Of course, we cannot imagine this holiday without our heroes, to whom we bow low. I wish you victories in life, happiness and success.

accept my very my sincere congratulations on the Day of the Great Victory. This holiday, which we meet with tears in our eyes, but with joy in our hearts. This is the day when we praise our heroes who gave us the long-awaited victory. Happy holiday!

I would like to congratulate you on the Great Victory Day. This holiday combines the bitterness of loss and the great joy of victory. Honor and glory to the eternal heroes who gave us a peaceful sky above our heads. Let only victories and happiness accompany you. Happy holiday!

I congratulate you on the Great Victory Day, on the holiday that gave us peace, happiness and prosperity. On this day, we express our deep gratitude and respect to all the heroes, we will never forget their feat. I would like to wish you health, happiness and kindness. Happy holiday!

Dear mother-in-law, I want to congratulate you on the Great Victory Day. This is a holiday of bright sadness and jubilant joy of the victory of our heroes. I would like to thank them for this unearthly feat. Let only victories accompany you. Health, happiness and prosperity to you. Happy holiday!

Dear father-in-law, I sincerely want to congratulate you on the Great Victory Day. Today, with love and great gratitude, we honor the generation of true heroes who gave us a peaceful future. I want to wish you good health, kindness, happiness and prosperity. Happy holiday!

Dear grandfather, I wholeheartedly congratulate you on the Great Victory Day! This day is the most significant and exciting for all people, on this holiday we celebrate as a tribute to the memory and respect for all the heroes who gave us a peaceful sky above our heads. I want to wish you health, happiness and kindness. Happy holiday!

Dear grandmother, I sincerely congratulate you on the Great Victory Day! In the afternoon, when our heroes defeated fascism and gave their descendants a peaceful sky over their heads. All the people worship you and will never forget your exploits. Without your resilience and dedication, the world would be a very different place. Thanks for the victory!

Dear mother, with all my heart I want to congratulate you on Victory Day. This day is imprinted forever in our history. May 9 is a symbol of heroism and a great feat of the whole country. Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought for the happy future of their descendants. We will definitely prove that we deserve this victory. Happy holiday!

Dear grandmother, hello! Your grandson and parents congratulate you on Victory Day, we wish you to always remain as kind and beautiful. Health to you, do not get sick, we all love you very much!

Dear grandfather! Our whole family congratulates you on May 9th! We want to wish you good health, good mood and simple human happiness. We love you very much!

Dear (name), please accept my most sincere congratulations on the Day of the Great Victory. May 9 is a holiday that we meet with tears in our eyes and with joy in our souls. You gave us victory and a peaceful sky overhead. Low bow to you, honor and praise. I wish you good health and happiness. Happy holiday!

I sincerely congratulate you on May 9th. This day is a symbol of heroic courage, valor and courage. The victory that we got provided everyone with a peaceful sky over their heads. Glory and honor to all heroes. Happy holiday!

I sincerely congratulate you on May 9th. This holiday is of great importance for every inhabitant of our country. With pain in our hearts, we remember all the horrors of the war, the bitterness of the losses and losses of our great-grandfathers. But this victory is a symbol of honor, courage, bravery and valor of all heroes. Happy holiday!

From the bottom of my heart, I congratulate you on the Great Victory Day, which gave us freedom and peace. On this day, we express deep respect for all the heroes who brought this day closer as best they could. I would like to wish you good health, prosperity and happiness. Happy holiday!

Please accept my congratulations on the Day of the Great Victory over fascism. This holiday is the property of the whole country, it is courage, valor, honor and courage. Thanks to our heroes, we have a peaceful sky above our heads, we will never forget their feat. I would like to wish you good health and prosperity. Happy holiday!

Dear father-in-law, I want to congratulate you on May 9. We brought this day closer as best we could, we meet this day with trepidation in our hearts and with tears in our eyes. Glory and honor to our heroes who gave us peace and happiness. I wish you success and prosperity in all your endeavors! Happy holiday!

Dear mother-in-law, today the whole country celebrates the Day of the Great Victory. May 9 is forever imprinted in the history of the country in golden letters. Through the efforts of the heroes, we were provided with peace and tranquility. I wish you happiness, health and prosperity, as well as inexhaustible faith in the bright future of our country. Happy holiday!

Grandpa, accept my congratulations on the Day of the Great Victory. May 9 is a symbol of national pride, military glory and heroic valor. This holiday, which we meet with tears in our eyes, with awe in our souls and with happiness in our hearts. Thank you for the victory and the peaceful sky above your head. Happy holiday!

Beloved grandmother, I sincerely congratulate you on May 9. This is a holiday in which the bitterness of losses and the great joy of the Great Victory over fascism merged together. A low bow and the most sincere words of gratitude for your great and immortal feat, which your descendants will remember. I wish you good health, happiness and prosperity. Happy holiday!

Daddy, with all my heart I want to congratulate you on the main holiday of our country - May 9th. On this spring day, we rejoice at the independence and peace that our heroes were able to defend at the cost of incredible efforts. So may the descendants never again know the horrors of war, may harmony reign throughout the world. Happy holiday!

Grandpa, hello dear! Today is your holiday, all your orders and medals speak for themselves, you survived a terrible war, emerged victorious from it, for which we all say “Thank you” to you! Happiness to you, health, so that every day you wake up in a good mood, we love you very much!

Today is a great holiday, on which I want to say a lot of words to you, but from the bottom of my heart I will only say one thing - “Thank you”! Thank you for the fact that we now live in the world, and all thanks to your courage and courage. Health to you, love and long life!

I congratulate everyone who invested even the smallest part in the cause of the Victory, because it was from these particles that the powerful and great welfare of our state was formed. I wish you to constantly feel the warmth of millions of people who remember and will remember your great feat for a long time to come.

Dear veterans. On this day, memorable both for all of you and for us, your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, I would like to once again express my deep gratitude and deep bow to you for the fact that you, not sparing your life and your health, defended our homeland and did not gave it to the fascists. Your merit will be in the memory of all who live on this earth. We wish you great health for many years to come.

Let it never be forgotten what an ordinary person did in the days of the war. Soldier, peasant, youth and boy. They believed so strongly in luck, in the country, in themselves, and they knew for sure that Russia would not be given to anyone. Let the fireworks fly up on this day, let the songs of those distant years be sung today. Happy Victory Day!

On this day, we congratulate veterans, defenders of the Fatherland, who defended the right of the peoples of the world to be free. Eternal glory to all the fallen and survivors in that terrible war!

Let the words of eternal gratitude to millions of people fly louder than salute to the whole world, to those who have kept this clear, blue sky, green fields and sparkling rivers for us. For Russia! We wish you to see this respect in the eyes of others. Health to you and your loved ones. Happy Victory Day!

Dear veterans-winners!
Your children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren look up to you. The feat of the Russian soldier will forever remain in the hearts of many millions of people.
On the significant anniversary of the Great Victory, please accept sincere congratulations from grateful descendants and wishes of good health, prosperity and a peaceful sky above your head. Happy holiday!

I am happy to congratulate you on Victory Day! For many decades, on this spring day, our entire country has been rejoicing at the freedom, independence and peace that our people were able to defend at the cost of incredible efforts! I wish that no generation in the future will have to experience the hardships of war!

I congratulate you on Victory Day! The day when our country and all those who fought against fascism around the world won such a long-awaited victory! Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought for the happy future of the entire free world! And we must prove that we deserve this victory!

I wish all veterans and witnesses of those days long life, health and happiness, and their children and grandchildren - pride in their family, for their people and good luck in all bright undertakings!

I congratulate you on the Great Victory Day! Let this day be a reminder that our people were able to unite in the face of a common enemy, endure the difficult struggle and rid the world of fascism! I wish you, your family and all of us never experience the hardships of war!

This day is a symbol of pride for those who defended the freedom and independence of our country, a symbol of determination, the will of the Russian people, a symbol of Russia's dignity. With a feeling of deep gratitude, we thank you for the perfect Feat, we wish you health, happiness and prosperity!

With all my heart I congratulate you on the main holiday of our country - Victory Day over fascism! We owe everything we have to this day and to everyone who, at the cost of their own lives, hastened its onset. Without their dedication and resilience, the world would be a very different place today!

Victory Day is a holiday that fills our hearts with pride and gratitude. This is a holiday - courage, heroism, courage and kindness. This is a holiday that gave the future to us, our children and grandchildren! With all my heart I wish good health, happiness, a peaceful sky over your head to you and your family!

Victory Day is the day of soldiers who fell on the battlefield and mothers, wives and children who did not spare themselves in the rear! This is the Day when we sing of courage, heroism and bravery. We sincerely wish you, your loved ones and colleagues good health, success in work, well-being, peace and happiness.

A terrible word is war, and a beautiful word is Victory! It's so hard to realize that every year there are fewer of them! Our veterans... They survived, didn't break down and didn't give up! They did not see a rich and well-fed life and knew how to be content with little, but they were happy when they learned about the Great Victory over fascism on May 9! A deep bow to you, dear veterans, and good memory to all the heroes who did not live to see this bright day! Good health and long life to you

This holiday is special for every person in our country. The greatness of the Victory and the bitterness of loss in our country touched every family. Combat red banners, St. George ribbons and carnations have become the invariable symbols of Victory Day. But these are not just symbols, this is a tribute to those who are not with us, but those who remain in the memory of the people and in the heart of everyone who is not indifferent to the history and fate of the Motherland. I sincerely wish you great joy, kindness, health, happiness, love and success in all your endeavors!

Please accept my sincere congratulations on the day Great Victory! Victory Day is a symbol of heroism, courage and bravery of people who defended their Motherland. This is a call to persistently fight for increasing the glory of our ancestors, for great Russia, for a world without war! I wish you health, prosperity, happiness to your family and friends, confidence in the future and bright hopes for the future, good spirits, creative inspiration and inexhaustible energy!

I heartily congratulate you on Victory Day! Truly, it is a great holiday! This is the Day when the word Victory was of great importance not only for our people, but for the whole world for millions of people who uttered this word with tears in their eyes. They were tears of joy and happiness. Simple human happiness, the right of every person to a calm, peaceful life! I wish you good health, good spirits, family well-being and all the best!

This truly national holiday unites all people regardless of their nationality and religion, age and political beliefs, because, celebrating Victory Day, we remember the invincible strength of spirit, courage and great sacrifices of our people. Happy Great Holidays.

On this day, I would like to congratulate not only those who gave their lives in the struggle for the cause of peace, in the fight against fascism, not only those who went through the entire war and carried the victory on their shoulders, not only those who worked in the rear, tirelessly , worked to win. I would like to congratulate everyone. All without exception. This victory is common, it is one for all, like this fragile world is one for all, as one for all we have a home - our blue planet. Happy holiday to all of us! May there be peace throughout the world!

Dear our veterans. The home front workers are worthy of sincere gratitude and gratitude. At plants and factories, on collective farm fields, they did everything to bring the moment of the long-awaited Victory closer. Thanks to the selfless work of the older generation, our Motherland has become one of the leading powers in the world.

It is easy and pleasant to congratulate on the holiday of the advent of peace on the whole planet. There is so much kindness and bright, pure feeling in this holiday that it is a real joy to express it. Congratulations on the holiday of victory in the Great Patriotic War, a war that claimed the lives of so many millions of people, in a war that left its black mark, taking a human sacrifice, in almost every family. May the festive fireworks, thundering and coloring the sky with bright colors, forever teach children not to be afraid of explosions, may explosions be only a festive fireworks display for our children!

Dear friends! Today we are celebrating an important date for our entire country - Victory Day! Probably not a family that would not have been touched by the Great Patriotic War. Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers fought for the future without sparing themselves. Future without violence and fascist yoke! Today we bow our heads before the memory of all front-line soldiers and home front workers who are no longer with us! Blessed memory to them! We wish you and your families never to know war, but to live in peace, happiness and prosperity!

Just amazing. This thank-you call came out very recently. And he was not at all, as it was in recent times, an installation from above. And how popular he became! I believe in his sincerity and ingenuity.

He, like the St. George's Ribbon, tells us one thing. We remember everything. We remember, thanks to whom Russia is alive and we are all taken together with her. Every single one. We haven't forgotten anything. Our hearts are filled with gratitude and patriotism. And we, like our grandfathers, will be able to stand up for our country. We, like our grandfathers, too, as it is sung in one song, will stand with our chest for our Motherland. This song - an anthem, was written just in the pre-war stormy years.

Moreover, when we talk about gratitude to the grandfather, we mean not only our grandfather by blood, but also the grandfather, as the personification of all that not yet distant generation that shielded and protected us from destruction.

And here I have such a natural and unpleasant question. It's good that "thank you grandfather for the victory." And I'll ask you, thanks to which grandfather? And don't be surprised. The question is more than appropriate. It scratches my brain and I can't find an answer to it. Let's think together.

Let's start, for example, with the most important grandfather at that time. And we all remember very well who this grandfather was. This grandfather stood on our main podium on November 7, 1941. He made a speech. He addressed with memorable words not only to the fighters leaving directly from this square to the front. He addressed all our people.

And how he was persuaded not to hold a military parade in a position where the enemy was about to break into the city. And the enemy no longer even doubted that he would break in. As recently as yesterday, I was in the Museum of the Russian Army. And there I saw and learned that the Germans made special commemorative iron crosses for the capture of Moscow. Can you imagine, two tons of these same crosses. Now they are all museum pieces. Two tons. But every single one of them could be a reward for their victory. But the rewards did not find the heroes. "Heroes" received completely different crosses. Wooden. Yes, and those who are lucky. And for the most part, they all lay down nameless "among coffins not alien to them" in the fields of the Moscow region.

And who gave our fighters hope for victory? Who raised their military spirit, without which, according to Tolstoy, no victory is possible. Who, in this well-known speech, instilled in the hearts of both the fighters and our whole world confidence in an undoubted victory? And the victory came. She took place. And who today says thanks to the Grandfather. Almost no one. That is, they say, of course. And very many. But from above, from the very top, not a single word.

They don't even say his name. During the last reconstruction parade on the same square on November 7, 2016, not only was nothing said, but there was no mention at all. At least casually. Anyway. No way! Never. And where, by definition, it should have been uttered, it was torn out, blotted out. Do you want an example? Please.

Here is one uncle, dressed in a sheepskin coat of those times, singing a song from a truck of the same times. Sings on Red Square. Just opposite the mausoleum, from the podium of which words were spoken about the coming victory.

He sings a song that has become a cult, and is well known to us. With all the words we know. These are the words:

Thundering with fire, sparkling with the brilliance of steel
The cars will go on a furious campaign.
When Comrade Stalin sends us into battle
And the first marshal will lead us into battle.

And in vain we wait. Because we hear something completely different. This uncle in a sheepskin coat sings this in a wonderful voice:

"When the harsh hour of the country comes
And the Motherland will send us to attack!”

What for? Well, why is that? Who are we being taken for? Why Ivanov, who does not remember his ancestral roots, that is, his history. But the main thing is not even that. Why did they decide for me what I should keep in mind. And what shouldn't. Which words to sing, and which words not to sing at all. But not only for me decided. And for all those who know these words perfectly. And we hear this substitution right on the square, on the historical square, which has seen different things, many things and many. And who took the right, I would say the brazen right, to correct this story? On the square for a long time, which has become a symbol of our history and the Motherland too.

Our Most Chief speaks of the falsification of history. He said this just recently. He said with all the severity in his voice. And conviction. At the same time, he meant foreign falsifiers. First of all Ukrainian. And here falsification is going on right in front of his nose. On the Red Square. It is clearly visible from the height of the Catherine's Palace, which became his residence.

From this song, the name of the one who admonished our soldiers for a feat of arms was arbitrarily removed, reminding them of the names of those who personified the military prowess of the defenders of Moscow and the whole country. And no thanks to this grandfather. You might think that the Victory, as it were, did take place without him. And he, as it were, was hiding behind the stove in his Kuntsevskaya dacha, pulling a handkerchief in embarrassment.

The Nazis did not like the Bolsheviks (the same communists). And today, according to the idea of ​​the dominant ideology, we must also dislike the Bolsheviks.

But soon the Immortal Regiment will pass through Red Square. Many thousands of people will pass. And not only in Moscow. And everyone will come to this square with a photo of their grandfathers. And this is very good. But you wondered how many of all these grandfathers were in the photographs of the Communists, read the Bolsheviks? But if we don't love them, then how can we thank them, these party grandfathers?

There is an episode in one famous movie. Line up our prisoners of war. An SS man walks along this line and orders - communist, yuden to go out. Yuden is a Jew. And it is not known who the Nazis did not love more, the Jews or the Bolsheviks. Although in their understanding it was often one and the same. It is clear why the SS man orders them to leave. They will be shot first.

The Communists were at that time members of the AUCPB. That is, they were Bolsheviks. Bolsheviks, as was said, according to the instructions from above, we should not love either. That is, we, too, relatively speaking, must tell them to fail. Out of the line of the Immortal Regiment. Since your grandfather was a communist (that is, a Bolshevik), well, come out. And there's nothing for you to do here. And no thanks to you, grandfather in the photo.

Look, please, at this fighter in the photo. This photo can be said to have also become a cult. And she is known to a lot of people. This warrior has become a symbol of the courage of the defender of our Motherland.

Who was this warrior? He was a political officer. That is, by definition, he was a Bolshevik. He raises the fighters to the attack.

This Bolshevik had a name in the photo. His name was Alexei Gordeevich Eremenko. He was a convinced Bolshevik. In a few moments, he will die.

And before that, while still very young in 1925, he created the first Komsomol detachment in his village. Later, he was one of the first to enroll in the collective farm. And then he joined the party. He was the secretary of the party cell, a member of the district committee of the party. He was also the chairman of the collective farm. Three times he went to Moscow to VDNKh, representing his collective farm. So, his economy was advanced. Worked well.

The war has begun. He had armor. But he wanted to fight. Defend the country. their homeland. And only on the third attempt does he break through this armor and go to the front. Becomes a politician. And the lower-level political officers are the same suicide bombers. The political officer is the first to go on the attack. And he gets shot first. That's exactly what happened to political instructor Eremenko. In the photo we see the last moments of his life.

He was a real Bolshevik. Just down to the bone. So what, mindful of our current attitude towards the Bolsheviks, will we say to this political instructor, who never became a grandfather? He covered all of us. He saved all of us. Shall we thank him?

And you know, I can tell almost the same thing about my own grandfather. He participated in the civil. We still keep the certificate he received at that time for this participation. And he was also the chairman of the collective farm. By the time the war began, he moved to Moscow and worked at the Red Commune plant. And imagine, and he had a reservation.

But he went to war in the militia. A few months later, the notice “I fell down without a trace” came. He was a Bolshevik. What do you think, should I say thank you for the fact that I live. And for the fact that now I have grandchildren too? Or maybe not say? Because I myself have never been a member of any party. He wasn't even a pioneer.

But the current authorities have put such an insoluble problem before literally millions of our people. How many thousands of photographs of fallen soldiers will be carried by their relatives with a sense of gratitude through Red Square! And how many of them in those difficult years carried a party booklet with the inscription VKPb in the pocket of their tunic. And what? All of them, too, who have long since died, should have been told, following the example of that SS man, "get out of line." Out of the line of the Immortal Regiment. Monstrous, but according to the logic of a persistent trend, secretly and openly inspired from above, it is necessary to do just that. And by the same logic, do not say any thanks to them.

P.S. Do you know where the last fight of political instructor Eremenko took place? He died on June 12, 1942. On a wheat field near the village of Slavyanoserbsk. The village is located in the Donbass. I have a feeling that the fearless, courageous political instructor in the photograph is still raising fighters in the attack against Bandera. Against the Nazis.


And I will thank my grandfather. He died near Moscow in the militia. Yes, I would like to thank my father too. He was seriously wounded near Leningrad. Almost lost his arm. And that's okay, Sergey. But the article is about something else. About the attitude of the authorities, the most supreme authority towards those who died in the war. After the parade, our Chief shook hands with the veterans. And he asked how many of them were members of the AUCPB. That is, the communists. This is how this political instructor is in the photo. But he does not like non-communists, although he himself was in the party. How so. And the name of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief was mentioned at least once. WELL, it's like talking about Borodino and not once mentioning the name of Kutozov. Or speaking about the Kulikovo field and not saying anything about Dmitry Donskoy. Examples can be multiplied. He stood in front of the Mausoleum, covered with a curtain. It turns out that he fenced himself off from his predecessors.

Dear Sergey, I do not want to enter into a debate with you. Especially because both of our grandfathers were in the war. Your words to God returned. But mine did not return, he died. And he was a Bolshevik. Like the person in the famous photograph. What should I tell him now? Perhaps he went on the attack with a cry for the Motherland, for Stalin. What should I say to him instead of thanking him. "Stalin twisted people as he wanted, because he was a cannibal." And in what way, then, does your position differ from Gozman. He calls Stalin a ghoul and generally suggested canceling the parade today. It turns out to be nothing.
Just don't call me a Stalinist at the same time. But try to call Chingiz Khan a cannibal in Mongolia. I have been to Mongolia. And there and now wherever you poke - everywhere there are portraits or monuments to this cannibal. He shed rivers of blood. But tell the French that Napoleon is a cannibal. And he shed rivers of blood in his campaigns. And we also enjoyed it. And what will the French answer to you?
Yes, far to go. Let's get back to us. Let's go back to the era of Peter the Great. You know that the population of Russia after his reign was reduced by at least a quarter. And during Stalin's time, the population only remained. Look at the statistics. And Peter everywhere monuments, honor and respect. How so? Can you explain it?
And then it is necessary to judge the power by the time in which it existed. And you need to know that it was not Stalin who created the era, but the era created Stalin. Much can be said about this. And if it's simpler, then everything is simple. It was a tough era. Mortal danger hangs over the country. It was about the life and death of the country of Russia. A cruel time, unfortunately, requires a cruel ruler. And nothing else. If someone like Bukharin were in power - and prosr ... the country. Well, is it really that hard to understand?

Dear veterans!

May 9 is a special holiday. Majestic and solemn, it will always remind us at what price peace on earth has been won.

This day is the day of our memory of those who went to meet death in the battles for the Motherland, showing the world an example of courage, heroism and love for the Fatherland.

Time is fleeting, but it has no power over the feat, no matter how many years pass, the war will not go away from memory. And in the hearts of new generations, gratitude will live forever to the participants of the Great Patriotic War - the living and the dead, those who saved the world from the fascist plague, defended the right of people to be free.

Years pass, generations change, but the gratitude of the descendants to the people who brought peace to our land, who preserved the Great Country for us remains unchanged.

Bright and eternal memory to the heroes who fell on the battlefields and passed away after the war!

Please accept my most sincere wishes for good health, family happiness and prosperity, fortitude, hope and optimism!

Sincerely, the staff of the GU - PFR Department
in the Lovozersky district of the Murmansk region

Dear veterans of the Great Patriotic War, home front workers!

We heartily congratulate you on the Victory Day!

On this festive spring day, accept the words of gratitude for your feat of arms and selfless work in those difficult times for our country. The memory of the front-line soldiers who shed blood for the Motherland, of those who worked in the rear, enduring hunger and cold and giving everything for the front, of all the innocent victims of that time will always be alive.

We are deeply indebted to you and proud of your deed. Low bow to you and sincere wishes of good health, prosperity and peace!

Staff of the GU - PFR Department
in the Tersky district of the Murmansk region

Thanks for the victory!

Dear mothers, fathers and grandfathers!
I turn to you now -
I want to say: - "Thank you for the Victory",
which you gave us.

We do not know the howl of the bombings,
And we do not know the battle of thunder
You have opened thousands of paths for us
For happiness in the world and peace in it.

"Thank you" seems to be a commonplace,
And you hear - God save them,
For all the dead, wounded, dead,
Live long, may God help you!

And the young, living in our time
I wish and ask you to be worthy,
So that the old people would not regret their Victory,
Which cannot be compared with anything.

No wonder they fell in battles, worked, despite their age
They endured hunger, terrible fear, but they believed that the hour would come,
When Victory Day comes, and he will be so happy,
And the lilac will bloom again, and people, not sparing tears, already
from happiness will cry.
For our life, peace - THANK YOU!!!

Senior Specialist of the NSAIDs and OPP Group ZL

Guseva Larisa Borisovna

* * *

Yes, we now live under peaceful skies
And the textbook explains to us: where.
Where are you without sleep and without water, without bread
Every day they fought in the War.

No, these feelings cannot be expressed in words.
Yes, how can you conclude in a word!
That you saved millions of lives!
That we don't know how to give thanks.

Group leader of PU, DIA, VS and EO
GU - Department of the PFR in ZATO in the city of Polyarny
Zaitseva Natalya Andreevna

Front-line "byvalschiny" grandfather, who served from the first to last day war in the ranks of officers of the Soviet army.

The history of the Guard Major Gusev Nikolai Efimovich according to the recollections of his granddaughter - a senior specialist of the NPVN and OPP ZL group of the PFR Department in the ZATO of the city of Polyarny Guseva Larisa Borisovna.


A story about great-grandfather and great-grandmother, who went through the whole war and kept their love, Alexandra Krukovskaya, a 7th grade student of school No. 3 in Nikel, the daughter of an employee of the UPFR in the Pechenga district of the Murmansk region. Alexandra, with a story in the form of a book, took 3rd place in the nomination "And the book will revive the memory" in XIII international competition Children's handwritten book.