The subtleties of intimate life: how to make love with a man. How to make love all night

The world-famous "Kama Sutra" was written over 1500 years ago by the sage Vatsyana. It is noteworthy that this scripture is not just a collection of various poses for the art of love, but also a whole teaching designed to comprehend this art.

The sage did not distinguish between sexual pleasures and love as a feeling. In his view, these are two inseparable things. That is why there is a concept of "making love", and not just sex.

What is the difference between sex and making love?

It is also interesting that the sage reasonably believed that sexual interest without proper knowledge can cause some psychological disorders. Vaciyana was sincerely convinced that people should not only have sex, but also understand how to achieve pleasure on a mental and physical level.

If you turn to the pages of the "Kama Sutra", you can find a lot interesting facts about the teachings, as well as ways to comprehend the art of love. Couples who really trust each other should try out some new methods of achieving pleasure. This concerns not only the intimate positions themselves, but also the preludes, views, conversations. "Kama Sutra" and other similar teachings help to fully reveal human potential in the sexual field.

To make love beautifully you need to be in harmony with yourself and your body, primarily. If this does not work out, then you can resort to tricks. For example, the imperfection of the figure hides linen well, twilight or even complete darkness. The latter, by the way, is often one of the most effective ways to reveal sexuality in shy and squeezed people. As soon as harmony between the spirit and the body is achieved, you can begin to comprehend the art of love.

A few secrets of beautiful intimacy

Preliminaries. First, this good way to study a partner, even if it seems that you know him for ages. Secondly, in this way you can comprehend pleasure without direct sex. And this is also the art of love, which not everyone knows. In addition to affection, words also participate in the process. Whispering, as a way of communicating during lovemaking, helps to tune the body to a special erotic wave. And in some cases, it helps to achieve orgasm at the most unexpected moment.

Atmosphere. For the art of love to be truly beautiful, you need to prepare for it. Not only physically, but also mentally. It is believed that you can not start an intimate relationship, being in a bad mood. However, with the right mindset, it is possible to relieve daytime stress. It is important to prepare not only yourself, but also to create a suitable atmosphere around. Aromatherapy, exciting music, proper lighting - all this helps to comprehend the language of love as best as possible.

Thanks to sociological studies that were carried out in many countries of the world, it turned out that sexual culture to some extent affects all of humanity. And British lawyers, faced with divorce in their practice, admitted that the main reason for this is the sexual mismatch of partners.

Therefore, in order for a society to be healthy in this regard, it must discuss in detail issues related to sexual culture.

On the wedding night, a man should make every effort to be gentle with his wife. This delicate situation implies some knowledge of correct behavior and sufficient self-control on the part of the man.

During the first sexual intercourse, a woman experiences severe pain, as the hymen ruptures, and therefore bleeding. The husband should understand this and not think at all about his own feelings that night. After all, ignorant behavior at such a moment can cause a woman to be disgusted with "it" for many years, and in the worst case, for life.

The hymen of many women is not arranged in the same way, and has different strengths. If a man is faced with such a problem as a very strong hymen, then he needs to stretch it gradually and it may take several days.

The bride must also be sufficiently aware of what will happen to her that night. And also very important point is the psychological preparation of the girl.

If for the first time everything works out in the right way and the man manages to break the hymen, then he should limit himself to one sexual intercourse, even if the wife asks to continue. It is necessary that the bleeding that begins after the rupture stops and the wound heals.

You also need to take care of hygiene. Bed linen must be clean. It is better for a man to use a condom on the first night. This will ensure that no bacteria gets into the open wound of the damaged hymen.

A man on his wedding night must completely disconnect from his emotions and feelings and transfer them to his wife. And then the following nights will bring the spouses harmony and a desire to learn something new in the field of sexual culture.

If we talk about erogenous zones on a woman's body, then we can say that the entire female body is an area of ​​​​excitation. But there are some places and points that react especially strongly to the caresses of a partner.

Below we list the erogenous zones in order and consider them in more detail.

The ears are a very sensitive part of the body and immediately respond to caresses. To arouse a strong desire in a woman, you need to kiss the inside of the ear and its lobe.

The most sensitive part of the neck is the area from the ear to the shoulder, from the middle of the throat to the shoulder and back, in the middle, of the neck.

This part of the body is less sensitive than the ears and neck, but still, women are very worried if a man strokes their shoulders or kisses them.

"The same" relationship begins with a kiss, and this is not surprising, since it is on the lips that many nerve endings are located, thanks to which we enjoy such a pleasant experience as a kiss.

There are several types of kisses. This is an ordinary kiss, when partners only touch outside lips, an open-mouthed kiss, and a French kiss. The last kind is the highest intimate form of kissing. Partners kiss with open lips, while moving their tongues, each other. And also one of the partners holds the tongue of the other in his mouth.

The breast is considered the most erogenous zone in a woman. She is very receptive to being caressed with her lips, which brings a woman into a state of intense desire. If a man kisses his chest for a long time, then the excitement reaches the genitals.

The next excitable zone is the waist and the area above the hips, which reaches the middle of the abdomen.

The groin is sensitive when touched by the lips and hand.

Inner thighs

The inner side of the thighs is sensitive to the caress of the hand and the touch of the tongue, if you pass it quickly from the knees to the groin.

Stroking and squeezing the buttocks leads a woman to desire.

Sphere above the knees

If this place is squeezed by hands, a woman can get the highest degree of pleasure.

external genitalia

Most of all, the clitoris, the entrance to the vagina, the small lips and the area around them react to caresses. The clitoris is considered the most important organ for arousal, as it can lead a woman to orgasm even without intercourse.

In men, this is the penis and testicles. The most erogenous place in men is the head of the penis.

It can also be said that all of the above erogenous zones, to one degree or another, apply to men.

Foreplay or the so-called foreplay should last 15 minutes and in no case less, even if the woman says that she is ready for intercourse.

Women during foreplay behave differently. Some kisses alone are enough to achieve strong arousal, others need a combination of kisses on the chest, lips and neck. And they also need a man to stroke her waist, hips and above the knees.

If a woman is of low temperament, she needs a completely different approach. They are less sensitive and therefore the main factor for satisfying such a woman is time and patience.

Sexual intercourse should in no case be considered as a mechanical action. A man must be a sensitive and reasonable partner, otherwise the opposite behavior may alienate a woman.

At the very beginning of the love game, a man should avoid touching his partner's genitals. His attention should be focused on other erogenous zones of the woman's body.

In the second half of the foreplay, the man pays attention to the clitoris.

After the woman is ready for intercourse, the man inserts the penis and makes first slow, rotational forward movements. With each movement, the excitation of a woman should increase and move into the stage of orgasm. When a man feels this, his movements should change - to, deeper and sharper. At this pace, a man can move until his partner reaches orgasm.

Men in sexual relations are more simple and straightforward. That is why it is so rarely mentioned. Much more attention in this matter is given to women. And yet men have some peculiarities.

After a man has a desire, somewhere after a minute an erection occurs. After a few minutes, the man reaches orgasm and can fall asleep. This is a characteristic of the average static man, although it should be noted that not all men are the same.

Men generally have two erogenous zones. These are lips and penis. Other erogenous zones such as: nipples, neck, groin, waist, genitals and inner thighs react only to the partner's lips.

After sexual intimacy has come to an end, a man experiences a sharp decline in emotions and needs peace. In the following minutes, any attempts on the part of the partner will be unpleasant for the man. If a woman wants to repeat sexual intercourse, she must wait about 20 minutes for the man to resume his strength.

Today, there are many positions for doing “this”, but among them there are six main provisions.

man from above

The man on top is the position most couples use. In this position, a man and a woman can make love with the greatest speed. Also, partners, being facing each other, can see each other's faces and kiss.

Man from below

In this position, the man is less tense and can relax. While the partner chooses a rhythm that is convenient for her.

Position "behind"

The position that is used the least.

Sitting position

This position allows you to achieve the deepest contact. She is also good because partners can kiss and hug each other.

standing position

In this position, a woman needs to stand with one foot on some kind of elevation.

There are some rules in "it" that a man must follow.

  1. A man must prepare a woman for sexual intercourse, using all the techniques of arousal.
  2. The prelude should last no less than 15 minutes.
  3. It is necessary to pay attention to the excitation of the clitoris before and during the partner's orgasm.
  4. A man should delay his orgasm until his partner is satisfied.
  5. If a man could not restrain his orgasm, he must bring his partner to orgasm in any other known way.
  6. After the partner has reached the highest point of pleasure, the man must continue to caress, even if he has experienced a rapid decline in arousal.
  7. A man should not seek intimacy with a woman if for some reason she does not want it.

The nature of sexual intercourse

To begin with, consider the readiness or signal that a woman is ready for intercourse. A woman at the time of arousal has a secretion that comes from the vagina. These secretions are pale, clear in color and have a viscous consistency. The secretions are necessary for lubrication in order for sexual intercourse to take place favorably.

In order for a woman to reach orgasm, she needs from 5 to 30 minutes. At the moment of orgasm, a woman may sob, so that it may give the impression that she is in pain.

The size of the penis is not as important for a woman as the ability of a man to satisfy her.

A woman's vagina can be deep or short, narrow or wide.

Half of women are sensitive only in the clitoral area.

Women with a weak temperament do not make sounds during intercourse. The only sign of an approaching orgasm in such women is accelerated breathing.

Rules for good sex

Sex is a complex art. There are many subtleties, rules. But there are rules that simply cannot be ignored. However, unlike most other arts, the sexual art is always a pleasure to learn. The site Love-911 will tell you ten main rules for good sex.

1 rule of sex

During sex, you need to think about sex.

And if sex is not safe, it cannot be good, because most of your thoughts will be focused on how not to fly into it, and not on how to make it pleasant and get the most pleasure yourself. And all this can end with very undesirable consequences for you.

Exception: unless you are having sex for procreation.

2 rule of sex

If you don't want sex, then say so.

No need to lie "log", or do a favor. It will only get worse for your relationship. Both should want to make love. And, if there is no desire to make love for a long time or sex has become rare, then you should not think that if your partner is silent, then everything is fine. Worth thinking about possible reasons that interfere with you and what can be changed in your life to eliminate these causes. Talk about your problem with your personal Coach.

Exception: appetite often comes with eating. But keep in mind, if you have already started the process, but your appetite has not come, you cannot interrupt lovemaking. This can greatly offend, break off or embarrass a loved one, and as a result, conflict may arise and seriously deteriorate sexual relations further.

3 rules of sex


Good sex should always have variety. When sexual contacts always take place at the same time, in the same place, in the same nightgown, always in the position you are already familiar with, sex becomes as mundane as washing your hands. Say: How long have you enjoyed washing your hands?

Exception: Washing dirty hands, you certainly get some pleasure from this process. Also, habitual sex, in some cases, gives a certain pleasure to both partners.

4th rule of sex


Talk while making love. Of course, not about their work or household chores. Talk about sex, your desires, compliments, discuss your feelings. Do not be shy and do not complex. There is nothing wrong if you voice all your feelings and desires, and your partner is silent. Ask, ask questions. In any case, at least your partner will finally find out exactly how you like it and what you want. What happens next is likely to please you very much. Do not refuse then to fulfill his fantasies.

Exception: if you are making love in a place where you can be heard, of course, you need to keep up appearances. Quiet sex, "in secret", is no less enjoyable.

5th rule of sex

Make love with a relieved stomach.

It won't do any good if you have sex after you've had a big meal.
First, you will not be able to actively move with a full stomach. Secondly, you will feel uncomfortable, and, at best, will just sluggishly roll over from side to side. And thirdly, after a full meal, you want to sleep much more than actively engage in sex.

Exception: It may be a good idea to combine dinner or breakfast with sex. Feeding and at the same time caressing each other, you will have sex so quickly that you still won’t have time to eat your fill.

6 rule of sex

Sex sober.

A woman drunk on the board, in terms of her sexual performance, is in no way inferior to a rubber doll. It is inappropriate to talk about the pleasure of receiving pleasure here. God forbid, in general, to remember in the morning that something happened. And the drunk guy... all his actions to make love are more like trying to shove toothpaste back into the tube.

It will also be useful for you to know that, even after drinking one bottle of beer, a man's sperm acquires a sharp, sour taste. Also, like a smoking man, sperm has a bitter unpleasant aftertaste, and in a smoking woman, the juices from the vagina released during arousal have a specific unpleasant odor, color and taste.

Exception: A drunk woman and a slightly tipsy woman are two very different things. In the second case, a small portion of alcohol can betray additional looseness. But, nevertheless, it is better to make love, being drunk on love, and not on alcohol.

7 rule of sex

Give pleasure to your loved one.

You don't have to be selfish. Your loved one, by the way, also wants to relax and have fun. But do not take the whole initiative of the process on yourself. Show feminine wisdom, creating only the appearance of your selfishness.

Exception: Unless you are doing self-gratification alone.

8 rule of sex

Don't be afraid to look stupid.

No need to think and complex about how you now look from the outside. Believe me: you look much better than you think, and you definitely like your loved one? He already knows all your shortcomings, and he likes them. If he doesn't like something, sooner or later he will let you know.

Exception: If you are aware of your physiological shortcomings, you should pay more attention to eliminating them, and not to your complexes. And always remember: Your loved one loves you for who you are, not for who you can be.

9th rule of sex

Don't focus on...

When making love, trying to deliver maximum pleasure to each other, do not focus your attention only on the genitals. Do not forget that, in addition to the penis and clitoris, there are other parts of the body with very erogenous zones. Even very, very sensitive. Study each other, pay attention to every centimeter.

Exception: While traveling through all the expanses of the body, from time to time, nevertheless, remember intimate places.

10 rule of sex

Good sex should never be taboo. And restrictions too.

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Making love is the highest form of expression in a relationship. There are ways to make love without intercourse by sharing emotional intimacy. The stimulation of the mind can be as much an aphrodisiac as the act of sex itself. In relationships, we need connections on many levels.

5 ways to make love without having sex


Good relationships don't just happen at night. They require mutual love, trust and respect. Building a solid foundation as friends will enhance the sexual pleasures in your union. The act of allowing and accepting is a beautiful connection in human sexuality. Feeling safe is a prelude. When you know that your partner is behind you with the best of intentions, you feel happy.

This results in the release of a love hormone called oxytocin. Oxytocin creates a feeling of happiness and well-being. This hormone is associated with empathy and trust, and therefore releases even more feelings of love and security in relationships. Friends don't need sex. They require confirmation, understanding and mutual admiration. You perfect love through the depth of strong friendship.


There is something exciting when someone you love cooks for you. To cook food with love is a real twist. Women love men who cook. They say that the way to a man's heart is through his stomach. Even if you can't cook, just choosing food at a restaurant and enjoying the moment together is enough to make you feel good. Food connects us through cultures, heritage and social events. We need it for the health and fuel of our bodies.

Try to cook together. Make dessert for each other. Turn off all phones, grab a glass of wine, and enjoy the culinary arts. The simple act of eating is stimulating and arousing. "Food symbolizes love when words are not enough." ~ Dr. Alan D. Wolfelt


Share a list of things you want to do with each other. Find ways to interact outside the bedroom - romantically. You can go for a walk in the rain, watch the sunset, or take an art class in the city. Teach each other new things. Read to each other. Find time to play and have a picnic in the park.

Being stupid and laughing with each other is valuable. By sharing these parts of yourself, you improve your emotional connection. Working out together can be sexy. You are interacting on a physical level, which also mimics the actions of sex. Your union will be stronger because you share what you love.


University of Houston science professor Dr. Bren Brown has spent the last thirteen years researching vulnerability, courage, and shame. "Only when we are brave enough to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite power of our light." The possibility of mental intimacy is a huge release for our emotional and physical bodies. Ask questions about the past and present.

Get to know others by breaking down the barriers of embarrassment and shame. Be courageous with each other about things that scare you. Giving yourself completely to another requires an expansion of vulnerability. It makes you tear down your walls and give everything.


Hugging, kissing, cuddling are all forms of physical bonding that are essential in a relationship. There are also ways to mentally stimulate your partner with a love letter. self made or just a note on the mirror. Sending a sweet playful text throughout the day creates a feeling of sentimental devotion.

There are ways to be physically connected without communication. A back massage or even stroking your partner's hand while watching a movie is enough to send those hormones into the love channel. We feel loved when we are touched. We feel needed when we get good words support from a partner. Touch is a point of contact that enhances emotional, spiritual and physical relief.

There is a difference between sex and love. Sex satisfies physical needs, while love consumes the soul and emotional desires. Making love without sex removes the carnal need to survive because sex satisfies the lustful hunger of the void in us.