Maternity payments in case of complicated childbirth. Extension of maternity leave Payments for complicated childbirth

We will tell you when it is possible to extend the sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth and what this is fraught with for the employer. Who can extend sick leave? How is an extension processed?

The employer's burden

Order of the Ministry of Health of Russia dated June 29, 2011 No. 624n regulates the period of sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth. It lasts 140 calendar days, if the employee gives birth to one child, and 194 calendar days if two or more babies are born at once.

Reasons for shifting the deadline

A woman in labor can receive an extended sick leave at the antenatal clinic, clinic or hospital where the birth took place. This procedure is necessary if:

  • only during childbirth it turned out that there were several children (sick leave is extended by 54 calendar days);
  • there were complications during childbirth (the duration of the sick leave is increased by 16 calendar days).

When extending the sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth, a new leaflet is drawn up. In the column for the reasons for disability, “05” is affixed with the decoding “Maternity leave”. The additional code “020” is also used - “Additional maternity leave”.

At the bottom of the next sick leave indicate which sheet it is a continuation of. According to the rules, additional vacation days are not a new insured event, so the document should not be primary.

If the sick leave does not indicate that it is a continuation of another, the employer will still have to accept it. And if difficulties arise with the FSS, it is allowed not to oblige, but only to ask the employee to apply for a new disability certificate at the maternity hospital.

Getting an extended benefit

To receive benefits for additional days of sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth, a woman in labor must write an application in any form and attach a disability certificate to it. The application must indicate:

  • period of additional rest;
  • information about the sick leave: number, date, issued by;
  • FULL NAME. co-workers.

The mother puts her signature on the application. After providing all the documents, the calculation of the allowance is made. Then it is paid to the employee or transferred to her account.

Calculation of benefits for an extended sheet

If the employee has provided a correctly completed sick leave certificate (issued extension sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth), then the amount of the payment is calculated according to the indicators of the standard maternity leave.

The calculation is based on the average daily earnings used to pay for the main sick leave. No additional calculations are required.

Employer actions

In the event of situations that lead to the extension of sick leave for pregnancy and childbirth, the employer must act in the following sequence:

  1. Accept documents (application and sick leave).
  2. Generate an order for additional leave (usually use the standard form T-6).
  3. Enter data on the extension of the rest in the employee's personal card.
  4. Display information about additional vacation days in the timesheet.
  5. Calculate the amount of benefits, enter data on the sick leave and transfer or issue funds to the employee.

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The need to issue an extension order arises upon receipt of the relevant documents from an employee who is on maternity leave.

  • for 16 days- if the birth caused complications, most often falls into this category cesarean section, but there may be other diseases and problems that have arisen in the birth process;
  • for 54 days- if multiple pregnancy was revealed in childbirth.

Any of these cases is the basis for issuing an additional prolongation of the postpartum decree.

founding documents

Drawing up an order to extend maternity leave is a mandatory action on the part of the employer. However, documentation is required to complete it. It is presented by a woman who is on maternity leave.

Employee on maternity leave need to provide to work:

  • with a request for an extension of the rest period and additional payment of maternity benefits for additional days;
  • certificate of incapacity for work for additional days, he is discharged as a continuation of the main sick leave, since the insured event is the same.

The documents you can bring it in person employer, make sure they are accepted and registered. Can they send by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt. In this case, there will also be confirmation of the transfer of documents.

Having received these papers, the employer checks the correctness of the paperwork. First of all, you need to make sure that the sick leave is designed not as a new one, but as a continuation of the previous one. If a new disability certificate has been drawn up, then there may be difficulties with the FSS.

Important! The Social Insurance Fund is of the opinion that the issued sick leave for additional days should be a continuation of the primary sheet.

However, in the order of filling in these documents there is no unequivocal indication at the moment, therefore if the sheet is still issued as new, you can accept it and assign payment based on it. However, you should be prepared for possible problems with FSS. Cases of failure for this reason are rare, but still possible. You need to prove your case, referring to the procedure for issuing sick leave.

Based on the application and the sick leave, the employer is obliged to draw up an order to extend the maternity leave for the number of days indicated in the sick leave, calculate, assign and pay for additional days.

What to do if the employer refuses to assign and pay benefits,.

Registration for an additional decree

Order for additional days of leave for the postpartum period published in 2 copies- one remains in the organization with subsequent registration in the appropriate journal, the other for the Social Insurance Fund.

To apply for an extension you can use the standard form T-6, where to indicate information about the woman, the duration of the additional maternity leave, as well as the details of the grounds documents.

You can make an order in free form, a possible example is shown below.

In an extension order must contain the following information:

  1. In the header of the document - details of the company, its name, full name of the head, date of formation.
  2. Title of the document with serial number.
  3. Reason for issuing the order.
  4. The basis for granting additional vacation days is a reference to a legislative act.
  5. After the word “I order”, it is necessary to indicate that maternity leave for such and such an employee is extended for such and such a period (for 16 days in case of difficult childbirth, for 54 days in case of multiple pregnancy).
  6. An order is also given to the accountant to calculate the allowance for additional days.
  7. The details of the application and sick leave are indicated as the basis for drawing up an extension order.
  8. Leader's signature.
  9. The signature of the worker for whom it is issued.

Important! After the order is signed by all persons, it is transferred to the personnel department, where it is registered in the register of such documents.

After that, it becomes the basis for the accounting department in order to benefits. At the same time, the personnel service contributes additional entry in the personal card on the extension of the maternity leave. The person responsible for maintaining the time sheet indicates maternity leave for additional maternity days.

If a woman quits after going on vacation, then the payment will be at the expense of the social security authorities. About dismissal of women in the decree.

Sample for 16 days

We offer to download a sample of a free-form order to extend the period of maternity leave in case difficult childbirth for an additional 16 calendar days.

sample order on the extension of the postpartum decree for 16 days - :

The order of the head upon receipt of an application from an employee to extend the rest and documentary evidence of her poor health or the child is the main document for issuing an additional period of the decree and calculating payments.

It's fast and free!

An employee had a complicated delivery. In this regard, she needs to be granted additional maternity leave. The order for maternity leave has already been issued. Is it necessary to cancel the previous order and issue a new administrative document, with the total number of days of parental leave. Or is it still required to issue a separate order to extend the decree. We will tell you how to issue an order for additional maternity leave. A sample 2019 document prepared by our specialists will help HR officers to facilitate their work.

Vacation duration

Women working under an employment contract are entitled to maternity leave. Such leave is a period of temporary disability of a woman, when she retains her workplace and position in accordance with the law (Article 255 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The duration of maternity leave is strictly regulated by labor legislation. In general, maternity leave lasts 140 days (70 days are provided before delivery, 70 days after).

However, if the childbirth took place with complications, then the duration of the vacation increases. The list of birth complications, giving the right to increase the duration of postpartum leave, is contained in the Instruction, approved. Ministry of Health of Russia dated April 23, 1997 No. 01-97<О порядке предоставления послеродового отпуска при осложненных родах>. For example, complications during childbirth include caesarean section and any multiple pregnancy.

Most clearly, the duration of the vacation can be represented in the table. The duration of maternity leave in 2019 is:

So, for example, in case of complicated singleton birth, an employee is entitled to an additional 16 days of vacation (part 1 of article 10 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2006 No. 255-FZ).

Preparing an order

Any major event that occurs in an organization must be documented. In order to apply for additional maternity leave, the employee must provide the employer with a sick leave certificate and a corresponding application. After the documents are received, you can issue an order. This must be done in addition to the already existing administrative document for the provision of initial leave (clause 48 of the Procedure, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated June 29, 2011 No. 624n).

It is in this order that an additional 16 days of maternity leave is granted. , developed by our specialists, will help personnel workers save time on compiling their own form.

During the time an employee is on maternity leave, she retains her average earnings.

You can read about the maximum possible maternity benefit in the article ""

For the minimum amount of maternity benefit, see "".