Cheat code quarry stone. Skyrim where to get a quarry stone. Where to find a quarry stone in skyrim. Skyrim quarry stone. What is Quarry Stone for?

Skyrim game has a vast world, thanks to which everyone can highlight their pluses in it.

All day long you can improve your skills and explore locations, which only adds to the charm of the game. But a large space has a significant disadvantage: it is not always possible to find out or remember the location of certain resources that are useful and necessary for creating items.

For example, you received a piece of land at your disposal.

What are you going to do?

Of course, start building a house! And for this difficult process, you will need a sufficient amount of materials, one of which is quarry stone .

So how do you find a Quarry Stone in Skyrim?

To get started, contact your steward, in most cases he can help you with the supply of stone. That is, if you have enough money, you can simply buy career material from him. Or you can make him go in search of such required material- in many cases, you will get what you want pretty quickly.

If you do not want to wait, then you can handle it on your own. Look around, so you can find an impressive pickaxe that will come in handy for your further adventures. You won't need to beat the dragons for this, but the rocks will come in handy for you. And they, by a lucky chance, will indeed be very close to your future home!

Approach the rock and look for fairly bright areas: it seems that someone before you managed to profit from resources. Do not hesitate and you - press the E key and your character will get the first batch of quarry stone.

The stone can also be obtained in any places where there are rocks, and again the rock will be highlighted more light shade gray, so that in any case you will not be able to miss the one you need quarry stone.

Thanks to the huge amount of stone material, you can build anything from a small hut to a huge house worthy of a real dragon fighter.

Well, now you know the answer to the question "Where can I find Quarry Stone in Skyrim?", which means we are ready for all the problems associated with construction.

Good luck with your game!

This resource is extremely important for those who decide to deal with production crops. During the construction and development of the estate, it is needed very often. Only now the players do not know where exactly to get it. In reality, everything is not as difficult as it seems. All players can easily get a career stone in Skyrim without much difficulty. But how to do that?


Before thinking about where to find a career stone in Skyrim, you need to understand what kind of resource we are talking about. This, as already mentioned, is a very important component used in production and construction. Unfortunately, finding it just like that is very problematic. Without this resource, it will not be possible to build an estate. Therefore, players are interested in where to find a quarry stone. What are the options for the development of events?

Search on the map

Until the player has his own plot, you should not think about solving the problem. After all, career stones appear only after buying land in the game. Just at the moment when they are needed.

Where to find a career stone in Skyrim? After acquiring land, you can wander around in the vicinity of your possessions. There will definitely be small areas with stones that can be crushed with a pickaxe. These are quarry stones. Some players claim that the resource can be located near rivers and lakes.

Where to find a career stone in Skyrim? Quite often it is recommended to look for its deposits in the mountains near the estate. It is noted that it is impossible to find the studied resource just like that on the map. It is located exactly near the player's possessions.


Is it possible to buy a quarry stone? Many resources in Skyrim can not only be found on their own, but also purchased from merchants. What can be said about the object under study? Is it really for sale?

To some extent, yes. Where can I buy a quarry stone in Skyrim? In order not to suffer with the task, you just need to buy a ready-made house from the manager in a particular area. Then you don't have to look for a quarry stone. For a certain number of coins, you can rebuild the building automatically.

But apart from everything, the quarry stone is not for sale. Therefore, either you will have to look for it yourself near the purchased land, or resort to the help of a manager who will quickly rebuild this or that building. There are no more options.

With addition HearthFire the game has the opportunity to buy land for home improvement.
Lakeside Manor in Falkreath Hold
Windstad Manor in Hjaalmarch (Morthal) Hold
"Helyarchen Hall" in the possession of White Beach (Dunstar)
Each plot costs 5,000 Septims. You can own all three lots at the same time. To buy them, you need to complete the task of the jarl of the city. Some of your companions can be appointed as house managers in order to buy resources through them to build a house and to take off to the sawmill for boards.
You come to a completely empty area, where there is only a chest, a workbench and a drafting table. First of all, select what you need on the drafting table, and then go to the workbench and create the foundation for the future home. Next, you can make the walls, and later the main hall. After building one object, there will be a new plan on the drafting table.
Basically, for all houses and internal objects, the following resources are needed:
iron ingot- 5ACE4
iron parts - 03003035
Glass- 03005A69
Clay - 03003043
Mined stone- 0300306C
goat horns- 00303F
Straw- 03005A68
Door hinge - 03003011
Nails- 0300300F
Lock - 003012
Refined Moonstone(Pentagram of Souls) - 5AD9F
gold bar(Pentagram of Souls) - 5AD9E
Great Soul Gem(Pentagram of Souls) - 2e4ff
Mercury Ore Ingot(Alchemy Lab) - 5ADA0
Skin stripes- 800E4
steel ingot- 05ACE5
Also, the main subject is sawn logs. They can be bought at the sawmill, for example, for the estate "At the Lake" logs are purchased at the Half Moon Sawmill.

After the construction of the entrance hall and the main hall, you will have 3 extensions to choose from: the west wing, the north (south) wing and the east wing. All are divided into 3 types: 1 - a tower, 2 - a room with a sloping roof, 3 - a room with a flat roof

Left extension.
1 - Enchanter's Tower- Items can be enchanted. A couple of display cases, a couple of soul stones, on the 2nd floor there are weapon racks, a table and a chest. Not enough space and shelves.
2 - Greenhouse- a few resources for alchemy, a lot of "pots" where you can grow plants. Cons: Not all plants can be grown, such as Nirnroot and Scarlet Nirnroot.
3 - Bedrooms- 2 children's beds, 1 double, several chests and shelves for books. The room is needed in case you want to adopt children.

Rear outbuilding.
1 - Alchemy Lab- some resources for alchemy, an alchemy stand, a couple of display cases, purses and small safes.
2 - Hall of Trophies- You can put models of various creatures. Several safes and 1 chest.
3 - Pantry- a lot of chests for storing things, a lot of tinsel such as plates and glasses, a lot of racks and other things.

Right annex.
1 - Library- many shelves for books and a chest on the 2nd floor. (for me, a useless room, because I don’t carry many books, and there are shelves in the hall too).
2 - Kitchen- at the bakery you can cook food, you dream of racks and dishes. For me, it's generally useless, because I almost never use food in the game.
3 - Armory- a lot of dummies, chests, showcases, there are machines (tanning, grinding, workbench).
Fans of books and food need not worry about the choice, because the basement has plenty of room for weapons and other military fuss.

There is also basement. It has all the blacksmiths and a smelter, a couple of cabinets, chests, weapon racks, lots of safes, an armor dummy, and the ability to build a shrine to any god.

In the main hall, there are a couple of mannequins and chests, there is a weapon rack, an alchemy lab, a pentagram of souls, beds, bookshelves, cupboards and some resources.

Naturally, objects will not appear out of thin air after the construction of walls and roofs :). All furniture must be crafted. To do this, in each room there is a workbench, as near the house, where you can create furniture.

Personally, I definitely put the armory, because the library and kitchen are almost useless.
There was a dilemma with the back room, on the one hand, the trophies look simply incomparable, and on the other hand, alchemy items were needed. But since the alchemy room was small, there were few resources and there is an opportunity to build an alchemist's table in the hall, I chose the trophy room. I didn’t choose the pantry, because, as it seemed to me, it doesn’t look very nice (due to the abundance of useless dishes), although there are a lot of chests, but the house is already full of places where to put objects.
I made the last room the Enchanter's Tower. Profitable business.

Enchanter's Tower, floor 1

Enchanter's Tower, floor 2



Alchemy Lab, floor 1

Alchemy Lab, floor 2

Hall of Trophies


This resource is extremely important for those who decide to deal with production crops. During the construction and development of the estate, it is needed very often. Only now the players do not know where exactly to get it. In reality, everything is not as difficult as it seems. All players can easily get a career stone in Skyrim without much difficulty. But how to do that?


Before thinking about where to find a career stone in Skyrim, you need to understand what kind of resource we are talking about. This, as already mentioned, is a very important component used in production and construction. Unfortunately, finding it just like that is very problematic. Without this resource, it will not be possible to build an estate. Therefore, players are interested in where to find a quarry stone. What are the options for the development of events?

Search on the map

Until the player has his own plot, you should not think about solving the problem. After all, career stones appear only after buying land in the game. Just at the moment when they are needed.

Where to find a career stone in Skyrim? After acquiring land, you can wander around in the vicinity of your possessions. There will definitely be small areas with stones that can be crushed with a pickaxe. These are quarry stones. Some players claim that the resource can be located near rivers and lakes.

Where to find a career stone in Skyrim? Quite often it is recommended to look for its deposits in the mountains near the estate. It is noted that it is impossible to find the studied resource just like that on the map. It is located exactly near the player's possessions.


Is it possible to buy a quarry stone? Many resources in Skyrim can not only be found on their own, but also purchased from merchants. What can be said about the object under study? Is it really for sale?

To some extent, yes. Where can I buy a quarry stone in Skyrim? In order not to suffer with the task, you just need to buy a ready-made house from the manager in a particular area. Then you don't have to look for a quarry stone. For a certain number of coins, you can rebuild the building automatically.

But apart from everything, the quarry stone is not for sale. Therefore, either you will have to look for it yourself near the purchased land, or resort to the help of a manager who will quickly rebuild this or that building. There are no more options.

    For starters, you must have a pickaxe with you. Get out of the residential area and run around, especially pay attention to rocky areas, this is where most often there is a deposit of quarry stone. Look at the rocks below, you will see the color difference. This will be the quarry of that same stone. Then dig as much as you need and even with a margin, so that later you don’t have to look again.

    Quarrystone mines are most often found in rocky terrain and at the foot of mountains, although they are rarely found elsewhere. Therefore, take a tool - a pickaxe and dig there. Also on the forums of Skyrim fans and players you can find a mod, use this tool, by entering which and the number, you will get the right amount of this resource.

    I want to bring to your attention a video instruction that clearly shows how to start and continue building a quarry stone in Skyrim, which is necessary for successful completion.

    Video master class:

    Skyrim (Skyrim) is a fantasy role-playing game that won the Best Game of the Year award (VGA 2011). The game world is quite lively and realistic, you can explore it for an infinitely long time, travel through it, seek adventures, it is huge.

    There is such a stage in the game as building a house on a site specially allocated for this. So for the construction you need material - quarry stone, and you can find it by wandering next to your site, stumble upon rocks, look there, carefully and carefully inspect and study them, there should be bright places with chips, well, then just arm yourself with a pickaxe and chip off as much as you need. Good luck in the game and in your search!

    You have turned up a good site for building a house, but there is not enough quarry stone to start building. To find it, you need to carefully study the selected area with a pickaxe and find rocks. Look at them - there should be a light area. Approaching this place, take up the pickaxe and mine the stone.

    If you have been allocated a plot for construction, then the stone should be not far from the site you bought. If your estate is located by the lake, then stones can be dug up in the rock, and clay near the entrance. Also in Skyrim, you can buy, find or mine a quarry stone.

    If you are determined to build your own house in Skyrim and have already managed to get a bunch of materials necessary for this, such as glass, clay and straw, and next to all this good there is a whole mountain of logs, then it's time to take care of quarry stone. You can order it to the steward, or you can pick up your ass chained in steel armor and go dig for stones yourself. Shoulder the heaviest pickaxe and go in search of the deposits you need. You won’t have to go far, because, by an incredible coincidence (apparently, you have good karma), the stone can be found not far from the construction site. It looks like nondescript pieces of gray. In other places of Skyrim, deposits of quarry stone also come across, they will be enough for you to build a dwelling worthy of a great dragon slayer.

    The Skyrim game is quite popular, but sometimes there are problems with the passage. To find a quarry stone (and by the way, you will need it) - you need to take a pickaxe and go to explore the area that you have been allocated. Find rocks there, and there should be light areas on the rocks. Come closer, activate the pickaxe and by doing so you will get a quarry stone in Skyrim. As you can see, nothing complicated.

    So, if you started playing the most popular fantasy game role play Skyrim, then sooner or later you will face the question of building your own home, your own home.

    To do this, you first need to get a piece of land. Then the player faces the following problem - they need material for the construction of this house in the form of a quarry stone. But it is not difficult to solve it at all - you need to take a large pickaxe and go around the resulting area, paying special attention to the rocks. It is among them that there is the necessary light gray stone. Since there is more than one site in the game, the location of the stone may be different, but it will definitely be in close proximity, you just need to carefully examine the nearby rocks.

    Good luck in the game!

    If you have been allocated a plot for the construction of a house. And you don't have a quarry stone. Take a pick and walk around the area allocated to you - look for rocks. Found? Look carefully - there will be a brighter place with chips - you can see someone was already picking a pebble there. Come to this place and sun! Pickaxe in hand - and forward!