Increasing pensions to the subsistence level. The procedure for issuing an additional payment if the pension is below the subsistence level. Siberian Federal District

The attitude towards the elderly, children and other socially unprotected members of our society, including the level of pension payments, is an important component of the economic, social and cultural development of the state. The higher this indicator, the more prosperous and stable it is considered. Each country is trying to resolve issues of pension provision in a timely manner and, in accordance with the current situation, forms the necessary system of bodies, laws and by-laws.

The domestic pension system in the form in which it exists today was formed in 2015 as a set of legal norms, state bodies and private structures.

According to 2017 statistics, there are more than forty million citizens in the country receiving pensions, the vast majority of which are not impressive in size, so the government is trying to index payments to the extent possible, as well as to establish various kinds of supplements. Consider what is the cost of living for pensioners.

Pension and other social payments

The pension payments established in our country include:

  • insurance pension;
  • state pension provision;
  • funded pension.

Since the beginning of 2010, on the territory of our country, the amount of social benefits paid if the amount of the pension does not correspond to the minimum subsistence level in this region has been determined. All unemployed pensioners who are registered in the territory of residence have the right to apply to the PFR branch with an application for the payment of this money. Their goal is to reduce the level of poverty among the socially unprotected segments of the population who receive pension payments of various kinds (for disability, for example). We will talk about the minimum living wage below.

Living wage determined for citizens receiving pension payments

The formation of a certain minimum set for citizens receiving a pension and defined as “living allowance” is a derivative of a set of certain indicators and varies significantly in different regions of our country.

This figure (by the way, rather conditional) is determined by employees of local authorities, having in mind in the calculations the cost and statistical indicators that characterize changes in prices for food products and essential goods. Simply put, we are talking about the cost of that set of products, goods and services that we call the "consumer basket". The possibility of filling it with goods from the mandatory list is taken into account, since it is believed that the proposed list is sufficient for the normal life of an average person.

The level of the subsistence level causes heated discussions among officials and public figures, but besides this, it is the basic indicator for calculating all social payments and benefits.

The living wage is also used to assess the standard of living in the country as a whole and to form the budget. It is set per capita and differs for different categories of citizens:

  • able-bodied citizens;
  • children;
  • persons of retirement age.

The average living wage for pensioners in Russia ranges from 8 to 8.5 thousand rubles. Accordingly, pension supplements will also be different, depending on the region of residence. This indicator reaches the highest level in Moscow, Magadan, Kamchatka and Chukotka. The lowest living wage for a pensioner in the regions located in the central strip of Russia is in the Kostroma, Kursk and Tambov regions.

Who can receive a supplement?

Let us stipulate once again that all unemployed citizens who are entitled to receive a pension are entitled to receive the above-mentioned surcharge, if their financial security does not correspond to the minimum subsistence level determined at the time of application.

When the amount of the monthly allowance is below the minimum established in the locality, and the regional minimum subsistence level for pensioners does not reach the national average, the payment will be considered federal. But it also happens that the cost of living for an elderly citizen in the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is higher than the same indicator in Russia. In this case, the payment will be considered regional.

Let's see what social supplement to the level of the living wage for a pensioner is provided?

How the surcharge is calculated

The amount of this social payment is calculated based on certain criteria:

  1. The first, so to speak, basic indicator is the level of the subsistence minimum, which is determined in Russia, as well as in a specific area of ​​​​residence separately.
  2. Then, the duration of residence of pensioners in the territory of this subject is taken into account.
  3. And, of course, the total monthly income of a citizen is considered. The recalculation of the payment is done taking into account the size of the federal and regional subsistence minimum.

The surcharge will be accrued in the month following the appeal to the Pension Fund branch, from the first day.

Federal Performance Based Copay

The payment is calculated and assigned if the local social security authorities determine that the amount of the pensioner's monthly income is insufficient relative to the subsistence minimum for pensioners established in the territory of the given region, and also does not reach the indicators indicated for the whole country. Subject to these two conditions, employees of the PFR department appoint a payment in accordance with federal indicators.

The amount of this payment should be set so that when calculating the total monthly income (taking into account the additional payment), it does not fall below the minimum level defined for citizens receiving a pension in your area. These provisions are specified in more detail in Law No. 178-FZ of August 17, 1999 “On State Social Assistance”.

Frequent is the question of what is the subsistence minimum for non-working pensioners?

Regional-based supplement

It is possible for citizens of retirement age to receive payment if their monthly income is higher than the minimum subsistence level of pension provision established in the country as a whole, but lower than that determined in the place of residence. It is necessary to make all these calculations, bearing in mind the numerical indicators in force at the time of application.

The minimum subsistence level defined for pensioners in Moscow is designated in 2017 as 11,561 rubles. And the all-Russian figure is somewhat lower - 8,540 rubles. Therefore, with a lower monthly income of the applicant, the amount of payment will be calculated in the amount necessary to achieve indicators that are relevant for the whole country.

In general, it doesn’t matter for a particular pensioner whether the federal or regional allowance is, and which body will pay it, since the difference in this case concerns only sources of funding.

What does the calculation of the total amount of material support consist of?

The amount of the total amount of material support for this category of citizens is calculated by adding up all the amounts that are included in the pensioner's subsistence minimum. The total result of adding up all payments received by a citizen is used, including:

  • pensions of all categories (here we mean military);
  • additional monthly allowances or subsidies (for disability, Chernobyl victims, etc.);
  • other payments designated as social support measures paid in the form of cash.

The total calculation also includes the cost equivalent of the provided social benefits, such as:

  • telephone payments;
  • housing;
  • public utilities;
  • travel by public or any other transport, etc.

In this case, social services (payments) provided once at a time are not taken into account (for example, a payment in the amount of 5,000 rubles, which all pensioners received at the beginning of 2017, is not taken into account in this situation). Also, social support measures that are expressed in a naturalized form (food packages, medicines, clothing, etc.) are not taken into account.

The living wage for a pensioner in Russia can be of two types - for working and non-working categories of citizens.

Employment of a pensioner

An employed pensioner must provide relevant information to the local branch of the Pension Fund. This can be done by visiting the relevant institution in person, or you can, without leaving your home, complete all operations in your personal account on the website of the Pension Fund.

We would like to remind once again that working pensioners, by law, cannot receive this social payment. This is what distinguishes the living wage for a working pensioner.

Documents to be submitted for receiving additional payment

If a citizen receiving a pension has not previously applied for this type of additional payment, then he needs to contact the local branch of the PFR or a multifunctional center in person or through his personal account. You need to take with you a document proving the identity of a citizen, and an application drawn up in the appropriate form. There is no need to collect other certificates and documents: passports and applications are enough to receive the service. Recipients of pensions who have not reached the age of majority receive a supplement on a non-declared basis.


In conclusion, I would like to remind once again about several important points: a pensioner should not work at the time of applying for a social supplement. But at the same time, he is required to have a permanent registration on the territory of the Russian Federation.

So we examined what it consists of and how the cost of living for pensioners is determined. We hope the information in the article was useful to you.

All non-working pensioners are entitled to receive a federal social supplement to a pension if their material security (and this includes a pension and all established social supplements) is below the pensioner's subsistence minimum in the region of residence. Material security means total income, taking into account pensions, a lump sum cash payment, additional monthly material security and other measures of social support (assistance) provided to a citizen in cash.

Read about the benefits for working pensioners in the article at the link.

The pensioner's subsistence minimum is calculated on the basis of the consumer basket and the cost of food and consumer prices. In each subject of the Russian Federation, the subsistence minimum is different and is established annually by the relevant law of the territory, region and republic.

The legislation of the Russian Federation establishes the following determining criteria, with the help of which the amount of the social supplement to the old-age pension is calculated:

  • the amount of the subsistence minimum established in the country as a whole, as well as in the subject of the Russian Federation where you live;
  • place of residence or temporary stay of a citizen of retirement age, as well as the time during which you live in this place;
  • the total amount of material support per month.

In addition, when assigning a social supplement to a pension for Russians, either the federal or regional level of calculation can be applied. But first things first.

Social allowance at the federal level

Such an additional payment is assigned if, when calculating the amount of your security in material terms, the social security authority finds that its value is below the level of the subsistence minimum per capita established for your region. In addition, an important factor is that the regional subsistence minimum is also less than the subsistence level in general in the country. If both of these conditions are met, then the local branch of the FIU will assign you a monthly social supplement to your pension. It will be called the social allowance of the federal level.

It is important to know that the amount of the social supplement to the pension is set at such a level that, when calculating your total amount of material security for the month (already taking into account the supplement), it becomes equal to (but not less than) the subsistence level established in the region where you live. This provision is regulated by the Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ "On State Social Assistance". Specifically, part 4 of article 12.1 is responsible for this. It is to her that you can and have the right to refer to when disputes arise at the local branch of the FIU. For the full text of the law, please follow the links above.

Now let's touch on the issues that are taken into account when determining the amount of your material security for a month. To do this, we turn again to Federal Law No. 178-FZ, but this time to Article 12.1. It says that when calculating the amount of material support in the local PFR authority, the following types of payments should be taken into account:

  1. All types of pensions received at the time of application;
  2. Previously established monthly payment;
  3. The cost of all types of social services you already receive;
  4. Previously established additional monthly material support;
  5. Any other types of social assistance regulated by the current legislation of the subject of the Russian Federation in which you live.

But when calculating the total amount, social support in monetary terms is not taken into account, which, according to the legislation, is provided at a time. In addition, social support measures that you already use and that are assigned to you in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation or a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which you receive in kind, are not taken into account. This refers to such types of assistance as food, medicine, clothing, etc. An exception to this paragraph are social assistance measures that replace the cash equivalent. This can include partial payment for the use of a home telephone, payment for housing and communal services, compensation for travel on public modes of transport, as well as commuter and / or intercity transport. In addition to the above items, the amount of monetary compensation is also taken into account, when you independently pay for the listed services, with a subsequent application for a refund of the funds spent. A more detailed description of this provision can be found in Federal Law No. 178-FZ (in part 3, article 12.1).

Also, when calculating the amount of the monthly social supplement, the subsistence minimum established for pensioners by the legislation of the Russian Federation is taken into account for the year in which you apply to the local branch of the PFR in general in the country, and in addition, similar data on the subsistence minimum in your constituent entity of the Russian Federation (region, where you live).

On the size of the subsistence minimum for pensioners in Russia and in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, used to calculate the social supplement to a pension, read the article at the link.

Let's say you know the amount of your monthly material security, then, taking into account the above living wages for 2017 and 2018, you can calculate the amount of social assistance that you can count on by law. Everything is calculated simply, the amount of your material security is deducted from the cost of living. This difference will be the amount of the monthly social supplement to pension income.

Let's look at a specific example. Suppose that pensioner Ivanov, after all calculations, has a material security of 4997 rubles. This value is less than the subsistence minimum equal to 7161 rubles. On the territory of the subject of the Russian Federation, the subsistence minimum is set at 6,150 rubles. Therefore, we subtract 6150 - 4997 \u003d 1153. This will be the amount of the social supplement - 1153 rubles a month, until the cost of living is revised, or your amount of material security is changed.

Calculation of social supplement at the regional level

Now let's deal with the regional social surcharge. You can apply for it if, when calculating the total amount of your monthly material security, it is found that it is less than the subsistence minimum legally adopted by local authorities in your constituent entity of the Russian Federation, but exceeds the amount of the all-Russian subsistence minimum. This provision is also regulated by Law No. 178-FZ. At the same time, it is necessary to know the size of the living wage valid at the time of application, usually it is set for one financial year.

Let's take a specific example , which means the official words of the legislation. Let us take the value of the subsistence minimum established in the city of Moscow. The subsistence minimum for a pensioner in order to determine the regional social supplement to a pension for 2018 is 11,816 rubles. (For reference: in the whole country, a similar value is about 8,500 rubles). As we can see, the regional level is higher than the all-Russian one, which means that a pensioner who has a total material security of less than 11,816 rubles will receive a social supplement in such an amount as to equal this amount. In this, several factors are important. At the time of applying for a social supplement, you must be in the status of an unemployed pensioner, in addition, you must have a permanent registration in Moscow, and also live in the specified city. The same applies to any region of the Russian Federation. Moscow is taken only as an example.

It is important to note that if a social supplement is established for you, then you can receive it starting from the month following the month of application.

Prepared by "Personal"

Wage issues concern every working person. This is especially true of wages, the amount of which depends on the length of service, the number of hours worked, the quality of the work done, and many others. other criteria. In addition, there is such a thing as the minimum wage. This is the value of the minimum wage. Less than her salary simply can not be. This is contrary to Russian law.

Recall that the minimum wage is not a new concept for labor legislation.

Surcharge up to the living wage

It was introduced back in 1991 in order to protect the rights of the working population. At the same time, the minimum wage is a variable value. To date (the last increase was on July 1, 2017), the “minimum wage” is 7,800 rubles. That is, wages cannot be less than this amount.

organization management

The subsistence level supplement is a monthly social payment (ESV) for low-income pensioners, that is, for those who whose pension (together with all additional payments) does not exceed the subsistence level installed in the region of residence.

In some cities, local laws set an increased amount of ERUs.

Who is eligible for a living wage supplement?

Information from the website of the state.

How to calculate the subsistence wage for an employee

Monthly social payment to pensioners up to the subsistence level

Provide social support measures in the form of monthly social payments to pensioners who have reached the age of 60 and older, non-working women aged 55 to 60, and disabled people of groups 1 and 2

This definition includes:

  • all recipients of a social pension, that is, those who did not receive the right to an insurance pension due to a lack of experience or points and went on a well-deserved rest 5 years later and disabled people;
  • recipients of an insurance pension, if its amount, together with the CAP and the subsidy received for utilities, does not exceed the subsistence level.
I am often asked the question: How so? I applied for a subsidy for rent, but did not receive any more.

Yes. this is quite possible. I already wrote about it.

Let's take my pension as an example. After the January indexation, its size is 6824 rubles. The amount of the monthly social payment to me is 3557 rubles.

Therefore, no matter what benefits I receive within the limits of 3557 rubles, there will be no more money. The ERU will simply decrease.

You will receive the same money, only different departments will pay them.

I’m a fool, I didn’t think about it either when I started to apply for a subsidy for housing and communal services.

How to apply for a living wage supplement

The ERU is declarative in nature. That is, until you write an application to the MFC, no one will pay you anything extra. Therefore, immediately after receiving a certificate of accrual of a pension, run to the MFC to issue an additional payment.

List of documents required for this

  • An identity document of the applicant;
  • Documents confirming the place of residence;
  • An extract from the certificate of examination of the medical and social examination on the presence of I or II group of disability or a certificate of disability of I or II group (for persons who are disabled of I or II group);
  • Work book (for persons who are disabled of I or II group);
  • A document confirming the amount of the assigned or received pension, as well as additional payments to the pension;
  • Certificate of registration in the state treasury institution "Center for Accounting and Social Services for Citizens of the Russian Federation without a fixed place of residence" (for citizens of the Russian Federation without a fixed place of residence);
  • Consent to the processing of personal data.

You must accrue an additional payment up to the subsistence level from the 1st day of the month in which the application is submitted.

Provide additional measures of social support in the form of a monthly social payment in the amount of 3557.97 rubles. from 01/01/2018 indefinitely with annual confirmation of the right. Suspend from 01/01/2019.

If you are a woman between the ages of 55 and 60 or have a disability of the first or second group, then do not forget to provide evidence to the MFC annually that you are not working. To do this, it is enough to bring a work book without fresh entries.

It's hard to say exactly when you'll actually be paid the surcharge. I haven't received anything in 4 months.

But they will cancel it, if anything, you can easily do it.

Wage issues concern every working person. This is especially true of wages, the amount of which depends on the length of service, the number of hours worked, the quality of the work done, and many others. other criteria. In addition, there is such a thing as the minimum wage. This is the value of the minimum wage.

What threatens the organization if the salary of employees is less than the living wage?

Less than her salary simply can not be. This is contrary to Russian law.

However, for some citizens, wages are still below the minimum wage. Why and what to do in such a situation? Let's figure it out.

What is MROT?

Recall that the minimum wage is not a new concept for labor legislation. It was introduced back in 1991 in order to protect the rights of the working population. At the same time, the minimum wage is a variable value. To date (the last increase was on July 1, 2017), the “minimum wage” is 7,800 rubles. That is, wages cannot be less than this amount.

Can the salary be less than the minimum wage?

However, everything is not so simple. There are situations when the salary is below the minimum wage:

  • A citizen does not work under an employment contract, but under a work contract or paid services. In this case, the employer acts in the status of a customer and can pay for the work of an employee (executor), regardless of the minimum wage.
  • The employee did not work for the reporting month the entire norm of working time. For example, he was on vacation or on sick leave. Or he did not properly fulfill his labor obligations. In this case, the monthly salary may be lower than the minimum wage.
  • A salary below the minimum wage may be paid to an employee for a part-time or part-time work week. After all, with this option, wages are calculated in proportion to the time worked or the amount of work performed. For example, if a 4-day working week is established for a specific position, then the minimum allowable wage may be 4/5 of the minimum wage. Today it is a little more than 6 thousand rubles.
  • The citizen works part-time. Then the employer is not obliged to increase the salary to the minimum wage. After all, a part-time worker does not work a full 40-hour work week. His wages are calculated based on hours worked.

Terms of payment of salaries in 2017, responsibility for violations

Also, do not forget that wages are taxed. For residents of the Russian Federation, this is 13%. Therefore, it is permissible if, after deducting personal income tax, the employee receives an amount less than the minimum wage. The main thing is that "dirty" wages should exceed this minimum.

Paying less than the minimum wage: is it legal?

Let's turn to the labor code, namely Art. 133 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. It states that the minimum wage cannot be lower than the subsistence minimum, which is valid for the able-bodied population. However, again there are exceptions when the worker receives a salary lower than the limit set by the government. In fact, we described them above, so we will only list briefly:

  • The employment contract specifies the amount of remuneration without taking into account mandatory deductions (taxes, trade union dues, insurance, etc.), and a smaller amount is given out;
  • if a person works part-time;
  • with part-time work (part-time or flexible schedule);
  • if during the month the employee took leave without pay or went on sick leave.

Your salary is less than the living wage: what to do and where to go?

In all other cases, this is already a violation of the law. Therefore, a citizen has the right to apply to state labor inspectorate with a complaint against the employer. Then a trial will follow. If the fault of the employer is confirmed, then he will have to pay a fine and compensate the employee for material damage.

True, before complaining to the labor inspectorate, you can contact in writing organization management in which you work. It is worth noting in the application that in relation to you as an employee, the wage standards established by Rostrud are violated, so if you are not returned all the underpaid and earned money, then you will be forced to contact the labor inspectorate. Many employers prefer to resolve the issue peacefully and take into account the legitimate requirements of the employee, raising wages to the required minimum.

A table is given for the subsistence minimum in Moscow

Cost of living in Moscow by quarters 2019 - 2020

The cost of living is a cost expression of the consumer basket, is determined for each region of Russia and for the Russian Federation as a whole on a quarterly basis. Separately, it is established in each region (annually).

According to Article 2. 134-FZ, the cost of living in the whole of the Russian Federation
at the federal level intended for:

  • assessment of the standard of living of the population of the Russian Federation in the development and implementation of social policy and federal social programs;
  • substantiation of the minimum "size" of wages established at the federal level;
  • determining the amounts of scholarships, allowances and other social payments established at the federal level;
  • formation of the federal budget.

at the regional level, in the subjects of the Russian Federation is intended for:

  • assessment of the standard of living of the population of the corresponding subject of the Russian Federation in the development and implementation of regional social programs;
  • providing the necessary state social assistance to poor citizens;
  • formation of budgets of subjects of the Russian Federation.

For example, a family (or a citizen living alone), whose average per capita income (whose income) is below the subsistence level established in the relevant subject of the Russian Federation, is considered poor (poor) and has the right to receive social support. In this case, you need to submit documents to help financially. The conditions and procedure for providing social support to low-income families (citizens) are established in accordance with the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Those. Each region has its own rules.

The procedure for calculating the average per capita income of a family (a citizen living alone) is established by federal law 44-FZ of April 5, 2003 No.

Living wage, set at the level of a subject of Russia, is intended to assess the standard of living of the population in the development and implementation of social programs. Based on this indicator, the volume of social support for low-income citizens is calculated.

Social payments to certain categories of citizens of Moscow

No. 1525-PP dated December 11, 2018 "On establishing the amount of individual social payments for 2019"

N 805-PP of October 30, 2017 "On the establishment of the amount of individual social payments for 2018"

N 816-PP of December 6, 2016 "On establishing the amount of individual social payments for 2017"

No. 828-PP dated 08.12.2015 "On establishing the amount of individual social payments for 2016"

No. 735-PP dated 09.12.2014 "On establishing the amount of individual social payments for 2015"

No. 851-PP dated December 17, 2013 "On establishing the amount of individual social payments for 2014"

The subsistence level of a pensioner in the city of Moscow in order to determine the regional social supplement to a pension

Official living wage in Moscow 2019

RESOLUTION dated March 12, 2019 N 181-PP
On the establishment of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the IV quarter of 2018

1. Set the cost of living in the city of Moscow for the IV quarter of 2018:
- per capita - 16,087 rubles;
- for the able-bodied population - 18376 rubles;
- for pensioners - 11424 rubles;
- for children - 13747 rubles.
2. Establish that before establishing the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the first quarter of 2019, in order to make social payments, the appointment (provision) of which takes into account the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow, and (or) social payments, the amount of which depends on the cost of living in the city of Moscow, determining the conditions for payment for the provision of social services, the provision of free legal assistance within the framework of the state system of free legal assistance in the city of Moscow, the value of the cost of living in the city of Moscow for the II quarter of 2018 is applied.

Table with the Living Wage in Moscow quarterly 2018 - 2019

Per quarter, yearPer capitaFor the working populationFor pensionersFor kidsDecree
1 quarter 2019

4th quarter 2018
No. 181-PP dated 03/12/2019
3rd quarter 2018
No. 1465-PP dated 04.12.2018
2nd quarter 2018
No. 1114-PP dated 19.09.2018
1 quarter 2018
No. 526-PP dated 06/05/2018
4th quarter 2017
No. 176-PP dated 03/13/2018
3rd quarter 2017
No. 952-PP dated 12/05/2017
2nd quarter 2017
No. 663-PP dated 09/12/2017
1 quarter 2017
No. 355-PP dated 06/13/2017
4th quarter 2016
No. 88-PP of 03/07/2017
3rd quarter 2016
No. 794-PP dated November 29, 2016
2nd quarter 2016
No. 551-pp dated 09/06/2016
1 quarter 2016
N 297-pp dated 03/31/2016
4th quarter 2015
No. 81-PP dated 03/16/2016
3rd quarter 2015
No. 856-pp dated 12/11/2015
2nd quarter 2015
No. 608-PP dated 09/22/2015
1 quarter 2015
No. 356-PP from 06/16/2015
4th quarter 2014
03-03-2015 № 91-PP
3rd quarter 2014
02.12.2014 No. 713-PP
2nd quarter 2014
08/27/2014 No. 485-PP
1 quarter 2014
06/24/2014 No. 299-PP
4th quarter 2013
25.02.2014 No. 81-PP
3rd quarter 2013
11/26/2013 No. 754-PP
2nd quarter 2013
10.10.2013 No. 668-PP
1 quarter 2013
06/19/2013 No. 392-PP


  1. The methodology for calculating the subsistence minimum per capita is given: for a pensioner, a child, etc.

Archive Living wage Moscow 2018 - 2019

RESOLUTION dated December 4, 2018 N 1465-PP
On the establishment of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the III quarter of 2018
In accordance with the Law of the city of Moscow dated May 15, 2002 N 23 "On the subsistence level in the city of Moscow" the Moscow Government decides:
1. Set the cost of living in the city of Moscow for the III quarter of 2018:
- per capita - 16,260 rubles;
- for the able-bodied population - 18580 rubles;
- for pensioners - 11505 rubles;
- for children - 13938 rubles.
2. Establish that before establishing the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the fourth quarter of 2018, in order to make social payments, the appointment (provision) of which takes into account the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow, and (or) social payments, the amount of which depends on the cost of living in the city of Moscow, determining the conditions for payment for the provision of social services, the provision of free legal assistance within the framework of the state system of free legal assistance in the city of Moscow, the value of the cost of living in the city of Moscow for the II quarter of 2018 is applied.


- for children - 14329 rubles.

RESOLUTION of September 19, 2018 N 1114-PP
On the establishment of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the II quarter of 2018
In accordance with the Law of the city of Moscow dated May 15, 2002 N 23 "0 subsistence level in the city of Moscow" the Moscow Government decides:
1. Set the cost of living in the city of Moscow for the II quarter of 2018:
- per capita - 16463 rubles;
- for the able-bodied population - 18781 rubles;
- for pensioners -11609 rubles;
- for children - 14329 rubles.

RESOLUTION dated June 5, 2018 N 526-PP
06 setting the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the 1st quarter of 2018
In accordance with the Law of the city of Moscow dated May 15, 2002 N 23 "0 subsistence level in the city of Moscow" the Moscow Government decides:
1. Set the cost of living in the city of Moscow for the first quarter of 2018:
- per capita - 15,786 rubles;
- for the able-bodied population - 17,990 rubles;
- for pensioners - 11157 rubles;
- for children - 13787 rubles.

RESOLUTION dated March 13, 2017 N 176-PP
On the establishment of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the IV quarter of 2017
In accordance with the Law of the city of Moscow dated May 15, 2002 N 23 "On the subsistence level in the city of Moscow"
The Moscow government decides:
1. Set the cost of living in the city of Moscow for the IV quarter of 2017:
- per capita - 15397 rubles;
- for the able-bodied population - 17560 rubles;
- for pensioners - 10929 rubles;
- for children - 13300 rubles.
2. Establish that before establishing the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the first quarter of 2018, in order to make social payments, the appointment (provision) of which takes into account the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow, and (or) social payments, the amount of which depends on the cost of living in the city of Moscow, determining the conditions for payment for the provision of social services, the provision of free legal assistance within the framework of the state system of free legal assistance in the city of Moscow, the value of the cost of living in the city of Moscow for the II quarter of 2017 is applied.

MOSCOW GOVERNMENT DECISION No. 952-PP of December 5, 2017
On the establishment of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the III quarter of 2017
In accordance with the Law of the city of Moscow dated May 15, 2002 N 23 "On the subsistence level in the city of Moscow", the Moscow Government decides:
1. Set the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the III quarter of 2017:
- per capita - 16,160 rubles;
- for the able-bodied population - 18453 rubles;
- for pensioners - 11420 rubles;
- for children - 13938 rubles.

RESOLUTION dated September 12, 2017 No. 663-PP
On the establishment of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the II quarter of 2017
In accordance with the Law of the city of Moscow dated May 15, 2002 No. 23 "On the subsistence level in the city of Moscow", the Moscow Government decides:
1. Set the cost of living in the city of Moscow for the II quarter of 2017:
- per capita - 16426 rubles;
- for the able-bodied population - 18742 rubles;
- for pensioners - 11603 rubles;
- for children - 14252 rubles.

RESOLUTION dated June 13, 2017 N 355-PP
On the establishment of the subsistence minimum in the city of Moscow for the 1st quarter of 2017
In accordance with the Law of the city of Moscow dated May 15, 2002 N 23 "On the subsistence level in the city of Moscow", the Moscow Government decides:
1. Set the cost of living in the city of Moscow for the first quarter of 2017:
- per capita - 15477 rubles;
- for the able-bodied population - 17642 rubles;
- for pensioners - 10965 rubles;
- for children - 13441 rubles.
2. Control over the implementation of this resolution shall be entrusted to the Deputy Mayor of Moscow in the Moscow Government for Social Development Pechatnikov L.M.

The fact is that the poor are those whose incomes are below the subsistence level. But if the income of a non-working pensioner is too low, he will be credited with a social supplement up to the size of the subsistence level of a pensioner in the region of residence (PMP).

In 2017, 3.9 million people received the federal social supplement to pensions, which is carried out by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

To whom

All non-working pensioners living in the Russian Federation, whose total amount of material support does not reach the subsistence level of a pensioner in the region of his residence, is set a federal or regional social supplement for pensions up to the amount of the MMP established in the region of residence of the pensioner.

That is, a social supplement will be assigned if a pensioner:

  • idle;
  • poor;
  • lives in the Russian Federation.

The payment procedure is regulated by Article 12.1 of Federal Law No. 178-FZ of July 17, 1999.


The social supplement to the pension is established from the 1st day of the month following the month of applying for it with the corresponding statement. There are exceptions to this rule. Thus, a social additional payment to the pension for disabled children and children under the age of 18 who are entitled to an insurance pension in case of loss of a breadwinner is issued without application.

When calculating the total amount of material security for a non-working pensioner, the amounts of the following cash payments are taken into account:

  • pensions (parts of a pension);
  • additional material (social) security;
  • monthly cash payment (MU), including the cost of a set of social services (NSO);
  • other measures of social support established by the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in monetary terms (with the exception of social support measures provided at a time).

In addition, when calculating the total amount of material security for a pensioner, the cash equivalents of the social support measures provided to him for paying for the use of the telephone, housing and utilities, travel by all types of passenger transport, as well as monetary compensation for the costs of paying for these services are taken into account.

How much

The federal social supplement (FSD) is paid by the PFR institutions and is established if the total amount of cash payments to a non-working pensioner does not reach the pensioner's subsistence level established in the region of residence, which, in turn, does not reach the pensioner's subsistence level in the whole of the Russian Federation.

The regional social supplement (RSA) is paid by the social protection authorities of the region if the subsistence level of a pensioner in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation is higher than the same indicator in the Russian Federation, and the total amount of cash payments to a non-working pensioner is lower than the regional PMP.

The sums of living wages for pensioners in all regions for 2018 are presented in the table:

Name of the subject of the Russian Federation

Living wage
pensioner in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation for 2018

SD type (FSD/RSD)

In general for the Russian Federation

Central Federal District

Belgorod region

Bryansk region

Vladimir region

Voronezh region

Ivanovo region

Kaluga region

Kostroma region

Kursk region

Lipetsk region

Oryol Region

Ryazan Oblast

Smolensk region

Tambov Region

Tver region

Tula region

Yaroslavskaya oblast

Moscow region

Northwestern Federal District

Republic of Karelia

Komi Republic

Arkhangelsk region

Nenets Autonomous District

Vologodskaya Oblast

Kaliningrad region

St. Petersburg

Leningrad region

Murmansk region

Novgorod region

Pskov region

North Caucasian Federal District

The Republic of Dagestan

The Republic of Ingushetia

Kabardino-Balkarian Republic

Karachay-Cherkess Republic

Republic of North Ossetia-Alania

Chechen Republic

Stavropol region

Southern Federal District

Republic of Adygea

Republic of Kalmykia

Krasnodar region

Astrakhan region

Volgograd region

Rostov region

Republic of Crimea


Volga Federal District

Republic of Bashkortostan

Mari El Republic

The Republic of Mordovia

Republic of Tatarstan


Chuvash Republic

Kirov region

Nizhny Novgorod Region

Orenburg region

Penza region

Perm region

Samara Region

Saratov region

Ulyanovsk region

Ural federal district

Kurgan region

Sverdlovsk region

Tyumen region

Chelyabinsk region

Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra

Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug

Siberian Federal District

Altai Republic

The Republic of Buryatia

Tyva Republic

The Republic of Khakassia

Altai region

Krasnoyarsk region

Irkutsk region

Kemerovo region

Novosibirsk region

Omsk region

Tomsk region

Zabaykalsky Krai

Far Eastern Federal District

The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

Primorsky Krai

Khabarovsk region

Amurskaya Oblast

Kamchatka Krai

Magadan Region

Sakhalin region

Jewish Autonomous Region

