Good night and get well wishes. SMS wishes to get well. Short poems do not get sick Good morning do not get sick get well

What happened, friend, with you, maybe scarlet fever?
Or mumps, diphtheria, a terrible sore throat?
Or maybe you caught this terrible AIDS?
Or an intestinal disorder, or does the liver suddenly hurt?
No, of course, all these passions passed you by,
But the disease still passes, we know this, fortunately.
Get well soon, we've been waiting for you,
Without you - believe! - today only once laughed ...

My sweet girlfriend caught a cold somewhere in her ear?
Or did you catch a runny nose, or did you get a cold in your legs?
Maybe got into a puddle? Or even worse -
Got the nasty flu? Her voice is hoarse
Maybe then angina? All in all, good reason
You have to lie down - no need to run anywhere!
You wallow, rest, gain more strength,
Don't worry about me, I can handle everything myself
And in a cafe, on a date I will run without delay,
I'll buy my own sweatshirt. Rest! Love you!

What are you up to, my friend?
You say you're sick, but I don't believe it!
Stop wallowing, and life will pass,
And the groom will suddenly leave the ailment for another?
Well, another day, and let's get up,
Conquer all your illnesses quickly
Throw away the pills, lock the syringes
Let's all be healthy - well done!

The most important thing is health
I want to fix it with love.
I will collect all my love to the crumbs
And I will give my dear girlfriend in the palm of my hand.
Take it and get well, get well soon
Forget about hospitals, doctors and ambulances.
Get back to a healthy life soon
I believe you will be like a new ruble!

Have you heard, my friend, that vodka
Does it cure any disease?
And beauty love
All medicines are more useful for us.
So, you hear, do not get lost,
And take into account all my advice,
Get well soon my friend
And to hurt - you forget about it!

Do you drink tea with raspberries and honey?
Microbes swirl around
You outside and inside
I know it's hard, whatever you say!
But everything is not eternal, and the disease will pass,
Not only honey will help you,
After all, my wishes are so sincere:
Let all your illnesses go away!

Good Doctor Aibolit
He sits in a paid clinic.
Come to him for treatment
Give an injection in the buttock.
If suddenly the stomach hurts,
He gives compote from pears.
Treats stars and oligarchs
Presidents and Monarchs.
Zhanna Friske came to him,
He made her huge friskis.
Kolenka Baskov came to him,
And for only 100 bucks
With his buttocks cellulite
Dr. Aibolit cut.
Sophia Rotaru came
He made a guitar out of it.
prostatitis, appendicitis
Heals quickly Aibolit.
Well, don't worry
Keep your tail merry
And get well soon.

Get well soon, please!
How long can you lie in that room.
After all, it's time to go to the disco together,
Under the arm, you and I quickly run.
I bought a dress for you from the window,
Of course red, like an old scooter.
Dress it up and you'll be like in a painting
It's good to get sick, it's time to go for a walk!

I wish you to get on your feet as soon as possible,
Drink beer with friends and have fun
After all, the beer is quietly waiting and the fish on the table,
And he really wants to be all this in his stomach.
That's enough, that's it, it's time to run away from the hospital,
Walk the streets, guard the entire area.
After all, the girls are sad and sit at home,
And they are waiting for you to gather the guys again.

Why, pray tell, are you sick?
After all, you are tired of a soft bed,
The disease will pass, you will overcome it,
Drive sickness and end sickness!
Being sick is certainly not practical,
I wish you health wagon,
To feel great
The evil microbes did no damage.

My dear girlfriend, you are lying in bed,
You hide with your nose in the pillow and mumble barely.
I wanted to come to you, but you won't open the door,
In a state of sadness, you do not want to see anyone.
Therefore, instead of pills, jars instead of jam
I will send you with greetings only my poem.
Let it raise the tone and bring down the temperature,
Let the voice become more cheerful, and then the whole figure!

There is nothing worse in the world than the time when a person who is dear to us is sick. At this time, I so want to support him, wish him a speedy recovery and be always there. If it is not possible to be present at the patient’s bed, you can cheer him or her up and convey your feelings with the help of poetry - get well. This section contains the best poems collected, which combine the wishes of a speedy recovery and good health, as well as pleasant words support and warmth emanating from the very heart.

The ability to hold a loved one in a difficult situation for him, always stay close to your loved one, even if you are separated by hospital walls and cheer up your beloved - all this is quite solvable with the poems presented in the "Get Well" section on our website. Here you can find the necessary words of support, wishes for good health and a speedy recovery for any person, be it a mother, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend or worker.

Let health in the early morning
The dawn will bring you.
May every minute
Heal you quickly.

Get well anyway
And don't you dare get sick again!
Let love help you
To overcome all diseases.

I want to get well soon
Get on your feet fast.
I want to smile more often
Smile to frighten the disease.

Think good things more often
Illness is not forever.
We will support you, we will help,
Then your sickness will disappear.

Get well soon
And look to me, do not be sick,
Strengthen your immunity
And say no to sickness!

Eat ginger and drink raspberries
Drink tea, broths too,
Chase away your cold
Get well soon!

It hurts me to watch you get sick
Kitty, get well soon!
May my love keep you warm
Never get sick again!
May health grow stronger every day
And the disease will disappear forever.
Get well, I beg you
Know how much I love you!

Get well please
I'm waiting for a meeting with you
Drink a lot of vitamins
And come on, don't worry!

brew hot tea,
And eat raspberries
Honey spoon, preferably two,
I send you positivity!

I know it's hard for you right now!
All your illness takes away strength.
Hands go down,
Eyes wet with tears.

Just don't be too sad
The stripe will soon become white.
Hang on just a little more
Your eyes will light up again!

In life, you know, anything can happen,
We will deal with any problem.
Get well soon,
On the problems you wave your hand!

We suffer when we are sick
And my heart is so heavy!
People suffer even more
Who loves us - it is not easy for them!

The disease takes away all the strength,
Deprives of joy and strength.
Nothing pleases sometimes
And the whole world is not nice at all!

You don't have to be sad
Take all the will in your fist!
And know that health will come again
Believe me, everything will be exactly the same!

I wish you good health
Get better, don't get sick
I send a beam of positive
Gain strength quickly!

Sleep more and rest
Drive away your illness
Don't forget raspberry tea
Don't let sadness bother you!

I worry about you
Get well soon
I always miss you
So many gray days at once.

You hurt, I ask less often,
It's better not to be sick at all
I rush to meet you
With me it will be more fun!

Get well soon,
Recover faster!
And with your smile
Warm my soul again!

Don't think about sickness
And don't beat yourself up.
Positive, laugh more often
All thoughts you fill!

Smile! Don't give up sick
Get well, stay strong.
Vitamins and Willpower
All ailments are a hundred times stronger.

Cheerfulness is much more useful
And potions and pills of all.
Defeat diseases as soon as possible
Let smile and laughter help.

Don't be sad, everything will pass, of course,
Get well soon.
I wish you heartily -
Please don't get sick!

total verses: 458

Best wishes for recovery in prose

1. Get well soon, may illnesses and illnesses go away from you far and forever, may strength and vigor return to you, fill your soul with hope and optimism, may the energy of the sun, the power of the earth, and the support of loved ones help you recover, return to the mainstream of life events and again with pleasure to create, dream and love!

2. Get well soon, let the disease become only a short-term test that you can quickly cope with. I wish you to gain courage, follow the recommendations of doctors, tune in to the fastest healing. Think positive, then all ailments will recede!

3. Illnesses can never be a barrier to the feelings of loved ones, right? Therefore, I continue to think and worry about you, about what you feel on the spiritual and physical plane, in your emotional world. Dear little man, I want to wish you an active recovery, because you should again enjoy the world around you and a successful life. We will definitely make every effort to successfully eliminate the disease that can knock you down and make you bedridden. Very soon you will go outside again and you will be able to smile at the sun, think: “I am healthy, finally!”. Do not waste a single day to successfully fight your illness, but act. My support and care, I hope, will be useful. I believe that in the very near future we will go on an active walk, enjoying life to the fullest. Get well soon, please, dear.

4. Any disease can pass, and your illness will be eliminated in the shortest possible time. Try to follow all the advice of experienced doctors who know how and what to treat an existing disease. Follow the regime for your quick recovery, give preference to nutritious foods. Do you need to do something around the house, cook healthy meals? You just tell me and I will definitely come running. Now I am sending you impulses of goodness and happiness, I wish you good health and strong immunity. Let health return and allow you to look at the world differently. Life is given so that you find bright colors in it every day and use the chances to fulfill your dreams. close people and Good friends should always be together, because I'm with you now. Get well, please, because you will make yourself and me happy by the fulfillment of this wish!

Wishing you well in your own words

5. My sun, get better, such a kind and good little man does not need to get sick. I am very worried and sincerely hope that you will recover soon and will again be in excellent shape, fully equipped and fully prepared to achieve great goals and conquer peaks.

6. My dear little man, let the disease leave you, get well soon. Stop getting sick already, let's already conquer this world and enjoy life, strive for dreams and embody your ideas. Sunny, get well and no more pain.

7. The soul does not find a place, my bunny got sick. My beloved little man, get well soon, sun, let's get well and boldly into battle, go ahead - conquer this world and fly towards bright happiness!
8 Illness is always untimely, She will not be invited to visit ... I want to wish you a speedy recovery! Let the strength return quickly In your weakened body, And quickly appear beautiful, So that nothing hurts in the future!

9. The most important thing for a person in life is his health. After all, it’s not for nothing that the phrase “A healthy mind in a healthy body” has been known for centuries! This is really true, because if you are healthy, then you are in a great mood and any business is arguing. Therefore, with all my heart I wish you the very best health!

10. Beloved, I wish you to go to recovery in step with immunity. But first, let's start preparing the fight with raspberry jam, honey and linden tea.

11. I wish you to spin in a dynamic waltz as soon as possible with correction, relief and full recovery!

12. I wish that every cell of your body works for recovery and general improvement, and this will not be out of place with the sweet sunny orange juice that I left for you on the nightstand!

13. Let every link of your immunity be strong, strong, heat-resistant ... Which is not afraid of any viruses, ailments and temperature changes! Get well soon my dear!

14. I will rise with the sun, I will pass the forest-roads, the dews of health in order to collect in my palm. And you, having washed yourself with happiness, you will forget about your worries, you can outright beat the malaise! Let the disease shamefully run to its lair, shut the doors behind it and do not open it again. And feel free to call for help, about laughter and mood, look, do not forget!

15. I wish you to become healthy as soon as possible, forget all medicines and bitter potions, have fun again and play football in the morning, completely forgetting that there is a temperature.
I want the body to overcome all the pain that has accumulated as soon as possible, so that everything around is fine, and so that the disease does not recur.

Get well wishes pictures

For you, we have collected wishes for a good night and recovery - May the night, like a fox, make its way into consciousness and give the whole rainbow of colorful dreams!

Now you're sniffing in the crib and having wonderful dreams. Sleep well, my love, let nothing disturb your heart!

The day is over, the difficulties are all behind, let peace of mind come. Fall asleep, and let the thought warm you that you are my dear man.

Sleep, kitten, sweet, sweet! I want to be in your bed! In the one in which you lie, I want to see you baby!

I want to wish you a pleasant sleep, may life be full of miracles, may fairy tales of dreams come true in reality, dreams and dreams all come true!

Let your dream be filled with fragrant flower honey to the brim, and the good bee will bring you the nectar of my kiss on its wings.

Let a light cloud of sweet dreams pick you up and take you to a magical land of sweetness and relaxation.

Goodnight my pussy, wish I was close right now. Read sms, smile and fall asleep. I miss you very much and wish you good night, may you have a good dream, may you sleep sweetly today.

I lie silently in silence and miss you. But if you come to me, I will simply melt from love! Goodnight:)

My love! Let your dream be like a fairy tale, bright, colorful and magical! And in the morning I will wake you up with a gentle kiss, and together we will meet a new day! Have a good and wonderful night!

Here is the night again, I am without you, and I want only one thing - of course, to see you.

I wish you to see bright and colorful dreams this night, which you will remember with pleasure for a long time to come. Good and peaceful night to you!

Let nothing disturb you on this starry night. Let worries disappear away, go to bed soon, good night.

Let you dream of the ocean, where you and I are lying on the beach watching the sunset.

I wish you a comfortable bed, a soft bed, a warm blanket and sweet dreams.

I want to come to you, hug you tighter, look into your eyes, kiss you, whisper good night in your ear!

It's getting dark outside the windows. The night is taking over. I know you're getting ready for bed now. So I wish you only clear, sweet, bright dreams, so that you do not see grief, hatred and enemies in them.

Hurry up and get into bed, quickly close your eyes. Sleep, my love, sweet, sweet, do not remember anything bad.

Night comes after the day, a light wind catches up with dreams, as if alive, and I dream that we will always be with you!

Let the body rest overnight, and the brain will solve problems. Let the fabulous flight to star systems dream!

My love, good night. You quietly close your eyes ... I hope you still see me in a dream in the middle of the night.

Let colored dreams dream, and silence pacifies and lulls you.

Sleep, my love, let nothing disturb you! I am writing to wish you pleasant dreams. Looking forward to tomorrow morning to see you again!

I want to wish you good night! Close your eyes - it's time to watch the sweetest dreams, so that tomorrow morning will be with a smile.

Good night and see you again tomorrow!

The night will be calm and quiet until dawn, the morning will soon paint everything in a sea of ​​​​tones!

Goodnight. May the night bring you the desired rest and peace, give you the opportunity to relax and restore your strength.

The day passed and you left me. In pursuit of sending you now I sms. After all, soon you will start watching a dream, like a movie. Find a place in it for me and don’t let go anywhere, and don’t listen to anyone, and let us forget about everything in this dream!

To all depressions and stresses, my excellent answer is: just get some sleep and let the blues run away into the forest forever.

I lie silently in silence, and I miss you. But if you come to me, I will melt from love! Goodnight!

The night can tell a lot, and can solve a lot, but it's better to rest a little and forget about problems. Goodnight.

May your sleep be sweet, awakening cheerful, and your life happy.

The night covered the noisy city with its head and plunged us into silence, close your eyes, my dear, and rest a little.

Bright stars shine in the window, and the moon illuminates your face, so captivating and attractive! I mentally send you thousands of tender hugs and a million kisses for the night!

May this night fill your body with strength and vitality. I kiss and hug you tightly.

Goodnight. May you have the most beautiful sweet dreams! Gently kiss, hug tightly, madly in love.

Close your eyes - it's time to watch the sweetest dreams, so that tomorrow morning will be with a smile. Relax and with renewed vigor continue the exciting journey through life.

Good night, my angel, I love you with all my heart, kiss you tenderly, hug you, and know that I miss you!

Sleep well my friend, all the best is yet to come!

I bury my head in the pillow and text. Let's fall asleep with you in an instant and meet in a love dream.

SMS wishes good night: look out the window, it's already dark, it's time for you to sleep for a long time, close your eyes, I'll whisper to you: bye, bye!

The night sent us home, I hate this time! Good night, my dear, I will see you again tomorrow!

Tomorrow will be a new day, rest tonight in full. The most pleasant dreams to you. Gain energy and good cheerful mood.

Let's fall asleep in each other's arms, now we are not afraid of either the heat or the blizzard ... We will rest, we will see miracle dreams, let them be full of prophetic happiness!

My tenderness, my beloved beauty, outside the windows the night has long received its powers, and you still do not sleep. Leave all your affairs, dive under a warm blanket in your favorite bed and fall asleep. Good night, my incredible, sophisticated, gorgeous. May you have exceptionally good dreams that will fill your new day with lightness, brightness and joy. Sleep, my girl. I promise that no one and nothing will disturb your peace, as I will protect it until the morning. I kiss your sweet lips and pretty little nose. With you my love.

Goodnight My Love! Good and pleasant dreams, smiles in a dream and in reality!

Night outside the window, and you are already sleeping for SMS, I'm sorry, baby, I'll be honest, without hiding anything, that I can't fall asleep without you.

Sleep, dear, it's late! Silence under the starry sky. My dreams are about you: in them we are close, me and you!

Good night my dearest and most right person. I wish you wonderful dreams, sweet dreams and vivid fantasies.

An ordinary evening, a dark sky, the moon gives a modest light through the curtains, you get distracted from everyday worries, and I will send you greetings through a dream.

I wish my beloved and dear person a good and pleasant night. Let the Queen of the Night give you a ticket to an exciting journey, to the country of good dreams and fantasy, to the world of sweet dreams and great hopes. I kiss her tightly and cover her with a blanket.

Let the night take away your problems for a long time, let it relieve you of worries. Good night, my kitten, I wish you only good dreams.

In the crib, bask, falling asleep, let it be a soft bed! I wish you good dreams and sweet ones like caramel!

Instead of stars, fireflies will fly in, crickets will give a lullaby, so that there is silence with you this night for a good sleep.

Good night to you purr! I want to give this night a kiss that will sweep through the quarters of a sleepy city and break right into your window!

Let this evening not take with it the worries of the past day, but be successful and gentle with you, send greetings from me.

I dream of falling asleep on your shoulder, I miss you madly. Good night texting because I love you!

With this little letter I send a gentle dream, so that the eyes close, the nose so that it sniffs into the pillow, sleep baby. Kiss on the ear!

It would seem that I am an adult, but envy does not go away; I envy the white bear that sleeps on the baby’s chest!

Goodnight! By the end of the day you are very tired, give up your worries, all your affairs, the night brought dreams with you.

Wishes for a good night and recovery - The bed is waiting for you all evening, go to bed soon. Venus bright light in the sky through the stars sends you greetings.

You have learned that your dearest, closest and most beloved person is ill. How can you support your loved one at this moment? Bouquet of flowers, fruits and sweets, or conversations? But what to do if you cannot be near your beloved now? And now, SMS "Get well soon" for your beloved girl will come to your aid! How will the eyes of your chosen one glow with joy and love. With such a sign of attention and care, your significant other will immediately go to recovery, feeling all the sincerity of your message. And how could it be otherwise if she feels your love and tenderness. You will see, in a couple of days your beloved will be healthy, and you will help her in this by just sending gentle sms with words of declaration of love.

Get well my love.
Until then, I'll be by your side.
I'll bring you medicine and tea.
Together we will overcome everything faster.
Get well and we will be again
Eat frozen treats.

It's so boring without you!
Get well soon my friend!
smile again, laugh
Rejoice all the people around!

Take medicine, stay on schedule
Get well, dear hare.
Get well and we'll run away
From these pills and injections!

I will support you in illness
I'll sit by your bed
You understand, getting sick is bad,
And it's better to be healthy, by the way!

You are sick, it's hard for you
And the degrees are moving up.
But at this moment you are alone
Support your loved one.

You are sick, my angel.
I will come to you even at night
Cold to drive your away
So that you can sleep peacefully!

Get well soon!
Enjoy life again!
Rejoice, walk, joke
And smile more!

Get out of bed quickly!
Forget medications!
Live life to the fullest
Be healthy and happy!

Cough, runny nose, sickness, cold?
What nonsense? What a miracle
Come on, don't freak out
Get on your feet quickly!

Do not hurt you, do not spit,
Don't care about pain.
Let's go to the forest and the mountains,
Summer, you hear, soon.

Get well soon
Down with the blues and boredom
And the phrase "no more pain"
Remember like a science!

Get well soon!
It's so sad without you...
You are like a bright ray of sunshine!
Everything is empty without you!

The world is full of fabulous ideas,
Love and colors - a string!
You get well soon!
It's not good to be sick for so long.

You're a friend, don't worry
Eat onions and celery.
Increase your tone easily
Drink fresh milk.

I don't let you get sick
You come to your senses soon!
Health is the main thing, I know:
It won't let you down!

Get better soon
And manage to cope with the disease!
More is on your way
Let there be no problems!

Listen to the doctor, heal!
And get better soon!
And get out of the house
Smile for life again!

My love will heal you
Just believe in her and be stronger.
Colds and all diseases
We will win even faster!

Ah, my love
Ah, my vulnerable.
I brought you flowers
So that you become healthy.
Fruit, here, take it, I brought it,
I'd give anything for your nose
To stop you sneezing
And then you're tired of coughing.

Beloved, get well.
Health is given to us
Not in idleness, so that affectionately
The light met us in the morning.

We are made up of two parts
One is good, the other is evil.
Health is the shadow of ideas
We should not avoid God.
I wish you well.
Beloved, come back soon.
Take health, you're on fire.
It doesn't get redundant.

So sad to get sick
When the sun shines bright
The birds started chirping...
I feel terribly sorry for you!

I will bring you tea
And tender words I will speak.
I will do everything for you
If only not to know your illnesses!

Let adversity recede
And diseases follow
Let the ailments disappear
Together with the heat - delirium!
Get well soon -
Come visit
I'm getting warmer
When you are near!

I will come to you with medicine
From all your diseases
So that the evening is not in vain
Passed for the two of us
To be healthy
You, my love!

No pain, no pain!
I will bring grass from the fields,
I'll make decoctions, potions,
Get well soon!

More expensive than health - there is nothing.
You are a fragile and tender vessel,
Please take care of yourself, for my sake!
Do not forget to drink potions!

You are sleeping, my love, because you are sick,
I'm making broth for you
And the heart is beating with excitement, is that the case,
Seriously get sick, God forbid.

The world is full of fabulous ideas,
Love and colors - a string!
You get well soon!
It's not good to be sick for so long.

Get well soon!
Stop the cold!
I really miss you
My longing does not recede!

Get well soon!
And forget about the thermometer!
It's so boring without you
You rather be with us!

The weather cleared up even where!
And you are sick, there is no mood.
Don't be discouraged, it's not a problem.
I'll bring you candy today.

Get well soon -
Stop being so sad!
It's better to be healthier
What a pain for a long time!

Beloved, let you become soon
Healthy to be among friends.
Let health find you in an instant.
Come back, I'm completely lost without you.

When the doll is sick
Her owner is crying.
When a girl is sick
Sad boy in love.
When a woman is sick
beautiful, beloved,
Please send her good health
The disease is gone so that by!

I'll take your pain
And I'll give it to the bear
Get well soon
I will come to you!

Crumpled towel...
But how beautiful is your face!
The look is a little dull
But your heart shines.
The pain will pass like a dream
And don't remember the pain.
Suddenly stand in front of the window
And it will become new world long.

Lying in bed pale
Shine in the eyes, hot forehead.
At the feet, the dog is faithful
Protects your sleep.
Sleep, my dear
Until the doctor comes.
After all, a dream is a true omen,
Any sickness will kill.

Often life sends sadness to loved ones in everyday life.
This is not a reason to give up and cry.
You get better, I believe that feelings
The sacred flame will grow passions.