How to apply for a social pension. Social pension provision for old age. Replacement of a social disability pension with an old-age insurance pension

The design and appointment of a social pension has its own characteristics. It can be of several types - by loss of a breadwinner, by disability and by age. In connection with the pension reform in 2015, some aspects of applying for a social pension payment have changed, so let's figure out how to apply for a social pension in 2019.

Who is entitled to receive a social pension

Employment and the receipt of wages do not affect the possibility of obtaining a social old-age pension, but not if it is granted to women and men aged 60 and 65, respectively.

The following can apply for a social old-age pension:

  • Citizens of the Russian Federation who are 60 years old (women) and 65 years old (men); foreigners and stateless persons of the same age, subject to permanent residence in Russia for at least 15 years.
  • Representatives of the minority peoples of the North who permanently reside in the areas of the minority peoples at the date of retirement and are aged 50 (for women) and 55 years (for men).

The payment of a social pension for the loss of a breadwinner should be assigned to the following categories of pensioners:

  • orphans of a deceased single mother;
  • minor children left without one or both parents and children under 23 years of age or before the end of the educational process, who are studying at a secondary or higher educational institution full-time.

The recipients of the social disability pension are:

  • disabled children;
  • disabled persons of all three groups, including disabled children.

What are the conditions for a social pension?

A social pension can be issued only if the following conditions are met:

  • the applicant's belonging to disabled citizens;
  • residence in Russia on a permanent basis.

Sizes of social pension in 2019

Social pension payments by age to persons who are 60 (women) and 65 (men) years old, and who received a disability insurance pension, are not set lower than the level of disability labor payment, which was valid on the date of termination of its accrual due to the fulfillment of the specified age.

The amount of social pension payments depends on the category of recipients:

Category of pensioners Amount of monthly pension (rub.)
Disabled 3rd group 3675,20
Minor children and children under 23 years of age studying full-time at a university, left without a mother or father;

disabled 2nd group (except for disabled children);

persons aged 60 and 65;

representatives of small northern peoples 50 and 55 years old.

Minor children and children under 23 years of age who are studying at a university full-time, left without both parents or without a single parent;

disabled people of the 1st group;

invalids of the 2nd group since childhood.

Disabled children;

invalids of the 1st group since childhood.


The size of the social pension in the regions of the Far North and regions with a severe climate

It is worth talking separately about the amount of pension payments that is valid in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, as well as in other settlements with harsh climatic conditions for living. Social pension (any) will be increased due to the increasing district coefficient throughout the entire period of residence in harsh climatic conditions. When moving from such places, the right to the supplement is lost, and the pension will be calculated according to the general procedure.

How to apply for a social pension: where to apply

The specific time for applying for a pension is not established by law - if the right to social benefits arises, a citizen can apply at any time convenient for him without any restrictions. There are four different ways to submit your application and documents:

  • at a personal appearance;
  • through a representative who has a notarized power of attorney;
  • by sending a registered letter with notification by mail;
  • using the services of the Multifunctional Center.

If the documents were sent to the authorized body by mail, the date of the pensioner's application is the day that appears on the postmark, and if the application was sent through the MFC, the date of application is the date of receipt of the documents by the specialist of the department.

So, you can apply for the appointment of social pension payments:

  • to the regional branch of the Pension Fund at the place of registration, stay or actual residence of the applicant;
  • at the MFC, if there is one in the region of application (you can make an appointment in advance by visiting the official website of the MFC).

What documents are needed to apply for a pension

If the required documents are available in the applicant's personal pension file, they are not required.

In order for you not to be denied an application for a social pension, prepare the following documents in advance:

Document Where to get
The application form will be issued on the spot, or it can be downloaded from the official website of the FIU
RF passport Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
Conclusion of medical and social expertise (for disabled people) ITU Bureau
Certificate of death of the breadwinner or a court decision declaring the citizen dead Registry Offices, court secretariat
Any documents proving the existence of family ties with the deceased breadwinner of the family:

court decision on establishing family ties;

a certificate from the Federal Migration Service indicating the required information;

a certificate from the housing department or the local Administration;

marriage certificate;

divorce certificate;

birth certificate indicating information about the deceased as a father or mother;

Civil registry office, court secretariat, housing department, district administration, branch of the Federal Migration Service
Documents proving that the deceased was a single mother:

birth certificate of the child without records of the father;

a certificate from the registry office in the prescribed form indicating that the father's data were entered in the birth certificate of the child according to the woman.

Registry Offices
Documentary evidence of the applicant's belonging to the small peoples of the North:

Russian passport;

birth certificate;

certificate of belonging to the peoples of the North.

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, the registry office and the community of a small people or the Administration of the territorial formation, respectively
Documents evidencing the availability of authority to represent the interests of the applicant:

certificate of guardianship and guardianship authorities on guardianship, adoption or guardianship;

decision of the guardianship authorities;

adoption certificate.

Guardianship authorities
Certificate of completion of studies at a secondary or higher educational institution (except for educational institutions of additional education) By place of study
A photocopy of the passport page with a registration stamp, a certificate of registration at the place of residence (for filing an application at the place of registration); certificate of registration at the place of stay (for filing documents at the place of stay); application for submission of documents at the place of actual residence. Passport office, FMS (for foreign citizens and stateless persons)
Conclusion Fed. ITU agencies for intentional bodily injury or criminal offense ITU Bureau
Conclusion Fed. ITU institutions about the causes of death of the breadwinner or assignment of a disability group to him as a result of intentional actions aimed at causing harm to himself, or a crime committed ITU Bureau

When will the social pension be assigned?

Whatever social benefit is issued, it will be accrued from the first day of the month when the applicant submitted the documents, but not earlier than the date of the appearance of the right to a pension.

Exceptions to this rule are:

  • assigning social benefits by age to people aged 60 and 65 (women and men, respectively), who previously received an insurance disability pension, if its accrual ended due to the execution of 60 and 65 years;
  • the appointment of social pension payments for disability to disabled children under the age of 19 who previously received social. disability payments, which are established for children with disabilities and cease to be paid upon reaching the age of majority.

How is the social pension paid?

An authorized person can apply for social benefits for a pensioner with a notarized power of attorney valid for more than a year, if the pensioner confirms every year that he is registered at the place where pension funds are issued.

As in the case of labor pensions, social payments are made every month at the same time. When filling out an application for a pension, a citizen can indicate the most convenient way for himself to receive money:

  • to a bank account (on a card or through a cash desk);
  • by postal order to the Russian Post (at home or in person at the office);
  • through the cash desk of the delivery company (at home or independently);
  • through a social worker at home (for disabled people who are unable to come to the bank on their own);
  • through a trustee.

In everyday life, it is difficult to predict events that can lead to unforeseen situations, including disability, old age accompanied with loneliness.

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In this situation, a person can rely on the help of the state, which must take care of its citizens without fail.

The current pension system in the country provides an opportunity to meet the interests of citizens in need of state support by paying a social pension.

What it is

Guaranteeing a social pension is due to a principle that differs from the appointment of a labor pension.

Its peculiarity lies in the fact that it is included in the number of social benefits paid from the funds in the federal budget. It has a fixed amount, which is set by the state in proportion to the subsistence minimum.

Questions regarding the social pension are regulated by:

  • prescriptions of the Federal Law;
  • protocol provisions.

These acts contain the rules for assigning a social pension, methods for making payments, and explanations on the list of required documents.

The law indicates the importance of assigning a social pension as one of the types of ensuring the existence of citizens belonging to the socially unprotected segment of the population.

In general, the number of citizens in need of it is insignificant, but the overwhelming number are children who were left without parents, children with disabilities.

The main condition for the appointment of a pension is the deprivation of the right, according to which the labor pension is established. Citizens have the right to choose the type of pension - labor or social, because they cannot receive two pensions at the same time.

It should be noted that the value of the social pension is often higher than the size of the labor one. The last amendments regarding the social pension to the existing norms were introduced in 2010.

The mandatory conditions for the appointment of a social pension include:

  • permanent residence within the Russian Federation;
  • lack of ability to carry out a full-fledged work activity.

The size of the state social pension is increased by the legislator depending on inflation, the subsistence minimum established in general for the Federation and its regions.

According to generally accepted rules, it is appointed from the 1st day of the month when the needy person applied to the FIU in accordance with Article 23 of the above law, but not earlier than the moment the right to receive it arises.

For citizens living in the regions of the Far North and areas equated to them, regions where severe climatic conditions, the amount of social pension is set taking into account the regional coefficient. When moving to another place of residence in other regions of the country, the social pension is subject to recalculation.

Who is supposed to

Social pension is provided to citizens in need of income, regardless of the implementation of labor activity.

Its main goal is to guarantee the state in providing funds to low-income persons belonging to the unprotected segment of the population.

It is assigned to Russian citizens:

  • numbered among the small peoples of the North when males reach 55 years old, and females - 50 years old, if they invariably live in indigenous areas, are engaged in crafts characteristic of these peoples, for example, reindeer breeding. The government has approved a list of persons who fall into this category;
  • men over 65 years old, women over 60 years old according to the instructions of Federal Law No. 166-FZ, which was issued on December 15, 2001. At the same time, the official employment of citizens does not affect the appointment of a pension.

It is assigned to foreign citizens and stateless persons who have permanently resided in the Russian Federation for at least 15 years and have reached the age indicated above.

How to issue

The social pension is assigned by the PFR in accordance with the above legal acts in the prescribed manner in the application form. The application is drawn up on a special form with a unified form approved by the FIU.

An applicant who wishes to receive a social pension must apply:

  • to the district branch of the Pension Fund at the place of residence or at the place of registration, stay, if for any reason he lives at a different address;
  • interregional multifunctional center of public services.

It can be submitted in person, through an authorized person, sent by mail, via electronic communication on the Internet, where the Pension Fund website is located through a personal account.

When submitting an application through an authorized person, you need to issue a power of attorney for him, which indicates his powers. It can be issued in any notary's office in the prescribed manner.

To apply for a social pension, you need to follow the following recommendations:

  • determine the existence of the right to its appointment;
  • prepare the necessary documents;
  • submit documents to the district office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of residence or stay;
  • receive a decision of the PFR on the appointment of a social pension.

The Pension Fund issues a receipt confirming the date of receipt of the application, where it puts down the registration number.

In some cases, if the applicant cannot come to the fund department, a receipt on receipt, registration of the application, documents is sent by mail.

A period of 10 days is allotted for consideration of the application and documents, after which the Pension Fund makes its decision. The term for assigning a social pension is established in accordance with the act "Rules for applying for a pension".

It was established by decrees of the Ministry of Labor of Russia for, the Pension Fund of Russia No. 19pb, which was published on February 27, 2002.

If it has been appointed, then a notice is sent to the applicant. But there are cases when it is not assigned for any reason.

In such a situation, the fund informs the applicant, stating the reasons for the refusal, the procedure for appealing the decision made by the fund. As a rule, the fund returns the submitted documents in accordance with paragraph 23 of the above legislative act.

What documents are needed to apply for an old-age pension

A number of documents must be attached to the application submitted with a request for the appointment of a pension in accordance with the “Administrative Regulations for the Provision of State Services by the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation”. It was established by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development, which was issued on December 12, 2011 under the number 1521n.

These include:

  • passport proving the identity of the applicant;
  • official papers confirming the applicant's need for a social pension, for example, the death certificate of the breadwinner;
  • those belonging to the minority peoples of the North present an additional birth certificate or a certificate received from the community of the minority peoples of the North or a local self-government body;
  • foreign citizens, stateless persons must submit documents confirming the period of permanent residence on the territory of the Russian Federation for at least 15 years. For example, a certificate of registration of a citizen at the place of residence.

If there is a need for additional documents, depending on the circumstances of a particular situation, the fund sends a request for their provision.

And in conclusion, it should be noted that the social pension allows you to live without receiving additional income for normal life support. With its help, you can get the necessary medical care, purchase the necessary medicines.

Every year on April 1, the social pension is indexed taking into account the level of inflation, the impact of the economic crisis on the consumer basket, so it allows you to protect the poor.

Video: Who is eligible for a social pension


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  • All cases are very individual and depend on many factors. Basic information does not guarantee the solution of your specific problems.

Social old age pension refers to measures of state support for citizens if, for certain reasons, they cannot be credited with insurance coverage.

Appointment of a social old-age pension

Social pension is due upon completion of a number of conditions:

  1. reaching the required age;
  2. the absence of a minimum length of service and the number of points that do not allow receiving pension maintenance of the insurance type;
  3. permanent residence on the territory of the Russian Federation;
  4. disability.

Amount of social pension

The amount of security for this category of persons is established at the legislative level. This value is fixed for all regions of the country. In 2019, the amount of the social old-age pension is RUB 5,304.57.

If a citizen previously received a disability insurance pension, and upon reaching retirement age he is entitled to social security, then the amount of the new pension cannot be lower than the payments received earlier.

In the case of a citizen living in the northern territories, the amount of maintenance is adjusted by. Its index varies from 1.15 to 2 depending on the region.

If the assigned pension does not reach the level of the subsistence minimum in Russia, then it is produced. If in the region the PM is higher than the all-Russian indicators, then the additional payment is made from the regional budget.

Indexation of social pension in 2019

Every year the value of the social pension is subject to changes in the subsistence level of pensioners. The PM takes into account the cost of the consumer basket, which includes the necessary minimum of food and non-food items.

From April 1, 2019 social pension will increase by 2.4%. As a result, its value will be RUB 5304.57 This amount will be used to calculate social security.

Applying for an old age pension

Applicants for security need to write an application according to a special model and collect supporting documents. All information is sent to the Pension Fund at the place of residence or registration. Applications are also accepted in multifunctional centers.

A future pensioner can contact the responsible service personally or entrust the procedure to a representative. The application can be sent via post office or electronically. If an electronic system is used, then first you need to access personal account on the portal of the Pension Fund ( Login to the office is provided after specifying a phone number or email address and entering a password.

The following documents are required to apply for a pension:

  • application for payment. View and download here: ;
  • proof of citizenship, identity and age;
  • SNILS;
  • power of attorney for the representative and his identity confirmation;
  • an indication of belonging to a small northern nationality (available in the passport, birth certificate or issued by the community of the people to which the applicant belongs);
  • on residence in the territory of the Russian Federation (passport or registration documents).

Consideration of the application takes 10 days. After the end of this period, the citizen receives a notification of the decision of the Pension Fund. If any conditions are not met, then the payments are denied.

The appointment of a pension is made from the beginning of the month when a request was received from a citizen. It is not allowed to apply for security if the right to it has not appeared.

If a citizen previously received, then when he reaches retirement age, he is provided with social security. After the age of 65 (for men) and 60 years (for women), this category of citizens is entitled to maintenance in old age.

Social security in old age is provided throughout the life of a citizen. Funds are transferred monthly.

An example of a social old-age pension

Dunaeva Olga Sergeevna has a work experience of 5 years. On May 15, 2019, she turns 60 years old. since Dunaeva O.S. does not have sufficient experience (8 years), she will be assigned social pension.

To receive security since May, Dunaeva O.S. you need to apply to the Pension Fund after May 15 until the end of the month. Her place of residence is the Krasnoyarsk Territory, where the coefficient is 1.6.

The amount of the pension will be:

RUB 5304.57 * 1.6 = RUB 8487.31.

The living wage in the Krasnoyarsk Territory for pensioners is 8846 rub.

Therefore Dunaeva O.S. an additional payment to the pension in the amount of 358.69 rubles will be made. from the federal budget.

Calculate your pension using our website.

The most popular questions and answers to them about the social old-age pension

Question: How is a social pension calculated if a citizen has?

Answer: On the size of the social pension does not affect the number of disabled family members that the pensioner has. This fact is taken into account when assigning other pension payments (for old age and state security). Therefore, the social pension will be paid in accordance with the level of PM in the region.

If a pensioner changes his place of residence, then his provision will be recalculated taking into account the indicators in force at his new place of residence.

The size of the pension will increase after the annual indexation of the pension and the increase in the subsistence minimum.

State social security pension is financial assistance from the state to vulnerable segments of the population who have lost or have not yet acquired the opportunity to work and provide for their needs, as well as who have not received the right to assign insurance pension payments.

How is a social pension issued? Where to apply for its registration and what documents to prepare? What is the term for the appointment of a pension and when does it begin to accrue? We will try to answer these questions in this article.

Who is entitled to receive a social pension?

The legislation states that disabled persons permanently residing in the territory of the Russian Federation have the right to receive a social pension. Thus, social security can be divided into three groups according to the categories of persons receiving such a pension:

  1. By disability. Disabled people of groups I, II, III, disabled children, as well as disabled children (including HIV-positive minors) can receive such payment.
  2. On the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner. It can be issued by minors, as well as persons over 18 years of age who are full-time students in educational institutions (however, only until they reach the age of 23), in the event of the loss of one or two parents, including children of a single mother.
  3. By old age. This type of social payment is due to citizens of the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 60 (women) and 65 years (men), as well as citizens of other states, including stateless persons, residing in the Russian territory for at least 15 years and have reached the general age for assigning an old-age pension . There is an exception to this rule - people from among the small peoples of the North can retire at the age of 50 and 55 (for women and men, respectively).

The presence of official employment does not affect the receipt of state payments, except for the case with the right to an old-age pension, since it is social benefits for old age that are only possible with a lack of pension points or insurance experience that citizens receive during official employment.

The procedure for processing payments

In the Russian Federation, there is a declarative nature of receiving pensions, so in order to receive social benefits, you must apply to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with an application and a package of documents confirming the grounds for assigning social benefits.

A future pensioner can submit a package of documents to the Multifunctional Center for Public Services, however, after accepting the documents, the employees of such a center also transfer them to the Pension Fund. If the timing of the payment is crucial, then a direct appeal to the Pension Fund will reduce the time for registration of pension provision. Also, for the convenience of applicants, documents can be submitted by a representative or via mail.

An applicant for a social pension, in addition to the application, must provide a passport to confirm the identity, age, place of registration and citizenship of the applicant. If the future pensioner has not reached the age of 14, then the documents must be submitted by his representative. In addition to the passport, FIU employees may be asked to provide:

  • death certificate of the parent (two parents);
  • documents confirming the status of the single mother of the breadwinner;
  • documents confirming the status of a disabled person;
  • documents confirming the relationship with the deceased breadwinner;
  • documents confirming belonging to the small peoples of the North;
  • documents confirming the identity of the representative;
  • a certificate of full-time study at an educational institution of the Russian Federation, etc.

Deadlines for consideration of an application for the appointment of social pension provision

The legislation provides for maximum protection of the rights of disabled citizens, therefore, social security is paid from the 1st day of the month in which the citizen applied to the FIU. If the application was sent by mail, then the day of its acceptance is the date the letter was sent, and if submitted through a multifunctional center, the date it was received at such a center.

Existing exceptions:

  • disabled children who have reached the age of 18, who previously received disability payments, when assigning a social disability pension. Upon reaching the age of majority, the status of a "disabled child" is lost and the citizen must undergo an examination in the adult service of medical and social examination. Payments are assigned from the date of establishment of the disability group.;
  • disabled people who received a disability pension, who have reached the age of receiving old-age payments, receive an old-age pension from the day they turn 60 and 65 years old for women and men, respectively (50 and 55 for representatives of the indigenous peoples of the North).

The disability pension is paid during the entire period of disability. Upon the onset of the age that gives the right to receive financial security for old age, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation automatically calculates such a pension to a disabled person, including in case of its early occurrence. There is no requirement to submit any application.