How to play people. How to play pranks on friends at school: the main rules for a good joke! Joke "Good morning!"

Pranks and various jokes are insanely funny and a lot of fun, but only if you play another person. Today we’ll talk about how to play a cruel prank on a friend, while not bringing everything to a nervous breakdown. However, before you play a trick on your best friend, you need to weigh the pros and cons well. This will allow you to properly sort ideas and avoid the most ridiculous ones that can cause great inconvenience and resentment.

  • The purpose of any prank is to make you laugh, not offend. Here you need to answer one question for yourself - will a friend laugh after all the cards are revealed ?;
  • You should not arrange too scary jokes, especially if a friend is very impressionable;
  • The draw must not become a health hazard;
  • It is not recommended to touch personal relationships, because such pranks can undermine relationships and even put an end to many years of friendship;
  • Do not joke about death, as well as serious illnesses.

Despite this, many merry fellows are ready to take risks and go to the end, which sometimes turns out to be far from a joke. So, so that the planned draw does not become part of the video "TOP draws that got out of control", we recommend that you familiarize yourself with our ideas. Here everyone can emphasize something interesting and useful for themselves.

Witty pranks on a friend

  • If a friend is also a work colleague, then this can play into the hands when planning an upcoming prank. For example, if a friend goes on vacation, then it's time to plant real grass in his keyboard. It is very easy to do, and at the same time such an exhibit looks very presentable. Perhaps when a friend returns, he will have to run for a new keyboard, but he will definitely leave the created masterpiece as a flower garden. You can also update all other office equipment. To do this, you need to hide a real computer and all related equipment, and instead offer dummies from cardboard;
  • The surprise effect is another cool way to make fun of your friend. All you need is a blower and glue. Installs a horn in the bathroom, which will make a very loud sound when the door is opened. By the way, this is a great way to wake up from a sweet dream very quickly. In order for such surprises to await a friend all day long, the air horn can be installed under his favorite chair at home, at work and in the car;
  • If a friend has a car, then you can hang it with sticky notes or put a pastel on the windshield. The best time to do this is on a day when rain is expected.

  • Thus, when a friend turns on the wipers, he will create a real rainbow on his windshield. It is not known for sure whether this will dilute his gray day or not, but it will be possible to laugh very well. The most important thing is that such a prank does not cause an accident, so do not overdo it with multi-colored crayons. If a friend came to the supermarket for shopping, then you can leave for a while to prepare a funny surprise for him. This will require free carts, which are simply furnished with a car;
  • Try not to spill. This is a fun prank that can lead to a real nervous breakdown. Its essence lies in the fact that water is poured into a glass, bottle or pan, a sheet of paper is placed on top, the container is turned over and the paper is pulled out. Thus, water does not flow out, but it will not work to remove the container without spilling water. The funny thing is that many people spend a lot of time on this business, believing that they can still manage to do everything neatly. To give this draw the effect of surprise, you can choose an opaque container. Thus, a friend will think that someone just left a dish or a glass on the table or floor, and when he tries to remove it, a very “pleasant” surprise awaits him;

  • There is also another cool way to play a tough prank on a friend. If you live with a friend or stayed with him overnight, then while he has pleasant dreams, it's time to bring to life a very insidious, but painfully funny prank. To do this, you will need to purchase a large number of mousetraps. You can take the cheapest ones - they will still work well. So, mousetraps are laid out in a friend's room on the floor and on the bed. When he wakes up, a real test will await him, which simply cannot be passed without unpleasant surprises;
  • After a sleepless night, people, as a rule, go to the bathroom literally on the machine, while barely opening their eyes. This can be very beneficial to use. The essence of the draw is that it is necessary to squeeze out all the toothpaste from the tube and place mustard or ketchup instead. This can be done with a syringe or directly from the jar, if the neck allows for convenient manipulation. You can enhance the effect if you swap the liquids in places. Thus, toothpaste will turn into a favorite sauce for dumplings.

April 1st is coming up! How do you want to play friends on this day. I would like to come up with something funnier. Banal jokes like: where did you get your back so dirty, or: oh, you tore your jeans, you are already tired of everything. You need to show a little imagination, and your friends will be delighted. So, first we present 5 ways to prank your friends in an evil way.

Method Navigator

Method 1. We put a scientific experiment

For this prank, we persuade a friend to take part in a scientific experiment. Its essence is to check the fact that a certain gas, let's call it, for example, helium, expands when interacting with essential oil. To check this, you just need to touch the balloon inflated with this gas with your hands lubricated with any essential oil, for example, tangerine. The ball, as if, at the same time, should inflate and expand even more.

The funny thing is that when in contact with essential oil, which instantly corrodes rubber, the ball bursts.

In this game, you can try out hundreds of models of tanks and planes, and once inside the detailed cockpit, immerse yourself in the atmosphere of battles as much as possible.Try now->

Getting ready for the experiment. Pre-inflate the balloon (half) and carefully pour a little whipped cream from the can inside. We carefully distribute them along the inner surface of the ball, turning it in all directions and tying it. We explain the somewhat larger than usual weight of the ball by the fact that the gas is heavier than air.

The experiment is recommended to be carried out on the street and for greater importance to shoot on the phone. So, we give our friend a ball prepared in advance in one hand, and lubricate the fingers of the other with essential oil and offer to touch the ball. At the same time, do not forget to move away yourself, ostensibly for shooting.

As soon as your comrade touches the ball, it will immediately burst, dousing him with a spray of cream from head to toe. Of course, you are very funny.

Method 2. Treat a friend

The essence of the draw is that, supposedly by chance, having met a friend on the street, unobtrusively treat him with crab sticks. Of course, we prepare the sticks in advance. To do this, we take out the last stick from the pack, carefully unfold it and pour red hot pepper inside. Wrap it up again and put it back in the pack. Add a little vinegar to a bottle of mineral water (so as not to damage your health). As you know, hot red pepper increases its burning sensation from contact with vinegar.

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Having met a friend on the street, we casually treat him to a crab stick. As soon as he chews it, he begins to spit from a strong burning sensation. Here we exacerbate the situation by helpfully offering to drink water. Having barely taken a sip of water, a friend, stunned by the fire in his mouth, starts chasing you. Here, as they say, if only the legs did not fail.

The second way. Inflate the balloon to about the size of a small melon. Put on a plate and carefully brush it with whipped cream. The ball should resemble a cake. Whoever notices it first and wants to cut it with a knife will be splashed with cream.

Method 3. Fried eggs in shoes

The method is simple and very evil. Just take an egg from the refrigerator and put it in your victim's shoes. When he puts his foot into his shoes, going outside, the egg will naturally crush and the contents will stain both shoes and socks. While the unfortunate washes his shoes, legs and washes his socks, we laugh gloatingly.

Method 4. Flake rain

This trick is possible with different variations. We take a large plastic glass, fill it with cereal, or small pasta, millet - your choice. We tie it with a rope and put it on the top shelf in the kitchen cabinet. We attach the horses of the rope with adhesive tape to the wall of the cabinet. We choose the length of the ribbon in such a way that when opening it stretches and pulls the glass towards itself. It is not difficult to guess the shock of the victim, who, when the locker door is opened, will be hit by a small avalanche from a mixture of improvised bulk materials.

Another variant. We cut a rather large hole in the bottom of a medium-sized cardboard box. Inside we pour a mixture of oatmeal, cereals, small pasta. We stick or make an inscription with a felt-tip pen: “Do not open! 18+. We cover with a piece of paper, carefully, holding it, turn it over and place it on the top shelf of the kitchen cabinet. Naturally, everyone will have a desire to see what is inside. Pulling on the box, the victim will be under a hail of loose products.

Method 5. A little cooling

Here are 5 ways to prank your friends by slightly refreshing them with water.

The good old way. Upstairs on a slightly ajar door we put a glass, and preferably two or three with water. When you try to open the door, water pours out on the head of the incoming person.

Second option. In front of the alleged victim of the hoax, we perform such a trick. Insert a watering can into your trouser belt. We put a coin on the nose and try to toss it in such a way to get into the watering can. We suggest doing the same trick to a friend. While he will stand with his head up, holding a coin on his nose, pour water into the watering can. The reaction of a wet victim is predictable - run.

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Third option. In the evening, we seal the washbasin faucet in the bathroom with tape, leaving a small hole so that the water jet is directed at the one who opens it. When unscrewing the tap, a cold shower is provided.

Fourth option. Fill a plastic bag with red-tinted water. We tightly tie the bag (the size of a palm) and put it under the lowered toilet lid. The one who sits on it first will be stressed by the sound of a burst bag and a fountain of red liquid.

Fifth option. Pour water into a plastic cup. Covering the glass with a piece of paper, carefully turn it upside down and put it on the table. Take out a sheet of paper. We wipe the table dry. We glue another glass to the glass with tape and put a few more on top to make a stack. Now we ask someone to bring glasses. Naturally, barely touching a stack of glasses, water will spill right on him.

Method 6. Faulty remote

We open the cover of the TV remote control and turn over one battery - we change the poles. We close the lid. Additionally, carefully seal the light bulb on the remote control with electrical tape. Ready. Anyone who wants to change channels will first twist and shake the remote control, then disassemble it, detecting a battery problem. Thinking that the malfunction has been fixed, he will assemble the remote control and - again it does not work. Finally, after much manipulation, electrical tape will also be found.

Method 7. Matryoshka with a trick

We choose the largest matryoshka. We fill the ball with water so that it fits in the matryoshka. We put the ball in the toy and carefully wrap the tip so that the water does not spill prematurely. We close the upper half so that it pinches the tip of the ball (where it is tied with a thread). We cut off all excess with scissors. Helpfully slip a matryoshka to a younger brother or other victim. The one who opens it will be washed over by a stream of water.

Method 8. Fun in the toilet and bathroom

Suitable for a public toilet where you can see the legs of the person inside. We take shoes, put trousers in them, imitating the lower part of a person and lay them on the toilet so that from the outside it looks like someone is sitting on the toilet. Outside, they think the man swallowed the rope.

The second way. We go with a friend to the adjacent toilet cubicles. Ask him for toilet paper. Pre-stocked with a jar of chocolate cream. We pick up the cream on our fingers. When a friend hands you paper (preferably from below under the partition), we smear his hand with chocolate cream. The reaction is predictable.

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The third way. We take a piece of cream-colored plasticine and form it in the form of soap. Put in place of a bar of soap. The one who first wants to wash their hands will not notice anything at first. But then, the reaction will be violent.

Method 9. Fun with food

Pour about two tablespoons of baking soda into an incomplete bottle of ketchup. We twist. Those who want to taste ketchup will first shake the bottle, and starting to unscrew the cap, they will find themselves under a fountain of bloody splashes.

Another way. We empty the bottle of Coca-Cola. Pour sprite into it (not completely) and add soy sauce. We achieve the color of natural Coca-Cola. We give a drink unobtrusively to a friend. A violent reaction from the nightmarish taste is guaranteed.

Another old way. Unscrew the lid from the hodgepodge and put it in place so that there is no noticeable catch. Anyone who wants to lightly salt a sandwich or other food will be shocked by a salt waterfall.

With this trick, you have to work a little. You will need an orange or tangerine and a syringe. We thoroughly knead the orange, rolling it on the table - this is necessary in order to make it easier to remove the juice from it. Then, with a syringe, we draw out as much juice as possible from the fruit. Before that, we prepared a very concentrated salt solution, such that the salt is no longer soluble in water. We pump this saline solution into an orange with a syringe. Let it brew so that the salt evenly disperses over the pulp. Whoever tries this nasty thing will be furious.

Method 10. School jokes

5 ways to prank classmates. Connect two mice (wireless and wired) to a friend's computer. We do the same with the keyboard. Usually, wired mice are connected to school computers. While he starts work or play, imperceptibly interfere with him by controlling another mouse. Your friend will be furious that the computer won't listen to him.

The second way. Tape the chalk to the blackboard with one-sided tape. The one who first has to write something on the board will be very surprised, especially the teacher.

The third way. While a classmate is not around, cover his gum with clear nail polish. When he needs to erase something, that's bad luck.

Fourth way. During the absence of a neighbor on the desk, we take out the gum from the pencil and put the used chewing gum there. We give the form of an elastic band. When he starts to erase, pressing against the paper, the gum will fall out. There will be no limit to surprise and indignation.

Fifth way. In a thin notebook of a classmate, we unclench the paper clips and swap the pages - we mix them up. Press the staples back. If the notebook falls into the hands of the teacher for verification, there will be a huge scandal.

Anton Smekhov

Reading time: 11 minutes


April 1 is a day of jokes, surprises, laughter and fun. On this day, friends, colleagues, acquaintances and relatives are played. No wonder, because jokes and pranks on April 1 will cheer you up and leave good memories. And although April Fool's Day is not indicated in the official calendar, it enjoys enviable popularity among residents of many countries.

After reading the article, make the first day of April unforgettable. I will consider successful April Fools' jokes, jokes and pranks that will help you to play a good-natured, but incredibly funny joke, and this is the key to universal fun and positive emotions.

Remember the sense of proportion and do not overdo it with humor on April Fool's Day. If you successfully choose a victim for the prank, guess right with the moment and do everything right, it will be funny to everyone. And do not forget about vigilance, because at any moment it is you who can become a victim of a prank.

The best pranks for the first of April at school

April Fool's Day is loved by many, especially schoolchildren. They are ready to play pranks at any moment, because no one punishes for this on the first of April. At the same time, each student does not forget about attentiveness and constantly expects a trick from his peers. In this part of the article I will consider several ideas for drawing schoolchildren. They require little preparation and provide an incredible effect.

  • "Paper Draw". Before the holiday, prepare several sheets of paper with a variety of inscriptions. Notifying about repairs, lack of water or cancellation of classes is ideal. Put up graffiti on the walls at school and in the school yard. Just don't get caught by the teachers.
  • "Holiday Brick". A classmate who has a roomy backpack with a lot of pockets will suit the role of the victim. When the object of the prank leaves the property unattended, hide a brick or large stone in one of the pockets. After class, the student will automatically put on a backpack and will not pay attention to the fact that the burden has become heavier. The results of the draw will be announced the next day.
  • "Goodbye, school" . The draw is suitable for classmates who often miss classes. On April 1, give a peer a letter on behalf of the class teacher with a notice of expulsion from school.
  • « Fantomas» . Burn ten matches. Spread the remaining ashes on both hands, then go up to the victim from behind and close her eyes. As soon as the object of the draw guesses you, remove your hands and quickly put it in your pocket. A classmate will not suspect that he has undergone a facial.
  • « Soap and blackboard» . On the day of laughter, not only schoolchildren, but also teachers are played. If the teacher's anger is not terrible, rub the board with soap before class. The teacher's attempts to write something on the blackboard will fail.

When choosing a prank, remember that actions should not offend a classmate. In general, on this day, it is recommended to be attentive to both schoolchildren and teachers, because school-age children are unpredictable.

Popular pranks for friends

Laughter improves mood and has a positive effect on life expectancy. And the first of April is a wonderful occasion to play a trick on friends and laugh a lot. It is possible that thanks to the draw, the life of a close friend will increase by one bright day. In this part of the article you will find ideas that will help in organizing a five-minute laugh.

  1. "Head in the Bank". Invite your friends to get together and spend April Fool's Eve at your home. Before the guests arrive, fill the jar with water, dip a friend's photo in the liquid and refrigerate. During the evening pastime, ask the victim to bring a bottle of beer from the refrigerator. The effect of surprise will work one hundred percent.
  2. "Fizzy". Great way to get laid. Invite friends home, offer iced cola. But instead of regular ice, put pieces with Mentos frozen inside in glasses. When the ice melts, the candies will react with the drink, causing a fountain to spurt out of the glass.
  3. "Time to get up". Before the day of laughter, ask a friend for a phone to make a call. Step aside and secretly set your alarm for 5am. Call a friend back in the morning and ask if they enjoyed getting up early.
  4. "Screen of Death". If a friend spends a lot of time at the computer, the next April Fool's prank is recommended. Take a screenshot of the blue screen and surreptitiously set the resulting image as a desktop wallpaper on a friend's computer. Don't forget to create a folder and put all shortcuts in it to increase believability.
  5. "Prank on the phone". Call a friend for any reason, and after a few minutes of conversation, say that you will call back in 5 minutes. During the next call, make sure that a friend hears an unexpected scream instead of the usual greeting.

Video tips

Most of the pranks listed involve pre-training, but provide an impressive result. Yes, and the resulting emotions and memories are worth it. So get ready for a fun holiday in advance.

How to prank your parents

If you decide to play a prank on your parents on April 1, you will have to try hard. In the case of parents, topical jokes are inappropriate, since dad and mom are the most dear people who require attention and reverent attitude. As for the main purpose of the April Fool's Relatives Prank, it's all about family fun. How to joke?

  1. "Dessert with surprise". Pass the processed cheese through a grater, add crushed garlic and chopped hot pepper. Roll the mixture into balls and sprinkle generously with coconut flakes. The spicy taste of an appetizing dessert is guaranteed to surprise parents.
  2. "Sudden Letter". On the day of laughter, put a letter in the mailbox on behalf of one of the utilities. In the letter, indicate that in the near future a new cable will be laid on the roof of the house, and fragments of concrete may fall from the roof during work. To protect the windows, it is recommended to seal them with tape. If the parents believe, don't let them go too far. Tell me it's a prank.
  3. "Toothpaste with a twist". In the daily hustle and bustle, parents usually forget about the approach of the first of April and regularly fall for this draw. Stretch cling film over the tube at the point where the paste is extruded. Then close the lid and remove excess material. When parents want to freshen their breath, they will not be able to squeeze out the paste.
  4. "Bad news". Ask a person you know to call the parents on behalf of the school principal and report the child's expulsion due to constant absenteeism. The main thing is to notify relatives about the draw in a timely manner.
  5. "Merry Communal". Scan an old payment using a graphics editor, change important information and set a sky-high amount. After that, print a new receipt on the printer, delicately cut it with scissors and slip it under the door.

Remember, pranking parents on April 1st is much more difficult than pranking friends or classmates. Therefore, to achieve the result, connect your imagination and demonstrate your acting skills to the maximum.

Funny pranks in the office for colleagues

The first of April is the best occasion to slightly defuse the work environment, play tricks on colleagues and laugh together. Recently, more and more people arrange office pranks on colleagues. If you want to join them, look below for original ideas that will help prank colleagues and make the holiday unforgettable.

  • "Naughty Mouse". On the eve of the first of April, stay in the office, seal the optical mice with thin paper or stationery tape. The expected effect will appear the next morning, when, after turning on the computer, colleagues will notice a loss of control over the system.
  • "Spot" . Mix ammonia with phenolphthalein. Both drugs are sold in pharmacies. The result is a red liquid. Pour the composition into a fountain pen and, if successful, shake it onto a colleague's shirt or blouse. After a few seconds, the alcohol will evaporate and the stains will disappear.
  • "Office mess". A colleague's stationery will help in organizing the draw. Replace the pens with analogues, in which the caps are glued, and cover the tips of the pencils with a layer of colorless nail polish. When you arrive at work, watch the victim suffer.
  • "Unexpected Guest". If the office receives a lot of visitors every day, and each of the colleagues has a separate office, replace the sign on the door of the victim. The inscription "Toilet" will do.
  • "Top secret". The draw is ideal for accounting or an office with a huge turnover of documents. Collect a bunch of unnecessary papers, file them into a folder, stick a note “top secret” on top and put it on the table of one of the employees. Believe me, you have never seen such a detective show.

Video instruction

When choosing a prank option, be sure to consider relationships with colleagues. Use the most "cruel" pranks in relation to colleagues with whom relations are warm. Also remember that a joke should not interfere with the normal course of the working day.

Harmless jokes for a girl

Girls are different. Some react adequately to innocent jokes, others are very offended. If you decide on the first of April to play a girl, do not overdo it. Dumb and cynical jokes and jokes in this case are inappropriate. Only a beautiful and original draw will provide the desired effect.

  1. "Cosmetics with a trick". Buy a girl an expensive face mask. Pour the contents of the jar into another container, and instead pour thick mayonnaise. Surely the girl will be delighted with such a gift and wants to immediately try it in practice. Laughing, give the real remedy.
  2. "A haircut" . In advance, get a strand of artificial hair that matches the girl's hair in color. Having chosen the right moment, take large scissors, approach the girl from behind, click the scissors loudly and throw your hair on the floor. The effect is simply amazing.
  3. "Request" . Hide a spool of thread under a sweater or T-shirt, and bring the end of the thread out with a needle. Ask the girl to remove the thread from the clothes and enjoy the spectacle. The efforts of the discouraged assistant look comical.
  4. "Wonder Hairdryer". If a girl uses a hair dryer daily, pour some flour or starch into it. When she decides to dry her hair, she will be in for a surprise. Such a prank is very effective, but after the fireworks, the instigator has to clean up.
  5. "Feeling of fear". It so happened that spiders cause fear in girls. On the eve of the first of April, buy a rubber spider in the store and tie a rope to it. At the right moment, quietly lower the creature on the girl's shoulder. You will hear the effect in a few seconds.

When playing a girl, remember that she is a delicate and fragile creature. So forget about pranks that bring physical or mental pain. You will do everything right if, after the draw, she will laugh too.

How cool to play a joke on a guy

In the case of guys, the assortment of April Fools' jokes is no worse than with girls. And if a young man also has a great sense of humor, there are no restrictions on the implementation of even the most daring ideas. Most importantly, avoid sensitive situations.

  • "Flood". While the guy is sleeping, carefully sew the duvet cover to the sheet. In the morning, run into the bedroom and say that the neighbors flooded the apartment. Shocked by the news, the guy will try to quickly get out of bed, but it wasn’t there.
  • "Good news" . If the guy is not ready for family life, please him on April 1st with the next joke. With a colored marker, draw on the pregnancy test the number of strips necessary for a positive result.
  • "Savior Hero" . On the eve of the first of April, tell the guy that you are not feeling well. In the morning, ask him to run to the pharmacy for the herb for the tincture. Come up with a name for the grass yourself. Get dressed quickly, follow the guy from behind and watch the young man try to buy a non-existent remedy. Very funny.
  • "Theft". If the guy has a car while he sleeps, grab the keys and drive the vehicle to another location. After that, wake up the betrothed and say that the car was stolen. Just be sure to report the prank before calling law enforcement.

I listed a few ideas for an original April Fool's Fool prank on a guy. And these are not all options. Having connected your fantasy, you will come up with something of your own that will suit the guy’s temperament and will not harm the relationship.

April 1 jokes for kids

Lots of people like pranks, especially children. They have a lot of fun when their parents play pranks on them. Below I will consider a few ideas for the April Fool's drawing of kids. They will help fill the house with laughter on the first day of April.

  1. "Teleportation". If the babies are sound asleep at night, carefully move them to another room. Waking up, they will find themselves in an unusual environment, which cannot but surprise.
  2. "Milk Juice". Offer the kids a glass of orange juice for breakfast. Only instead of a drink, serve orange milk to the table. To do this, add food coloring to it.
  3. "Products with eyes". Ask your child to get milk out of the refrigerator. He will be very surprised when he sees a tray with eggs on the middle shelf, which have funny faces painted on them. I advise you to give shape to fruits and vegetables.
  4. "Snow-white smile". To make morning washing more fun, sprinkle salt on a child's toothbrush. Just don't overdo it.
  5. "A pleasant surprise". While the kids are sleeping, take things out of the closet and put a large number of balloons filled with helium in their place. When the child opens the door, the balloons will fly out like butterflies.

Children are the most capricious and vulnerable audience. Therefore, make every effort so that they get vivid impressions, and not another portion of stress and disappointment. Let them have fun.

How not to joke on April 1

With the approach of April, many are thinking about how to play fun and cool pranks on comrades, colleagues and loved ones. On this day, you can joke on different topics, but there are exceptions. In order not to lose face or get into an unpleasant situation, do not use jokes that mention:

  • Death;
  • Kidnapping;
  • Accident;
  • Building mining.

Each of the listed options for drawing is fraught with problems. Upon hearing the shocking news, a person immediately turns to the relevant authorities. And for such a prank, instead of fun and laughter, you can get a fine or a more serious punishment.

Try to keep the jokes and pranks within limits, and both you and the victim end up laughing. Be sure to keep in mind that not all people adequately respond to jokes and jokes.

Now you have at your disposal a lot of ideas for the April Fool's drawing. Use the options you like in practice and do not forget about decency. Your actions should be beautiful even in such situations. Good luck!

You will need

  • - ropes;
  • - small berries;
  • - gift wrapping;
  • - fragments;
  • - ingredients for hellish cocktail.


Draws can be started even a few days before the holiday. If your friend is young and does not have his girlfriend, arrange with young people you know and unfamiliar to him to do the following. Here is its essence: you constantly monitor the location of a friend with calls, knowing exactly where he is, send a girl to meet him (show your friend secretly to all agreed beforehand) and confess your love at first sight. Within a couple of days, therefore, several beautiful creatures will set up a date for your friend. These girls will all be invited on the occasion of a friend's day, of course, he will not know about it. Imagine his surprise when he opens the door!

Arrange in advance with all those invited to wrap gifts as carefully as possible. Pack boxes in large boxes, remembering to pack each one in rustling paper. Wrap a few meters of bright ribbons around the last box and tie a lot of bows. The unfortunate birthday boy will simply be “happy”, unwrapping the wrapped presents in this way.

If your friend collects beer mugs, likes expensive good gin or rare wines, tell him that you have found a copy that has long been sought by a collector. Just put this long-awaited gift in a bag, and pack fragments of an ordinary bottle in a festive box. When a friend opens the door for you, trip over the threshold and drop the box, which will fall with a terrifying clinking of broken glass for a friend. Do not rush to give him a real gift - let him beat his head against the wall to his heart's content.

Prepare your holiday cocktail recipe. To do this, take a large wide pan, put a lot of small dishes in it. Place the container on the serving table and solemnly take out the bottled ingredients: sulfuric acid, rat poison, frog legs, brake fluid and other strange things that will cause fear and disgust of guests. Pour all this into a saucepan, as if mixing. In fact, so that there is no unwanted reaction, pour different substances into different small containers inside a large one. Take a glass of the birthday boy and scoop up a hell of a cocktail, offer to drink it. If a friend refuses, take a sip of the drink yourself with an offended look. The secret of the draw is simple - among other jars, put a bottle of ordinary lemonade in the pan!

Agree in advance with the guy from the invitees that they will participate in the draw. Before setting the table, invite a friend to the contest. Put a pretty girl, stripped to underwear, on the table and spread berries and whipped cream on her body. Blindfold your friend, spin it on the spot and offer to find a table with refreshments so that, without using your hands, you can collect dessert with your lips. At this time, the guy undresses to his swimming trunks and lies down in the place of the girl, everything that was on the participant is quickly poured on him. Your friend, having found a table, searches with his mouth for berries and cream, collects them from the body of a young man. When everything possible is eaten, untie the eyes of the birthday man. Just in case, move away from him.


  • Collection: Birthday Pranks
  • cream on the body

It is always interesting to come up with various pranks for friends. It's interesting to watch their reactions during the "experiment" and after they find out it's just fun. What a sense of relief they feel when the truth is revealed. If you like to start such entertainment, then this article will be useful for you.

You will need

  • a huge arsenal of positive mood.


Some pranks can be "" for 1 friend. But they are suitable for any other day. The main thing is that it costs minimal nerves and brings positive emotions to all participants. Let's make a reservation right away, in this article you will also find tough jokes for yours. Before you carry them out, stock up on protective gear.

Get your car. Let's say you went on a trip to . Suddenly - your friend asked to stop in order to run into the woods. While your comrade is relaxing among the trees, you abruptly start on the gases. Wish he could see it. But, even if he does not see it, the effect will be worthwhile. And what, let him catch up, on a long trip it is useful to warm up.

Planned hijacking. Stolen cars are always a sore subject for their owners. While you and a friend are at someone's house, discreetly steal their car keys. It is better if you do not act alone. While the accomplice entertains the "victim", you rearrange his car, say, in a neighboring yard. The reaction that will accompany the understanding that his car has been “hijacked” is beyond words.


some jokes - for example, a stolen car - can cause a backlash. An offended friend is not included in your plans. Therefore, before choosing one or another method of drawing, think about how your friend will perceive it.

Helpful advice

Record each prank for a friend on video. Then you can laugh together at each situation after your "victim" has been notified of the prank.

When the holiday of April 1 comes, I want to surprise my friends and relatives who are currently on the Internet. The program that the whole world uses, ISQ, is a great opportunity to realize your plans. Playing a friend on ICQ will be easy.

April 1 is one of the funniest and funniest days on the calendar. Many have not yet lost their excitement and childishness, which are especially aggravated on this day. Even adults and serious people sometimes like to play a trick on their colleagues or arrange a surprise for their family.

History of April Fool's Day

The holiday is worldwide, so in many modern countries people come up with various ways of drawing all day long. In some of the countries, you can only joke about others until 12 noon, those who joke after the set time are called "April Fools". There are also capitals of humor, where grandiose festivals are held on April Fool's Day, in the CIS this city is Odessa.

On this very day you must have wondered about being in school. The educational institution is an excellent platform for various drawings. You can call for help not only classmates, but also teachers who will not mind playing a trick on their pupils.

Draws: entry level

If you are wondering how to prank friends at school on April 1, then first of all you need to decide on the scale of your prank. If you are wary of judgment, possible punishment, and other consequences that may come with your prank, then choose the easiest and most harmless ones.

If on this day you have computer science, then you are very lucky. In the office, after classes at the computer begin, distract your friend in any way. Perhaps he wants to go to the toilet or will be waiting for a very important call, the main thing is to wait for the moment when he leaves his workplace. As soon as the "victim" has left the object, it is necessary to tape the mouse sensor. When your friend returns, he will fiddle with the “non-working” mouse for a very long time, the whole class can connect to the solution of the problem, and only you alone will know what the problem is.

Another way to prank a friend at school is the same computer. The first part of this prank is completely copied from the first joke - the scene is a computer class, wait until a friend leaves his workplace. After that, you need to quickly take a screenshot of the desktop, then leave it open, placing it in full screen. So, when your friend returns, he will try to click on one of the icons for a very long time, which will absolutely not respond to his actions.

Draws: Intermediate

Here you can already think about how to play pranks on friends and teachers at school. Before pulling off another prank, consider whether your "victim" has a sense of humor. This is especially true for teachers, there are those who will react with a smile to a little dirty trick, while others, in turn, can conduct a very difficult control as a “joke”.

The oldest prank known to us is a board that cannot be written on. The algorithm of actions is very simple: before the teacher enters the class, you need to generously grease the board with soap or kerosene. After this procedure, the teacher will no longer be able to write anything on the board, but no one has yet canceled the oral survey, so get ready.

Another prank with the board is the answer to the question of how to prank friends at school, it is a more humane option. Instead of painting the whole board, you can glue it with self-adhesive colored paper or, better, multi-colored stickers. This option is safe and most appropriate with harmful or misunderstood teachers.

Draws: high level

This is how we smoothly move on to high-level draws, which can take a lot of time and effort to prepare, but the result will surprise you very much. Before you start performing high-level pranks, you must be fully aware of the responsibility you have, for sure you will be punished, or for a while a close friend may stop communicating with you because of resentment and some kind of shame.

Of course, everyone thought about how to play a prank on a friend at school, but sometimes it is very difficult to find the necessary prank that others will appreciate. Here is one of the most successful and large-scale pranks in school life. You will need to make arrangements with the teachers, or with the director, if possible, that they call your friend during the lesson. Naturally, a friend will be surprised, millions of thoughts will fly through his head with lightning speed about what he did wrong and why he is called. In turn, the teacher will have to immediately warn the “guilty” that his documents are being prepared and tomorrow he will leave this educational institution, and after that you can come up with various reasons where he was guilty. The student's shock can only be described, at first he will be visited by real fear or a desire for justice, but when you get out of the closet in the same room and shout "Happy April Fools!", he will be shocked.


Here is a large selection of ways to prank your friends at school. Choose what is perfect for you and what you can do yourself. Be sure the friend will be shocked or pleased with your original joke.