Synopsis of GCD on speech development in the senior group “Saving Spring. Synopsis of GCD on the development of speech in the preparatory group "The world of fairy tales Nod in the senior group on the development of speech

Publication date: 11/16/16


To activate and expand the knowledge of children about the inhabitants of the forest, about comparative adjectives.

Social and personal development:

Cultivate a benevolent attitude towards others, a desire to help, to show care.

Cognitive and speech development:

Develop the ability to build a dialogue in the process of communication and answer questions in full sentences. Cultivate a love for oral folk art. Develop the grammatical structure of speech. Activate the mental activity of children. Develop coherent speech, memory, logical thinking, creative imagination. Exercise in the ability to select definitions for a given word. Refine and expand vocabulary. Ability to solve riddles

Equipment: an envelope with a letter, mushrooms, a basket, a fox costume.

Preliminary work:

  • Reading Russian folk tales;
  • Solving fairy-tale riddles;
  • Examination of illustrations for fairy tales;
  • Puppet show;
  • Watching cartoons based on fairy tales;
  • Listening to audio stories;
  • Speech games with children.

The children are in the locker room.

caregiver: Guys, look, forty brought me a letter. Let's read and find out who it is from.

Letter: Help! Come to the forest! Boring! Sadly! It's a shame!

- All you hear is Cheat, red-haired thief, predator. And I want to hear a kind word. Talk to someone to play with. Everyone is afraid to run away. They don't believe. One friend wolf critters like you want to be loved. Do something good yourself.

Educator: Who do you think Soroka brought the news from?

Children: From the fox

Educator: Does he ask us for help? Can we help? Are you afraid of foxes?

Children: Not

caregiver: Where is he calling?

Children: In the forest

Educator: Let's go! How? (What do you think?)

Let's say the magic words.

They say: slap once

Once stomp

Swear, turn around

Find yourself in a fairy forest.

caregiver: What can always be heard in the forest? Echo is right.

And let's play.

Echo game

The teacher says a word loudly, the children respond quietly, then vice versa. Repeat 2-3 times.

Fox: Oh, it seems someone called me, and here I am.

I'm a fox - the fox is the beauty of the whole forest,

Yes, how many of you, everyone is funny.

And I'm sad, it's a shame, it's sad

Nobody plays with me.

Educator: Don't be sad little fox, we'll play with you. Sit on the stump and play with words. Guys, let's say magic words about the fox (what kind of fox? -beautiful, fluffy, fast, dexterous, etc.)

caregiver: I see fox, are you in a good mood?

Fox: Yes

Educator: And we also know riddles about you.

They guess.

Fox: Soroka told me that people made up fairy tales about me fox? Do you know what?

The teacher and children are responsible.

Fox: Good with you, have fun. Here's a basket of mushrooms from me.

caregiver: Thank you fox. And mushrooms are unusual. Fabulous some, something is written on them.

Guys, let's read and play games.

Task number 1. Guess the story:

  • Mixed with sour cream
  • Grandmother loved the girl very much
  • Heals young children
  • Near the forest on the edge
  • The fat man lives on the roof

It's cold on the window

round side

rosy side

Rolled .... (kolobok)

She gave her a red hat

Girl forgot her name

Well, tell me her name (little red riding hood)

Heals birds and animals

Looking through his glasses

Kind doctor ... (Aibolit)

Three of them live in a hut,

Three beds and three pillows.

Guess who are the heroes of this fairy tale (three bears)

He flies above all. (Carlson)

Task number 2 "Say the opposite"

Far close,

high low,

old-new (young),

sweet - bitter



White black,

big small.

Task number 3. Game "What does it look like"

1,2,3- what can be called this color (vegetable or fruit)

Orange, red, yellow, purple, green.

Task number 4: "Who is screaming?"

bear growls,

wolf howls,

magpie chirping,

The nightingale sings

Dove cooing,

cuckoo cuckoo,

Crow - croaks,

hare babbles,

fox yapping,

Elk - trumpets

Crane - cooing,

Sparrow chirps.

Physical education minute:

We walked, walked, walked (hands on the belt, steps in place)

They found a strawberry, sat down, ate and went again. (sit down, touching the floor with your hands, look ahead)

We walked, walked, walked, finally where we needed to come

And they came to a forest clearing (repeat the exercise 3-4 times, the name of the berries changes - blueberries, blueberries, blackberries)

Task number 5. "Say a word"

  • Not a bird on the branch
  • Not washed in the mouth
  • Well, the dress is full of needles
  • Foresters her kittens

The animal is small

The fur is warm like a heating pad

Who is this squirrel

Will not take anything

And you be like that

Like a baby raccoon

He is always worn - Christmas trees

They don't want to take home

Don't tell her the cat scat

Because it is a lynx

caregiver: Here, guys, all the mushrooms are over and the tasks too. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten

Take us fox out of the forest, show us the way.

Children and the teacher pronounce the magic words and find themselves in the kindergarten.

Where were we?

Whom did they help?

Who brought the letter from the forest?

What games were played?

Target: Make up a story using toys

Program content:

Educational tasks

- Continue to teach children to invent and convey imaginary episodes in the story in which features appear appearance and character traits of animals

- Contribute to the accumulation of visual impressions in children, purposefully activate the vocabulary of children

- To teach children coherently, consistently, expressively, skillfully use the achieved artistic techniques

- Learn to evaluate the stories of comrades, to see the positive and negative aspects of their answers


Develop imagination, creativity


- Encourage interest in storytelling

Move directly- educational activities:

There is a screen on the table, behind the screen there are toys of a fox, a squirrel and a bear. Children sit on chairs.

Educator: Children, do you want to know who is behind the screen? Then guess the riddles!

  • The yellow hostess came from the forest, counted all the chickens and took away with her (fox)
  • Who spends the night in a hollow, hibernates, collects cones, stores for a year (squirrel)
  • He is shaggy, clumsy, roars loudly, loves honey (bear)

After the children's answers, toys appear from behind the screen.

Educator: Guys, do you like to listen to stories? What are people who write stories called? Do you want to be a writer and write your own book? Today you yourself will try to come up with a story about these funny toy animals, about which I made riddles for you! But before you start compiling a story, you need to describe the toys. (Toys are described) Bear: What does the bear cub have? What is the body of a teddy bear? Does the bear have a tail? On the head of the teddy bear there are eyes, a nose, ears. What color is the bear's fur? And now let's make a description of the squirrel and the fox.

Guys, you are great, they made a description of the toys. Listen to my story about the teddy bear and the squirrel: In a large room, a teddy bear was sitting on the carpet. Suddenly, from somewhere, a nimble, nimble, cheerful squirrel jumped onto the carpet from a shelf. I greeted the bear cub and, jumping, to the puppet swing. “Get on the swing,” the squirrel called the bear cub, “we will swing together. Shaggy-haired, he began to climb on the swing, twice in a row and flopped, and as soon as he sat down, he began to swing up and down, up and down with all his might. For a long time the squirrel and the bear swayed and laughed loudly. They both had a lot of fun.

Guys, now you will compose stories about animals for our book, I will write them down! At the beginning of the story, you need to describe funny animals, then tell what interesting things happened to them and how the story ended. Helpful pictures will help you.

Educator: Guys, what can you say about a bear cub, a squirrel, a fox?

Children: The bear cub has shaggy fur, it is clumsy, clumsy. The fox is red, cunning, agile. Red squirrel, beautiful, nimble.

Educator: Let's guys repeat our plan together. And now, children, come up with a funny story about animals. Who wants to write a story? (the teacher writes down the story of the child). Who else wants to tell? Close all your eyes, whoever has a teddy bear on his knees will tell.

Well done guys, you all worked really hard. They told expressively, used a lot of words in the description of animals, the stories were interesting. Whose stories did you like the most? About whom we made up stories, tell me in full sentence?

Children: We made up stories about a bear and a squirrel. We made up a story about a bear and a fox.

Educator: And what other words can be called a bear, a bunny, so that these same words, but become longer and sound similar

Children: Bear, bear, bear. Bunny, bunny, bunny

Educator: That's right, well done. And now the fox wants to play with you. Want to?

A mobile game is being played:

Bunnies scattered across the forest lawn

Here are some bunnies, jumping bunnies

The hares sat in a circle, digging a spine with their paws

Here are some bunnies, jumping bunnies.

Here is a fox running, a red-haired sister, looking for where are the bunnies, jumping bunnies

That's how many hares there are, I can eat any!

Title: Abstract of GCD on teaching creative storytelling in senior group"Funny adventures of a squirrel, a hare and a fox"

Position: teacher of the first qualification category
Place of work: MADOU Kindergarten No. 157 "Siverko"
Location: city of Arkhangelsk

Kalugina Olga Yurievna

MADOU Combined type Kindergarten No. 25

The development of speech.

Synopsis of direct educational activities for the development of speech in the senior group "Journey to the Forest".

Theme: "Journey to the forest."

Purpose: to form the ability of children to guess riddles.


To consolidate the ability to see the characteristic features of wild animals, to reflect this in speech.

Improve the ability to listen carefully to the riddle, highlight the main features, correlate them with specific animals, name it and explain how you guessed the riddle.


Bring up careful attitude to nature and wildlife;

To educate the rule of behavior in the forest.


Develop figurative and logical thinking;

Develop the ability to understand the meaning of the content of riddles.

Preliminary work: reading stories about wild animals, looking at illustrations with animals, the game "In the Forest", the game "Animals of our forests", the printed board game "Zoological Lotto", "Guess whose home", looking at the album "Wild Animals".

Equipment: paintings: "Squirrel in the autumn forest", "Bears in autumn", "Moose", "Hares", "Hedgehogs", "Fox with cubs", small pictures depicting animals, cameras, pictures of the model, poster "Take care of nature" , package with surprises.

Course progress.

Show a picture of a forest. You don't know the title of this painting. Give the name of the picture so that it sounds like one word. (Forest) There are many trees, berries, mushrooms in the forest, and there are animals there.

And you would like to go on a journey through the forest. (children's answers)

Before going to the forest, we must get acquainted with the rules of behavior in the forest. Show models.

Are you ready to send to the forest? Let's get together. What clothes do people wear in the forest? (Children's answers.) Children, together with the teacher, imitate dressing.

What can you take with you to the forest? (Children's answers) Let's take our cameras with us, when we see something interesting we will take pictures. Music sounds "Sounds of the forest." The children are walking along the path.

One, two, three, One, two, three

We went along the path. (March)

Winding path began

Among the tall grasses

We walk on it easily,

Raising his head. (Snake walking.)

A stream flows ahead

Come quickly.

Put your hands to the sides

We will cross it.

We saw the autumn forest

And everyone ran to him.

We quietly entered the forest

They approached the oak together.

We stop near the painting “Squirrel in the Autumn Forest”.

Who did we meet in the forest?

What is she?

How does he move?

Where does he live?

What does it eat? Let's take a picture. We go further along the forest path. Look guys, whose footprints are these?

What do you think?

Guys, let's turn to the right and check if you guessed correctly.

Painting "Bears in autumn".

What does a bear like to eat?

Can you name his home?

What does he do in winter?

And who ran along the forest path? (Hedgehog)

What do you know about the hedgehog?

Take a closer look at him.

What is the hedgehog's body covered with?

Yes, guys, the body is covered with needles, which serve what do you think for what? (Children's answers)

You recognized this animal.

Who is it? Look how big he is.

What's on a moose's head?

What are moose antlers for?

And here is another forest dweller. Painting "Hares".

Who is it guys? Yes, it's a cowardly bunny.

Who is he afraid of in the forest?

And here she is a beautiful fox. Let's consider. Painting "Fox with cubs"

What can you say about the fox? What does a fox eat? What other predatory animal do you know? Display of the painting "Wolves"

Well, now it's time to return from the forest.

Physical education "Walk in the forest"

The children were walking through the woods,

Watching nature

Looked up at the sun

And their rays warmed.

Well we walked!

And a little tired!

We have come to the group. Imitation of undressing.

Children sit on chairs.

Where were we guys? Now we will remember who we saw in the forest, and my riddles will help you. I guess riddles.

I have pictures of animals on my table, I will make riddles, and you say a riddle and find a picture with the image of this beast. The rest of the kids are checking.

1. Who nibbled on a branch of cones

And threw the leftovers down?

Who deftly jumps on the trees

And flies up to the oaks?

Who hides nuts in a hollow

Dry mushrooms for the winter? (squirrel)

Find the picture for the clue.

How did you guess that the riddle is about a squirrel? Guys, do you think you got it right?

2. Touching grass with hooves,

A handsome man walks through the forest

Walks boldly and easily

Horns spread wide. (Elk)

Why do you think the riddle is about a moose? Find the picture for the clue.

3. He sleeps in a den in winter,

Under the big pine

And when spring comes

Wakes up from sleep.

How did you guess?

Explain what you thought

4 And fluffy, and big-eyed,

And much to be afraid

Climb into the bush - and sleep,

Eat a stump and be full. (Hare) Similar questions

5. Angry touchy

Lives in the wilderness

Too many needles

And not a single thread. (Hedgehog)

6. The tail is fluffy,

golden fur,

Lives in the forest

He steals chickens in the village. (Fox)

6. We have such a custom:

We go in a flock for prey,

Hiding by a dark tree.

Who are we? (wolves) That's all the riddles.

And now remember what animals were riddles? (children's answers)

Which puzzle did you like the most and why?

Maybe some of you remember the riddle. Tell her.

If you want, we will learn the riddle after class.

They knock on the door, they bring the parcel.

We received a package from the forest. What is in it. We open with the children.

There are incentive prizes in the box: cones, acorns, nuts, mushrooms (cookies).

Well done, you behaved well in the forest and followed all the rules of safe behavior.

I believe that my use of methods and techniques is appropriate.

Motivation encourages children to activity, gives this activity a goal-oriented orientation. Using the game in the lesson, the journey made the learning process interesting, accessible and understandable to children. The use of visualization contributes to the enrichment and expansion of the direct experience of children, the refinement of their specific ideas. The entertaining form of the riddle makes learning unobtrusive and interesting. Riddles develop in children the ability to analyze, generalize, the ability to independently draw conclusions, clearly identify the most characteristic features of an object. Physical education minutes in a poetic form contribute to the development of speech activity and relieve stress.

The subject of riddles for kids is limited to their little life experience. These are riddles about objects that the child most often encounters, repeatedly perceives and which have an emotional impact on him: riddles about toys, about pets, about some household items, about food. Kids are offered riddles in which bright, characteristic features of appearance (color, shape, size) are named, those qualities and properties that children know well (voices of animals, what they eat, habits) are noted. In riddles, signs known to children are named.

Considering that younger preschoolers susceptibility to some elements of the artistic form of a literary work increases, children can be offered rhyming riddles in which riddles rhyme with any word of the riddle.

Riddles for kids should not be very detailed, since the child is not able to remember and relate many signs to each other.

Development continues in older preschoolers mental activity: the processes of analysis and synthesis proceed more precisely, children master the operations of comparison, comparison, generalization, they can independently draw conclusions, conclusions. At this age, children show great sensitivity to the semantic nuances of the word, they begin to understand the meaning of figurative expressions in literary works.

Given this, in working with five-six-year-old children, riddles are used on a variety of topics: about animals, birds, fish, insects, plants, natural phenomena and their patterns, household items and tools, vehicles, communications and information, about sports, people, literacy, book. Older preschoolers can make riddles, both folk and literary, among which there can be both concise and detailed. The characteristics of objects and phenomena in riddles can be brief, but among the signs, an essential and typical one should be named.

Children 6-7 years old are offered puzzles with more complex types. logical tasks. The characteristics of objects can be given briefly: one or two signs are named, according to which it is necessary to restore the whole and draw a conclusion based on reasoning.

Given sufficient life experience, developed observation, reasoning ability, children are offered riddles that can only be guessed after long-term repeated observations of one phenomenon.

Used Books:

1. Alekseeva M.N., Yashina V.I. Methodology for the development of speech and teaching the native language of preschoolers. - M.: Academy, 2009.

2. Borodich A.M. Methods for the development of children's speech. - M.: Enlightenment, 1981.

3. Gerbova V.V. The development of speech in kindergarten. program and guidelines. - Mosaic-Synthesis, 2005.

4. Illarionova Yu. G. Teach children to guess riddles.- M.: Enlightenment, 1991.

5. Morozova I.A., Pushkareva M.A. Acquaintance with the outside world. - M .: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2006

Publication date: 04/18/17

Synopsis of GCD on the development of speech

in the senior group

"Sound culture of speech: differentiation of sounds [R] - [L]."

Purpose: mastering constructive ways and means of interaction with other people.



- exercise children in distinguishing sounds [l] - [p] in syllables, words;

Learn to hear the sound in the word

- learn to independently correlate the names of objects with their images in the picture;

- clarify and consolidate the correct pronunciation of sounds [l] - [p], isolated, in words and phrases;

To learn to distinguish between these sounds in someone else's and one's own speech, to clearly and distinctly pronounce words and phrases with these sounds, to name words for a given sound;


Develop free communication with adults and children;

Develop phonemic hearing: listening to and naming words that begin with sounds [l] - [p];

Develop connected speech.


Build positive relationships with children.

Equipment: picture "The Little Mermaid", presentation, pictures with sounds [r] - [l]; coloring pages.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment

Hello guys, we have guests today, let's say hello to them. Guys, your eyes are looking at me, be careful. Children stand in a circle, the teacher with them.

Guys, let's greet each other. Take each other's hands, look into the eyes of your neighbor, first on the left, now on the right and at everyone.

Now, imagine that we are the suns. And what about the sun?

The children answer. Good, kind, gentle, warm ...

Let's smile and please everyone with our smile.

(the background screensaver from the cartoon "The Little Mermaid" sounds)

Today the Little Mermaid came to our lesson and asks us to help her, she does not pronounce the sounds [p] and [l], let's help her. But first, let's do gymnastics for the tongue so that our tongue is strong and clearly pronounces sounds.

2. Guys, let's teach the Little Mermaid to strengthen the muscles of the tongue, work out its mobility with the help of articulatory gymnastics

“Swing”, “Watch”, “Delicious jam” (children sit on chairs)

3. Guys, let's play a game with the Little Mermaid.

Game "Airplane"

The teacher, turning to the children, says: “Now we will play the“ plane ”. Let's start the plane's engine: rrrrrr…” The children say: rrrr… and reproduce the movements of the motor with their hands. “They started the engine, and the plane flew high, you can’t see it, only the rumble is heard: l-l-l-l ... How does the plane buzz?” Children: L-L-L...

Did the Little Mermaid remember how the plane's engine roars, how the plane hums?

4. The little mermaid brought with her a chest with tasks for the correct pronunciation of sounds, let's show her how to pronounce tongues correctly, but for this, let's clarify that when pronouncing the sound [p], the wide front edge of the tongue is raised to the sky and vibrates

Ra-ra-ra-high mountain.

Ro-ro-ro-new bucket

Roo-ro-ro-kangaroo jumps

Ry-ry-ry - Roma sees fish

Ar - ar - ar - our samovar is boiling,

Oh - oh - oh - I'll sweep the yard,

Ur - ur - ur - let's hang a lampshade

Ir - ir - ir - drank kefir.

And when pronouncing the sound l, the tip of the tongue is pressed against the palate and motionless

La - la - la - our dear Mala Al - al - al - our baby fell,

Lo - lo - lo - we came to the village, Ol - ol - ol - I came,

Lu - lu - lu - we walked around the village St - st - st - our baby fell asleep,

Ly - ly - ly - we set up the tables yl - yl - yl - the soup has already cooled down.

Well, what good fellows, guys, they know how to pronounce pure words correctly.

4. Help the Little Mermaid, name the words that have the sound [l] [p],

and determine where it is in the word (at the beginning, in the middle or at the end).

5. Guys, the Little Mermaid is tired of sitting and wants to do exercises with you. (Slowly and quickly performed)

Me and the Little Mermaid

I am charging.

I raise my hands

I squat quickly

Hands to the sides and up.

I lean left and right.

Here's what I can do.

6. Help the Little Mermaid to choose the right syllable - ra or la.

pi… shko… horse… say…

ig... children... dy... graze...

but… aku… ms… u….

7. Guys, let's teach the Little Mermaid to breathe deeply and correctly, develop the speech apparatus and coordination of movements.

Breathing exercises "Kukareku"

8. Summary of the lesson.

Well done! You have completed all the tasks. Guys, what sounds did we introduce the Little Mermaid to today? We helped the Little Mermaid learn a lot of new words that contain the sounds [R] and [L], did gymnastics for the tongue, breathing exercises, played games. The little mermaid gives you coloring pages.

Program content: consolidate familiar tales; develop thinking, memory, imagination, speech, fine motor skills hands; educate interest and love for fairy tales.

Integration of educational areas: knowledge, music, communication, artistic creativity.

Equipment: a cassette with music, a parcel post, sheets of different colors, illustrations for fairy tales, toys - fairy tale characters, a basket with a surprise (medals - a connoisseur of fairy tales), colored pencils, album sheets.

Preliminary work: reading Russian folk tales.

Method: game, verbal.

Techniques: diving into game situation, conversation.

Teacher: Hello guys! We received a package today. And from whom?

Solve the riddle.

Who is shaking behind a bush,

Small tail trembles?

You know the coward

It's probably gray (bunny)

Now we will find out what is written there.

"Guys, I went to visit you and carried a basket with gifts for you, but on the way I met a cunning fox and hid my basket. The fox gave me only one piece of paper in return, and I have to find the rest of the leaves that lead to the basket myself. Help I need to find her please" (hare).

Guys, do you like fairy tales? (Yes.)

Fairy tales tell about the unprecedented and wonderful. Fairy tales are popular.

Why do you think? (Children's answers.) That's right, because they were composed by the people. The stories were passed down from one person to another. Therefore, fairy tales belong to oral folk art. The stories are good. In every fairy tale, good always wins, and evil is always punished.

You already know a lot of fairy tales. And today we once again remember our favorite fairy tales.

Let's help our bunny, let's go on an interesting fairytale journey. (Music plays.)

If a fairy tale knocks on the door

You quickly let her in

Because a fairy tale is a bird

You scare a little and you won't find it.

Educator: - Guys, you and I ended up in a fabulous clearing. Look here is some leaf, very similar to ours. And it says something like this:

Guess the riddles

Answer the question

Who carried Masha in the basket,

Who sat on a stump

And wanted to eat a pie?

You know the story, don't you?

Who was it? (Bear)

Grandfather and grandmother lived together

a daughter was blinded from a snowball,

But the campfire is hot

Turned a girl into steam.

Grandfather and grandmother are sad.

What was their daughter's name? (Snow Maiden)

Near the forest on the edge

Three of them live in a hut.

There are three chairs and three mugs

Three beds and pillows

Guess without a clue

Who are the masters of this tale? (Three Bears)

What a fairy tale: cat, granddaughter,

Mouse, still dog Bug

Helped grandpa and grandma

Have you harvested root crops? (Turnip)

You guys have solved all the riddles. And now let's go further to look for the next leaflet.

And here he is. The following is written on it: "Can you guess the fairy tale from the illustration?"

(Illustrations for the fairy tales "The Wolf and the Seven Kids", "Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka", "The Chanterelle - Sister and the Wolf", "The Fox and the Crane", "Ryaba Hen") are hung on the board.) Children guess.

And we did a great job with this task. We move on.

Children find the next piece of paper, which says: "Guess which fairy tale is the hero from?"

1. Fox, hut, hare, rooster. (Zayushkina hut.)

2. Geese, apple tree, river, stove. (Swan geese.)

3. Pike, buckets, stove, princess. (By magic.)

4. Grandfather, hare, bear, fox, song. (Kolobok.)

5. Soldier, old woman, axe. (Porridge from an ax.)

All the guys did a great job.


In an even circle

One after another

We go step by step

Stay where you are


Let's do it like this (Children repeat the movements for the teacher.)

Look, the next sheet. "Game situation - make a sentence."

I will show you a fairy-tale hero, and you must name what fairy tale he is from and write a short story about him (1-2 sentences). And after that we will find out where our basket is located.

(Children write their own stories).

And here is our basket!

(The teacher gives the children each a medal "Connoisseur of Fairy Tales").

Guys, did you like our fabulous trip? Let's you draw any one fairy-tale character. And then we will send our drawings to the bunny by mail. (Children draw.)