Can I work on Sundays and public holidays? On the day of the holy spirit, one cannot work in the garden, since the earth celebrates its name day at this time. Working out of necessity is not subject to condemnation

After the day of the Holy Trinity, in which God is glorified - the One in three guises, the feast of the Holy Spirit follows. Note, the Day of Remembrance of the Holy Spirit is always celebrated on Monday.

On this day, it is undesirable to carry out earthworks, since the earth celebrates its name day in memory of the Holy Spirit. Spirit Day is celebrated after the holy day of the Trinity, in 2018 it falls on May 28th.

Why you can’t work in the garden on Spirit Day: the feast of the Holy Spirit

It is known that after his "Resurrection" the Savior - Jesus Christ, instructed his disciples for several weeks and commanded them his gospel. After the Savior rose from the dead and ascended to heaven, exactly 50 days passed, and then the blessing of the holiness of the spirit descended on his faithful companions, and the prophets began to speak in other tongues, writes portal 1rre. After that, they went all over the world to carry the Good News of their teacher, they learned about the New Testament of the Savior all over the globe and began to venerate his holy sacraments.

This day began to be called "Pentecost", in the Orthodox world it is called the Trinity and has a special honor among the Orthodox, this celebration has become a symbol of God - the One in three guises. From time immemorial, after the Trinity, the Day of the Holy Spirit was revered; on this day, work anywhere was prohibited. There are many popular beliefs associated with Spirit Day, even the weather on that day determined the path for the next two months of summer.

On the Day of Honoring the Holy Spirit, one should commemorate the dead who died in foreign countries, buried without confession and requiem: suicides, alcoholics and the drowned, who were not buried in the graveyard by the command of the Church, on this day it is allowed to put a common candle in the temple for them.

Why you can’t work in the garden on Spirit Day: name days of the earth

From time immemorial, on the day of the Holy Spirit, it was impossible to touch the earth, in particular, not to engage in horticultural work, it was only possible to water the earth with water, since on this day the earth celebrates its name day, on this celebration it becomes fruitful. On this day, you can walk barefoot on the ground, praying "mother - earth" for the bestowal of good health. Although the Orthodox Church does not share this opinion and says that it is not only possible, but necessary, to work on this day.

All the next week after the Trinity you can not visit the reservoirs, because this week is called the "mermaid". In the old days, it was believed that this week the mermaids come out of the reservoirs, and lures victims who at that time decided to swim there. In any case, the final decision is up to the individual.

Many believers often wonder if it is possible to work on church holidays? The answer in this case cannot be unambiguous, as it depends on various factors.

Commandments of the Old

If we are guided by what is written in the Old Testament, then its fourth commandment says that the Sabbath day should be held holy and dedicated to the Lord. The remaining six days of the week must be devoted to work.

According to this commandment, received by Moses from God, once a week there should be a day to rest from everyday troubles, when you need to devote your thoughts and deeds to the Lord, attend church and temple, study the Word of God.

What does the New Testament say?

New Testament texts call Sunday such a day, which became for believers a day when it is not worth working, but it is better to visit church and pray. But given the pace of modern life, few people manage to step back from performing a variety of tasks, therefore, even on a day off, people continue to deal with current issues.

Why can't you work on church holidays?

Nevertheless, there are periods when believers try to put off all things - these are church holidays. It is believed among the people that it is a sin to work on these days, since they are dedicated to saints and events from the Bible that should be revered.

A person who violates the tradition and prescriptions of the New Testament will be punished. Therefore, Christians try to refrain from work on the main (twelfth) church holidays.

What holidays are not allowed to work?

It is considered a particularly great sin to work on major church holidays, including:

    February 15: Meeting of the Lord - the meeting of Jesus Christ in the Jerusalem Temple with Simeon the God-Receiver;

    Annunciation - on this day, the Archangel Gabriel informed the Blessed Virgin Mary about the imminent Birth of the future Savior of the World, the Son of God Jesus Christ;

    Last Sunday before Easter: Palm Sunday or Palm Sunday - Jesus Christ enters Jerusalem on a donkey, where he is greeted by the locals;

    Passing date (depends on the lunisolar calendar) - Easter: the most significant holiday of Christians, the day of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ;

    Thursday after Easter: Ascension of the Lord - the ascension of Jesus to heaven in the flesh;

    The fiftieth day after Easter: (Pentecost) - the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles and the Virgin Mary;

    August 6: Transfiguration of the Lord - the manifestation of the Divine Majesty of Jesus in front of his three closest disciples during prayer;

    August 15: Assumption of the Virgin - the day of the burial of the Virgin Mary and the day of remembrance of this event;

    December 4: Entry into the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos - the day on which Anna and Joachim brought Mary to consecrate her to God.

    What can not be done on holidays?

    To avoid unpleasant situations, still try to avoid working on big holidays, even if you are not a very religious person and don't attend church often.

    What are the signs and beliefs?

      At Christmas, you should not go hunting, fishing, hiking - in general, actively spend the day, as there is a high probability of an accident. This holiday is a family holiday, and it should be spent in the circle of relatives and friends.

      At Christmas, it is also forbidden to engage in activities related to productive labor: sewing, knitting, weaving, spinning. The thread is considered a symbol of fate and life, and tying it or doing any other action is a bad omen.

      Christmas is a holiday of family, peace and joy, so you can’t do household chores that can be postponed: cleaning, washing. It is impossible to clean up until January 14 - on this day all garbage is collected and burned on the street so that evil spirits do not disturb the house during the year.

      Another sign associated with Christmas: if you invited guests and the representative of the weaker sex was the first to step on the threshold, then the women in the family will be sick all year.

      On the feast of the Candlemas, you should not leave home, as the trip may not end as you expected, or you may not return home soon.

      On the Annunciation and Palm Sunday, you can not do housework until the evening. It is also not recommended to work on the ground, from which, according to legend, snakes crawl out on this day. There is even a saying: “A bird does not nest, a girl does not braid a braid.”

      It is also recommended to refrain from work on Easter and in general the entire preceding Easter week. But if there are urgent matters, then the church perceives this circumstance loyally.

      Church holiday Ascension. Is it possible to work? Ascension is considered one of the biggest holidays in the church. On this day, as well as on any other holidays, work is strictly prohibited. There is even a saying: "They do not work in the field on Ascension, but after Ascension they plow."

      Is it possible to work in Trinity? This is the day when the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles and promised them to return after his ascension to heaven. And so it happened. The event has become a holiday for Christians around the world and is celebrated with special honor. Therefore, various works (on the ground, around the house) are not recommended. And to the question of whether it is possible to work on the Trinity, the priest will tell you that it is not advisable to do this.

      It is better to make sure that you are doing everything right, especially if you consider yourself to be deeply religious people. Therefore, do not be afraid to once again ask the minister of the church whether it is possible to work on church holidays. The priest will tell you which works are allowed on a particular holiday, and which ones are strictly prohibited. Numerous signs and beliefs explain why it is impossible to work on church holidays: those who violate this ban will be punished in the form of poverty, health problems and all sorts of failures.

      What do church leaders say?

      Church ministers say that if on holidays or Sundays a person does not pray, does not attend church or temple, does not read the Bible, but simply does nothing, then this is very bad. Days free from work are given just to devote them to serving the Lord, knowing oneself, attending services and peace.

      Is it a sin to work on church holidays? From the priest you will hear that if you have to go to work or take a shift according to your schedule, or there is no way to postpone household chores, then this will not be a sin. After all, one can devote thoughts to God not only at home or in church, but anywhere at any time. Everything depends on the situation. The same applies to the question of whether it is possible to work in the garden on church holidays or not. If there is an urgent need, it is better to fulfill your plan and ask God for forgiveness in prayer.

      What signs are associated with church holidays?

      Over the years, the people have accumulated a lot of knowledge that they passed on from generation to generation. This is also due to various signs, especially those related to holidays. Therefore, in addition to the topical issue of whether it is possible to work on church holidays, religious people should also be aware of the observations associated with them.

      So, it is believed that if it snows on Christmas, then the year will be successful and profitable. If the weather is sunny, then the spring will be cold. It was a pleasant tradition to bake a coin in a pie. The one who gets it will have success and happiness in the new year.

      On the feast of the Candlemas, people believed in the magical power of water and in the fulfillment of desires. He was also a harbinger of spring: the weather that day was an indicator of what the coming spring would be like.

      The Annunciation is also rich in various beliefs and signs. On this day, you can not borrow money and take something out of the house, so as not to give away well-being and luck. A very interesting observation related to hair: it was not recommended to comb, dye or cut your hair, as you can confuse your fate.

      Easter signs

      At Easter, there were especially many. Among them are:

        if a child is born on Easter Sunday, be lucky and famous;

        if a child is born on Easter week, he will have good health;

        if Easter cakes are cracked, then there will be no happiness in the family for a whole year;

        if you hear a cuckoo on Easter, it means that replenishment in the family is expected. If an unmarried girl hears a bird, she will soon play a wedding;

        a tradition that has survived to this day - the whole family should start the Easter meal with a piece of Easter cake and an egg consecrated in the church during the festive service.

      To work or not to work?

      The traditions of the people, passed down from generation to generation, change or are forgotten over time.

      Whether it is possible to work on church holidays is up to you. Religious people even now sacredly honor such days and try to adhere to all the prescriptions of the church.

Orthodox Christians celebrate the Day of the Holy Spirit in 2018 on May 28. This is one of the main Christian holidays, which falls on the 51st day after Easter. Many traditions, signs and even prohibitions are associated with this day among the people. In particular, all work on the ground is undesirable. We tell you how to properly celebrate Spirits Day and what you can’t do today.

What is Spirit Day and why is it celebrated?

As the Holy Scripture says, on the 50th day after Easter, the Holy Spirit descended on the apostles. It happened in Jerusalem during the prayer of the apostles. Suddenly there was a heavenly thunder, a strong wind rose, and flames descended from the sky. After that, the apostles noticed that they knew how to heal the sick, prophesy and speak in different languages. The disciples of Christ received these skills in order to be able to carry the Word of God to different countries.

Interestingly, in the Orthodoxy of the Spirits, the day is celebrated on the 51st day after Easter, and the Catholics - on the 50th.

Why is it impossible to work on the earth on Spirits Day?

As we have already said, the church does not impose any such prohibitions on this day. But our pagan ancestors on Spirits Day celebrated the birthday of Mother Earth. It was believed that on this day the earth bears the future harvest, and to disturb the layer of the earth meant to interfere with it. Therefore, all work related to the soil was forbidden: planting, sowing, cultivating the soil, and even just driving stakes.

What else can not be done on Spirit Day?

Our ancestors forbade swimming on Spirits Day. It was believed that those who violated the ban would be carried away by mermaids.

Many in our time on Spirits Day try not to knit, sew, wash, clean, and even work. However, there are no prohibitions on the part of the church. Moreover, according to the church, there is no sin in the fact that a person is in the service or performs urgent work.

What should you do on Spirit Day?

According to tradition, tables are laid on this day, pancakes and pies are baked. Candles are lit in memory of the dead. It is believed that on this day, prayer is especially strong for the souls of people who died due to drunkenness or far from home, who did not have time to repent.

What other traditions exist on Spirits Day?

Early in the morning after the Trinity, believers washed themselves with spring water to drive away illnesses and protect themselves from evil.

On Spirits Day in the villages, women performed the sacrament of feeding the earth. They went out into the field, where they spread elegant tablecloths and displayed various dishes. After the meal, pieces of pies and pancakes were laid out on the field and sprinkled with earth. It was believed that this would help produce a richer harvest.

Signs for Spirits Day

It is believed that the weather on Spirit Day predicts the weather for the next month. Most often, after this day, a full-fledged summer begins. That is why our ancestors looked: if it is sunny and warm on Spirits, then the next month of summer will be hot.

Working out of necessity is not subject to condemnation

Can I work on holidays and Sundays? Oddly enough, this simple question, which does not require deep theological knowledge, worries many Orthodox Christians. Most often, this excitement is caused by the wording of the fourth commandment: “ Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy: work for six days and do all your work, and on the seventh day it is the Sabbath of the Lord your God» (Ex. 20:8). From the Old Testament we know that the violators of this commandment were expected to be universally condemned and severely punished.

With a superficial understanding of the issue, the conclusion really seems obvious: God said don't work, so you can't work. If you work, you will be punished. At the same time, bewilderment is expressed: what about the fact that we do not celebrate Saturday, but Sunday, which, according to church tradition, is the eighth day, and not the seventh? What about those who are forced to work on holidays and Sundays? Are bus, tram and train drivers, pilots, service workers, doctors on duty, grain growers, military men and many others who are forced to perform their official duties on holidays and general weekends, will certainly die? But after all, we use the products of their labor, services, goods produced "in sin" - isn't this hypocrisy on our part? Are we shifting the blame onto other people's shoulders? And then, is it really better on a holiday to indulge in idle talk and vainglory, drink alcohol, watch TV, sit back, rather than work for the benefit of yourself and loved ones?

So, not though or not being able to find an answer, we often come to a situation where the sin committed on a holiday is considered the norm, and work for good is a sin.

Bringing life to the point of absurdity, we forget that the fourth commandment was given to a people who almost completely forgot about God. Let us remember: when Moses ascended Sinai, immediately, not having endured even forty days, the people of Israel deviated into paganism, and in fact before that they were shown such miracles that today one can only dream of. So in a situation of almost complete spiritual deadness of the Israelites, the fourth commandment was more than appropriate. For without it, the Jews could soon completely forget about what the Lord had prepared them for.

In this sense, severe punishments for breaking the commandments are justified: only the fear of retribution was the incentive that kept the Old Testament people from deviating from the faith, just as the fear of punishment keeps our children from disobedience and evil deeds. Children are not yet able to understand all the reasons why parents impose certain prohibitions on them, they are not yet able to make a conscious choice, and only the law given to them from above (from their parents) can teach them to distinguish between what is sin and what is virtue.

Actually, for this reason, the apostle Paul called the Old Law " tutor to Christ” (Gal. 3:24). It is in this context that his words should be understood: The Law Knows Sin” (Rom. 3:19-20).

But all this applies exclusively to the decrepit, weak-souled person. Christians are different. Even in the Book of the Prophet Jeremiah it is written: Behold, the days are coming, says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, not like the covenant that I made with their fathers on the day when I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; that my covenant they have broken... But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts…” (Jer. 31:31-34). And today we see that, according to this Testament, we Christians have already entered the eternal Sabbath, which for us is Christ! It is He who is the Lord of the Sabbaths (Rom. 10:4, Luke 6:5). He Himself became a Sabbath for us; rest (Heb. 4:1-11, Matt. 11:28-30).

That is why the New Testament says: let no one condemn you for eating or drinking, or for any feast, or new moon, or Sabbath» (Col. 2:16); " He who distinguishes the days distinguishes for the Lord; and who does not distinguish days, for the Lord does not distinguish” (Rom. 14:6). And then follows a conclusion that radically changes the vector of the Old Testament commandment about the Sabbath: “ So, you can do good on Saturdays» (Matthew 12:12).

Strange, but modern Christians for some reason have forgotten that now the Lord is always with us! Now we go to church not out of fear of punishment, not because God has obliged us to do it, but because we feel an urgent need for it. We feel the need to be in His Body, to live His Life! In this sense, not only one day, but our whole life should pass as a constant "worship". And this “worship” should include not only a visit to the temple, not only private prayer (which, according to the commandment of the Apostle Paul, should become unceasing), but also work for the benefit of loved ones, for: But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has renounced the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” (1 Tim. 5:8).

Any work FOR GOOD is service to God (“worship”), and therefore it is blessed. Therefore, the holy fathers, in addition to participating in divine services, always urged Christians on holidays and Sundays to visit the sick, help the afflicted, feed the hungry, and so on. Caring for others should be an urgent need for every Christian. And therefore, all people who do socially useful work on Sundays and holidays, not only do not commit sin, but, moreover, do what is pleasing to God!

In this sense, the Church has never prohibited necessary-useful labor. So, for example, St. Gregory Palamas, exhorting Christians to attend church on Sundays, adds: “… Visit the temple of God on this day, and be at all church services ... and do no worldly work on that day, except for the necessary"(Philokalia, vol. 5).

The 29th canon of the Holy Local Council of Laodicea points out even more eloquently to all of the above: “ It is not fitting for Christians to be Judaizers and celebrate on the Sabbath, but do it on this day: and Sunday is predominantly celebrated, if they can, like Christians. But if the Judaizers turn themselves: let there be an anathema from Christ».

All interpreters of the conciliar decrees of the Church are unanimous that Christians forced for one reason or another to work on Sunday are not subject to condemnation. So, Bishop Nikodim (Milash) emphasizes that this rule “prescribes to especially honor Sunday, not to work and spend it in a Christian way. Concerning the latter, the Fathers of the Council add that this should be done if they can, i.e., as Balsamon says in the interpretation of this canon, no one is absolutely forced to do nothing, because if anyone, due to poverty or any need, will work on Sunday, he is not subject to condemnation for this.

Of course, we cannot talk about such patristic councils and conciliar canons becoming a reason (more precisely, an excuse) for not attending the service. But still the entire experience of the Church clearly indicates that constructive labor is a blessing, to the fact that a person (especially a Christian) must decorate and put in order the world around him (his apartment, entrance, street, yard, country, finally) with his work.

Looking at our littered yards, streets and cities, it is hard to imagine that Christians live here, who fear God, but do not love their yard, street, country, their neighbors ... From this look, the words of the Apostle John come to mind: “ There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear, because there is torment in fear; he who fears is not perfect in love» (1 John 4:18). According to the promise of the Lord, the New Law, the law of love, must be written in our hearts, for: "Love is the fulfillment of the law" (Rom. 13:10).

And can this law justify laziness and idleness?

Hierodeacon JOHN (Ampelokipiotis)
Newspaper "Hodegetria"

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On Monday, immediately after Trinity, Orthodox believers celebrate Spirit Day. This year, the date of this holiday falls on May 28. Another, more popular name for this church holiday is “Name Day of the Earth”. On this day, liturgies are held in churches in honor of an important event: the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles.

Church holidays are always associated with strict prohibitions, and is no exception. Spirits Day in 2018, what not to do list will not be as impressive as on other holidays. On this day, according to the New Testament. The Holy Spirit descended on the apostles in the form of fiery rays. They suddenly spoke in different languages, began to understand these languages. After this event, the apostles carried the word of God throughout the world.

Descent of the Holy Spirit

Before you find out what you can’t do on Spirits Day in 2018, you need to understand what kind of holiday it is. Believers celebrate on this day the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles. This is a continuation of the Trinity, therefore, the traditions of the days are very similar in many ways.

In the people this holiday is also called Name Day of the Earth. On Spirits Day one cannot work on earth, because it is considered a great sin. On this Monday, we must protect the earth and show her our reverence and respect.

What Not to Do

The specific list of what not to do on Spirits Day in 2018, customs, is quite short. Almost all prohibitions here will be connected with the land. You can’t work on it, plant something, weed, dig, harrow. It is better to postpone all work that is somehow connected with the earth. ?

Also on this day, you should try to give up all housework. As on Trinity Day, you can’t sew and knit, clean, wash. Cooking is allowed. These are the main prohibitions, on Spirits Day 2018, what should not be done. The list of things to do is much longer and more exciting.

What you can do on Spirits Day (May 28, 2018):

* Stock up on herbs and flowers. Plants harvested and dried on this day have healing properties. Because it was believed that fire descends from the sky and destroys all evil spirits. It was from the herbs collected during this period that the healers prepared a special herbal powder for expelling demons.

* Feed the earth. Spirits Day in many villages was considered a women's holiday. It was customary for the married women of the village, including the oldest representative, to gather on the outskirts. A tablecloth was covered there, right on the ground, women sang, had fun, led round dances. This ceremony was supposed to show respect and reverence for the land.

* Wash away sins from yourself, but not by swimming in open water (this, by the way, cannot be done within three days after the Trinity and on the Trinity itself), but with well water. This custom was especially widespread in the Kaluga province. It was necessary to throw a coin into the well, pray, and then wash with this water. In this territory, it was believed that in this way on Spirits Day one can wash away sins from oneself.

* Bring consecrated birch twigs home from church. They were placed in the house as protection from evil forces. When the branches dried up, they must be kept in a secluded corner.

* Listen to treasures. Since on this day people worship the earth, it revealed its secrets to some. After the evening prayer, people would put their ears to the ground and listen to see if we would reveal our secrets to them.

Spirits day 2018: what can not be done or can not affect the sign associated with the weather. In particular, what the weather will be like on Spirits Day, it will be like this all summer. Have a bright holiday and only sunny weather!