International Women's Day - mother-in-law. International mother-in-law's day When is mother-in-law's day in a year

The most beloved holiday of all men - Mother-in-Law Day, is celebrated every fourth Sunday in October. And, although it is not considered official, and appeared quite recently - in the 1930s, and originated as a comic holiday, it quickly gained popularity. The word "mother-in-law" itself is derived from the word "father-in-law" or "parent". So she is a true parent.

Some believe that "mother-in-law" comes from the word "comfort." Mother-in-law's Day, according to one version, is an alternative to Father's Day and Mother's Day. Such a comparison was made by one of the editors of the Texas newspaper. After all, the mother-in-law is also a mother, albeit not her own, but still.

When is mother-in-law's day

Mother-in-law's Day was first celebrated on March 5, 1934. And the beginning of the tradition to celebrate such an interesting event was laid in the USA and Latin America. Over time, this date was moved to October. In 2016, this wonderful holiday falls on October 23rd.

Mother-in-law's Day in Ukraine is traditionally celebrated in a close family circle. The son-in-law undertakes all the preparations for the feast in honor of his second mother. And in the family circle, at the set table, he says words of gratitude for a well-educated daughter, for help, understanding and care.

This is how we celebrate in our country. But, for example, in one of the Indian tribes from the moment of the engagement of her daughter until her death, the mother-in-law does not talk to her son-in-law and does not even look into his eyes. In some tribes that inhabited the territory of modern America, the son-in-law could neither speak nor approach the mother-in-law without permission. It was forbidden even to touch her things. But it's not all bad here. The mother-in-law, in turn, also could not interfere in the affairs of her son-in-law. That is, it turns out two completely non-contiguous families. It's about celebrating the holiday - Mother-in-law's Day and there can be no talk.

And one more interesting fact. In a Colombian city there is a custom according to which the mother-in-law is present at the wedding night of the young. A little awkward, isn't it?

And here is the good one. It was thanks to his mother-in-law that V. Roentgen discovered his rays. He forgot to turn off one of his devices and went to bed. An hour later, his mother-in-law woke him up and said that when she passed by the office, she saw light through a crack in the door. V. Roentgen went to have a look and found that the screen was glowing with a glow that was not yet known at that time. Further it received the name "X-rays".

Congratulations on Mother-in-Law's Day

So how to congratulate and what to give for mother-in-law's Day? As mentioned above, grandiose festivities are not arranged on this day. The closest people gather at the festive table. The son-in-law says warm words to his wife's mother. After all, she gave birth, raised and raised such a wonderful daughter. Anything that your heart desires can serve as a gift on this day. From a holiday card to a car. But, believe me, the most important gift to your mother-in-law will be your gratitude and love.

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The holiday that will be discussed is rather unusual. Jokes about mothers-in-law exist in almost all peoples of the world. However, these plots are rarely embodied in reality, fortunately for young families. Indeed, in its essence, the mother-in-law is not only the mother of the wife, but also the second mother of the husband. No wonder many sons-in-law call their mothers-in-law “mother” and live with them in harmony and love. Although, of course, there are not too pleasant exceptions. Therefore, the International Mother-in-Law Day is designed to improve relations between mother-in-law and mother-in-law.


The holiday under discussion has not yet gained official recognition and status, which does not prevent it from being popular. It originated, as far as is known, in the early 30s of the last century in the United States, as a comic event. There is an assumption that it was an alternative to the famous Mother's Day. He began to be celebrated in the United States in 1934, which was facilitated by the mention of him by the editor of one of the popular Texas newspapers. He jokingly remarked, since there is Mother and Father's Day, then there should be mother-in-law's day, and suggested that everyone should celebrate it.

The idea quickly spread, first throughout the United States, then to English-speaking countries, and then stepped beyond their borders. Over time, Mother-in-law's Day, which was originally celebrated in spring, shifted to autumn, the fourth Sunday in October. The first cases of meeting this holiday in Russia were noted at the very end of the 90s. the last century. However, it has not yet demonstrated wide coverage in our country.


Mother-in-law's Day is an exceptionally cheerful and kind holiday. Of course, it is celebrated in the overwhelming majority of cases in the family circle. No status events are held on this day at the official level. At most, they can report on some kind of curiosity on one of the popular radio or TV channels.

The date being celebrated is an excellent occasion to forget all the misunderstandings of the past, if they took place, and if they did not exist, to once again confirm their kindred warm relations. Sons-in-law usually give their second mothers on this day, albeit modest, but coming from the heart, gifts, and according to a funny tradition that has been developing in recent years, mother-in-law feed pancakes to sons-in-law. They say that by the quality of the pancakes put on the table, one can judge the real attitude of the mother-in-law towards her son-in-law.

Mother-in-Law Day is celebrated every year on the fourth Sunday in October. In 2018, the holiday is celebrated on October 28. It was first noted in the USA in 1934. The editor of one newspaper jokingly noted that Mother's Day exists, but the mother-in-law is a “second mother”. Therefore, it would be unforgivable not to honor her with your attention. Over time, the holiday has spread throughout the world. Mother-in-law's Day in Russia began to be celebrated not so long ago. However, a growing number of people think that this holiday is great.

Happy International Mother-in-Law Day!


  • Once, during a speech, Yuri Nikulin, picking up a megaphone, announced to passers-by: everyone who now has a photo of his mother-in-law with him, he will immediately, on the spot, hand over a considerable amount of money. No one received the prize ... no one had a photo of their mother-in-law with them
  • In the tribes of Kosimi (Indians), the mother-in-law from the moment of her daughter's engagement until her death does not talk to her son-in-law and does not look into his eyes.
  • In Odessa, one of the bridges is called Teschin. According to one of the notes, it was erected for M. Sinitsa (party secretary) to shorten his path to his mother-in-law's house.
  • In one of the cities of Colombia, there is a custom according to which the mother-in-law is obliged to be present at the first wedding night of the newlyweds. She must confirm the fact of intercourse.
  • Studies have shown that 82% of men consider their relationship with their wife's mother to be good. 26% of female representatives believe that mothers want to divorce them from their husband and interfere in their affairs.
  • Scientists at the Michigan Institute of Human Morphology, after conducting research, found that the majority of men who live with their mothers-in-law, due to conflicts, are likely to be at risk of diseases, up to a decrease in sexual potency.
  • V. Roentgen discovered his rays thanks to his mother-in-law. Forgetting to turn off one of the devices, the scientist went to bed, and after one hour was awakened by her. The mother-in-law said that, passing by the office, she saw light through the door crack. Arriving there, V. Roentgen discovered the glow of the screen, at that time still unknown rays.

Funny congratulations on mother-in-law's day in verse and prose


Mother-in-law's Day is an exceptionally cheerful and kind holiday. Of course, it is celebrated in the overwhelming majority of cases in the family circle. No status events are held on this day at the official level. At most, they can report on some kind of curiosity on one of the popular radio or TV channels.

The date being celebrated is an excellent occasion to forget all the misunderstandings of the past, if they took place, and if they did not exist, to once again confirm their kindred warm relations. Sons-in-law usually give their second mothers on this day, albeit modest, but coming from the heart, gifts, and according to a funny tradition that has been developing in recent years, mother-in-law feed pancakes to sons-in-law. They say that by the quality of the pancakes put on the table, one can judge the real attitude of the mother-in-law towards her son-in-law.

International Mother-in-Law Day

Congratulations on Mother-in-Law's Day from son-in-law in verse

We get along well, and I wish with all my heart
Do not be sad for your beloved mother-in-law, always be cheerful yourself,
To do immeasurable good, let it be warm in the soul,
May there be joy forever, love - for many years!
accept from me
Congratulations are simple:
I congratulate you on mother-in-law's day!
Let the element in the soul of love
Never fade away
The heart shines with kindness
Let your eyes shine like a ray
And there will be no clouds in life!
From fate let theorems
All will be clear
And so that you spend the holiday
Nice for yourself!
Happy International Mother-in-Law Day, Mommy,
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart.
How are you in your outfits?
Good on an autumn day.
I am to you, mother-in-law, dear
I wish on this day
To live happily for a long time
I'm not too lazy to please you.
May health be strong
Let your loved ones be near.
Bad luck will be rare.
Here are flowers for you with chocolate.
Well, how can you not love your mother-in-law?
After all, without her, there would be no wife!
Who will bake pies for us,
Take the kids to kindergarten?
Full of worldly wisdom
She will solve the family dispute.
And you can go on vacation without worries:
The house is under supervision, a well-fed cat.
On holidays, they will arrange a feast:
The whole family is together, joy, peace.
After all, we are very close with my mother-in-law.
Only fools do not like mother-in-law!
On mother-in-law's international day,
Like a noble man
Glad to tell you, mother-in-law:
You are my second mother!
Dear mother-in-law!
You look at life easier.
Sit around for a bit
To rest the body.
Well, them to the bath, these beds!
Better recharge.
And take a light shower
Buy mascara for eyelashes
Put on your makeup
And admire the scenery
In our park or in the forest -
I'll take you there.
Well, if it's no joke,
I am at any time of the day
Like a perfectly normal son-in-law
Glad to meet you with flowers!
My mother-in-law is just a class:
It is chopped into checkers at a time,
Resting in nature
Tearing grass in the garden

And her pancakes with honey
I'll swallow it with my tongue!
Among other things, she
And beautiful and slim

And smart - she writes poems,
Sing - anyone will hear!
He loves his son-in-law and regrets
Has a good heart

Always speaks with a smile
Doesn't scold for mistakes
No one washes bones
Rarely visits...

My wife and I are happy with her -
There is no better mother-in-law than mine!
Second mom! Congratulations!
Mother-in-law's day is celebrated all over the world.
I'm not trying to flatter you at all -
You are my ideal and idol!

You are my "third half".
And am I a good son-in-law?
I will not marry again. After all, there is a reason -
I don’t need another mother-in-law!

I have always admired you.
I only ventured to be rude a couple of times.
Even survived at Epiphany
And I didn’t push you into the hole.

The earth does not know such love!
I'm not too lazy to eat pancakes from you.
I bring flowers for you, dear,
On International Mother-in-Law Day!
Who saves us every day?
In the evening he will sit with the child,
Sometimes it helps out with rubles,
And when he worries at night, he does not sleep.

Who brings us products from the garden -
Though we don't ask, we take
After all, you can’t say that the mother-in-law is already wearing us,
But we certainly will not die of hunger!

On this day I want to wish you happiness,
Many years and many smiles.
And of course, despite all the bad weather,
You go ahead without fear of mistakes.

You love your son-in-law like your own son!
Let's drink today for you!
Know that you are our best teacher
And you can't run away from us!
My mother-in-law is a fabulous grove,
My mother-in-law is a bird on the branches!
You could say not loudly, easier,
But such a day today and scope! ..

On Mother-in-Law Day of the Whole Earth Planetary
I wish you to become all my relatives,
So that about mom-2 at the predawn hour
I remembered from the depths of the roots!

We got together at the evening with pancakes,
Your daughter is more valuable than those pancakes!
I will not come to you with poison-chemical-mushrooms,
I'll just sit down and say: Pour it!
Happy international mother-in-law's day
Congratulations to you today!
Bloom so that you are a flower
Not once but now!
I wish mood
And magical beauty
To light up your heart
From inner kindness.
Put all your worries aside
I wish you to rest
And let it be very long
Your life path!

Funny congratulations on mother-in-law's day from son-in-law

SMS congratulations on the International Mother-in-Law Day

I congratulate you on mother-in-law's day,
You deserve to be happy!
I wish you a reasonable passion,
And of course, don't be sad!
For the golden man
Today is a golden holiday
So let the whole planet be proud
My mother-in-law dear.

And if I were not her son-in-law,
I would definitely marry! But you can't.
Well, I wish her good luck
After all, I am the happiest son-in-law!
International mother-in-law's day has arrived!
I congratulate you, mom,
I kiss your hands tenderly,
that gave birth to my love,
For this you will be rewarded with grandchildren!
This little ode
I want to send from the bottom of my heart.
My mother-in-law dear
I hasten to congratulate you on your mother-in-law's day.
All the joys of autumn to you,
Happiness in life and health,
Fairytale mood
I want to wish with love.
So that it is easy and positive
All things were added up,
To bright and beautiful
Your life has always been!
On this autumn mother-in-law holiday,
Happy to congratulate my mother-in-law
Good wish - all sorts of different.
May happiness always and everywhere
Joy pursues you
May health and luck
Would never end!
Wife today hastily
Kissed on the cheek cute
And so quickly without sentimentality
Stunned by the argument.
Say, mother-in-law's day,
Have you prepared congratulations?

In response, I smile calmly -
For my mother-in-law, I always try.
And this time is no exception.
I just need to deal with my anxiety.
Well, in general, so - I'll start at the beginning.
May what you dreamed come true.

And toasts are all that sounded here
Let sorrows be driven away.
And let everyone talk about what
With mother-in-law - like a dog with a cat,
I'll tell you - it's a lie!
And you as a gift - this brooch.
I am without undue modesty, dear mother-in-law,
On this day I call you mother.
I will pick up for you words gentle, cordial,
I have never met a kinder and wiser woman in my life.
Be happy and cheerful, take care of your family peace
I wish that we are always friends with you.

Beloved mother-in-law on International Mother-in-Law Day

Congratulations on mother-in-law's day in prose

My dear mother-in-law!!! The best son-in-law in the world is in a hurry to congratulate you on the International Mother-in-Law Day! And so I became thanks to you! May your enthusiasm not dry out over the years, may your soul and heart live according to the laws of youth, may your face always shine with smiles and reflect happiness! I wish you health, long life, worldly wisdom and angelic patience! Thank you for being a real second "mother", low bow to you for your kindness!
On this important day for all of us, I want to say to fate - thank you! Thank you for allowing me to meet such an amazing woman along the way. Maybe someone will be skeptical about my words, but I owe a lot in my life to you. Thanks to your invaluable life experience, our young family managed to avoid many troubles and not turn off the path of family happiness. I hope that in the future you will not bypass us with your attention. Happy Mother-in-law's Day, our dear mother!
Dear, beloved mother-in-law, I congratulate you on the International Mother-in-Law Day! On this beautiful day, I want to say that the best mother-in-law cannot be found in the whole wide world! Thank you for your daughter - a priceless gift of my destiny! With all my heart I wish you, dear mother-in-law, that you do not know grief, that trouble always bypasses you, that you burn with health and are full of strength! Always stay cheerful, achieve any goals you set, stay beautiful and kind, as we have known you all these years!
With love and respect, son-in-law.

Which of the relatives deserved the universal love of society, and to such an extent - that the attitude towards this person is described by a mass of jokes, songs and other works of art? Of course, we are talking about the mother-in-law. The etymology of the word "mother-in-law" is quite extensive. Some philologists claim that it comes from the verb "comfort, console", others that from the word "amuse". In a word, contrary to popular belief about the maliciousness of this woman, in general, the mother-in-law is a sweet, kind and comforting person. In some cities there are even memorable places in her honor. So, for example, in Odessa there is the Teschin bridge, and in the city of Tula there is a whole monument to the mother-in-law, although in it she slightly lost her human appearance.

By the way, the ridicule by the people in jokes of the relationship between the son-in-law and the mother-in-law - the mother of the wife, rather confirms the rule about the closeness and warmth of these two people to each other. After all, they are connected by love for the most precious thing in their life - love for their daughter and wife. Everyone wants to please and make life better for this person, and on the basis of this idyll, quarrels are almost impossible. There are, of course, cases - but this is rather on purpose, so that there is a reason for jokes.

Surprisingly, there is even a mother-in-law's holiday in the world - it is celebrated every fourth Sunday in October. The holiday appeared in the world for a long time - since 1934, unfortunately, it has not reached the status of well-known. As you know, Mother's Day and Father's Day are very popular in the world, so one of the editors of an American newspaper in Texas decided to propose another important day - Mother-in-law's Day. Since then, this holiday has been actively and cheerfully celebrated in families in America, and later in Europe. He is not very popular with us yet - however, the prerequisites appear, because the mother-in-law is a very colorful character in any family.

How is the holiday celebrated?

On this day, it is customary in any family to meet with the mother-in-law, say warm words to her, give gifts, and, of course, sit at the common table. Every experienced husband will tell you that maintaining a good and calm relationship with your mother-in-law is the key to a healthy and harmonious family. Indeed, in most cases, the mother-in-law is also a grandmother and always a mother.

So, remember - every fourth Sunday in October you have an official reason to visit your mother-in-law - do not forget to bring glorious and kind words, as well as gifts. After all, appeasing your mother-in-law is a great, healthy and always useful idea.