How to dissolve kidney stones at home. What medications dissolve kidney stones What to drink to dissolve kidney stones


Crucial chemical composition stones. Unfortunately, the most common formations - oxalate - are so strong that they are almost impossible to influence with drugs. They are either crushed or surgically removed. Only urate, phosphate and cystine stones can be dissolved.

Smooth, yellowish-orange formations are formed from sodium and potassium urates - losses. And although they are quite hard, they nevertheless dissolve very easily. The therapeutic effect is provided by the alkaline reaction of urine, a diet that excludes the consumption of acidic foods, and diuretics.

Soft white phosphate stones quickly grow from calcium phosphate crystals. Since they are most often formed in urine of increased alkaline reaction, treatment consists, on the contrary, in its acidification. The diet includes sour fruits, juices, compotes, rosehip infusion, hibiscus tea, and phosphates dissolve quickly enough.

Cystine amino acids form round, smooth, waxy cystine stones. But they are very rare, since such formations are a consequence of a genetic abnormality in which the kidneys produce excesses of these amino acids. Drugs that prevent their production are “Tiopronin”, “Pennicylamine”, “Captoril”.

There are many drugs based on plant extracts that dissolve stones and treat inflammation of the kidneys and urinary system. This is, for example, the Polish “Fitolysin”. This is a diuretic paste that is diluted with water and drunk. It washes out small stones especially well.

“Allopurinol” dissolves urate in the kidneys, as well as in the joints, so it is also used to treat gout. This drug also copes better with small formations. "Allopurinol" is also valuable because it can be prescribed when the cause of crystallization cannot be found.

By alkalizing urine, German effervescent tablets “Blemaren” dissolve urates well. They can be used to try mixed urate-oxalate stones, and even small oxalates. "Blemaren" also prevents the formation of calcium oxalate crystals. The effect of the domestic “Xydiphone” is similar.

Urolesan is used to dissolve phosphate stones. In addition, it acts as an antiseptic, diuretic, relieves spasms, and at the same time eliminates bile stagnation and improves blood circulation in the liver. The drug Cyston has a similar effect, only it needs to be taken longer.

Stones of various sizes and shapes are dissolved with “Fitolit”. It is also used for acute pain caused by renal colic. It is also necessary if the shock wave crushing of stones has caused complications in the movement of their fragments through the urinary tract.

The drugs Canephron N and Rovatinex are also effective. But the most popular are “Prolit” and its variants “Prolit Super Capsules”, “Prolit Septo”. They are made from curly silkworm extract (or kedjibeling), which perfectly dissolves stones of various compositions; has a strong diuretic property; relieves spasms and inflammation. And at the same time, the drug normalizes calcium and uric acid metabolism, preventing their crystallization.


It is very risky to try to dissolve stones without medical supervision. They can move and block the ureter. Treatment with lemon juice often leads to stomach ulcers. It's better to trust a specialist.

Sometimes they are mistakenly diagnosed as “sand in the kidneys.” But on the monitor of an ultrasound machine, small vessels, compacted fiber or renal papillae may appear as “grains of sand”. If you have been told that you have “sand,” do not rush to take diuretics. It makes sense to do the ultrasound again - in another medical institution.

Helpful advice

There is an unreasonably high demand for the imported drug “Kedzhibeling Extra”. But this is the same as our “Prolit”. Moreover, the composition of the domestic drug, in addition to the curly silkworm (that is, kedjibeling), includes a number of ingredients, thanks to which it is even more effective. The Indonesian dietary supplement costs twice as much, and, as a rule, it cannot be found in pharmacies.


  • Website about urolithiasis
  • Website kidney stones: medicines and traditional methods
  • Website to dissolve kidney stones: methods
  • Video: Urolithiasis

Kidney stones can range in size from a grain of sand to a pearl. They are formed as a result of excess solid minerals that are found in the urine. Most often they form in the urethra, ureters and bladder. Kidney stones are very painful to pass. Although kidney stones require consultation with a specialist, many doctors send patients home because they do not big stones go away on their own if you increase your fluid intake. If the kidney stone is too large, you may need treatment. Doctors use medical technology to break the stone into smaller pieces so it can be passed out in urine. Read this article if you encounter such a problem.


Treatment of stones using medical procedures

    Medicines. Your doctor may recommend treatment to help clear the stones. This type of treatment, known as an alpha blocker, relaxes the muscles in the ureter, helping to pass kidney stones faster. Typically this should be sufficient for small stones.

    Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy. This procedure involves using sound waves to crush stones. Because the procedure can be quite painful, patients are usually under anesthesia for 30-45 minutes while the stones are crushed. This is enough effective method treatment, however, during the recovery period the patient may feel pain in the urinary tract from the passage of small fragments of crushed stones.

    Urethroscope. This is a device that is inserted into the ureter to detect stones. Typically, this method is used when the size of the stone does not allow for extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, or in cases where the stone is not large enough to be removed surgically. Once the location of the stones is determined, the stones can be crushed into small pieces. Since the procedure can be quite painful, local or general anesthesia is usually used.

    Percutaneous nephrolithotomy. This is a surgery to remove large kidney stones through a small incision in the back. This treatment method is usually used if extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy is not possible. The recovery period is one to two days, the patient must remain in the hospital.

    Treatment of the thyroid gland. Some stones occur as a result of hyperparathyroidism. Hyperparathyroidism is a disease in which the parathyroid glands in the neck produce too much parathyroid hormone. This disease most often develops as a result of the formation of a tumor of the parathyroid gland; parathyroid hormone enters the blood in large quantities, which leads to an increase in calcium levels, and as a result, kidney stones can form. Once your doctor has determined that the cause of your kidney stones is hyperparathyroidism, he will prescribe the appropriate course of treatment for you.

    Use diuretic tea to dissolve kidney stones. Diuretic tea is a mixture of herbs and hot water, which helps you urinate frequently and get rid of stones. Although the effectiveness of herbal remedies has not been scientifically proven, examples of many people who have overcome the disease provide convincing evidence. Try the following herbs to treat this condition:

Choosing the best course of treatment

  1. Determine whether you have kidney stones. Although not all kidney stones cause symptoms, sometimes even very small stones can cause severe pain. If you have already encountered this problem in your life, you can be confident that the diagnosis is correct. However, the symptoms of kidney stones are similar to those of many other diseases, so it is best to see a doctor so that he can diagnose the disease and prescribe treatment. The most common symptoms of kidney stones are:

    • Severe pain in the lower back, which often radiates to the lower abdomen and groin area.
    • Pain during urination.
    • Change in urine color. Cloudy urine and unpleasant odor.
    • Nausea and vomiting
  2. Visit your doctor for the necessary examinations. Get an X-ray, CT scan, or ultrasound (whichever your doctor recommends) when you notice symptoms. Thanks to modern methods examination, you can know the size, shape and number of kidney stones.

    • If the stone is smaller than 5mm, your doctor will probably recommend that you use home remedies to get rid of it.
    • If you have large stones or multiple stones, your doctor may recommend a course of treatment that will be effective for you.
  3. Find out what kind of stones you have. Different types Kidney stones have the same symptoms. However, the process of stone formation can be influenced by various factors. Knowing the cause can help you reduce the size of the stones and prevent them from appearing in the future. Your doctor may ask you to take a blood or urine test to find out what type of stone you have. Additionally, once the stone is passed, your doctor may send it to a laboratory for analysis to determine its composition. Here are the different types of kidney stones:

    • Calcium stones: These are the most common type of stones and are usually composed of calcium, calcium oxalate, and/or a combination of calcium and phosphate.
    • Uric acid stones in the kidneys are associated with malnutrition. Uric acid stones form only in acidic urine.
    • Struvite stones: They can form as a result of a urinary tract infection.
    • Cystine stones are relatively rare compared to other types of kidney stones. The reason for their formation is a rare hereditary disease associated with metabolic pathology.
  • Reduce your risk of kidney stones by drinking black or green tea daily. Research shows that black and green teas reduce the risk of developing kidney stones.
  • Drink plenty of water daily to help the stones pass. Once they pass, continue to drink plenty of water to prevent stones from forming again.
  • Be careful with cranberry juice long term. In a short time, cranberry juice can help pass kidney stones, but if consumed on a regular basis, it can cause the formation of stones due to its high oxalic acid content.

The person who told about this method of dissolving stones claims that it helped him get rid of large stones in both kidneys with a diameter of up to 0.9 mm.

I believe that such stones can be dissolved. But not quite in the literal sense, but partially.

The process goes like this - the stone, under the influence of the drug, begins to dissolve and decrease in size, and then reaches a size where it simply comes out naturally.

This applies to all types of stones, including oxalate stones, which by definition do not dissolve. They dissolve, but not large ones, when they are already 1 cm and above. You just need to know how and with what to dissolve them. And do this by periodically checking the diameter of the stone.

Let's get straight to the recipe.

How to dissolve kidney stones

“I tested this method on myself, so you can rest assured that it works. In 3.5 months I dissolved 0.7 and 0.9 cm stones in both kidneys. This method will help everyone. It's not fast, but it's effective and inexpensive. There is no need to cut or crush anything in your body. You just need to take this drug systematically, never missing a dose.

I removed the stones this way 2 years ago. Since then they haven't bothered me. I advise everyone who does not want surgery and who is really ready to drink grass and fir oil three times a day for several months.

Recipe for dissolving kidney stones

  1. Make diuretic infusion. In 150 gr. Brew 2 tbsp boiling water. l. mixtures of herbs: lemon balm, sage, oregano, knotweed, St. John's wort. To prepare the mixture, take 30 grams of these herbs. each.
  2. If you brew for the whole day, then multiply the entire amount of the mixture of herbs and water by 3. When drinking, it is advisable, but not necessary, to add 1 tsp for each glass. honey
  • For 1 week, take the decoction 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals, 150 g.
  • 2 and subsequent weeks take in the same proportions, only with the addition of 5 drops fir oil per glass. Mix the broth thoroughly and drink through a straw, otherwise your teeth may dissolve along with the stones.

The causes of kidney stones (nephrolithiasis) are not fully understood. The main prerequisites for its manifestation are considered to be a violation of the metabolic process in the body. This disease has no age preference; the pathology can manifest itself both in infancy and in old age.

In the first stages, the neoplasms reach three millimeters and are defined as sand. If timely measures are not taken, they increase in size. Diagnosed as kidney stones, treatment is carried out using traditional methods and folk remedies in combination.

Reasons for education

With normal metabolism, salts, oxalates, and calcium phosphate are excreted from the body along with urine. If the functioning of the kidneys, which are responsible for the passage of harmful substances, fails for one reason or another, salt crystals are not completely eliminated from the body, forming stones up to five or six millimeters in size.

Depending on the location of the stones, several forms of the disease are distinguished: stones of the ureters, bladder, if they were localized in the kidney tubules or renal pelvis, these are kidney stones. Their external structure, as well as their chemical composition, are various types. Kidney stones take on the shape of the place where they formed, mainly coral-shaped branches called emanating stones.

The main causes of nephrolithiasis include:

  • insufficient amount of vitamins entering the body;
  • due to geographic location of residence, insufficient amount of ultraviolet radiation;
  • hot weather conditions and incomplete fluid intake into the body;
  • poor diet and constant consumption of hard water;
  • congenital narrowing of the urinary tract, which impedes the complete exit of urine;
  • chronic diseases of the kidneys and urinary system;
  • inflammation of the bladder or prostate;
  • sedentary work pattern;
  • infections and bacteria in the intestines.

A disease that can be identified as the main cause of formation urinary stones in the kidneys, this is hyperparathyroidism. With hyperfunction of the parathyroid glands, the formation of calcium in the blood and urine increases, resulting in the formation of one stone or several of different sizes, consisting of calcium salts. This type is the most common in renal pathology.

Symptoms of kidney stones

Signs of a kidney stone may not appear and may increase in size over a long period of time without bothering the patient. Being at rest, formations may go unnoticed. Only in rare cases, when the calculus is large and firmly fixed in its location, compression is felt in the side.

The main symptoms appear if the stone moves out of place due to a spasm of the walls of the ureter, in the lumen of which it is located. Accompanied by movement, renal colic and periodic increasing pain. They begin in the lumbar region and gradually radiate to the inner thighs. An attack of pain is accompanied by:

  • intense sweating;
  • muscle cramps;
  • feelings of anxiety and fear;
  • headaches and vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • sluggish urination and hematuria (blood in the urine).

The attack ends with the stone returning to the renal pelvis or it penetrates into bladder. The pain stops along with the accompanying symptoms. In case of pinching and impossibility of exit, there can be no talk of spontaneous cessation of colic. Medical intervention is required. To eliminate kidney stones, treatment is used individually for each individual case.

Treatment methods for nephrolithiasis

How to treat kidney stones can only be determined by a doctor, based on the results of the studies. Which will help determine the type of stone, its location, shape and size. Considering that stones are classified as oxalate, phosphate, urate, calcium carbonate stones, the remedy is prescribed taking into account their chemical composition.

The main goal of the treatment measures is to crush the stone and then remove it from the body with urine. For these purposes, it is recommended to increase the daily fluid intake in combination with intensive physical activity. This method will help remove small stones (up to 5 mm).

If this method is ineffective, the formations are dissolved with medication. The use of drugs based on medicinal herbs is prescribed, these include: “Gortex”, “Cysto-Transit”, “Uro-Lax”, “Fitolysin”, “Rovatinex”. Treatment without surgery is quite long, reaching six months.

After the measures taken, which did not produce positive results, they resort to drastic measures and surgical intervention. Medicine has at its disposal a sufficient number of methods for removing stones, after which the patient, after a short period of rehabilitation, returns to his normal life.

Along with the use of traditional methods of treating kidney stones, traditional medicine is widely popular.

Folk remedies

Treatment of kidney stones folk remedies includes: the use of herbal decoctions, cereal tinctures, kidney cleansing and diet.

Treatment of kidney stones with herbs

Herbal medicine, a technique based on the use of medicinal plants, has shown itself to be effective in the fight against sand and kidney stones. Collections from them help eliminate the causes of formations and have a breaking effect on existing kidney stones. Several recipes on how to cure kidney stones and remove sand from the body:

  • Wheatgrass seeds are used to treat kidney stones. It is necessary to grind them to a powdery state, mix with water until a thick consistency is obtained, and bring the mixture to a boil. After cooling, wheatgrass seeds are consumed one tablespoon three times a day 30 minutes before meals, the duration of intake is from one to two months.
  • Traditional treatment for kidney stones involves the use of calamus rhizome, ground into powder. To do this, you need to take three tablespoons of calamus, mix with two glasses of honey, keep in a water bath for 15 minutes, stirring constantly. Take one tablespoon before meals. The treatment will be more effective if you alternate calamus infusion and black radish juice mixed with vodka in equal parts. After the juice and vodka have been infused for three days, drink 30 ml before meals.

  • An infusion of 200 g of ground rosehip seeds mixed with two liters of water will help with kidney stones. Evaporate the excess liquid over low heat (0.75 liters of the composition should remain), strain and add a tablespoon of honey and lemon juice to one-third of a glass. Store the decoction in the refrigerator and use 50 g three times a day before meals.
  • 250 g of vetch seeds mixed with honey in equal proportions will help break up kidney stones. Take a tablespoon 20 minutes before each meal.
  • An infusion made from a collection of herbs: nettle leaves, string and birch buds will be effective for removing sand from the buds. They are taken in equal proportions, two tablespoons of the mixture are poured with 4 glasses of boiling water. Infuse for 24 hours in a cold place. Drink a decoction of 50 ml four times a day.

Oats have proven themselves well in order to achieve a crushed state of kidney stones and remove sand. Unrefined cereal grains are taken and ground into flour. A glass of flour is poured with two liters of water, brought to a boil, and infused for 24 hours. Take a liter of decoction per day, at the end of the first week of use, sand will begin to come out and the kidney stone will break up.