How to silver water at home. Silver water is a gift from God - we do it ourselves! Healing properties of silver water

The bactericidal properties possessed by silver water and silver in general have been known to mankind since ancient times, but only in the 19th century, scientists were able to study and confirm the disinfecting properties of this metal. After a series of studies, it became clear that of all metals, it is silver that has the strongest bactericidal properties. This makes it a real weapon in the fight against microorganisms. This is explained by just one ability of this metal - silver begins to penetrate into the cell at a fairly high speed, while it can no longer divide, but still remains viable.

Today, there are a lot of options and industries in which silver water is used. It is used by astronauts during flights and by sailors on long voyages, and also with its help they preserve mineral waters, juices, milk, etc.
Such water has found especially diverse and wide application in medicine and pharmacology. Thanks to it, it is possible to extend the shelf life of liquid medicines, for example, drops or infusions, for a significantly longer period. Since silver is an essential element in maintaining the normal activity of many endocrine glands and generally has a positive effect on all physiological processes in the human body, doctors recommend using this water as a preventive measure to avoid viral and infectious diseases. It also treats damaged areas of the skin, whether it is a burn or a wound.

The preventive use of water with silver ions will help in stimulating the circulatory system and improving the general condition of the blood, as well as speed up and facilitate the treatment of many diseases.

It should be borne in mind that you should not constantly use such water, since silver ions will accumulate in the body, and this can lead to their overabundance and subsequently to metabolic disorders, decreased vitality or a depressive state. Therefore, drinking silver water is recommended only for the prevention or treatment of various diseases.

Ways to make silver water at home

There are several ways in which you can easily get silver water without leaving your home, each of them allows you to achieve a certain level of silver concentration in the liquid. These procedures are quite simple and do not require special skills.

First way. This method is the simplest and most famous, it was used by our ancestors. For him, you just need an ordinary silver product, whether it be a coin, jewelry or a spoon. The selected item must be washed well and placed in a container with cold water; if you use tap water, it must first be boiled or filtered. It is necessary to withstand the object in water for a day, after which it can be taken out and the water can be consumed. Thanks to this easy method, you will get silver water with a weak concentration of silver, which must be consumed internally for the prevention of diseases.

Second way. This method will help to obtain water with a stronger, average concentration of silver ions. He will also need a product made of pure silver, which must be washed well. Next, take an enameled pan with a volume of three liters, pour water, place the product in it and put on fire. Bring the water to a boil and wait until half of it boils away and remove from heat. It is enough to let it cool, which will take a couple of hours, and water with an average concentration will be ready for use. This water is already used for medicinal purposes. It is necessary to drink half a glass of such a solution for a month fifteen minutes before meals.

Third way. It helps to get water with the strongest concentration, but for this you need to use special ionizers. Such a device can not only be purchased at the store, but also cooked at home on your own. For those who are at least a little versed in electrics, it will not be difficult to assemble such a device. You need to take a battery with a voltage of 4–12 V, a silver product that connects to the “plus” and an electrode, always made of stainless steel, that connects to the “minus”, you can use, for example, a flat blade or a handle from a teaspoon. The ionator obtained in such a simple way is lowered into a container with water. After a while, a hazy cloud will begin to appear around the silver product, which will be an indicator that the silver is starting to saturate the water. If you keep such a device in one liter of water for five minutes, you will get water with the strongest concentration of silver. It is used only for the treatment of external skin lesions, for gargling or as nasal drops, and it can also be used as a cosmetic face wipe.

With the help of such an ionizer, water with a lower concentration can also be obtained. You just need to adjust the time of its operation and the volume of water. After keeping the device in three liters of water for 30 seconds, you get weakly concentrated silver water, and if for three minutes, then medium concentrated. But it will not be possible to know exactly what concentration of silver ions in the one obtained using a home-made ionizer, since it depends on several factors: the sample of the silver product, the current strength and the duration of the reaction. To accurately know the level of saturation, you need to purchase an industrial ionizer, which can be adjusted and programmed.

Used silver products over time, they may begin to darken, but this can be easily fixed by simply cleaning them.

Silver Water Recipes

Even our ancestors many centuries ago knew about the healing effects of silver water. Probably, each of us noticed that such water does not deteriorate, no matter how much it stands. This fact suggests that microorganisms do not multiply in such water, and this makes it an excellent disinfectant. Also, moderate use of water treated with silver will not harm the human body, like, for example, water treated with chlorine.

Below we give a few examples that show what diseases and how to use silver water:

  1. In case of damage to bones, muscle tissue, joints and skin lesions, lotions, compresses should be applied to sore spots, or simply washed with water, the temperature of which is 30-32 ° C, and the concentration of silver is 20-30 mg / l;
  2. In case of eye diseases (conjunctivitis and other inflammatory processes), you need to rinse your eyes and make lotions with water at room temperature with a silver concentration of 10-20 mg / l;
  3. For problems with the ears (inflammation, etc.), sinusitis, sore throat, etc., it is necessary to do rinsing and rinsing with slightly heated, to a comfortable temperature, water, the concentration of silver in which is 20 to 25 mg / l;
  4. For problems associated with the gastrointestinal tract, as well as for problems with metabolism. In such cases, doctors recommend drinking such water internally in a course lasting from 1 to 3 months, depending on the severity of the disease, two tablespoons of water with a concentration of not more than 20 mg / l three times a day before the main meals, preferably 15 minutes before ;
  5. For various infectious and viral diseases, take internally 3-4 times a day (every 4 hours) one tablespoon of water with a concentration of 10-20 mg / l, and also make warm rinses with it;
  6. For gynecological diseases and injuries, do washing and wiping with water with a silver concentration of 20-25 mg / l;
  7. In case of dermatological skin lesions, wash problem areas with warm water at a concentration of 30-35 mg/l;
  8. For dental problems, rinsing with heated water with a concentration of no more than 20 mg / l is recommended.

Silver water at home can be obtained in two ways. One of them is quite simple, and the second is more difficult.


If your goal is to improve the taste of water, and if you want to protect yourself from germs, then you need to pour water into a cup, teapot or jug ​​in the amount you need. If the water is chlorinated, then it must be kept for 3-5 hours in an open vessel (if a bucket of water, it is better to leave it open all night). After that, any object made of silver is placed in the water for several days - a coin, a spoon, a glass. In a few days you will have silver water. When obtaining silver water at home in this way, it must be taken into account that the concentration of silver is very weak. Such water is not suitable for treatment. But it is in this way that many people prepare silver water, which is then used for various household needs. First of all, such water is used for making tea, coffee and other drinks.


The second way is somewhat more difficult. To prepare silver water, an ordinary quartz battery (4.5 volts) of the Krona power source (9 volts) is used. First you need to make a simple device with which you can saturate the water with silver ions. Directly or through pieces of copper wire, you need to attach a silver object to the terminal with the “+” sign to the crown or battery, and a piece of stainless steel to the terminal with the “-” sign. In both cases, teaspoons can be used, because after we connect to the source, we get electrodes that must be lowered into the water. In this state, the device is turned on.

Direct current from the power source can quickly saturate the water with silver ions. Scientifically speaking, such a process is called the electrolytic method of preparing silver water. This method is the most efficient.

Silver water obtained in this way can be used for the disinfection of mineral and drinking waters, the preservation of a number of food products, pharmaceuticals, and also for medicinal purposes. When the concentration of silver is sufficient, a white haze will begin to appear above the surface of the silver object. This means that homemade electrodes can be removed from the water. After that, let the water stand for 4 hours, and after this time it can be consumed. In general, the time it takes to enrich water with silver ions by this method depends on the purpose for which we need water: for drinking, for treatment, for disease prevention, for external or internal use. Therefore, three types of saturation can be distinguished: weak, medium and strong.

Uses of silver water

If you use water as a prophylactic, then the operating time of the device in a three-liter jar is 30 seconds. Such water has a weak concentration. You can consume such water inside almost without restrictions.

To prepare water of medium concentration, which is used for medicinal purposes, it is necessary that the operating time of the electrodes of the device is 3 minutes. Water should be drunk in 100-125 ml for a month 15 minutes before meals. After a month of drinking water, you need to take a break. If necessary, the course can be repeated, but not earlier than after 2 weeks.

Highly enriched silver water is used for external treatment. In this case, you need to take 1 liter of water, instead of 3, and keep the electrodes in it for 5 minutes. Such water is used to treat sore throats and other diseases of the throat and oral cavity (this water cannot be drunk, only gargle and mouth cavity), for enemas, lotions, and for various dermatological diseases.

Since ancient times, silver water has been famous for its bactericidal properties. Back in the 19th century, researchers proved that silver can indeed have a disinfecting effect and that it can destroy various kinds of microorganisms, including diphtheria bacillus and staphylococcus aureus.

Silver is a better bactericidal agent than copper or gold. This is not at all surprising, because Ag can penetrate cells very quickly, and they, in turn, do not lose their viability.

Today, a lot of people use silver water for their own purposes. Silver is used to preserve drinking water, which is taken on long-distance ships. It is used for the preservation of juices, mineral waters, milk and alcoholic beverages.

It can also extend the shelf life medicines. Medicine welcomes the purification of water with silver, as this purification method is the most reliable.

Silver is the most important element, its task is to ensure the normal functioning of the liver, endocrine glands, brain, and bone tissue. This substance improves the functioning of all systems and organs of the body.

According to the recommendations of doctors, it is useful to use silver water as a prophylactic for infectious diseases of the nose, ear, throat, stomatitis, acute respiratory infections, influenza, trophic ulcers, inflammation of the eyes, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Also, such water can be effective in the treatment of burns and wounds.

  • Doctors recommend the use of silver water daily.
  • Following the recommendations of cosmetologists, you need to wash your face with this healing agent every morning.
  • Chefs often use this water to prepare different dishes.
  • Mothers bathe their children in silver water, wash the floor in the child's room, toys with it.
  • Flower growers use it to germinate plant seeds, as well as to treat plant roots.

Making silver water at home

Silver water at home is quite simple to prepare. This process can be carried out in several ways. The oldest and simplest among them is the following. Silver coins or silver objects (such as spoons) should be placed in water and left to settle for a while. You can also take a vessel made of silver and store water directly in it.

This method is inconvenient in that it will take about two to three days to complete it. It also does not allow you to know exactly what concentration of silver is in the liquid. Also, water saturated with silver can be obtained by using an electric current. In this case, it will be very highly concentrated.

It is necessary to take a direct current source (it is important that the voltage is from 4 to 12 volts). Attach a silver object to the plus, and you can attach, for example, a shaving blade or another stainless steel object to the minus.

Do-it-yourself silver water in this way is prepared like this. You need to lower the electrodes into the water and hold for some time until a cloudy cloud is visible near the silver electrode. When silver ions are exposed to direct current, they are very quickly able to saturate water. Naturally, using this method, it is impossible to determine what concentration of ions is in the liquid; this indicator is affected by the current strength, samples of the silver electrode, and the reaction time.

The preparation of silver water can be carried out using a more advanced method. It involves the use of such a device as an electric ionizer.

You can make it yourself, you can buy it ready-made. This method is very good because it can be used to accurately determine the concentration of silver ions in a liquid, and this is very important in the treatment of various kinds of diseases, because a high concentration will be toxic to the body, and a very low one will not give the result that is needed. .

At the present time, the market for purifiers is represented by specially designed installations for the production of silver water. They are represented by electrical appliances that make the silvering process. Such devices use a pair of electrodes that are sprinkled with sources of silver ions. One of the electrodes is made of high grade silver, the other is made of stainless steel. When an eye is applied to the electrodes, a potential difference arises between them, and the process of Ag + saturation of water occurs very quickly.

If you use an electronic silversmith, then you can significantly save your time, because you do not have to wait several days for the result that was originally delivered. Water saturated with silver will be ready in a few minutes, or even seconds. Also, a huge plus of such devices is that it is possible to regulate the concentration of Ag + in them. After the end of the process, it is recommended to use such water after at least two hours, because bacteria and harmful microorganisms need some time to die.

Water saturated with silver ions is able to kill bacteria and is used for cleansing, prevention and treatment of the body. Silver water has been used by people for centuries. Such water was treated, sacred rites were performed. Such water was kept at home along with the medicine. Do not think that silver water is a magical remedy that cures diseases and not arcs. But do not doubt the therapeutic effect of the correct use of the drink.

After reading the article, you will learn:

Healing properties of silver water

Silver- one of the many metals, the beneficial properties of which have been studied by man for thousands of years. Despite the classification of silver as a heavy but noble metal, its positive effect on water is undeniable. Among the positive qualities manifested in the interaction of a liquid with a metal, it is worth mentioning the increasing ability of water to remain fresh for a long time. This is due to the ability of silver to have a detrimental effect on a huge number of microorganisms.

Preparation of silver water at home

There are several ways to create silver infused water.

  1. An object (coin, dishes) made of precious metal is lowered into the water and remains in the liquid at room temperature for at least 24 hours. To increase the effectiveness of this method allows additional "work" with the metal (hold it in your hands, attach it to the heart area, visualize its purity and useful energy). Only after that, lower the object into the liquid.
  2. An ionator is a device that can be used to enrich water with silver ions in just 30 seconds. In order for the components of silver water to heal, and not harm, it is necessary to monitor the concentration of the substance in the liquid: it should not exceed 50 μg / l.

The concentration criterion affects the choice of how to create, at home, healthy water with silver ions.

For a weak concentration, it is enough to use dishes, jewelry or coins made of precious metal, which must be immersed in a liquid prepared for enrichment. It is necessary to insist liquid on silver dishes or coins from 1 to 3 days.

Averages can be obtained by evaporating the initial volume of water, in which silver is in low concentration. The volume should be halved.

To create a liquid with a high concentration of metal ions, you will need to use a special electrical device (factory or self-assembled).

Another option for obtaining a high-quality enriched solution for home use– purchase of finished products in pharmacies or stores specializing in clinical nutrition.

Application of silver water

At the present stage, the use of several methods for the use of an aqueous silver solution has been developed and implemented. The choice of approach is determined by the task assigned to physicians.

The benefits of silver in water are manifested when the product is taken internally and when used externally.

Almost everything is useful in moderation. As for the liquid enriched with silver particles, here it is necessary to know not only about the attractive qualities of the composition (bactericidal, disinfecting), but also that the application requires the correct selection of concentration:

  • for prevention, they stop at low rates;
  • for treatment, the average concentration of useful substances is used;
  • for external use, a high concentration is recommended.

Ions of the substance, due to which the benefits of water with silver for the female body are manifested, are a necessary component of tissues and chemical reactions taking place in the human body. The place of concentration of the largest volume of the substance is the brain, bones and nerve cells. A lack of silver negatively affects the functioning of systems, and a sufficient amount helps maintain immunity and resist viruses.

The external use of an aqueous solution of silver particles, which was proven by our ancestors, made it possible to get rid of burns and skin diseases, to cope with very dangerous and serious wounds.

The properties of silver water in the scientific world are recognized as the object of expressing conflicting views. Despite the ambiguity of attitudes towards the noble metal and its completely unexplored properties, it continues to be actively used in folk and traditional medicine.

We offer several common examples and recommendations for the use of silver water:

  • In diseases of the oral cavity (periodontal disease, stomatitis), regular rinsing is recommended.
  • The ailments associated with the digestive organs reduce their intensity with the use of an aqueous silver solution of 100 ml on an empty stomach, it is recommended to eat food after half an hour. The coming relief should not be the basis for stopping treatment. A reduced dosage will allow you to consolidate the results achieved.
  • The benefits of silver water for humans are obvious: it saves from unwanted wrinkles, regulates the normal course of natural processes, cleanses the blood, etc.
  • A liquid enriched with silver can have a beneficial effect on metabolic and cleansing processes.
  • A healing solution for people with low immunity, which leads to frequent infectious diseases, will benefit. As a preventive measure, daily fluid intake in small quantities is recommended.
  • Inhalations with a healing composition help get rid of rhinitis.
  • Aqueous silver solution, at a concentration of 10-20 mg / l, is used for washing and lotions in the treatment of many diseases in the field of ophthalmology.
  • The fight against diseases of the skin (treatment of wounds, compresses, therapeutic baths) involves the use of a liquid with a certain concentration of a substance purchased in a network of pharmacies and created with my own hands. The benefits of silver water here are manifested in a decrease in the intensity of allergies, manifestations diabetes etc. In 3 l. liquids placed in an enameled container, 20 tablets are dissolved. aspirin. The solution is enriched with silver ions for 24 hours thanks to the ionizer. To take a bath, not more than 1 time in 2 days for 20 minutes, the solution is added to a liquid with a temperature of 40ºC.

Water with silver ions, in any of its uses, can increase the positive effects of a large number of medicines. Caution is required to treat this fact when prescribing antibiotics, using hydrogen peroxide and other drugs.

Silver dissolved in water is recognized as the best disinfectant, does not change the taste of liquids, counteracts the mass of microbes. Is used for:

  • conservation of water on long-distance ships;
  • goes with the astronauts into space;
  • canning baby food, juices, products from milk and alcohol;
  • prolonging the use of creams, tinctures and ointments.

Regular use of drinks enriched with silver particles has a beneficial effect on the functioning of hematopoietic organs, the qualitative composition of the blood.

Introduction to the diet of water enriched with metal ions should be preceded by preparation. Wearing silver jewelry in contact with the body will show the degree of perception by the body of the substance: darkening of the skin and the occurrence of irritation is a sign of the need to abandon the use of enriched liquid.

Storage of silver water

To increase the shelf life of water with silver, the storage conditions for the liquid must be observed:

  • eliminate the instability of the temperature regime (heat, cold);
  • keep away from direct sunlight;
  • do not store a highly concentrated solution in a dark room for more than 2 months;
  • store in a glass or ceramic container;
  • before ionizing an industrial cleaning liquid, it must undergo a process of filtration and settling;
  • silver-enriched water should not be boiled.

It is recommended to have your own ionizer in the house, which will allow you to create the required amount of fresh solution at any time. It is recommended that the container with enriched liquid be shaken vigorously before use.

Precautionary measures

The benefits and harms of water with silver are a topical and discussed topic. A fairly large percentage of physicians are wary of the composition, arguing for a person a high degree of risk from the use of a metal classified as a second hazard class. Experts also draw attention to the issue of insufficient knowledge of the effect of an aqueous solution of silver on the physiological processes of the human body. There is also such a statement that silver water is a metal solution that can harm children.

As a result, it is worth listening to the urgent requirements for observing the concentration and volume of the aqueous solution used (course intake). Do not exclude the discussion of the preventive and therapeutic use of liquid with silver ions with physicians. You should not expect a quick positive effect from the use of silver water, and if you experience discomfort, you should stop drinking and consult a doctor.

A silver spoon in a glass of water saturates it with silver ions, turning ordinary water into "silver". Such water is considered curative and safe for drinking: silver ions suppress many bacteria, fungi and viruses.

The effectiveness of the bactericidal properties of Ag has been experimentally proven: scientists left microorganisms on silver plates and monitored their development. Here are the results:

  • diphtheria bacillus ceased to be viable after 3 days;
  • staphylococcus died after 2 days;
  • the typhoid bacterium lasted only 18 hours.

At a metal concentration of 0.1 mg/l, fungi die. In a solution with a concentration of 1 mg / l, influenza A and B viruses die. The negative effect on the natural human microflora is almost completely absent, silver water does not cause addiction: not a single virus or bacterium forms stable forms.

Why put a silver spoon into the water

Silver has powerful antimicrobial properties. It has a detrimental effect on Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

To give water bactericidal properties. Silver ions have antiviral, bactericidal, antiseptic, antifungal properties. The metal does not dissolve, but gradually saturates the liquid with positively charged particles, as a result, water acquires the antibacterial properties inherent in silver. Silvered water is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases.

For silvering water, not only spoons are used, but also vessels. You can pour water into a silver bowl and leave it to "charge" with silver ions. In the Middle Ages, silverware was used everywhere, it was considered a reliable method of protection against infections, Ag was used as an antibiotic.

How does a silver spoon work on water

  • Disinfection

Most famous useful property silver - disinfection. A silver spoon in a glass of water fights various microorganisms and does not impair its taste. Silver disinfection of water is considered safer than chlorination: chlorinated water does not have the most pleasant taste and can Negative influence on the mucous membranes of the body. And at the same concentrations, silver water is more effective than chlorine.

  • preservative properties

With the help of silver, you can conserve a large amount of water. Astronauts and sailors drink silver water, it is used to preserve some drinks, baby food, juices. Silver water is added to medicines to increase their shelf life.

The benefits of silver water

  • Healing effect

Silver is an important element for the normal functioning of the body. The brain and spinal cord, liver, bones, and hormonal system need silver. In the human brain, there is an increased content of silver - about 0.03 mg per 1000 g of tissue.

With food, an average person receives 0.1 mg of silver per day. Among everyday foods, egg yolk holds the record for Ag content: 0.2 g of metal per 100 g of yolk.

Many experts believe that silver water can heal the body, improve blood composition, and recommend using it internally and externally. For example, in case of stomach diseases, it is advised to drink healing water, and in case of burns, treat the affected areas. For problems with the nose, rinses are done, for diseases of the oral cavity - rinses.

Important: drinking silver water is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women.

Possible harm of silver water

The influence of silver on the natural processes in the body has not been thoroughly studied, so experts recommend using silver water with caution. Some experts believe that water with silver can be harmful, because in order for it to acquire a bacteriostatic effect, the concentration of ions must be so high that the water will no longer be drinkable (in terms of acceptable standards). Silver belongs to the second hazard class, it is toxic if it enters the body in excess.

Important: the permissible dosage of silver in drinking water is up to 0.05 mg / l.

It is believed that silver blocks the energy exchange in cells, which eventually leads to weakening of the body and disease. But there is no scientific evidence for this.

How long does it take to keep a silver spoon in water

To prepare silver water, you can use not only a spoon, but also any other silverware. To silver water, you need to leave a spoon in the water for three days - in a shorter period it will not be possible to achieve an effective concentration of ions. The method is simple and used for centuries, but with its drawbacks: water is silver for at least three days, it is impossible to accurately determine the concentration of the metal.

When infused, a limited amount of ions enter the water, so the silver spoon in water method is considered relatively safe. However, you should not abuse silver water - any medicine in case of an overdose can turn into poison.