Formation of immunity in children. The immune system of the child The formation of immunity in newborns

This is the ability of the human body to resist the attacks of bacteria and viruses. Internal systems trigger the production of antibodies at the time of exposure to the body of dangerous external and internal stimuli. How children's immunity is formed and what to do so that the child does not get sick often, we will tell in our article.

Types of immunity in children

Scientists distinguish between 2 types of immunity:

  • Congenital. This is genetic memory. Passed down from parents.
  • Acquired. It is formed in a practical way at the time of encounter with diseases throughout life and in the process of vaccination.

Stages of formation of children's immunity

It is a mistake to assume that babies are born completely defenseless against dangerous bacteria from the outside world. In the first 28 days after birth, babies are under the powerful protection of their mother's immunity, which is transmitted inside the womb. It protects the child from viruses and bacteria with which the newborn has not yet met. Breastfeeding maintains antibody levels. In the second or third month of life, the number of maternal antibodies decreases, the baby protects itself from diseases.

Further, the immunity of the child is formed as follows:

  • From 3 to 6 months. The number of mother's antibodies decreases, active immunity is formed. The baby is prone to viral and infectious diseases, intestinal disorders. This is a dangerous period when babies need to be especially protected from, and.
  • From 2 to . Toddlers are actively in contact with other children, the world around them. So new microorganisms enter the blood and mucous membranes of the child. During this period, children are more likely to get sick,, acute respiratory infections.
  • From 6 to . Preschoolers have already accumulated enough experience in dealing with viruses and bacteria, but there is a risk of developing chronic ailments and allergies.
  • From 12 to 14 years old. Puberty weakens the body due to hormonal changes. The process of growing up weakens the work of the lymphoid organs. Be sure to remove if indications for the procedure.

Children with weak immunity get sick more often and endure illnesses much harder. To prevent this from happening, take care of the formation of a strong protective barrier in advance.

Video how to strengthen children's immunity

Signs of a weak immune system in a child

It is easy to understand that a child has weak protective properties. Babies with low immunity get sick every 1-2 months, suffer any ailments severely and with complications, many pathologies become chronic after 3 years.

Children with the following symptoms can definitely be included in the risk group for weak immunity:

  • prematurity;
  • birth trauma;
  • Difficult pregnancy;
  • Multiple pregnancy;
  • hereditary diseases;
  • Overweight or underweight;
  • Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Diathesis, dermatitis;

Reduced immunity is more often observed in children living in cities with poor ecology, in dysfunctional families who have experienced severe stress.

How to get rid of frequent illnesses in a child?

It is necessary to begin to form stable immunity in a newborn even during pregnancy. It is important for mothers to follow a diet, quit bad habits, reduce the amount of stress, take vitamin complexes.

After the birth of the baby, organize his life and nutrition:

  • Monitor the diet of a nursing mother and child during the introduction of complementary foods. Saturate the diet of a woman and a child with minerals. Without such replenishment, the immune system will not be able to work at full strength.
  • Follow the daily routine. Full, scheduled meals are not a sign of Spartan upbringing, but a rational approach to building good health from birth.
  • Make time. In any manifestation. It can be daily exercise or professional training.
  • Daily walks. Start walking from 3-5 days after the birth of the baby. Spend as much time outside as possible. Room education reduces the child's immunity to the most extreme levels.
  • . This is not only dousing, but also accustoming to walking on bare ground in the summer, making sure that the baby is not wrapped up on walks, sleeping in a cool room.
  • Psychological stability. Establish a friendly atmosphere at home, avoid stress. Establish a daily routine, do not change it abruptly.
  • Taking vitamins. It is not necessary to give the baby synthetic vitamins, it is enough to feed the baby with fruits and vegetables in large quantities.
  • Breastfeeding up to 1 year. Breast-sucking babies get sick less often than artificial ones.
  • Treat diseases on time. Contact your doctor at the first sign of colds and infections, do not self-medicate.
  • Vaccination. An important stage in the formation of children's immunity will save children and parents from many ailments.

What harms children's immunity?

Sometimes children are born with strong immunity, but mothers and grandmothers reduce it artificially by wrapping up, unwillingness to observe the daily routine, and limiting walks in winter. Dads harm children with tobacco - passive smoking causes chronic bronchitis in newborns, allergies.

The receptions of modulators of protective forces without prescriptions by a doctor, tight swaddling, sterile living conditions are also dangerous for the immune system. Fanatical surveillance of purity and the artificial production of immunity with the help of drugs does not allow antibodies to be produced on their own.

Attention! The use of any medicines and dietary supplements, as well as the use of any medical methods, is possible only with the permission of a doctor.

Let's see how the main mechanisms of immunity are formed. How is it that some people have effective immunity, while others have a weak one.

The thing is that even before the formation of the fetus, when the egg begins to form and fertilization occurs, the parental genes are combined, as a result of which genetic information is inherited, which is closely related to the capabilities of the immune system.

It is curious that a person has more than 36,000 genes, and about half of them are in their own way related to the work of the immune system, as well as the entire biological defense of the body. Based on this fact, we can conclude how important the immune system is.

At some levels of fetal development, various genetic programs are activated, thanks to which, first of all, the central and then peripheral organs of the immune system are created. Over time, these organs are filled with cells that are created first in the liver, and then in the bone marrow. From these cells, after several differentiation operations, cells are formed that form the immune system, primarily lymphocytes, divided into two groups.

The first group is the largest. This is a group of T-lymphocytes, which are cells from the bone marrow that move to the thymus gland (aka thymus). Since the word "thymus" begins with the letter "t", these cells are called T-lymphocytes. In the thymus, which is the main organ of the immune system, lymphocytes undergo a stage of maturation, learning and profile change, after which they are transferred to the blood. Through the blood, lymphocytes move throughout the body and implement the work of immunity at the cellular level.

All lymphocytes that have been trained in the thymus can react in a special way to any particular stimulus agent. The cells are fully prepared for the defense of the "Motherland", i.e. our body. In other words, these are absolutely mature lymphocytes, but they still have a bit of “naivety”, since they have never encountered their real opponent, namely, the agent of infection.

Another detachment of lymphocytes is smaller, it includes B-lymphocytes (from the first letter of the phrase "bone marrow" - bone marrow). B-lymphocytes move from the bone marrow to the spleen and lymph nodes, after which they are constantly on duty throughout the body. Such lymphocytes are also naive guys, because they do not yet have sufficient experience in their work.

The third group of cells leads the immune defense squad and controls the work of both T- and B-lymphocytes. These cells include monocytes and dendritic cells. Such cells have an excellent ability to neutralize various agents through the phagocytosis procedure. In this case, cells capture foreign agents, are processed with enzymes, cut and destroyed. The received processed information is further transmitted to T- and B-lymphocytes. The latter have special receptors on their membranes, with the help of which they recognize a foreign structure (peptide) and act in a special way on these fragmented elements (as a rule, short polypeptides consisting of ten or more amino acids). In this case, B-lymphocytes are activated, moving to a special section of the lymph nodes, as well as special B-dependent zones. Similar zones are present in the spleen.

After contact with macrophages, monocytes or dendritic cells, T-lymphocytes are also transferred to the nearest lymph node, but in their own area, which is designated as the T-dependent zone. There, lymphocytes begin to transform into more specialized cells designed to carry out special protective missions.

This is how the initial process looks like, from which the professional, joint work of three types of cells is activated. Upon subsequent interaction with the antigens of viruses and bacteria, these special cells increase in size, and then multiply many times, creating offspring from one cell, which is also called a “clone”.

Each clone is specifically designed to fight specific agents: helminths, protozoa, viruses and bacteria. Moreover, agents are selected not only by the type of their structure, but also by individual elements, such as nucleoproteins, proteins, polysaccharides, etc. At this stage, immunity is created. Therefore, immunity is determined by the number of cells of all three types, their ability to instantly respond to foreign agents, recognize them and create antibodies.

An ordinary person does not even realize how turbulent and exciting processes are taking place in his body. What is connected with the immune system can be regarded as a confrontation between the two programs. Let's study this on the example of an infectious disease.

An infection agent has one program and one task. It must enter the body and multiply as quickly as possible. The second program, namely the genetic program of the immune system, is obliged to promptly respond and use all available protective means to counter the multiplying agent. The immune system uses its "soldiers" in the form of T- and B-lymphocytes, which are equipped with special "machines" that shoot the agents of infection with "bullets", which are special molecules.

If a person’s immunity is in perfect order and has a worthy detachment of defenders, then soldiers will easily find enemies in any area of ​​the body, be it the circulatory system, broncho-pulmonary region, urogenital tract or intestines. Lymphocytes will search every corner to find, exterminate and remove strangers from the body. Their main goal is to clear the territory of the enemy, to clean up the body from gangs of hostile agents. Unfortunately, in most cases, a person is not able to avoid infection with a guarantee, so the body's entire defense relies on the immune system. The body must be able to take care of itself.

After the battle is won and the territory is liberated, B- and T-lymphocytes almost die with the honor of the brave, but acquire and store information about the agent of infection and its characteristics for a long time in their “memory”. This process is called immunological memory. In the future, if the agent has the courage to return, the memory will help in deploying a defensive reaction that will be 2-3 times faster and more effective than before. Thus, the immune system will again reflect the blow.

This is how the immune system is created and works, seeking to form the resistance (immunity) of the body to infectious agents of various types, quickly identifying and destroying the identified threat to human life. Of course, medical centers in Moscow can also provide such information, but isn't it better to get it in expanded form, with detailed explanations and illustrations?

Infectious agent - salmonella (a group of Escherichia coli):


Immunity is the protection of our body

The immune system protects our body from any genetically alien invasion: microbes, viruses, protozoa, from decay products formed inside the body (during infectious and inflammatory processes) or cells of our own body that have changed as a result of mutations, diseases. If the immunity is good and the immune system notices in time the invasion from the outside or breakdowns inside and adequately responds to them, the person is healthy.

How does the immune system protect us from infections?

Resistance to infections is due to a number of protective mechanisms.

Any pathogens or any of their individual structures that have reached the mucous membranes of the intestines, nasopharynx, lungs or got inside the body are "caught" by phagocytes.

In immunology, foreign agents are called antigens. When the immune system detects them, defense mechanisms immediately turn on, and a fight begins against the “stranger”.

Moreover, to destroy each specific antigen, the body produces specific cells, they are called antibodies. They fit antigens like a key to a lock. Antibodies bind to the antigen and eliminate it - this is how the body fights the disease.

innate immunity

Phagocytes (from the Greek phagein, “eat” and “-cyte”, cell), guarding everything foreign, absorb this agent, digest it and remove it. This process is called phagocytosis.

So it starts first line of defense- innate immunity. He and his cells take on most of the "attacks" of the microbial world.

During malfunctions of the immune system, there is a "recurrence" of infections, the reason for this is most often the "weakness" of the first line of defense associated with the process of phagocytosis.

Normally, bacterial cell wall molecules or minimal fragments are formed in our gastrointestinal tract when they are digested by phagocytes, and they keep innate immunity in a natural “tonus”, when the number of first defense cells, phagocytes, is sufficient, they are fully ready give a "rebuff" to new bacteria or cope with "come" earlier.

If the "removal" of the pathogen does not occur, it is the turn of a more subtle and long-tuned second line of defense - acquired immunity. When, in the course of a disease, antibodies and memory cells are formed in the body, which will help in the future to recognize the causative agent of this disease and cope with it faster and more efficiently.

Strengthening the immune system in chronic infections is based on increasing the functionality of innate immunity, starting with phagocytosis and further, activating all parts of the natural immune response.

Immunity, accumulated throughout life after suffering diseases or vaccinations, is called acquired.

But in protection against infections, the leading role is played by innate immunity, which directs the launch of the acquired and its subsequent work.

How does the immune system work?

The immune system begins to form even in the womb. For some time after birth, the child is under the protection of maternal immunity received from the mother through the placenta. When the baby is born, the most important stage in the formation of immunity begins. The most important defense of the child after birth and support of his immunity is colostrum.


Only after birth, the child begins to receive the maximum possible maternal protection through feeding with colostrum. This stage is extremely important from the point of view of the formation of immunity in the child. Colostrum is necessary in order to create the basis for the immunity of the newborn. Colostrum contains more antibodies and blood cells than mature breast milk. It is colostrum that gives the newborn the first defense against most of the viruses and bacteria that he will encounter. The level of protective factors of colostrum is so high that it is considered not only as a food product, but as a healing agent. This is the first "vaccination" that tones up the baby's immune system.

The immune factors of colostrum play an important role in preparing the child's digestive system for the feeding process. In 1989 transfer factor was found in colostrum. It is produced by cells of the immune system in response to the appearance of a foreign agent in the body and transmits information about the foreigner to immune cells. As a result, immune cells are trained to recognize the enemy and destroy it.

Then acquired immunity begins to form. This happens in the process of each contact with any pathogen, whether it be a microbe, allergen, bacterium, etc.

And for each virus and microbe, the answer will be different, the immune system will remember it and, upon repeated contact, will meet it fully armed and reflect it.

The immune system is able to recognize many "aliens". Among them are viruses, bacteria, poisonous substances of plant or animal origin, protozoa, fungi, allergens. Among them, she includes the cells of her own body that have turned into cancerous and therefore become “enemies”. Its main goal is to provide protection from all these "strangers" and maintain the integrity of the internal environment of the body, ensuring its normal operation.

Recognition of "enemies" occurs at the gene level. Each cell carries its own genetic information inherent only to a given person. The immune system analyzes this genetic information, detecting the penetration of foreign agents into the body or changes in its cells. If the information matches, then the agent is your own, if it doesn't match, it's someone else's.

Video from the Tsentrnauchfilm archive, 1987

Despite the fact that the film was created almost 30 years ago, it has not lost its relevance.

He talks about the principles of the immune system, which to this day have remained the same.

Immunity - where is it? (organs of the immune system)

The immune system plays an extremely important role in human life. It is a complex of organs and cells aimed at performing an immunological function, i.e. to protect the body from genetically alien substances coming from outside or formed in the body itself.

The organs of the immune system include the bone marrow, in which the lymphoid tissue is closely associated with the hematopoietic tissue, thymus(thymus), tonsils, spleen, lymphoid nodes in the walls of the hollow internal organs of the digestive, respiratory systems and urogenital apparatus.

bone marrow and thymus are the central organs of the immune system, since they form lymphocytes from bone marrow stem cells.

The thymus is responsible for the production of T-lymphocytes and the hormones thymosin, thymalin and thymopoietin. A bit of biology: T-lymphocytes are regulators of inflammation, immune responses, this is the central link in the entire defense system of the human body. Thymosin is a thymus hormone that is responsible for the maturation of these same T-lymphocytes. Thymalin is a hormone of the thymus, which is responsible for maintaining the work of the entire gland as a whole. Thymopoietin is a hormone produced by the thymus that is involved in the recognition of T-lymphocytes.

Thymus (Thymus gland)- a small organ, weighing about 35-37 grams. The growth of the organ continues until the onset of puberty. Then comes the process of involution and by the age of 75 the weight of the thymus is only 6 grams.

When the function of the thymus is impaired, there is a decrease in the number of T-lymphocytes in the blood, which is the cause of a decrease in immunity.

Numerous The lymph nodes lie on the routes of lymph from organs and tissues to the venous system. Foreign substances in the form of particles of dead cells, together with the tissue fluid, enter the lymph flow, are retained and neutralized in the lymph nodes.

With age, as a result of adverse effects, the immune system ceases to cope with the function of control and timely destruction of pathological cells. As a result, the body accumulates changes that are expressed in the process of aging, the formation of various chronic diseases.

The immune system suffers especially strongly from the effects of stress, poor environmental conditions, poor nutrition and the use of toxic drugs.

Causes of reduced immunity

Factors that reduce the effectiveness of the immune system:

  • Ecology, environmental pollution;
  • Irrational nutrition, starvation, adherence to strict diets;
  • Deficiency of vitamins and microelements;
  • Prolonged stress;
  • Excessive, exhausting physical activity;
  • Past injuries, burns, operations;
  • Bad habits - smoking, alcohol, caffeine;
  • Uncontrolled use of drugs;
  • Irregular sleep and rest.

Signs of inadequate immunity

Signs of problems in the immune system:

  • Rapid fatigue, weakness, lethargy, weakness. Poor night sleep, feeling tired already in the morning;
  • Frequent colds, more than 3-4 times a year;
  • The presence of furunculosis, herpes, purulent inflammation of the sweat glands;
  • Frequent stomatitis and other inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity;
  • Frequent exacerbations of sinusitis, bronchitis (over 2 weeks), etc.
  • Prolonged elevated subfebrile (37-38 degrees) temperature;
  • Disorder of the gastrointestinal tract, colitis, dysbacteriosis, etc.;
  • Persistent, difficult to treat infections of the urogenital tract (chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, etc.).
  • Your doctor called your condition "chronic" or "recurrent";
  • You have an allergic, autoimmune or oncological disease.

What destroys our immunity?

But alas, the wrong way of life, bad habits, overeating, physical inactivity, by the age of 20-30 bring a person to a catastrophic state of health. And thank God if a person remembers his health and medicine early.

Almost every person sooner or later becomes a patient of a doctor and clinic. And, unfortunately, the majority of patients practically do not participate in their own treatment and recovery, but, as it were, go "to the slaughter", taking all kinds of pills. Interestingly, the word "patient" in Latin means "submissively enduring, suffering." In contrast to conventional medicine, the philosophy of a healthy lifestyle provides that a person is an active participant in treatment and recovery, and not just "tolerating". In Chinese medicine, it is customary to begin "treatment" before a person feels unwell. A person, in fact, knows better than anyone what is happening with his body, knows how it all began, therefore he is able to analyze and change his lifestyle in order to recover. No matter how perfect medicine is, it will not be able to save everyone from all diseases.

If you suspect that you have a decrease in immunity, make sure that the influence of factors that can reduce the effectiveness of your immunity is minimal. Don't let immunodeficiency develop!

How to strengthen immunity?

What is in your hands? Take care of overall health. Immunity is strengthened:

  • Good food. The body must receive certain vitamins (A, C and others) and nutrients in sufficient quantities;
  • Healthy sleep;
  • Movement. All types of physical exercises: with a reasonable load - running, swimming, gymnastics, training on simulators, walking, tempering procedures - have the most beneficial effect on the immune system;
  • Quit smoking and alcohol;
  • Careful attitude to your psyche and the psyche of people. Constant exposure to stress leads to extremely negative consequences. Try to avoid stressful situations or treat them more calmly;
  • Hygiene.

Keep Hygiene

Compliance with the rules of hygiene greatly reduces the likelihood of infection entering your body.

The usual ways for infection pathogens to enter the body (in case of non-compliance with hygiene standards and rules) are organs such as:

  • mouth;
  • nose;
  • leather;
  • stomach.

At present, many worthy and very useful developments have been created in the field of immunology. These developments include immunomodulators, in particular, transfer factors that act in a complex way on the entire human immune system. Being an immunomodulator developed by nature itself, Transfer Factor does not have any age restrictions. Transfer factor, in addition to all of the above, does not give side effects, it is indicated for use even in newborn babies and pregnant women.

Be healthy and take care of yourself!

The formation of immunity in a child has 5 stages, each with its own characteristics, knowing which parents can foresee everything and avoid many problems.

Development of the immune system in children

Although the development of the immune system in children begins in utero, it receives a powerful impetus from the moment it is first applied to the mother's breast immediately after birth. The first stage is perhaps the most difficult - 28 days. In fact, during this period, he lives off the transferred antibodies 1 if he used colostrum, i.e. if the mother breastfed him in the first hours and the first three days after birth. But representatives of the older and middle generation are unlikely to have experienced it - this is colostrum. Since for more than 70 years in European countries, including Russia, unfortunately, children have been deprived of this miracle product, invented by nature. Now in maternity hospitals, it is immediately passed to the mother so that he crouched on his chest and sucked out these precious drops of colostrum. In order to take all the information about immunity from mom.

However, even without receiving colostrum, the child subsequently receives antibodies along with mother's milk. And why does a newborn have such passive immunity during the first 28 days? If you ask your mother - is the child born - native or someone else's? Of course, native, flesh of his own flesh. Look - he inherited his mother's genes. But also the genes of the father. Therefore, biologically the child represents a foreign organism. Why does the fetus develop inside the placenta? So that the mother's blood does not come into contact with the blood of the fetus. Otherwise there will be rejection. Since the child defended himself and all his functional systems were aimed at resisting and not feeling the antigenic structure of the mother, he had a very high suppressor activity. Those. activity to suppress the immune system.

Why do they say in the East that a woman after childbirth should lift the biggest spoon for 40 days, and nothing more. During this period, the woman passes on the immune structure to the child. She wants to sleep a lot, like a child - and let her sleep so that her milk is full, active. If during this period she is physically very tense, this leads to fatigue and the milk does not develop its structure properly. As a result, every second child is born with an allergy. The scourge of big cities.

Second period. How to boost immunity for a 3 year old

The second period in a child is from 2 to 3 years, a period of pulmonological (relating to the respiratory organs) inactivity. And it coincides with the first period of stubbornness. The child already realizes that he is the head of the family, that everything is possible for him. And here there are powerful tensions. It is enough to observe the behavior of parents in relation to their young children. By itself, the question arises - why is it not customary for us to raise children of this age as in the East: in Japan, in Korea? Where everything is possible for a child under 5 years old - at least stand on your head. And we have? A little something is wrong - it’s “impossible” right away, a crack (well, if it’s on the pope). Often.

The Secret to Immune Health

How to raise the immunity of a child of 3 years? It is known that if a child smiles, then he is resilient. One smile and a child's laughter gives him more immune health than any drug. It has been clearly proven that if you laugh for one minute, it is equivalent to forty minutes of yoga. So which is better? Laugh heartily for one minute? So is the child. But it's not always so easy. If a child is already sick with something, he most likely is not laughing. This is where the teacher for the immune system - Transfer Factor - will help. At the first symptoms of a cold, give the baby half a capsule every hour - the manifestations of the disease should go away in a day. Then the smile of the child will be natural and he will be able to cope.

Child's blood cross

The child has both the 2nd and 3rd, and the 4th and 5th periods. Pay attention to how smart the immune system works. On the fifth day, the child undergoes a crossover, the so-called physiological blood crossover, when the number of lymphocytes increases sharply, and segmented neutrophils sharply decreases. This is the first cross. The second crossing will take place at the age of 5. And up to five years the child has a very high lymphocytosis. This is the norm for him.

The number of leukocytes in a child

And sometimes, since the number of lymphocytes is a powerful reflection of the stress response, here the child has a slightly different relationship. In an adult, it is very clear - if there are more than 43% of lymphocytes, then the person is in overactivation. And if less than 20%, then stress is also a bad reaction. Those. lymphocytes are always a mirror of your mood, your adaptive capabilities. And you can very clearly see from your analysis if your child is over 5 years old - is he under stress or not. A blood test from a pediatrician will always make you give up - and you can read it yourself.

Acute stress is characterized by leukocytosis and a decrease in lymphocytes, while in chronic stress, the number of leukocytes will be normal, and lymphocytes will be small. And the most difficult thing is for a child over 5 years old, when his reaction is more than 43 lymphocytes. This is where Transfer Factor comes in handy.

The third period of the formation of immunity. Prevention of helminthic invasions

The fourth period of development of immunity. puberty

The child has reached the next period - puberty. In boys, it starts from 12 to 16 years. For girls, this is usually from 9-11 years old, today already from 9. It used to be from 14, but even now there is such a category of people - from 14.

And myself hormonal surge inhibits the activity of the immune system. That is why girls often get acne vulgaris - youthful acne, both in boys and girls. Well, for boys it's not so bad. And at this moment it is important that the child receives increased doses of the "teacher" - Transfer Factor. Because hormones themselves inhibit activity. Hormonal, immune, nervous - all these systems are interconnected. And therefore, during this period, those hidden, latent diseases arise that were once in childhood. If a child under one year old has been ill with some kind of broncho-pulmonary infection, then the likelihood of him developing broncho-pulmonary pathology in the future is very high. Especially during puberty. That is why there are a huge number of children with bronchial asthma /link/ during this period of their life.

The fifth stage of the formation of immunity. Whether to remove tonsils, adenoids

The fifth stage of the formation of immunity is from 14 to 16 years, the last period when, as a rule, puberty ends, and the body begins to grow rapidly. There is a hyper-reaction to various influences. Sometimes, if not removed earlier, you have to remove the tonsils or remove the adenoids. By this age, the adenoids may already be so large that the child hardly breathes. Do not rush to remove these organs - this is protection. Let the child suck Transfer Factor Classic - chew and suck - everything will pass in 2-3 months. An additional reinforcing effect is to instill thuja oil into the nose. The child will close his mouth and will breathe with his mouth closed. During this period, it is advisable to support the immune system, which reacts too actively. It just needs to be softened up a bit. Can you name at least one that would have suppressor activity? Those. activity aimed at curbing active immunity. But in fact, Transfer Factor has the most powerful suppressor link - the only product that affects all parts of the immune system. That's why he is a teacher - where to direct, and where to restrain. It is very important.

1 Antithiela - special substances that are used by the immune system to recognize and destroy foreign objects - bacteria, viruses, etc.

2 Enzymatic assimilation - the assimilation of food due to enzymes - substances that direct and accelerate the metabolism in the body.

Question answer

06/03/2014. Alexandra.
Question: The youngest son is almost 5 years old. I have been giving him TF classic since January, 3 capsules a day. The immune system has become much healthier, if it caught some kind of virus, then everything went much faster, without an increase in temperature, a slight runny nose and cough ... What is the next step for a child of his age, if there is a lag in the development of speech due to oxygen fasting during childbirth (natural childbirth)? The neurologist diagnosed "Pseudobulbar dysarthria".
Answer: We must continue in the same spirit. And if it is possible to give more (up to 6 capsules per day) - only better. Or another, more effective regimen: add Transfer Factor Advance (Classic - 3 capsules per day and 2 capsules per day).
As for the diagnosis, there is one remarkable specialist in childhood diseases and, in particular, those related to oxygen starvation - Chizhov Aleksey Yaroslavovich - he knows a lot about Transfer Factor and he also treated children with "Mountain Air" with great success.

To the barrier

Innate immunity meets "troublemakers" first. It starts to work as soon as the baby appears in the white light, but it does not turn on at full power immediately. Innate immunity is considered a non-specific system of protection against infections, it is the same in almost all people, and its main task is to prevent the development of most bacterial infections - for example, bronchitis, otitis, tonsillitis.

The first on the way of the "stranger" are physiological barriers - the skin and mucous membranes. They have a special acidic environment (pH level), which is detrimental to "pests", and are inhabited by microflora - bacteria-defenders. The mucous membranes also produce bactericidal substances. Both barriers trap most of the aggressive micro-organisms.

"Outsiders" who overcome such obstacles meet with the cellular link of innate immunity, that is, with specialized cells - phagocytes, which are found in the skin, mucous membranes and blood cells. They act in cooperation with special types of proteins and protein complexes, for example, interferons known to all, which have a bactericidal or antiviral effect. Thanks to their joint efforts, only 0.1% of the "aggressors" remain "alive".

Special forces team

Specific (or acquired) immunity is not formed immediately, but only after the birth of the baby, and in several stages. Such protection is based on a more subtle mechanism of separating "friends" from "strangers" and immunological memory, that is, recognition of a "stranger" with whom one has already had to come into contact. If the enemy is unfamiliar, then specific immunity will not react to him in any way. Such protection is formed during the interaction of two very closely related factors - cellular (T- and B-lymphocytes) and humoral (immunoglobulin system). Both T- and B-lymphocytes remember a foreign substance (virus, microbe, allergen) and immediately destroy it when they meet again - this is how immunological memory manifests itself. In this case, re-infection does not occur at all or the disease proceeds in a milder form. But if T-cells always act independently, then B-lymphocytes, in order to get rid of the enemy, synthesize special antibodies - immunoglobulins (Ig). The latter are of 5 types (IgA, IgM, IgG, IgD, IgE). Immunoglobulins in the baby's body are formed gradually, reaching "adult" values ​​only by a certain age.

A huge role in the development of acquired immunity is played by vaccinations made in the early stages, as well as the child's natural encounters with bacteria and viruses in the first 5 years of life. The richer the “memory” for infection, the better the baby will be protected in the future.

Ready for battle

The beginning of the way

If adults have antibodies to hundreds of "pests", then babies have yet to develop them. So at different stages of development, the child's immune system has different capabilities. It depends on what and at what age he is ill and how he reacts to contacts with the outside world.

The formation of the immune system begins during pregnancy. On the 3-8th week, the liver is formed, B-lymphocytes appear in it. At the 5-12th week, the thymus is formed, where, after the birth of the baby, T-lymphocytes begin to mature. At the same time, the spleen and lymph nodes are formed. At the 21st week of pregnancy, the spleen also begins to produce lymphocytes. Lymph nodes, on the other hand, should trap bacteria and other foreign particles and keep them out further inside. But they begin to perform this barrier function only by the age of 7–8 years. If in the I-II trimesters, the expectant mother suffers an infectious disease, eats unbalanced meals, there is a risk of improper formation of these organs. During these periods, a woman should, if possible, avoid contact with patients with influenza and SARS, hypothermia.

Between the 10th and 12th weeks of gestation, the unborn child begins to produce its own immunoglobulins, primarily class G. He also receives some of the latter through the mother's blood and the placenta almost immediately after conception. But until the 6th month of pregnancy, maternal immunoglobulins are present in the blood of the unborn child only in very small quantities. For this reason, severely premature babies are at a very high risk of infection.

After the 32nd week of pregnancy, antibodies begin to form intensively, which will protect the baby from diseases in the first months of life.

There is a contact!

The moment of birth marks the first critical period in the development of the child's immune system. Within a month, your own immune defenses will be suppressed, but it cannot be otherwise. After all, already passing through the birth canal, the baby meets bacteria new to him, and in the external environment where he enters after birth, there are billions of microorganisms unfamiliar to him. And if the immune system were as strong as in adults, the baby simply could not stand the body's reaction to "strangers". For this reason, the mechanisms of innate immunity in a healthy newborn are approximately 40–50% of the adult level, and the synthesis of immunoglobulins is 10–15%. The baby is very susceptible to viruses and germs, and the likelihood of infectious diseases is high.

At this stage, only mother's immunoglobulins, obtained in utero, help him to resist specific infections. They protect the baby from those infections that the mother had or was vaccinated against (diphtheria, polio, measles, rubella, chickenpox). Also at this time, the intestines begin to colonize with bacteria. In addition, the baby receives useful microorganisms and immunoglobulins with an artificial mixture or mother's milk. Penetrating into the intestines, these substances make its mucosa inaccessible to pathogens, thus protecting the crumbs from many infections and allergies. But breastfed babies are better protected. After all, along with milk, they also receive antibodies to those infections that my mother has already had.

Human milk proteins stimulate the development of the baby's immune system. Modern milk formulas also contain immunoglobulins, but their doses are designed for the average child. Mother's milk in its composition is suitable for a particular baby.

Since at this time the baby is at high risk of diseases, the social circle should be limited to the closest relatives - those people with whom he lives. Getting from the hospital to the apartment and communicating with mom and dad, the child gradually gets used to the "home" microflora, and it becomes safe for him. If guests come to the house, ask them to wash their hands with soap and show them the crumb from afar.

During this period, it is necessary, on the one hand, to strictly observe the rules of hygiene, and on the other hand, not to overdo it. Otherwise, the necessary microbes will not be able to populate the skin and mucous membranes, in addition, the sterile atmosphere will not make it possible to fight bacteria and develop the immune system. To maintain a balance, it is enough to do wet cleaning 2-3 times a week, vacuum upholstered furniture and every time, before approaching a newborn, wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water.

Serious reason

According to WHO, children under 3 years of age suffer from 6-8 respiratory diseases per year. On average, if the immune system is working normally, in a year a baby can suffer 1-2 rather severe viral infections (flu, adenovirus infection) and 4-5 “colds” can be mild and be accompanied by a runny nose, cough, low temperature. This does not mean that the child's immunity is reduced. The only way to fully protect yourself from diseases is to develop your own immunity, which can only be formed after meeting with a microbe. Frequent acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections should not be considered as a manifestation of the weakness of the immune system.
A serious reason to visit an immunologist can be frequent colds that occur with complications and turn into pneumonia, bronchitis, repeated infections with infections that should develop lifelong immunity - for example, measles, rubella, chicken pox. But in the latter case, it must be taken into account that if the baby has been ill with them for up to a year, immunity may be unstable. With prolonged treatment with antibiotics, antifungal or hormonal drugs, maintenance therapy with immunomodulators is required. In this case, you also need to consult an immunologist.

immune response

3-6 months is the second critical period. Maternal antibodies are gradually destroyed and completely disappear from the body by 6 months. An immune response develops to the penetration of infection in the body of the crumbs, as the production of its own immunoglobulin A, which is responsible for local immunity, begins. But he does not have a "memory" for viruses, so the vaccinations that are given during this period are necessarily repeated later. It is very important to continue breastfeeding.

Water procedures will also help strengthen protection. From 3 months old, after a minute bath in water with a temperature of 36-37 ° C, the baby is poured with water, the temperature of which is 1-2 degrees lower. You can also gently wipe the baby after taking a bath with a mitten soaked in water at a temperature of 33–36 ° C. For 2 minutes, they wipe their hands from the hand to the shoulder and the legs from the foot to the knee, after which they wipe them dry. Once every 5 days, the water temperature is lowered by a degree and gradually brought to 28 ° C.

Children's surprises

2-3 years - the third critical period, the time of active formation of acquired immunity. Contacts with the outside world are expanding, many children begin attending a nursery or kindergarten and often get sick. This period usually lasts 6-12 months. The cause of repeated colds can also be stress, the unwillingness of the baby to attend a nursery or garden. But to abandon preschool is still not worth it. Crumbs who do not attend a garden or a nursery, of course, get sick less often. But as soon as they start going to school, their frequency of viral infections increases dramatically. Their "organized" peers by this age have time to "get acquainted" with many viruses and catch cold less often.

Usually, at this age, the illnesses of “kindergarteners” last a long time and pass one into another. This does not mean that they have weak immunity. It's just that babies come into contact with a large number of pathogens, their mucous membranes are vulnerable, since immunoglobulin A is still produced in small quantities. The immune system, therefore, actively trains: in a collision with “strangers”, the body produces antibodies, which later help it cope with diseases faster or prevent them from occurring at all. To finally form, immunity requires up to 8-12 such “training sessions” per year.

The general resistance of the baby's body to infections from vaccinations practically does not depend. A child who has received a full set of vaccinations can often get sick with tonsillitis, bronchitis, otitis media, the causative agents of which are ordinary microbes.

At this age, it is better to do without immunostimulating drugs. Their use can weaken the immune system of the child. In addition, immunostimulants have contraindications and side effects. A diet balanced in vitamins and microelements, adherence to the daily routine, physical activity and hardening procedures will have a much greater effect.

Also at this age, due to the active "exchange" of various pathogens with peers, there is an active growth of the tonsils and lymph nodes. This link of innate immunity serves as the first line of defense against potential pathogens of various diseases. When they become infected, they enlarge and become inflamed.

Around this time, most revaccinations also fall. They are aimed at maintaining the immunity that was developed during previous vaccinations.

almost grown up

At the age of 5–7 years (the fourth critical period), the levels of class M and G immunoglobulins approach the adult level, the number of T- and B-lymphocytes also becomes close to their number in an adult. Immunoglobulin A is still in short supply. Because of this, diseases of the upper respiratory tract at this age can become chronic (chronic tonsillitis, chronic laryngitis) or often recur. To avoid this, it is necessary to cure them very carefully and to the end. Also in the autumn-winter period, it is recommended to give the child multivitamins. For specific recommendations (the course of taking and the names of vitamin complexes), you should contact your pediatrician. But before prescribing immunostimulating agents, you need to know which part of the immune system is suffering and what exactly needs to be strengthened. Accurate information about this is given only by a detailed immunogram.

But most children get sick much less often and cope with infections faster. The value of immunoglobulin E reaches a maximum, therefore, the frequency of allergic reactions increases.