Embroidered towel based on folk embroidery. Scenario of pedagogical event. Decorative drawing based on folk embroidery “Embroidered towel. What is interesting about this type of needlework

Lesson topic:Sketch of an embroidery ornament on a towel.

Lesson type: combined

The purpose of the lesson: Introduction to the symbolic meaning of the towel.


To acquaint students with the symbolic meaning of the towel, the motifs of the ornament on it.

Development of figurative thinking, artistic taste, creative activity, independence.

To cultivate a moral and aesthetic attitude to the world and art, to national traditions.

Lesson equipment: Multimedia projector, computer, magnetic board, illustrations depicting embroidered products, tables depicting signs of symbols, embroidery designs, embroidered works, presentation in PowerPoint format (Appendix 1).

At the student:paper, felt-tip pens, paints, brushes, White paper, scissors.

During the classes:

Organizing time:

1. Greeting.

2. Check readiness for the lesson.

3. Check for absentees in class.

4. Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Main part:

1. A conversation about the symbolic meaning of embroidery and towels in the life of a Russian person.

4. Summing up, exhibition of works.

The art of embroidery in Rus' has been known since ancient times. Everything that surrounded a person in everyday life was carefully decorated by hardworking peasant hands.

Since ancient times, the ability to create marvelous embroidered patterns on fabric has been revered in Rus'. Women of any age and class have been engaged in this art for many centuries.

But embroidery is most widespread in the Russian village, where various patterns were the most important decoration of clothing and household items.

Girls began to learn to embroider at the age of 7-8 and from childhood they prepared a dowry for themselves.

Patterns and techniques of craftsmanship, and artistic features of ancient embroideries were passed down from generation to generation. Each of the embroiderers supplemented the information received with something of her own. But the tradition was not destroyed.

The towel played an important role in folk life. The towel has always been a very strong amulet that has passed from the pagan tradition to the Christian one.

A pattern was embroidered on a towel with red threads - it was an ancient amulet of the house from evil spirits.

The ancient Slavs believed that a person's life has a beginning and an end, and a towel accompanies him all his life from birth to death. A little man was born, a midwife takes him on a towel, which his mother lovingly embroidered. While still in the girls, she took care of her baby, providing a towel with rich protective symbols. This towel is called maternity.

They tied a child on a bare tummy belt from bleached sheep wool. The ends of the girdle closed, resulting in a circle-symbol of the sun and infinity. Unbelted - it means that he opened himself to evil spirits.

Baby swaddled in swaddling- a narrow long strip of fabric, this is also a towel.

Our distant ancestors had a daily magical ritual of cleansing with water. In the morning - from night fears and horrors, in the evening - from daytime hardships, worries and fatigue. The rite of purification included, and wiping the face with a towel and called it wiping.

At the wedding of the bride and groom, the parents met and blessed with a towel in their hands, on which there were bread and salt. This towel is called wedding.

And on the last journey, to the cemetery, they escort a person, carrying him on towels, on which they lower him into the grave. it funerary towels. The funeral towel depicted the symbols of the soul and the funeral (sacrificial) pyre. Funeral towels after the ceremony were given to the temple, for the mention of the soul.

You see what a deep symbolic meaning the most common and ancient item of folk life has - towels.

All towels had an embroidered pattern. Embroideries embodied ancient folk symbols and rituals.

Sunrevered as a source of life, with great cleansing and protective power. They turned to him with prayers for fertility and prosperity. It was depicted as a circle, a flower.

An oblique cross with curved ends is a solar sign - the solstice (change of day and night, seasons).

Earth,in the view of Russian peasants, endowed with human features. She was called "Nurse - mother-cheese Earth."

font-size:14.0pt;line-height:115%;font-family: "times new roman>She was revered in close connection with water and vegetation. She was depicted as a female figure (Makosh) with birds in raised hands, inside which a tree grew, and at the feet or along the edge of the clothes there was a jagged line depicting water.

It was believed that bird brings good to a person. Therefore, at the ends of wedding towels, birds were always embroidered as a sign of consent, love and peace in the house, either in the form of a proud bird - a peahen, or in the form of an elegant duck floating on the waves.

The guardian of the hearth was considered horse, perceived as the strongest pet. According to an ancient legend, the horse was given an honorable role to participate in the movement of the sun across the sky, which during the day rushes in a chariot harnessed by golden-haired horses, and at night floats across the blue sea in a boat. The figures of horses and boats were depicted on valances and towels.

font-size:14.0pt;line-height:115%; font-family:" times new roman>Tree - one of the oldest symbols, the Tree of Life, as the ancestors represented the universe. They thought that there are gardens of Eden in heaven, and a miracle tree with magical fruits grows there. Tree of life, tree that gives birth new life, was a symbol of life, the unity of the family, its continuation and well-being.

life-giving power water, feeding the Earth, was depicted in the form of water-fowl forces, and the waters themselves - in the form of zigzag stripes.

The main colors in embroidery were red and white.

White color was revered as a symbol of beauty and purity.

Red color - a symbol of fire - in the popular imagination is beautiful, beautiful. There are other colors in the embroidery, but white and red are the main ones.

Statement of the artistic task.

Complete your sketch of an embroidered towel based on folk embroidery.

Practical implementation of the task.

Try to create a composition of signs-symbols, solve the same pictorial motif in different ways. Cut out “lace” from thin paper and decorate a towel with them.


At the end of the lesson, an express exhibition of finished works is organized on the board


Anichkov and Ancient Rus'. SPb., 1914.

Afanasiev life. M., 1983.

Bulls of pagan gods. Myths of the ancient Slavs. M., 2001.

Veles book. M., 1995.

"Baptism of Rus'": facts against legends and myths. M., 1984.

Demin paths of the Slavic tribes. M., 2002.

World of Slavic gods. M., 2000.

Fishermen of the ancient Slavs. Book of Veles / Comp. , . Saratov, 1993.

Corinthian Rus: legends, beliefs, customs and proverbs all year round. Smolensk. 1995.

Krivosheev Eastern Slavs on the eve of the baptism of Rus'. L., 1988.

Myths of the Russian people. M., 2003.

Makovsky dictionary of mythological symbols in Indo-European languages. The image of the world and the worlds of images. M., 1996.

Myths of the peoples of the world. M., 1997.

Slavic antiquities. M., 2000.

On the functions of cosmological descriptions in the funeral cult // Customs and cultural-differentiating traditions among the peoples of the world. M. 1979. S. 3-16.

Petrukhin ethnocultural history of Rus'. - Smolensk, 1995.

The Tale of Bygone Years. Part 1 - 2. M.-L., 1950.

Rybakov Rus: legends, epics, annals. M., 1963.

Rybakov Ancient Rus'. M., 1987.

Fishermen of the ancient Slavs. M., 1994.

Slavic mythology. Encyclopedic Dictionary. / Ed. , . M., 1995.

From Slavic pagan terminology. // Etymology 1986-87. M., 1989. S. 3-50.

Toporov art and mythology. Myths of the peoples of the world. T. 1. M., 1980.

Lesson topic: Sketch of an embroidery ornament on a towel.

Lesson type: combined

The purpose of the lesson: Introduction to the symbolic meaning of the towel.


To acquaint students with the symbolic meaning of the towel, the motifs of the ornament on it.

Development of figurative thinking, artistic taste, creative activity, independence.

To cultivate a moral and aesthetic attitude to the world and art, to national traditions.

Lesson equipment: Multimedia projector, computer, magnetic board, illustrations depicting embroidered products, tables depicting signs of symbols, embroidery designs, embroidered works, presentation in PowerPoint format (Appendix 1).

At the student: paper, markers, paints, brushes, white paper, scissors.

During the classes:

Organizing time:


    Check readiness for the lesson.

    Check for absentees in class.

    Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.

Main part:

    A conversation about the symbolic meaning of embroidery and towels in the life of a Russian person.

    Statement of the artistic task.

    Practical implementation of the task.

    Summing up, exhibition of works.

The art of embroidery in Rus' has been known since ancient times. Everything that surrounded a person in everyday life was carefully decorated by hardworking peasant hands.

Since ancient times, the ability to create marvelous embroidered patterns on fabric has been revered in Rus'. Women of any age and class have been engaged in this art for many centuries.

But embroidery is most widespread in the Russian village, where various patterns were the most important decoration of clothing and household items.

Girls began to learn to embroider at the age of 7-8 and from childhood they prepared a dowry for themselves.

Patterns and techniques of craftsmanship, and artistic features of ancient embroideries were passed down from generation to generation. Each of the embroiderers supplemented the information received with something of her own. But the tradition was not destroyed.

The towel played an important role in folk life. The towel has always been a very strong amulet that has passed from the pagan tradition to the Christian one.

A pattern was embroidered on a towel with red threads - it was an ancient amulet of the house from evil spirits.

The ancient Slavs believed that a person's life has a beginning and an end, and a towel accompanies him all his life from birth to death. A little man is born, the midwife takes him on a towel, which his mother lovingly embroidered. While still in the girls, she took care of her baby, providing a towel with rich protective symbols. This towel is called maternity.

They tied a child on a bare tummy belt from bleached sheep's wool. The ends of the girdle closed, resulting in a circle-symbol of the sun and infinity. Unbelted - means, opened to evil spirits.

Baby swaddled in swaddling- a narrow long strip of fabric, this is also a towel.

Our distant ancestors had a daily magical ritual of cleansing with water. In the morning - from night fears and horrors, in the evening - from daytime hardships, worries and fatigue. The rite of purification included, and wiping the face with a towel and called it wiping.

At the wedding of the bride and groom, the parents met and blessed with a towel in their hands, on which there were bread and salt. This towel is called wedding.

And on the last journey, to the cemetery, they escort a person, carrying him on towels, on which they lower him into the grave. it funerary towels. The funeral towel depicted the symbols of the soul and the funeral (sacrificial) pyre. Funeral towels after the ceremony were given to the temple, for the mention of the soul.

You see, what a deep symbolic meaning the most common and ancient object of folk life - towels has.

All towels had an embroidered pattern. Embroideries embodied ancient folk symbols and rituals.

Sun revered as a source of life, with great cleansing and protective power. He was addressed with prayers for fertility and prosperity. It was depicted as a circle, a flower.

An oblique cross with curved ends is a solar sign - the solstice (change of day and night, seasons).

Earth, in the view of Russian peasants, endowed with human features. She was called "Nurse - mother-cheese Earth."

She was revered in an inextricable connection with water and vegetation. Depicted as a female figure (Makosh) with birds in raised hands, inside which a tree grew, and at the feet or along the edge of the clothes there was a jagged line depicting water.

It was believed that bird brings good to a person. Therefore, at the ends of wedding towels, birds were always embroidered as a sign of consent, love and peace in the house, either in the form of a proud bird - a peahen, or in the form of an elegant duck floating on the waves.

The guardian of the hearth was considered horse, perceived as the strongest pet. According to an ancient legend, the horse was given an honorable role to participate in the movement of the sun across the sky, which during the day rushes in a chariot harnessed by golden-haired horses, and at night floats across the blue sea in a boat. The figures of horses and boats were depicted on valances and towels.

Wood- one of the oldest symbols, the Tree of Life, as the ancestors represented the universe. They thought that there are gardens of Eden in heaven, and a miracle tree with magical fruits grows there. The tree of life, the tree that gives birth to new life, was a symbol of life, the unity of the family, its continuation and well-being.

life-giving power water, feeding the Earth, was depicted in the form of water-fowl forces, and the waters themselves - in the form of zigzag stripes.

The main colors in embroidery were red and white.

White color was revered as a symbol of beauty and purity.

Red color - a symbol of fire - in the popular imagination is beautiful, beautiful. There are other colors in the embroidery, but white and red are the main ones.

Statement of the artistic task.

Complete your sketch of an embroidered towel based on folk embroidery.

Practical implementation of the task.

Try to create a composition of signs-symbols, solve the same pictorial motif in different ways. Cut out “lace” from thin paper and decorate a towel with them.


At the end of the lesson, an express exhibition of finished works is organized on the board


Anichkov E.V. Paganism and Ancient Rus'. SPb., 1914.

Afanasiev A.N. Tree of Life. M., 1983.

Bychkov A.A. Encyclopedia of pagan gods. Myths of the ancient Slavs. M., 2001.

Veles book. M., 1995.

Gordienko N.S. "Baptism of Rus'": facts against legends and myths. M., 1984.

Demin V.N. Treasured paths of the Slavic tribes. M., 2002.

Kazakov V. World of Slavic gods. M., 2000.

Kaisarov A.S., Glinka G.A., Rybakov B.A. Myths of the ancient Slavs. Book of Veles / Comp. A.I. Bazhenova, V.I. Vardugin. Saratov, 1993.

Korinfsky A.A. Narodnaya Rus': all year long legends, beliefs, customs and proverbs. Smolensk. 1995.

Krivosheev Yu.V. The religion of the Eastern Slavs on the eve of the baptism of Rus'. L., 1988.

Levkievskaya E. Myths of the Russian people. M., 2003.

Makovsky M.M. Comparative dictionary of mythological symbolism in the Indo-European languages. The image of the world and the worlds of images. M., 1996.

Myths of the peoples of the world. M., 1997.

Niederle L. Slavic Antiquities. M., 2000.

Petrukhin V.Ya. On the functions of cosmological descriptions in the funeral cult // Customs and cultural-differentiating traditions among the peoples of the world. M. 1979. S. 3-16.

Petrukhin V.Ya. The beginning of the ethnocultural history of Rus'. - Smolensk, 1995.

The Tale of Bygone Years. Part 1 - 2. M.-L., 1950.

Rybakov B.A. Ancient Rus': legends, epics, chronicles. M., 1963.

Rybakov B.A. Paganism of Ancient Rus'. M., 1987.

Rybakov B.A. The paganism of the ancient Slavs. M., 1994.

Slavic mythology. Encyclopedic Dictionary. / Ed. V.Ya. Petrukhin, T.A. Agapkina, L.N. Vinogradova, S.M. Thick. M., 1995.

Toporov V.N. From Slavic pagan terminology. // Etymology 1986-87. M., 1989. S. 3-50.

Aims and objectives of the lesson: 1. To cultivate a moral and aesthetic attitude to the world and art, love for the native land and its culture. 2. Acquaintance with the meaning of the towel, the motifs of Slavic ornamental symbols 3. Develop creative activity, skills in making ornaments and applications, aesthetic and artistic

Birth towel A little man is born, the midwife takes him on a towel, which his mother lovingly embroidered. While still in the girls, she took care of her baby, providing a towel with rich protective symbols. This towel is called maternity.

Wiping towel Our distant ancestors had a daily magical ritual of cleansing with water. In the morning - from night fears and horrors, in the evening - from daytime hardships, worries and fatigue. The rite of purification also included wiping the face with a towel and called it wiping.

Wedding ceremony "bread and salt" The ceremony "bread and salt" at the wedding is the tradition of meeting the groom's parents of the newlyweds at home with a loaf of salt has its roots in those distant times, when after the wedding the young wife always moved to her husband's permanent place of residence.

Makosh - mother-cheese earth (mother of a good harvest) In ancient times, a woman was deified, because she extended the family, was a symbol of the unity of the forces of earth and heaven, on which human life depended. She was depicted as a female figure with birds in raised hands.

Black or Blue colour associated with the understanding of the brevity of human life; Black or blue is associated with an understanding of the brevity of human life; more often used in the clothes of very elderly people. more often used in the clothes of very elderly people. Symbolism of color

Cut out elegant “laces” from the album sheet and decorate your towel with them. In order to make a "lace towel", you must: 1. fold the sheet several times with an "accordion"; 2. Cut openwork pattern to decorate the edge of the towel; 3. Take strips of colored paper and, folding them like an accordion, cut out a pattern using known symbols

Stages of work: 2. Fold each lapel to the fold Fold the paper in half lengthwise

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Lesson topic: Sketch of an embroidery ornament on a towel.

Lesson type: combined

The purpose of the lesson: Introduction to the symbolic meaning of the towel.


To acquaint students with the symbolic meaning of the towel, the motifs of the ornament on it.

Development of figurative thinking, artistic taste, creative activity, independence.

To cultivate a moral and aesthetic attitude to the world and art, to national traditions.

Lesson equipment: Multimedia projector, computer, magnetic board, illustrations depicting embroidered products, tables depicting signs of symbols, embroidery designs, embroidered works, presentation in PowerPoint format (Appendix 1).

At the student: paper, markers, paints, brushes, white paper, scissors.

During the classes:

Organizing time:

  1. Greetings.

  2. Check readiness for the lesson.

  3. Check for absentees in class.

  4. Presentation of the topic and objectives of the lesson.
Main part:

  1. A conversation about the symbolic meaning of embroidery and towels in the life of a Russian person.

  2. Summing up, exhibition of works.
The art of embroidery in Rus' has been known since ancient times. Everything that surrounded a person in everyday life was carefully decorated by hardworking peasant hands.

Since ancient times, the ability to create marvelous embroidered patterns on fabric has been revered in Rus'. Women of any age and class have been engaged in this art for many centuries.

But embroidery is most widespread in the Russian village, where various patterns were the most important decoration of clothing and household items.

Girls began to learn to embroider at the age of 7-8 and from childhood they prepared a dowry for themselves.

Patterns and techniques of craftsmanship, and artistic features of ancient embroideries were passed down from generation to generation. Each of the embroiderers supplemented the information received with something of her own. But the tradition was not destroyed.

The towel played an important role in folk life. The towel has always been a very strong amulet that has passed from the pagan tradition to the Christian one.

A pattern was embroidered on a towel with red threads - it was an ancient amulet of the house from evil spirits.

The ancient Slavs believed that a person's life has a beginning and an end, and a towel accompanies him all his life from birth to death. A little man is born, the midwife takes him on a towel, which his mother lovingly embroidered. While still in the girls, she took care of her baby, providing a towel with rich protective symbols. This towel is called maternity.

They tied a child on a bare tummy belt from bleached sheep's wool. The ends of the girdle closed, resulting in a circle-symbol of the sun and infinity. Unbelted - means, opened to evil spirits.

Baby swaddled in swaddling- a narrow long strip of fabric, this is also a towel.

Our distant ancestors had a daily magical ritual of cleansing with water. In the morning - from night fears and horrors, in the evening - from daytime hardships, worries and fatigue. The rite of purification included, and wiping the face with a towel and called it wiping.

At the wedding of the bride and groom, the parents met and blessed with a towel in their hands, on which there were bread and salt. This towel is called wedding.

And on the last journey, to the cemetery, they escort a person, carrying him on towels, on which they lower him into the grave. it funerary towels. The funeral towel depicted the symbols of the soul and the funeral (sacrificial) pyre. Funeral towels after the ceremony were given to the temple, for the mention of the soul.

You see, what a deep symbolic meaning the most common and ancient object of folk life - towels has.

All towels had an embroidered pattern. Embroideries embodied ancient folk symbols and rituals.

Sun revered as a source of life, with great cleansing and protective power. He was addressed with prayers for fertility and prosperity. It was depicted as a circle, a flower.

An oblique cross with curved ends is a solar sign - the solstice (change of day and night, seasons).

Earth, in the view of Russian peasants, endowed with human features. She was called "Nurse - mother-cheese Earth."

She was revered in an inextricable connection with water and vegetation. Depicted as a female figure (Makosh) with birds in raised hands, inside which a tree grew, and at the feet or along the edge of the clothes there was a jagged line depicting water.

It was believed that bird brings good to a person. Therefore, at the ends of wedding towels, birds were always embroidered as a sign of consent, love and peace in the house, either in the form of a proud bird - a peahen, or in the form of an elegant duck floating on the waves.

The guardian of the hearth was considered horse, perceived as the strongest pet. According to an ancient legend, the horse was given an honorable role to participate in the movement of the sun across the sky, which during the day rushes in a chariot harnessed by golden-haired horses, and at night floats across the blue sea in a boat. The figures of horses and boats were depicted on valances and towels.

Wood- one of the oldest symbols, the Tree of Life, as the ancestors represented the universe. They thought that there are gardens of Eden in heaven, and a miracle tree with magical fruits grows there. The tree of life, the tree that gives birth to new life, was a symbol of life, the unity of the family, its continuation and well-being.

life-giving power water, feeding the Earth, was depicted in the form of water-fowl forces, and the waters themselves - in the form of zigzag stripes.

The main colors in embroidery were red and white.

White color was revered as a symbol of beauty and purity.

Red color - a symbol of fire - in the popular imagination is beautiful, beautiful. There are other colors in the embroidery, but white and red are the main ones.

Statement of the artistic task.

Complete your sketch of an embroidered towel based on folk embroidery.

Practical implementation of the task.

Try to create a composition of signs-symbols, solve the same pictorial motif in different ways. Cut out “lace” from thin paper and decorate a towel with them.


At the end of the lesson, an express exhibition of finished works is organized on the board


Anichkov E.V. Paganism and Ancient Rus'. SPb., 1914.

Afanasiev A.N. Tree of Life. M., 1983.

Bychkov A.A. Encyclopedia of pagan gods. Myths of the ancient Slavs. M., 2001.

Veles book. M., 1995.

Gordienko N.S. "Baptism of Rus'": facts against legends and myths. M., 1984.

Demin V.N. Treasured paths of the Slavic tribes. M., 2002.

Kazakov V. World of Slavic gods. M., 2000.

Kaisarov A.S., Glinka G.A., Rybakov B.A. Myths of the ancient Slavs. Book of Veles / Comp. A.I. Bazhenova, V.I. Vardugin. Saratov, 1993.

Korinfsky A.A. Narodnaya Rus': all year long legends, beliefs, customs and proverbs. Smolensk. 1995.

Krivosheev Yu.V. The religion of the Eastern Slavs on the eve of the baptism of Rus'. L., 1988.

Levkievskaya E. Myths of the Russian people. M., 2003.

Makovsky M.M. Comparative dictionary of mythological symbolism in the Indo-European languages. The image of the world and the worlds of images. M., 1996.

Myths of the peoples of the world. M., 1997.

Niederle L. Slavic Antiquities. M., 2000.

Petrukhin V.Ya. On the functions of cosmological descriptions in the funeral cult // Customs and cultural-differentiating traditions among the peoples of the world. M. 1979. S. 3-16.

Petrukhin V.Ya. The beginning of the ethnocultural history of Rus'. - Smolensk, 1995.

The Tale of Bygone Years. Part 1 - 2. M.-L., 1950.

Rybakov B.A. Ancient Rus': legends, epics, chronicles. M., 1963.

Rybakov B.A. Paganism of Ancient Rus'. M., 1987.

Rybakov B.A. The paganism of the ancient Slavs. M., 1994.

Slavic mythology. Encyclopedic Dictionary. / Ed. V.Ya. Petrukhin, T.A. Agapkina, L.N. Vinogradova, S.M. Thick. M., 1995.

Toporov V.N. From Slavic pagan terminology. // Etymology 1986-87. M., 1989. S. 3-50.

Toporov V.N. Visual arts and mythology. Myths of the peoples of the world. T. 1. M., 1980.
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LESSON No. 5 1h.5kl.


Purpose: to introduce Russian folk embroidery; to fix

skills in creating an artistic image in a decorative


  • introduce students to the meaning

towels, ornament motifs on it;

  • to cultivate a moral and aesthetic attitude to the world and
    art, love for the Motherland and its culture;

  • develop creative activity, work skills in
applications, aesthetic and artistic taste;

  • to introduce students to the main types of ornament, its symbols and principles of compositional construction; introduce the symbolism of ideograms;
Equipment and materials:

For the teacher:

Dynamic table "Ancient images of Russian embroidery", album.

Multimedia presentation - material with samples of Russian folk embroideries.

Musical accompaniment: folk music.

For students : album, checkered paper, felt-tip pens: red and black.

Schemes-tables with motifs of ornaments; table with the image of signs-symbols; illustrations depicting embroidered towels.


in the traditions of Russian folk masters.

Lesson Plan

  1. Organizing time

3. Actualization of knowledge. Watching the video fragment "History of Russian embroidery".

4. Formation of new knowledge. Demonstration of a multimedia presentation "Russian folk embroidery".

5. Consolidation of knowledge.

6. Implementation of practical work.

7. Summing up.
Organizing time

Repetition of the material covered

What do you think the various works of peasant art have in common?

What role does decor play in peasant applied art?

What features are characteristic of peasant craftsmen?

Ornament- This is a pattern based on the repetition and alternation of its constituent elements, designed to decorate various household items, architectural structures, objects of decorative and applied art .

Even our distant ancestors decorated their products with the simplest drawings. Man tried to figure out how the world works, to find an explanation for the incomprehensible, mysterious, mysterious. He sought to attract the good forces of nature to himself, to protect himself from the evil ones, and this was done with the help of certain rituals, which were reflected in art. Man expressed his ideas about the world by conventional signs. This is the language of symbols of our distant ancestors, for whom each line, each geometric figure meant something.

Embroidery- one of the oldest and most widespread types of folk art. The art of embroidery in Rus' has been known since ancient times. Everything that surrounded a person in everyday life was carefully decorated by hardworking peasant hands. Since ancient times, the ability to create marvelous embroidered patterns on fabric has been revered in Rus'. Women of any age and class have been engaged in this art for many centuries. . But embroidery was most widely used in the Russian countryside, where various patterns were the most important decoration of clothing and household items. After all, this did not require complex devices: a small piece of fabric and two hoops tightly fitting each other. Canvas, thread and a needle were a must in every home. They began to learn to embroider at the age of 7. They began to embroider at the age of 8 and from childhood they prepared a dowry for themselves. In winter, they spun and wove, and when the time came for long and bright days, they began to embroider. It was the time of the arrival of birds, which, as they believed, brought warmth, and with it a new crop - the basis and well-being of a peasant family . (video clip)

Embroidered patterns were used to decorate a wide variety of peasant household items and costumes. Canvas bleached towels and tablecloths, towels, women's and men's shirts, belts, hats.

Embroidery on clothes was of particular importance. She was decorated with collars, sleeves, the bottom of the shirt.

Embroideries embodied ancient folk symbols and rituals.

Knowledge update .

Watching the video fragment "History of Russian embroidery".

Formation of new knowledge.

Demonstration of a multimedia presentation

"Russian folk embroidery".
Iconic symbolism in embroidery.

Sun, according to popular ideas, righteous and pure, was opposed to everything evil, unclean. It was revered as a source of life, with great cleansing and protective power. He was addressed with prayers for fertility and prosperity. It was depicted as a circle, a flower . But, since they embroidered mainly according to the count of threads, it changed its shape to an oblique cross with curved ends - a solar sign and meant the solstice (change of day and night, seasons). This symbol was present on almost all embroideries: towels, shirts, hats .

Earth, in the view of Russian peasants, was endowed with human features. Turning to her, they said: "The nurse is the mother of cheese Earth." She was revered in an inextricable connection with water and vegetation. She was depicted as a female figure with birds in raised hands, inside which a tree grew, and at the feet or along the edge of the clothes there was a jagged line depicting water. .

The guardian of the hearth was considered horse, perceived as the strongest pet. According to an ancient legend, the horse was given an honorable role to participate in the movement of the sun across the sky, which during the day rushes in a chariot harnessed by golden-haired horses, and at night it sails along the blue sea in a boat drawn by swan geese. Often one could see horses and birds on the sides of a flowering tree. Figures of horses and boats were depicted on valances and towels .

Motifs used in embroidery.

Another most common character in Russian embroidery was bird, presented either in the form of a proud bird - a peahen, or in the form of an elegant duck floating on the waves. It was believed that the bird brings good to man. Therefore, birds were always embroidered at the ends of wedding towels as a sign of consent, love and peace in the house. .

Wood- one of the oldest symbols, the Tree of Life, as the ancestors represented the Universe. They thought that there are gardens of Eden in heaven, and a miracle tree with magical fruits grows there. The tree of life, the tree that gives birth to new life, was a symbol of life, the unity of the family, its continuation and well-being .

life-giving power water, feeding the Earth, was depicted in the form of waterfowl, and the waters themselves - in the form of zigzag stripes.

The second natural element the fire, revered since pagan times as a talisman, cleansing power, was also depicted in the form of a bird with brilliant iridescent colors of plumage and a luxurious tail, bursting with heat .

Russian embroidery is distinguished by an unusual variety of stitches and embroidery techniques. It is known that each region had its own embroidery techniques, ornamental motifs, and color schemes.

The meaning of color in Russian embroidery.

Listen to the word "pattern": it sounds about the same as lightning, glow, dawn. Isn't that why the embroidered ornament glows like the dawn on a silver-white canvas!

The white color was associated in folk ideas with light, purity, with the concept of good. Apparently, it is no coincidence that the background on the fabrics was called by the craftswomen of the Russian North "earth". The white color in embroidery personified the feminine. Red was the color of the sun, fire, life, beauty and personified the masculine principle.

Red patterns of peasant embroidery are perceived as the earth, which received the energy of the sun and is able to give life to all living things.

The red color, having let in other colors-threads, retained the right to be the main one in embroidery.

Consolidation of knowledge.

What is the secret of the beauty of folk embroidery?

Why did women decorate woven products with embroidery for many centuries?


So today we will also try to learn the skill of drawing up patterns for embroidery. Only we will not embroider, but draw. In social studies class, you drew the coat of arms of your family. And in our lesson, try to make a charm for your family from the symbols that we have learned today. If you will make a pattern using the satin stitch technique, then we draw on a landscape sheet. If in the technique of a cross, then on a piece of paper in a box .

Sketch the embroidery pattern on the towel

in the traditions of Russian folk masters