Pensions for working pensioners will be indexed c. Pensions will work. Funded pension for working pensioners

Indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2019. What is the future of working pensioners? The Russian Federation has been in a critical position in recent years in terms of financial regulation, the reason for this was the financial crisis.

The financial crisis has a noticeable effect on pensions, and their revision and indexation, including for pensioners who continue to be in the status of working citizens. In this regard, the indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2019 directly depends on financial stability and the prospects for economic growth. The difficult state of the economy and the systematic reduction of budget revenues do not allow for a qualitative index pensions for working pensioners in 2019. The economic component is in the process of reducing its expenditure side. At indexing pensions for working pensioners in 2019 a 4% increase could be observed, but this does not exceed the figure for 2018, although an increase was planned. At the same time, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Russian Federation predicted an increase in the indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2018 by a full 12%. But the current economic situation did not allow indexing of pensions for working pensioners in 2019 at this level and remained only at 4%.

But the state does not leave the opportunity to conduct a parallel indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2019. The secondary revision of the pension and its indexation may be carried out in October 2019. But retirees who are in working class status do not fall into this category.

Given the economy and the current budget, the indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2019 will be discontinued indefinitely. This is the final decision in alliance with the Ministry of Labor and the Pension Fund. This is due to the fact that working pensioners have more than one source of income. Taking into account the minimum revenues to the budget, the state considered it fair to leave the indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2019. But after the end of employment, the pension must be reviewed on an individual basis, for a citizen who was a previously working pensioner.

The Ministry of Labor has also made a proposal to revise pensions to the minimum rate for those working pensioners whose income exceeds 1 million rubles. Such a project is under consideration and will be implemented no earlier than in 2019.

Indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2019 serious issue as it affects a large percentage of the population. In the Russian Federation, a working pensioner is a normal phenomenon. According to statistical studies, 60% of pensioners are employed. Indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2019, or rather ignoring it, can lead to the following problems:

  • A large number of leading personnel units fall under indexation. To keep them at work will have to change the pay system. That is, a working pensioner must voluntarily resign, but at the same time receive a salary, if they want to keep him as a personnel unit. In this case, the salary does not fall into the category of white salary, and thus violates the stability of the interaction between the Pension Fund and the main budget.

Trying to restore balance to indexation of pensions for all categories pensioners, including for those who continue to work, the decision of the state not to indexation for working pensioners, jeopardizes the flow of stable capital into the reserves of the Pension Fund.

As a result, the cancellation system indexation of pensions for working pensioners in 2019 is inefficient, it will not help achieve savings for the Pension Fund. But, in turn, the decision remains with the State, which is based on social justice.

Editor: Igor Reshetov

The topic of indexation of pension accruals is perhaps the most exciting one. Pensioners are actively discussing the problem of lack of funds for a decent existence. Many elderly citizens have to work additionally, perhaps at more than one enterprise, in order to at least somehow feed themselves and pay taxes.

The working part of the elderly is interested in increasing pensions no less than those who are unable to work. The question arises of how the state will calculate benefits for elderly citizens who continue to work, or whether the indexation of pensions after dismissal is required for a working pensioner in 2017.

Each year, the state sets a percentage, depending on the level of inflation, by which payments to pensioners will be indexed. 2017 became a crisis year, a difficult economic situation developed in the country, but the required recalculation for working old people nevertheless took place.

In August 2017, there was a planned increase in pensions for working pensioners by 3 points, which is no more than 222.81 rubles.

Thus, the allowance for older workers was only recalculated; they did not fall under the state indexation. Such recalculation of benefits is made depending on the insurance premiums paid from the employer.

How pensions were calculated

As already noted, the recalculation of pension payments is made in accordance with the level of inflation. IN 2015 the inflation rate was almost 13%. However, the unstable economy did not allow for an increase in benefits for the elderly by such a factor.

In connection with the current situation in the country, a law was passed abolishing the conditions for raising pensions to the level of inflation. The law provided for an increase in accruals by a coefficient significantly lower than inflation - 1.04. Also, this bill abolished the indexation of working pensioners.

Important! The abolition of indexing did not affect citizens who are on state support, regardless of their labor status.

In February 2016 All pensioners were indexed at 4%. The state authorities planned to re-index, but it did not happen. Instead, a lump-sum payment of 5,000 rubles was assigned to all pensioners, including those who work.

Such a measure of state support turned out to be beneficial for the Government in connection with the current difficult economic situation. This award was made in January 2017. As noted by the state authorities, this one-time bonus to the pension population was equal to the promised secondary indexation.

2016 inflation has been calculated. It amounted to 5.6%. In February 2017 accruals for the elderly were indexed by 5.4%, in April for the balance - 0.38%. Thus, even able-bodied old people did not remain offended; indexation of pensions for working pensioners was carried out in 2017.

Forecasts for 2018

As usual, in 2018, state benefits were indexed by 3.7% for disabled citizens of retirement age. In subsequent years, it is planned to increase state support by 4%. But this applies to pensioners who do not work, and beneficiaries.

Working citizens of the appropriate age will not be affected by this recalculation of benefits. Accruals will not be subject to indexation until the summer of 2018. A fair question arises when the pension for working pensioners will be indexed.

Attention! Leaving a job is the only situation that will allow a former employee of retirement age to return all missed indexations.

After dismissal, the pensioner will have the right to receive all indexations that he was not entitled to during his working life. This right will come from the next month after leaving the place of work.

To confirm their right to return indexation, a person must contact the nearest branch of the pension organization, submitting the following documents to employees:

  • a statement with a request to increase the monthly payment, as the right arose in connection with the dismissal;
  • work book, where there will be a mark confirming the fact of dismissal of the employee;
  • an employment contract signed by the head;
  • if the resigned was an individual entrepreneur, a lawyer or a notary, evidence of the termination of all labor activity should be submitted;
  • the main identity document of a citizen.

After the submission of all the required papers, the pension authorities will increase payments to working pensioners.

After May 2016, business leaders are required to report on the number of their employees currently performing duties or laid off.

Thus, the retired elderly employee will not need to apply to the Pension Fund, the employees will automatically index.

The state does not forget about the working old people. The Government of the Russian Federation has decided to make an annual recalculation of the allowance of older workers in accordance with the deductions of the employer. Such recalculation of compensation payments is made by no more than 3 points. The recalculation is carried out automatically, without requiring additional documents, it was decided for working pensioners to increase their pension in accordance with the deductions of managers.


So, the legislation for citizens of the elderly is not the same for all persons. Working old people do not have the opportunity to receive annual indexation, as disabled people do. Such a right comes to them only after they officially leave the workplace.

The chief tells about the payment of indexation of pensions to pensioners after they stop working Department for work with citizens' appeals of the PFR Branch for the city of Sevastopol Irina Malashenko.

- Irina Vladimirovna, in February of this year, insurance pensions were indexed by 5.4%. But the payment of the indexation amount itself is carried out only to non-working pensioners. Tell us more about it.

Quite right. Starting from 2016, in accordance with Federal Law No. 385-FZ of December 29, 2015, the payment of an insurance pension, taking into account planned indexations, is carried out only to non-working pensioners. Working pensioners receive an insurance pension in the same amount. However, if a pensioner stops working after indexation, he will receive a pension taking into account all indexations that have passed during the time he worked.

What types of pensions are covered by this rule?

The new indexation rules apply to all types of insurance pensions. At the same time, state pensions, including social pensions, are indexed regardless of whether the pensioner is working or not.

- If the recipient of the insurance pension stops working?

If a pensioner stops working after indexation, then he will receive the amount of the insurance pension and the fixed payment to it (increased due to indexations that have taken place during his work) from the month following the month in which the territorial body of the PFR made a decision on payment based on the employer's information or information received from the Federal Tax Service (for self-employed citizens).

Give me a simple example...

For example, a pensioner works in 2017 and as of February 2017 receives a pension of 11,000 rubles. In February 2017, the Russian Pension Fund indexed insurance pensions by 5.4%. But since the pensioner continues to work, the old-age insurance pension is paid without indexation, that is, 11,000 rubles.

If the pensioner stops working, for example, on February 15, 2017, the employer's report on the termination of the employment of a pensioner employee for March 2017 will be received by the FIU in April 2017.

Further, the decision on the payment of insurance pension amounts, taking into account indexation, will be made in May 2017, therefore, from June 2017, old-age insurance pension will be paid taking into account the past indexation, i.e. 11594 rubles.

- And if the pensioner gets a job again?

If the pensioner then returns to work, the amount of his insurance pension will not be reduced. The pension will be paid in the amount due on the day preceding the day of the resumption of work.

- How is it confirmed that the pensioner does not work?

For those who worked for hire, the fact that a pensioner works is established by the Pension Fund of Russia on the basis of information received from employers' monthly reports.

This form of reporting has been introduced specifically since 2016 in order to identify pensioners who have stopped working and increase their pension due to indexations that have passed during their work. Information in the reporting relieves pensioners of personal appeal to the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and filing an application for the resumption of indexation of the insurance pension.

- How to be self-employed citizens?

If a pensioner belongs to the category of the self-employed population, that is, he is an individual entrepreneur, notary, lawyer, etc., then the Federal Tax Service informs the FIU about the termination of his entrepreneurial activity.

- Irina Vladimirovna, in our region there is such a thing as a “saved” pension. How does it affect getting indexed?

The concept of "saved pension" appeared in 2014, when, according to the decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 31, 2014 No. 192 "On measures of state support for citizens who are recipients of pensions in the territories of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol", all Ukrainian pensions of Crimeans and Sevastopol residents ( appointed before 2014 or in 2014 until December 31, 2014) were doubled and converted into rubles at the rate of 3.8. Conventionally, we call these pensions “saved”. Since January 1, 2015, all pensions of Crimeans and Sevastopol residents have been recalculated in accordance with Russian legislation. Let's conditionally call these pensions - "Russian".

It is important for residents of Crimea and Sevastopol to understand that if, after the recalculation in 2015, their "Russian" pension turned out to be less than the "saved", they continued to receive O a larger pension - i.e. "saved".

I want to pay attention! Only their "Russian" pension is indexed annually. And the “saved” pension is paid in a constant amount until the “Russian” pension reaches or exceeds their “saved” one.

And at the moment when their "Russian pension" reaches or exceeds the "saved", the pension will be indexed in the generally established order.

I will add that today in Sevastopol there are more than 36 thousand recipients of the “saved” pension, or about 31% of the total number of pensioners.

- Do all working pensioners recalculate the insurance pension annually from August 1?

The Pension Fund of Russia makes an annual unclaimed recalculation of the amount of the insurance pension of working pensioners from August 1. In this case, insurance premiums paid by the employer for them are taken into account. For example, in August 2017, pensioners who worked in 2016 will receive an increase in insurance pensions (non-claimed recalculation) based on the pension points accrued for 2016.

- Thank you for the conversation.

The increase in pension as a result of the August recalculation is purely individual in nature - the amount of the increase depends on the amount of insurance premiums that the employer paid for a working pensioner in the Pension Fund in 2016. To carry out the recalculation, no applications to the Pension Fund will be required - the recalculation is without application, except for persons who have the right to establish a share, but did not assign a share (civil servants, military personnel).

In accordance with Federal Law No. 400-FZ dated December 28, 2013. “On insurance pensions”, when recalculating, a working pensioner can be additionally awarded no more than three points. Considering that the cost of a pension point from April 1, 2017 is 78 rubles 58 kopecks, the maximum increase in pension will be 235.74 rubles. In cases where the pensioner continues to work on the recalculation date (i.e., his pension was not indexed in 2016 and he did not interrupt work), then when paying the amount of the increase, the cost of the 2015 pension point will be taken - 71.41 rubles. (not indexed). Thus, for this category of citizens, the maximum increase in pension will be 214.23 rubles (71.41 x 3).

In order to earn 3 pension points per year, you need to receive a salary of about 22 thousand rubles a month or more. Thus, a working pensioner will be able to receive the maximum pension increase, as a result of the adjustment, in the amount of 235.74 rubles (214.23 rubles for employees), receiving a salary in 2016 in the amount of about 22 thousand rubles or more. If the income of a pensioner is less than 22 thousand rubles a month, then the increase will be less.

As for individual entrepreneurs, if a fixed payment of 19,356.48 rubles is paid for the year, the increase will be 66.77 rubles.

"Pensions of working pensioners from February 1, 2016 are paid without February indexation, the August recalculation will also be paid. After the termination of employment by a working pensioner, his pension will be recalculated and increased by those indexation coefficients that were skipped during his employment. Indexed amounts pensions will be paid in accordance with the above law from the month following the month in which the decision of the territorial body of the PFR was made, the decision is made in the month following the month of receipt of information from the employer"- explains Anastasia Kychkina, head of the department for organizing the appointment and recalculation of pensions of the Department of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).

From August 2017, working pensioners for whom insurers (employers) paid insurance premiums in 2016 will receive an increased pension. Such an increase is due to the adjustment of the size of the pension provision, while it will affect only recipients of insurance pensions and.

This recalculation is carried out unclaimed, i.e. for its implementation, it is not required to contact the FIU branches. The recalculated (increased) amount will be charged from August.

However, the maximum increase, which is made in August, limited to only 3 points(pension ratios) converted into cash equivalent. As of August 1, 2017, the cost of the 1st coefficient is 78 rubles 58 kopecks, hence the increase pensioners will not receive more than 235 rubles 74 kopecks.

At the same time, for citizens who continue to work and those who have stopped working, the cost of a pension point is different - this is due to the lack of indexation (adjustment) of the insurance pension for working pensioners since 2016. Here one can highlight several categories of pension recipients, which is recalculated:

  • For pensioners who have retired until February 1, 2016 the cost of 1 point is 71.41 rubles, respectively, the maximum increase for such citizens was 214.23 rubles.
  • Those who left after 1.02.2016 one coefficient costs 74.27 rubles, while their maximum provision will increase by 222.81 rubles.
  • Accordingly, if a citizen retired after 1.02.2017, then his pension provision will increase by no more than 235.74 rubles, with a point value of 78.58 rubles.

Separately, it is worth highlighting those Russians who form together with the insurance - their pension payments can be increased no more than 1.875 points.

Many experts talk about the injustice of the legislation in relation to working pensioners, because when recalculated, their pension payments increase by a little more than 200 rubles - such an allowance is called “mocking” (considering), arguing that this category of the population loses incentive to work legally.

Will there be an increase for non-working pensioners?

For non-working pensioners, the increase in the insurance pension traditionally takes place on February 1, but in some cases they are also entitled to an additional increase in August. It can occur only due to the presence on the individual personal account of the amount not taken into account in the previous calculation, or not taken into account when assigning a pension, or in other situations described in paragraph 3 of part 2 of Art. 18 of the law of December 28, 2013 N 400-FZ.

For example, if in the previous year a citizen earned more than 3 points, and only three were taken into account during the August recalculation, then the rest will be taken into account in August of the next year.