Irish lace for beginners, video master class of napkins, collars, basic techniques and elements, crocheting and knitting. Irish lace - true works of art, crochet Master crochet Irish lace

This is always the result of the painstaking work of craftswomen who create openwork works with the help of a hook. These techniques are different, there are many techniques, but the result of labor always amazes and pleases with beauty, delicacy, geometric accuracy of the pattern. Lace will decorate any outfit, especially if it is made in ethnic style. How are they doing in Ireland?

This green island has its own handicraft traditions, which in some way intersect with ours. The ability to use a hook is a prerequisite, and it is common to all lacemakers. In Europe, there are some rules that must be followed. They relate to the composition, color solutions, size and nature of the pattern. In this we have much in common with the Irish.

The main rule is the absence of strict restrictions

Irish lace is also an independent art form of fine weaving. A master class on mastering this method in the generally accepted sense of the term is practically impossible. There is a lot of freedom when creating it, everyone can express their worldview, showing a maximum of imagination, but there are countless options. There are only general principles and some technological techniques that help to weave very beautiful things. Let's consider them in more detail.

What is the technique of Irish lacemakers

To understand the features of this technique, you need to understand how Irish lace differs. A master class conducted by experts begins with this very question. The main difference is that the thing is assembled from separate fragments, which are woven using the usual hook technique from threads of different colors. At the same time, the most important condition for success is that the author has a sense of composition, balance and color, which in general is manifested in good taste. How to arrange the individually woven details so that the result is a beautiful blouse or top, each craftswoman decides on her own, depending on her own understanding of aesthetic tasks, mood and, of course, the degree of giftedness. It may also be important to have an art education, which is desirable but not required. In a sense, amateurism in the art of weaving is preferable, it liberates the flight of fancy.

What is an asymmetric grid

Even a person who is not initiated into the intricacies of artistic craft understands that any wearable item must be at least somewhat durable. The methods of fastening by which the elements of Irish lace are connected do not differ in particular variety. This is stitching in those cases when the motifs are adjacent to each other closely. If a certain distance is provided between them, then the so-called arches of columns or air loops with a different number of crochets are used. In general, the entire mass of intermediate lines of connections forms a whole network, which is conditionally called irregular, or asymmetric. This system is the main feature that distinguishes Irish lace. Schemes, of course, exist in specialized albums, but it is extremely difficult to copy them exactly, and there is no need. After all, the interest of this type of art lies precisely in the manifestation of individuality and originality. Templates are not acceptable here.

How to plan a composition

Every girl who has ever taken a hook in her hands knows that it is very difficult to hold a large object woven from a “ten” thread and at the same time control the correct operation. Needless to say about such a difficult task as lace. For beginner craftswomen, there is a technique that makes the job easier. You can see the future composition and evaluate it by using some thing or a piece of matter as a substrate. The elements should be basted to this “base” with medium and long stitches so that they can be easily removed later. Using this auxiliary technique, you can solve several pressing problems at once. Firstly, it will immediately be clear what will happen in the compositional aspect, and therefore, if you don’t like something, there is an opportunity to make corrections with the least effort. And secondly, you don’t have to worry about the correct calculations of the lengths of the connecting arches, the thing in any case will not bristle or gather.

Irish stew

Some of our fellow citizens mistakenly believe that the Irish are “such Englishmen”. To assert this is tantamount to saying that "Uzbeks are such Russians." In fact, the Irish people have a huge number of national characteristics, manifested in their own language, and in hair color (often red), and in names (many Patricks). There is also a rich history, and much more, including Irish lace. The motifs that people from the island like to use, both from its independent, southern part, and from the British north, are traditionally floral. Preference is given to green tones, but other color solutions and shades are quite acceptable. However, all this coexists perfectly with other topics, as well as with violent fantasy, mixed with old mystical legends.

Get to the point

So, we settled on the fact that a suitable base was found, for example, an old T-shirt corresponding to a given size (foam rubber or a pillow will do). Where to begin? The technique allows you to do without tedious counting the number of loops, everything can be done by eye, but there is one important feature: in order for the stitching and joining places to be less conspicuous, it is best to work from the inside out. Therefore, the elements should be sewn onto the base with the front side down, and only then, after removing the finished item from the substrate, turn it out again.

The crochet hook is placed in the hand in the same way as a person usually holds a knife, but this rule is common to all lace techniques.

Where to get items

If a girl wants to be original and beautiful, but she does not have enough patience to do all the work on her own, then you can alleviate the fate by buying ready-made lace in specialized stores. Since it is most often white, preference should be given to machine-knitted cotton thread products, because they are easy to hot-dye by choosing suitable resistant ones. In the same case, if there is a desire and ability to do the whole thing with your own hands, creating a hand-made masterpiece , you should remember all grandmother's lessons (if any). Irish knitting is no different from the usual Russian ways of creating thread patterns, at least in the part that does not relate to the assembly.

How to create a network

Now about the main thing, that is, how to do it. No special skills other than those possessed by Russian craftswomen will be required here. It is important to master the connection method, that is, the creation of the said irregular grid. We have decided on the features that distinguish Irish lace. The master class involves a description of the sequence of operations, that is, manufacturing technology.

The steps to create an arch consist of the following steps:

Closer to the edge (a couple of threads from it), a working thread is introduced into the canvas.

The thread is pulled out towards itself through the loop, and its end is pulled into a small knot, the tip of which is hidden inside the fabric.

A chain of several loops is dialed. It is applied to the places of possible articulation in such a way as to find out where to attach it. The result should be pleasing to the eye, so the arch cannot be too short, but you should not get carried away either. The best assistant and adviser in this matter is your own taste.

After determining the place of the future connection, two yarns are added to the column and two air loops are knitted. All this clings to the fabric of the next lace element, creating a strong bond.

When creating other connecting elements-columns, interleaved with chains, their value, measured in loops, should be varied depending on the geometry of the elements. The main thing here is to start, and then everything will go by itself.

top irish secret

This is how, by and large, Irish lace is created. The master class gives only general recommendations, but does not imply rigid canons and guidelines. It is very important that in this type of thread weaving there is an irregular grid in the form of connecting posts and chains. In this case, fragments closely adjacent to each other can simply be neatly stitched in a dotted manner.

But the main thing in this method of weaving is still not the technical details and technological subtleties. To understand Irish lace, a craftswoman who will learn the main principle will be able to. It lies in the degree of freedom that the inhabitants of the "Green Island" have been striving for over the centuries. It also manifests itself in other cultural principles of the Irish, who strive to express themselves in all ways available to them.

Elements can be large, small or alternate, it doesn't matter. The color scheme can be green, but other shades are quite acceptable, as long as it is beautiful.

Weaving of Irish lace has always been appreciated all over the world. This technique has many fans. Of course, even looking at the exquisite work of the craftswomen, made in the style of Irish knitting, one can say that this ancient technique is not within the power of every experienced knitter. Many recognize that canvases made in the Irish style are true works of art.

The whimsical Irish motifs that attract the eye are fascinating even in small-sized works. It can be textured and smooth, plain and multi-color works.

In contact with

Lace in detail

Main elements of Irish technology weaves are:

  1. Leaves are regular or round
  2. a sheet with highlighted veins or an openwork center;
  3. tightly knitted shamrock;
  4. voluminous rose flower with petals highlighted;
  5. bunch of grapes.

Work on the technique of Irish knitting is not easy and requires scrupulousness. You will consistently carry out everything that is laid down in the scheme. For example, learn knitting techniques and Irish lace video tutorials that can be found on the net.

First, separate fragments of patterns are knitted, and then they are laid out on a pre-prepared pattern and motifs are connected lattice step. In Irish knitting, it is also called a breed.

Crocheting patterns also has several options. Usually craftswomen working in the technique of Irish knitting do this with the so-called mesh. To do this, all the elements are laid out in a certain order on the diagram, and the rest of the space is closed with a grid.

But in some cases, the distance between the fragments is large enough and inconvenient for knitting the usual loin or honeycomb mesh. Then apply an irregular grid that wraps around all the elements. You can easily find lessons for such a connection on thematic sites.

By crocheting Irish lace, you join the beautiful, and learn to express your thoughts in your work. This is especially stimulating to work when the product model attracts you.

In some cases, the mesh fabric itself is knitted first, and the main elements of the motifs are already superimposed on it. It is allowed to use ordinary mesh tulle for the base. It is much easier and more convenient, especially for beginner lacemakers who are just learning the lessons of craftsmanship. Models with such patterns look very attractive.

But masters prefer to first perform lace motifs and only then collect them into a single picture. It is much more difficult and takes time, however, the end result is worth it. Here a high class of skill is needed and should be strived for.

If the motifs are located close to each other on the diagram, then they can be sewn with a needle, using a hook and the ends of the fragment threads to connect.

In addition, Irish lace can be connected with brids.

Schemes of classical drawings

Such a direction of creativity as Irish lace do not require the creation of strict schemes. Usually they are necessary in order to copy the drawing you like, seen in another work. In other versions, you can connect the parts in a free order. If you want to create Irish lace, you can find patterns and lessons on the Internet.

Of course, at first, it is better for beginners to use ready-made examples, some of which you will find below. These knitting lessons will be to their advantage and will increase the performing class.

Create lace elements

Prepare a hook, the size of which depends on the thickness of the thread. In addition, for knitting, you will need white thread.

Descriptions always use standard abbreviations, which means:

  • vp. - ordinary air loop;
  • p. / p. - half loop;
  • st.s / n. - double crochet;
  • st.b / n. - single crochet.

We create the base of the pattern. To do this, the thread makes a couple of turns around the finger.

This ring is tied with a simple column to begin with. Then 1 ch is done. for lifting and continues the set of single crochets. There should be 35 in total.

Then the so-called crustacean step is taken, when st.b / n. are knitted by capturing the front half loops. In this case, free loops should form from the inside for the next row.

Act strictly according to the scheme or video application.

Make a chain of five v/p. and attach it to the ring by inserting it into the third st.b / n. Next, complete four more similar arches. In the latter, only 3 ch are crochet, which are attached to the ring of st.s / n.

Having expanded the knitting, perform 4 more similar elements on top of the already knitted ones.

In the next row, make six arches already, securing a chain of 5 ch to the extreme arch of the previous level.

Knit four more elements.

At the fourth level, 5 arches are knitted with 2 ch in a chain along the edge.

The fifth level consists of 3 ch in the first and last arch and 5 ch in the central ones.

Sixth level. The first motive has 4 ch, the second - 5 ch, the third - 1 ch. and at the end of st.s / n.

At the seventh level, the first executed arch contains 5 ch, the second - 2 ch. and senior s / n.

Eighth level. Finish the center of the motive with an arch consisting of 10 ch.

Taking a new thread, make a rise, and attach it to the base of the arch of the first row.

Tie the arches around the edge with a regular column. Make an air loop at the top point.

Go to the ring again and tie the next row with a regular column. At the highest point, add 3 st.b / n.

Having reached the edge, start knitting again with a “crustacean step”.

The finished element is tied with a "crustacean step"

Better knitting lessons study visually. It helps to see how Irish lace is woven. You can always find video tutorials on the Internet. Models can be very different, and, of course, you will want to try to make them on your own. Crocheting such complex patterns can become your favorite pastime.

Irish lace cardigan has become more and more important in the closet of girls and women. Since ancient times, needlewomen have been famous for creating unique lace products. Intertwining various elements, they created unusual, non-repetitive ornaments. Clothing made in lace technique has always attracted admiring glances from outsiders. Lace dresses are popular in today's time. The most noble women of fashion dress up in exquisite home-made outfits. Often, magical lace plexuses can be seen on television presenters, pop singers, popular actors and world models. Very fashionable and relevant among girls and women are things created using the Irish lace technique. The named technique looks great in almost all knitted products.

In the technique of Irish lace knit:

  • collars
  • swimwear
  • sweatshirts
  • trousers
  • shorts
  • bags
  • coat
  • cardigans

This article will discuss how to knit a women's cardigan with Irish lace with your own hands.

Basic knitting techniques with Irish lace

Before you sit down to knit a unique homemade thing, you should carefully understand what kind of technique it is and how fantastic patterns are created.

Needlewomen, creating original things, use separately knitted fragments and connect them with a thin hook with air loops that form a diverse grid. The following knitted details are usually used:

  • uncomplicated leaf
  • round leaf
  • leaf with a vein in the center
  • openwork leaf
  • shamrock
  • various circles
  • voluminous flowers
  • big flowers
  • whorls
  • cords
  • bunch of grapes

Having studied the crochet technique of the above elements, even a beginner will be able to create an unsurpassed masterpiece. The main thing is that the craftswoman has a great desire, perseverance and concentration on the work performed.

working material

To create an extravagant Irish lace cardigan, you should prepare the necessary material:

  • main thread milky
  • brown thread to create a network
  • hook 1.8 mm
  • hook 1.2 mm
  • scissors
  • patterns of the back, front shelves and sleeves
  • needles with caps
  • foam rectangular pillow, substituted under the sketch of the product

Master class on making Irish lace cardigan

Having prepared the necessary material, we proceed to knitting individual openwork elements, from which a chic thing will be made in the future. All fragments of a special cardigan that will be knitted are shown in the schematic diagram below.

Following the schematic representation, knitting of unusual plant parts is performed step by step. Consider a detailed description of how some fragments of handmade women's clothing are created. Let's start the knitting procedure from simple, uncomplicated patterns.


1. We crochet, 1.8 mm in size, six air loops with milk thread, connecting them into a ring.

2. We make three identical arches from six air loops.

3. We tie the previous arches with two single crochets, sixteen double crochets and two more single crochets.

4. Having finished tying, cut the thread, hide the tip.

It turns out a pretty shamrock.

Flower 3

1 r. We collect 15 air loops, connect them into a ring.

2 r. We knit six identical arches from six air loops.

3 p. We knit on each arch one semi-column, one loop without a crochet, three loops with a crochet, one loop without a crochet and one semi-column.

4 r. Each petal is tied with three single crochets, five air loops, and three single crochets.

Another plant element of the general openwork pattern is ready. Having learned the methods and techniques of knitting unusual details of clothing, we continue to create elements, clearly following the provided pattern.

Having finished knitting the necessary parts of the product, we think over how we will connect the parts, forming the only unique ornament.

Connection Methods for Related Parts

Experienced craftswomen use different options for combining ready-made openwork motifs:

  1. Fillet net.
  2. Cell network.
  3. Irregular grid.

The most common technique for attaching parts with a net. The implementation of this method is simple - the prepared elements are laid out on a pattern, the free space is knitted with a pattern of finished air loops with a sirloin net.

If there is a void of various sizes, we use an irregular grid.

You can knit a grid according to the pattern, and attach finished elements to it. The fantasies of needlewomen are endless - any working schemes change in the intended way.

The cardigan is assembled using an irregular mesh technique.

Assembling Related Parts

The product we have chosen consists of five parts:

  • backrests
  • front right shelf
  • front left shelf
  • two sleeves

Accordingly, we make five patterns.

Fragments of the future unique cardigan are washed and ironed with an electric iron.

The dried elements are laid out on the prepared pattern of the backrest face down. Elements created with fiber and crochet are attached to the soft lining with tailor's pins.

Details of the Irish lace cardigan are connected with a thin brown thread. Having fixed the thread with stitches, we knit an irregular network between the fragments, changing looped arches with double crochets.

The mesh, the craftswomen knit to your taste, according to the selected schematic drawing. Below you can see the proposed schemes for knitting nets.

We continue to weave neatly and efficiently. The above technique fills the remaining space between the fragments, the tailor's pins are removed. The finished product is turned over and ironed with a steam iron.

The details of the right, left front shelves and sleeves are also connected. Having finished working on the parts of the cardigan, all the shelves, back and sleeves are connected at the side seams with a crochet hook with a single crochet. It will turn out an unusual beauty thing created by one's own hands. Although the work described above is painstaking, requiring concentration and close attention, the result exceeds all the expectations of the craftswoman.

Connected fragments can be laid out in different ways, without repeating the proposed ornament. Then the product will look different, more extraordinary and unique - the craftswoman will create her own extraordinary divine outfit. In the technique of Irish lace, the cardigan looks feminine, unusual, charming with the interlacing of various patterns that create one whole magical ornament.

The needlewomen who create Irish weaves are famous for handmade things. Increasingly, coats and dresses are knitted using the technique described above for popular pop stars, famous movie artists, and famous models. From women dressed in lace clothes, it is impossible to tear off an admiring and tender look. We recommend watching the video master class Irish lace cardigan.

Video master class “Irish lace cardigan”


Chic model in the technique of coupling guipure. Like a skirt, but you can wear it as a short sarafan.

SIZE 44-48

You will need: 600 g of yarn of your chosen colors (60% linen, 40% viscose, 400 m x 100 g); for flowers and leaves (180 m x 50 g), a little grass yarn, sectional dyeing, 3 spools of Madera viscose silk for the net; hooks No. 1.5-2 for motifs and No. 1.25 for the grid; 2 large green beads.

The model is made in the technique of coupling guipure. Before starting work, it is necessary to make a pattern of details (Fig. 2) from a dense fabric, taking into account the waist circumference, the desired length and degree of expansion of the skirt, sew up one side seam. Then tie a variety of motifs: flowers and leaves, focusing on the basic schemes A - I.

Attention! The patterns are not an exact copy, but only show the principle of knitting. In the author's original model, there are no identical flowers, and we recommend that you follow her example: fantasize and improvise as you go. When knitting petals, vary the height and number of double crochets, the number of tiers of petals knitted, as well as the number of rows of stitches in each tier. The decoration of individual flowers are voluminous middle-berries, made with a thread of a contrasting color, as well as the middle, made with yarn with a pile. Moisten the finished motifs, steam and dry. Arrange the motifs on the pattern face down, making up the desired composition. Fix the most acceptable position with pins or a basting. Assemble the canvas by fastening the individual "elements of the pattern to each other and to the side parts as follows: sew the places where the motifs meet with the main thread, fill the gaps with an irregular mesh. Tie the upper edge of the skirt with several rows of RLS. Use the caterpillar cord as a belt. Pass it along the waist , fasten large beads at the ends.

Irish lace (or Scottish) is one of the oldest and most complex arts in the world. For beginner craftsmen, it will be quite difficult to knit a product using this technique the first time. But a person has serious motives, for example, he wants to make a special gift to his loved one with his own hands, then he will definitely succeed. In addition, on the Internet you can find patterns and patterns for crocheting Irish lace.

Irish lace (or Scottish) is one of the oldest and most complex arts in the world.

This needle skill is to tightly connect separately related elements into a single composition. The knitting is very dense, and the patterns are beautiful.

There is an opinion that only experienced knitters can knit Irish lace. We cannot agree with this, because if you correctly follow the knitting patterns and do everything according to the description, you will be able to do a wonderful job. Let at first it will be a small leaf or a snowflake, but over time, you can learn how to knit a dress or sundress with the technique of Irish lace.

This craft has classic elements:

  • Bunch of grapes.
  • Shamrock.
  • Leaflet.
  • Round leaf.
  • Rose.
  • openwork flower, etc.

Gallery: Irish lace (25 photos)

How to quickly knit a product using the Irish lace technique (video tutorials)

What tools need to be prepared?

  • Hook. This is the main tool for such knitting. It should be selected for the threads that are used in the work.
  • Threads. For such knitting technique, you need to take three types of threads in thickness. The pattern itself is knitted from a thread of medium thickness, a thin thread is taken for the mesh, and the thickest thread for the warp.
  • Scissors.
  • Needle (optional).
  • Paper template.

Work begins with knitting those elements that will make up the finished pattern. Often beautiful patterns are obtained while knitting a thick and medium thread together.

Tools may vary.

Each knitted element is fixed on a paper template. This action should be mandatory, because, even despite the density of knitting, the element may unravel if it is not fixed.

When all the elements are done, they should be fastened with a horse mesh. Parts are placed face down on paper.

Irish lace for beginners: step by step instructions

When a person is just starting to engage in such a craft, he should start with fairly simple schemes. For example, you can tie a small flower.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. At hand, the master should have a rather thick elongated object. For example, you can use a pencil or a knitting needle. Thread should be wound around the object. You need to do this several times.
  2. After that, the resulting ring is removed from the base.
  3. It is necessary to knit 30 columns in it. Single crochets are made.
  4. To knit a bourdon, a thick thread is needed, but if it is not there, then the usual thread should be folded. It is imperative to think over the supply of thread, because if it is not enough, it will be difficult to fix the product in order to finish working on it later.
  5. Then the flower petal is knitted. To do this, you need to form 1 air loop for lifting. A flower can have as many petals as you want, but for beginners it is better to make a few to master this skill.

Crocheted Irish Lace: Master Class

Master Class:

  1. The first step is to tie the initial chain of lace. With a slip knot, the thread is attached to the hook, after which 21 air loops are knitted. A lot of thread for the initial chain should be allocated, since if it is not enough to collect all the loops, then the row will have to be tied up.
  2. An additional loop in the row must be required. It is necessary to rotate the product when knitting. It is not necessary to knit in anything, its main purpose is to align the edge of the lace.
  3. Then a series of elongated loops is made. The hook is led to the next loop in the row from it, while it grabs the yarn and stretches it. Please note that the size of the buttonhole depends on the size of the stitch. Thus, the tighter the lace is knitted, the smaller it will turn out.
  4. This action is repeated throughout the chain. After knitting the last row, an additional loop is moved to the knitting needle from the hook, after which 21 loops are pulled there.
  5. Then the loops should be grouped. 5 of them are crocheted and the yarn is pulled out. An air loop is formed. There should be 4 of them. To simplify the task, the loops should be well drawn out.
  6. The columns are knitted without a crochet in elongated loops. 5 rows should be knitted. The action is repeated until the end of the row.
  7. After moving to a new row, the columns continue to be knitted without a crochet.
  8. Knitting continues until the product reaches the desired size.

Knitting in this technique is not so difficult

At the end, the thread is threaded through the last loop and cut with scissors.

Technique and principles of Irish lace

Work starts with the right pattern. If a wardrobe element is knitted, then the pattern should ideally match the figure. If you make even minor flaws, then later you will have to redo the work for several hours. Therefore, each pattern must be built individually.

Many novice craftsmen cannot understand what to do with the threads left over from the motives? There are a lot of these threads left, so for some they become a problem. Everything is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. It is enough to take into account in advance that the threads should remain more than necessary for the yarn, since at the end it will need to be cut off by threading it into the last loop.

Work starts with the right pattern

Another important point in Irish lace is the knitting of motifs. During this, you always need to control the level of thread tension. If it is too tight, then the product will turn out to be narrow and small, and if on the contrary, it will be loosely stretched, the product will be shapeless.

To add zest to the work, you should use threads of different thicknesses. So the work will be more beautiful. A mesh should be made from a thin thread, and separate elements of clothing should be knitted with a medium thread.

What mistakes do beginners make in Irish lace technique?

  • Wrong thread color. Many mistakenly believe that the color range of threads in one product, knitted with Irish lace, should be varied. This is wrong. So that a person in such yarn does not look like a Christmas tree, it is enough to use a maximum of 3 colors when knitting. But these colors should match well.
  • Lots of motives. Many novice craftsmen make motives "in reserve", wanting to test themselves. This is wrong, especially if clothes are knitted. For example, a blouse that is not knitted according to a pattern can simply hang on the body. It's not beautiful.
  • Sheer knit. It must be remembered that the technique of Irish lace involves a fairly transparent knitting. Therefore, if a jacket is put on, connected by this technique, then under the bottom you need to wear a turtleneck or T-shirt. If there is a desire to wear just a jacket, without anything underneath, then the knitting should be tight enough, then the product will not be enlightened.

Irish lace: the basics of knitting flowers (video)

Yes, Irish lace is not an easy knitting technique, but anyone can learn how to master it. As the saying goes: "There would be a desire." If you practice long enough, you can not only tie a small flower with Irish lace, but also make a wonderful sweater, scarf or sundress according to mk.