For what merits is the title of labor veteran awarded. How to get the title of labor veteran. Measures of social support for labor veterans

Today, getting any benefits from the state is quite problematic. This is due to a long list of necessary papers and the unscrupulous performance of their duties by social workers. For these reasons, in 2017, there was an increase in the number of lawsuits filed with the court demanding to resolve a dispute over the status received for special labor achievements.

For the first time, citizens of the Russian Federation learned about the privileges for conscientious long-term work in the 90s. Until now, the rules and terms for conferring the title of "Veteran of Labor" have changed a large number of times. That is why many workers have no idea where to apply for the title of "Veteran of Labor" and how to get certain benefits after going on a well-deserved rest. Let's consider the algorithm of necessary actions.

Who is entitled to the status of "Veteran of Labor"

Many citizens who have an impressive work experience do not know whether they can be recognized as a labor veteran and where to turn to with this issue. This title is not available to every citizen of our country who has worked for the benefit of the state for many years. A candidate for an honorary title must meet some requirements:

  • - until July 2017 he was awarded the medal "Veteran of Labour", which is confirmed by the relevant document;
  • - was awarded a commendable diploma of the head of the Russian Federation, received orders, medals of the union socialist state, as well as departmental recognition of merit in one working field;
  • - before retirement, the insurance experience of a man is 25 years, women - 20 years;
  • - prior to registration of pension provision, the veteran's length of service (length of service) is at least 20 years;
  • - conducted labor activity during the Great Patriotic War, before reaching the age of majority, as a result, the total duration of labor activity of a man was at least 40 years, women - 35 years.

It is important to know that not all ways of supporting workers at the state level through incentives in the form of social guarantees and gratitude for long-term and excellent work are taken into account in this situation. Significant credentials are issued by the following authorities and services:

  • - the highest body of executive power;
  • - administration of the head of state;
  • - public administration body of a separate field of activity, ministry (on behalf of the chief manager);
  • - lower house of parliament
  • - constitutional judicial body, the Prosecutor General's Office (on behalf of the head).

Documents certifying state incentives and issued by the chairmanship of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR have lost their relevance. Awards without an appropriate certificate have no weight in this matter. When applying for a title, a former worker must be retired.

Merits for work are not counted to a person who is a citizen of another country.

Rules for obtaining a labor veteran

To receive a high reward for the path of many years of work, it is important for a citizen of the Russian Federation to follow certain rules. You need to know where to submit papers for a labor veteran, find out the list of necessary documented carriers, and familiarize yourself with the important nuances of the procedure.

What documents are required

The applicant undertakes to submit the following paperwork:

  • - a written appeal of the established format;
  • - original and copy of the passport;
  • - pensioner's ID;
  • - the original and a copy of the work book;
  • - Certificates of honor, letters of gratitude, orders, signs, medals, as well as material carriers confirming that the awards belong to a particular candidate;
  • - insurance number of an individual personal account (SNILS);
  • - 4 photographs in 3x4 cm format.

The authenticity of all copies is certified by a notary.

Local governments have the right to request additional information about the applicant for the award of honorary status in accordance with established regional requirements.

Where to apply for an honorary veteran of labor

Not all workers are correctly aware of where it is necessary to submit a list of papers confirming merit in labor. The necessary documentation must be submitted by the applicant to the department of the social security service at the place of registration. Each region has an individual sample of a written appeal. The application is drawn up in the name of the head of the social protection department, the text must contain a request for the assignment of the appropriate status, at the end the applicant indicates the date of application and put his signature. Employees of the service without fail check the provided copies with the originals.

Terms of consideration and response to the application

The Social Security Service starts a personal file, where the material carriers of information provided by the veteran are filed. Within a month, the commission should hold a meeting, involving employees of the relevant ministry in the process, discuss the veteran's appeal and make a decision on it. Employees of the state institution of social protection of the population draw up a written verdict, where information about the final reasoned decision is entered. The act is transferred to the hands or by mail to the applicant within five calendar days from the date of consideration of the case.

Having refused a citizen, employees of the social security service undertake to indicate the reason for the negative verdict.

If the decision is in favor of the elderly applicant, a specific date is set for the receipt of the legal order, on the basis of which the veteran will be able to claim the required state benefits.

Basic benefits provided to labor veterans

Federal benefits for honorary workers, regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation, are exactly the same for all holders of this title.

The current privileges are:

  1. Use the services of municipal dental clinics for the treatment and prosthetics of teeth out of turn;
  2. Receive the opportunity to receive treatment in the medical institutions of the country, even if you change your place of residence or registration;
  3. Treatment in a sanatorium or receiving monetary compensation in the amount of the cost of rest in case of refusal;
  4. The right to a free set of measures in the healthcare system, carried out for the purpose of diagnosing and preventing various diseases;
  5. Visiting doctors and service in pharmacies out of turn;
  6. Extraordinary right to improve housing conditions;
  7. The possibility of obtaining a loan for the construction of a residential building for a period of 10 years;
  8. Installing a landline phone on demand;
  9. Exemption from land tax;
  10. Payment of 50% of the total cost of travel in suburban trains and water transport during the relevant season;
  11. Travel in public transport without payment;
  12. Receipt of monetary compensation for housing and communal services provided that there are no utility debts;
  13. Real estate owners are exempt from the property contribution;
  14. Pension payments, financial assistance, compensation for sanatorium treatment and other financial payments are not subject to personal income tax;
  15. The right to receive a free allotment of land for the construction of a house;
  16. In case of continuation of labor activity, unhindered use of annual paid leave (30 days) in any month of the year.

In addition to federal benefits, the Russian Federation has regional programs that may differ significantly in different regions of the country.

Summary and step by step instructions

Citizens awarded with certificates of honor, orders, medals, as well as insignia of our state and the former Soviet Union can receive the honorary title "Veteran of Labor" for long-term impeccable work. It is important to note that the insurance experience must be complete. In addition, citizens who worked during an armed clash between the parties participating in the Great Patriotic War, including minors, can apply for a title. The conditionality of this case is the experience of women 35 years or more, men - at least 40.

For registration, it is necessary to prepare a package of documents:

  • - appeal of the established format in writing;
  • - passport (copy and original);
  • - work book (copy and original);
  • - documents confirming the receipt of awards, medals, orders, badges or letters of thanks;
  • - SNILS (insurance number of an individual personal account);

Also do not forget 2 photos (3X4).

A complete list of documents must be submitted to the department of the social security service at the place of registration. Next, you need to do the following steps:

  1. The application is drawn up in the name of the head of the department and contains a request for the award of an honorary title.
  2. The management commission, together with employees of the relevant ministry, discusses the veteran's appeal and makes a decision on it.
  3. An administrative document is drawn up, which highlights the final reasoned decision of the commission members.

The issuance of an executive act, on the basis of which an honorary worker can receive the required state benefits, is given no more than 30 days from the date of submission of documents for consideration.

According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, veterans of labor, whose status is of federal importance, can count on certain benefits and compensations. For this reason, it makes sense to consider the method and conditions for obtaining this title.

veteran of labour

In order to understand who a federal labor veteran is, how to get this status and what benefits to expect, you need to turn to the law.

First of all, it makes sense to remind who can apply for this title. In principle, we are talking about two key categories of citizens of the Russian Federation:

  • Those who were awarded medals or orders. This includes persons who have been awarded honorary titles of the Russian Federation or the USSR, as well as those who have sufficient work experience to qualify for a seniority pension and who have been awarded departmental insignia.
  • Citizens who began their labor activity while still underage during the Second World War.

It is these criteria that are determined by federal law in the issue of obtaining the title of labor veteran. Accordingly, the benefits received will be valid throughout the Russian Federation.

What you need to do to become a veteran

Everyone who falls into the categories described above is eligible for the status of "veteran of labor of federal significance." How to get this title can be found out from employees of social protection authorities, but in general the scheme is as follows:

  • A citizen applying for the title submits an appropriate application to the local social security authority at the place of his residence and attaches to it the necessary documents confirming his work experience and the right to receive the status in general (list of titles and awards, etc.).
  • The application itself is submitted in two forms - paper and electronic;
  • Wait for the response of the authorities to his statement.

If the candidate fully complies with the requirements of the federal law, then within 30 days he will be informed of the decision. The same amount will be required to consider the application and in case of refusal. It should be noted that these terms may differ slightly in some regions.

Required Documentation

In order to avoid misunderstandings, you should initially be aware of what documents will be required to obtain the status of a labor veteran. This is the following list:

  • identity card and its notarized copy;
  • two photos 3x4;
  • application written on a special form;
  • application for the award;
  • employment history;
  • a certificate issued at the place of permanent work or in the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;

All documentation must be provided in the form of copies, but the originals, which will be needed to verify the information, must also be attached.

Issuance of a certificate

A certificate can be provided, of course, only in the case of a positive decision in favor of assigning the status of “Veteran of Labor of Federal Importance”. You can again find out how to get this document at the social security authority, but in general this is a simple procedure. The certificate is issued within three days from the date of status confirmation.

It will be issued in the same place where the application was accepted, that is, in the social security authority at the place of residence. After the certificate is in hand and it can be presented, a citizen who has received the status of a veteran will be able to enjoy all the benefits provided by federal law.

It is worth knowing about the following nuance: if there are real grounds for conferring the title of veteran, you can get a certificate until you retire. However, they can only be used after the end of employment.

What to do if the certificate has been lost

Loss of documents is a common occurrence. The federal labor veteran is no exception. It is definitely worth knowing how to get a duplicate certificate in order to avoid delays in replacing it.

The algorithm for obtaining a new document is extremely simple:

  • you need to contact the social security authority again;
  • explain under what circumstances the certificate was lost or damaged;
  • write an application for its restoration.

In this case, you will need to provide two 3x4 photographs and a passport with its certified copy. After the application is considered, the certificate must be issued within three days. Under these circumstances, you will not have to pay any fines.

Available Benefits

Obtaining a special status gives the right to certain payments. A labor veteran of federal significance also has the opportunity to use in-kind assistance. In general, the benefits in the presence of this title are as follows:

  • Expenses for the use of public and intercity transport are reimbursed;
  • Half of the cost of living space occupied by the veteran is paid. It does not matter what kind of housing stock it is.
  • Compensated 50% of the cost of utilities. This exemption applies to electricity, water heating or hot water supply, sewerage and heating. Provided that the house does not have central heating, the labor veteran is given a 50% discount on the fuel that he purchases within the limits.
  • Citizens with veteran status can count on a sanatorium voucher (1 time per year).
  • Free use of dental services. We are talking about the manufacture of dentures, as well as their repair. But if in the course of work the dentist will use precious metals and ceramics as well, the discount for these materials is not provided.
  • At catering establishments, labor veterans can count on a free portion.

EDV for Labor Veterans of Federal Importance

The right to receive payments every month are entitled to those labor veterans who have been granted a pension in accordance with federal law. That is, until the retirement age is reached, the labor veteran will not be able to receive these payments.

Also, citizens with a similar status can count on payments during each month. Their size is 454 rubles. But such a benefit is possible only if the UDV is not provided at the expense of the federal budget. Veterans can also count on 218 rubles a month as compensation for the use of telephone services.

With such a status as a labor veteran, cash payments may also imply a pension supplement. This is possible provided that the pension that was established for a particular holder of veteran status is below the subsistence level. A cash bonus can be counted on when a veteran refuses the social services available to him.

Labor veteran - taxes

Regarding the topic of tax payments, it is worth noting that veterans have some benefits in this category as well. They look like this:

1. Exemption from payment of personal income tax:

  • financial assistance of the employer (does not exceed 4 thousand rubles per year);
  • those amounts that were spent in connection with the payment for the services of health-improving institutions;
  • pensions and additional payments attached to them.

2. Exemption from the need to pay property tax (relevant for property owners).

3. Labor veterans retain the right to transfer tax deductions to other reporting periods.

It is also important to note the fact that, if desired, a citizen with veteran status can convert his benefits into a monetary equivalent equal to their potential material value. You can monetize sanitary-resort, transport and medicinal benefits.

It is easy to see that the legislation provides tangible benefits to labor veterans of federal significance.

If a person has worked for the good of his homeland for many years, he should be rewarded. A man or woman of retirement age is awarded the honorary title "Veteran of Labour", a diploma, a medal and a cash payment are issued, and benefits are provided. Learn the procedure and conditions for awarding the title of labor veteran.

Who is eligible for Veteran of Labor

The order of the procedure was established back in the mid-90s by the Federal Law "On Veterans". According to him, a pensioner can obtain such a status under a combination of certain conditions. Who is awarded the title of veteran of labor:

  • a pensioner with state awards;
  • a person holding honorary titles of the USSR, the Russian Federation;
  • a pensioner who has awards with departmental insignia in labor;
  • a person who has worked for a certain number of years.

On December 19, 2005, amendments to the Law are in force, according to which the conditions for obtaining a labor veteran are determined by the territorial subjects of the Russian Federation. The authorities of Moscow, for example, do not correct the above list, the authorities of other regions make amendments. One of the common adjustments is the length of service in the territory of a particular subject of the Russian Federation or the presence of awards of local significance.

Benefits for Federal Labor Veterans

Citizens who have been awarded this title by the Ministry have the following privileges:

  • free travel in public transport;
  • leave at a time suitable for the beneficiary;
  • 50% compensation for payment for housing and communal services;
  • covering the costs of gas pipelines;
  • free service in medical institutions;
  • retirees can get paid for denture services at public dental institutions.

The state also took care of providing tax benefits by doing the following for labor veterans:

  • exemption from payment of 100% property tax;
  • the right to transfer the personal income tax deduction to other periods;
  • no personal income tax.

Regional Veterans Benefits

Each territorial subject of Russia offers its own list of benefits for labor merits. In the instance of social support of citizens, you can re-read the current list of privileges. Its diversity and quality depends on the size of the regional budget and the nature of social protection programs for the population. How to get a labor veteran in Moscow, and what are the benefits? The holder of the title will be entitled to (other than federal incentives):

  • free travel on suburban railway transport;
  • monthly cash surcharge from the local budget, which is indexed every year;
  • minus 50% to pay for a landline phone or radio station;
  • the opportunity to visit the sanatorium once a year in the presence of malfunctions in the body.

How to apply for Veteran of Labor

The candidate must go to the social protection authority at the place of registration with a specific list of documents. After the reception, the registration of the status begins - a personal file is formed, the papers are sent to a special commission to the Ministry of the Region for consideration. The processing time for the appeal is 14-15 days (depending on the region), then the social security staff will make an appointment for you and notify you of the result.

The procedure and conditions for awarding the title

Based on the documents that you provide to the social security authorities, the ministerial commission makes a decision on awarding the title. With a positive result, employees within 3 days (working) draw up a protocol on the satisfaction of the applicant's appeal. This paper will become the basis for assigning the specified status. How to get the title of Veteran of Labor and a certificate confirming it? After the officials sign the protocol, the candidate must come to the social security agency, and they will give him a crust against signature.

If the decision of the commission is not in favor of the applicant, a written notification is sent to him. The paper substantiates the reasons for the refusal, the procedure for appealing them. The withdrawal period is up to 5 business days. You can defend your veteran rights in court, referring to the regulatory framework. If you have labor achievements and documentary evidence of your activities, you should not refuse the possibility of a good reward.

Experience for obtaining a Veteran of Labor

To obtain such a status, one must not only have certificates and rewards, but also work for a certain number of years. It is important that:

  • insurance experience was at least 5 years;
  • had a work experience of at least 25 years (for a man) or 20 years (for a woman) in the presence of awards and honorary titles of the USSR, the Russian Federation;
  • a person has worked for at least 40 years (requirement for men) or 35 years (for women), if the beginning of his work took place under the age of 18 at the time of World War II.

What certificates are needed to obtain a Veteran of Labor

The basis for awarding a pensioner are certificates issued by the following bodies:

  • Ministry of the Russian Federation;
  • Federal archival service;
  • tax service of the Russian Federation;
  • other federal authorities;
  • scientific institutions that are equated to departmental ones (if a person worked in this organization at the time of assignment);
  • The awards of JSC "Russian Railways" are NOT listed, but the diplomas of the railway department of the USSR give a chance for a positive result.

Rewards for obtaining the title of Veteran of Labor

The status can be assigned in the presence of medals and orders issued by such bodies:

  • the Government of the Russian Federation;
  • Administration of the President of the Russian Federation;
  • head of a department or head of a ministry;
  • the General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation;
  • Chairman of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation;
  • the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;
  • The medal "Honorary Donor of the Russian Federation" gives the right to take advantage of benefits.

However, not all awards qualify for this status. According to the Law, medals or diplomas for participation in an exhibition of the national economy, sports competitions, an academic title or degree are not valid. The awards of the Presidium of the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR also do not give grounds for obtaining an honorary status either in Moscow or in other settlements of Russia.

How to get a Veteran's Certificate without awards

The status can only be obtained by those pensioners who began their work activities during the Second World War (1939-1945) before the age of majority. If a man has worked for 40 years and a woman for 35 years, they are entitled to receive benefits. To do this, it is necessary to provide documentary evidence that labor activity was not carried out in the occupied territories of the USSR. In other cases, to get the status, you need certificates, medals and other awards.

What documents are needed to obtain a Veteran of Labor

If you have a chance of being awarded an honorary status, you must collect a package of necessary documents. How to get a labor veteran, and what papers will be required:

  1. Statement. A sample can be found in the appendix to the Regulations on the procedure and conditions for awarding the corresponding title.
  2. Copies of all pages of the passport.
  3. A copy of the work book (if you continue to work, then the copy is certified by the seal and signature of the head of the organization).
  4. Help from the place of work.
  5. Pension certificate (original and copy).
  6. Copy and original of diplomas, documents confirming the honorary title.
  7. Certificate from the Pension Fund on the length of service.
  8. Extract from the archive confirming labor activity during the Second World War.
  9. Two 3x4 photos.

Video: how to become a Labor Veteran

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The title - Veteran of Labor means that the person to whom it was awarded worked so well for many years that his personal work was awarded honorary signs and awards. In gratitude for the good and responsible work, the Russian state provides worthy financial assistance to pensioners. In this article, we decided to talk about such a concept as a labor veteran. Here we will talk about how to apply and who is entitled to the title of labor veteran.

Regulations on the title of Veteran of Labor of Russia

The title of Veteran of Labor appeared a long time ago, back in early 1974, at the time of the prosperity of the USSR.

Veteran of labor in the USSR.

This title could be received as a reward by those citizens who showed great success in work for many years of work, twenty years for women, and twenty-five years for men. This award was a certain incentive and testified that honest work is honorable and worthy of all respect. None of the citizens were supposed to have any advantages and privileges regarding the material plane, but also there were no monetary rewards and any benefits.

Simply, in a solemn atmosphere, a badge (or a medal along with a certificate) was awarded to a citizen. He was spoken to kindly and kindly. And that's where it all ended. And in this way they acted not only at the state level, but also at various enterprises, agricultural, industrial, in various departments, etc. At any plant or collective farm, they could come up with an order with an interesting design and present it to a responsible worker who had worked at this enterprise for about 11-15 years. And if a citizen worked at one workplace for 25 years or more, then he was necessarily marked with more honorary signs and orders. As a rule, these awards looked like a medal with an inscription. They must be accompanied by certificates. And only with the onset of 1995, during the period when the Soviet Union began to disintegrate, the state adopted the Federal Law number 5 F dated January 12, 1995, which became known as - On Veterans. This law was in effect until early 2005. It spelled out how and to whom the title of Veteran of Labor can be awarded. What kind of benefits are due to citizens with this title and how it will be funded. The obligation to fulfill the benefits prescribed in the law lay entirely on the federal budget. And people could clearly imagine what exactly they could get if they were recognized as labor veterans.

Veteran of labor in the Russian Federation, since 01.01.2005

If you carefully read this article, you can find out how to get the title of labor veteran in 2017. Federal Law No. 122 treated the veterans very badly. He was able to cause great discontent in society. This is the so-called law on the monetization of benefits, with the help of which the provision of benefits that are due to labor veterans was completely changed, this fact not only lowered their status, but also called into question the provision of the benefits themselves: everyone understands that that the possibilities of many regions regarding resources are significantly inferior to the federal budget. In addition, the regional authorities were given the opportunity to set their own monetary compensation and the content of benefits. Naturally, this came from their personal capabilities. Thus, it turned out that benefits for labor veterans in some regions of our country remained at an acceptable level. And as for other regions, they turned out to be severely curtailed, up to a complete abolition.

According to the changes that were introduced in the Federal Law No. 5-F3, Article 7, a number of wordings have not been changed. They were left from the old edition. This means that veterans are still treated as:

Those citizens who have already been awarded the title - Veteran of Labor.

  • Those citizens who had to work in childhood during the Second World War, provided that their work experience was 35 years or more for women, and 40 or more for men.
  • Those citizens who have previously received the title of the USSR, the RSFSR or the Russian Federation, indicating honest work. It could well be orders or medals of these states and departmental signs.
  • From 07/01/16, after the updated version of the Law was adopted under the number 5 F3, article 7, the right to additional assignment of the title of Veteran of Labor can be obtained by:
  • Those citizens who were previously expressed gratitude from the President of Russia or were awarded a diploma of the President of Russia.
  • Citizens who have received distinctions for conscientious work or activities within the department, provided that they have worked in this area for at least 15 years, while having a work experience of at least twenty years for women and 25 years for men.

After the moment when the provisions of the amended law came into force, many regions of our country faced the task of bringing their own legislation into line with the law, i.e. those acts that were affected by the decree provision. The law number 5-F3 contains articles that relate to the fact that federal policy actually provides for the operation of preferences and benefits for labor veterans. Thus, it was proposed to find the necessary financial resources, despite the fact that many regions began to quickly curtail their social programs, which were aimed at supporting labor veterans. In addition, it was necessary to create such units that could concentrate on working with labor veterans themselves.

A package of documents required for registration of the title of Veteran of Labor

In order to obtain the title of labor veteran, you need to know where to apply and what documents to provide in this case.

Veterans of labor are divided into veterans of regional and federal significance. According to law number 5-F3, article 22, the regions themselves are obliged to form a list of preferences that are intended for labor veterans. But despite this, summarizing all the federal legislation together, it becomes clear that some benefits for all regions of our country are common and are treated as federal. In addition, there are purely regional ones, which are established by the subjects of the federation independently. For this reason, they begin to act only on its territory. A labor veteran of regional significance can count on these benefits.

Certificate-Veteran of Labor.

To be able to use the rights of a labor veteran, they need to be correctly issued. The executive body, recognizing the right of a citizen to confer this title, must hand him a certificate - Veteran of Labor. The presence of this document gives the right to provide benefits and benefits. Since this document is subject to its reporting structure, it must be protected. And if for some reason it is lost, then you should contact the department in which it was received and draw up a statement.

Medal - Veteran of Labor.

At the time when the order or medal of the Labor Veteran was awarded in the USSR, many people did not even suspect that the item awarded could become a source of additional benefits in a few years. But, nevertheless, it happened. If a citizen has a Labor Veteran medal, which was awarded in the USSR or the RSFSR, confirmed by a special certificate, then he has the full right to be awarded a similar title in Russia. These medals in the Soviet Union were awarded even to children who worked during the Second World War. They were also awarded to collective farmers and workers, for the opportunity to celebrate their honest many years of work for the good of the country. Often, in this way, those employees who retired on a well-deserved pension were noted in order to be able to evaluate their merits to their enterprise.

Documents required for conferring the title - Veteran of Labor of Federal Importance

Since issues related to veterans of labor are facing the social protection authorities, it is these departments that you need to contact to go through this procedure. An appropriate application in paper form must be submitted to the social protection authority. Further, it will be interpreted in electronic form.

  • In addition, the following documents must also be submitted:
  • Passport of a citizen of Russia or other identity card, together with copies of this document, certified by a notary.
  • A document that can certify the length of service (i.e. work book).
  • Various confirmations of awards and distinctions awarded to a person.
  • Pensioner's certificate (if the citizen is already one), and SNILS.
  • Two photographs in the required format.
  • A certificate in the required form, which is issued at the place of work, or in the FIU.

All documents listed above are provided as copies. But still, the originals for reconciliation are also required.

It is imperative to mention one very important circumstance: according to the law, you can apply for veteran status even before a person retires, if he has every reason to do so. But still, it is possible to receive those benefits that are due to a veteran only on the completion of personal labor activity.

The procedure for obtaining the title of labor veteran

Well, here you were able to find out for what merits it is awarded title of labor veteran. Next, it is worth talking step by step about the procedure for obtaining this status.

First you need to apply for the title of Veteran of Labour. It will be considered by the relevant commission, which is created by the protection authorities, based on the documentation received from the citizen. The decision is made within thirty calendar days. The citizen, in turn, is informed about this within the next five days.

In the event that the commission made a positive decision, then the person is awarded the appropriate certificate of awarding him the title of Veteran of Labor. Only after that, he has the right to take advantage of all the prescribed benefits that are provided by federal law. After receiving this certificate, a citizen from the list of benefits provided to him can choose exactly those that he needs. Further, he draws up an appropriate application for their receipt. With those documents that provide the right to receive benefits, you must apply at your place of residence to the same social protection authorities. Today, if you look closely at all the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, a single rule for obtaining the title of Veteran of Labor has not yet been developed.

Differences by regions of the Russian Federation can be significant:

  • Often, in the field, awards and departmental signs are not the basis for conferring the title of Veteran of Labor on a citizen.
  • In some regions, the opposite is true. The lists of these reasons have been expanded to include innovators, donors and inventors.
  • In some places, in order to obtain the status of a labor veteran, you just need to have the required experience. But it doesn't have to be an award.

But still, the accepted order of registration of the title is the same everywhere.

How can you get the title of Veteran of Labor without having awards?

This can only be done in 2 cases:

At the regional level. In those regions of the Russian Federation where awards are not recognized as the main condition for granting the title, it is windy work.

At the federal level. In the event that a person already has a title that he received legally earlier. Often, this situation can be attributed to those citizens who started working during the Second World War and were able to keep the necessary documents.

Does a shock worker of communist labor have the right to receive the title of labor veteran?

Many copies were broken on this occasion in due time. Echoes of those long-standing disputes can still be found on the Internet today. But despite this, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation gave clarifications regarding departmental insignia, which provide the right to receive the title - Veteran of Labor. This clarification indicates the entire list of insignia in the work of various departments in the RSFRR, the USSR, and the Russian Federation. In addition, it lists all those bodies that have the right to establish these realities. As a result, a wide list was obtained, but the badge of the Shock Worker of Communist Labor was absent there.

According to the decision of the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions of 1966 and 69, it was established by the decision of the trade union and economic bodies. In addition, the sign of the Shock Worker of Communist Labor was introduced as a moral encouragement for workers. And as for the wording, which indicates that it acts as a departmental award, this resolution does not. After a thorough study of the important aspects of this problem, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation decided that the sign of the Udarnik of communist labor is not a departmental insignia. For this reason, he could not get into the main list of badges of honor of the USSR.

Measures of social support for labor veterans

In modern Russia, labor veterans can feel real financial support from the Russian Federation.

At the federal level, the list of benefits is as follows:

  1. Providing labor veterans with free travel in public urban transport.
  2. Provision of free services in public clinics.
  3. Discount on payment of 50 percent of the area of ​​the apartment.
  4. A veteran of labor for housing and communal services can pay only half of the required cost. The remaining payment is subsidized. In addition, local tariffs are included in the calculations.
  5. When paying a subscription fee and other services related to the field of radio and television, a labor veteran has the right to a 50% discount.
  6. When carrying out prosthetics of teeth or repairing dentures, if a labor veteran visits a state medical institution, payment for this work will not be charged.
  7. Providing leave for a working veteran of labor at a time period that is more convenient for him.
  8. In addition, a number of tax benefits are provided that relate to personal income tax, real estate and tax deductions.

At the regional level.

  • The availability of subsidies benefits at the regional level is directly related to the possibility of local funding. In the regions, labor veterans may be provided with additional types of social support:
  • In most subjects of the Russian Federation, there is a federal supplement to the basic pension from local authorities, which, in turn, is subject to indexation.
  • If the total pension of a labor veteran turns out to be less than the subsistence minimum for this region, then he is provided with a social supplement from the local state budget.
  • In the event that a labor veteran does not receive subsidies from the federal budget. Instead, he is entitled to receive a regional subsidy.
  • A labor veteran is entitled to receive a subsidy for medicines.
  • Citizens with a pensioner's social card can receive benefits expressed as a 5% discount on all types of essential products: sugar, bread, meat, milk, sunflower oil, poultry meat, canned meat, eggs, household goods.
  • In addition, labor veterans are entitled to a subsidy of 50% of the payment for the purchase of railway and water transport tickets during the period of seasonal tariffs on suburban and urban routes.
  • Others, including tax incentives relating to land and transport taxes, established by the regulations of the constituent entities of Russia.

Monetization of benefits

This scope of benefits applies only to labor veterans of federal significance. The following types of benefits can be converted into cash equivalent:

  • provision of medicines;
  • transportation benefits;
  • Spa treatment.

As for the regions of our country, benefits are not monetized in several of them. And the rest may provide for their monetization in a declarative manner.

It was very difficult to introduce the monetization of benefits. Not all segments of the population could perceive this process positively. Especially if the monetary compensation is not very expensive. But still, it should be recognized that by choosing to monetize benefits, a veteran ore can get a good cash increase to his pension. From those regional benefits that are due to a labor veteran, a pensioner who wants to receive this title can find out from the local social security agency. As for unrealistic benefits, in order to have a complete picture of them, it is necessary to study various laws, for example, such as 5-FZ and 122-FZ.


Now you know who is labor veteran and how many years you need to work in order to receive this title. It should be recognized that today, labor veterans in the Russian Federation are fully returned to those positions that they had under the law on veterans of 199, and lost in early 2005, after the adoption of the law on the monetization of benefits.

According to the law, a labor veteran of federal significance (hereinafter VT FZ), due to the performance of conscientious and long-term work, may receive various preferential allowances and compensation from the state. But it is important to know and understand the procedure for forming and obtaining the appropriate title, which will be discussed in our material today.

How to get a?

In order to obtain the status of VT FZ, it is necessary to meet several conditions, namely:

  • labor activity from an early age (up to 18 years) during the Great Patriotic War;
  • persons who received awards, namely medals and orders for labor activity in the USSR, the Russian Federation;
  • categories of persons who were awarded badges of distinction for active work;
  • work experience of more than 40 years for males and 35 years for females.

A citizen who has been awarded one of the listed statuses in combination with the specified period of service has the right to receive the title of VT FZ. However, the formation of benefits differs between the regions of the country, therefore, in order to assign the appropriate title, it is necessary to contact the social support authority at the place of residence, which received additional functionality after the adoption of Federal Law No. 122 (hereinafter FZ-122).

It is important to confirm the awarded title with documentation upon receipt of the VT FZ!

How to apply?

The next stage is the registration of the title of VT FZ, which includes several steps, namely:

  • Step 1. Appeal to a social organization. In each region of the country, the appointment of the status of the VT FZ is regulated by local social authorities according to the Federal Law-122 of 08/22/2004. You can study the bill in full at the link:
  • Step 2 Submission of an application. The application form is provided in two versions: paper, electronic. A sample application can be found on the website of public services (if registered on or in the social security department at the place of residence.
  • Step 3 Preparation of a list of documents. In addition to the application, it is important to prepare the following list of documents:
    • "Award" document, which confirms the right to the corresponding title of the VT FZ.
    • Passport data.
    • Employment book or other papers confirming the work experience.
    • Two 3 x 4 photos.
    • SNILS.
    • Pensioner's ID.

When submitting documentation, it is important to have both originals and copies of all necessary documents.

If it is not possible to apply personally with the specified list of papers, this can be done by the principal, who must have a notarized power of attorney or a certified copy with him.

  • Step 4 Documentation review. The full package of documentation is considered within 30 days.

Terms may vary depending on the specific location of the subject of the Russian Federation!

Within the specified period, a commission is appointed, which decides on the appointment or refusal to award the title of VT FZ. After that, the social worker is obliged to inform the applicant of the decision within 5 days by means of a notification, to which, in case of refusal, the entire package of documentation is attached.

  • Step 5. Issuance of a certificate. With a positive decision, the applicant is required to issue a certificate that confirms the status of the VT FZ.

This document must be issued within 3 days after a positive decision is made. It is necessary to obtain a certificate in the same social body where all documents were previously submitted. After receiving this document, a citizen has the right to use additional benefits intended for the VT FZ.

The certificate can be obtained before the appointment of pension payments, but the benefits can only be applied after the official assignment of pension payments!

Loss of identity

If the document is lost, then you need to do the following:

  1. Visiting the social security authorities where the certificate was issued.
  2. Explanation of the reason why the above document was lost.
  3. Filling out an application.
  4. Providing the following documents: two photos 3×4; passport and its certified copy.

A new document is issued within 3 days after submission of documentation. In this case, penalties are not applied in this case.

Cash payments and benefits

VT FZ is entitled to monetary compensation for:

  • paying utility bills;
  • medical support;
  • vacation not more than 30 days while continuing to work;
  • refusal of benefits in the field of transport, purchase of medicines, sanatorium treatment - is of a declarative nature (not provided in all regions of the country).

Social supplements are also provided for by the VT FZ, which do not receive monthly deductions at the subsistence level.

Since 2016, changes have been made to the draft law to replenish the amount of pension contributions among the VT FZ. It was planned to increase the average indicators by 10-15%. But in practice, this innovation did not bring the desired results due to the difficult economic situation in the country.

List of benefits

The entire list of preferential tariffs for the VT FZ is recorded in Article 22 of the Federal Law-5. The main benefits include the following:

  • tax: no need to pay property tax; pension payments and supplements are not taxed; 20% cash back when buying a home.
  • Transport: free use of public transport throughout the country; payment of 50% of the fare for water, rail transport.
  • Utilities: compensation of 50% of the amount of utility bills for water, gas, electricity, garbage collection, operation of television or radio antennas.
  • Medical: free production and repair of dentures in state dentistry (the benefit applies only to the service, but not to the material); free medical care in
    public clinics and hospitals; complete treatment in healthcare facilities.
  • workers: vacation can be chosen at any convenient time; upon dismissal, the employer is obliged to pay compensation to the VT FZ; vacation once a year at your own expense.

In 2013, adjustments were made to the Federal Law-5, the essence of which is as follows - measures of social benefits are established by the subjects of the country. Therefore, the full list of preferential tariffs can be clarified at the place of residence.

Difference from regional

In addition to the title of VT FZ, the status is also distinguished regional veteran. But what is the difference between them? Let's figure it out right now:

Main similarities:

  • preferential tariffs for housing and communal payments are the same - 50% compensation;
  • payment of 50% of the fare for water, rail transport (not in all regions);

Basic differences:

  • Benefits for dental prosthetics, free travel are allowed only by the VT FZ;
  • the number of federal benefits is greater than that of regional ones;
  • budget: payments to the VT FZ are made from the federal budget, and to regional ones - from the budgetary funds of a particular subject of the country;
  • federal benefits are adjusted only by the authorities of the country, and local benefits are set by each subject independently;
  • regional veterans cannot receive assistance from the federal budget, and VT FZ - from the regional;
  • federal benefits can be used throughout the country, and regional - only at the place of actual residence.

The main rules and conditions for obtaining the status of the VT FZ are enshrined in Federal Law No. 5 " About veterans"(hereinafter FZ-5), which entered into force in 1995, namely on January 12. It is in this Federal Law-5 that the following important aspects are fixed:

  • categories of veterans;
  • adjustment of social protection of veterans;
  • list of preferential tariffs and monetary compensations.

You can read the Veterans Act in full here.

In addition to the main Federal Law-5, it is worth highlighting the following bills:

  • Decrees of the President, namely: No. 1270 of September 25, 1999; No. 442 of 03/02/1994; No. 1341 dated December 30, 1995;
  • Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR No. 360-X of 07/03/1979.

At the local level, subjects have the right to develop their own regulatory framework for the social security of the VT FZ. To obtain data on the developed standards, you must go to the official page of the Administration of a particular subject of the Russian Federation.

In a short video, we invite you to get acquainted with the opinion of social experts. defense on how to get the title of labor veteran.

Getting the title of VT FZ is not as easy as it seems at first glance, especially after the change in legislation from July 1, 2016, as a result of which the period of service was increased to 25 and 20 years (men and women, respectively). Therefore, it is important to know and understand all the nuances of obtaining and registering the status of the VT FZ, which is discussed in detail in our material.