Mushroom festival "Gubi-Fest" in the Yarsky district. Mushroom festival "Gubi-Fest" will be held in Udmurtia Valentina Kislitsyna, artistic director of the Central House of Culture

On September 15, the delegation of the Falensky district visited the I Republican mushroom festival "Gubi - Fest" in the Yarsky district of the Udmurt Republic.

The national flavor of the holiday was felt everywhere: amateur groups in national costumes, a fair of handicrafts and, of course, national cuisine - all this gave the mushroom festival a special brightness and color. And the venue itself - the recreation center and cultural and educational tourism "YARSKAYA" disposed to the festivities.

Right at the entrance to the territory, the organizers of the holiday in national costumes greeted everyone with jokes, riddles, treating everyone with salted mushrooms.

The bright opening of the holiday was the performance of the Udmurt State Theater of Folk Song and Dance "Aikai". This year 15 delegations of the Udmurt Republic took part in the celebration. And it has also become a good tradition to participate in the festival of the "folk" amateur group of the Russian song ensemble "Gorlinka" of the Falensky Central House of Culture.

Everyone who gathered on this day for the holiday (and there were a lot of people!), A rich cultural, entertainment and, of course, gastronomic program of the festival awaited. On the main stage - the concert program "Azves Gubi Zor" ("Silver Mushroom Rain"), where the best amateur groups of the Yarsky district and the Udmurt Republic performed. Continued the family competition program for best composition ethnic costumes "Gubi chyzhi vyzhyos" ("Mushroom family")

You could buy “mushroom” souvenirs, participate in master classes, buy the entire arsenal for “silent hunting”, useful handicrafts at the site “Gubiyo, yare, bazare” (“Mushroom bazaar in Yara”).

Traditionally organized for children playground"Pinallos - pichi gubios" ("Children are like little mushrooms"). Well, avid mushroom pickers went to the forest for mushrooms, after which the winners in picking mushrooms were determined. Also at the festival, power competitions for men were organized - the competition "Kuzhmo pios" (Strong guys).

The "chip" of the festival was the election of the main mushroom of the holiday. For this, a real polling station with voting booths was organized. On the main stage, in the midst of the holiday, a master class was held with the heads of municipalities on the preparation of biscuits with mushrooms, which were subsequently sold at auction to the audience.

The festival ended with a big dance dance and the launch of a mushroom figure made up of 100 balloons into the sky. The mushroom festival is over, but we hope for a long friendship between our regions and are waiting for the Yarsk delegation to our potato festival.

Valentina Kislitsyna, artistic director of the Central House of Artists

10.00 – 11.00 Meeting guests of the festival

10.00 - 15.00 Gastronomic kitchen-sale - « Gubien cheskyt sionyos»

(“Mushroom cuisine”) Gubincha, gubien perepech, dumpling gubien, tabani gubien.

11.00- 11.40 Exhibition-competition of mushroom dishes " Main look - soin ik shuldyres "(“The rich are the glad »)

11.00 – 12.00 Competition "Tache Portem Yar Gubios"("Such different Yarsky mushrooms")

for the production of the symbol of the Gubi-Fest festival

12.00 – 12.30 Grand opening of the festival. ( Delegations, contestants participate in the procession during the opening of the festival)

12.30 - 14.00 Competition " Nyulasky Gubiyany"("In the forest for mushrooms")

12.30 – 14.00 Concert program of creative groups and individual performers " Gubien doré pattern"(" Mushroom land ")

14.00 – 14.40 Competition for the "Best stylized ethnic costume of a mushroom and a mushroom picker"

Site work:

11.00 -14.00 - Children's family playground " Pinalhos - pichi gubios"(Udmurt games)

Exhibition - sale of products of decorative and applied art.

Photo mushroom dryer " Paymymon sured ruin"("Wonderful mushroom pictures").

Workshops (master classes) for weaving baskets, tuesks, boxes " Gubi peel"("House for mushrooms").

Exhibition-Fair "Shypyt nyuleskan” (“Silent hunting”), where you can buy the entire arsenal for “silent hunting”, a basket for mushrooms, a raincoat, spices for harvesting, useful handicrafts.

14.40- 15.00 – Summing up the results of competitions, awarding certificates.

15.00 - 16.00 - Site work "Proud beads”(“ Red Glade ”) with the participation of Nadezhda Utkina, People’s Artist of Udmurtia, a native of the Yarsky District.

Performance of creative numbers by red-haired residents of the Yarsky district and guests of the holiday.

16.00 – 16.15 - Flash mob Alien - proudly chasheton"("Red boom"). Closing of the festival.

As part of the festival Gubi Fest – 2017» are held:

Competition for the best stylized mushroom and mushroom picker ethnic costume (position number 2)

Competition for the production of the symbol of the festival ( position number 3)

Competition "Nyuleski Gubiyany" ("Into the Forest for Mushrooms") ( position number 4)

Application for participation in the festival is accepted until August 20 by e-mail [email protected] with the following information:

1. Name of the municipality ________________________________

2. Full name and the position of the head of the delegation _____________________

3. Contact person (mobile phone number)_________________________

4. Number of members of the delegation ______________________________________________

5. Full name of the creative team, (the presence of a title, full name of the head, contact phone number, name of art numbers.) ___________________

6. The number and age of participants in the competition "Nyuleski Gubiyany" ("Into the Forest for Mushrooms") _____________________________________________________________

7. The number of participants in the competition for the best stylized ethnic costume of a mushroom and a mushroom picker ____________________________________________________________

8. the number of participants in the competition for the manufacture of the symbol of the festival "Gubi-Fest"._______________________________________________________________

9. Full name of the creative team or full name. participant of the site "Red glade". (name of art number)______________________________


Delegations, creative teams, individual performers, masters of art and crafts are awarded thank you letters. Winners of competitions with diplomas and prizes.

Conditions of stay of participants at the festival:

The organizers do not provide participants of the event and accompanying persons with any types of insurance. The organizers are not responsible for the injuries sustained by the participants, loss and damage to property during their stay at the festival. Festival participants are advised to bring clothing in case of rain. The venue for the festival has been treated for ticks.

Festival provision:

The organizing committee provides:

Exhibition place;

Exhibition equipment (tables, chairs);

Media coverage of the festival.

Transportation costs and food at the expense of the sending party.

If you have any questions, please call: 4-13-97 (Baryshnikova N.A.)

Position #2

About holding a competition for the best stylized ethnic costume of a mushroom and a mushroom picker

The competition for the best stylized ethnic costume of a mushroom and a mushroom picker will be held as part of the Gubi Fest festival on the main site after the grand opening of the holiday.

Goals and objectives of the competition:

Creating a festive atmosphere and promoting the idea of ​​a holiday.

Identification and support of bright creative individuals.

Terms and conditions:

Participants of the competition must submit a stylized costume of a mushroom and a mushroom picker using elements national costume the area in which they live. The mushroom and mushroom picker costumes must be in the same style.

Required condition : The costume must be presented in any creative genre (song, dance, ditties, prose, poem, etc.) performance time up to 3 minutes.

The number and age of participants in the competition is not limited.

Criteria for evaluation:

Compliance with the theme of the competition.

The quality and aesthetic appearance of the suit.

Original, creative presentation of the costume.

composition solution.

Summing up and awarding:

The organizers of the competition form a jury, the participants are awarded 1,2,3 places and nominations at the discretion of the jury.

Position number 3

On holding a competition for the manufacture of the symbol of the Gubi-Fest festival.

The competition for the manufacture of the symbol is held as part of the Gubi-Fest festival.

Goals and objectives of the competition

Identification and support of talented craftsmen - craftsmen and artists

Promotion of the idea of ​​the festival


Masters of DPT, organizations, enterprises, institutions, residents of the district are invited to participate in the competition.

Conditions of the competition

The size of the festival symbol must be at least 50 cm in height.

In the work on the symbol - the obligatory observance of traditional national motifs with the original author's solution.

It is necessary to provide for the possibility of installing a symbol in an open area. Works must have a stable support: a cross, a special support, or the like.

The work must be accompanied by a label indicating the surname, name of the author (authors) and the name of the work, institution in free form.

Delivery of works to the place of exposition and back is carried out by the participants independently and at their own expense. Assistance in choosing a place is provided by a representative of the organizing committee of the holiday. Entries for the competition must be submitted by 12:00 noon.

The rights to use the emblem-symbol recognized by the competition commission as the best (those who took 1,2,3 places) are transferred free of charge by the winners of the competition to the Yarsky district.

Main evaluation criteria:

Mastery and complexity in technique.

Originality and bright originality.

Compliance with the image and theme of the festival.

product aesthetics.

This Saturday, September 15, the Gubi-Fest mushroom festival will be held in the Yarsky district, the House of Friendship of Peoples reports.

The holiday will take place at the base of recreation and cultural and educational tourism "YarsKAYA". Folklore groups will perform on the main stage with the concert program “Azves Gubi Zor” (“Silver Mushroom Rain”). Guests of the festival will be able to taste national dishes using mushrooms - bakes, cold appetizers, etc.

The festival will host the election of the best mushroom - with a polling station and voting booths.

The Gubiyo, Yare, Bazare (Mushroom Bazaar in Yaru) platform will also open, where you can buy souvenirs and participate in master classes.

After the opening of the holiday, a family competition for the best composition of ethnic costumes “Gubi chyzhi vyzhyos” (“Mushroom family”) will take place. In addition, there will be competitions among the best mushroom pickers. For those wishing to pick mushrooms out of competition, a trip to the forest will be organized.

The festival will host power competitions for men "Strong Guys" and rides for children.

The holiday will end with a general round dance for participants and guests.

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On a beautiful sunny weekend, the republican mushroom festival "Gubi-Fest" was held on the territory of the Yarsky district. The event was attended by about 3,000 guests from all over Udmurtia and neighboring republics. The event was opened by the Head of the Republic Alexander Brechalov and the Head of the Yarsky District Municipality Tamara Utkina.

Various venues worked at the festival. Sports competitions and quizzes on mushroom topics were organized for children, tricky tasks of Baba Yaga, children could examine mushroom spores under a microscope, admire live animals and stuffed animals and birds living in our area. Gambling citizens could try their luck by taking part in a win-win mushroom lottery.
The work of craft centers and homeworkers was widely presented at the festival: souvenirs dedicated to the theme of the holiday and baskets for going to the forest for mushrooms, each product was desirable to examine, touch, and purchase. On the master classes, you could learn to weave baskets.

9 teams took part in the competition of family ethnic costumes. They presented the families of porcini mushrooms, aspen mushrooms, honey agarics, chanterelles, fly agarics. The festival participants also competed in picking mushrooms. In the individual championship, Anna Popova from Alnashsky district won, and in the team championship - guests from the Yukamensky district. The giant mushroom was found by Olga Malykh from the Syumsinsky district, and Ivan Matveev from Yar became the youngest mushroom picker.

The event was not without co-operators. Trade tents of Yukamensky, Glazovsky and Yarsky raipo offered a wide range of products of their own production, pastries, meat and fish products, accessories for "silent hunting".
Traded in fresh mushrooms and preparations from them. According to the sellers, the products sold out quickly. Here you could also treat yourself to shish kebab and delicious mushroom perepechki from the Russian stove.

The guests of the event were entertained by various creative and amateur groups. The festival ended with a general round dance and the launch of the symbol of the festival from multi-colored balloons into the sky.