Letters of thanks to the parents of the preparatory group. Text of gratitude to parents from the parent committee. Features of writing business letters

Texts of letters of thanks addressed to parents are compiled by the administration, a teacher or an interested group of people and are an official document. Letters are handed out in a solemn atmosphere, since they are an expression of gratitude and respect for the addressee, on the one hand, and a source of pride and enthusiasm, on the other. Therefore, the publicity of the procedure for delivering the letter is welcome.

How to write a thank you letter to parents

You can use standard template expressions and phrases, or add sincere sincere words of gratitude to the text, coming from the heart.

The letter should begin with a respectful appeal to each of the parents by name and patronymic, avoiding abbreviations and indicating the status (spouse, dad, mom, parents, etc.)

The main text of the letter, as a rule, contains an expression of deep sincere gratitude and appreciation for specific merits and human qualities:

  • for the good (worthy, excellent) upbringing of the son/daughter (last name, first name);
  • for raising your child who has shown himself to be a capable (purposeful, responsible, active) person;
  • for active (fruitful, close) cooperation;
  • for active participation in the affairs of the children's team (organizations, groups, associations);
  • for the interest shown in the learning process (upbringing, creative development) the younger generation;
  • for an active lifestyle. Etc.

In conclusion, one should express confidence or hope for further fruitful (long-term, close) cooperation and sincerely wish success, well-being, health, prosperity and all the best to all family members.

The letter is signed by persons expressing gratitude.

The date and seal of the institution is put.

Sample thank you letters

Sample #1

The school administration would like to thank you for good upbringing Your son, Ivanov Yuri Ivanovich, who has shown himself to be a capable and responsible student, striving to achieve best results in educational and creative activity.

We wish you good health, success and family well-being.

We express our confidence that you will continue to be reliable friends and assistants of the school in the upbringing and education of the younger generation.


Head teacher Kuznetsov P.P. Kuznetsov

Sample #2

Dear Ivan Ivanovich and Yulia Igorevna!

I sincerely thank you and express my deepest gratitude for the excellent upbringing of your daughter, Anastasia Ivanova, and for your active participation in the life of our class and school.

Your daily invisible work, patience and responsible attitude to education lead to the constant and confident victories of your children. Anastasia showed herself as a person capable of thinking deeply, overcoming difficulties, and defending her opinion. The success of your child is our common success and common joy!

Thanks to your active life position, understanding and support, we will be able to continue to raise a worthy successor, striving for knowledge and creativity.

With all my heart I wish you great happiness, optimism and family warmth!

I will be sincerely glad to further our fruitful cooperation for the benefit of our school.

With great respect,

Classroom teacher Serov N.N. Serova

Family is a tiny country.
And our joys grow
When they throw into the prepared ground
Only the best seeds!

Parameters for the payment system for generating receipts:

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Subject of calculation:

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Thank you for your good deeds
Thank you so much for your help,
And you are especially pleased to say
Many words of thanks!

There are moments in every person's life when he wants to express gratitude to someone. This feeling is conveyed different ways and is called gratitude. The very word speaks for itself. After all, it was formed by combining the words "good" and "give". At the same time, the expression of gratitude occurs different ways. On this page I want to express my gratitude to the wonderful, kind, sympathetic, sincere, understanding, loving and sensitive parents of my students.

Many parents show interest in the school, the class in which their child is studying, and provide all possible assistance.



It's so nice that absolutely all moms and dads respond to my requests for help!

Thanks everyone! I especially want to thank Vitaliy Shulginov. He smoothly and quickly adjusted the tables and chairs for our children



I express my gratitude to all the parents who responded and offered various assistance in organizing a trip for our children!

I am very glad, my dear children and respected parents, that you are so positive, active and cheerful.


Thanks to everyone (moms, dads and grandmothers) who responded and went with us to Stavropol. Special thanks to Olga Rubyakina for organizing the trip. I want to thank all the parents of students in our class for their active position, responsiveness and understanding.


There was a fair in our school. A table was organized from each class, on which the children and their parents prepared all kinds of pastries with love. Children, parents and grandmothers actively participated in the preparation of the tables. The richest choice of homemade confectionery pastries, all the participants showed imagination when decorating the tables. The fair was a success! Our class sold goods for 2883 rubles! I would like to express my deep gratitude to parents and children for participating in the fair. Special thanks to the assistants in the organization Kalina Valentina, Bogdan Kristina, Zakharova Lidia and Shuvaeva Natalia


We thank Dvoryadkina Natalia for a beautiful table!

Original! Yummy! Great!



For "golden hands", for active participation in the life of the class. We thank Sergei Viktorovich Migalin for his help in repairing school furniture.


New Year… Children are looking forward to its arrival!!! Pre-holiday chores, gifts, expectation of joyful changes. Preparing for the New Year holidays cheers up and encourages active creative activity. New Year holidays the most fabulous time of the year. On the eve of the holiday, we decorated the office. An office is a room where a child gets and spends a lot of time. It is important here to create an atmosphere of comfort, coziness and care. And our wonderful inspirers and helpers were parents and children. Thank you all for the garlands, toys, Christmas trees, crafts and, of course, your time!!!



Here is such a WONDERFUL Christmas tree decorated our office.

Today, no one is indifferent to this beauty.

Employees and parents came to admire this beauty!!!

We thank Olga Makarova for this miracle

Thanks a lot to the Shuvaev family

for participation in the competition of New Year's wall newspapers


I express my deep gratitude to N. Dvoryadkina and N. Shuvaeva for the bandages for the duty officers. Now everyone wants to be on duty!


Thank you parents

Bikbulatova Nadezhda

Ushakov Varvara

Leonovich Natalia

Rubyakina Olga

for assistance in carrying out the action with the UID detachment


Speech by the school propaganda team "Green Light"

I express my gratitude to Olga Makarova for her help in preparing and holding the event. In their presentation, parents and students showed their creativity and interest in this important topic for everyone.



Thanks for the flower!

The Gorin family donated to the school


We express huge thanks to Digesheva Galina for the design of the handout.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR GOOD HEART! We wish you health, inexhaustible energy and prosperity!!!



Today, flocks of children hurrying to school looked very unusual: in addition to briefcases, bags with textbooks, the guys carried some kind of packages. What's in the packages? Yes, you guessed it - pancakes, pies, sweets, because the most popular Maslenitsa dish is pancakes. Therefore, the children, their parents and teachers organized wide fair festivities with pancakes and pies. There are all sorts of pancakes on Maslenitsa: with jam, sour cream, condensed milk, cottage cheese and raisins!!! In honor of spring, today families baked pancakes, which, like the sun, are yellow, hot and round. They baked and believed that together with a pancake you can get a piece of solar heat.

I would like to thank you for organizing this event.

to all parents! Thank you!

Admire! What's the beautiful!!!



I express my deep gratitude to the parents who took an active part in the production New Year's crafts and snowflakes, in the design of windows! Special thanks to Olga Makarova and her assistants Yaroslav and Arseniy for the original Christmas tree!

Thank you for your participation, creativity and creating a New Year's mood!

Thank you for making us so happy!



Our school had a fun and interesting autumn fair. A table was organized from each class, on which the children and their parents prepared with love the gifts of autumn, all kinds of pastries. All classes actively participated in the preparation of the tables "Gifts of Autumn" and children, and parents, and grandmothers. The richest selection of homemade confectionery pastries, imagination in decorating tables was shown by all participants in the sale of autumn goods. The fair was a success! Our class sold goods for 1850 rubles! I would like to express my deep gratitude to parents and children for participating in the fair. Special thanks to the assistant at the fair Brazhnikova Elena.



Many thanks to the mothers who took part in the general cleaning of the classroom.
Cleaning was attended by:

Maddinova Rose

Kalina Valentina

Bikbulatova Nadezhda

Ushakova Varvara

Deneykina Kristina

Brazhnikova Elena

Makarova Olga



"Many good things can be done if you are in a good mood."

Y. Nikulin.
I really want both children and parents, and I to receive as many positive emotions as possible from the educational and educational process.
One of my main goals is to create a favorable environment for rallying children and parents into a single friendly team. As a class teacher, I consider it very important to be in close cooperation and contact with the parents of the students at all times. I want to note that many parents of students in our class take an active position, are very responsive, try to help in any matter, immediately respond to my requests and instructions. Thanks to all the mothers who responded and went with us to Stavropol. Special thanks to Olga Rubyakina for organizing the trip. Kristina Deneykina and Lyudmila Pshenichnaya for a delicious lunch.

Thanks everyone!
visited the theatre. A real theatre!

visited the museum...




Dear Parents, big THANKS to everyone who took an active part in the charity fair! We sincerely thank you for your mutual understanding and sincerely hope that you can continue to be exemplary parents for your children. And they will grow up as exemplary children for their parents.

Thanks to everyone who brought such wonderful products! Great decor! And what assistants-sellers!


1 4.11.16 Math week

Taking part in the social life of the school is not an easy task. It is often necessary to turn to the parents of students for help. The reaction to such requests is different for everyone: someone expresses obvious dissatisfaction, but there are parents who are ready to help without delay. Thanks to ALL the parents who responded to the request. There were many such parents. This is very pleasing! We express our deep gratitude to Zakharova Lidia Vladimirovna and Shuvaeva Natalya Alekseevna, who take an active and direct part in the production of the mathematical newspaper.

Thank you for your comprehensive support and attention, for the fact that, despite being busy, lack of time, you find the strength not to succumb to life's circumstances. We wish you to continue to be not indifferent to the life of our class, to love and understand your children! Thank you very much!


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I express my gratitude and say a huge human "THANK YOU" for your participation in the upbringing of your child. The success of a person, of course, is the merit of his closest people with imperceptible, at first glance, daily efforts, work, patience and responsibility. I thank you for your creative approach and active life position. With all my heart I wish you good health, happiness and prosperity! Dear ______________________________________ ! Class teacher __________________ ________________ ______________ 2011-2012 academic year

Dear ________________________! Class teacher ________________________ ______________________ _________________ 2011-2012 academic year You helped me a lot all year. I always relied on you. And without you, the guys and I definitely can’t master all our affairs! You are my support and support, you are my reserve and reliable rear. And, probably, few people heard that there was such an asset somewhere! You energy, strength and health, To continue to create together! I hope for you and, of course, I will not get tired of thanking you!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

The educational system of the class teacher "Cooperation of the class teacher with parents as a means of forming a creative personality"

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Cooperation of parents and the class teacher in the formation of the team

In the triad teacher - student - parents, the main goal of the activity is the maximum convergence of the interests of parents and teachers in shaping the personality of the child, creating conditions for a favorable ...

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"Features of the organization of joint activities of the class teacher and parents in the process of moral education of the child." Speech at the city conference of class teachers.

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Thank you letter to parents- this is a business letter that expresses gratitude to the parents of school or kindergarten graduates for the good upbringing of their children, active participation in the life of the group, class and educational institution, helping the school, kindergarten etc. compiled on behalf of the director, class teacher, educator or head teacher.

How to write a thank you letter to parents

A letter of thanks to the parents of graduates consists of the following structural elements of a business letter:

  1. Appeal.
    In the middle of the sheet, the surname, first name, patronymic, or only the name and patronymic of the parents to whom words of gratitude are addressed are indicated.
  2. Letter of thanks to parents of graduates.
    Contains words of gratitude to parents of graduates and wishes to them.
  3. Signature.
    Below, under the text of a letter of thanks to parents, the seal of the educational institution, the signature of the director, head teacher, educator or class teacher, the position, surname and initials are indicated.

Sample thank you letter to parents of graduates

Dear Victor Pavlovich and Ilona Andreevna!

I express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to you for your active participation in the life of the school and for the good education of your son, Maxim Viktorovich Kovalev, who showed himself to be a capable student striving to acquire new knowledge.

I wish your family good health, happiness, good luck and prosperity! I express hope for the development of our cooperation in the future!

director of MBOU secondary school No. 132
Magpie L. P. Soroka

It is desirable to issue a letter of thanks to parents on the letterhead of the educational institution or on a holiday postcard, on a special typographical form.