Thanks to the parents for the good upbringing of the son. How to write a thank you letter to parents? Sample thank you letters

Texts of letters of thanks addressed to parents are compiled by the administration, a teacher or an interested group of people and are an official document. Letters are handed out in a solemn atmosphere, since they are an expression of gratitude and respect for the addressee, on the one hand, and a source of pride and enthusiasm, on the other. Therefore, the publicity of the procedure for delivering the letter is welcome.

How to write a thank you letter to parents

You can use standard template expressions and phrases, or add sincere sincere words of gratitude to the text, coming from the heart.

The letter should begin with a respectful appeal to each of the parents by name and patronymic, avoiding abbreviations and indicating the status (spouse, dad, mom, parents, etc.)

The main text of the letter, as a rule, contains an expression of deep sincere gratitude and appreciation for specific merits and human qualities:

  • for the good (worthy, excellent) upbringing of the son/daughter (last name, first name);
  • for raising your child who has shown himself to be a capable (purposeful, responsible, active) person;
  • for active (fruitful, close) cooperation;
  • for active participation in the affairs of the children's team (organizations, groups, associations);
  • for the interest shown in the learning process (upbringing, creative development) the younger generation;
  • for an active lifestyle. Etc.

In conclusion, one should express confidence or hope for further fruitful (long-term, close) cooperation and sincerely wish success, well-being, health, prosperity and all the best to all family members.

The letter is signed by persons expressing gratitude.

The date and seal of the institution is put.

Sample thank you letters

Sample #1

The school administration expresses its deep gratitude to you for the good education of your son, Ivanov Yuri Ivanovich, who has shown himself to be a capable and responsible student, striving to achieve best results in educational and creative activity.

We wish you good health, success and family well-being.

We express our confidence that you will continue to be reliable friends and assistants of the school in the upbringing and education of the younger generation.


Head teacher Kuznetsov P.P. Kuznetsov

Sample #2

Dear Ivan Ivanovich and Yulia Igorevna!

I sincerely thank you and express my deepest gratitude for the excellent upbringing of your daughter, Anastasia Ivanova, and for your active participation in the life of our class and school.

Your daily invisible work, patience and responsible attitude to education lead to the constant and confident victories of your children. Anastasia showed herself as a person capable of thinking deeply, overcoming difficulties, and defending her opinion. The success of your child is our common success and common joy!

Thanks to your active life position, understanding and support, we will be able to continue to raise a worthy successor, striving for knowledge and creativity.

With all my heart I wish you great happiness, optimism and family warmth!

I will be sincerely glad to further our fruitful cooperation for the benefit of our school.

With great respect,

Classroom teacher Serov N.N. Serova

Family is a tiny country.
And our joys grow
When they throw into the prepared ground
Only the best seeds!

Dear colleagues, for the fourth year now I have been writing texts for the Director's reception - see if they come in handy ...


C most difficult, most noble work

This is a human creation.

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Dear (s) …. Thank you for many years of painstaking work, responsibility and individuality, for the generosity of the soul and dedication to work, goodwill and desire to be needed. I appreciate your professional approach and objectivity in everything! You are very talented and not only offer, but also implement a lot of fresh ideas. With all my heart I wish peace, kindness, success, good luck, prosperity to you and your loved ones for many years to come!

WITH Best wishes and reliable for further cooperation.

Head teacher….

May 17, 2012

Thank you letter to parents.

The years of childhood are, first of all, the education of the heart.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky


I thank you for the good upbringing of your child,,,

Thank you for the fact that all these years you persistently instilled hard work in your child, oriented him towards self-development, achieving high results and a friendly attitude towards people, and this is so necessary for the happiness of any person.

I wish you peace and prosperity, good health, family

happiness, success in work and further education of your child! May he always please you with his success!

Head teacher….

May 17, 2012

Thank you letter to a student.

Genuine intelligent learning changes and our mind, and our morals.

M. Montaigne

M. Montaigne

Dear (s)…..

Congratulations on achieving such great results! This is a huge success! You have made great efforts to conquer this height! You always go one step ahead and are a great role model. I appreciate everything you do, everything you achieve. Thanks to your victories, our school will continue to be recognized as worthy of the highest awards. I wish you the realization of the most daring plans and grandiose projects.

With best wishes and reliable for further cooperation

In this article, we will consider not only how, but also why a letter of thanks is written to parents for their active participation in the life of the school. A letter of thanks is a Soviet tradition, but it is extremely important for encouraging parents and children. This letter is a letter expressing gratitude to parents from the school leadership and teachers.

Gratitude can be expressed not only for active participation in school life, but for the success of the child, and his good upbringing, for help in a variety of school situations. Such a letter can be different options, but there are certain important points to which you should pay attention. First of all, the letter is written only on the letterhead of the school (even if a postcard is taken, the letterhead is gratefully enclosed in it). What date will the year be.

What to write about?

A letter of thanks to parents for their active participation in the life of the school, the templates for writing it may vary. In this material you see photos that are ready-made templates. They can be opened in large size, saved to your computer, and then printed. But it is not necessary to use such ready-made templates. In principle, the letter can even be written by hand.

Interesting! Of course, in most educational institutions, in order to simplify the task, thank-you letters for parents are printed from a computer. But such a letter, filled out by hand with a fountain pen, which contains liquid ink, looks especially beautiful and honorable. This is a classic, which today is considered the standard of fashion.

Of course, I want the letter to parents to be not just written according to a strict template, which is observed from year to year, but that it be sincere. Of course, here the teacher who writes the letter will have to try. First of all, pay attention to the fact that the text should not turn out to be pretentious. High-flown phrases and hypocrisy should be avoided whenever possible. Here, sincerity and simplicity should become the main beacons in the preparation of such a letter.

Also, when compiling a letter of thanks to the parents of schoolchildren for their active participation in the life of the school, one should try to avoid empty phrases, even if they sound beautiful. Simple phrases from pure heart will be able to convey the depth of feelings and gratitude to parents. Again, the negative aspects in the letter also need to be silent. It is possible that the child of specific parents does not study very well or constantly plays pranks. But this letter of thanks is to active parents, so you need to focus on positive moments and pleasant information.

A letter of thanks should be written in such a way that, after reading it, parents understand how important their active position is for the school, how much they make it easier for teachers to teach and educate children simply by their participation. You can thank them for investing knowledge in the child, developing his skills, and simply helping everyone make important and, often, fateful decisions.

Thanks only

So, a thank you letter to parents for their active participation, finished photos help print beautiful templates. But beautiful, at the same time, simple and sincere words, in order to fill in the template, the teacher will have to find it on his own. A letter of thanks to the student's parents is an occasion, a reason to thank the parents for their active participation in the life of the school and the class, perhaps they helped in the repair, helped raise money for other important events.

Despite the fact that, in essence, a thank you letter is an unofficial document, it must be completed with all the formalities. Be that as it may, but such letters are important for parents, they often remain as a memory of the past years of the child, of the time when he went to school.

Important! As a rule, a letter of thanks is drawn up by the class teacher, but this is done on behalf of the director as well. The letter can be written in any form, although there is a general pattern for writing it.

Approximate structure of a thank you letter:
1. It all starts with an appeal. Here you need to indicate the name and patronymic of the parents or guardians of the child, the name should be indicated in the nominative case. Usually the names are written in the center of the form, followed by an exclamation mark.
2. Further in the letter of thanks follows the main text, about which so much has already been written in the previous part of the material. These are words of gratitude from teachers and the school administration, a wish of all the best in the future.
3. The signature completes the letter. The surname, name and patronymic of the director, number educational institution. In addition to the signature, a letter of thanks must be stamped. Depending on the decision of the school administration, the letter may be signed not by the director on his own behalf, but classroom teacher in one's own name.

sample thank you letter

Often, especially for young teachers, it is difficult to write a letter of thanks to parents for their active participation in the life of the school. So, in addition to the basic information that is given strictly on the topic in this material, we decided to compile a possible sample of such a letter for parents.

“Dear Vyacheslav Mikhailovich and Galina Ivanovna!

On behalf of the school administration and the teaching staff, I would like to express my gratitude for the upbringing of your daughter Yulia, as well as for your active participation in the life of the school and class. Behind last year your daughter has shown herself to be an active-minded, purposeful student who can overcome obstacles and achieve her goals in an honest, noble way. This is evidenced by her academic success, in circles and sports sections. We can proudly say that Julia is the pride of our school, like her parents.

Separately, we want to thank you for your active position regarding school life. We note support in the repair of the class, participation in school events. I would like to wish your family well-being and good health, optimism and prosperity.
Sincerely, the class teacher of the 9th "B" class, Sidorova Valentina Mikhailovna.

This is just an example of how to write a thank you note. In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that schools reserve the right to independently decide which of the parents of the students to address this document. Often such a letter from the administration is written in order to recognize and celebrate the merits of the parents. In honor of the holiday, you can do

We express our gratitude to you for the worthy upbringing of children.

Your daily help, care and attention have helped them to achieve good and excellent results in their studies.

We wish you and your family continued success, health and well-being..

Head of Administration of the Shumerlinsky District

IN Thank you letters, which are sent to every family where children graduated from school with medals, the mayor of the city noted that, first of all, the success of the child is the merit of his parents. It is the family that teaches diligence, responsibility, the ability to set a goal and strive to achieve it. Nikolai Ivanovich expressed special gratitude to the parents who were able to raise and educate children as hardworking, worthy citizens of their country. hometown. The medal of the child is a common family award.

On the decisive days of entrance exams to educational institutions, Nikolai Yemelyanov wished good luck to all Cheboksary graduates, right choice way, and in the future - to become good specialists-professionals.

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I propose to abandon the stereotypes. Here's a custom thank you note.

Gratitude is expressed to F.I.O.
The staff of school No. expresses its gratitude and says a huge "THANK YOU" for your participation in the upbringing of your child and the life of the class and school.
The success of a person, of course, is the merit of his closest people with imperceptible, at first glance, daily efforts, work, patience and responsibility.
We thank you for your creative approach and active life position.
We sincerely wish you good health, happiness and prosperity!
We hope that your creative activity for the benefit of our school will continue in the future!

Thank you letter from parents

In October 2009, the parents of our students wrote a letter of thanks and sent it to the head of the Administration of the Vyborgsky District and the head of the Department of Education of the Vyborgsky District:

“Every person reverently remembers his teachers. Whoever you become later, no matter what heights you reach in your life, the main person for you after your parents is the Teacher.

We, the parents of students, want to express our deep gratitude to the teaching staff of the 457th school. For their high professionalism, enthusiasm, cordiality, integrity and dedication to their work. In such a difficult time for education, when reforms are being implemented with such difficulty, our teachers are doing their best to raise our students to a new level of knowledge. The innovations of school 457 teachers are worthy of wide attention. Come to our school and you will see everything with your own eyes!

We express our special gratitude to the director of the school Pavlihina Alevtina Mikhailovna. For her selflessness, "the fire of the soul", for the fact that, despite today's socio-economic difficulties, she has not changed her profession, which is so important and necessary at all times. Alevtina Mikhailovna daily and hourly keeps her finger on the pulse of school life, being interested, helping, advising, solving all problems with high professionalism, endurance and perseverance.

Our school is really wonderful, it is loved by its students. And I would like to hope that the leadership of the district education will always support the innovations of the teaching staff and help the school.

Sincerely, parents of students of school 457 "

They say that small children do not let you sleep, but because of the big ones you will not fall asleep. These words do not apply in any way to the grown-up children who have gathered in the hall of the Fakel Central House of Culture and Culture. They are the joy and pride of their parents and teachers. All the congratulations and performances of the bright, relaxed holiday were extremely symbolic. The ensemble “Incanto” (Leisure and Cinema Center “Fakel”, leader) presented their creative gifts to the heroes of the occasion and their guests, as well…

Gratitude to parents

Repairing a kindergarten is not an easy task. Often you have to turn to the parents of the pupils for help. The reaction to such requests is different for everyone: someone expresses obvious dissatisfaction, but there are parents who are ready to help without delay. Thanks to ALL parents of group No. 6 "Star" of kindergarten No. 189 "Sun". We express our deep gratitude to the parents who take an active and direct part in the life of the kindergarten, to the families: Ryabovs, Makeevs, Chvanovs, Buimovs, Pobozhevs, Luchaninovs, Verozubovs, Zhdanovs, Kosnyrevs.


Thanks a lot for your help,
Thank you for your good deeds
We are pleased to tell you without memory
A big word of thanks!

Let it come back to you in life, like an echo,
Good deep deeds of all your essence,
Health to you and a lot of laughter,
Let the path be easy in your life!

Thank you for your comprehensive support and attention, for the fact that, despite being busy, lack of time, you find the strength not to succumb to life's circumstances. We wish you to continue to be not indifferent to the life of the group and kindergarten, to love and understand your children! Thank you very much!

The teacher of group No. 6 "Star" MBDOU d / s No. 189 "Sun" Bargatina L.V.

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