Grandpa. Best wishes for grandfather's anniversary in verse and prose Anniversary 65 grandfather

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Happy Anniversary Grandpa
We hug tightly.
We love you very much
And don't forget.

Long life to you, health
We wish together.
At sixty five you
We all respect.

You live and be happy
Every day.
Happiness and health,
Joker grandfather.

You are 65
Grandpa, one hundred to say.
Tight, young, slender,
Always cheerful, calm.

We wish you
happiness on earth.
Health and good luck
You are very important to us!

Grandma wake up nearby
And you don't need more.
And many years of happiness to you,
Down with all the bad weather.

Grandpa, you are the best
You are a bright bright ray.
You adore us, grandchildren,
You let us do everything.

Today is your day, of course,
After all, it's your anniversary.
You turned 65
And you are grateful to fate.

We wish you love
Just don't run away from her.
More health and good luck to you
And an unprecedented harvest in the country.

You told a lot in life
Probably a little tired.
But we believe that you will leave the ship for a score,
After all, you still have a long way to go!

On your anniversary, I would like to wish
Lots of health, joy and laughter!
So that in your young 65,
You were always on the side of success!

You turned 65!
And you, the same as before -
Caring and gentle
Grandpa is my own!

I want to congratulate you
From all heart and soul.
And wish you my dear
Bask all your life under the sun!

I wish you harmony
Health and love.
All the best moments
You keep in memory!

We love you more over the years
So don't you dare be sad!
We will never forget you
And many more times for the birthday we will drink!

You just rejoice again and again
And also have fun again and again.
Congratulations, and believe me - this is new,
After all, today you are 65!

Today is a holiday for you.
All your family has gathered.
Came to congratulate
We can't say warm words to everyone.

Grandpa is now 65
We wish health for him with a rating of "five".
You, as a good fellow
Believe us, everything will be fine.

And the gray hair that is on the temples,
Wrinkles around the eyes.
Thank you for everything
We say thank you together.

Grandpa, my dear man,
Today is a great holiday for you,
Please don't be sad forever
And don't count your years.

You are sixty-five today
Great age, no doubt.
I hasten to wish you
You'll live another hundred years or so.

And of course, good health to you
And happiness, so that trouble does not knock on the house,
You are the golden one on earth,
I want good things to happen!

I wish you with all my heart, grandpa,
Always be happy and healthy.
You are 65 today, but in spirit,
I wish you never fall.

Good health, success and good luck.
You are our idol, you are smart and happy.
I wish you to live a beautiful, glorious life,
Comfort, joy and warmth to you!

I wish you again, I fall in love with the world,
And our lives, the word sun illuminate.
And even though for a long time you, it seems, are not young,
I want to feel like 25!

Grandpa's birthday
We need to celebrate it soon.
We will hug you, grandfather,
We will prepare dinner for the table.

Let's celebrate it with friends
We will bring the cake with candles.
Blow out the candles grandpa
We will be glad to meet you soon.

Grandpa, I love you
And gently - gently hug.
I send greetings
Plus a bag of money.

Our dear grandfather, on this anniversary we are with you!
You are very dear to your children and grandchildren!
So it will be, let your path is still so long,
So that we can be with you a thousand times
Arrange a lot of amazing pranks!
Let kindness not dry out in you,
But still the hand will remain firm!
And may your soul not grow old
And no ailment will overcome!

Congratulating you on your anniversary,
Strive for lofty words,
We will say as simply as we can:
“Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
For the nobility of your thoughts!
For your world, bright and big!
For the fact that, becoming a little older,
You are young at heart!

Because in life matters
You are our conscience, mind and honor!”
And if just in terms of toast:
“For the fact that you exist in the world!”

Grandpa, don't count the years in vain
Let them be wealth for you
Congratulations on your 65th birthday,
In full health, live up to a hundred years.
May every day give joy, happiness,
May the sun of good luck always be with you
May the Lord keep from troubles and evil,
May fate always be kind.

Grandpa, you have been given special attention since childhood
He took care of me, helping me grow.
Today I came to you with a wish
Go through life with a perky smile.

Although it is difficult to study, grandfather, but still
I promise you that I will become a doctor.
I will preserve and increase your health,
We will take any peak with you.

I'm sorry that sometimes I make you
Look out the window, waiting for me.
You are very dear to me, I miss you too!
Congratulations, I love you with all my heart.

I wish you to be, as before, active,
So that he could substitute his own shoulder for us,
So that your every day goes positively,
And time running was nothing to you.

The hour hand moves steadily,
To the birthday of the best person in the world!
Sixty-five years will be strung on a thread,
All as one - a glorious anniversary!

What to give you? Maybe impressions?
Grandchildren performances, a unique song ...
Birthday has become a family holiday of grandfathers!
On this day we will bring everything you love!

Don't be embarrassed, come out, you're a hero today!
Whatever you want, guess - we will fulfill it in an instant!
As on a ship, the sea flag is raised in the wind,
So you keep your course straight, as you used to!

Congratulations on the anniversary of 65 years old grandfather in verse

Dear grandpa, there is no better you in the world,
I always need your wise advice,
Be young, always healthy
May your path be illuminated by a lucky star.
Be strong, dear, and hold on,
Let there be a strong thread of life,
Congratulations on your 65th birthday
I wish you the most amazing fate.

65 is a great date!
Grandpa is the head of the big family!
We heartily congratulate you
You are young at heart and soul!
We wish you to be cheerful
Have fun, as always, joke.
Thank you for your warmth and kindness
Let you live well, like in a fairy tale!
Let them get out of the way as soon as bad weather
We wish you great joy
And all that in life we ​​call happiness,
Long life, bright, golden!

My grandpa is the most stylish
Smart, fashionable and active.
In general, my grandfather is the highest class!
He will give a head start to the young.

I rest with him, I'm cool
And I think it's wrong
In fairy tales, grandfather is gray-haired,
Old and with a beard.

I was lucky with my grandfather
Anniversaries to spite everyone
My grandpa doesn't age
Cheerful, younger.
On postcard 6 and 5,
Start congratulating.

Beloved grandfather, let me congratulate you
I want to wish you good health
I want to praise your reliability
And your excellent endurance.
I wish you this anniversary -
May health not let you down
And strong, reliable luck
Good luck will enter your bright house!

Here you don't have to be embarrassed
Ooh, ooh, and sigh.
It is necessary, grandfather, to dance provocatively,
After all, you are 65.

Congratulations on your anniversary
Let the strength grow in you
Do not rush to grow old, grandpa,
Stay on horseback.

Powerful health to you
To give everyone a head start,
I want to live actively
Act, always dream.

Dear grandfather, you are 65!
Congratulations on your anniversary!
I wish you a strong hug of happiness,
And don't let your smile fade!
I wish you never to be sad
Drive away bad thoughts
After all, there is still much to be done in fate,
And health depends on happiness!

Beloved grandfather, I wish you
At the age of 65
Health so as not to let us down,
You have become the happiest person in the world.

I want to break into every day
With a smile and dashing enthusiasm.
And fall in love with the whole world again
And strive for new goals.

There is a recipe for all sorts of troubles:
Love life like my grandfather.
He knows the answers to everything
Cheerful, cheerful and not bored.
Congratulations on your 65th birthday
For you - a heartfelt verse,
To no trace of aging
Was not in your eyes.

Sixty-five rolled up
The sadness set in a little.
Do not be sad, but rather drink,
Happy Anniversary!
The guests are all happy today
Congratulations to the whole swarm!
You have achieved a lot
Often sacrificing yourself!
Children, grandchildren and colleagues,
Revere at this hour
Be always healthy and strong
And the same as now.

Happy Anniversary
Your granddaughter congratulates you.
I'm just crazy about you
Let the guests know about it.

You are the best grandfather in the world
It's nice to be with you
And we are at the banquet today
Let's dance together, my hero.

You still have six and a half
Dozens of years in total
You are strong, wise and active
Problems can be easily solved.

Congratulate grandfather on his 65th birthday with verses

And six and five stood side by side here
And it turned out - anniversary
You lived them the right way
Among colleagues, relatives, friends.
And let it all be like this
Health, most importantly, at "five",
And close to you people
What more could you want!

65 - it's a beautiful time,
You can rest easy!
After all, the labors were not in vain,
And it's time to collect the stones!

May the grandchildren rejoice with success
And children give you warmth!
To be your pleasures
Health, joy and kindness!

Grandpa, my best,
I wish you an anniversary -
Stay young all the time
Don't get old and don't get sick.

Always be as kind
Keep surprising everyone
Excellent mood
On your holiday, at sixty-five.

Live long and happily
Make our whole family happy
On your anniversary, beloved
I will give a gift.

My dear, dear,
One you are!
I'm proud of you
I love with all my heart!

Don't be sick for a century
Look more fun
To the world, dear
My grandfather!

You won't get back the year
But you will find joy
You are on your date!
Life will become brighter!

Grandpa's birthday
We need to celebrate it soon.
We will hug you, grandfather,
We will prepare dinner for the table.

Let's celebrate it with friends
We will bring the cake with candles.
Blow out the candles grandpa
We will be glad to meet you soon.

Grandpa, I love you
And gently - gently hug.
I send greetings
Plus a bag of money.

Dear grandfather, congratulations,
On your 65th birthday

Be always kept by fate.
Let bad weather bypass you,
Let happiness enter the house without knocking,
We wish you good health from the bottom of our hearts,
May all your dreams come true.

Grandpa, you are the best in the world
You are responsible for your words
Your wise advice is so necessary to me,
I am grateful to you for everything.
I sincerely wish not to be sad and not to get sick,
All obstacles must be overcome,
Good luck, peace and kindness,
So that life is not boring.

For you, grandpa, the best words,
After all, today you are the hero of the occasion,
65 turned, dear, to you,
May everything be fine in your destiny.
Let your thoughts be pure
And bright all the days
Cheerfully, stay young
May life be wonderful.

Dear grandfather, you have a holiday today,
65th glorious anniversary,
We sincerely wish you a lot of happiness,
Let everything be fine in your destiny.
Younger every year
Don't be sad and don't be sick
Live for the joy of all of us, grandfather,
Not a year, not two, but up to a hundred years.

Happy 65th birthday to you
Congratulations, grandfather, loving,
We wish you joy and happiness
Let all bad weather bypass.
May your kindness never fail
And those who are nearby are always warm,
May the sky be peaceful above you
Be kept by the Lord and fate.

There's a great reason to have fun
Grandpa's birthday is today
All gifts to you, compliments and flowers,
You deserve only the best.
So that health, happiness, strength,
You have had enough for many, many years,
Be strong, our dear, hold on,
May your life be beautiful.

You are always active and confident
You are the most important in our family,
Your wise advice helps
Your enthusiasm is amazing.
Congratulations on your 65th birthday,
May all your dreams come true
I will always try
Just look up to you.

Grandpa, don't count the years in vain
Let them be wealth for you
Congratulations on your 65th birthday,
In full health, live up to a hundred years.
May every day give joy, happiness,
May the sun of good luck always be with you
May the Lord keep from troubles and evil,
May fate always be kind.

It's nice that as long as we are together:
Do not disperse, do not disperse around the world!
We will give life to the children in the baton,
What should they pass on to their grandchildren...

After all, this is how our family grows and expands!
Do you not know the universal law?
It is inscribed on Solomon's ring:
“Everything passes! And this, my friend, will pass!”

So let's raise our glasses higher -
Let's make the sun shine in their faces!
In honor of the glorious numbers "sixty" and "five"
We will send you congratulations!

There is no person closer and dearer,
What a grandfather is to his grandson!
He cares if I get sick
He does not feel sorry for his loved ones!

And so on my grandfather's birthday
I gladly come every time!
To tell about his past -
This memorabilia is priceless...

As before, everyone will calm down with amazement
And grandfather's speeches will be listened to ...
And I repeat congratulations
What do you need to tell from a stool!

Live sixty-five years -
Isn't it an accomplishment?!
Impossible to miss
Grandpa's birthday!

gray-haired humorist,
Fuss enemy,
Undoubtedly an optimist
Here's the birthday boy!

Look at us
He looks with dignity!
It may be at least this very hour
Army commander!

When the time comes, there's nothing to be afraid of
Despite all the troubles, you are directed forward!
And the time has come to take care of yourself,
And the hurricane of fate roars overhead:

"Don't lag behind, don't wait - step by step, as long as,
You won't reach your goal, no matter what!
I am a faithful companion of those who are tempted by a miracle,
So hurry after me without fear of evil!

You are sixty-five - your road is straight,
So many more meetings and happiness ahead ...
And the main thing now is not to give up at the threshold!
Come boldly to me! And don't go out of your way!"

Let me wish you long life!
More health, mutual love!
For so long you served for the good of the Fatherland -
Now accept gratitude from her!

Thank you for the joy you bring to us!
For a wise word, for good advice!
What do you wish for your grandfather on this holiday?
Be with us, dear, and live a hundred years!

What would you like to eat on your birthday?
The tables are laid - the treat is smoking ...
Perhaps you would like to hear a toast?
So, actually, here it is! It's already been said!

Why is the date highlighted on the calendar?
This is our grandfather celebrates the sixty-fifth year!
And everything will pass on a grand scale - do not hesitate!
Better come and visit us soon!

No gifts? No problem! Better bring
More kind words bring happiness with you!
Smile - it doesn't matter that it's sad all around!
Grandfather's holiday, as always, will be amazing for everyone!

We do not wait for those who lag behind! We respectfully bring the cake ...
Who from relatives will say a toast? Do not be shy! Please!
Everyone who came to visit for the dinner party,
They should shout "Hurrah!" three times grandpa!

Happy birthday! Sea of ​​attention
From the family, the grandfather will receive with the addition:
The granddaughter will hastily cancel the date,
Grandson will throw a computer with a prefix!

Mom will send her daughter to the kitchen
Take the pies out of the oven!
Dad will unfold the table and put
To the center of the room quickly and deftly,

The tablecloth will immediately force the service,
What was kept for special occasion!
On your birthday, everything is without whims
They start working hard!

The hour hand moves steadily,
To the birthday of the best person in the world!
Sixty-five years will be strung on a thread,
All as one - a glorious anniversary!

What to give you? Maybe impressions?
Grandchildren performances, a unique song ...
Birthday has become a family holiday of grandfathers!
On this day we will bring everything you love!

Don't be embarrassed, come out, you're a hero today!
Whatever you want, guess - we will fulfill it in an instant!
As on a ship, the sea flag is raised in the wind,
So you keep your course straight, as you used to!

Grandchildren for grandfather are not just close relatives. Grandchildren are his happiness and hope, pride and joy, his bloodline and the fruits of his upbringing.

When a grandfather turns 75 or he has another anniversary, and every year on his birthday, the birthday boy really wants to hear warm words from his beloved grandchildren and granddaughters, get a lot of care, affection and attention, and he will be very upset if they forget about him.

And in fact, it doesn’t even matter how old he will “knock” - sixty years, eighty or ninety. On any holiday, the hero of the day really wants to be remembered, come to congratulate grandfather on his anniversary, show how dear, needed, valuable he is.

This, believe me, more expensive than gifts, nicer than bouquets and sweeter than treats! So prepare your best best congratulations happy grandfather's 75th birthday or another, no less honorable date, and let the hero of the occasion see how much you love and appreciate him!

What congratulations on the anniversary of dear grandfather to prepare from grandchildren so that the birthday man is happy on his honorable day? Funny or serious, poem or prose, wish or something else?

It is up to you to decide, because you must admit that no one except you knows the birthday man so closely, his tastes, preferences. So decide in what form to congratulate grandfather on his anniversary:

  • Beautiful speech to grandfather in prose.
  • Congratulations to grandfather in the form of toasts.
  • Solemn speech to grandfather in verse.
  • Cool sms or signature on a postcard.
  • Speech in your own words.
  • Beautiful words from all the grandchildren or from the family.

There are many options for congratulating your beloved grandfather on his 60th, 80th or 90th birthday, they are all good and beautiful, worthy of being said on a holiday at the table or sent to the hero of the day.

Choose your the best option, write it down or learn it, if you wish, supplement it with your own words or combine several texts into one - and you will get a great congratulation on the anniversary of your grandfather from your granddaughter or dear grandson, or maybe from all together, as you decide! The main thing is that the words come from the heart and be sincere!

Words are the most precious

The best gift for an aged person is sincere words, the birth of which seems to be happening here and now: they seem to add up to phrases right in your soul and pour out into a beautiful speech. It may sound pathetic, but it's true - such words will be the best gift!

1. From what words will the heart of the birthday man sing and rejuvenate, what will he be most pleased to hear? Try a poem, it will surely have the desired effect. Beautiful and solemn poems to your beloved grandfather on his anniversary will not only be liked - they will delight him! Just imagine for a moment how pleasant it will be for the hero of the day, his anniversary will be remembered for a long time, and his mood will be the best and festive!

2. As a wonderful congratulations on the anniversary, and at any other age, you can prepare prose for the birthday man. This is a win-win option, because when delivering a speech in prose, you won’t make a mistake, you won’t mix up the words and you won’t forget anything, and most importantly, you can always add something from yourself. After all, you have something to say to a dear person, don't you? Say it in prose!

3. How else can you congratulate dear grandfather on his 60th birthday or 85th birthday, so that it is original and memorable for the hero of the day? Prepare a toast! Men are very fond of toasts that sound like festive table to the sound of glasses. Cool, wise, original, unusual and beautiful - there are a lot of toasts, choose your own and solemnly pronounce it, raising your glass in honor of your beloved and irreplaceable grandfather. He will be grateful and touched to the core!

4. Maybe you want your congratulations on the anniversary of the 60th or 55th anniversary of your beloved grandfather to be absolutely original, unique and inimitable? Say them in your own words! This is the best that can be prepared as pleasant surprise happy birthday to grandfather from grandson, and all you need is a little imagination! You should not compose poetry, suffer from ornate speech turns - just take a ready-made beautiful text and add something of your own to it, remove something, change somewhere. And it's done!

5. You can not do without wishes! After all, everything that you wish for an anniversary, for 70 or 80, or even for 90 years old grandfather will certainly come true if you say it sincerely, filling the words with your heartfelt warmth.

Who is the hello from?

Grandfather adores his grandchildren and will be infinitely glad to hear warm words from them and sincere wishes. Prepare an individual, original and targeted congratulation from your grandson, from your granddaughter, and for grandfather on his honorary anniversary this will be the most pleasant and unforgettable surprise!

1. A granddaughter is the joy of a grandfather, a little beloved baby, despite her age. Of course, a speech on a holiday from a beloved and loving granddaughter should be tender, affectionate, filled with sincere feelings, adoration and warmth!

2. A grandson is not just an heir. This is the successor of the family and the real "copy" of the grandfather, his hope and joy, his pride, pupil, keeper family traditions. Words on a holiday from a grandson should not only be beautiful, original and warm, they should contain gratitude and memories, admiration and respect, so do not spare kindness and warmth to please the birthday man!

3. What happiness it is to have several grandchildren, and especially to see them all at your anniversary at the festive table! it best gift, but it will be even more pleasant if they all prepare a big joint speech in verse or prose and say heartfelt words to grandfather from the bottom of their hearts.

4. You can congratulate the hero of the day from the whole family, especially if the family is large, friendly, everyone gathered at the table and everyone has something to say to the hero of the occasion. A big festive speech from the whole family will genuinely delight the hero of the day, leave memories of this wonderful day, strengthen the family and leave everyone in a great mood!

Let the anniversary be bright, truly family, warm and sincere! Fill the holiday with sincere words, do not skimp on sincere warmth and great love, which the birthday man deserves like no other. Wish everything that the hero of the occasion dreams of, express your love and gratitude for everything, do not spare the warmth of your heart and make the hero of the day the best surprise! Author: Vasilina Serova, sources:,,,,