On which hand do Catholics wear a ring. Wearing a wedding ring on special occasions. Who and where wears on the left hand

History of the rings

AT different countries It is customary to wear a symbol of matrimony - a wedding ring, but what are the traditions associated with putting jewelry on one or another hand? Let's try to figure it out.

Wedding rings have a very long and interesting story. Ancient Egypt is considered their homeland - at first only pharaohs could wear rings, with their help they confirmed their power and chose an heir. Somewhat later, high-ranking officials also had rings - they chose gold jewelry, but the poor could only make rings from silver, copper or bronze. The ancient Romans, with the help of rings with seals, emphasized that they belonged to the upper class. In ancient China Golden ring given to a woman in the last months of pregnancy to protect her and the child from evil spirits. But lovers began to exchange rings a little later - in the 3rd-4th century AD. Most often, these were silver rings that symbolized purity and were famous for their ability to scare away evil spirit, but rich people preferred to emphasize their status with gold accessories. AT Ancient Rus' poor people even made rings from birch bark, clay, stone, just to keep the tradition.

The language of the rings

Even ancient scientists believed that each finger of the hand has its own energy. The index finger is the center of will and personal qualities of a person, the ring on this finger indicates leadership qualities and a thirst for power. It also plays a role on which hand the ring is on - if on the right, such an accessory emphasizes the pride and strong-willed disposition of the owner, but the ring on the left hand can indicate megalomania and excessive hysteria. Pinky ring - symbol creative people. Even if a person has nothing to do with the world of art, he is able to surprise and perform spontaneous actions.

The middle finger for the ring is chosen by individuals who want to be irresistible and draw attention to themselves. But those who wear a ring on their thumb want to emphasize their strength and independence. As for the ring finger, now its main purpose is to talk about the family status of the owner. It was believed that this is where the blood vessel leading to the heart passes, so it is not surprising that the Egyptians and Romans "ringed" the ring finger. Such a belief was described by Plutarch, and the Greeks also clearly adhered to this opinion, so the ring on the ring finger began to symbolize heartfelt affection.

Rituals in antiquity and modernity

In ancient Rome, the groom, after the wedding ceremony, gave the ring not only to the bride, but also to her parents, thereby confirming that he agreed to the conclusion of the union. The ancient Jews had a custom to give their beloved a gold coin in order to emphasize the seriousness of their intentions, only a few centuries later the coin was replaced by a ring. In medieval Europe, wealthy aristocrats gave their wife a ring with the coat of arms of the family, confirming that she was a full-fledged mistress of his house.

For a long time, a ring was given only to brides, while grooms completely dispensed with this accessory. Now there are two types of rings: engagement (or engagement) and wedding. In the West, there is still a tradition of giving an engagement ring before making an offer, and then acquiring a wedding ring. There was also a custom according to which the groom's ring was made of gold, and the wives of silver, to emphasize that the man is the head of the family, but now the rings of both newlyweds are usually the same, and they are not limited in the choice of metal.

On which hand do they wear rings?

The fact that a ring must be worn on the left or right hand depends on the person’s faith: Orthodox Christians are baptized on the right side of the body, Catholics on the left. In Russia, Austria, Norway, Poland, Greece, Georgia, India, Germany, Israel, the wedding ring is worn on the right hand. In some countries, a curious theory is widespread: behind the right shoulder of a person there is a guardian angel who will also patronize this marriage, but behind the left shoulder there is a tempter who sends all sorts of temptations to a person, so putting a wedding ring on your left hand is a bad omen. Only widows and widows are allowed to wear it there.

In Turkey, Great Britain, France, Japan and America, it is customary to wear it on the left hand, this is due to the notorious "vein of love" that will protect marriage and support the fire of feelings. But Muslims do not wear wedding rings at all. The Koran says that gold destroys faith, because then a person begins to think about material wealth, and not about his own. spiritual development. If the groom wants, he can present the bride with a gold ring, but it will not be considered an engagement ring - just symbolic gift, reminiscent of the date when the girl became the wife of her betrothed.

Wedding rings are not only a precious metal, they are a symbol of eternal love and fidelity. Putting them on their fingers, the spouses recognize their soul mate as the meaning of life and vow to each other to live in peace and harmony. Oddly enough, for all the peoples of the world this rite has the same meaning, but on which hand people from different countries wear a wedding ring, we will talk further.

A bit of history

The history of "symbols of love" originates in ancient Greece. In ancient times, people did not yet know about the existence of gold, its significance, and they made rings from reeds and woven stumps. With a kind of gift, they showed their beloved or beloved that they were ready to live the rest of their lives only with him (her). A little later, the meaning of such a romantic tradition was slightly distorted. In Rome, the ring was given to the groom, but not as a sign of love, but as a symbol of the obligations that a man takes on for his future wife. After this, a few decades later, jewelry was given directly to the parents of the bride. Previously, no one wondered which hand they wear a wedding ring on. It was simply put on the finger to which it most suited and it was not necessary for the bride and groom to match.

Our modernity

Fortunately, today people attach the same great importance to marriage, as they did in ancient Greece. The exchange of jewelry is the most important part of the solemn ceremony. Let's talk about different peoples and their traditions. On which hand is a wedding ring worn in Russia? In this country, couples prefer the ring finger on the right hand. If the marriage was dissolved, the decoration is put on the other hand - the left. The same is done in Belarus, Moldova, Serbia, Poland, Greece, Germany, Austria and many other countries. Despite this, there are people who do not adhere to these traditions at all and wear rings where they like, even if it is a thumb (which hand, accordingly, also does not matter).

How about in the West?

Which hand is worn with a wedding ring in Canada, USA, Brazil, Mexico, France and other countries? The answer is obvious - to the left. Accordingly, during a divorce, it is put on the opposite (right). This is due to the fact that people consider the left hand close to the heart. Therefore, looking at the ring, a person is always mentally next to his beloved, and his half is in his heart. In Russia, the right hand symbolizes goodness, truthfulness, innocence. Exchanging sacred rings, people, as it were, take an oath to their soul mate, promise her to be faithful, kind and happy. Now the Europeans are trying to create new tradition- wear sacred jewelry on the index finger.

Summing up

The question is often asked: “Which hand is the wedding ring worn on?” But as professionals who study the behavior of people in society and in each family separately say, little depends on this. Even if the newlyweds do not wear rings at all, their love will not become weaker from this. Therefore, on which hand other people wear a wedding ring, you and your soul mate should not worry. After all, the main thing is love and a feeling of tenderness towards a partner. Everyone makes their own choice.

The tradition of wearing wedding rings exists in almost all nations. But many have their own peculiarities in the ways of wearing. The www.site portal will trace the variety of such rituals, as well as figure out where the wedding rings came from.

History of wedding rings

According to the finds of archaeologists, the first rings appeared in ancient Egypt. They were used by the pharaohs as a personal seal and confirmation of their own will. The birth of the rite of betrothal dates back to the same time. The groom brought the bride's parents metal ring as a symbol of their responsibility to them. Subsequently, such rings became bronze, and then silver. Since then, the ritual has taken hold and has successfully survived to this day.

How is an engagement ring different from others?

Today there are three types of wedding rings - engagement, engagement and wedding. The engagement ring is given to the bride by the groom at the time of the marriage proposal. This jewelry is intended only for women, it is made of gold or silver.

Wedding ring- a pair, designed for both the groom and the bride. It is the wedding rings that the couple exchanges at the registry office. They are made of expensive metals, possibly with inserts of precious stones.

Wedding rings are designed for those couples who decide to fix family bonds in the bosom of the church and undergo a wedding ceremony. They exist only in the Orthodox tradition.

On which finger is a woman's wedding ring worn?

On the ring finger of the left hand

There is a legend that from the time of Ancient Egypt, women wore rings on the ring fingers of the left hand, because the heart and this particular finger are connected by a thin nerve.

Over time, the question of which finger a wedding ring is worn on has been resolved in different ways. For example, in the Middle Ages, it was not uncommon for many kings to issue decrees regulating the rules for wearing rings. And here it was before ten various options including thumbs.

After the strengthening of the positions of Catholicism and Protestantism in Europe, clear rules for wearing a wedding ring were established. So, the place was again assigned to the ring finger of the left hand. This was due to the same reason as in ancient times - closeness to the heart. Today this tradition is honored by England, Germany, France, Canada, the USA, Brazil and others. Muslims adhere to the same custom.

On the ring finger of the right hand

In this case, the rules are again dictated by religion. For example, the ring finger of the right hand, where a wedding ring is worn in Russia, is an Orthodox tradition. According to the canons, everything that is connected with right side body, correct. In other cases, in the conditions of multi-confessional Russia, spouses wear wedding rings on the finger they themselves see fit, or in accordance with other beliefs.

In addition, women often wear their wedding and engagement rings on the same finger. In this case, you need to think in advance about how to choose an engagement ringso that it matches the engagement ring in style and performance.

Other cases

There are peoples who have alternative ways of wearing rings:

  • according to Jewish tradition - on the index finger;
  • according to gypsy customs - on a chain around the neck;
  • among the peoples of the North Caucasus, according to tradition, rings are not worn at all after the wedding.

Sometimes there are cases when the bride or groom wears a wedding ring on the middle finger of the right hand. Such behavior can sometimes be interpreted by others as defiant and contrary to the social laws of morality and rules of conduct. However, there is a very specific explanation for this. The reason may be that the size of the ring is not suitable for the ring finger. Therefore, if its wearer or wearer does not want to go to a jewelry workshop for fitting or purchase another, for example, a wider ring for the bride, then it moves to the middle finger of the right hand.

On which finger do men wear their wedding ring?

There are no separate rules for men. Everything is determined by the following factors:

  1. nationality,
  2. religion,
  3. personal preferences.

On which finger do widows and widowers wear a wedding ring?

The wedding ring is a symbol of endless marital fidelity. Therefore, even after the death of a spouse, their second half, as a sign of devotion, does not stop wearing a wedding ring, especially if it is a personalized engraved wedding ring.

If widowers continue to do this, as they did during the life of their beloved, then there are several behaviors for widows:

  • A woman removes her ring from the ring finger of her right hand and wears the ring of her departed spouse in this place.
  • The woman removes her ring from the ring finger of her right hand and wears it on the ring finger of her left hand.
  • The woman wears two wedding rings on the ring finger of her left hand.

All these cases are purely voluntary and are not mandatory or traditional. Only the widow herself can decide how to deal with the things of her beloved.

Modern traditions of wearing wedding rings

At present, many married couples stop wearing wedding rings after marriage. This is due to work circumstances, safety considerations, or simply a desire for comfort. In this case, there is nothing terrible and contradictory, the main thing is that both family members do not experience negative emotions about this.

Young couples are looking for new ways of expressing and breaking away from tradition, but at the same time, preserving family fundamentals. Therefore, more and more people are turning to non-standard ways of handling wedding rings. For example, wearing them in an unusual way- on the neck. For adherents of orthodox orders, a reasonable question arises: would a wedding ring around the neck look like ordinary decoration And is it even possible to wear it like that? Here, again, everything depends on the type of ring (naturally, a diamond ring will look at least strange on the neck), the worldview of the spouses, and family traditions.

Now you know almost everything about how to wear an engagement ring in any life situations and why representatives of different nationalities wear wedding rings on the ring finger. The wedding portal Svadbka.ws notes that our time allows spouses to deviate from traditions and choose for themselves which finger the wedding ring should be on, how to wear it and whether to wear it at all.

    The wedding ring is an indispensable symbol of love and fidelity of two hearts. Put it on the ring finger of the right hand or left.

    Christians who have joined themselves in marriage wear a ring on the ring finger of their right hand. Rings are worn on the same hand in countries such as Spain, the countries of the former USSR, India, Austria, Germany and others. According to ancient laws, lovers exchange rings as a sign of fidelity to each other. Where did the wedding ring tradition come from? Some argue that in Greece, others insist that this story originates in ancient Egypt.

    Why is a wedding ring worn on the ring finger?

    The philosopher Plutarch described why the wedding ring is worn precisely on the fourth finger: "The Greeks wore it on the ring finger, on the left hand, because only a thin nerve extends from it, reaching the heart." Only at first wedding rings were woven from cane, later the guy gave his father-in-law and mother-in-law a metal ring, which meant his ability to support his family. By the eighteenth century, not only women, but also men began to wear wedding rings.

    Modern wedding rings

    AT modern world the shape of the ring, which has no end or beginning, symbolizes endless love, and the metal (gold) symbolizes purity and purity. But if earlier the ring was simply smooth, now most young people choose designer ones. To date, the concept of "engagement" and the concept of "wedding" rings have become synonymous. The future husband and wife exchange them on their wedding day.

    What does a wedding ring mean

    But why did it occur to people to fix the bonds of marriage by putting on a ring? As a "sign" that this man or this woman is "busy"? Maybe you are right. But why do people wear rings at all? The ring is made of metal, and “like begets like,” so marriage must be just as strong.

    On which hand is a wedding ring worn?

    Why do Orthodox citizens wear a wedding ring on their right hand? The right side is associated with truthfulness, reliability, honesty and fidelity, it is also important that it is customary for us to be baptized with our right hand. A wedding ring on the left hand (in Russia) is worn by those who buried their spouse, or after the destruction of marriage and divorce.

    And why is the symbol of marriage ties worn on the ring finger? For example, it is protected by other fingers and therefore does not interfere with work. Or each finger symbolizes relatives: big ones, these are parents, index fingers, these are brothers and sisters, middle ones are you yourself, nameless ones are your closest person. So, it should be worn on the ring finger, which symbolizes the soul mate.

    Wedding rings are a symbol of marriage and marital fidelity.

    Therefore, many people give them a mystical meaning. At different peoples various traditions are associated with them.

    Today, the custom of wearing wedding rings exists in almost all countries.

    However, different peoples have significantly different ways of wearing and wedding omens associated with them.

    Even scientists have not come to a consensus about when the first rings appeared and about the reasons for their occurrence.

    What does the ring symbolize?

    According to one version, in ancient times, when the presence of any rings: gold, silver, iron, testified to the well-being of their owner.

    The future husband brought them as a gift to the parents of his bride as a sign that he was able to support his wife and she would not need anything.

    According to another theory, in ancient times the ring symbolized infinity Therefore, putting on this symbolic decoration, the newlyweds made a vow of boundless and immortal love.

    The third version says that the rings are the links of the chain that connected the husband and wife. The couple wore them as a sign of the inviolability of the bonds by which they were bound.

    How is it customary to wear wedding rings?

    On the left hand

    As a result of archaeological excavations, scientists were able to discover that the first wedding rings appeared in ancient Egypt.

    Noble spouses wore gold and silver rings, the poor - copper and iron.

    It is known that long before our era, Egyptian healers had a good knowledge of human anatomy. They believed that there was a nerve that runs from the heart to the ring finger of the left hand. Therefore, wedding rings began to be worn on this finger.

    True, in some parts of Egypt and Ancient Israel, wedding rings were worn on the middle finger of the left hand. This is how, according to legend, Saint Joseph and the Virgin Mary got engaged.

    During the Middle Ages, autopsies were forbidden to doctors, as a result of which all knowledge about anatomy was drawn from ancient manuscripts. The nerve supposedly connecting the left hand and the heart has been poetically called the "artery of love."

    However, at that time the way of wearing wedding decoration completely dependent on the decree of the ruler. Many kings, sovereign dukes and counts issued decrees on exactly how wedding rings should be worn. There were exactly ten options: in some countries, rings were even worn on the thumbs.

    Over time, a historical tradition has developed, according to which, in Catholic and Protestant countries, wedding rings are worn on the ring finger of the left hand. This is how it is done in England, France, Germany, Austria, USA, Canada, Spain, Mexico, Brazil, Australia. Catholic theologians explain this by saying that the left hand is closer to the heart.

    Muslims also adhere to the custom of wearing the symbol of marital fidelity on the left hand.

    However, in many Muslim countries, only women wear such rings, since it is considered bad luck for men to wear gold jewelry. Therefore, Muslim men usually either do not wear wedding rings at all, or wear silver ones.

    Gypsies generally prefer to wear them around their necks, on gold chains.

    On the right hand

    In Orthodoxy, everything related to the right side of the body is considered correct.

    Accordingly, wedding rings in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Greece, Serbia, are put on ring finger of the right hand.

    Widows and widowers wear their rings on the ring finger of the left hand (in Catholic and Protestant countries - on the ring finger of the right).


    Man is so arranged that even in accidents he sometimes looks for secret signs of fate. And it would be strange if a lot of objects and superstitions were not associated with wedding rings - a symbol of marital ties.

    It's believed that in no case should you give your wedding ring to anyone to try on or put on.

    If such a request is made by a completely obsessive person who you don’t want to offend, then you can put the ring on the table so as not to pass it from hand to hand.

    The ring should be returned in the same manner - across the table, and even better - before putting it on, hold it a little under running water or in a salt solution.

    It is considered a lucky omen if the newlyweds are engaged with the same rings as their grandparents, who have lived in peace and harmony for many years, and by the time of the wedding of their grandchildren are still alive. To use the rings of divorced or dead people is for worse.

    In many northern countries, there was a custom before the wedding to freeze both rings in a small amount of water: thawing, they allegedly remember that they were once a single whole, and will always reach out to each other.