In which countries of the world celebrate the new year. New Year in different countries of the world. How to meet and celebrate the new year in Germany: traditions

For one year in the world under different religions and different nations New Year is celebrated on different days.

1st of January New Year officially begins in most countries of the world that live according to the Gregorian calendar.

January 14 throughout the CIS celebrate the Old New Year, it is considered the beginning of the year in Greece. This is the day of St. Basil, who was once famous for his kindness and special love for children.

On the first new moon after January 21(in different years he will be met in the interval from January 21 to February 20) the New Year is coming according to Eastern calendar, which is followed by countries such as China, Vietnam, Singapore, Korea, Mongolia, Malaysia, etc.

On the first day of the holy month of Muharram in Islamic countries, the Hijri New Year begins (starting from July 16, 622 according to the Gregorian calendar, each next Hijri New Year comes 11 days earlier than the previous one). The 1st Muhharam is not included in the number of Islamic holidays and, accordingly, in most Muslim countries, the New Year is not celebrated as a holiday in the secular sense. On this day, a sermon is read in mosques dedicated to the moving of the Prophet Muhammad from Mecca to Medina.

24 February indian holiday Holi New Year. (In India, the New Year is celebrated several times on different days).

10th of March The people of Kashmir begin to celebrate the New Year in India and continue to celebrate it until the end of the New Year celebrations in all Indian states.

On the night of March 21-22 The New Year comes to countries living according to the Persian calendar: Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Iran, Pakistan, Azerbaijan. March 22 is called "Novruz" - the first day of the New Year.

On the first day of the waxing moon in the Hindu month of Chaitra (late March-early April Gregorian), the Indian New Year, Gudi Padva, is celebrated.

In the period from 12 to 17 April New Year is celebrated in Burma. It falls on the most sultry and hot days there. The exact day of the celebration is announced by the Ministry of Culture by a special decree, and the celebrations last for three days.

April 13 Thai New Year Songkran is celebrated. On the same day, the people of West Bengal celebrate the New Year in India.

14th of April New Year is coming to Laos. This is the start of the long awaited rainy season. On the same day, Indians from Tamil Nadu celebrate the arrival of the New Year, and this day coincides with the official onset of spring.

1st and 2nd of the month of Tishri according to the Jewish calendar(usually September Gregorian) New Year is celebrated in Israel, where it is called Rosh Hashanah.

11 September Ethiopian New Year is coming, which marks the end of the rainy season in Ethiopia.

October 7th new year holidays come to the Gambia and Indonesia. For locals, this is a special date - you can wear your own best outfits, preen, ask each other for forgiveness for all grievances and enter the New Year with a clear conscience.

Night from October 31 to November 1, known in Catholic countries as "Halloween", is considered the beginning of the New Year among the Celtic peoples, and they call it "Samhain". This date is especially important in Scotland, Ireland and the Isle of Man, where the descendants of the ancient Celts still live and keep centuries-old customs.

November 18th one year is replaced by another in the territory of the Hawaiian Islands, Oceania and Yemen. In these regions, the New Year is celebrated later than everyone else, when other countries are already preparing to celebrate the next year.

It doesn’t matter what skin color you have, the shape of your eyes, and what time zone you live in. New Year unites all nations without exception. Only here it is celebrated in different ways everywhere. In France it is very important to hug a barrel of wine, in Cuba it is very important to pour water out of the window, in Ireland they cook three types of puddings, and in Bulgaria it is customary to kiss for three minutes with the lights off. Read about the rest of the features below!


On New Year's Eve, barrels of tar on fire roll down the Scottish streets. So the inhabitants say goodbye to the old year and let in a new one. According to legend, if a dark-haired man with gifts enters the door first in the new year, then throughout the coming year the family will be lucky.


Hot Italians believe that New Year you need to start “light”, freeing yourself from unnecessary things and excess rubbish. So do not be surprised when, walking around the city, you see how irons, old tables, chairs and other utensils will fly from the balconies.


On New Year's Eve, people come here with large and small stones, which they throw at the doorstep and give a speech charged with wealth and success. Instead of traditional socks, children leave their shoes near the fireplace, hoping that St. Basil will tamp them down with gifts.


New Year in China can be confused with Slavic holiday Ivan Kupala. On this day, the Chinese walk in soaking wet clothes, and all because during New Year's greetings it is customary to pour water on oneself.


The inhabitants of Labrador keep their turnips from their summer harvest. By the holiday, a recess is made in it, lit candles are placed inside and given to children. And every Christmas morning, merry songs are heard from the houses.


The Dutch Santa Claus arrives in the country on a ship, and the kid enthusiastically meets his hero on the pier. Generous grey-haired grandfather loves funny contests, drawings and prizes, gives children marzipans, candy flowers and all kinds of toys.


For health and good luck, Japanese children celebrate the New Year in new clothes. In the first seconds of the holiday, you need to laugh, and the rake is considered the most popular New Year's accessory. They are more convenient to rake in happiness. For longevity and fidelity, the front door is decorated with bamboo and pine branches.


New Year is a day of prayers. On the eve of the holiday, the Israelites eat sweet food and try not to eat bitter food. Each meal does not pass without a prayer, and on the first day of the coming year, believers go to the water and say the Tashlih prayer.


In the first second of the New Year, it is customary to whistle into children's horns and tubes. This helps to drive away evil spirits from the home, to call for happiness and prosperity.


Perhaps the loudest New Year. At midnight, all the bells are ringing, sirens and cars are buzzing. The Panamanians themselves are also not far behind - they scream and knock from the heart with everything that comes to hand. It is believed that with such noise the inhabitants appease the coming year.


New Year coincides with early spring. At this time, it is customary to give peach tree branches with swollen buds. On New Year's Eve, all grievances are forgiven, quarrels are forgotten. The Vietnamese used to believe that Santa Claus floated on the back of a carp. And even now, some of them buy live carp and then release it into the river.


To say goodbye to all the sad moments in the old year, Ecuadorians throw a glass of water into the street, with fragments of which everything bad is broken. For the monetary year, residents wear yellow-colored underwear, and for happiness in their personal lives, they wear red.

All kids are looking forward to the New Year holidays, because this time is usually remembered by the abundance of various sweets and amazing gifts. Of course, for kids this part of the holiday is the main one, but do not forget that Grandfather Frost brings gifts not only to obedient children, but also to those who know the history of the New Year. Therefore, it is better for us to prepare in advance for the holiday and still get acquainted with the history of the New Year in our country. We will also get acquainted with the most interesting and unusual traditions of celebrating the New Year from other peoples, and perhaps we will borrow several rituals from them. We are used to celebrating the New Year on the night when the last month of the year ends, although earlier everything was somewhat different.

By the way, in some countries of the world, the New Year celebration falls on a different month of a completely different time of the year.

So, let's find out how and when we celebrated the New Year some time ago. The history of the new year is interesting for both children and adults. In addition, we will meet some interesting facts about new year celebrations in other countries.

History of the New Year - for children and adults

The holiday was March 1st. Imagine celebrating the New Year without snow, gloomy skies and severe frost? Of course, our March most often resembles January, but, nevertheless, not everyone would like the spring New Year.

It is unlikely that people used to think about the nuances of the celebration, because they had completely different concerns at that time. Well, for us, the lack of New Year's mood may seem like a real tragedy.

Why did March become the starting point of the new year? But the fact is that it was in this month that people were already actively preparing for sowing fields, because their comfortable existence directly depended on the harvest.

Therefore, they tried their best to meet the next year so that it would bring them a rich harvest. By the way, the lighting of garlands in this magical time originated from that time. After all, among the Slavs, lighting fires meant that this year the harvest should be rich.

New Year September 1st. But, already with the adoption of Christianity, everything changed, and the New Year began to be celebrated on September 1, when most of the harvest had already been harvested.

It was in such a season that people could arrange a real holiday with an abundance of delicious dishes.

Holiday New Year January 1. But since 1700, Peter l gave a decree that said that the countdown of the new year would begin on January 1, as in other European countries.

It was at this time that a tradition appeared to decorate an ordinary spruce with various decorations that help it transform into a real New Year's tree.

Since then, people have begun to celebrate the New Year according to all the traditions that we have long been accustomed to.

Pompous celebrations were held, accompanied by fireworks and costumed festivities.

New Year is a holiday story for children. Traditions of different countries

The New Year traditions of some countries may seem somewhat “wild” to us, although they are familiar to their inhabitants.

Perhaps some of our customs may cause some surprise, but this does not mean that they should not be respected, right?

Let's get acquainted with how people used to celebrate this amazing night in different countries. It is interesting that absolutely identical traditions do not exist, even in neighboring countries.

We will talk about how the New Year is celebrated in different countries, we will consider only the most interesting examples of celebrations that will definitely surprise you with their unusualness.

1. England

Exactly at midnight, the British open the doors to the backyard so that all the bad things that happened in the past year leave this house.

So, they not only say goodbye to past troubles, but also see off all the good things that happened this year. Such a ceremony is carried out with the onset of midnight.

But before the clock shows one minute of the new year, you need to have time to open the front door. That's right, they seem to invite the New Year not only to their home, but also to their lives.

In addition to the New Year tree, the British decorate their homes with mistletoe sprigs, which are placed above the doorway. A rather tricky move, because those two who find themselves under such a plant will have to kiss.

2. Hungary

Interestingly, the Hungarians most often call the New Year's holiday "Sylvester", and this is due to the fact that the beginning of the celebration falls on the evening of December 31st. It is this day that the Hungarians consider Sylvester's Day.

Everyone prepares for such a holiday in their own way, but, in the first seconds of the new year, everyone, as one, begins to blow various whistles and pipes.

Thus, people simultaneously drive out evil spirits from their own homes, and invite joy into the house, with the help of sounds emanating from a festive klaxon.

3. Germany

A minute before the clock strikes "New Year", everyone sitting at the festive table climbs into their chairs and waits for midnight.

With the first chime of the clock, everyone standing on the chairs jumps off them at one moment, as if moving into the new year. Imagine how much noise there will be in a house where many children live.

4. Italy

Well, the Italians even celebrate the New Year in their classic style. Everyone has heard about Italian quarrels, the consequences of which are tons of broken dishes, so they are definitely not going to change their traditions on New Year's Eve.

People are throwing out of the windows the same broken dishes that have accumulated over last year. But besides this, old furniture and clothes are thrown out of the window.

But even such unnecessary things need to be seen off correctly, therefore, crackers and confetti fly after them.

Such a rite may seem somewhat wasteful, but the Italians are not at all worried about this.

They are not afraid to get rid of the old, because a new purchase always brings a lot of joy.

Well, children, instead of the usual Santa Claus, are waiting for the sorceress Befana. According to legend, she arrives on her broom only once a year, on New Year's Eve, and gives children gifts that they have been dreaming of all year.

Children, along with their parents, hang small shoes on the fireplace that evening for the sorceress to fill them with gifts.

5. Spain

This people has its own bizarre traditions, one of which is eating grapes. Moreover, the Spaniards eat it only in a certain amount, which is equal to the number 12. Thus, they salute each of the months of the next year.

6. Scandinavia

This people probably broke all records in the category of the most unusual New Year's traditions. After all, not everyone will grunt on New Year's Eve, right? And their custom just implies grunting, and they do it under the table.

The Scandinavians are sure that in this way you can easily drive away all the troubles from your family. In general, not so much bad way and most importantly, fun.

7. China

Have you seen Chinese lanterns at least once in your life? Yes, of course they saw, because they are considered almost the most striking symbol of modern China. So, the New Year, just, is considered the festival of lanterns.

It is interesting that this holiday is celebrated every time in different ways, or rather, its date changes. That is, absolutely any date can be the starting point of the new year.

But, do not think that the numbers are chosen randomly, they are not at all. In terms of holidays, the Chinese always follow the calendar.

Let's move on to the celebration. It consists in lighting the very orange lanterns that we associate with this country.

But, their main purpose is not at all aesthetic. People believe that only such flashlights are able to drive away all evil spirits.

8. Japan

On New Year's Eve, Japanese children dress up in new clothes, which should bring prosperity to the family. In addition, there is a special task for children.

We are used to writing a letter to Santa Claus, in which the secret of the greatest children's desire will be revealed.

But the kids of this people depict their dream on a blank sheet of paper using paints or pencils. It is believed that this is how it can be achieved.

9. India

Surprisingly, in India, the New Year is celebrated as many as eight times. Imagine, we don’t always survive even one night, but there we have to responsibly meet the same year all eight nights a year.

By the way, on one of these celebrations, they have to eat leaves of the neem-neem tree, which are not very tasty, to say the least.

It tastes quite bitter, but people have to do it, because their faith is much stronger. They believe that the foliage of this tree will help maintain health, and also help to cope with any troubles.

10. Bulgaria

But in this country, people are accustomed to celebrating the coming year at home, in general, just like in our country. This holiday is considered a family holiday, so only the closest people are present at the festive table.

Himself younger child solemnly put on a stool near the Christmas tree, and the baby happily sings New Year's carols. He wishes well-being to all present, for which they give the baby gifts.

11. Cuba

The Cubans have one interesting custom, which is to fill all the vessels with water. And exactly at midnight, all the water pours out of the windows. In this way, people see off the outgoing year.

12. France

The kids find their gifts left by Per-Noel, not under the tree, as we are used to, but in small shoes. They are hung right on the fireplace or left near it.

A bean is hidden in the birthday cake that is baked every year. The one who finds it will be called the "bean king", which means that all the wishes of the king will have to be fulfilled this very minute. But such a small piece of power goes to the winner only for one night.

13. Sweden

Every year, the children pre-select their Queen Lucie, who will be dressed in a white robe (she is the queen of light, after all).

Her main task is to distribute all the gifts intended only for obedient children. In addition, she does not bypass pets.

What is Santa Claus called in other countries?

We are accustomed to calling such a character “Frost”, probably only for our fierce winters.

Our grandfather is dressed in a warm red coat that will keep him warm in the January frosts. He has a long gray beard, and on his head is a red hat in the season of a fur coat.

Every child knows Santa Claus, and looks forward to seeing him every year. But he usually comes not alone, but with his assistant - the Snow Maiden, who helps him distribute gifts to all obedient kids.

Here, for example, in Western European countries, as well as in America, they used to call such a festive character Santa Claus.

He, for the most part, looks like our Santa Claus, because he also wears a red suit, decorated with white fur.

Only Santa Claus has a cap on his head, instead of a hat. In addition, he has a heavier build.

But in Sweden such new year symbol whole two. The first grandfather was called Yultomten, and the second was named Yulnissaar. Both characters take part in the process of giving New Year's gifts, which they leave on the windowsills in children's rooms.

Finland she was most remembered for her "Santa Claus", who received the name Joulupukki. He is also wearing a red suit, which is complemented by a cone-shaped red hat. His assistants can be called gnomes, who are dressed in colorful costumes.

France also could not stop at one character, so they also have two Santa Clauses. One gives children gifts that they have long dreamed of, and he brings them in a wicker basket. The other plays the role of a negative character, who, every now and then, punishes naughty children.

in Italy the role of Santa Claus is played by the fairy Befana, who flies into the house on a broomstick through the chimney. She leaves gifts only for obedient children, but for those who did not behave very well this year, she leaves only ashes.

It does not matter exactly how to celebrate the New Year, and most importantly, that all relatives are nearby, and wishes come true at the click of a finger.

And, of course, gifts should correspond to the desire of every child who has been waiting for this magical night all year. And it doesn't matter who brings the gift - Santa Claus or a fairy, because in any case, it will be delivered to the child.

I hope the story of the New Year for children will be interesting and informative. Remember, the most important thing is to believe in a fairy tale, regardless of age. And don't forget to believe in miracles, because only your faith fuels them.

New Year's Eve is undoubtedly the favorite holiday of children. Each kid is waiting for something magical from this holiday, decorates the Christmas tree with joy and looks forward to the arrival of the main magician - Santa Claus. Have you ever wondered - what is the history of this fabulous holiday? Today I propose to plunge into the past and study a little the history of the celebration of this solemn day. Certainly, every child will be interested to learn the traditions and customs of the inhabitants of past centuries. And besides, such an entertaining story will also expand the horizons of the baby.

New Year's story for children preschool age always more interesting, fabulous, covered in secrets. Children listen with bated breath. After all, this is a favorite holiday for children. Santa Claus, Christmas tree, gifts, it's so exciting and reverent.

The story of the new year for children in Russia

The most unexpected fact of the celebration of the New Year in Rus' is that this day was not always celebrated on the first of January, as we all used to think.

For a rather long period, the beginning of the year was celebrated on March 1st. Such a reckoning began in 988, when Prince Vladimir adopted Christianity in Rus'.

The first day of spring was chosen for the beginning of the year not by chance, because it was from that day that work began in the fields, and the earth came to life again after wintering.

Already in those distant times, people dressed up Christmas trees and lit lights on them. It was believed that the more shining lights on the tree, the more fruitful the coming year would be. The lights, of course, were not at all what we see them now.

Our ancestors used candles for festive lighting, which were installed in glass containers.

By the way, not only spruce acted as a New Year's tree, it could be any other tree. And they decorated it with sweets, nuts or fruits.

A little later, a tradition appeared to celebrate the New Year in September, and March 1 remained the beginning of the year according to the church calendar.

In this regard, there was some confusion with the celebration, so the Russian Tsar issued a decree to postpone the holiday to September 1.

The New Year was celebrated mainly in city squares, near churches and temples. In the morning, the king went out to the people and distributed alms. On this day, every person had the right to turn to the king with their petitions and problems.

Each family laid tables for the New Year with an abundance of delicious dishes. Especially popular were pies, often baked from pea flour.

Fish, meat, berries were used as fillings. Pancakes and pancakes were also baked to the table. From drinks, the ancient Slavs preferred to prepare berry jelly.

Adults prepared alcoholic drinks in advance, based on berries, fruits and yeast. Of the vegetables on the festive tables, radishes and turnips were usually present, both in salads and cut into pieces.

The meat of ducks or geese was also cooked, they were baked on coals. The Slavs decorated the huts with spruce branches.

In 1699, Peter the Great issued a decree abolishing the celebration of the New Year on September 1. Since that time, the holiday was officially postponed to January 1.

Peter the Great was very fond of European traditions, so he tried to make life in Rus' appropriate.

Since that time, the New Year has become a cheerful and noisy holiday, the king even built the first fireworks rocket.

In addition, it was customary to shoot guns and cannons to all residents to make the holiday seem even more grandiose.

They began to celebrate the beginning of the year until the very morning, singing songs and exchanging prepared gifts.

But everyone's favorite wizard appeared later. More precisely, he was before, but in a different guise. It was just a fairy-tale character who had incredible generosity. The New Year's hero was extremely kind and brought gifts to each kid.

But the usual clothes - a red coat, a staff and a long beard, the wizard received only by the middle of the 19th century, in other matters, like modern name- Father Frost.

And a little later, he also had an assistant - the granddaughter of the Snow Maiden.

An interesting fact is that the New Year's wizard is a fantasy not only of the Russian people. Each country has such a good companion of the holiday, only in each of the countries it has its own name.

History of the New Year in other countries

Now consider how the New Year is celebrated in other countries.


In Japan, the familiar Santa Claus is called Oji-san. And the New Year's holiday itself lasts almost a month, starting from December 25th.

Residents decorate their houses with spruce branches or olive branches. It is believed that this promises wealth in the coming year.

Before the holiday, the Japanese visit temples and treat each other with rice cakes. Moreover, the color of these cakes should be pink or white, since these colors, according to the inhabitants of Japan, bring happiness and good luck in their endeavors.


The Chinese magician is called Sho-Hin, and the festival itself falls in February. The holiday is very noisy, with the use of all kinds of firecrackers, firecrackers and fireworks.

The Chinese are sure that the more they have fun and make noise on New Year's Eve, the more they will frighten evil spirits and drive them away as far as possible.


But in hot Thailand, the beginning of the year falls on April 13th. To attract good luck, Thais pour water over the Buddha Statues with jasmine or pink flower petals.

However, not only the Statues get it, every resident who finds himself on the street on a holiday falls under the festive shower.

According to tradition, the inhabitants of this country prepare in advance a mass of water pistols and various spray devices in order to in an unusual way congratulate acquaintances and strangers met people.


On the eve of the holiday, residents spend funny carols, and then go for festive table. As an obligatory treat in every home, there is a sweet berry pie, a piece of which is left for St. Basil.

One more interesting tradition is the scattering of a pomegranate by the head of the family. The bottom line is that when falling, the pomegranate shatters into many grains, and the more grains scatter, the more successful the coming year will be.


In Turkey, New Year falls on January 1st. Residents decorate Christmas trees in advance, decorate their homes with lights. On a rich festive table, there is always a stuffed turkey, fresh fruits, and various sweets.

Children consider St. Nicholas to be the main Magician, to whom they write letters in advance with wishes for gifts.


Germany, like Russia, celebrates the holiday on January 1st. However, the table is a little poorer than it is customary to set in Russia.

The main dish of the New Year's table is baked carp. The Germans also like to decorate the table with fresh fruit, champagne, punches, sweet pies or cakes.

But gifts in this country are not given at the beginning of the year, and if they are, they are purely symbolic - in the form of postcards or magnets with the symbol of the coming year.

The thing is that a week before that, Germany celebrates Christmas. And this holiday is celebrated more, so residents exchange gifts on December 25th.


Residents of Switzerland celebrate the New Year on the night of December 31 to January 1. Everything around in this country becomes bright and festive.

Streets, shop windows, houses and yards are decorated. In each city, street fairs begin to operate, where you can buy various souvenirs, Christmas tree decorations and handicrafts.

In the center of the fair flaunts green forest beauty in flames.

The holiday usually begins with a family feast. Goodies are usually used to make fondue, homemade cookies, different kinds cheeses.

And from drinks, the Swiss especially respect hot chocolate or champagne.

Despite such different traditions and even the dates of the celebration of the New Year, each of us is looking forward to the holiday. It's so nice, at least for a moment, but still to return to childhood and believe in magic a little ...

Presentation on the theme of the New Year. The history of the holiday - video

How the New Year is celebrated in different countries, history and traditions - all about beauty and health

New Year is the main holiday in many states. Each country has its own special traditions and customs by which it should be met.

Chinese New Year Celebration is strikingly different from how the Slavic people are used to meeting him. The first thing that is shocking is the fact that the holiday comes on a different date every year depending on lunar calendar. In addition, people associate their New Year with " Spring Festival”And from ancient times it was celebrated in an extremely strange way: locked themselves in houses and feared a terrible monster.

People didn't leave their houses they prayed, ate and drank, as on the last day of their lives. In the morning, those who survived until morning ran out into the streets. They wanted to know the extent of the damage done Nianom(the name of that terrible monster) and check all your loved ones.

This went on until it became clear that the monster is very afraid of red, bright flashes and loud noise. People began to dress themselves in bright clothes, light fires, sing and dance loudly, knock, blow up firecrackers and fireworks.

Nian - a terrible monster for the Chinese, emerging from the water on New Year's Eve

New Year is an occasion for every Chinese stock up on a lot of pyrotechnics. We can say with confidence that it was the Chinese who laid the foundation for such a stormy tradition of celebrating the holiday, which migrated to other nations.

Except Nian it was customary to scare away all possible evil spirits flying around the city that day and looking for shelter. If a person did not make noise and did not drive them away, ghosts settled in his house and harassed the unfortunate until the next Chun Ze.

At the same time, modern Chinese people considers New Year a family holiday. This day is accepted lay a rich table. If a person, for any serious reason, could not attend the feast, a place is still left for him that no one can take.

After dinner is over, every adult should give his child money. This gift does not have any strict limits on the amount, but must be presented in a red envelope(the color of wealth, happiness and prosperity). It was believed that the donated money could change a person's life for the better.

A red envelope in China is the best gift

INTERESTING: Now the Chinese can give each other paper bills, but in ancient times it was customary to give a necklace made exactly from a hundred coins. Each person did it on their own. This gift was considered the most best congratulations and a wish to live a hundred years.

There is another interesting New Year's habit in modern China and it is called "First Exit". She assumes that after the celebration, a person will leave the house and take exactly six steps in the direction that the horoscope considers favorable and happy this year. After that, you need to go back. This is necessary for luck and joy in the future.

Festive parade on the streets of China

Lighting holiday lanterns

New Year's decor

holiday fireworks

Festive table

How to meet and celebrate the new year in Italy: traditions

Like any country Italy carefully prepares for the meeting of the "winter" holidays: decorates streets and squares, hangs bows of red ribbons, puts flower beds in order. new year people perceived with a good mood and sense of humor, for example, in Venice it is customary to wear hats and a beard of Santa Claus on each symbol of the city - the Venetian lion.

INTERESTING: As in China, Italy believes red color symbol of new year and a talisman that protects a person from evil and brings him good luck. That is why every self-respecting Italian on this day should put on something red: dress, shirt, pants, vest, tie, bow tie, socks.

Italy at New Year's Eve

The most unusual italian traditionget rid of old and unnecessary things. This is done in the most unexpected way - by throwing it out the window. That is why tourists are advised not to walk along the beautiful night streets of Italy, or to wear a helmet on their heads.

No one is immune from the fact that instead of an old worn T-shirt, a person will not throw a frying pan out of the window. You can also freely walk on the roadway, because traffic on New Year's Eve in Italy is limited.

INTERESTING: In addition to the fact that the Italians throw out the trash, it is not uncommon for money to fall from the windows. This happens because, according to the good old tradition it is customary to put a small amount of coins on the windowsill luck next year.

Throwing old things out the window is an Italian tradition.

It's no secret to anyone that Italians love and respect food y. They love to eat delicious food every day, and especially on New Year's Eve. Festive dinner in Italy called "Saint Sylvester's Dinner".

Need to start it not earlier than nine o'clock in the evening and lasts mostly until midnight. What's interesting is that the table must have at least seven different dishes. There must be lentils, nuts, pork, red caviar and grapes in any form!

INTERESTING: It is customary to eat pork legs at the New Year's table in honor of the outgoing old year. Pork is a very important product for Italians. In addition to legs, they are happy to cook pork head, sausage and stew.

Italian New Year's table

Unlike pork, don't eat chicken, because they consider the bird not quick and stupid. But if you eat at least a spoonful of caviar, you will bring yourself wealth and good luck. The feast should end with delicious pies and wine.

INTERESTING: Drinking on New Year's Eve in Italy champagne and beer are not accepted. Moreover, it is considered bad manners and a bad omen for the coming year.

The funniest Italian new year traditioneat 12 grapes under the chiming clock. It is believed that if a person manages to eat one berry with each blow, then he will be very agile and happy next year.

In addition, not everyone knows that this tradition has a continuation! Exactly at 12 o'clock at night, after the last stroke of the clock the light goes out for a few seconds. This is necessary in order to people at the table kissed each other!

Twelve grapes - New Year's tradition

After 12 midnight people start taking to the streets and continue your fun. In Rome, for example, the most popular place to celebrate the New Year is main square. Here accepted launch fireworks. The superstition of the Italians makes them pay attention to every little thing on the night of the celebration: who they met, how the night went. For example:

  • Meet the old man - good luck
  • Meet the priest - to disappointment
  • Meet a small child - for fun
  • To meet a humpbacked man is a sign of money and prosperity.

In addition, if an Italian goes to visit on New Year's Eve, he should definitely take a bottle of clean water with you. It should be presented to the owners, wishing to find new energy next year. After the festivities in Italy, it is customary to sleep until dinner and then sit down at the festive table again.

The usual Santa Claus or Santa Claus in Italy is called Bobbo Natale. It arose in this country quite recently, in the 19th century, its image was adopted in American culture. Together with Bobbo, a good fairy named Befana comes to the children's houses.

What's interesting is that the fairy does not look attractive and her appearance is comparable to Baba Yaga. Bobbo Natale leaves gifts under the tree, and Befana puts surprises in stockings over the fireplace. If the child behaved badly, then in socks he finds coals instead of sweets.

Bobbo Natale

Celebration in Venice

Fairy Beffan

Celebration in Italy

How to meet and celebrate the new year in England: traditions

In England celebrate Christmas and New Year. As in Italy, Christmas is treated with trepidation here, spending it with loved ones and family members, and New Year's Eve with friends. Instead of Santa Claus, it is customary to call the main wizard here Santa Claus. Across the country, two weeks before the holidays, special performances for children and adults start.

Holiday parades fill the streets of the country in which loved ones take part fairy tale characters: Humpty Dumpty, Pancha, March Hare, Lord Mess. Anyone can buy on the shelves of street vendors colorful masks, crackers, whistles, sparklers and toys. On New Year's Eve it is customary to make noise, have fun, sing and dance.

INTERESTING: Congratulating each other with holiday cards is a tradition that originated in England. It was here that the first card with wishes and drawings was sent in 1843 in London.

The English New Year's tradition suggests that children, going to bed, will set out a large plate. This plate Santa Claus must put gifts. They believe that their home Santa comes on a donkey and therefore he should be appeased as well. To do this, leave some hay or oats in stockings over the fireplace.

The fact that in England the new year has come, It is customary to announce by ringing a bell. There is a tradition that if a couple in love kisses to the sound of the New Year's bell, they will spend the whole New Year together.

The main dish on the English New Year's table is fried turkey. It is customary to cook it with potatoes and chestnuts. In addition, meat pie, pudding and Brussels sprouts are served on the table as a side dish.

holiday fireworks

Festive table

Festive decor

How is the new year celebrated in Japan?

New Year's Eve the streets of the country are full of holiday fairs with gifts, clothes and goodies. Every Japanese should buy hamaimi- these are peculiar arrows that serve as a traditional amulet against evil spirits. It is also necessary to have takarabune- special boats filled with food (rice, lentils, beans). They bring their owners prosperity and good luck in the coming year.

INTERESTING: In Japan, it is also customary to decorate a festive tree - a pine tree. But, this tree is not natural, but made from bamboo, straw and ferns.

Holiday Home Decor: Motebana

ancient japanese tradition- decorate the house with a motebana. These are bamboo branches painted with bright colors. You need to hang a moteban in a conspicuous place to appease the Gods. In addition, it is obligatory at 12 o'clock at night ring a Buddhist bell exactly 108 times. This will attract the God of Happiness.

New Year in Japan is accepted celebrate at home with a family dinner. Making noise and having fun is not accepted, on the contrary, you need to sit quietly and remember the events of the past year. After the feast, everyone begins to read the presented cards and review the gifts.

Japanese goodies for the New Year

Outfit for New Year's Eve

New Year's parade in Japan

How do they meet and celebrate the new year in America?

Christmas in America is more important than the New Year. On Christmas all family members gather at a rich table, to have dinner. Comes to the children at night Santa Claus and leaves gifts under the tree and in stockings on the fireplace. The kids, in turn, leave a glass of milk and cookies for Santa so that he can have a bite to eat after a long journey.

Nonetheless, New Year's Eve is also celebrated in the United States on a grand scale.. It is customary to meet him with friends and relatives. Some love celebrate the New Year in public places. In any case, the streets of the country are "noisy", people are having fun, shouting and setting off fireworks.

One of the brightest New Year's Eve traditions in New York is lowering the ball. This has been done since 1097. On the night of December 31 at exactly 11:59 pm, a huge ball falls from a 23-meter height of the attraction, for the last ten seconds people count together and loudly on their own. Exactly at 00:00 the ball reaches its lowest point.

INTERESTING: One of the most popular traditions for Americans is kiss the person you're standing next to, exactly on the last chiming clock. Also, if two people happen to be under mistletoe bush, hung as a decorative ornament, they should kiss.

Decoration of the house, yard

Celebrating in the streets of New York

holiday fireworks

Santa Claus

Christmas ball in New York

Lowering the Christmas ball

How to meet and celebrate the new year in Germany: traditions

The Germans are used to celebrating the New Year only in the circle of close people. Meet the holiday being alone is a bad omen. If you do not have company, just go outside and start congratulating all the passers-by.

In addition, your housing must be prepared for the New Year. Be sure every German decorates the door with a Christmas wreath in early December and thus start the countdown to the holidays.

In the German traditions of preparing for the New Year, it is of great importance festive table and a beautiful elegant Christmas tree. The tree must be large and lush, richly decorated with garlands, toys, tinsel. The main New Year's dish - stollen. This is a baked goose, it is customary to drink it with mulled wine.

Festive stollen

At the beginning of December, every child in Germany receives advent calendar- This is a special calendar for December, counting down the days until the holidays. Instead of Santa Claus, Saint Nicholas comes to the house, leaving gifts all over the house: under the tree, in stockings, under pillows.

advent calendar

New Year's parade in Germany

Saint Nicholas

Celebration in Germany

How is the New Year celebrated in Spain?

Celebrate the New Year in Spain noisy and loud and definitely - not at home. That is why most Spaniards have fun in clubs, restaurants, cafes. The streets are decorated with festive processions and magnificent carnival festivities, large figures with the symbols of Christmas and New Year appear, scattering sweets, coins, tinsel.

Celebrate the New Year in Spain until morning. Every self-respecting Spaniard on New Year's Eve be sure to treat loved ones and strangers with sweets and goodies: nuts, honey, wine. New Year's Eve is a must have red in your wardrobe which will bring good luck and wealth in the coming year. Decorate your home with flowers poinsettia.

INTERESTING: There is no Santa Claus in Spain, but there is Papa Noel. He is dressed in a bright embroidered suit. He walks around the city and throws gifts on the balconies. It is interesting that in his hands he is far from a staff, but a bottle of wine. Paella, turkey, jamon, melon, wine must decorate the New Year's table.

Celebration in Spain Fun for the New Year in Spain

New Year's table in Spain

How is the new year celebrated in India?

Indian New Year- this is big family holiday that collects all at a rich table. The place of the Christmas tree here is elegant and decorated with tinsel and toys. mango tree. Interestingly, instead of Santa Claus, people expect the arrival Christmas women with gifts. It is customary to decorate a home with banana leaves and bright lamps.

The attitude towards alcohol in India is strict, but it is on New Year's holidays drinking strong drinks and being tipsy is officially allowed absolutely everyone: men, women, policemen. It is not customary for women to celebrate the New Year alone, they should be next to their husbands or parents (unmarried).

New Year's Eve Celebration in India

How to meet and celebrate the new year in Finland: traditions

In Finland the celebration traditionally falls on the night of December 31 to January 1. The traditions and customs of this celebration are very similar to the Slavic ones. Finnish holiday is very similar to a fairy tale: lights, decorations on houses, elegant Christmas trees, elves and, of course, Santa Claus.

Fun, songs, masquerades and festive processions in Finland lasts until January 1. The scope of the holiday is simply impressive. One of the unusual traditions of celebrating the New Year among the Finns is it is the burning of butterflies smeared with tar. Watching such a butterfly burn, people see off all the failures and problems that happened to them last year.

Another ancient tradition honor dead ancestors. This must be done a few days before the New Year. You just need to come to the cemetery and light memorial candles. Such lights can be found in the New Year's time throughout the country. Besides, with illumination, the Finns try to decorate everything they can: house, facade, roof, doors, windows, yard, trees.

Instead of the traditional Santa Claus, here Joulupukki distributes gifts to children. Two days before the New Year, numerous attractions for locals and tourists: skiing, skating, sledding, snowboarding. The main festive event at this time for the Finns is “ Snow and Ice Festival". Craftsmen carve beautiful realistic figures of fairy-tale characters and people from pieces of ice.


New Year's town in Finland

How to meet and celebrate the new year in Africa: traditions

In Africa, the New Year is perceived by people as the beginning of a new stage of life. On this continent, the celebration was first celebrated in Egypt where the world's first calendar was created. Surprisingly, the arrival of the New Year in those days at the end of September.

In the small tribes of Africa, the New Year, of course, was not counted and was not celebrated. Changes occurred when Africa became a European colony: European traditions also migrated along with the Europeans. Now they celebrate the New Year here traditionally on January 1 and, despite other beliefs, the New Year has little in common with Catholic traditions.

It is worth noting that most of the population of Africa - poor. That's why celebrating the New Year on a grand scale is not customary here. However, this holiday brings families closer, forcing men to return from their earnings to their wives and children. The house is decorated with palm leaves and other plants. For dinner, the hostesses try cook meat dishes, and it is customary to drink home-made beer from hops.

Other New Year's Eve customs in Africa:

  • Kenya and Tanzania celebrate the New Year in the usual way for everyone: a magnificent table, congratulations and gifts. On the first day of the New Year, it is customary to go to church (in many countries Orthodox people and Catholics).
  • in South Africa On New Year's Eve, it is customary to do charity work and make offerings to the poor. This is done by wealthy locals and the government.
  • In West Africa there are a lot of unusual traditions for celebrating the New Year. For example, racing competitions, ritual dances around the fire and self-inflicted wounds with knives.

African New Year Celebration

How is the new year celebrated in Brazil?

New Year in Brazil- This is a cheerful magnificent holiday. If Brazilians celebrate Christmas modestly with their families, then in the New Year they strive leave home and spend time with friends. The streets of all cities literally “whiten” and not from snow, but from the fact that everyone is trying throw paper out the window. This tradition symbolizes the end of the working year.

It's hot in Brazil on New Year's Eve. Flying streets, houses and apartment windows hung with festive lights and garlands. Decorations are not removed until the February carnival. People do not sit in stuffy houses, but celebrate the holiday on the street, in the square and even on the beach. Dress On this day, only white clothes are accepted.

Many intertwined in Brazil customs from different cultures: European, African, Indian. Interestingly, the traditional name of the holiday "New Year" is not used here, but sounds like "fraternity" or "fraternization". This happened because the locals believe that the holiday brings people together so much that everyone can call each other “brother”.

INTERESTING: Exactly at midnight, the black sky of Brazil is filled with bright colors of fireworks, as a sign of the New Year. In these first seconds of the coming year, every Brazilian must jump exactly seven times to be happy and healthy.

Celebration in Brazil

How is the new year celebrated in France?

France after the meeting of Christmas on December 25 are preparing for the celebration New Year. They do it on December 31 in restaurants or cafes, they can just go to visit. The French love celebrate the holiday with delicious food: turkey, chicken, pig. In addition, passers-by can sprinkle each other with sweets.

INTERESTING: An elegant Christmas tree in France is of great importance, it must be beautiful and lush. Colorful Christmas trees are not only in houses, but also decorate the yard. Performances and concerts are held in the cathedrals.

French Santa Claus is called Per Noel. According to custom, he arrives on a donkey and climbs into the house through the chimney. To appease the wizard children put gifts in shoes for him and invariably believe that he will leave them great gifts for good behavior.

The original French New Year's tradition set fire to the log made on Christmas Day. It's done in the street, watching the flames, it follows make a wish. The remaining coals must be collected by each member of the family and keep it for good luck until next year.

INTERESTING: Another original tradition is associated with wine. Those who are engaged in winemaking, or simply appreciate this drink, should wish Happy New Year to the best barrel (bottle) of their wine.

Celebration in France

New Year's Eve Celebration in France

How do they meet and celebrate the new year in the Czech Republic?

Celebration in the Czech Republic begins with "Saint Nicholas Day" December 6. Still, the main holiday is Catholic Christmas . The main dish on the festive table - carp. Fish scales are usually stored under plates. A coin is also placed there, which should bring happiness to the guest.

INTERESTING: The scale of the New Year's carp in the Czech Republic is considered a money amulet and therefore it is often carried in a wallet.

One of the names of Christmas Eve is "Generous Evening". On the table that day should be present at least twelve lenten dishes, moreover, must try each. According to tradition, it is necessary to put an extra plate on the festive table, as they say, for the occasional guest.

INTERESTING: In addition to the fact that carp is the main New Year's dish, on the streets of the Czech Republic you can meet sellers offering small carp fish. Such a fish must be bought and immediately released into the water to attract good luck.

Often New year's night in the Czech Republic is called "Sylvester". On this holiday, the table should also have lots of tasty treats. Main dish - small grain porridge, which will allow "money in pockets". On New Year's Eve, fireworks are also set off, cards and gifts are given to each other.

Celebration in the Czech Republic

Which countries are the first to celebrate the New Year in the world?

The onset of the New Year earlier or later in the countries depends on the time range. If you look at the unfolded map of the world, then visually the New Year "moves" from right to left. That is, New Zealand and Australia are the first to meet him, the last are Hawaiian Islands and Samoa.

Video: “How New Year is celebrated in 10 different countries of the world”