June 1 is the day of protection. International Children's Day is a children's holiday for adults. Interesting traditions in Korea

International Children's Day has been celebrated on June 1 in more than 60 countries for several decades. It was officially celebrated for the first time in 1950, but the origin children's day happened in the 20s of the last century.

Few people know that in 2016, Patriarch Kirill, on the occasion of the International Children's Day, timed a special appeal with an appeal to make donations to support women in crisis. life situation. On May 29, the last Sunday of the month, it was read in every church, accompanied by a collection of funds to create humanitarian aid centers for women who are expecting a baby. Fundraising, which took place throughout the country, brought 38 million rubles, which should be used to create new humanitarian aid centers.

Importance of International Children's Day in Russia

In Russia, the holiday continues to be celebrated on a large scale. It has never been and is not a day off, but it is on this day that schoolchildren's favorite time starts - summer holidays. Sports competitions, competitions, concerts, film screenings and other entertainment events are traditionally held in schools and preschool children's institutions.

Following good traditions, children's drawing competitions are held in city squares and parks. Like decades ago, kids draw the sun, the peaceful sky, mom and dad holding hands on the pavement. Loving parents they try to spend this day with the child and give him a festive mood with the help of affordable entertainment.

Authoritative adults gather to solve pressing issues, and generous sponsors time financial assistance to coincide with the holiday. Particular attention is paid to helping orphanages, large families, kids from dysfunctional families and children with severe illnesses.

Background and history of the International Children's Day

History knows that in 1925, on the very first day of summer, the Consul General of China in San Francisco found children who had lost their parents, and organized for them National holiday- Duan Wu Ze, commonly known as the Dragon Boat Festival. In parallel with this event, the first international conference was held in Geneva on the first day of June, considering the pressing problems of the well-being of the younger generation. These events contributed to the birth of the idea of ​​a holiday dedicated to children.

Officially, the holiday was established in the post-war 1949 at the November Congress of the International Democratic Federation of Women. The first Children's Day in world history was celebrated on June 1, 1950, events dedicated to it were held in 51 countries of the world. The purpose of these events was to draw attention to the non-childish problems of those who cannot fend for themselves on their own. Above all, the organizers wanted to protect children from hunger and war. At this conference, they vowed to do everything possible to maintain peace throughout the planet.

The UN approved the initiative and contributed to the protection of the younger generation. In 1959, she drafted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, which includes a number of articles that ensure the legal protection of underage citizens. The Declaration had no legal force, but its recommendations were readily accepted in many states.

After 30 years, in November 1989, the UN prepared the Convention on the Rights of the Child - the main document that defines the obligations of states to children. The Supreme Soviet of the USSR ratified the convection on July 13, 1990, and on September 15 it entered into force. In total, the document contains 54 articles regulating the rights of children and the obligations of adults towards them.

International Children's Day is also unique in that it has its own flag. On a rich green background, the planet Earth is depicted, around which there are multi-colored figures symbolizing children holding hands.

Happy Children's Day -
Dear angels,
Our sweet candies -
Daughters and sons!

May childhood be happy
Fabulous and bright
A little crazy, playful,
With many gifts.

And all the best moments
Let them last longer.
Dreams of beautiful films
Let them dream more often!

Children are our joy
Pride, happiness and love.
Children are our weakness
Our everything, native blood.

And today is Children's Day
We wish them good health.
Fabulous and bright days.
Hugs with love tightly.

Happy Children's Day! I wish you to plunge into the holiday of happiness, smiles and sincere children's joy. May your families be strong, united, reliable and loving. Let children's laughter sound, hopes are born and dreams come true! Take care of yourself, because family is the main thing!

The most important thing in life is a child,
Mothers teach us this from the cradle.
Childhood is a happy time in life
All kids know about it.

My dear baby, I congratulate you,
I wish you to grow healthy and courageous,
May the sun always shine on you
My most beloved and dearest.

Let your eyes do not know sadness
So that the cheeks of salty tears do not know,
Let the fun, happy time go
And take all your fears with you.

I wish you my dear baby
To be a little harmful and a little cunning,
With a lot of wonderful, fun ideas.
Congratulations on Children's Day!

Trusting children's eyes
They look naively into the soul and stubbornly,
And let, from the heart I want to say,
Every child will have a mother.

After all, childhood is an extremely fleeting hour,
And it makes no sense to run after him,
As long as everything depends only on us -
Let every child have a home.

Today is the day of protection of all children,
Open your heart for love and affection,
Let in the midst of all the dirt of our days
Every child will have a childhood!

Childhood is like summer
Light, warm, bright.
May on the Day of protection of all children
Everyone will receive gifts:

Loving mom and dad
Good people around
Life like a fairy tale
Joyful mood!

All over the world this day
The main holiday for children
Happy Children's Day,
Both girls and boys!

Good summer days to you,
Less clouds in the sky
Run, jump, have fun
Spinning in a whirlwind of joy!

I congratulate you today
Happy Children's Day,
Sincerely, I wish
To make the world a better place.

May the children be healthy
Never let the tears shed
May all over our planet
They are waiting for joy and comfort.

Congratulations on the holiday of children's children,
We wish happiness to our bloodlines,
Childhood of a happy, peaceful sky,
Delicious sweets and warm bread!

Many smiles, positive in everything,
Excellent study, so that there is a perspective,
Happiness, health, fulfillment of desires,
Good luck in everything, aspirations, efforts!

We congratulate all children
On the first holiday of summer
We wish you smiles
Kindness and light
To always surround you
Warmth and kindness
So that you live well
Life was like a fairy tale!

Children are our future
We wish them well
For happiness to begin
Right from the morning.

To have breakfast together
The whole family at the table
To light and comfort
The peaceful house was filled.

To in the yard and at school
Were true friends
Without which, everyone knows,
There is no way to get around.

To keep summer from ending
Coming every year
To joyfully dream
So that there are no orphans!

What a wonderful date - June 1st! The first day of the month, the first day of summer, the beginning of school holidays. And how many significant events in Russia are celebrated on June 1. After reading this article, you will learn about all interesting facts who made this day popular.

People born on June 1: zodiac sign and character traits

A person born on this day tries to keep up with the times: dress fashionably, read popular literature, choose a profession that is in demand in society. It is inherent in endowing people with their own character traits, which subsequently makes them disappointed. One of the negative qualities is a too superficial attitude to the actions taken, the inability to bring what has been started to its logical conclusion.

A person who was born on June 1 has a zodiac sign of Gemini. He is ruled by two planets: Mars and Mercury, which gives him the ability to quickly establish contacts with people and communicate with them easily. But also these people tend to show excessive concern and worry over trifles.

People celebrating name day on this day

According to the ancient calendar, birthdays on June 1 are people who, at baptism, were given the following names: Dmitry, Ignat, Anastasia, Jan, Ivan and Sergey. Also, a person with the name Cornelius can celebrate his Angel Day, since on June 1 the Orthodox Church honors the memory of St. Cornelius of Komel. It is believed that if a child born on this day is named after him, he will inherit all his positive character traits.

folk calendar

This day is popularly called "Ivan the Long". This name is given due to the fact that the day is much longer than the night. In daylight, you can do a lot of different things, and still be able to relax. On this day, there are many different signs. What will be the weather, so will the whole month. June 1 was a day Even on this day they made a conspiracy against bad weather, crop failures and pests.

International holiday June 1

Almost all countries of the world celebrate Children's Day. It was approved in November 1949 and celebrated for the first time in 1950. This day is not only an occasion for children's fun, but also reminds all adults that they are responsible for their children and should take maximum care of them and protect them from all adversity. For the celebration of this holiday in Russia, they are carefully preparing: they develop a program, organize concerts and various events.

Agricultural workers can also arrange a celebration. After all, June 1st is World Milk Day. Status international holiday he acquired in 2001, although in some countries it has been celebrated as a national for many years. Seven years after Milk Day was recognized, it has already been celebrated in 40 countries around the world. In Russia, the main festivities are organized in the Rostov region. There are sports competitions and Interesting games, are treated to dairy products for free. The main purpose of the organization world day milk is to explain the benefits of dairy products for the human body and to familiarize people with the technology for the production of this product.

Events worthy of attention in our country

On June 1, an anti-tobacco law was adopted in Russia. In 2014, the sale of tobacco products in kiosks. In stores, all products should be hidden from the eyes of buyers, you can choose a product from the catalog. Effective June 1, 2014, the law tightens the requirements for heavy smokers. The number of places where you can not smoke has increased significantly. These are bars, restaurants, cafes, markets and retail premises, hotels and hostels. Also, scenes in films that show smoking should be accompanied by public service announcements. In all establishments, special prohibition signs must be posted. There should be no areas reserved for smokers. The ban does not apply to ventilated verandas.

June 1 in Russia is also the Day of the Northern Fleet. In 1933, on the first summer day, the Northern Military Flotilla was formed. On July 15, 1996, the order was signed by the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, and the date was firmly fixed in our calendar.

Briefly about the holidays celebrated on this day in the world

  • In Kenya, it is Freedom Day, which the locals call "Madaraka".
  • In Mongolia, June 1 is Mother and Child Day.
  • Samoa Notes
  • Tunisia celebrates Constitution Day (adopted in 1955).

Important events in Russia

1798 - establishment of an institute for noble maidens in St. Petersburg.

1806 - the foundation was laid for St. Petersburg.

1867 - the day of foundation of the institute of magistrates.

1922 - the first international airline was opened in the USSR.

1960 - opening of Sheremetyevo International Airport in Moscow.

1965 - Soviet writer M. A. Sholokhov was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature.

1992 - Russia becomes the 165th member of the International Monetary Fund.

Significant events in the world

1779 - foundation of Mariupol.

1831 - discovery of the north magnetic pole by the Englishman J. Ross.

1858 - The first coins are made in Canada.

1862 - Slavery is abolished in the USA.

1863 - the first flight was made on the airship "Aeron-1".

1925 - Creation of the American automobile company "Chrysler".

1979 - the emergence of a new independent state in Africa - Zimbabwe.

2009 - There was a plane crash over the Atlantic Ocean in which 228 people died.

Celebrities born on this day

  • Russian composer Mikhail Glinka;
  • English poet and writer John Masefield;
  • American actress Marilyn Monroe;
  • writer Boris Mozhaev;
  • composer Alexander Dolukhonyan;
  • American actor ;
  • theater and film actress;
  • skier Larisa Lazutina;
  • Soviet hockey player Viktor Tyumenev.

MOSCOW, June 1 - RIA Novosti. Children acutely feel the problems of adults, and this overshadows their childhood, child psychologists expressed this opinion to RIA Novosti on the eve of International Children's Day, which is celebrated on June 1.

The first International Children's Day was held in 1950. The United Nations supported this initiative and declared the protection of the rights, life and health of children one of the priorities of its activities. According to the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation, there are more than 26 million Russian children in Russia.

adult childhood

Psychologists believe that modern children do not have such a carefree and rosy life. "We, the children of 20-30 years ago, for example, could safely go out into the yard and our parents were not worried about what would happen to us there, but today's children cannot do this, because we read the newspapers and we know that there is a maniac, there pedophile. Parents are anxious and this condition is transmitted to children," Tatyana Volosovets, director of the Institute for Psychological and Pedagogical Problems of Childhood, told RIA Novosti.

Head of the Laboratory of Child and adolescence State Scientific Center for Social and Forensic Psychiatry named after Serbsky Elena Dozortseva notes that children's fears are primarily influenced by "the situation in which the child lives." "If the child is quiet and calm in the family, the parents help him overcome the difficulties that arise, then there are fewer fears," the agency's interlocutor noted. Therefore, the psychologist emphasizes, it is important that everything is fine with the parents, then the children will also be all right.

According to Volosovets, children are concerned about many problems and issues, including relationships with and between parents, and children are also worried if one of the parents has some kind of addiction, for example, alcohol. "They are no less concerned with questions interpersonal communication and relationships with teachers. Children react very sharply to the situation when they are treated inadequately at school, underestimated, scolded," she said.

Children's problems in numbers

According to Pavel Astakhov, Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of the Russian Federation, in 2010 1,684 children were killed at the hands of criminals, including about 700 murders of children. At the same time, about a hundred criminal cases were initiated last year on the facts of cruel treatment of children and their death.

There are also positive trends. The number of orphans in the Russian Federation, largely due to measures to place orphans in families, has decreased by 35 thousand people over the past five years. In Russia, according to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation for 2010, there are 1,387 institutions for orphans, in which more than 82,000 pupils study. Every year about 13,000 children graduate from orphanages, of which up to 95% continue their education in institutions of primary, secondary and higher vocational education, about 5% get a job.

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Every year the first day of summer is celebrated big celebration- International Children's Day. On this day, there are concerts and evenings in all schools, children's institutions. In city entertainment centers for children, films are shown, competitions and festivals are held. Music, children's laughter are heard everywhere, gifts are handed out. This holiday is joyful and sad at the same time. It is wonderful that our children are happy, but it is sad that so many have to be protected and even saved from adult cruelty.

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History of Children's Day


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It is believed that for the first time the holiday of the child was organized back in 1925 by the Chinese consul in the United States, in the city of San Francisco. He invited children of Chinese origin who had no parents to his Duan-wu-jie festival. They were fascinated by the presentation of dragon boats (this holiday is dedicated to them), received gifts and were happy. Similar holidays began to be held every year.

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Whether this event or something else - history is silent - served as the starting point for the announcement of June 1 as International Children's Day. The holiday was loudly spoken about in the same 1925 in Geneva, at the World Conference on the Welfare of Children.


Subsequently, the tragic war years in the history of not only Europe, but the whole world prevented the celebration of the date.


After the Second World War, in 1949, the Women's International Democratic Federation was organized, it was held in Paris, raised many social issues for which borders do not exist. And it was here that they remembered a good pre-war undertaking - the Children's Day.


Since 1950, International Children's Day (in English - "International Children's Day") has been held all over the world.

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Purposes and traditions of the holiday




International Children's Day is not only fun, laughter, songs and entertainment. It is also an opportunity for adults to speak out loud about their desire and opportunities to do something good for those children who need to be protected.

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And these are not only guys from the unsettled, starving countries of Asia, Africa, countries where wars are going on, and children are dying without counting. These are the children of Russia who do not have parents, who live in orphanages, abandoned by mom and dad. These are children who were abused, who were kicked out of their homes, or they themselves had to leave the terrible parental life in unrestrained drunkenness and bullying.

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On International Children's Day, representatives of most public organizations, enterprises that have the opportunity to help, try to visit orphanages, shelters and other state institutions for children left without parents, which would not be better, but we have them! And, unfortunately, they will not disappear soon.

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Gifts, surprises, excursions to museums, children's theaters, circus, zoo; meetings with artists, singers and musicians on this day are able to distract the child from sad thoughts, at least for a while warm his soul, push back the feeling of uselessness in this world. By the way, come to the nearest Orphanage with gifts, entertainment, an invitation to creativity, sports competitions, anyone can. And you! And this will also be a tribute to the holiday of protecting the child from the difficult circumstances of life.

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In an ordinary family, parents and grandparents also try to celebrate the holiday. But at home, of course, he does not carry that deep meaning of universal protection of childhood. At home, just the joy of communication, celebration. Adults give gifts, take the baby to the zoo, to the cinema, to the competition of drawings on asphalt, where both children and adults draw the world, the globe, and symbol international day child protection- own flag of this date. It is green, the color of peace and tranquility, in the center is the sign of the earth and multi-colored little men, symbolizing the differences and unity of people living on Earth.



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International Children's Day is not the only children's holiday on a global scale.

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July 25 is a date with a beautiful name - White Orchid Day. This is a holiday of embryologists, a day in honor of children who appeared "from a test tube", and is celebrated by the date of birth of the first such baby - Louise Brown, born on July 25, 1978.


In Russia, they recently began to celebrate another holiday - Eighth of July, Day of family, love and fidelity, which also directly relates to the happiness of the child - the key to a friendly and strong family.



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