Scenario of the day of friends on June 9th. Scenario for international friendship day. Scenario of International Friendship Day

Not everyone has heard about the International Day of Friends: the holiday is not so popular in Russia, and only a few celebrate it. We want our little information to help you learn not only about the history of the holiday. A true friend always shares with his friend and amazing moments of joy, and supports him in times of adversity. Friends Day on June 9, 2016, many teenagers and young people will celebrate in holiday camps or at tourist bases. Traditionally, specially for the children will be organized festive events- concerts, competitions, talent shows, team competitions. The young people who remained in the city can congratulate each other both in person and on social networks. Especially for the holiday, congratulations can include pictures about friendship and poems about the fidelity of partnership.

What date is International Friends Day in 2016?

In 2016, Friends Day is celebrated on June 9 and coincides with the great Christian holiday of the Ascension of the Lord. The value of friendship lies in the sincerity of true friends, the disinterestedness of comrades in relationships. The number of true friends is never measured in hundreds, or even tens. Only the one who does not turn away from you at the moment of your persecution and universal contempt becomes a friend. A true friend sincerely and sincerely rejoices in the victories of his comrade and experiences his failures as his own. The great value of human relationships is dedicated to Friends Day on June 9, 2016.

History of Friends Day

The history of the holiday began with the proposal of the United States in 1958 to celebrate International Friends Day. Everyone liked the idea, and was actively supported by both ordinary citizens and the UN. However, the holiday, officially existing for many years, is not as popular as, for example, Independence Day in many countries or Father's Day (all in the same country, USA). In Russia, June 9 is celebrated as Friends Day. Since there is no official "form" for the celebration, it is carried out as they see fit at the moment. In our country, these are evenings of classmates, classmates. Especially for their parents, loving children arrange meetings with their best childhood friends.

Pictures and poems for Friends Day 2016

In the summer of 2016, many children will leave for camps and recreation centers, but most of the children and adolescents will remain in the cities. On June 9, 2016, they will be able to congratulate their best friends directly online by sending them good poems and pictures about friendship by mail. Sincere and funny postcards, cool wishes and sincere “thank you” to those who have become a true friend forever, this June day will be received by many just good people.

Friendship is joyful meetings,

Sea of ​​fantastic ideas.

For any problem - it's easier with a friend,

And life is harder without a friend.

Friends Day walks the planet

Spreading smiles and love.

So let it be everywhere in the world

Friendship flares up again and again!

Happy Friends Day! Appreciate friendship!

Good for you - the whole set!

Happiness in the dance let it swirl

Let there be no more quarrels.

All disputes and omissions

They will disappear forever.

There is no sense in resentment -

Kindness rules the world!

On this day I want to congratulate my friends,

Give you kind words.

I can't imagine myself without you

Our friendship is truly strong!

I want you to be healthy

Happiness just overflowed

For the sky to be cornflower blue

A whole year in the soul - blooming May!

So that our friendship does not end,

She was not afraid of interference,

To remain in the heart forever

Our aspirations and best dreams!

Activities for Friends Day 2016

In the summer, including on Friends Day, most of the activities for children are competitions in agility, speed, and ingenuity. Since June 9th is associated with everything related to friendship, it would be a great idea to have competitions of teams of friends, tug of war, dance competitions. Of course, as always, "friendship will win", but the excitement and spirit of competition will also be important. In the evening, you can hold a contest of readers who speak with poems about fidelity, mutual assistance, kindness and selflessness, a song contest.

The script of the holiday Day of Friends 2016

On Friends Day, many children's holiday camps organize a holiday for children, the scenario of which always provides funny contests. Each of these competitions is always associated with the theme of friendship. For example, a group of children is divided into two teams. Each of them is given the task of preparing a gift for a friend. The game-competition may be called "To the best a friend is the best gift". How to arrange a gift and what it will be, fantasy will tell teenagers and younger children. Babies ( junior group schoolchildren) you can offer the contest "I help Cinderella". To conduct this competition, it is proposed to sort out mixed grains of rice and peas (buckwheat and pearl barley, corn and millet, etc.) as quickly as possible. The team that quickly divides different cereals into two piles wins. Schoolchildren usually like contests where you have to draw with your eyes closed. As usual, two teams participate in the competition. The task is given to depict on paper (the eyes of the drawer are blindfolded) an animal (a dog, a fox, an elephant, a giraffe). The first competitor draws a head, removes the bandage and passes the baton to his friend, representing, say, ears. The third one gets the task of drawing eyes, etc. At the end, the pictures obtained as a result of the efforts of both teams are compared; the winner is determined.

Friends Day - traditions in the camp

Traditionally, Friends Day in children's camps is celebrated cheerfully. In the former pioneer camps, evenings are spent by the fire, singing songs with a guitar. The counselors sing together with the children songs about friendship and kindness. Each of their detachments is preparing a speech. It can be a general song or a small theatrical performance. Older teams can involve younger children in the activities. With great impatience at the end, everyone is waiting for the performance of the counselors.

We are sure that now that you know how and when Friends Day is celebrated, its history and camp traditions, you will have fun in 2016. Perhaps you yourself want to take part in writing the script for the holiday events; write poems and draw pictures about friendship.


1. Contribute to the education of a tolerant attitude towards each other and the formation of the ability to live in peace with other people.
2. Formation of the ability to argue your point of view.
3. Shaping moral qualities: the ability to make friends, to cherish friendship.

Event progress:


1. Introductory conversation.

Where is the beauty there is kindness. Nothing can separate them.Any bright dream always looks like two friends.And we can’t do without them either on a bright day or a rainy day.And if you want to be beautiful, then share kindness.

V. Suslov

Good afternoon dear friends! We will call you all friends! When we say these words, we sincerely wish those with whom we meet, goodness and joy. And our hearts open to sincere and kind people.

"A friend is someone who..."
The guys in a chain talk about who a friend is and who they call their friends.

2. Conversation.

Now I will read you a poem, listen carefully.

Agniya Barto "It takes a friend"

Everyone lives, does not grieve,
And they are not friends with me.
I suggest Ilyina:
“You are friends with me alone!”.
Ilyina has a rank
And girls retinue.
I will make friends with Ilyina -
I will become famous.

All fives to one
At Svetlova Nadia.
I ask “Be friends with me!
Make friends for a day!
Will you save me
Let's write off the control.
And the girl on the hind legs
He says: “I would be silent!”
Don't get on your knees
Persuade girlfriends
I'll post an ad:
“A friend urgently needed!”

Guys, what would you advise this girl to be friends with her, and not bypass? We raise our hands, we do not shout from the place.

3. Work in groups.
You have flower petals on your tables. What kind of flower do you think you can make? Make a chamomile, and on its petals write the qualities that can characterize a true friend.
Kind, polite, honest, generous, strong, attentive, caring, devoted, able to keep secrets, sympathetic, cowardly, greedy, patient, flattering, rich, trusting, cheerful, lazy, sociable, disinterested, hardworking.

In each group, a chamomile is drawn up and hung out on the board.

- What qualities do you have?
- Name one of these qualities that you have.

What a reliable and capacious word friendship.

4. Work in groups.
The guys are divided into groups and solve problem situations, the description of which is in the envelopes.

Moral situations:

Your friend didn't do his homework and asks for a notebook to write it off.

Your friend uses bad words and expressions.

Your friend does something bad and everyone will know about it, including you.

Your friend gets bad grades in a quarter and you are banned from being friends with him.

Your friend can't play volleyball and is letting the team down.

Your friend invites you to do something bad.

Your friend did something bad, and you get the punishment.

The guys discuss the situation for 5 minutes and comment on it.

Leading: guys, I will ask you questions, and you listen carefully and answer "it's me, it's me, these are all my friends."

Who among you does not like boredom?

Who is the master of all trades here?

Who dances and sings?

Who takes care of the clothes?

Does he put it under the bed?

Who keeps things in order?

Tears and books and notebooks?

Who says thanks?

Who gives thanks for everything?

Who's ready to get going first?

And in the gym, who runs boldly?

Who sings songs in the pioneer detachment?

And who neatly keeps notebooks?

And who is not lazy, and not a coward, and not a crybaby?

Who puts a huge inkblot in a notebook?

Who wants to study "excellently"?

Who is proud of his school and class?

Who answers the lesson without hesitation?

Who helps comrades in their studies?

5 .Student story about their friends (portrait of my friend)

Riddles about friendship, riddles about comrades, riddles about friends.

* * *

We will shake each other in trouble,

We do lessons and play together,

Together we go for a walk, to the store.

When you are not, then I am alone.

Come soon, I miss you

I don't even play with my favorite tank.

I really need communication with you

And we also need a man's ... (friendship)

We are no longer friends

You left, I'm offended.

Not a joke quarreled,

called each other,

Well, now I'm sad.

Come, I will forgive you.

Agree, because because of nonsense

This one has grown ... (quarrel)

On the control will write off,

It's always easy to talk to him.

If necessary, will give advice,

Knows my every secret.

He shares joy with me

For me always a mountain.

When disaster strikes,

Faithful will help me ... (friend)

They say we are the same.

We answer: "So what?"

They say they are inseparable.

It's really boring without each other.

They say we're talkers...

So what! After all, we ... (girlfriends)

What do you suggest my friend?

Forget our fight.

I take a step forward

I want to be friends with you.

Stop being angry, my friend

I propose ... (make peace)

If a friend is not yet close,

He's probably not a friend.

Suddenly perform a low deed

Ile refuses the request suddenly.

And while I'm talking to him,

Lots of things in common with him.

I turn into a friend

From among ... (comrades)

"Bride and groom"

They call me with Marina,

Guys came up with

Ridiculous tease.

If it's hard to reconcile

If no words can be found,

You don't have to be angry anymore

And tell a poem.

Forget the teasers

If you say ... (myrilka)

He is behind the party one

He sits with me for a whole year.

Give me a pencil, give me a pen,

Never get bored.

And there is no more reliable

He is on my desk ... (neighbor)

This word is called

All who study together.

Comrades, friends, pranksters,

Of course, this is ... (classmates)


Leading: Who offended whom first?

1st boy: He me!

2nd boy: No, he me!

Leading: Who hit whom first?

1st boy: He me!

2nd boy: No, he me!

Leading: You used to be so good friends!

1st boy: I was friends!

2nd boy: And I was friends!

Leading: What didn't you share?

1st boy: I forgot.

2nd boy: And I forgot.

Leading: If you are offended by your friend for something, try to forget and forgive him as soon as possible. Do not get mad! Be friendly!

6. Questions for the guys:
Why does friendship fall apart?

What is the most common reason for this?

7. The host conducts a quiz.

Once four musicians got together and became friends. They gave concerts together, chased out robbers together, lived together - they didn’t grieve ... Name these musician friends. (The Bremen Town Musicians: Rooster, Cat, Dog, Donkey.)

Grigory Oster wrote many stories about the Parrot, the Boa constrictor, the Monkey and their friendly life in Africa. Who was fourth in the group of friends? (Baby elephant.)

What girl rescued her friend from ice captivity? Do you respect her actions and why? (Gerda rescued her friend Kai)

This hero fell on the bed and, clutching his head, said: “I am the sickest person in the world!” He demanded medicine. They gave him, and he answered: “A friend saved the life of a friend!” Who are we talking about? And what medicine was given to the patient? (Carlson. Medicine - raspberry jam)

The girl with blue hair I had many friends, but one was always there. Who is he? (Poodle Artemon)

Who was the first of the animals to set an example for the inhabitants of the jungle that one can be friends with a human cub? (Wolf Akela)

8. Work in groups.

Exercise. The proverb is not said without reason, it contains folk wisdom. You have parts of proverbs on your tables. Compose them, connect the beginning to the end. How do you understand?

Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.
A man without friends is like a tree without roots.

Look for no friend, but if you find it, take care of it.
The light is not sweet when there is no friend.

FROM good friend- you will move mountains, with the bad - you will sip grief.

There is no better friend than a mother.

- Guys, now you are just learning to be friends. And for friendship to be strong, you need to follow the laws of friendship. If you follow these rules, you will become true friends.

9. Work in groups.
- Draw up the laws of friendship and write them down on hearts.
- Pay attention to how big a heart is drawn. This is our heart, ready to love and help each other. Read what rules you got and stick your hearts on the big heart.

Children glue their hearts.

"Look, it looks like it's stuck."

- Let's read the rules of friendship, which was compiled by the great teacher Sukhomlinsky.
« Rules of friendship "Sukhomlinsky
- Choose your friends based on their personality, not on their clothes.

- Do not deceive your friend in anything.

- Be honest with him.

- Do not call names and do not humiliate your friend.

- Stop a friend if he does something bad.

- Be able to admit your mistakes and make peace with a friend

- Speaking of friendship, one cannot fail to mention such an important concept as decency. Integrity underlies many human actions. Standing up for a younger person who is being offended, giving up a seat on the bus, coming to the aid of an old person - all these are manifestations of decency. Only a decent person can have real, faithful, reliable friends. Friends for life.

Outcome of the event
- So our friendship event is coming to an end. Tell me what you need to do to make friendship stronger?
- Let's respect each other, help each other, let's not quarrel and be offended.

An excerpt from L. Izmailov's poem "Monologue on Friendship".
What is friendship, everyone knows?

Maybe it's funny to ask.

Well, what does it mean

This word? So what is it?

Friendship is if your friend is sick

And he can't come to school

Visit him willingly

Bring school lessons

Patiently explain tasks

Take on some of his worries,

Give him your attention

Days, weeks, months or years...

if your friend is something, unfortunately,

Badly done or said

We must honestly, directly, without a doubt

Tell the truth to his face.

Maybe he suddenly gets offended,

You still have to tell the truth

After all, that's what a best friend is for.

Friendship in joy and friendship in sorrow.

A friend will always give the last.

A friend is not the one who flatters, but the one who argues,

He who does not deceive will not sell.

Friendship never knows boundaries

There are no barriers to friendship.

Friendship on Earth unites

All children, white and colored.

Song "True Friend"

A strong friendship won't break

Will not fall apart from rain and blizzards.

A friend in trouble will not leave

Will not ask too much

A friend in trouble will not leave

Will not ask too much

We quarrel - and make peace,

Do not spill water - everyone around is joking.

At noon or at midnight

A friend will come to the rescue

This is what it means to be a real, true friend,

At noon or at midnight

A friend will come to the rescue

That's what a real, true friend means!

A friend can always help me out

If something suddenly happens

Someone needs to be

In a difficult moment

This is what it means to be a real, true friend,

Someone needs to be

In a difficult moment

That's what a real, true friend means!

(Newspaper design for friendship

June 9 is International Friendship Day. On the International Day of Friends, many events are held that are aimed at promoting friendship and tolerance. Although this holiday is unofficial, it has been customary since the beginning of June to call friends, make appointments, and plan the day. At the beginning of the 20th century, Americans had the idea to encourage friendship and spread it - the holiday - International Friends Day - would be ideal for this. But the First World War, the Great Depression and the Second World War briefly buried this idea, people needed to survive, not to have fun. The idea returned in 1958, even the United Nations supported it, after all the wars, humanity needed positive moments. This is how the International Day of Friendship was created, which was celebrated all over the world on the first Sunday of August. In 2011, the UN made the date stable, Friendship Day is now celebrated on July 30th.

June 9 is the international day of friends Probably, it seemed to people that it was not enough for friends to have only one day a year, and they also began to celebrate the International Day of Friends on June 9. Who invented it, or at least in what country, is unknown. One thing is known - this holiday helps to escape from everyday life and everyday life, bring some positive to life and thank your friends for everything. It is a pity that we do not know the history of the creation of the International for Friends, but what it is is wonderful.

Close together, but boring apart. One for all and all for one. Where friendship is strong, things go well. A bird is strong with its wings, but a man is strong with friendship. Strong friendship cannot be spilled with water. Without a friend in the heart of a blizzard. Remember friendship, but forget evil. A friend in need, a true friend. A true friend is priceless. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Proverbs about friendship

Friendship is not only invaluable, but also beautiful; we praise the one who loves his friends, and some even think that to be a good man and the other one and the same. Friendship is the most necessary thing for life, since no one wants to live without friends, even if he had all the other benefits.

Do not envy a friend if a friend is richer, If he is more beautiful, if he is smarter. Let his wealth, let his luck Your sandals will not be erased by straps... Move more cheerfully along your road, Smile wider from his successes: Maybe bliss is on your doorstep, And perhaps need and cry await him. Weep his tears! Laugh out loud! Feel with full heart far and wide! Do not prevent a friend from rejoicing in success: This is a crime! This is beyond vice! (Igor Severyanin)

the 9th of June celebrated all over the world friends day. This is an unofficial holiday date, however, the reason for its creation remains relevant at all times.

The International Day of Friends was created exclusively for us, regardless of the various ups and downs and life circumstances, to meet with our friends, please them and tell them how important they are to us.

Very few Russians know about this holiday. Meanwhile, all over the world every year it is gaining more and more popularity.

Friendship has one amazing feature - for several centuries now it has been presented to us as a phenomenon that has long disappeared from human life. For all peoples at all times, friendship has been the greatest value, while “genuine friendship” has always been considered a very rare companion.

The German philosopher Hegel argued that the charm of true friendship can only be known in youth, life paths have not yet been determined. In many ways, this remark is true: after all, over the years, work takes more and more time from us, and the environment consists mainly of colleagues. It would seem that there is no time for friendship at all.

But still, in almost everyone's life there is a person who has been awarded the title "friend" .

Our ancestors - from nobleman to commoner - could sacrifice anything for the sake of a friend. Pushkin's classmate Gorchakov, the future Russian chancellor, did everything possible to save the Decembrists from punishment. Danzas, another lyceum comrade of Pushkin, agreed without hesitation to become his second in the fatal duel, knowing full well that for this he himself would face execution. To renounce friends is to stigmatize one's life. So Alexander Pushkin, answering the question of Emperor Nicholas I, where would he go if he was in St. Petersburg during the days of the Decembrist uprising, said without hesitation that he would support his friends on Senate Square.

The Russian people could quickly rebuild into friendly even those relationships that were originally considered “commercial”. Today, few people remember that the root of the beautiful Russian word "comrade" is the word "goods". At first, representatives of the merchant class, connected by a common cause, a commodity, called themselves so. However, over time, the word has acquired a completely different meaning.

But do not think that only Russian people especially appreciated friendship. An example of true friendship is the musketeers from the immortal work of Alexandre Dumas or the three comrades in Remarque's novel. Friendship is appropriate at any time and among any people. This is what you should think about on International Friends Day.

Elena Radchenko

Friendship Day.

Children go to the playground to the music, where they are met by the Fairy of Friendship.

Friendship Fairy:

Today the holiday brought us together:

Not a fair, not a carnival!

Here the holiday of friendship has come

And he invited everyone to the circle of children.

Hello, friends!

Today I will spend a wonderful holiday for you - the Fairy of Friendship.

Let's all say together:

Hello golden sun! (Hands up)

Hello blue sky! (Hands up)

Hello my friends! (Greeting each other)

Very glad to see you - Me! (Spread hands to the sides, smile at each other)

Our holiday is dedicated to Friendship. In kindergarten, you made your first friends and girlfriends with whom you play and communicate.

Now I'll check how friendly you are. You need to answer my questions out loud.

You are ready? (Yes)

Shall we celebrate the holiday? (Yes)

Will we be silent, bored? (Not)

Shall we dance together? (Yes)

Will we play together? (Yes)

Can I put you to sleep? (Not)

What guys are great! You have shown that you know how to answer questions in unison. Now listen carefully to the terms of the competition.

Competition…. "Do not spill water."

Conditions of the competition: A pair of participants must carry the ball with the help of badminton rackets to the allotted place. The team that completes the task faster and with fewer errors (does not drop the ball) wins.

Friendship Fairy: And now I'll check if you know the polite words.

The game "Tell me a word."

1. If you meet a friend, even on the street, even at home,

Do not be shy, do not be cunning, but say louder ... (hello).

2. If you ask for something, then first do not forget

At the beginning of the request, say ... (please).

3. If you met a friend or a whole company,

Then at the moment of parting, you will say to everyone ... (goodbye).

4. If, in word or deed, someone helped you,

Feel free to speak loudly, boldly… (thank you)

Competition - draw the house of Friendship

Friendship Fairy: Guys, let's remember the heroes of children's books. There are many friends among them.

Here, for example, the dog Sharik is friends with Uncle Fedor and the cat Matroskin.

And who is Gena the crocodile friends with?

Funny Winnie the Pooh?

And the gullible Pinocchio?

Good Kid?

And the mouse is norushka?

A parrot, a boa constrictor and a monkey were friends with ....

Well done boys!

Game "Hugs"

Game conditions: The child runs around obstacles and hugs the next player.

Fairy: I want to know if you can tell good deeds from bad deeds.

Good-bad game

Game conditions: The fairy names an example of an act, the children applaud when a good deed, stomp - a bad one. (they tore clothes, protected the weak, fed the kitten, plucked a branch from a tree, broke a toy, helped the baby get dressed, offended the girl, thanked for the help).

Friendship Fairy:

Friendship is a warm wind

Friendship is a bright world.

Friendship is the sun at dawn

A fun feast for the soul.

Friendship is only happiness.

People have only one friendship.

With friendship, bad weather is not terrible,

With friendship, life is full of goodness.

Game "Friend to friend".

Friendship Fairy:

In this game, guys, you need to do everything very quickly, carefully listening to the tasks.

As soon as the music stops, you should find yourself a partner, and then cuddle with those parts of the body that I will call. As soon as the music starts, you will have to move freely around the court by jumping.

Ear to ear;

shoulder to shoulder;

knee to knee;

back to back;

palm of the right hand with the palm of the right hand.

Friendship Fairy: Guys, how do you understand the word "friendship"?

Children: This is when a faithful friend is nearby, when you help a friend in difficult times, you keep shared secrets.

Friendship Fairy: What can be friendship?

Children: Strong, faithful, real, etc.

Friendship Fairy: And who can be friends with whom?

Children: with a girl, with a boy.

Friendship Fairy: Guys, children and adults, people from different parts of the world can make friends. So let's be friends, do not quarrel, always help each other and then we will have many friends.

And now I invite everyone to dance.

Get in the circle guys and have fun with your friends!

Dance "Clap your hands, stomp your feet"

Friendship Fairy:

How glad I am that the children in the kindergarten "Alyonushka" are friendly!

After all, when the guys are friends, this is happiness for everyone.

And so that we can end the holiday merrily,

I have prepared a surprise for you: a magic carpet.

Whoever passes under it will become strong, courageous,

kind, and will definitely find new friends.

Magic carpet game.

Game conditions: Adults stretch a large sheet of fabric, and children, bending down, carefully pass under it with a sense of joy that they will gain strength, dexterity and new friends.

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