LitRPG: the best books in the genre. LitRPG: the best books in the genre Man has no racial bonuses and penalties

The first day.

This is where mine ended happy childhood. Grandfather died. He just didn't wake up. He was 78 years old. Grandfather always seemed to me eternal: A strong, stern Siberian, a blacksmith. It was strange to be suddenly alone, not to hear the familiar phrase: "Get up, couch potato, you'll sleep through your whole life!" He raised me for as long as I can remember. My parents died when I was very young, and my grandfather took me to be raised. He knew the Forest, and the Forest knew him. Grandfather introduced me to the Forest and taught me everything he knew. And now he is gone. Juveniles will soon arrive and take me to Orphanage . After the general chipization in 2030, there is no hope for a delay in their arrival. They already had a call about an orphan. We have to get ready, because they will pick me up as soon as they arrive. He collected his clothes, underwear, his favorite mug, a couple of spoons, a knife made of damask steel presented by his grandfather and his own - hunting, in a sheath. He threw the knives into the middle of the army "sidor", rewinding them with linen so that they would not even accidentally tinkle. I attached a sapper shovel, a small hatchet to my backpack and took my grandfather's gun. There was noise outside. A helicopter of juveniles was approaching the lodge. He left the hut, with a backpack over his shoulders and his grandfather's gun, sat down on a mound and looked at the approaching fate in the form of a small helicopter. There is nowhere for a helicopter to land here, they will have to go down the stairs, what to do - the taiga is all around. Our lodge is small - a dugout hut, a well, and a small smithy. Everything is two steps away from each other. I really wanted to bury my grandfather here, but the juveniles would not let him. I, as a minor, have no right to bury relatives of my choice, and my grandfather did not leave a written will for this case. Therefore, the body of the grandfather will be taken to the city and cremated. And I'm in an orphanage and stuffed into a cocoon of the virtual world. For the last 17 years, since the year of my birth, virtual reality has been used almost everywhere. People live there, work there, relax there, even get married and have children there... Neither my grandfather nor I understood the latter at all - what is the use of a virtual child... But someone else's soul is dark if someone likes something then it will be on the market. Prisons are now all in the virtual - prisoners are digging resources for the good of the Motherland, they are released only at the end of the term. But there are no security costs. Orphans are also almost all the time in the virtual - there is training and leisure - there is no need for educators. But children are at least released from the capsule, as far as I know. The helicopter hovered over the well, the roar from it was such that all the animals scattered for 10 kilometers in the area. From above, a man in an orange waistcoat and overalls descended on a cable ... Somehow I imagined juveniles in a different way, in suits or something, in glasses, without fail with a briefcase. This one looks more like a worker. The man, as soon as he touched the ground, ran up to me, put a cable under my armpit, wrapped me around himself, hooked it with a carbine and we were carried upwards. Well, no hello to you, no goodbye, even if you say a word. Mute, right? We were dragged to the hatch of the helicopter. - There's a corpse to pick up from below! yelled some woman on the right with a briefcase and glasses (as I thought). The man freed me from the cable, took something like a stretcher and rode down on the cable. After some time, the body of my grandfather rose on a stretcher. Another man in the same vest and similar to the first as a twin brother, unhooked the stretcher from the cable and threw the cable down. The first one got up and the helicopter flew into the city. I don't remember much about the flight itself. No one spoke to me in this noise, and I did not burn with desire. Below, the taiga flashed like a green carpet. The helicopter dropped me and my aunt on a small square near the gray house, men in orange vests carried the stretcher with my grandfather inside the building. "Let's go," my aunt said in a nasty tone, as if I'd stolen something from her or spit on her shoes. We entered the great hall. There was a platform near the wall of the hall, the porters put the grandfather's body on it and left the hall. Opposite the platform were chairs in 4 rows, 10 chairs in a row. I sat closer to the grandfather's body. I don’t know what to say, grandfather for me was everything I knew about life, there are no thoughts, no emotions, as if something had faded away ... Although why something? Somebody! Farewell... - Farewell, grandfather! - Run! squealed the aunt. The grate in the wall rose, the grandfather's body moved along the platform towards the opening of the crematorium furnace. The bars descended, ending my old life. - Let's go, - the aunt's vocabulary did not differ in variety. We left the building, the helicopter had already left. We crossed the square to a yellow two-story building. We went up to the second floor to an office with a sign "Director". There was a beautiful, but some strange table in the office - it seemed that you would blow on it and it would fall apart. The armchair in which the aunt sat was much more powerful than the table. She looked at the computer monitor, tapped her fingers on the table, and finally started a conversation: - Evgeny Georgievich Evpak, seventeen years old, - the aunt grunted with a kind of grin, - Welcome! This one is yours new house! - the sarcasm in her voice did not speak of any cordiality, and her voice seemed to become even more disgusting. You will live here until you are eighteen. That is about 10 more months. Thereafter Government program will provide you with a housing certificate for the purchase of an apartment. Taking into account the fact that you didn’t have a normal school education because of your grandfather, who dragged you into the taiga, then higher education doesn’t threaten you either - I didn’t see the point in arguing with her, swearing, let him grind what he wants. Anyway, my grandfather was no more stupid than her. Probably, my grandfather and I mastered the school curriculum. And my grandfather diligently trained me to enter the university. - So, you will work in a virtual environment, so you can already get used to it from today. Your schedule will be 15 hours in the virtual, 9 in real life, seven days a week. I sent you files with the rules of our orphanage, safety precautions, as well as your rights, - another sarcastic grin, - Put your electronic signature here. I extended my hand with the chip to the sensor. - And here, - the headmistress took out some huge book, - the usual signature. I looked up in surprise. - Yes Yes! There is nothing to stare like that! We also have a paper archive! So draw your squiggle! I left my signature. The aunt looked at her and squealed: “Are you quite sick? Why did you draw a crossed-out butterfly for me here? Didn't your grandfather even teach you how to write? - This is not a butterfly, these are two capital letters E, though one is mirrored. And between them is not a cross, but the capital letter G. - All sorts of people crawl out of the forest, and they are clever here! Now you go to the hall of cocoons and find a technician, he will set up a capsule for you. The hall of cocoons is located on the first floor. Yes! And leave your gun and ax and shovel here, you won't need them. You can take a backpack with things. Free! But who is she that I would give her my grandfather's gun for a great life? I involuntarily pressed him to my chest. - I see, you do not intend to give voluntarily. Why then will you have to call the police, because you do not have a permit to carry weapons? - after waiting for my nod, she continued with satisfaction, - and we will transfer you to a shelter for unruly teenagers. And there you will not have such a fertile atmosphere. There are cameras everywhere, everything is under surveillance, even the toilet. And even more so, there are no absences to the city, not like ours! Well, will you give up the gun or not? There was nowhere to go. He put it on the chair next to him and left. Grandfather's gun was terribly sorry, but there was no choice ... I wonder if the gun will wait for me before leaving the orphanage? Most likely not! Yes, the director here was just super! Let's hope at least a technician normal person. I went down to the first floor, found a hall of cocoons (it was hard not to find, there are only 4 doors in the entire corridor of the first floor: to the street, to the courtyard, to the second floor and the last one I needed). I stood and looked at the hall of cocoons: there were a lot of cocoons here - about five hundred, no less. And no one ... Where to look for equipment? - Cough! - came from behind a polite cough of a frail boy, in appearance he could be given both 20 and 40, a surprisingly ageless face. - Looking for what? - Technique. I was told that they would set up a capsule for me. - You found the technician. What capsule do you want? - What do you mean? For the virtual... - Darkness! Oh, darkness... What are you planning to do in the capsule? - To work, in the sense that I would earn some money before leaving the orphanage in order to enter the university. - In general, so, boy, listen here! In order to earn more, you need a big market. A big market is where there are a lot of users. So your choice is the place where there are the most users. This is "Altmir" - an alternative world. But there are a few nuances here. First: to earn something, you need to sell something, and to sell something, you need to get something, and in order to get something, you need to be able to do something. And the more you know how, the more likely you are to get something. Am I making it clear? - So far, yes. - Second: Altmir - virtual reality with a choice of immersion sensitivity mode. The hardest option is 100% immersion. That is, you will feel pain at 100%, but your skills will grow faster. Just so you know, in the game, rarely anyone plays with a depth of immersion above 30%. And the tanks are 5-10% at all. - Tanks? Where did you get such a noob? The tank is a Persian holding aggro mobs. - Agro? Mobs? - Clearly, everything is completely deaf ... Mobs are monsters, animals and other aggressive creatures controlled by the system. Aggro - aggressiveness, or rather the direction of the monster's aggression towards someone. You say in real life can you do something by hand? - Certainly can! I do almost everything with my own hands - we get some kind of strange dialogue, I can understand half of his phrases well ... - Okay, jack of all trades, then there is an option for you: you go into the game as an artisan with maximum immersion and you start working. Well, what you earn is what you sell. Worst case, we'll reset your account. - What are we dropping? - Oh, never mind, - the technician waved his hand at me - By the way, what's your name? - Eugene, - I held out my hand to him. - Zheka, so ... I'm Dmitry or Dimych, as everyone calls, - his handshake was somehow quick, hasty, but strong. - Okay, Zheka, I'll prepare a capsule for you now. Stay here for now, I'll go up to my closet to work, and when some capsule opens here, climb into it. Dmitry ran somewhere to the second floor. A capsule began to open next to me. I walked over to her and jerked her open faster. - Ah-ah-ah-ah! - there was a heart-rending squeal of a girl staring at me from the capsule. Something is wrong here! - What are you doing here? - I-and-I play ... - the girl's eyes resembled two huge nickels. Something is not right here! I looked around the hall, 3 more capsules opened, curious pugs stuck out of two and enjoyed the free spectacle. Apparently, I made a mistake with the capsule... Coincidence, however... - Sorry, I made a mistake, I was told to get into the capsule, which will open. “Yes, n-n-nothing…” the girl stammered, stammering. Apparently, she has not yet departed from my sudden appearance. I hurried to retreat to the capsule, from which no one could be seen. Behind him, there were soft chuckles from those two curious heads. Thank God there was no one in this capsule. I threw the cider into a special box. There was even space left. Leg. He pulled the cover towards himself. Something pricked in the crown area, and the capsule disappeared. Everything disappeared. There is only white nothingness around... As if in a fog, but only the fog prevents you from looking gradually, but here nothing interferes with looking, but there is nothing around, that is, nothing at all... Not even me... Unpleasant feeling... Me deafened voice: We are glad to welcome you in Altmir! We are already over 800 million! The voice said "Altmir", as if he singled out each letter. Attention! Your capsule is set to one hundred percent sensitivity. We strongly recommend that you reduce the sensitivity to an acceptable thirty percent. This will not affect the realism of the world around you. Strange message! Dimych did not mention anything of the kind. But since it’s easier to make money on a hundred, then we’ll stay on it. Attention! The sensitivity of the capsule remained at the level of one hundred percent. All responsibility for your feelings falls entirely on your shoulders. The system does not accept complaints in the future gameplay to the level of pain and discomfort! You can always delete your playable character! Have a nice game! Something I don’t like it anymore, but the benefit of the character can be deleted - so I’ll try. Choose a race! From the endless white nothing came to me a rack with different dolls: elf, dwarf, orc, human, demon, halfling and many others... But all were darkened, except for the man... Attention! Due to 100% sensitivity, the choice of race is not available to you. Race assigned - Man! Racial traits: The person has no racial bonuses and penalties Yes, not really, and I wanted to be someone else! - Customize your character! A copy of myself appeared in front of me, slowly spinning around its axis. - Attention! Due to 100% sensitivity, changing the characteristics of the body is not available to you. In principle, my appearance suited me perfectly: 180 cm tall, weight 85 kilos, no fat (Forest does not contribute to obesity), blonde hair and brown, almost black eyes. To add a little age ... But no one talked about changing the face. Let's move closer, make it a little older, add a hanging Varangian mustache like a grandfather's. Well, what's the result? Let's move aside. What, I like it! We accept. - The character is customized. Choose a character name! There was a large bronze plate and a keyboard under it. And what to press? I don't see my hands. Okay, I'll think about specific letters. Evgeniy. The sign showed what I thought. - Attention! There are currently over 5,000 registered players with the name Evgeny in the ALTMIRA System. Want to trade in for something more unique? For some reason, I wanted uniqueness, let it be Leshy. - Attention! There are currently over 2000 registered players in the ALTMIRA System with the name Leshy. Want to trade in for something more unique? Hmm, the goblin, as it turned out, is not much more unique than Eugene. Let there be Lesovik - Attention! There are currently 3 players registered in the Altmira System with the name Lesovik. Want to trade in for something more unique? Well, three players and me fourth at 800 million is probably fine with me. - The name is chosen - "Lesovik"! Welcome to ALTMIR! Launch. Everything was gone, the white slowly dimmed and suddenly exploded into a bright, somehow unusually colorful world. Even the taiga in spring does not look so bright, but here all the grass is bright emerald green, as if it had just been painted, the sky is piercingly blue, almost violet in color, which happens only after a thunderstorm when the sun has come out. I stood on a trampled patch of land, from which there was a path to a small village. And around the grass, grass, in the distance one could see a forest, not far away murmured either a small river, or a large stream. Butterflies fluttered, birds whistled. Busily buzzed past a hefty beetle, similar to May and stag beetle at the same time! And the smell! How it smelled of herbs in here! It was as if I found myself at home, in our zaimka in late spring, when all the grass was filled with juice, and everything began to bloom and smell. From home, thoughts involuntarily slid to my grandfather and tears flowed from his eyes. Before that, I tried not to think about him. How can I live without you, grandfather? Okay, this is not the time to become limp, grandfather would not have approved! Yes, and someone is running here. Wiped away tears. A gnome, a real gnome, was running from the side of the village... In a sparkling chain mail, a helmet with horns and with a huge ax behind his back. - Well, hello again - said the dwarf in the voice of a technician and held out a callused hand. I shook hands. Here his handshake was much stronger and more solid, at least, it was definitely not hasty and fussy. - Well, noob, what's it like in the new world? - Dmitry? - And you thought Papa Carlo? Interface to help set up? - What? - Now there will be several requests from the system, agree with everyone. “Won’t it turn out like last time?” - In terms of? - Yes, I almost lay down on the girl in the opened capsule! - That's you Maniacello! You rush to the first person you meet! Well, okay, do not be offended, coincidentally. So then, accept all requests of the system that are somehow related to me, understand? - Like... Player "Dim Dimych" wants to add you as a friend. Agree? Not really. I agree. The player "Dim Dimych" is requesting access to your interface. Allow? Not really. - Dmitry, and here the system asked me about one hundred percent sensitivity ... - I started, but the technician in the form of a gnome interrupted me: - Oh, don't pay attention, they excuse themselves as best they can! To hell with them. You agree come on, I'm not going to stick around with you until you're blue in the face! I agree. Some screens flashed in front of me at a frantic pace, now appearing, now disappearing. Four stripes of red, blue, green and yellow appeared at the bottom left. Below on the right is some kind of handbag, an envelope, a book, an open scroll, a little man, a globe, a computer and a wand with an asterisk at the end. There are 10 small squares in the center of the bottom. - It means so. These four bars are: Red - life, blue - mana, green - stamina, yellow - satiety. Red is spent when you are hit; blue when you cast something or use a special. skills; Green when performing any action; Yellow is spent constantly, but when you eat something, it is filled. Satiety is not spent only if you sleep or left the game, which automatically makes your character sleep. Red, blue and green are best filled when idle, but there are other ways - spells, elixirs, some food and some more. Clear? - Like ... - Like - in the garden! Do you know other words? - Like I know ... - I could not resist the joke. The dwarf covered his forehead and eyes with his hand. - All right, let's continue the educational program. The backpack is your inventory. The envelope is mail, the book is Altmir's library (here you have a bestiary and the history of the world and general information about the world and much more. By the way, the library is filled with players, and they get bonuses for it), a scroll is logs, a little man is your characteristics, a globe - a map, a computer - interface control, a magic wand - a book of spells and special abilities, talents in general. It's clear? - Not really. Bonuses for players - this is to get rid of hunger, right? Are there no other ways? - Everything is even worse than I expected... Bonuses in the game are called rewards from the system - experience, money, things, games, consumables and much more. Where did you come from anyway? Ah, you can not answer, and so I know - from the forest! The right nickname for you! More questions? - What are logs? - Logs are game events: taking damage, dealing damage, finding something, dying, gaining a level, learning abilities, and much more. All this is recorded in the logs and can be viewed later, for example, after the battle. More questions? - How did you find me? - So you are in our district nubyatnik, so I hurried here to help you. - Why do you need it? No, don't think, I'm grateful, but why? - I want a teacher's achievement. - What? Player "Dim Dimych" wants to add you as a student. Agree? Not really. I agree. After all, he teaches me. Attention! You have a teacher! Don't forget to ask him for help and advice! - Achievement. "Teacher" is called. For the second stage, 10 students are needed. And you will be my ninth. Only a beginner up to level 10 can become an apprentice. And when the student reaches level 10, the teacher gets another one in the achievement, and when 20 then another one in the achievement of the mentor. Therefore, do not be surprised that hai graze in the nubyatnik. - Who is grazing? - Hai, high level players. My advice to you is to study the library, at least a section of gaming slang, otherwise you won’t understand half or you won’t understand it the way you should. - Good. - Okay, let's continue. I did not turn off pop-up messages for you, but I made them transparent and small on the right. That is, everything important that happens to you will be displayed on the right. Don't forget to eat. Your satiety score affects your state. Hungry you and full you are two different you. Well-fed and stronger and his defense is better. You become hungry five hours after being completely full. In a hungry person, the characteristics fall by half, after another five hours the wipe. - What's in five hours? - Wipe - death, in general! You will throw away skates from hunger. Not the most pleasant way to die, I must tell you! - Clearly, you need to eat, as in life. - Now you are level zero and you have nothing but characteristics. At each level, you will be given 3 points for the distribution of characteristics (strength, health, endurance, intelligence, wisdom, perception, dexterity, luck), 1 point for skills and every 5 levels 1 unit of talent falls and instead of three points falls on characteristics 5. In addition, after receiving a class, you will be able to receive additional buns. - Well, they said that toys are simple. - Don't worry, you'll figure it out. Now go to the village and get weapons and smart clothes, and not this ragged - I looked at myself - really ragged. Some kind of burlap sleeveless jacket with tattered, spreading edges, the same shorts and bare feet ... It's sad at all ... - Thank you for fussing with me. - Yes, not for that! Ask me if there's any need! Here through the mail, but in real life you already know how to find me, - an oval appeared next to it, iridescent in blue and black tones. He stepped forward and the oval collapsed. I sat down right on the path. You need to get to know yourself better. Inventory. On the left is my doll in rags of two types: Beginner's shirt (10/10 durability) and Beginner's trousers (10/10 durability). What are these pants when shorts? What kind of shirt is this if it has no sleeves? Unclear. There is also a piece of bread. And that's it. It's sad... Eh, I forgot to ask about 10 squares in the center. What's this? Characteristics. Strength, health, endurance, intelligence, wisdom, perception, dexterity, luck, all types of damage per unit. Life, mana, stamina by 10. Carrying capacity 5. I wonder if this is a lot or a little? What am I talking about! I was just born, of course, not enough. A girl appeared in the clearing in a leather vest and the same leather skirt to the middle of the thigh, red boots, a green hat with an elongated sharp visor, just like Robin Hood from the movie, long elongated ears sticking out from under the hat, pointed upwards. With a bow in her hands, apparently the daughter of that very Robin Hood, since even his hat ... Only my ears embarrassed me. The ears were strange. - What are you staring at? - the girl was not too polite - Dump into the shade! - Why are you talking so rudely? - I was confused. - Because you, nubyara, blocked my way! The girl made a quick movement with her hands. You have taken 10 damage. You are dead! You will be transported to the nearest spawn point! There was some instant pain in the chest area, but it immediately disappeared. I found myself again in the clearing, but hanging in some kind of muddy cocoon. The colors were noticeably paler through the walls of this cocoon. Revival in 3, 2, 1. The cocoon burst, and I found myself in an already familiar clearing in an already familiar bright world. The girl was gone. So I found out: 10 is not just a little, it's terribly small. So I need to go to the village. Well, let's go, even run. On a third of the road I was bent by severe shortness of breath, my legs were filled with lead. I didn't have the strength to run. What the hell? Didn't even run 100 meters! The green scale is gone. Clearly, the reserve of forces when running is spent where as actively. Okay, I'll walk slowly. Another third of the road and the reserve of forces was restored. Well, I ran the last third again. Already almost ran to the village, as the supply of strength ran out. Shortness of breath, heaviness, but I still forced myself to run. His eyes darkened, he stumbled over something. Already lying in the dust and coming to my senses, I noticed a pale inscription on the right. At first I thought that she was scribbled on the road in a sling, but the letters were too small. Take a closer look: Congratulations! Increased characteristic Endurance +1; Speed ​​is life! Congratulations! You unlocked the Athletics skill. The Athletics skill will increase your movement speed. Apparently, these are the logs that Dmitry was talking about. As soon as I read the inscription, it disappeared. Wonderful! And what does it give me? Characteristics.


Level: 0/0%

Athletics: 1/15%

Health: 1/1%

Stamina: 2/25%

Intelligence: 1/50%

Wisdom: 1/0%

Perception: 1/0%

Agility: 1/0%

Luck: 1/0%

Life: 10/10

Stamina: 0/20

Load capacity: 1/5

Speed: 1.1/2.2

P. Damage close: 1/1

P. Damage far: 1/1

Magic damage: 1/1

Yes, it's a workout! That is, by any of my actions beyond measure, I can increase the characteristics! Now I can run longer and further! And the speed has increased too! Yes, and health added! Hooray! And then this run to the village of 300 meters almost killed me ... Stop, why did intelligence and health increase? Intelligence, probably, due to the fact that I figured out how to pump a character ... Apparently, there’s nothing more, it seems, although they still didn’t give a full unit ... But health, it’s not clear, and little at all - only 1%. So, I need to urgently do push-ups! I will definitely increase my strength. I took a pose of lying down and began to do push-ups ... Well, as I started, I went down there, but I couldn’t go back - my hands were trembling, my teeth were creaking, my legs were cramping, as if in real life I’ve already done 120 push-ups, but here is only the first. I clenched my fist to my heart’s content and I can’t through it, let’s have arms, legs, back, we’re trying for ourselves! There is one!!! Fell. I didn't think push-ups could be so hard. My grandfather and I did exercises every morning. A hundred, not a hundred, but 70-80 times I did push-ups. I was glad that they added a unit of strength. Congratulations! Increased characteristic Strength +1; This time I did not unlock any skills. But he increased the carrying capacity to 10 and the short-range physical damage also increased by one. But the intellect has not increased - the freebie has ended ... I wonder what the unit in the load means? Is it that my clothes and a crust of bread weigh so much? Need to check. Inventory. Where is the crust? Where is my delicious crust? Either I lost it, or it fell out at my death, and that evil girl took it! Why are there two people staring at me? Should have listened. - Zyr, this pretzel barely ran here from the respawn, and then he started doing push-ups, so he barely did 1 time. Hero! Now it's back in the dust. Now learn something else! Didn't hear? It's not about me! Congratulations! You have unlocked the "Early Hearing" skill. The Keen Hearing skill will allow you to hear more, better and farther. Congratulations! Increased Intelligence +1! Yes, I'm growing up! Apparently, intelligence increases with the discovery of new characteristics. I won’t look at the characteristics yet, so everything seems to be clear. And these two are just whispering. - A naive Albanian young man does not know that it is almost impossible to improve skills with efforts! Let's see this circus! Why Albanian? I seem to be Russian. Where did he get it from? Something about this cheap popularity is not to my liking. That way, I won’t practice a damn thing in the village. Gotta get out of here. And where to? Yes, out into the forest, which can be seen nearby. Moreover, the Forest will feed and clothe! Why the hell did I even get into this village? Get up and run! And these two are running after me, but in the distance. We turn off the path and into the woods. It turned out to be much more difficult to run in waist-deep grass than along the path, and I got tired much faster. Now the heart is thumping in the chest like a hammer! And the circles before my eyes went, led to the side, but I still ran. Congratulations! Athletics skill increased by +1! What about endurance? Out of resentment, I even stopped looking at my feet, which immediately led to my face meeting the ground. He fell as if he had been knocked down, he didn’t even have time to substitute his hands ... You received 3 damage. You have 7/10 life left. Damn, how it hurts! As if sandpaper was used instead of a towel after washing. Okay, what do I have with the parameters? The speed has increased even more, apparently, it is tied to athletics. But endurance still grew up, 10% was not enough to reach the next level. And those two stomp behind like elephants! Me too, is that how I go? By the way, the grass closed me from them, I have to crawl away from them. The free circus is over! I crawled to the right. - Here he is somewhere, I tell you for sure! He fell here! He couldn't get far! - God be with him, with this noob! He gave you! He still won’t give you a frag, he hasn’t chosen a fraction in any way! You should have hit him right away! - Yeah, to lower the turnip in the village and the empire. Wow! Let's go back! Congratulations! Keen Hearing increased by +1! Congratulations! Increased Perception +1! Feeling you has become much harder! Congratulations! You have unlocked the Stealth skill. The skill "Stealth" allows you to go unnoticed by your opponents. Congratulations! Increased Agility +1! A herd of elephants in the amount of two pieces galloped back to the village, and I crawled even more to the right. Get close to the enemy unnoticed, that's my goal! Congratulations! You have unlocked the Silent Step skill. The Silent Step skill allows you to sneak up on your target without being seen. Congratulations! Increased Intelligence +1! A golden rain poured down on me from the characteristics! And what is the connection between "Silent step" and intelligence? Or did intelligence grow due to a new characteristic? You have to go to the library. Okay, I'll figure it out later. And now, on the sly in the direction of the forest, away from trouble, otherwise you can see what: "I should have beat him right away!" So I crawled to the forest. For some reason, neither a quiet step, nor secrecy grew at the same time ... It was noticeably darker in the forest than outside. The colors are darker and more saturated. Some strange sounds, unusual for the forest. No, there were also the usual ones: the knock of a woodpecker, the chirping of various small birds, the rustle of the wind in the foliage. But there were others: as if something heavy was crawling, tearing off the foliage behind it; the crackling of broken branches in the distance, sharp cries from quite a distance, as piercing as the cry of a hare, but only a couple of tones lower and longer. Goosebumps were running around, it was the wrong sounds. There shouldn't be any in the forest. So, you need to find a spring or stream. I remember there was a stream near the glade of rebirth, but where and where it flowed from is unknown. I’ll run along the edge of the forest towards the clearing, maybe a stream will be found. Having almost reached the clearing, I saw a stream, which quickly ran out of the forest towards the clearing and not far from it turned in the opposite direction from the village. It is somehow strange, usually people put any villages next to the water, and not far from it ... There are some absurdities in the game, although there may be other water in the village, but I didn’t really consider the village, almost immediately ran away. I went along the stream, examining the stones, there must be pellets, and flint, as a rule, is not so difficult to find near the stream, however, it is necessary that the stream was mountainous. Well, yes, a small such assumption. Passed the stream to the source. It turned out to be a small spring, knocking out of the cut of the hill. By the way, the hill is basalt, and the cut looks like a knife went through butter! What is it that could cut the hill like that? And where did the other half of the hill go? A bush grew near the spring, someone carefully tied a wooden mug to the bush. I never found flint, although when splitting such a hill there should have been fragments, but no ... But I found a pebble with a very sharp edge, this one cannot but come in handy! I also collected pellets, small, the size of a chicken egg, 12 pieces. They will go to the charges for the sling. I made a sling, half cutting off with a pebble-knife, half tearing off, a strip from my "shirt" The strength of the shirt fell to 5 out of 10, and the shorts to 8/10. I wonder why? Because of my scouting movements or because of the falls? The shirt has already fallen apart, we must use it to the maximum! He tore his shirt into thin strips. Got 10 pieces. Well, the destruction is over, let's start creating, I tried to stretch one strip, like a hebashka, but the burlap from the tension spread into shreds. One line minus. Go to light a fire. I took three strips, weaved them into a pigtail. 3 more and one more pigtail. The last 3 and the last pigtail. These pigtails will be stronger than individual strips. It turned out they were about 50 centimeters long. True, a bowstring will not come out of them, it was too thick and clumsy ropes came out. However, they may be useful for other purposes. I found a thicker and drier log, dragged it to the stream. Picked up sickness. I found a stick as thick as a finger, broke it into two pieces, 25 centimeters each. To one tied a pigtail on both sides. At another, he cut a hole in the end, where he hung a pigtail with a tied stick. It turned out a bow for kindling a fire. He hollowed out a hole in the log with a pebble, put a flat sliver there, placed the main stick with a slot vertically on the sliver, twisted it until the pigtail was fully tensioned and pulled the horizontal stick down, untwisted, it spun again. He moved the wand up and down until smoke began to rise from below. He slipped a piece of the first strip into it with his teeth, without stopping turning the bow. A few seconds later, a piece of burlap flared up. You have taken 2 fire damage. 8/10 life remaining. Surely all the eyebrows and eyelashes burned, well, don't worry! I tossed wood chips to the fire, then sticks. Then more sticks. In general, the fire turned out! No wonder he suffered! He put two sticks more authentically to get burned from one edge - future spears. It hasn't worked out with onions yet. I will not stock arrows. Felt like a pig. I didn’t take off the turf - I made a fire right on the grass, my grandfather would have beaten me for such a long time. Sad thoughts interrupted the pain in the abdomen and the system message: Attention! Are you hungry! Your stats are halved. You need to eat! If you don't eat within 5 hours, you will die. Brr... Already frost on the skin. "You will die!" I looked at the satiety bar. It turned from an empty yellow into a filled gray and began to decrease again. So let's go hunting, whether I'm a forester or not! Having pulled out the burnt future spears, he ground their burnt parts on a stone, thereby obtaining rather sharp and not "shaggy" tips. You purposefully broke something in order to get more benefit for yourself! Congratulations! You've earned the "Master Breaker 1" achievement! Glory +1. You have 3 attribute points available. Creating weapons, what could be more exciting for a man? Congratulations! You have learned the profession "Gunsmith"! Strength +1. Wow! This is something new! Got a profession! And she also increased her strength!

The fantastic novel by Yevgeny Starukhin "Lesovik" captivates with the vivid adventures of the protagonist. At the same time, everything looks quite natural, as far as it is possible in an unreal world. The book is written in a living language, without unnecessary complication, so that it can be read for relaxation and entertainment. In parallel, there is a description of real and game life, and both storylines are interesting.

When Eugene was very small, he was left without parents. The boy was raised by his grandfather. For some reason, he decided that his grandson would definitely need survival skills. Zhenya grew up in the taiga and studied everything necessary. He was forbidden to spend 24 hours a day at the computer, but he could survive even in the most extreme conditions. But grandfather did not live long, leaving the underage boy alone.

Eugene was placed in an orphanage. And here are their laws. His task is to play one popular online game for 15 hours a day. The type of activity has already been chosen for him, but he was able to choose the name and the strength of sensations on his own. And Lesovik decided that if you really feel, then to the fullest. Could he have known that it would backfire on him and that not everyone needs to be trusted so easily ...

On our website you can download the book "Lesovik" by Yevgeny Starukhin for free and without registration in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format, read the book online or buy a book in an online store.

Evgeny Starukhin

A couple of thanks:

I thank my wife Olenka for her support,

and Gusarov Igor Nikolaevich

for his invaluable help

in preparing the book for publication.

Book one


The first day

And so my happy childhood ended. Grandfather died. He just didn't wake up. He was 78 years old. My grandfather always seemed eternal to me. Strong, stern Siberian, blacksmith. It was strange to suddenly be alone, not to hear the usual phrase: “Get up, couch potato, you will sleep all your life!”

He raised me for as long as I can remember. My parents died when I was very young, and my grandfather took me to be raised. He knew the Forest, and the Forest knew him. Grandfather introduced me to the Forest and taught me everything he knew. And now he is gone. Juveniles will soon arrive and take me to the orphanage. After the general chipization in 2030, there is no hope for a delay in their arrival. They already had a call about an orphan. We have to get ready, because they will pick me up as soon as they arrive. He collected his clothes, underwear, his favorite mug, a couple of spoons, a knife made of damask steel presented by his grandfather and his own - hunting, in a sheath. He threw knives into the middle of the army "sidor", having previously rewound them with linen so that they would not even accidentally tinkle. I attached a sapper shovel, a small hatchet to my backpack and took my grandfather's gun. I did not take my grandfather's old computer with me. Orphanages are now equipped with virtual capsules. So I don’t need this ancient computer there, there probably won’t even be anywhere to connect it.

There was noise outside. A helicopter of juveniles was approaching the lodge.

He left the hut with a backpack over his shoulders and grandfather's gun, sat down on the mound and looked at the approaching fate in the form of a small helicopter.

There is nowhere for a helicopter to land here, they will have to go down the stairs, what to do - steep taiga. Our lodge is small - a dugout hut, a well and a small smithy. Everything is two steps away from each other.

I really wanted to bury my grandfather here, but the juveniles would not let him. As a minor, I do not have the right to bury relatives of my choice, and my grandfather did not leave a written will for this case. Therefore, the body of the grandfather will be taken to the city and cremated. And me - in an orphanage and stuffed into a cocoon of the virtual world. For the last 17 years, since the year of my birth, virtual reality has been used almost everywhere. People live there, work there, relax there, even get married and have children there. Neither grandfather nor I understood the latter at all - what is the use of a virtual child? But someone else's soul is dark, if someone likes something, then it will appear on the market.

Prisons are now all in the virtual - prisoners are digging resources for the good of the Motherland, they are released only at the end of the term. But there are no security costs. Orphans are also almost all the time in the virtual - there is both training and leisure - educators are not needed. But children are at least released from the capsule, as far as I know.

The helicopter hovered over the well, the roar from it was such that all the animals scattered for 10 kilometers in the area. From above, a man in an orange vest and overalls descended on a cable. Somehow I imagined juveniles in a different way, in suits, or something, with glasses and certainly with a briefcase. This one looks more like a worker.

The man, as soon as he touched the ground, ran up to me, put the cable under his armpits, wrapped me around him, hooked me with a carbine, and we were carried upwards. Well, neither hello to you, nor goodbye, even if you say a word. Mute, right? We were pulled up to the hatch of the helicopter.

Down there, the corpse must be taken away, - some woman with a briefcase and glasses yelled on the right (as I thought). The man freed me from the cable, took something like a stretcher and rode down on the cable. After some time, the body of my grandfather rose on a stretcher. Another man in the same vest and similar to the first as a twin brother, unhooked the stretcher from the cable and threw it down. The first one got up and the helicopter flew into the city. I don't remember much about the flight itself. No one spoke to me in this noise, and I did not burn with desire. Below, the taiga flashed like a green carpet. We were dropped off in a small area, near a gray house. Men in orange vests carried a stretcher with my grandfather inside the building.

Let's go, - said the aunt in some nasty tone, as if I stole something from her or spat on her shoes.

We entered the great hall. There was a platform near the wall of the hall, the porters put the grandfather's body on it and left the hall. Opposite the platform were chairs in four rows, 10 chairs in a row. I sat closer to the grandfather's body. I don't know what to say, grandfather for me was everything I knew about life. There are no thoughts, no emotions, as if something has burned out or died out. Although why something? Somebody! Goodbye…

Farewell, grandfather!

Run! squealed the aunt. The grate in the wall rose, the grandfather's body moved along the platform towards the opening of the crematorium furnace. The bars descended, ending my old life.

Let's go, - the aunt's vocabulary was not very diverse.

We left the building, the helicopter had already left. Passing the square, they approached a yellow two-story building. We went up to the second floor to an office with a sign "Director". There was a beautiful, but some strange table in the office - it seemed that you would blow on it and it would fall apart. The chair in which the aunt sat was much more powerful than this table. She looked at the computer monitor, tapped her fingers on the table, and finally started talking:

Evgeny Georgievich Evpak, seventeen years old, - the aunt grunted with a kind of grin. - Welcome! This is your new home, - the sarcasm in her voice did not speak of any cordiality, and her voice seemed to become even more disgusting. You will live here until you are eighteen. That is about ten more months. After that, the state program will provide you with a housing certificate for the purchase of an apartment. Taking into account the fact that you didn’t have a normal school education because of your abnormal grandfather who dragged you into the taiga, then higher education doesn’t threaten you either - I didn’t see the point in arguing with her and swearing, let him grind what he wants. Anyway, my grandfather was no more stupid than her. I suppose my grandfather and I mastered the school curriculum. And my grandfather diligently trained me to enter the university. - So, you will work in a virtual environment, so you can already get used to it from today. Your schedule will be 15 hours in the virtual, 9 in real life, seven days a week. I sent you files with the rules of our orphanage, safety precautions, as well as your rights to the mail of your chip - another sarcastic grin. - Put your electronic signature here.

I extended my hand with the chip to the sensor.

And here, - the headmistress took out some huge book, - the usual signature.

I looked up in surprise.

Yes Yes. There is nothing to stare like that! We also have a paper archive. So draw your squiggle.

I put my signature. The aunt looked at her and squealed:

Are you really sick? Why did you draw a crossed-out butterfly for me here? Didn't your grandfather even teach you how to write?

This is not a butterfly, these are two capital letters E, though one is mirrored. And between them is not a cross, but a capital letter G.

All sorts of people crawl out of the forest and play smart here! Now you go to the hall of cocoons and find a technician, he will set up a capsule for you. The hall of cocoons is located on the first floor. Yes! And leave your gun and ax and shovel here, you won't need them. You can take a backpack with things. Free!

But who is she that I would give her my grandfather's gun for a great life? I involuntarily pressed him to my chest.

I see you don't intend to voluntarily give. Well, then you have to call the police, because you do not have a permit to carry weapons? - Waiting for my nod, she continued with satisfaction: - And we will transfer you to a shelter for unruly teenagers. And there you will not have such a fertile atmosphere. There are cameras everywhere, everything is under surveillance, even the toilet. And even more so, there are no absences to the city, not like ours! Well, will you give up the gun or not?

There was nowhere to go. He put it on the chair next to him and left. Grandfather's gun was terribly sorry, but there was no choice. I wonder if the gun will wait for me before leaving the orphanage? Most likely not!

Yes, the director here was just super! Let's hope at least the technician is a normal person. I went down to the first floor, found the hall of cocoons (it was hard not to find, there are only four doors in the entire corridor of the first floor: to the street, to the courtyard, to the second floor and the last one I needed).

I stood and looked at the hall of cocoons: there were a lot of cocoons here - about five hundred, no less. And nobody. Where is the technique to look for?

Khe-khe, - a polite cough of a frail boy came from behind, he could have looked like twenty or forty, a surprisingly irrevocable face, - Are you looking for what?

Technique. I was told that they would set up a capsule for me.

You found the tech. What capsule do you want?

I mean, which one? For virtual...

Darkness! Oh darkness! What are you planning to do in the capsule?

To work, in the sense, I would earn extra money before leaving the orphanage in order to enter the university.

In general, so, boy, listen here! To earn a lot, you need a big market. A big market is where there are a lot of users. So your choice is the place where there are the most users. This is Altmir - an alternative world. But there are a few nuances here. First: to earn something, you need to sell something, and to sell something, you need to get something, and in order to get something, you need to be able to do something. And the more you know how, the more likely you are to get something. Am I making it clear?

The subgenre is predominantly entertainment in nature. For several years, he has gained millions of fans around the world, fascinated the minds of gamers and ordinary readers. These books attract even those who are not familiar with computer games. The reader, as if together with the hero of the book, is immersed to the virtual world- big, immense, full of surprises and riddles. Despite the share of spilled criticism, LitRPG books continue to lead the hits of popular genres for several years.

Features of books in the genre 2019

They love to read LitRPGs for atmospheric ones, in one of which the main character is immersed - he can be an ordinary player, but, having a bit of ingenuity, perseverance and other characteristic features, he often quickly conquers the playing spaces, becoming a special player. Heroes follow unconventional paths that lead them to a virtual triumph - or at least a quick rise in the game rating. They lead guilds and clans, are on friendly terms with deities or strong NPCs (NPCs). But adventures in virtual reality do not end quickly.

Many scold LitRPG for being primitive, but in fact the genre is wide enough for ideas and plots. Here they beat a mixture with, and problems, and intra-virtual conflicts, "system failures", code errors, immortal virtual life, a breakthrough of the gods from the virtual to the real world, and many other aspects that can only be revealed in this genre. It all depends on the skill and imagination of the author.

The writing style is usually simple and capacious, without frills, one storyline. For the most part, these books are loved for a good opportunity to relax and immerse themselves in the colorful world of the book.

The virtual world is usually fantasy, but it is not uncommon for LitRPGs to be described differently: for example, in or in the pirate expanses of the Caribbean. Separately, it is worth highlighting "", where game actions take place in the real world.

  • Battle Star Galactica
  • Star Conflict
  • planescape
  • Fallout
  • ArcheAge
  • Runescape
  • MMORPG Ultima Online
  • Prime World
  • skyforge
  • Worface

LitRPG about the game economy, crafting and leveling, about thieves, robbers, "tanks", damage dealers, about guilds and gaming clans...

Read free LitRPG on our portal - the perfect choice. There are thousands of books posted by the authors themselves. They can set any questions in the comments to the works, as well as subscribe to updates. Many authors of this genre love Lit-Era for its good functionality, and therefore they post here exclusively. You can read your favorite books both online and by downloading the text in a convenient format.

Evgeny Starukhin

A few words of gratitude: I thank my wife Olenka for her support, as well as Igor Nikolaevich Gusarov for his invaluable help in preparing the book for publication.

© Starukhin E., 2015

© Publishing House Eksmo LLC, 2015

Book one


The first day

And so my happy childhood ended. Grandfather died. He just didn't wake up. He was 78 years old. My grandfather always seemed eternal to me. Strong, stern Siberian, blacksmith. It was strange to suddenly be alone, not to hear the usual phrase: “Get up, couch potato, you will sleep all your life!”

He raised me for as long as I can remember. My parents died when I was very young, and my grandfather took me to be raised. He knew the Forest, and the Forest knew him. Grandfather introduced me to the Forest and taught me everything he knew. And now he is gone. Juveniles will soon arrive and take me to the orphanage. After the general chipization in 2030, there is no hope for a delay in their arrival. They already had a call about an orphan. We have to get ready, because they will pick me up as soon as they arrive. He collected his clothes, underwear, his favorite mug, a couple of spoons, a knife made of damask steel presented by his grandfather and his own - hunting, in a sheath. He threw knives into the middle of the army "sidor", having previously rewound them with linen so that they would not even accidentally tinkle. I attached a sapper shovel, a small hatchet to my backpack and took my grandfather's gun. I did not take my grandfather's old computer with me. Orphanages are now equipped with virtual capsules. So I don’t need this ancient computer there, there probably won’t even be anywhere to connect it.

There was noise outside. A helicopter of juveniles was approaching the lodge.

He left the hut with a backpack over his shoulders and grandfather's gun, sat down on the mound and looked at the approaching fate in the form of a small helicopter.

There is nowhere for the helicopter to land here, they will have to go down the stairs, what to do - the taiga is all around. Our lodge is not large - a dugout hut, a well and a small smithy. Everything is two steps away from each other.

I really wanted to bury my grandfather here, but the juveniles would not let him. As a minor, I do not have the right to bury relatives of my choice, and my grandfather did not leave a written will for this case. Therefore, the body of the grandfather will be taken to the city and cremated. And I will go to an orphanage and be stuffed into a cocoon of the virtual world. For the last 17 years, since the year of my birth, virtual reality has been used almost everywhere. People live there, work there, relax there, even get married and have children there. Neither grandfather nor I understood the latter at all - what is the use of a virtual child? But someone else's soul is dark, if someone likes something, then it will appear on the market.

Prisons are now all virtual - prisoners are digging resources for the good of the Motherland, they are released only at the end of their term. But there are no security costs. Orphans are also almost all the time in the virtual - there is both training and leisure - educators are not needed. But children are at least released from the capsule, as far as I know.

The helicopter hovered over the well, the roar from it was such that all the animals scattered for 10 kilometers in the area. From above, a man in an orange vest and overalls descended on a cable. Somehow I imagined juveniles in a different way, in suits, or something, with glasses and certainly with a briefcase. This one looks more like a worker.

The man, as soon as he touched the ground, ran up to me, put the cable under his armpits, wrapped me around him, hooked me with a carbine, and we were carried upwards. Well, no hello to you, no goodbye, even if you say a word. Mute, right? We were pulled up to the hatch of the helicopter.

“The corpse must be picked up down there,” some woman with a briefcase and glasses yelled from the right (as I thought). The man freed me from the cable, took something like a stretcher and rode down on the cable. After some time, the body of my grandfather rose on a stretcher. Another man in the same vest and similar to the first as a twin brother, unhooked the stretcher from the cable and threw it down. The first one got up and the helicopter flew into the city. I don't remember much about the flight itself. No one spoke to me in this noise, and I did not burn with desire. Below, the taiga flashed like a green carpet. We were dropped off in a small square near a gray house. The men in orange vests carried the stretcher with the grandfather inside the building.

“Let's go,” my aunt said in a nasty tone, as if I had stolen something from her or spit on her shoes.

We entered the great hall. There was a platform near the wall of the hall, the porters put the grandfather's body on it and left the hall. Opposite the platform were chairs in four rows, 10 chairs in a row. I sat closer to the grandfather's body. I don't know what to say, grandfather for me was everything I knew about life. There are no thoughts, no emotions, as if something has burned out or died out. Although why something? Somebody! Goodbye…

- Farewell, grandfather!

- Run! squealed the aunt. The grate in the wall rose, the grandfather's body moved along the platform towards the opening of the crematorium furnace. The bars descended, ending my old life.

“Let’s go,” the aunt’s vocabulary was not very diverse.

We left the building, the helicopter had already left. Passing the square, they approached a yellow two-story building. We went up to the second floor to an office with a sign "Director". There was a beautiful, but some strange table in the office - it seemed that you would blow on it, and it would fall apart. The chair in which the aunt sat was much more powerful than this table. She looked at the computer monitor, tapped her fingers on the table, and finally started talking:

“Evgeny Georgievich Evpak is seventeen years old,” the aunt grunted with a kind of grin. - Welcome! This is your new home, - the sarcasm in her voice did not speak of any cordiality, and her voice seemed to become even more disgusting. You will live here until you are eighteen. That is about ten more months. After that, the state program will provide you with a housing certificate for the purchase of an apartment. Taking into account the fact that you didn’t have a normal school education because of your abnormal grandfather who dragged you to the taiga, then higher education doesn’t threaten you either - I didn’t see the point in arguing with her and swearing, let him grind what he wants. Anyway, my grandfather was no more stupid than her. I suppose my grandfather and I mastered the school curriculum. And my grandfather diligently trained me to enter the university. – So, you will work in the virtual, so you can already get used to it from today. Your schedule will be 15 hours in the virtual, 9 in real life, seven days a week. I sent you files with the rules of our orphanage, safety precautions, as well as your rights to the mail of your chip - another sarcastic grin. - Put your electronic signature here.

I extended my hand with the chip to the sensor.

“And here,” the headmistress took out some huge book, “the usual signature.

I looked up in surprise.

- Yes Yes. There is nothing to stare like that! We also have a paper archive. So draw your squiggle.

I put my signature. The aunt looked at her and squealed:

- Are you really sick? Why did you draw a crossed-out butterfly for me here? Didn't your grandfather even teach you how to write?

- This is not a butterfly, these are two capital letters E, though one is mirrored. And between them is not a cross, but a capital letter G.

- All sorts of people crawl out of the forest and play smart here! Now you go to the hall of cocoons and find a technician, he will set up a capsule for you. The hall of cocoons is located on the first floor. Yes! And leave your gun and ax and shovel here, you won't need them. You can take a backpack with things. Free!

But who is she that I would give her my grandfather's gun for a great life? I involuntarily pressed him to my chest.

“I see you don’t intend to give it voluntarily. Well, then you have to call the police, because you do not have a permit to carry weapons? - Waiting for my nod, she continued with satisfaction: - And we will transfer you to a shelter for unruly teenagers. And there you will not have such a fertile atmosphere. There are cameras everywhere, everything is under surveillance, even the toilet. And even more so, there are no absences to the city, not like ours! Well, will you give up the gun or not?

There was nowhere to go. He put it on the chair next to him and left. Grandfather's gun was terribly sorry, but there was no choice. I wonder if the gun will wait for me before leaving the orphanage? Most likely not!

Yes, the director here was just super! Let's hope at least the technician is a normal person. I went down to the first floor, found the hall of cocoons (it was hard not to find, there are only four doors in the entire corridor of the first floor: to the street, to the courtyard, to the second floor and the last one I needed).

I stood and looked at the hall of cocoons: there were a lot of cocoons here - about five hundred, no less. And nobody. Where is the technique to look for?

“Khe-khe,” a polite cough of a frail boy came from behind him, he looked like he could be given both twenty and forty, a surprisingly expressionless face, “Looking for what?

- Technique. I was told that they would set up a capsule for me.