Christmas tree on the wall: an unusual Christmas tree with your own hands. How to decorate a house for the New Year: we make beauty in the house ourselves Christmas tree on a tinsel wall with our own hands

In 1700, by decree of Peter the Great, the celebration of the New Year began to be celebrated on January 1. Since then, a decorated spruce has become an invariable attribute of this holiday. In addition to a beautiful New Year's tree, hand-made Christmas trees can become an interior decoration. This article will look at several master classes on how to make a Christmas tree from tinsel with your own hands.

wall decoration

The holiday is just around the corner, and the dimensions of your home do not allow you to build houses forest beauty. What to do? Dont be upset! The tree can be hung on the wall. It will give you a festive mood and will not take up much space.

To create a wall composition, you will need:

  • green tinsel;
  • power buttons;
  • various decorations according to your taste.

The process of making a Christmas tree from tinsel is quite simple. At the intended location of the composition, you need to make a sketch in the form of a Christmas tree with a simple pencil. Then paste over the outline of the sketch with tinsel.

In order not to spoil the wall, it is better to do this with the help of power buttons.

Decorate the Christmas tree as you wish.

If you want to make such a composition more fluffy, then it is better to use a frame. The second Christmas tree will be made of tinsel and drawing paper. To make it, take:

  • Whatman;
  • Tinsel;
  • Glue gun;
  • Decorations;
  • Scissors;
  • Simple pencil.

Here everything is also quite simple. On a piece of drawing paper, draw the outline of the future Christmas tree. Cut it out. Using a glue gun, fill the entire space of the painted Christmas tree with tinsel, starting from the outline. Decorate the finished Christmas tree to your liking. The advantage of such a Christmas tree is the possibility of its reusable use. You can fix it on the wall with the help of buttons.

outdoor herringbone

If you suffer from allergies and can't afford to put a live Christmas tree at home, use the following workshop to create an unusual artificial Christmas tree.

For work you will need:

  • Several sheets of whatman paper (their number depends on the desired size of the product);
  • Glue;
  • Scissors;
  • A simple pencil and rope;
  • A lot of tinsel of the desired color;
  • Hot glue;
  • Decorations.

First of all, you need to make a base in the form of a cone. Glue the sheets of paper with adhesive tape or glue. Use a pencil and string to draw a large circle on them. Using the diagram below, make a conical base.

When the base is ready, you can start decorating it with tinsel. It must be glued to the paper base using hot glue or PVA glue.

The finished Christmas tree needs to be decorated with Christmas toys. A small Christmas tree made of tinsel and paper can decorate a window or New Year's table, and use the large one as a full-fledged artificial spruce.

creative solution

If you want something unusual, try making a Christmas tree out of tinsel and wire. Guests will look at such a Christmas tree for a long time and be interested in yours. creative idea. To make a Christmas tree you will need:

  • About a meter of thick wire;
  • Hot glue;
  • Scissors;
  • Thin tinsel;
  • Styrofoam cone of the desired size;
  • Decorations.

The most convenient way to make such a Christmas tree is with a foam cone. Take a cone and wrap it with wire. Make coils of the size you need. Using hot glue, secure the tinsel to the wire frame and start winding it onto the wire blank. Follow this operation to the very tip of the wire, gluing if necessary. Decorate the finished Christmas tree as you wish. Such an unusual solution can serve as great decoration table or festive corner, and a very creative gift.

And you can bring even more creativity into the house and make a floor composition in the form of a wire Christmas tree.

Gift for a sweet tooth

What's a holiday without sweets? Treat your favorite sweet tooth an unusual gift- a Christmas tree made of tinsel and sweets.

At the heart of such unusual crafts lies a conical base. It can be purchased at art and craft stores. These cones are made of foam, they are very light and stable. And you can do it yourself. Just fold a sheet of cardboard into a bag, secure with a stapler and cut off the excess at the base of the cone.

The foundation is done, you can get to work. For crafts you will need:

  • The base of the conical shape;
  • Scissors;
  • Double sided tape;
  • Candies.

Exist new year traditions, which we cannot but observe, because without them the holiday will not be truly New Year's. Such traditions can be safely attributed - the clink of glasses of champagne, under the New Year's beauty and, of course, Christmas tree.

In this article, the Site news portal has prepared for you some unusual, but very original ways to implement one of the most important traditions - installing a Christmas tree in an apartment, office, country house and other premises. The Christmas tree in our case will not be simple, but wall. Yes, yes, the Christmas tree will be placed in all its glory on the wall.

This type of placement Christmas tree will be appropriate in small apartments, rooms, office premises, shops or where everything unusual and original is appreciated and loved.

Christmas tree made of pom-poms

This decision of the Christmas tree will give warmth and comfort in your home. Opt for multi-colored pompoms, which are best made from yarn, but you can also try using decorative crepe paper.

Fasten the made pompoms on a strong thread or fishing line and attach to the wall in the form of a Christmas tree silhouette.

Christmas tree from clothespins

Who would have thought that ordinary wooden clothespins could be a great decoration for a New Year's interior.

Use decorative ribbon or wide elastic, pre-decorated clothespins, to create a Christmas tree on the wall in the form of a holiday calendar.

It is very convenient to attach small gifts and greeting cards to clothespins.

Christmas tree made of paper

To create such a fluffy paper Christmas tree, use a fringe made from decorative paper. Attach the fringe to the wall in the form of a Christmas tree with double-sided tape. The finished Christmas tree can be decorated with an electric or paper garland.

Christmas tree poster

One of the easiest options is to use a Christmas tree poster. Attach the poster to the wall with adhesive tape, and then decorate it with Christmas tree decorations, beads and an electric garland.

Wrapping paper Christmas tree

Each of us is often presented with souvenirs and gifts in beautifully wrapped wrapping paper. If you have such paper left and gathering dust lying in the closet, then right now it can get its second life.

cut out wrapping paper separate parts of the future wall Christmas tree. Attach the finished parts to the wall with double-sided tape and decorate with decorative ribbons, bows and small Christmas tree decorations.

Christmas tree from a paper garland

Cut out circles of the same size from colored paper and glue them on a strong thread, thereby creating different colors.

From the finished garland, lay out the silhouette of a Christmas tree on the wall.

Christmas tree shelf

In this design, the Christmas tree can become a real piece of furniture that will not only decorate, but also carry the useful function of a bookshelf. Arrange New Year's souvenirs, Christmas decorations and, of course, gifts on the "branches" of the Christmas tree-shelves.

Christmas tree made of small souvenirs

If you have a lot of interesting things at home, such as magnets, pictures, mugs, key chains, unusual figurines and figurines, then it's time to use them to create a real designer Christmas tree wall.

Christmas tree from an electric garland

This option will appeal to those who appreciate brilliance and light. To create such a Christmas tree, use ordinary Christmas tree electric garlands, which, in the shape of a Christmas tree, attach to the wall with adhesive tape.

Decorate the finished luminous Christmas tree with small Christmas decorations, snowflakes and beads.

Christmas tree drawn in chalk

A great option to decorate the classroom.

Draw a New Year's beauty with chalk on a school board, and then use tape to attach Christmas tree decorations to it.

tree made of wood

This version of the Christmas tree will be very useful in a country house or in the country. Attach chopped pieces of logs to the wall creating a silhouette of a Christmas tree.

You can come up with your own unique Christmas tree wall, because you can make it from anything - photographs, sweets, fabrics, New Year's tinsel, decorative ribbons and plaits ...

A New Year tree is an obligatory attribute of the holiday, but who said that it should be alive? And now we are not even talking about artificial trees, but about simple and budget options - for example, a Christmas tree on the wall: the ideas are so numerous that we decided to devote a separate article to them. DIY creative Christmas tree - perfect option getting a Christmas tree is cheaper than a real tree. This is also your case if you protect nature or just want to surprise guests on New Year with originality and imagination. And at the same time - save space in the apartment.

Creative Christmas tree made of paper

From old newspapers and other paper - triangular sheets are cut out, which are glued to the wall one above the other. You can turn on your imagination and make the ranking of the triangles by color, and to make the Christmas tree seem voluminous, you should only glue the upper part of each element, and slightly bend the lower part towards yourself. You can cut figures of various sizes - from triangles to stars and make a Christmas tree on the wall from them.

Christmas tree made of cardboard

From cardboard - the easiest option. You can make one large cardboard Christmas tree, but many small ones hung around the house will look much more stylish. In the center of such a cardboard Christmas tree, you can cut a circle in which to hang a Christmas tree toy or other decoration.

Christmas tree made of fabric

From fabric - there are many options, from a simple fabric application to a complex design, when several fabric "pillows" of different sizes are made. Such pillows are fixed on top of each other, the largest is at the bottom, the smallest is at the top.

Christmas tree made of small decorative items

From buttons, Christmas decorations, shells and other little things - such a Christmas tree can be laid out on a wall or on a piece of fabric. Absolutely any little things are used, depending on your imagination, and they are fixed on the surface with glue or double-sided tape. Among other things, such a Christmas tree is a great option to use cute, but completely unnecessary trash.

Christmas tree on the wall from a garland

A Christmas tree on the wall from a garland is another extremely simple option that requires you to have it in the house. Christmas garlands or LED strip, which is fixed on any available surface. The main advantage of such a New Year's tree is that it glows, creating an atmosphere of festive comfort. The main thing - before turning on such a Christmas tree in the network, check the garland for serviceability, otherwise the wallpaper may light up.

Christmas tree made of wood

Christmas tree from natural materials- branches, cones, dried leaves and even just wooden sticks can be used. The application of these materials is laid out on fabric, a sheet of paper, or simply on the wall, if you have such an opportunity.

Christmas tree from ribbons

From ribbons - ordinary fabric ribbons are laid out in the form of a Christmas tree on a plane or folded into bows and mounted on a metal base. By the way, this is also a great option to use unnecessary pieces of fabric lying around the house.

Christmas tree made of wire

A Christmas tree made of wire on the wall is quite time and effort consuming, but a very attractive looking option. First, a cone-shaped frame is made of wire with one flat side for fixing on the wall, and then a garland, ribbons, toys, in general, any decorations that will look organic and that your imagination will tell you, are fixed on it.

Christmas tree from products

From food products - here you can use banal sweets laid out in the form of a New Year's tree, as well as some original pasta planted on glue. If you don’t mind, then you can use dried fruits or any other edible materials. The main thing here is that they do not deteriorate at room temperature for a long time. An essential advantage of such a Christmas tree is that after the holidays it can be eaten.

Christmas tree from shelves

A Christmas tree made up of short shelves on the wall is not only an original, but also a practical option that will surely come in handy for you throughout next year. The bottom line is that in the corner of the room or just on the wall one above the other, shelves of different sizes are installed from the larger one (below) to the smaller one (above). For a greater resemblance to a real tree, the shelves can be painted in green color, and put (or hang) around the edges Christmas decorations, candles and other decorations. The top shelf can be decorated with a large snowflake, a star or a Christmas tree top, and then the resemblance to the New Year's tree will be maximum.

This list of ideas for a Christmas tree on the wall is by no means exhausted. All options can be combined with each other, or you can try using other materials: tinsel, balloons, unnecessary CDs or DVDs, money, and so on. With imagination and a little skill, the house will receive original Christmas tree, made with your own hands and you will not be ashamed of it!

There are many ways to create a New Year's mood in your home with your own hands, for example, to make an unusual Christmas tree from improvised means. This will not take much time, but will be a wonderful additional decoration for the New Year's decorations. Today we'll take a look at a few possible ways make a Christmas tree with your own hands.

Christmas tree made of tinsel and sweets

In order to make a Christmas tree from tinsel and sweets, we need cardboard, tinsel, glue and sweets. First of all, you need to roll up a cone from a sheet of cardboard and fasten the edges with a stapler, after which, in a spiral, glue tinsel to the cone. We decorate a similar Christmas tree with sweets. Table decoration is ready!

Christmas tree made of champagne and tinsel

As in the previous version, we will need tinsel, but this time a bottle of champagne will act as the basis of the Christmas tree. Carefully wrap the tinsel around the bottle, sticking it to the glass with double tape or glue. Decorate the resulting artificial Christmas tree you can arrange sweets or any other small decorations. And under the bottle, as a finishing touch, put tangerines. Such a beautiful Christmas tree made of tinsel and a bottle of champagne will look great on the festive table.

Tinsel tree on the wall

Such a homemade Christmas tree is suitable for those who do not have the opportunity to put a Christmas tree in their house. With the help of glue, adhesive tape or pins, the tinsel is attached to the wall. The silhouette of a Christmas tree on the wall will create a festive mood in your home, and if you decorate it with a garland, it will look great.

Christmas tree made of tinsel and wire

With the help of wire, you can create various shapes. In order to make a Christmas tree out of wire, it is necessary to bend the “skeleton” of the Christmas tree out of it, on which tinsel is attached with glue. This Christmas tree can also be decorated with sweets.

The main thing to remember is that we ourselves create the New Year mood. The more we put effort into this, and the more we make loved ones happy, the more pleasant we ourselves are. Happy New Year!

We create a New Year's mood for ourselves, and decorating a house for the New Year is the easiest way to give your monastery a fabulous, festive atmosphere. Ahead of 2018, which should be met especially brightly, colorfully and in a great mood. Start preparing now - many great ideas easy to do it yourself!

If in normal times not every one of us is engaged in needlework, decor, embroidery and origami, then in the pre-New Year period, everyone, without exception, decorates their home. Intricate crafts can be done together with the children by the whole family, and this exciting activity will give you a lot of positive emotions. Make your home joyful and bright!

Window Design Ideas

Meet the New Year 2018 behind the windows painted with frost, even if the temperature is above zero outside. Window- the eyes of the house, from the outside they are visible to any passer-by, and inside, decorated with garlands, lanterns, snowflakes, they serve as additional space for the implementation of design ideas.

  • Snowflakes. Filigree work will become an exquisite decoration of your home. Paper snowflakes look very nice on the windows of a private house, but an apartment can also be distinguished from a number of boring window openings.

Advice! There are thousands of patterns for cutting paper snowflakes - from the simplest to the most complex. Arm yourself with comfortable scissors, be sure to think over workplace and start creating decorations for the window. The more patterns on the plane of the paper, the more elegant the crafts look.

  • Drawings. With water-washable stained glass and minimal artistic skills, you can create patterns that look very attractive from the outside, give warmth and comfort. If you are not sure of your talents, just write on the windows: “2018!”, “Happy New Year!”. Give the younger members of the family space to be creative as well. Don't forget to take pictures of the kids with their work in the background!

new year door

Here it is recommended to use Western tradition and hang a wreath on the door of a country house from needles, cones and bells. The doorway is easily decorated with artificial snow, a horseshoe for good luck, paper snowflakes. You can make a composition with your own hands, but there are enough ready-made options for sale in stores.

You can make a cardboard horseshoe yourself and decorate with tinsel, rain. On it, write congratulations to your loved ones and give it as a gift when you go to visit. Any craft is good ideas for a present or his New Year's supplement.

Garlands are a classic way to decorate your home.

How to make a wire star

We bring to your attention another idea for decorating a house for the holiday - an unusual frame star. You get a kind of 3D effect if you make crafts in different sizes.

  1. Take flexible wire. Bend it so that you get a five-pointed star.
  2. Prepare a sketch of the star from the photo.
  3. Cut it out of colored or wrapping paper and fold over the edges so that they catch on the wire. Secure with tape if necessary.
  4. Glue the tinsel to the wire.

Stars can be hung from the ceiling in a checkerboard pattern, or you can decorate with garlands, rain, serpentine. It will hang down beautifully and create a festive atmosphere.

Advice! If you live in an apartment with high ceilings, be sure to hang something from them. This will visually narrow the room and create the effect of soaring handmade jewelry.

Photo for memory

A framed photo is in the house of every person. Refresh them, give them a New Year's mood: hang them on a serpentine or thick twine along the wall. Fill the free space with small balls, garlands and hand-made drawings.

After the celebration, print new photos and add them to the old ones. Such a composition can stay in the apartment until the very end of January. You will love this idea, and perhaps you will leave the photo on the rope, making them a permanent interior accessory.

Balls are everywhere

Ideas for the New Year are not limited only to the capabilities of the needlewoman. Use themed toys, sparkles, decorations of industrial production for room decoration.

Balls are a wonderful symbol of the New Year. They come in different colors, sizes, shiny, matte, with a rough surface, from different materials, expensive, cheap, vintage, modern, etc. A variant of the idea is to hang them on strings from the ceiling, fix windows in the opening in the kitchen and in the living room.