The countdown has begun! What to do before the New Year. New Year's signs and traditions: what you must do on New Year's Eve What you need for the year

They say that in the old year you need to leave everything bad. Of course, this list also includes an unloved job. If you have been thinking about leaving for a long time, writing statements and hiding them in a desk drawer, the moment has come to finally decide. Firstly, you will enter the new year absolutely free and open to new proposals. Secondly, the holidays will definitely pass without calls from the boss and an overflowing mailbox.

End a painful relationship

It’s like working here: you’ve been thinking about a break for a long time and a lot, but you can’t leave. New Year- a good reason to do it, or at least try. When, if not now?

It can be difficult to decide on your own, so seek the help of a psychologist. He will set you up in the right way, and parting will be less painful than the relationship itself. Moreover, at such moments, friends and relatives are always there.

Forgive or say goodbye

It is not necessary to set fire to sparklers with a heavy heart. If someone offended or betrayed you, try to forgive or say goodbye to this person forever. Do not take a bag of claims and understatements into your new life.

Spend the day with someone who deserves it

You probably have a person whom you love very much, but call and meet with him very rarely. Usually the closest people fall into this category: mom, dad, grandmother, younger sister or nephew. Have time to free at least one day before the New Year and devote it entirely to this person. For him, this will be the best gift.

Buy gifts in advance

The advice is obvious and everyone seems to know about it. But three days before the New Year, the shops are overcrowded. Queues, bustle, lack of the right sizes and colors, a fight for the last vase at a discount. To avoid this and make gift selection a pleasant experience, plan your shopping trip ahead of time. Set aside the required amount and free one day.

In most stores, good discounts begin in November. All items that have not left the shelves this year are being sold. The closer December, the less such goods remain. And in the second half of December there are almost no discounts. On the contrary, there is an increase in prices, as demand jumps at times. Therefore, New Year's shopping is better not to postpone.

Ekaterina Streltsova, director of a chain store

Decide on a crazy act

A parachute jump, a spontaneous trip or a tattoo that you have dreamed of since your youth. Get out of your comfort zone and decide on something that you will remember for a very long time. And no “what if”! Then, under the chimes, you definitely won’t think that the year has passed boring and ordinary.

Overcome your biggest fear

Are you still afraid of flying? Buy a ticket for the next flight. Where - it doesn't matter. The main thing is to have time to overcome your fear. This is a reason to be proud of yourself and a good story to tell at the festive table.

Eat something out of the ordinary

Do you go to your favorite restaurant on Fridays and always order “as usual”? Change your constancy and order the craziest thing on the menu. Perhaps this dish will become your favorite. If not, another vivid memory is guaranteed.

Get rid of debt

This applies to both finances and work, study and everyday life, that is, all the things that you started but did not finish. No need to enter the new year with a pending effect. Pay off your debts, finish all the letters, turn in all the projects. As a rule, this does not take as much time and effort as it seems. Just stop procrastinating.

Tidy up your home and workspace

Starting the year in a clean apartment is much more pleasant. Get rid of all the rubbish: throw away trinkets, good things that you no longer need, offer to friends or family.

Pay special attention to your workplace. Feel free to throw away (or donate) unnecessary waste paper, update the office and start a new diary.

Clean your phone

Our whole life today fits in one smartphone. Before the holiday, put things in order in it. Delete the numbers you'll never need, delete the messages you sneak over before bed, get rid of the photos that bring back not-so-pleasant memories.

Take stock of this year and plan for the next

Take a piece of paper and write down in two columns all your achievements and failures for this year. It is unlikely that all 365 days went smoothly for someone, so do not be afraid of the truth and admit your mistakes.

With such a visual list, it will be easier to make a new one, but already with plans for next year. Your goals should be specific, achievable, measurable, and truly important to you. Try to set clear and realistic deadlines for yourself and think over a step-by-step plan of action.

For me, the New Year is a time to take stock, think and ask myself... Ask what worked and what didn't, think about what could have been done better or faster. Time, unfortunately, does not increase, every year you grow old and understand that it is time to think more intensively with your head, otherwise there is no way ...

Since ancient times, it has been believed that from the new year, each of us has the opportunity to start life from scratch. Well, there is something in it. Our holidays last a long time, someone goes to celebrate far away, but I never saw much sense in this. It's simple, sometimes it comes to the point of absurdity, so what's interesting about celebrating the New Year under water? Well, nothing, as for me. Although you can take your family and go on vacation to the mountains, why not…

And here's another, the fulfillment of desires ... Under the chiming clock, everyone says goodbye to the old new year, and expects from the new year that he will give them a magic wand that will do everything for them. But that's all, a fairy tale, Lord, ordinary Christmas story... You really have to work hard, and there is no longer a smell of magic here.

Of course, no one will forbid making a wish, but you should not hope for a miracle. In general, it’s better to make a goal out of a dream, draw up a specific plan, and, while the idea is still pure, and doubts have not overwhelmed your head, GET TO WORK.

In general, another month before the new year, and we are already thinking about what and how to do ...

It turned out to be a small list, only 100 points =) There are serious things, there are funny ones, there are just sincere ones. In general, I hope that those who read it will bring inspiration and new ideas for their future plans for the new year.

To-do list for the year! 100 things to do in the new year

  1. . It's no surprise that this item made it to the top of my list. After all, the development process involves continuous improvement. Each of us knows what he needs to change in himself in order to become better. So we remember all such moments and make a list of 5-12 bad habits. And then, we go to point 2, and we work on them for a whole year.
  2. . The process is similar to making a list of bad habits, only now we are already thinking specifically about what needs to be done to become more disciplined or healthy, or become an expert in some area. This is your fantasy stream. Because It takes about a month to form a new habit. Then over the next year, 12 new habits will appear in your arsenal that will make your life easier. Think about these habits in advance or you can take from our list, because. the items on the list below can become your new habit.
  3. Come up with ways to implement them. Turn your dreams into goals, because this is what our plan of action for the next year has been created for.
  4. Write your plan for the year and follow it. If you have a plan, then you know where to go.
  5. Sometimes get out in a quiet coffee shop, in order to be alone and make a plan for the next month. It is better to choose your favorite cafe.
  6. Once a month, set aside time for yourself to cook a new meal. In this case, you can kill two birds with one stone: the first is to diversify your menu or find your signature dish, which you will treat your guests every time.
  7. Learn a new one / or refine an old one foreign language(English/German/Italian). What are the advantages of introducing this habit: firstly, you train your memory, and secondly, you train your brain. The main thing to understand is that the language requires constant daily practice.
  8. Learn poetry. This item, like the previous one, trains our memory, and sometimes you can show off your intellect at a party. Who does not like to learn poems can learn their favorite song. And remember that the main thing is constancy.
  9. Read the minimum. And maybe more, it all depends on your appetite. By the way, if you decide to read specialized literature, then in a year you can become an expert in your chosen field.
  10. Watch only. How do you know if a movie is good? Easy, ask your friends what their favorite movie is, or read online reviews before watching a movie. After conducting such a study, you can be 90% sure that the film is worth watching. Don't waste your time on stupid movies and TV shows. By the way, you can arrange a joint viewing of movies with friends on Fridays. 😉
  11. Start cooking sweets at home and completely eliminate purchased pastries.
  12. Pass a medical examination or simply make an appointment with the necessary doctors. Take care of your health and it will thank you years later.
  13. . The ability to complain and feel like a victim, this is what you need to get rid of in the first place. Of course, there is nothing wrong if you tell someone about your problems once. But when this is repeated over and over again, it can ruin your positive aura and your friends will start to avoid you, so you need to start to get rid of this addiction right now.
  14. (with vitamins and minerals) and stick to it. I think there is not much to say about the benefits of proper nutrition. The only thing I want to emphasize is that a planned menu will help you save time and money.
  15. Accustom yourself to a special regime (wake up 5-6 in the morning, hang up until 23:00) Thanks to this mode, you will have a lot of extra time. After all, when the city wakes up, you have already done a lot of things.
  16. Say "I love you" every day. For yourself, for those around you, for your loved ones!
  17. Every month, plan who you want to meet that month. Do not forget old friends, even if you rarely see each other, call them, or even better, meet.
  18. Plan a time when you can visit distant relatives. If you rarely see them.
  19. Find out your native city as best as possible. Cafes, exhibitions, buildings, nooks and crannies. Decide for yourself. Set aside a day once a month when you can explore your city.
  20. . When people complain about something, they don't appreciate what they have now. And God takes it away from them sooner or later. So, start appreciating everything that is around you right now, without waiting for the new year.
  21. At least once a month, turn off your mobile phone for the whole day and spend the day thinking.
  22. Learn to think at least once a week about ways to generate income (passive and active). Counting on retirement in our time is a very optimistic forecast. So, insure and create passive income and save for the future yourself.
  23. Write the story of your life. Start writing a diary. If you read this article after the start of next year, then don't wait until next year to start. Start writing right now, everything that worries you motivates. And do not forget to analyze every day.
  24. Take one characteristic photo per day. Memories fade quickly, and if you can capture what was important to you that day. You will have something to remember later. Make a separate folder on your computer. And sign each photo in a special way. In addition, this task will teach you discipline.
  25. Learn all the capitals of the world. And make a plan of the places you want to see someday. Be sure to explain why these places. Compose detailed description each of the places. What places would you like to visit. This will bring you closer to your goal.
  26. Make a list of 12 achievements for the year. It often happens that you come for an interview, they ask you about your achievements. And you have nothing to answer. It seems to have been running all year like a squirrel in a wheel, but you can’t remember anything. Therefore, everything must be recorded. Plan ahead for your accomplishments. Think about the area in which you want to achieve something. And forward for achievements.
  27. Plan your budget(20% save, 10% charity, 50% recurring spending, 10% entertainment)
  28. Create a personal budget. I think you have found out more than once that the money has run out, and you still have to wait and wait until the salary, like you didn’t buy anything, and the money evaporated. Yes, they have such a property - to disappear. But you can take control of them. For this you need a personal budget. If someone needs it, then you can download the template .
  29. Buy things on sale. Save your budget usually in January and July you can buy things with the maximum discount.
  30. Start . If you are not you, then who is? They asked themselves a question. Now start loving and pampering yourself.
  31. Stop putting things off for the future. This is probably one of the most difficult tasks for the next year. But still doable. Try to do small things right away. I need to wash the pan, do it now, I need to finish the report, quickly get to work. Of course, if this is not a five-minute matter, treat it like a game, make yourself an apartment cleaning project or a conservation project. And when the job is done, you will be proud of yourself, because you completed the whole project.
  32. Spend less than you earn. Life on credit is not life. Live within your means. Of course, there are force majeure, but this is a couple of times in a lifetime. If you want to spend more, find an opportunity to earn more.
  33. . In the truest sense of the word, mentally get rid of unnecessary thoughts. If you find it difficult to do this in your mind, write down these thoughts on paper and burn them. This ritual will help erase unnecessary thoughts from memory. Do not rush to fill your brain with everything you see. Focus only on the things you need.
  34. Learn to meditate. With our frantic pace of life, it is imperative to relax. The buzzword comes from yoga. If you don't have time to go to class. Sit in silence or turn on some instrumental music and try to get all the thoughts out of your head. Enjoy the silence. Learn to relax and be distracted from the outside world.
  35. Limit social media to an hour a day. Better yet, avoid them. I just can't do it sometimes it's very important to keep in touch with old friends who are abroad. But you need to limit the time, an hour is enough to answer messages and view the feed.
  36. Forgive yourself for mistakes. Everyone can make a mistake. We learn from mistakes. Stop thinking about them. Otherwise you will live in the past.
  37. Learn to keep silent. I am a very sociable person by nature. It's hard for me to understand how people can be silent when they walk together. But you have to learn this. Because silence also brings people together and you will not have time to say something superfluous.
  38. . There are many methods of concentration. I recommend reading the book by L. J. Palladino - Maximum Concentration. It is freely available on the Internet. Perhaps in this book you will find your way to concentrate. So far I have found one way for myself - this is the Pomodoro principle (25 minutes of work, 5 minutes of rest)
  39. Stop going out in the sun without sunscreen. The sun is very dangerous for our skin. Take care of her.
  40. Feed your brain. In fact, now there are a lot of ways to develop our brain: games, crossword puzzles, solving puzzles or logical problems.
  41. Surround yourself with successful people. The saying “Tell me who your friend is and I will tell you who you are” is not invented for nothing. Do you want to be successful people? Communicate with the same. And you will not notice how you begin to change.
  42. View speeches of famous speakers, study their habits and intonations. I really like the Internet channel . Famous speakers share their discoveries. It is very educational and English language. Although there are Russian subtitles.
  43. Stop hanging out with people who treat you badly. In fact, why hang out with people who don't appreciate you. Relatives are the exception. But with the rest, you can safely say goodbye.
  44. . This is probably one of my bad habits that I carefully fight. Try to complete every task to the end. Don't start a new book if you haven't finished the old one.
  45. Play boardgames. Winter is coming and it's the best time to spend with friends.
  46. Call your parents more often. Better daily.
  47. Learn to see the good in people. This is the quality that is more valuable than money. Despite the fact that you are afraid of many people, this should not prevent you from seeing something good in them. You can learn something from each person, and what exactly the choice is yours.
  48. Stop comparing yourself to others. You are you. And You will never be another person. You don't have to compete with anyone. Compare results only with the past You. With what you were and what results you achieved.
  49. . This quality will be useful to You in many areas of life. While sitting on the subway, pay attention to details, or memorize something along the way.
  50. Stop pouring out the ones you love. Let's admit to ourselves, everyone does it at every opportunity. What for? Unclear. Try to distract yourself from problems when you are around loved ones.
  51. Find a job you love. This is what everyone should do. Everyone has the right to a good job and good health and job satisfaction.
  52. Clean the apartment daily. In fact, it is difficult if you devote only 20 minutes a day to cleaning. Divide the apartment into zones. And clean one area every day.
  53. Find time to fantasize. We are all children at heart, and it is very important for us to dream. Don't limit yourself to this. Fantasize.
  54. Focus on what you are really good at. This can become a new source of income.
  55. Get rid of junk at home. If it's hard to throw everything away, give it to someone. The main thing is not to take it to the garage. It's for your Mercedes, not for junk storage.
  56. Get rid of the habit of scrolling through negative scenarios in your head. Do not attract negativity, of course, you should play it safe, but you should not constantly think about it.
  57. Find a common interest with yours. Common things bring you together, make a common list with your soul mate and gradually do it.
  58. Learn to keep your word. If you want to gain respect among friends and colleagues, keep your word. If you can't do it, it's best to refuse.
  59. Introduce the 10 minute rule into your life. If you need to do something, and you have absolutely no desire, introduce the 10-minute rule into your life. Spend at least 10 minutes a day doing anything. After some time, you will complete the task. Without putting a lot of effort into it. After all, 10 minutes go by very quickly.
  60. Spend a weekend in another city or country.
  61. Make a professional photo session outdoors or in a beautiful studio.
  62. Planting an apartment / house. After all, plants make the house more attractive and cozy.
  63. Plan your vacation electronically, make a list of things and required documents. AT next year we save time on planning.
  64. Pamper your body(massage, SPA salon, manicure, pedicure, etc.)
  65. Expand your social circle.
  66. Experiment with sex. Of course, if you are over 18 =)
  67. Try new entertainment(quest room or room of fear, jump on a trampoline or something else.
  68. Help people in need. And it doesn't matter what kind of help it is, charity or just to move grandma across the road. The main thing is responsible attitude to business.
  69. Do what you never dared to do
  70. Learn to create something with your own hands.
  71. Surprise your loved one.
  72. Go camping with tents
  73. Spend a birthday in another country (or in the company of loved ones)
  74. Assemble a large puzzle (1000-3000 pieces). You are guaranteed a job for six months. 🙂
  75. Buy a diary for next year. I advise you to buy not just a diary. And your diary. This is the one you will fill out. To do this, experiment for a year. If you leave your diary in a week. This is not yours. Don't worry, keep looking.
  76. Play friends on April 1
  77. Refresh your wardrobe and change your style.
  78. Go to football and cheer for your favorite team or just look. This is an incredible release of emotions.
  79. Sign up for any training course from or similar sites.
  80. Learn new technology.
  81. Start creating passive income.
  82. Attend a specialty conference.
  83. Eat 5 kg of strawberries. 🙂 But seriously, take care of your diet and learn the principles of proper nutrition.
  84. Visit a new city in your own country or abroad.
  85. Become an expert in one area
  86. Go out with friends camping for the weekend
  87. Go skiing in winter and upgrade your new ski suit.
  88. Ride a bike at least 100 kilometers. If there is no bike, then run. It's not that hard.
  89. Get into the habit of walking more often. Anywhere, any place you like. Try to get outside every weekend.
  90. Go for mushrooms.
  91. In June, go to the forest for strawberries.
  92. Make dandelion jam. Useful and reminiscent of childhood.
  93. Go to the cinema for a good big movie.
  94. Create your website or blog.
  95. Invest 10% of income in education. A person needs to develop. Buy books, go to courses, attend thematic conferences.
  96. Do something selfless. You saw a girl crying on the street, give her flowers. Someone cannot enter the subway, pay for it.
  97. Take a trial yoga class.
  98. Go to KVN
  99. Stay in plank position for 5 minutes

In general, there is no end of business 🙂. But everything is surmountable, the main thing is that there is a desire.

Helpful Hints

On the eve of the holidays, many of us make promises to ourselves that we are going to fulfill in the New Year.

However, there are things that need to be done in the past year in order to complete the old cycle and enter a new one.

Here are 10 important things for body and soul to do in the last days outgoing year. Take a look at this list and try to complete at least half of them:

To Do List

1. Complete all important tasks

Be sure to finish all the work you have started.

This is perhaps the most important item on the entire list.

As a rule, by the end of the year we have accumulated a lot of things or just things that we planned to finish earlier, but did not have time to do this due to some of our own reasons.

Do not enter the new year with unfinished business. Firstly, this is a bad omen, and secondly, it will become easier for you yourself when you know that nothing is pulling you back.

Clearly define all the goals and decide for yourself what you need to get done before the holidays. You can write a to-do list on paper and hang it in a prominent place so that it catches your eye more often.

Visualization of plans is the best solution. That's what psychologists say.

Remember, you have a few days left to finish things.

2. Give away all debt

Whether it's a bank loan or the money you borrowed from a friend or colleague, you need to pay off any kind of debt.

The same goes for those who owe you something. It will be better if your debtor pays you off in full. Perhaps you should hint to him that it would not hurt to do this before the start of the new year.

3. Give yourself a little time out

The end of the year is also a difficult time because most of us are burdened with endless and all sorts of deadlines.

We leave the house when it is still dark, and return when it is already dark. This cannot but affect our mental and physical health.

In addition, we are trying to have time to finish and resolve all matters before the holidays. Deadlines are always stressful for the human body.

Therefore, at some point it fails, and we feel terribly tired, apathetic, and can even become depressed.

To prevent this from happening, you need to think not only about work and study, but also about yourself. Your state of mind no less important than other aspects of life.

Try to focus on your emotional and mental state. Do whatever relaxes you for at least a couple of hours a day.

It can be a leisurely walk, reading an interesting book, watching your favorite series or meditation. Or maybe you just want to lie on the couch and think about something of your own.

Such respite is a necessary part of our life. This is how you restore mental balance, as well as physical strength, which has definitely been depleted over the past year.

Important things for the new year

4. Go to a place where you haven't been yet

On the eve of the holidays, many make plans to visit new places in the New Year. And what if this plan is implemented in the old year?

A great idea would be to visit a place where you have not been. For example, go to a painting master class or visit a new city.

Or maybe in your city there is a skating rink that you have long wanted to visit, but you just couldn’t do it. Be sure to do it. Set the tone for visiting an interesting place back in December, and in the New Year, just continue this tradition.

5. Get rid of old stuff

Enter the New Year not only with clean thoughts, but also with a clean wardrobe.

We are all a little Plush at heart and keep things that we will never use. And what if you get rid of them without regret?

The end of the year is a great occasion to get rid of everything old, so that in January you can please yourself with a new purchase!

Review your stuff. Surely, unnecessary trousers, blouses or dresses have been gathering dust in your closet for years.

Set them aside, wash them, and give them to those who really need them. Think about how many people need help on New Year's Eve. Needy and lonely people especially need our support during the holidays.

Don't forget about the desktop. Be sure to check it out and sort it out.

Taking apart old things and putting things in order is also a great psychological trick that helps to tidy up not only your home, but also the thoughts in your head.

6. Plan your vacation or trip

What could be more pleasant than making plans for the New Year. It is especially pleasant to plan a vacation or a weekend that you will spend in a new place.

Study the route where you would like to go. Check out the most interesting places that can be visited on the selected route.

Instagram, Google and other search engines and social networks will come to the rescue, thanks to which you will master the necessary information.

7. Plan an interesting photo shoot

Depending on what you are interested in and what you like, plan a photo session. Think over the theme, choose outfits and decorations for the photo shoot. Sometimes the preparation process becomes more interesting than the filming process itself.

To make the photo session especially successful and interesting, involve family members, as well as pets, in it.

A photo shoot in December can be a great end to the year.

The New Year is coming soon, and we all must meet it with dignity, without a heap of old worries and troubles. By following these tips, you will enter the New Year leaving old problems behind and bringing the best of this year into the next. So what needs to be done before the New Year?

There are only a couple of months left before the holiday. In order for the next year to be rich in good events, and all the problems that torment us today are in the past, you should definitely do the following:

1. Throw away all the "trash" from the house

To enter the New Year with cleanliness in the soul and in the house, we do a general cleaning, during which all things that have not been used for a long time, and even more so broken ones, are sent to the trash can. Take a close look at every nook and cranny of your house or apartment and get rid of things that you have been planning to throw away for a long time, but have not yet done so.

A broken toaster, clothes that your children have grown out of, and things that you haven’t worn for more than a year are “trash” that you need to get rid of and in no case be dragged with you into the New Year. In addition, get rid of other people's things that someone could forget at your place: be sure to return them to their owners.

To start the New Year debt-free, look for opportunities and be sure to pay off all your debts. This will save you from painful thoughts at the beginning of next year about your debt obligations and will give you the opportunity to meet the New Year calmly and in a good mood.

3. Analyze the results of the outgoing year and manage to do this year what has been postponed more than once throughout it

To complete this item, you need to take a little time and, in order to know in which direction to move next year, to sum up its results. We sit comfortably and remember everything significant and important that happened to us this year: new acquaintances, new job visiting new places.

Now remember what you really wanted to do, but never did. For example, after analyzing the results of the outgoing year, I realized that I did not find time to go to the gym, although I really wanted to. What about the unfinished renovation in the kitchen and the ever-delayed visit to grandma?

I have a little more time in the past year, and I will definitely do it! My first step towards this was to purchase an annual gym membership today. And tomorrow we are finally going to grandma's!

4. Thank those people who supported you this year and made it special for you

This must be done without fail, because by saying “thank you” to those people who surrounded you this year, you will understand how dear they are to you. For example, I am very grateful to my daughter for the fact that this year we grew up together, explored the world together and gave each other many bright days and positive emotions. I am also very grateful to my parents, who gave me maximum support in difficult times this year. Be healthy and happy, my dear!

5. Forgive your offenders and ask for forgiveness from those people you offended this year

To enter the New Year with a smile on your face and love in your heart, forgive your offenders, and also ask for forgiveness from your loved ones and relatives, to whom you could say too much in your hearts and thereby offend them. Do this and you will realize that you are surrounded by loving and beloved people who only wish you well. This does not have to be done out loud: you can write a letter or talk mentally.

To do this, draw up a wish map in which you display all your dreams and desires, and make them in new year's eve. In the New Year, look at the map every day and set goals to achieve them. If you do not just look at this card, but take at least some steps to fulfill your desires, believe me, they will definitely come true!

At the end of each year, be sure to analyze which of the desires have come true, which have not, and what else needs to be done to make them come true. And in this case, the fulfillment of New Year's wishes will not be long in coming!

Get ready for the holiday

What must be done before the New Year? To create a festive atmosphere in your home, consider in advance what attributes and actions will help you to achieve this. So don't forget:

1. Buy and decorate a Christmas tree, as well as create christmas decor interior of your home

What is a New Year's holiday without a Christmas tree? Create an atmosphere new year holiday in my house! To make the New Year mood soar in it, be sure to buy and decorate a Christmas tree, and also make New Year's interior decor rooms in your house and you will see how your house acquires a special New Year's atmosphere, which guarantees only positive emotions and good mood.

2. Think over the New Year's table and a beautiful New Year's outfit

What can be done for the New Year so that it gives us pleasant emotions, is remembered for a long time and these memories delight us in the future? It is not necessary that in the New Year the table was bursting with all kinds of dishes, but still it is worth taking care of some New Year's attributes. These are, first of all, tangerines, the notorious Olivier and, of course, champagne, without which you will not feel the New Year's holiday.

Concerning New Year's outfit, then a new dress or suit will definitely help create a festive atmosphere and cheer you up. Therefore, take care of holiday outfits for the whole family in advance.

3. Happy New Year to all relatives and friends

This does not require a lot of time and special efforts. Prepare New Year's cards congratulations and send to your relatives and friends. This can also be done through online or New Year's SMS messages, or simply by calling. I'm sure your family and friends will be very pleased to hear from you. new year greetings and you will definitely get them in return.

Now you know what you need to do before the New Year and, I hope, will soon bring this knowledge to life. After all, there is not so much time left until the “X” hour. My dear readers, I wish you to celebrate the holiday with your family and friends, and may the New Year bring you only a sea of ​​happiness, good health, an ocean of joy and immense luck! Holiday greetings!

There are many interesting and important traditions associated with the New Year, which must be observed. Do not lose sight of the signs that will help you avoid troubles and troubles next year.

It is difficult to argue with the fact that the New Year - special holiday, because it is for this event that we begin to prepare in a few weeks. To make New Year's Eve unforgettable, you need to prepare for it in advance. Every year we decorate the Christmas tree, decorate the house and remember the recipes for New Year's dishes. These efforts do not cause us unnecessary discomfort, because for many years this has become a real tradition.

Do not forget that many miracles happen at this time, and some accidents can warn us of important events that will soon happen in life. The site site team will tell you about New Year's traditions and signs that it is important for everyone to know.

New Year traditions

The New Year has been celebrated since ancient times, but the date of the holiday was different. Only in 1700 Peter I issued a special decree, which stated that the holiday was officially postponed to January 1. Since then, many wonderful traditions associated with this magical event have appeared.

Despite the fact that in modern world we often celebrate the New Year with friends, yet this holiday is usually celebrated with family. Under the chiming clock, you need to congratulate your loved ones and thank them for everything they have done for you in the past year.

Think about your New Year's menu in advance, as there should be a wide variety of dishes on the table. Guests must definitely leave you full, otherwise poverty will not be avoided next year.

Every year there are more and more recipes for New Year's dishes, but do not forget the traditions: "Olivier", "Herring under a fur coat" and jellied fish must be present on your table.

If before the New Year you saw your enemy, then next year you will have a new enemy.

Sometimes we are so passionate about New Year's chores that we may even forget to congratulate our loved ones. If this happened to you, a traitor will appear in your circle of friends. To avoid this problem, call loved ones and congratulate them.

If on December 31 you met a blind man on the street, expect global changes. Perhaps you look at life differently and want to change jobs or move.

Even on New Year's Eve, small troubles can happen to us. For example, if a toy suddenly fell from your Christmas tree and broke, it means that in the new year you will have conflicts with your loved one.

Many people prefer to celebrate the New Year with friends. If next year you want to improve your personal life, then the first person you talk to after the chiming clock should be of the opposite sex.

On New Year's table a candle must burn, and then in the future harmony will always reign in your house.

So that in the New Year you have a stable financial situation, hang a few bills on the Christmas tree and put coins under it.

On the morning of January 1, collect clean snow and bring it home. In the evening, wash your face with melt water. It is believed that after such a ritual, a person will definitely not be deprived of attention from the opposite sex.