Necessary documents for applying for a pension in the Republic of Kazakhstan. What are the documents for applying for a pension in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Pensions in Kazakhstan: registration, accrual, retirement age

Not only does the pension of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan consist of three important positions (basic, solidarity and funded parts), but also since July 1, 2018, the amount of payments has changed.

Recently, Kazakhstan has been swept by a wave of changes in the pension reform - since July 1, 2018, serious changes have been made to payments. For many of those who are just about to go on a well-deserved rest, the calculation of future income seems incomprehensible. In fact, there is a strict regulation that helps to understand what kind of pension in Kazakhstan, to whom and in what amounts such monetary compensation is due to a citizen of this Republic.

Pension amount

This year, the very system of accrual of pensions has changed in Kazakhstan. True, she touched only the basic part. In figures, its indicator will be 54-100% of living wage. If there is no work experience at all, then the basic pension will have a minimum value.

To date, the following data has been presented:

Tab. 1. Information on the size of the pension after recalculation

The difference in pension rates

As of May 2018, 2,141,548 people were receiving pension payments. There are three types of ranking of these funds:


The recalculation of pensions of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan just began on July 1, 2018. Indexing will affect everyone without exception.

How to receive

To apply for a pension, a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan of pre-retirement age must submit an appropriate application through the following types of institutions:

  • GTsVP (state center of payments);
  • PSC (special service center for citizens);
  • apply through the state portal

The package of documents in any case will be the same:

  • application on a special form;
  • certificate of income (since 1995) - issued by the employer;
  • employment history;
  • identity document;
  • address data;
  • diploma and certificate;
  • military ID for military servicemen;
  • bank account statement.

How to get a pension

The request for access to a pension is made:

  • personally;
  • by mail;
  • through an official intermediary.

The package of documents for personal receipt is minimal. It is usually enough to have an identity card and a bank statement with you. If the operation goes through a guarantor, the relevant permits are provided. In most cases, payments are made through a special opened by the bank card.

If for men in Kazakhstan this threshold is 63 years, then for women it is gradually rising - retirement depends on the year of birth.

More details in this table:

Tab. 3 Schedule for calculating the gradual increase in the retirement age for women

January 1, year pensioningrowth Date of Birth
2018 58 years 6 months 1.01.1960 – 30.06.1960
2019 59 years old 1.07.1960 – 31.12.1960
2020 59 years 6 months 1.01.1961 – 30.06.1961
2021 60 years 1.07.1961 – 31.12.1961
2022 60 years 6 months 1.01.1962 – 30.06.1962
2023 61 years old 1.07.1962 – 31.12.1962
2024 61 years 6 months 1.01.1963 – 30.06.1963
2025 62 years old 1.07.1963 – 31.12.1963
2026 62 years 6 months 1.01.1964 – 30.06.1964
2027 63 years old 1.07.1964 – 31.12.1964

The trend of increasing the retirement age has also affected Russian Federation- The State Duma is considering

Retirement Annuity Program

This Alternative option allows women to receive part of their pension savings at the age of 50 and men at the age of 55. The program was developed back in 1995, and put into practice in 2005. It is correct to call it insurance payments in the form of a pension. In this case, the registration will take place through the insurance organization.

Since 2016, the maximum pension annuity thresholds have been increased: for women, savings should be 8,800,000 tenge (1,660,340 rubles), for men - 6,300,000 tenge (1,190,000 rubles).

There are main differences from receiving payments through insurance companies and a pension fund:

  • pension payments from the NPF are made only up to the age of 80, annuity goes for life;
  • pension funds can be changed, insurance organizations - only twice a year;
  • annuity allows you to get up to 8% of savings at once, and its annual indexation is 5%.

More details in this video:

With this money you can make a big purchase. But not everyone is able to accumulate enough money. So it remains the privilege of people with high official salaries.

What is the pension system

Basic calculation rules

The amount of payments to the pensioner is consolidated from the following components:

  • basic level pensions;
  • labor (another name is solidarity), that is, those contributions to the Pension Fund that were made before January 1998);
  • cumulative savings (made after the above period).

The following components are taken into account:

  • work experience;
  • average income for any three years;
  • the amount of deductions to the Pension Fund.

Early exit

  • living in proximity to the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site;
  • mothers of many children (at least five children, total work experience - 20 years);
  • military, employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, KNB (subject to a number of conditions).

Unfortunatelythere are no employee benefits hazardous industries. Moreover, such conversations are not conducted at the state level.

How is the accrual

Basic pension

It is understood as the state provision, which is expected when citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan reach a certain age.

The size of the minimum pension of the base level has also undergone changes - if until July 2018 it was a single indicator for all of 15,274 tenge (2,876 rubles), then after this period, work experience was taken into account.

According to the Government, this measure will restore justice for pensioners who have worked for 40 years, but now have a small pension. Modernization will become an excellent labor motivation for the rest of the citizens. The budget allocated 128 billion tenge (24 billion rubles) for the practical implementation of the new methodology.

For thosewho is already a pensioner, such a recalculation will be done automatically - no additional documents need to be provided.

Solidarity security

This implies the period of work of a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan and his number of payments to the NPF (national pension fund). The latter have been calculated since 1998.

The following information will be helpful:

  1. The amount is equal to 60% of the average salary of a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan. For the maximum solidarity pension, 46 monthly indicators are taken (this is 110,630 tenge for the period of 2018, or 20,870 rubles). But this condition is met subject to the length of service of 25 years for a man and 20 for a woman. For a longer period of work, 1% per year is charged (increase - no more than 75% of the average salary).
  1. For working years of less than 20 years, the minimum coefficient is taken into account.

Important! The indicator of the minimum solidarity pension established by the state (in the presence of the specified length of service) is 33,745 tenge (6,366 rubles).

Every citizen can make such a simple calculation:

  1. To find the coefficient of seniority, it is necessary to sum up the number of all working months. The desired is divided into 300 (for men) and 240 (for women). The maximum score is 1.
  1. You need to know the percentage wages. Subject to the specified deadlines, it is equal to 60%, more is added by another 1% (does not exceed 75%).
  2. The average monthly income is calculated as follows: the sum of the entire salary for 36 months is multiplied by its percentage (point 2) and divided by a hundred (taking into account the maximum and minimum payment indicators).
  3. We multiply the coefficient of seniority (KTS) and the average monthly income.

A good example: a man worked for 25 years and 2 months with an income of 35,000 tenge. Consequently:

  1. His KTS is: 302 months / 300 = 1.006 (round up to 1).
  2. Processing in months is not taken into account: the percentage of wages will be equal to 60%.
  3. The figure of the average monthly income is: 35,000 × 65 / 100 = 21,000 tenge (3960 rubles)
  4. The calculation turned out to be less than the established minimum, which means that 33,745 tenge (6,366 rubles) will be paid.

Cumulative component

This income refers to insurance payments paid by the employer for an employee to the Unified National Pension Fund. It's about formal employment.

With official contributions, the pensioner is entitled to such payments of the funded part:

  1. If a person received such status before January 1, 2018, he has the right to choose a payment schedule: monthly, quarterly or annually.
  2. All other payments will be received once a month.

In these rulesthere are exceptions: if it turns out that the amount of savings does not exceed 404,904 tenge (12 minimum labor pensions), they are paid in one payment. This amount is equal to 7640 rubles.

Special categories of pensioners

We are talking about people working in the ranks of the military, special and law enforcement services. Such groups of citizens receive a pension for years of service. It is important that it must be at least 25 years old. This also includes law enforcement officers living in the Republic of Kazakhstan from the countries participating in the Commonwealth.

These citizens will receive as a pension payment 50% of their current salary (this includes salary, rank supplement, secrecy allowances, and so on).

Interestingthat the maximum amount should not exceed 262,145 tenge (no more than 65% of the allowance). For comparison, this is 49,450 rubles.

A pensioner-serviceman will receive such income at the expense of the budget - until the end of his life in the Republic of Kazakhstan. When you change your residence and leave the Republic of Kazakhstan, the money stops coming.

At any age, citizens are interested in the issue of pension provision. Questions arise: when can I retire, how to correctly calculate my future pension and how to arrange payments?

Pensions in Kazakhstan are accrued by the state center SCPV. In order to apply for a pension, a citizen must submit an application to the SCEP. Each person of pre-retirement age should know all the features and conditions for receiving compensation for labor output.

What is needed for registration

Pensions in Kazakhstan are accrued after the provision of a full package of documents and registration at the state center. List of required papers:

  • An application filled out on a special form.
  • Income certificate for any three years since 1995. It must be issued by the employer or the company where the employee worked. If a person does not have the opportunity to take such a certificate, the average income will be set according to contributions to the Pension Fund.
  • Passport of a citizen of another country or a residence permit for a migrant.
  • Help with address data.
  • Bank account statement.
  • Employment history.
  • Diploma and certificate, which confirm the education.
  • Persons liable for military service must present a military ID.
  • Mothers of many children who have given birth to 4 or more children must submit additional documents:

  • Birth certificates of children.
  • Their passports.
  • Certificates and diplomas of children.
  • Help with the address data of children.
  • Marriage certificate. If a citizen is divorced, you must provide a certificate of divorce.
  • If a child dies, provide a death certificate.
  • If there was an adoption, you must provide permission from the court for adoption.
  • The accrual of pensions in Kazakhstan to citizens who lived in radiation risk zones occurs upon the provision of a certificate confirming this fact. The period of residence must be five years, within the borders from August 29, 1949 to July 5, 1963.

    At the center, you must present original documents along with copies. This will confirm their presence and authenticity. Documents for registration pension benefit can be submitted by another person if he has a certified notarial deed.

    Registration process

    Retirement in Kazakhstan can be arranged in several ways. Benefit processing methods:

  • At the place of registration, through the State Center for Pension Payments (SCPV). It is necessary to submit an application and the required package of documents at the place of residence. The center specialist checks the received documents and issues a coupon if the data match the required ones.
  • Through the PSC - a special center for servicing citizens. The procedure for submitting documents is the same as through the state center.
  • Registration through the website
  • To apply using the website, you must have an electronic digital signature(EDS). The sequence of actions for registration through the site:

    1. To register on the portal, you must enter your personal data.
    2. After registration, you must activate your personal page.
    3. You should go to the “Citizens” tab and select “Social Security”, then go to the “Appointment of the state basic pension payment” tab and click “Order the service online”.
    4. The next step is to fill out an electronic application, where you need to specify personal data and a bank account number. The application must be signed with an electronic signature.
    5. You can check the status of this application in the "History of receiving services" tab.
    6. Calculation of pension in the Republic of Kazakhstan

      Today in RK retirement age men is 63 years, and women - 58 years. From 2018, the government wants to raise the retirement age for women by six months every year. This will only affect the female population. This increase in the retirement age for women will continue until 2027, until the retirement age of 63 is reached.

      Such a law was adopted, since seventy percent of pensioners are women. In addition, the legislation took into account the category of people for whom the retirement age will be reduced:

    7. For women who have given birth or adopted more than four children, the retirement age starts at 53.
    8. 50 years is the retirement age for men who have worked for 25 years or more, who were subsequently affected by nuclear weapons tests, or if such a pensioner lived five years in the radiation zone between August 29, 1949 and July 5, 1963.
    9. 45 years for women with twenty or more years of work experience affected by nuclear weapons testing if they lived five years in the radiation zone from August 29, 1949 to July 5, 1963.
    10. What is the pension in Kazakhstan and types of state assistance payments

      Pension payments in the Republic of Kazakhstan are carried out according to special systems. There are three scoring systems:

    11. Basic. This type of accrual increases every year and as of 2017 is equal to 12 thousand 802 tenge. This type state aid all pensioners receive, regardless of output and deductions.
    12. Labor, or solidarity. It is charged only to people who have more than six months of work experience and who worked before 1988. If the work experience is less than six months, citizens will receive basic payments. Only length of service is taken into account here, since until 1988 no pension contributions were made. To receive a full pension, the seniority for a man must be at least twenty-five years, and for a woman - at least twenty. If during the calculation it is less, then the payments will be less.
    13. Funded pension. Since 2014, pensions in Kazakhstan have been transferred to JSC UAPF (single savings fund). Upon reaching retirement age, a citizen of the state can sign an agreement with UAPF JSC on receiving savings from a pension. Savings can be paid monthly, in a lump sum or once a year.
    14. How pensions are calculated in the Republic of Kazakhstan

      Pension calculation in Kazakhstan is 60% of the average monthly salary. Each year, payments are increased by one percent if the length of service exceeds the required years. But such surcharges do not exceed seventy-five percent.

      Pensions in Kazakhstan are divided into minimum and maximum. The smallest payment is 28 thousand 148 tenge, and the maximum is 93 thousand 29 tenge. A Kazakh citizen, if he has an experience, but did not have sufficient income, the pension will be minimal. If a citizen had a high earned income, the maximum pension can be calculated with a coefficient of 0.75 of the maximum amount and will be equal to 69 thousand 772 tenge.

      Receiving a funded pension

      In Kazakhstan, in addition to state, basic and labor pensions, there are four types of labor support payments, which are paid from the Unified Accumulative Pension Fund. Payments are made through pension and voluntary contributions.

      The law on pensions in Kazakhstan determined the main payments of the UAPF. They are divided like this:

    15. scheduled payments;
    16. making payments from pension and voluntary contributions;
    17. payment from the UAPF when leaving for another permanent place of residence, outside the state;
    18. in connection with the death of the person who received these amounts (funds are issued to the heirs and for the burial of the deceased).
    19. Types of funded pensions in the Republic of Kazakhstan

      Not all residents of the state can receive funded pensions. Categories of people for whom the payment of state assistance from the UAPF is intended:

    20. Subjects who have reached old age.
    21. Men who have at least twenty-five years of experience. There is a record of experience until January 1, 1998, for those who lived for at least 5 years in the radiation zone.
    22. For women over the age of 45 and with at least 20 years of work experience. There is a record of experience until January 1, 1998, for those living at least 5 years in the radiation zone.
    23. Women with many children who have given birth to more than 4 children.
    24. Disabled people of the first and second groups.
    25. Military, law enforcement and government officials.
    26. At the expense of pension contributions, citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan who have entered into an agreement with an insurance company, have reached the age of 50, have a harmful record of at least five years, and those who have moved to another place of residence outside the Republic of Kazakhstan, can receive a pension. Disabled people and citizens who are over 50 years old are entitled to a pension from voluntary contributions to the UAPF. If a person made pension contributions, but did not reach the age of emeritus and died, his family will receive material assistance for burial. You need to know that payments from UAPF are taxed at a rate of ten percent of the amount.

      Package of documents for registration of funded pensions

      In order to apply for a funded pension, you must write an application and submit documents to the UAPF branch. List of required documents:

    27. applicant's passport plus a copy;
    28. bank details and bank account number.
    29. For each category of pensioners, the UAPF may require an additional package of documents. Legally, the process of processing compensation from the UAPF can be handled by a trustee. To do this, you need to issue a special application to a notary.

      Pension increase in Kazakhstan

      From July 1, 2017, the draft law of the Republic of Kazakhstan provided for an increase in pension payments by 20%. The Minister of Labor stated that in 2017 and 2018 there will be a gradual increase in pensions from the republican budget. The solidarity pension will increase by 11% (taking into account a 9% increase at the beginning of the year) and the basic pension will be increased by 13% (taking into account a 7% increase at the beginning of the year).

      The increase will affect all citizens of retirement age. If in 2016 the minimum basic pension was 37,789 tenge, then in July 2017 it will reach 45,711 tenge. The average size of the basic pension will increase from 55,117 tenge to 66,676 tenge.

      What documents are needed for retirement in the Republic of Kazakhstan?

      Kazakhstanis can retire from the day they are born. To do this, you need to bring the necessary documents to the State Center for the Payment of Pensions (SCPP).

    30. identification;
    31. work book (employment contracts, contracts);
    32. diplomas of education;
    33. marriage certificate (if you changed your last name);
    34. house book/address certificate from PSC;
    35. one photo 3x4;
    36. birth certificates of all children and their identity cards/certificates of residence;
    37. a card account in any second-tier bank or Kazpost JSC and an account statement.
    38. In addition, there are certain categories of citizens who can increase their seniority. If there are necessary documents, then the periods will be protected in the experience:

    39. residence of spouses of officers, warrant officers, midshipmen, military personnel serving under a contract, and long-term military servicemen with their spouses in areas where there was no possibility of their employment in their specialty (but not more than 10 years);
    40. the period of residence of spouses of employees of a special state body with the latter in areas where there was no possibility of employment in their specialty (no more than 10 years);
    41. work and military service in the areas adjacent to the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site (from August 29, 1949 to July 5, 1963 - in a triple amount, and from July 6, 1963 to January 1, 1992 - in one and a half size);
    42. work in anti-leprosy and anti-plague institutions, infectious diseases institutions for the treatment of persons infected with the human immunodeficiency virus or AIDS patients (double size);
    43. work in organizations, forensic medical examination and pathoanatomical diagnostics (in one and a half size);
    44. work on water transport during the full navigation period (counted for a year of work);
    45. work for a full season in organizations of seasonal industries, regardless of their departmental subordination (counted in the length of service for a year of work).
    46. In the new Law “On Pension Provision”, the paragraphs relating to mothers of large families have changed. Previously, caring for adopted children under 8 years of age was not counted in the length of service for calculating a pension, but now it is possible (subject to the availability of the necessary documents). Also mother of many children previously could retire at age 53 with 20 years of service as of January 1, 1998. Now even with incomplete work experience, the pension will be calculated in proportion to the years worked. The time when a woman did not work, but took care of a child up to 3 years old, will also be included in the required length of service. But the addition to the experience will be no more than 12 years.

      Registration of a pension

      In our country, the appointment of a pension is declarative character, that is, in order to receive a payment, a citizen must apply to the FIU with a written application.

      In recent years, the specialists of the Pension Fund have been doing everything possible for the future pensioner to contact the customer service in a timely manner in order to carry out preliminary work on the study of the documents necessary for the appointment of a pension in each specific case.

      Already now, with the help of Internet resources, you can get information about the documents necessary for the appointment of payments, as well as make an appointment with the FIU and find out the approximate amount of your future pension.

      How to get started with your pension?

      Citizens who are going to take a well-deserved rest in the near future should worry in advance about his future pension in order to take into account the maximum possible calculation of its amount and reduce the time for establishing payment.

      This requires taking few steps:

    47. check the work book for possible corrections and inaccuracies (if any, contact a specialist in the personnel department for clarification and elimination of incorrectly executed entries);
    48. receive an extract from an individual personal account and check the data submitted by the employer to the FIU;
    49. take a salary certificate for 5 years before 2002 in the event that for 2000 - 2001. incomes were below the average earnings in the country for the same years;
    50. contact the PFR client service at the place of registration to consult with a specialist and evaluate the submitted documents, as well as obtain clarification on the need to prepare additional documents.
    51. With the advance work of the PFR specialists with the submitted documents, the necessary requests will be made to obtain the required certificates, and if the information of the individual personified account differs from the information in the work book or preferential-clarifying certificate, acts will be sent to the policyholders on the need to submit adjustments.

      When can a pension be granted?

      It must be remembered that the old-age insurance pension payment is assigned when simultaneous observance several conditions:

    52. reaching the age (60 years for men and 55 years for women);
    53. the presence of a certain length of service (at least 9 years in 2018);
    54. the required number of individual coefficients (at least 13.8 points in 2018).
    55. These rules apply to the main type of pension in Russia, while the conditions for assigning the other two payments (for disability and for the loss of a breadwinner) are based on the presence of at least one day of insurance experience and the occurrence of an insured event (disability or death of the breadwinner).

      In the event of a complete absence of the length of service during which the employer transferred payments to the FIU, a social pension in accordance with the law No. 166-FZ of December 15, 2001 "On State Pension Provision in the Russian Federation".

      In any case, every citizen who is not indifferent to his future should take care of his future pension in advance. For this he necessary:

      1. become an insured person in the compulsory pension insurance system (OPS) and receive an individual personal account number (SNILS), where all the data forming his pension rights will be displayed;
      2. get a job where they pay only “white” wages, so that there are more deductions to the Pension Fund, and, consequently, the size of the future payment will also increase;
      3. choose the option of pension provision: transfer payments only to the insurance pension or to the insurance and funded;
      4. become a participant in non-state pension insurance, make contributions to the selected NPF in order to form a voluntary pension, and hence increase the future amount paid;
      5. control the state of your personal account by receiving an extract from it by contacting the Pension Fund directly or using an electronic service;
      6. make a decision to postpone your retirement in order to increase its size at a later application.
      7. Retirement age and required seniority for appointment in 2018

        Despite the active discussion of the issue of raising the retirement age, at present the retirement age remains unchanged:

    • 60 years for men
    • 55 years for women.
    • To establish a pension payment, it is also necessary to have a minimum amount of insurance experience - 9 years in 2018. Other periods can be counted in this value, such as military service on conscription, the period of caring for a child, for a disabled person of group I, a disabled child. The conditions for offsetting these periods and their complete list are contained in Art. 12 law "About insurance pensions".

      For registration of insurance payment in 2018, the accumulated pension coefficients should be not less than 13.8.

      It should be remembered that the indicators of the minimum length of service and points required for the appointment of a pension will change every year until they reach 15 years and 30 coefficients (by 2025). As for the age, its increase is apparently quite feasible in the foreseeable future.

      Early retirement

      According to the adopted law "About insurance pensions" No. 400-FZ of December 28, 2013, the right of certain categories of citizens to retire is retained ahead of schedule.

      Can be distinguished several reasons for an earlier establishment of insurance payment, which is reflected in the relevant articles of the said law:

    • when performing harmful or hard work - according to Lists No. 1 and No. 2 (clauses 1-2, clause 1, article 30);
    • on "small" lists (clauses 3-18, clause 1, art. 30);
    • in some positions of medical, pedagogical and acting professions (paragraphs 19-21, paragraph 1, article 30;
    • in the positions of flight and test personnel (clause 1, article 31);
    • for work experience in the North and areas equated to it (clauses 6-7, clause 1, article 32);
    • being assigned to a special social category of citizens (clauses 1-5, clause 1, article 32).
    • For early retirement for any of the above reasons necessary condition is the presence at least 30 pension coefficients, and taking into account the gradual transition to the new rules, at least 13.8 in 2017. In some cases, a certain age, and length of service in the relevant types of work, and insurance experience are required.

      It is important that to determine the right to early payment, the norms of pension legislation in force during the period of preferential work, regardless of its duration at the time of the repeal of the relevant laws, can be applied.

      What documents are needed to apply for a pension?

      AT general package of documents for all types of assigned pensions include:

    • the passport;
    • employment history;
    • military ID;
    • SNILS pension certificate.
    • Citizens who apply for payment in the coming years have periods of work carried out during the period of validity three different pension laws. Accordingly, their rights when assigning a pension will depend on:

    • until 2002 from the length of service and salary;
    • from 2002 to 2014 from the contributions accumulated on the personal account;
    • since 2015 from the total points.
    • In this regard, until 2002, a certificate of wages may also be needed. for 60 months from one organization or several following in a row in the work book. In order to assign the payment in the maximum possible amount, the FIU specialists will offer to bring such a certificate or help to make an appropriate request if the average monthly salary for 2000-2001, displayed on his individual account, is lower than the national average for the same period.

      It should be noted that the main document confirming the length of service of a citizen before his registration in the OPS system is work history book which must be properly formatted.

    • Each entry about a particular period of work must contain the number and date of the order for admission or dismissal and be certified by the signature of the responsible person and the seal of the organization.
    • In addition, all transfers during the time of work at the enterprise should be indicated, indicating the positions held, as well as all renaming of the organization itself.
    • There are situations when citizens, when applying to the FIU, have two work books in their hands, however, in this case, only one work record will be taken into account.

      After registering a citizen in the OPS system, all his labor activity is confirmed by the data contained in his individual personal account.

      Nevertheless, the sets of documents for establishing a particular type of payment have their own differences.

      Documents for retirement by age (old age)

      To assign an insurance payment, you must contact the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation with the relevant documents. Their main scroll as follows:

    • an application for a pension;
    • identity documents (passport for Russian citizens or residence permit for residents of other countries);
    • a document on compulsory insurance in the form of a certificate of SNILS;
    • work book and other documents confirming the duration of the insurance period (including in the relevant types of work);
    • a document confirming the period of service in the army;
    • salary certificate for 60 consecutive months until 2002;
    • additional documents clarifying some periods
    • Appointment of a disability pension

      In this case, in addition to the main list of documents required to establish an old-age insurance payment, to assign a disability pension prerequisite is the presence extracts from the certificate of examination, which is compiled by the bodies of medical and social expertise (ITU).

      This document is sent to the PFR authorities at the place of registration in three days from the date of recognition of the applicant as a disabled person. Such a certificate contains the date from which the citizen is declared disabled and the date of the next re-examination (it can be issued indefinitely), as well as an established group, on which the amount of the assigned payment will depend.

      Making a survivor's pension

      To establish a survivor's benefit, the peculiarity is that all documents relating to the duration of the insurance period and wages must be submitted in relation to a deceased person. In addition, the following are also required to be presented for the appointment of a pension:

    • certificate confirming the death of the breadwinner;
    • documents stating in what kind of family relationship the person who applied for the payment was with the deceased.
    • Instead of a death certificate, a court decision on recognizing a citizen as missing can be presented.

      Since disabled family members who are fully supported by the deceased have the right to receive survivor benefits, the fact of dependency (with the exception of children under 18 years of age) will be required. confirm relevant documents. This may be a certificate from the housing department, a certificate of income of family members, and in some cases a court decision.

      Features of processing payments to individual citizens

      To special occasions establishing payments should include pensions for civil servants, military personnel and certain categories of citizens. Each of these types of payments has its own rules for assigning.

      • federal employees submit an application to the personnel service in the name of the chairman of the Board of the PFR of the authority where the citizen worked before dismissal.
      • For some employees, military and police, the registration and establishment of pensions are handled by the relevant departments and ministries where they served, and not the FIU.
      • State pensions for old age, for the loss of a breadwinner and for disability are assigned, like ordinary payments, in the territorial bodies of the PFR at the place of registration, but unlike them, they require mandatory submission additional documents specifying the circumstances of belonging to a particular category of citizens for registration of the arisen right to pension provision.

        Documents confirming additional circumstances

        Additional documents when establishing a pension clarify a number of circumstances, namely:

      • name change (marriage certificate, name change certificate, certificate of divorce);
      • evidence of actual residence in the territory of our country or at the place of stay (a written statement of a citizen, a passport, a document on registration at the place of residence or stay, issued by the authorities that keep such records);
      • justification for permanent residence outside of Russia (documents issued by the consular offices of the Russian Federation or the relevant authorities of foreign states);
      • confirmation of being fully supported by another citizen (certificate from the housing department, certificate of income of family members);
      • certificate of continuation of studies by a dependent after his majority (certificate from an educational institution);
      • confirmation of family relations (document of marriage, birth certificate, adoption certificate);
      • proof of belonging to the small peoples of the North (passport, birth certificate, certificate of local authorities);
      • a certificate indicating participation in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident or confirmation of residence in special radioactive zones;
      • justification for the performance of certain types of work (preferential-clarifying certificates from organizations, and in case of their liquidation - from archival institutions).
      • In some cases, identification is required legal representative, then it is necessary to submit the appropriate document from the guardianship and guardianship authorities.

        Deadlines for filing documents and assigning pensions to the Pension Fund

        An application for establishing a pension payment is submitted by a citizen the day before the right arises, but not more than a month in advance, to the PFR authorities at the place of registration. Such an application is being considered by the employees of the FIU within 10 working days.

        If there are missing documents in the pension file for the purpose of payment, the citizen has three months from the date of written request to submit the required certificates or wait for their receipt if there are relevant requests.

        An insurance pension is assigned from the date of application for it, but before the law arose for the type of pension provided. However, there are also exceptions:

      • appeal within a month from the date of dismissal from the enterprise (in this case, the payment will be scheduled from the next day after dismissal from work);
      • when applying within a year after the recognition of a citizen as disabled (then the appointment is carried out from the date of establishing the loss of ability to work);
      • if a citizen wrote an application for a survivor's pension within a year from the date of his death (in this case, the payment will be made from the date of death; if more than a year has passed, then 12 months before the application).
      • State pensions are established from the first of the month in which the citizen applied for the appointment, but in any case not before the emergence of the right.

        When assigning a certain type of pension, pensioners were issued a pension certificate confirming their status, which since 2015 has been replaced by a regular paper certificate.


        To assign a pension payment, it is necessary to have certain conditions that give it the right and the required package of documents with additional certificates, established for each specific case separately.

        Even without finding a letter in the mailbox with an invitation to the territorial department of the PFR and without hearing a corresponding announcement from his insured, the citizen is obliged take care of yourself on the establishment of his pension, compensation for missed deadlines not provided.

        Only with timely application can it be guaranteed that all controversial issues in the preparation of the submitted documents will be resolved, and the pension will be assigned as soon as possible.

    Appointment and registration of pensions in Kazakhstan is carried out by the State Center for the Payment of Pensions (SCPP). Retirement in Kazakhstan begins with an application to the local SCPP. You must apply before the retirement age, or after, to draw up an application and submit the necessary documents for processing pension payments.

    The procedure and methodology for calculating pensions, as well as the types of pension payments can be found in this article .

    Required documents for applying for a pension

    1. Application form (can be downloaded from link).
    2. Certificate of average monthly income from January 1, 1995 for any 36 consecutive months. The certificate is issued by the employer (organization), and if it is impossible to obtain a certificate, the average income is set on the basis of mandatory contributions to pension funds (can be downloaded from link).
    3. An identity card of a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan or a document certifying a residence permit of a foreigner.
    4. Address reference.
    5. Bank account number reference (IBAN) – open an account with Kazpost JSC or Halyk Bank, Kazkommertsbank.
    6. Employment history.
    7. Document on education (diploma, certificate).
    8. Military ID (for those liable for military service).
    9. Birth certificates of children.

    To apply for a pension women who have given birth to 5 or more children and who brought them up to the age of 8, the following documents are additionally submitted:

    1. birth certificates of children;
    2. children's identity cards;
    3. a document on the education of children in an educational institution;
    4. address certificate for children;
    5. marriage certificate or divorce certificate;
    6. death certificate of children (if any);
    7. a court decision on establishing the facts of adoption, upbringing of children;

    To assign a pension a citizen who lived in areas of extreme and maximum radiation risk, in addition to the necessary documents for applying for a pension, a document confirming the fact of living in the zones of extreme and maximum radiation risk from August 29, 1949 to July 5, 1963 for 5 years is additionally submitted.

    State social disability allowance along with the main documents, one of the following documents is also submitted:

    1. decision of the Central Military Medical Commission;
    2. the decision of the Interdepartmental Expert Council to establish a causal relationship of diseases, disability of persons exposed to radiation;
    3. certificate of illness issued by the hospital, or the conclusion of the military medical commission;
    4. birth certificate of a disabled child under the age of sixteen.

    For the appointment of the state basic social survivor benefits, in addition to the main documents for registration of a pension, the following are submitted:

    1. death certificate of the breadwinner or a court decision on recognizing the person as missing (deceased);
    2. a document confirming the relationship of the dependent with the deceased (birth certificate, marriage certificate, divorce certificate, paternity (maternity) and others).

    If necessary (depending on their availability), the following documents are submitted:

    1. certificate of the civil registry authorities (if information about the father in the birth certificate is entered at the request of the mother);
    2. certificate of the educational institution in the form in accordance with Appendix 4 to these Rules, if dependents aged from eighteen to twenty-three years are full-time students (provided annually);
    3. document on the establishment of guardianship or guardianship;
    4. military ID of the deceased (deceased) or a certificate of military service;
    5. certificate of death or death of a serviceman, an employee of the internal affairs bodies and the former State Investigative Committee of the Republic of Kazakhstan due to injury, concussion, injury, illness received in the line of duty or military service.

    When assigning a benefit in the event of the loss of a breadwinner, a person involved in caring for children, brothers, sisters or grandchildren of a deceased breadwinner who has not reached the age of eight, shall submit:

    1. work book with a record of termination of employment (provided annually);
    2. certificate of the state revenue authority that the person is not registered as an individual entrepreneur (provided annually).

    Together with the copies, the original documents are submitted for certification and verification, after which the original documents are returned to the owner. Documents for registration of pensions and benefits can be submitted by a third party, subject to the availability of a notarized power of attorney.

    Retirement process

    Registration of basic and solidarity (labor) pension payments can be made in one of three ways:

    • through the SCPP at the place of residence;
    • through the Community Service Center ( PSC);
    • through the e-government portal

    To register pension payments at the State Center for the Payment of Pensions, you must contact its branch at the place of residence to submit an application. The required documents are attached to the application. The SCPP specialist checks the submitted documents and checks the compliance of the income with the extract from the savings fund. In case of a positive result of the verification of the package of documents, the applicant is issued a coupon confirming the acceptance of the documents.

    The procedure for assigning state basic and solidarity pensions in the PSC is similar.

    Applying for a pension through the e-government portal is done on the website online. To carry out this operation, you need to have an electronic digital signature (EDS). You can read about how to get it.

    Necessary steps:

    1. Register and log in to the portal.
    2. Go to the online service: "For citizens" -> "Social security" -> "Assignment of the state basic pension payment" - "Order the service online".
    3. Fill out the application and sign it using the EDS. The application contains personal data and personal account number (IBAN).
    4. You can view the notification of the status of your application personal account(History of receiving services).

    On the egov portal, you can track the status of your application (approval or refusal of the service) using the operation "Obtaining information on the appointment (denial of appointment) of the state basic pension payment."

    • Is the allowance for the improvement of the housekeeper, if she has the rank of a seamstress?
    • Do income tax benefits apply to a disabled person of group III engaged in entrepreneurial activities?
    • In an educational institution, an employee applied to the personnel department with an application for paid annual leave with the payment of a health improvement allowance. The employee has been with the organization for 6 months. Is it possible to grant vacation with the payment of
    • An employee of the enterprise applied for benefits in terms of providing additional leave and not withholding personal income tax and other taxes, social contributions and social tax. The employee has an environmental certificate as a victim
    • The employee was hired in February 2015, in November she goes on maternity leave, the employee did not use her vacation. This worker will receive maternity payments from the State Center for Anti-Corruption Programs. What payments should the employer make to her: wages,


    In the organization, the accountant retires in August of this year. What is the procedure for applying for an employee's pension? And should the personnel officer draw up any documents for this or not?


    If the employee retires in August of the current year, then the future pensioner needs to take care of the pension right now: go for a consultation at the State Center for the Payment of Pensions (hereinafter referred to as the State Center for the Payment of Pensions) in the city where the employee lives. The SCVP inspector will consult, give a list necessary documents . It is individual for each employee. The general list of necessary documents for the appointment of pension payments is provided for in paragraphs 4, 5 of Section 2 "Procedure for applying for the provision of a state basic pension payment at the expense of budgetary funds, as well as the assignment of pension payments from the Center and state social benefits" of the Rules for Appointment and the implementation of the payment of state basic social benefits for disability, survivors and old age, pension payments from the State Center for the payment of pensions, the state basic pension payment, state special benefits approved by the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated August 25, 2006 No. 819. Some of the main documents for the appointment of pension payments from the SCPP are: 1) identity documents (identity cards, passports of a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan, certificates of a stateless person, a residence permit of a foreigner, oralman's certificate until receipt citizenship of the Republic of Kazakhstan); 2) a document confirming registration at a permanent place of residence (a copy of the registration book of citizens, a certificate from the address bureau, a certificate from rural and / or aul akims); 3) information about the bank account number in an authorized organization for the issuance of pensions and benefits or a special account of a correctional institution. In order to assign pension payments from the Center, in addition to the documents listed above, the following is also submitted: in the form of the established sample (Appendix 2 to the Rules). In case of liquidation of an organization (enterprise), an archive certificate is submitted indicating information about earnings. enterprises) on the average monthly income, is established according to 2) to confirm the length of service of a person entitled to receive pension payments, the following documents are submitted, depending on their availability: work book; education document; military ID or certificate of departments and departments of districts and cities for defense; children's birth certificates (or a birth certificate issued by the civil registry office) and one of the following children's documents: identity card; Marriage certificate; certificate of graduation from a secondary educational institution; diploma of graduation from a secondary special or higher educational institution; a document confirming the place of registration at the permanent place of residence of children; death certificate of children (or act record of death issued by civil registry authorities); certificate of the tax authority on the payment of insurance premiums to the Pension Fund of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the period of work until January 1, 1998 (when taking into account the length of service in accordance with subparagraphs 5) and 16) of paragraph 1 of Article 11 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated June 21, 2013 "On pension provision in Republic of Kazakhstan"); certificate of rehabilitation; certificate of the military commissariat on participation in hostilities; a court decision confirming the fact of the implementation and period of care for a disabled person of the first group, a single disabled person of the second group, an old-age pensioner in need of assistance, an elderly person who has reached the age of eighty, and a disabled person under the age of sixteen who suffered from the consequences of atomic tests, environmental disasters or infected with the immunodeficiency virus or AIDS patients; a document confirming the fact of living in the zones of extreme and maximum radiation risk from August 29, 1949 to July 5, 1963; certificates from archival institutions or from the place of work, if records of labor activity are not entered in the work book or there are corrections; a certificate confirming the residence of wives (husbands) of employees of former Soviet institutions, institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan and international organizations abroad; a certificate confirming the residence of the wives of military personnel in areas where there was no possibility of employment; certificate of an official authorized by the head of a special state body, confirming the residence of the spouse (spouse) of an employee of a special state body with the latter in areas where there was no possibility of her (his) employment in the specialty; marriage certificate and (or) divorce or an extract from the marriage record of marriage and (or) divorce, issued by the civil registry office (when changing the last name). it is a document confirming the length of service for calculating pension payments from the Center for the period up to January 1, 199 statement of claim on the establishment of a fact of legal significance), involve witnesses, attach available documents. The length of service in the absence of a work book or relevant entries in it is established on the basis of the documents specified in Art. 34 of the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, confirming information about work, or on the basis of a court decision (Article 14 of the Law "On Pensions"). If any of the documents is lost (marriage certificate, education document, etc.), it need to be restored. In this situation, the personnel department inspector needs to issue, in accordance with the norms of the Labor Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the work book of the employee, and, if necessary, issue the necessary certificates. Answered: V. V. Kulinkova, lawyer of GTK LLP, Karaganda

    What are the documents for applying for a pension in Kazakhstan in 2019

    In order to receive pension savings formed at the expense of CPC, CPC, citizens must apply to the UAPF and provide the following documents: - an application for the appointment of pension payments; - a copy of the identity document of the recipient, and the original for verification; - information about the recipient's bank account. Pension savings formed at the expense of CPC, CPC are inherited and are covered by a guarantee for the safety of mandatory pension contributions, mandatory professional pension contributions, taking into account the level of inflation. The third pillar (voluntary) is payments from voluntary pension contributions. Voluntary pension contributions - money contributed by contributors on their own initiative to the UAPF and (or) a voluntary accumulative pension fund for themselves or by third parties. Their rate, period of payment are determined by the agreement on pension provision at the expense of voluntary pension contributions.

    Retirement in Kazakhstan in 2018: everything you need to know


    Contributors of voluntary pension contributions are individuals or legal entities that make voluntary pension contributions at their own expense. In general, the voluntary level of pension provision stimulates the personal responsibility of citizens for pension provision. Thus, the current model of pension provision is focused on the personal responsibility of each citizen for their future pension provision.

    A multi-level model of social protection in the Republic of Kazakhstan social benefits on disability or loss of a breadwinner from the state budget.

    Pensions in Kazakhstan: registration, accrual, retirement age

    Latest news”, methodology for calculating pensions in the Republic of Kazakhstan, indexation of pensions in 2018, accrual of pensions in Kazakhstan in 2018, addition of pensions and recalculation. Let's take a look at the changes in pension legislation. Pension 2018 in Kazakhstan: last news Information about the increase in pensions in Kazakhstan in 2018 appeared on the official website of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

    According to this, the pension in Kazakhstan will be increased twice in 2018. 1 time - from January 1, 2018:

    • solidarity pension or as the pensioners themselves call it labor pension increases by 8%,
    • and the basic pension in Kazakhstan is increased by 6%.

    Thus, the minimum pension, taking into account the basic pension, will be 49,019 tenge in 2018, and the average pension will be 71,333 tenge. This increase applies to all pensioners. 2 times - the pension increase will take place on July 1, 2018.

    List of documents for registration of pension

    Conditions for assigning an old-age insurance pension If you are thinking about how to apply for a pension in 2018, it means that you have reached the generally established retirement age (55 years for women and 60 years for men). However, this is not the only condition that must be met in order to assign an old-age insurance pension. In order not to waste your time in vain, you should find out in advance whether you can retire or not.

    In order to receive an insurance pension in 2018, the following conditions must be met:

    • Reached the generally established retirement age (55 years for women and 65 years for men);
    • General insurance experience of at least 9 years;
    • The minimum number of pension points is 13.8.

    Please note that these terms and conditions only apply if you retire in 2018.

    Pension in Kazakhstan

    Before applying for the appointment of the insurance payments due to you, we recommend calculating the pension. Of course, the FIU will make all the necessary calculations and inform you of the amount monthly payments, but there is one caveat. Over the past 30 years, 3 pension reforms, therefore, your pension was formed over three periods (until 2002, from 2002 to 2014.
    and after 2015). The money transferred to the FIU for these periods will be converted into points, on the basis of which the amount of the pension is determined. The nuance is that the FIU may not have complete data on your work activity for periods before 2002, and therefore you will have to additionally provide documents confirming the length of service and income.

    • Important
    • Citizens can apply for a pension at any time after the right to it arises.

    How to retire in 2018


    Thanks to this method, the pensions of those who have worked for 10 years will not be equalized with those who have worked for 40 years. If the pensioner or applicant has worked for more than 33 years, then he will receive 100% of the basic pension. In the case of 10 years of service or less, pension payments will amount to 54% of the established amount.

    Such a fair system will appeal to many. It is also important to know one more subtlety in how pensions are calculated in Kazakhstan. The calculation takes into account the number of working years until January 1, 1998. If a citizen had labor activity during that period, then a solidarity or labor pension is added to the basic pension.
    How much is a pension in Kazakhstan When asked what kind of pension is in Kazakhstan, the latest news will provide comprehensive information. Taking into account changes in accrual cash payments, you can calculate how much the average pension in Kazakhstan will be.
    At the basic level, the state basic pension payment is provided, which is assigned to citizens, as well as persons permanently residing on the territory of the republic, upon reaching retirement age and is carried out regardless of the receipt of a solidarity and / or funded pension. The size of the basic pension payment for all recipients is currently the same and amounts to 15,274 tenge. More than 2 million people are recipients of the state basic pension payment. In the implementation of the Address, from July 1, 2018, the method of its appointment will change. She will be appointed depending on the length of participation in pension system.

    Pension in Kazakhstan from January 1, 2018


    Categories of people for whom the payment of state assistance from the UAPF is intended:

    1. Subjects who have reached old age.
    2. Men who have at least twenty-five years of experience. There is a record of experience until January 1, 1998, for those who lived for at least 5 years in the radiation zone.
    3. For women over the age of 45 and with at least 20 years of work experience. There is a record of experience until January 1, 1998, for those living at least 5 years in the radiation zone.
    4. Women with many children who have given birth to more than 4 children.
    5. Disabled people of the first and second groups.
    6. Military, law enforcement and government officials.

    At the expense of pension contributions, citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan who have entered into an agreement with an insurance company, have reached the age of 50, have a harmful record of at least five years, and those who have moved to another place of residence outside the Republic of Kazakhstan, can receive a pension.

    A complete list of documents for applying for an old age pension in 2018

    In addition, the legislation took into account the category of people for whom the retirement age will be reduced:

    • For women who have given birth or adopted more than four children, the retirement age starts at 53.
    • 50 years is the retirement age for men who have worked for 25 years or more, who were subsequently affected by nuclear weapons tests, or if such a pensioner lived five years in the radiation zone between August 29, 1949 and July 5, 1963.
    • 45 years for women with twenty or more years of work experience affected by nuclear weapons testing if they lived five years in the radiation zone from August 29, 1949 to July 5, 1963.

    What kind of pension in Kazakhstan and types of payments of state assistance Pension payments in the Republic of Kazakhstan are carried out according to special systems.
    The amount of pension payments for each full year worked in excess of the required length of service increases by 1%, but not more than 75% of the income taken into account for calculating the pension. The calculation of the amount of pension payments by age is carried out on the basis of the average monthly income for any three consecutive years, regardless of interruptions in work since January 1, 1995. Pension payments by age in full are appointed upon reaching the age of the following categories of citizens:

    • men - if they have at least twenty-five years of work experience as of January 1, 1998;
    • women - if they have at least twenty years of work experience as of January 1, 1998.

    A. Narmatov, changes in the pension system will affect all pensioners. The recalculation of the basic pension for those who are already on a well-deserved rest will be made automatically. You do not need to provide any additional documents.
    All data on transfers to the pension accumulation system are available in a single information system. Information on the length of service before 01/01/1998 will need to be submitted only to those citizens who retire after July 1, 2018. Useful information! Pension calculation calculator in Kazakhstan You can calculate at least approximately the total amount of your pension on the website in the “Electronic Services” section, where there is a “Pension Calculator” (Page: servisy/newcalc2/calculator.php) You might be interested in: Holiday calendar for 2018.