Legislative base of the Russian Federation. Legislative framework of the Russian Federation Registration form 470 y 10 sample

Active Edition from 25.06.2010

Type of documentorder, order
Host bodyMinistry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation
Document Number480N
Acceptance date12.09.2010
Revision date25.06.2010
Registration number in the Ministry of Justice18224
Date of registration in the Ministry of Justice23.08.2010
  • "Rossiyskaya Gazeta", N 195, 09/01/2010


Registration form N 470 / y-10 NOTIFICATION ON THE ESTABLISHMENT, CHANGE, Clarification And (or) Withdrawal Of The Diagnosis Or Change Of Other Data On The State Of Health, Physical And Mental Development Of Children Left Without Parental Care




In accordance with the "On the state data bank on children left without parental care, and monitoring its formation and use" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, N 15, art. 1434; 2005, N 11, art. 950; 2006 , N 16, item 1748) I order:

1. Approve:


Appendix No. 1
to the Order of the Ministry
health and social
dated June 25, 2010 N 480n


Appendix No. 2
to the Order of the Ministry
health and social
dated June 25, 2010 N 480n

1. Approve:

in agreement with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation The procedure for providing information on the state of health of children left without parental care, for entering into the state data bank on children left without parental care in accordance with Appendix No. 1;

registration form N 470 / y-10 "Notice on the establishment, change, clarification and (or) removal of a diagnosis or change in other data on the state of health, physical and mental development in children left without parental care" in accordance with Appendix N 2.

2. Recognize invalid the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated July 8, 2002 N 218 "On the procedure for providing information about the health status of children left without parental care for entering into the state data bank on children left without parental care" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on August 5, 2002 N 3662).


Appendix No. 1
to the Order of the Ministry
health and social
development of the Russian Federation
dated June 25, 2010 N 480n


1. State data bank on children left without parental care (hereinafter referred to as the state data bank on children) - a set of information resources formed at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (regional data bank on children) and at the federal level (federal data bank on children ), as well as information technologies that implement the processes of collecting, processing, accumulating, storing, searching and providing citizens who wish to adopt children for upbringing in their families with documented information about children left without parental care and subject to placement in upbringing in families in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. The heads of educational organizations, medical organizations, organizations providing social services, or similar organizations in which there are children left without parental care (hereinafter - organizations), submit to the guardianship and guardianship authorities at the location of this organization a notice of the establishment, change , clarification and (or) removal of the diagnosis or change in other data on the state of health, physical and mental development in children left without parental care, the form of which is provided for in Appendix No. 2 to this Order, within the following terms:

for children left without parental care - within seven days from the day when the heads of organizations became aware that the child could be transferred to a family for upbringing;

for children left without parental care, whose data on the state of health, physical and mental development have changed - within seven days from the day when the heads of organizations became aware of the changes, but at least once a year for each child.

3. Information on the health status, physical and mental development of children left without parental care is provided in accordance with the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th revision, adopted by the 43rd World Health Assembly.

4. Information about the state of health of a citizen, the diagnosis of his disease and other information obtained during his examination and treatment constitute a medical secret, the confidentiality of information of which is guaranteed by the state.

Appendix No. 2
to the Order of the Ministry
health and social
development of the Russian Federation,
dated June 25, 2010 N 480n

Form code according to OKUD ____________________ Institution code according to OKPO _______________ Medical documentation Registration form N 470 / u-10 Approved "On the state data bank on children left without parental care and monitoring its formation and use" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002 , N 15, item 1434; 2005, N 11, item 950; 2006, N 16, item 1748) I order:

1. Approve:

in agreement with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation The procedure for providing information on the state of health of children left without parental care, for entering into the state data bank on children left without parental care in accordance with Appendix No. 1;

registration form N 470 / y-10 "Notice on the establishment, change, clarification and (or) removal of a diagnosis or change in other data on the state of health, physical and mental development in children left without parental care" in accordance with Appendix N 2.

2. Recognize invalid the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated July 8, 2002 N 218 "On the procedure for providing information about the health status of children left without parental care for entering into the state data bank on children left without parental care" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on August 5, 2002 N 3662).


Appendix No. 1
to the Order of the Ministry
health and social
development of the Russian Federation
dated June 25, 2010 N 480n


1. State data bank on children left without parental care (hereinafter referred to as the state data bank on children) - a set of information resources formed at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (regional data bank on children) and at the federal level (federal data bank on children ), as well as information technologies that implement the processes of collecting, processing, accumulating, storing, searching and providing citizens who wish to adopt children for upbringing in their families with documented information about children left without parental care and subject to placement in upbringing in families in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. The heads of educational organizations, medical organizations, organizations providing social services, or similar organizations in which there are children left without parental care (hereinafter - organizations), submit to the guardianship and guardianship authorities at the location of this organization a notice of the establishment, change , clarification and (or) removal of the diagnosis or change in other data on the state of health, physical and mental development in children left without parental care, the form of which is provided for in Appendix No. 2 to this Order, within the following terms:

for children left without parental care - within seven days from the day when the heads of organizations became aware that the child could be transferred to a family for upbringing;

for children left without parental care, whose data on the state of health, physical and mental development have changed - within seven days from the day when the heads of organizations became aware of the changes, but at least once a year for each child.

3. Information on the health status, physical and mental development of children left without parental care is provided in accordance with the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th revision, adopted by the 43rd World Health Assembly.

4. Information about the state of health of a citizen, the diagnosis of his disease and other information obtained during his examination and treatment constitute a medical secret, the confidentiality of information of which is guaranteed by the state.

Appendix No. 2
to the Order of the Ministry
health and social
development of the Russian Federation,
dated June 25, 2010 N 480n

Form code according to OKUD ____________________ Institution code according to OKPO _______________ Medical documentation Registration form N 470 / u-10 Approved "On the state data bank on children left without parental care and monitoring its formation and use" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002 , N 15, item 1434; 2005, N 11, item 950; 2006, N 16, item 1748) I order:

1. Approve:

in agreement with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation The procedure for providing information on the state of health of children left without parental care, for entering into the state data bank on children left without parental care in accordance with Appendix No. 1;

registration form N 470 / y-10 "Notice on the establishment, change, clarification and (or) removal of a diagnosis or change in other data on the state of health, physical and mental development in children left without parental care" in accordance with Appendix N 2.

2. Recognize invalid the Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated July 8, 2002 N 218 "On the procedure for providing information about the health status of children left without parental care for entering into the state data bank on children left without parental care" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on August 5, 2002 N 3662).


Appendix No. 1
to the Order of the Ministry
health and social
development of the Russian Federation
dated June 25, 2010 N 480n


1. State data bank on children left without parental care (hereinafter referred to as the state data bank on children) - a set of information resources formed at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (regional data bank on children) and at the federal level (federal data bank on children ), as well as information technologies that implement the processes of collecting, processing, accumulating, storing, searching and providing citizens who wish to adopt children for upbringing in their families with documented information about children left without parental care and subject to placement in upbringing in families in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. The heads of educational organizations, medical organizations, organizations providing social services, or similar organizations in which there are children left without parental care (hereinafter - organizations), submit to the guardianship and guardianship authorities at the location of this organization a notice of the establishment, change , clarification and (or) removal of the diagnosis or change in other data on the state of health, physical and mental development in children left without parental care, the form of which is provided for in Appendix No. 2 to this Order, within the following terms:

for children left without parental care - within seven days from the day when the heads of organizations became aware that the child could be transferred to a family for upbringing;

for children left without parental care, whose data on the state of health, physical and mental development have changed - within seven days from the day when the heads of organizations became aware of the changes, but at least once a year for each child.

3. Information on the health status, physical and mental development of children left without parental care is provided in accordance with the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th revision, adopted by the 43rd World Health Assembly.

4. Information about the state of health of a citizen, the diagnosis of his disease and other information obtained during his examination and treatment constitute a medical secret, the confidentiality of information of which is guaranteed by the state.

Appendix No. 2
to the Order of the Ministry
health and social
development of the Russian Federation,
dated June 25, 2010 N 480n

Arbitration Court of the Perm Territory

Ekaterininskaya, house 177, Perm, 614068, www.perm.arbitr.ru


city ​​of Perm

04/11/2019 Case No. А50-9841/2019

Arbitration Court of the Perm Territory composed of Judge Remyannikova I.E.,

considered the application of the claimant - the State Institution -

Office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation in the Industrial

area of ​​the city of Perm (614036, Perm region, Perm, highway Kosmonavtov, 177;

PSRN 1025901209289; TIN 5905007996)

to the debtor - individual entrepreneur BELYAEV RUSLAN

ALEXANDROVICH (614065, Perm Territory, Perm, Cosmonaut Belyaev St.

d. 49a apt. 49; PSRN 304590535700318 TIN 590500054118)

on the issuance of a court order for the recovery of a financial sanction in the amount of

The court, having examined the information set out in the claimant's

application for the issuance of a court order and the documents attached to it, on

on the basis of the Federal Law of July 24, 2009 No. 212-FZ "On insurance

contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, the Fund for Social

insurance of the Russian Federation, the Federal Compulsory Fund

Federal Law “On individual (personalized) accounting in the system

mandatory pension insurance”, Article 239 of the Budget Code

Russian Federation, guided by the Arbitration

procedural code of the Russian Federation

I decided:

Collect from the debtor - individual entrepreneur BELYAEV

RUSLAN ALEKSANDROVICH (614065, Perm region, Perm, st.

Cosmonaut Belyaeva, 49a, apt. 49; PSRN 304590535700318 TIN 590500054118)

to the income of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation a financial sanction for

failure to submit within the prescribed period of information provided for in paragraph 2 of Art. eleven

Federal Law of April 01, 1996 No. 27-FZ, on insurance experience and

periods of work of insured persons in the form of SZV-STAGE for 2017 in the amount of

Payment details for payment of financial sanctions:

Beneficiary's bank - Branch Perm, Perm;

TIN / KPP of the recipient - 5904084719 / 590401001;

Recipient - UFK in the Perm Territory (OPFR for

Perm region);

Beneficiary's account number - 40101810700000010003;

BIC - 045773001;

KBK - 392 116 20010 06 6000 140.

Collect from an individual entrepreneur BELYAEV RUSLAN

ALEXANDROVICH (614065, Perm Territory, Perm, Cosmonaut Belyaev St.

d. 49a apt. 49; OGRN 304590535700318 TIN 590500054118) to income

federal budget state fee in the amount of 1,000 (one thousand)

To recover from the debtor to the federal budget

state duty to issue a writ of execution.

The debtor has the right, within ten days from the date of receipt of a copy of the court

order to submit objections regarding its execution to the Arbitration

court of the Perm region.

The court order comes into force after the expiration of the period for

submission of objections to the execution of the court order.

The court order may be appealed in cassation to

Arbitration Court of the Urals District within two months from the date of entry

into force of the appealed court order through the Arbitration Court

Perm region.

The court order has the force of a writ of execution and is given in

execution in the manner prescribed for the execution of judgments.

Judge I.E. Remyannikova

Property of a citizen


The Arbitration Court of the Republic of Buryatia composed of Judge Anisimov A.Yu.,

when maintaining the minutes of the court session by the secretary Ustinov A.B.,

having considered in an open court session an insolvency (bankruptcy) case

debtor - Claudia Dambaevna Buyantueva (born April 15, 1960, place of birth: Alar village

Alarsky district of the Irkutsk region, TIN 032801633743, SNILS 044-564-859-78, place

registration: Republic of Buryatia, Ulan-Ude, st. Mayakovsky, 3, apt. 155),

when attending the meeting:

from the debtor - did not appear, notified;

from the financial manager - did not appear, notified;

from Rosreestr - did not appear, notified,


By the decision of the Arbitration Court of the Republic of Buryatia dated October 16, 2018 (operative part

announced on 10/15/2018) the debtor - Klavdia Dambaevna Buyantueva was declared insolvent

(bankrupt), a procedure was introduced for the sale of the debtor's property, financial

Aleksey Andreevich Korol was approved as managing debtor.

The case was in the production of Judge A. Stepanova.

In connection with the departure of the judge Stepanova A.N. honorably retired case on the basis of

orders of the Acting Chairman of the Arbitration Court of the Republic

Buryatia through the information system distributed to the judge Anisimov A.Yu.

Determination of the chairman of the second judicial composition of the Arbitration Court of the Republic

Buryatia dated February 7, 2019, the composition of the court in the case was changed to judge Anisimov A.Yu.

Consideration of the results of the implementation procedure is scheduled for the court session


At the court session, participants in the case and in the arbitration proceedings in the case of

bankruptcy person representatives were not sent, about the time and place of the court session

duly notified.

The financial manager has applied for an extension of the procedure

sale of property for one month. In support of the stated request, the financial

the manager indicated that the measures of the procedure for the sale of property were not completed

of the debtor, including the debtor’s property not sold - Samsung TV, 2012

release, TV LG 2001 release. Financial manager submitted a report on

its activities.

arbitration cases” (http://kad.arbitr.ru/).

The case was considered in accordance with Article 156 of the Arbitration Procedure Code

Russian Federation in the absence of persons participating in the case and in the arbitration process

bankruptcy case.

Having studied the materials of the case, the court comes to the following conclusions.

In accordance with paragraph one of paragraph 2 of Article 213.24 of the Federal Law "On

insolvency (bankruptcy)" the sale of a citizen's property is introduced for a period not

more than six months. This period may be extended by the arbitral tribunal

the petition of the persons participating in the bankruptcy case.

From the application of the financial manager it follows that on the date of consideration

the results of the procedure for the sale of property, not all activities are completed, including,

debtor's property not sold - Samsung TV, 2012 release, LG TV

2001 release.

By the decision of the Arbitration Court of the Republic of Buryatia dated March 13, 2019, it was approved

Regulations on the procedure, conditions and terms for the sale of the property of the debtor - Buyantuyeva

Claudia Dambaevna.

The term for the sale of the said property in accordance with the approved regulation on

order of its sale - 3 months.

It follows from the application of the financial manager that the said property is not


In addition, as of the date of consideration of the results of the procedure for the sale of property, no

considered the demand of the credit consumer cooperative "Express Money" about

including claims in the amount of 1,576,771 rubles, including: 10,000 rubles. - main debt,

RUB 158,100 - interest for the use of the loan, 1,408,771 rubles. - penalty to the register

claims of the debtor's creditors - Claudia Dambaevna Buyantueva, received by

Arbitration Court of the Republic of Buryatia 12/20/2018.

By a court ruling dated March 12, 2019, a court session to consider the claim

the creditor was postponed to 04/10/2019.

The protocol ruling of April 10, 2019 announced a break in the court session until

Since the activities required to complete the implementation procedure

property of a citizen, have not been completed, the goals of the bankruptcy procedure have not been achieved, in

in particular, the register of creditors' claims has not been formed, the property has not been sold

debtor, the court considers it possible for the financial manager to file a petition for

extension of the procedure for the sale of property of a citizen to satisfy.

The court issues a ruling on the extension of the procedure for the sale of property

debtor for one month, that is, until May 15, 2019. When determining the period for which the court

extends the procedure for the sale of property, the court takes into account the minimum required period

to complete the activities within the procedure for the sale of property, opinion

financial manager.

Guided by paragraph 2 of Article 213.24 of the Federal Law "On the Insolvency

(bankruptcy)”, court


Extend the term of the procedure for the sale of the property of the debtor - Claudia Buyantuyeva

Dambaevna for one month, that is, until May 15, 2019.

Assign consideration of the issue of completion of the procedure for the sale of property

premises of the court at the address g. Ulan-Ude, st. Communist, 52, hall number 319, judge

Anisimov A.Yu.

Submit a report on the results to the financial manager by the specified date

procedures for the sale of property with the attached documents.

The ruling may be appealed to the Fourth Arbitration Court of Appeal in

fourteen days from the date of acceptance through the Arbitration Court of the Republic of Buryatia.

Judge A.Yew. Anisimov

In preschool educational institution in 2018, from 23 to 27 people worked in different months, in 2019 - 27 people (one of them is on maternity leave). In what order should an institution submit to the FSS the information necessary for the appointment and payment of benefits for temporary disability, pregnancy and childbirth, at the birth of a child and other benefits related to motherhood: in electronic form or on paper (the institution is located in a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, involved in the pilot project)? The buyer - VAT payer has the right to use the deduction of the tax presented to him on goods, works, services, property rights in the event that the prescribed in Art. 171 and 172 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation conditions: the purchase is intended for a VAT-taxable operation and is registered, the buyer has an invoice drawn up accordingly. True, if this document is received late, the taxpayer may have additional questions. For what period to declare a deduction? How can it be transferred to subsequent tax periods and not miscalculate the deadline set by the legislator for this event? Is it possible to defer only part of the deduction? Four court instances, including the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, denied citizen Zh. the right to register a new D LLC. The formal basis for this refusal was the applicant’s failure to submit the documents required for state registration, determined by Federal Law No. of the executive body of the legal entity within its location, and there are also signs that the founders - legal entities LLC "P", LLC "B" and their heads are unable to manage the newly created legal entity.

Changing the VAT rate in itself, it seems, should not cause difficulties for accounting workers. Indeed, you accrue large amounts to be paid to the budget and that's all ... However, difficulties may arise during the period of transition from a lower rate to a higher one. In this article, we will present an overview of the latest clarifications of officials on this topic related to the performance of work and the provision of services. In April 2019, an error was identified: no depreciation was charged for library fund objects that were accepted for accounting and put into operation in August 2018. What corrective entries need to be made in budget accounting?



On the procedure for providing information on the state of health of children left without parental care for entering into the state data bank on children left without parental care

In accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 4, 2002 N 217 "On the state data bank on children left without parental care, and exercising control over its formation and use" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2002, N 15, Art. 1434 ; 2005, N 11, art. 950; 2006, N 16, art. 1748)

I order:

1. Approve:

in agreement with the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation The procedure for providing information on the state of health of children left without parental care, for entering into the state data bank on children left without parental care in accordance with Appendix No. 1;

registration form N 470 / y-10 "Notice on the establishment, change, clarification and (or) removal of a diagnosis or change in other data on the state of health, physical and mental development in children left without parental care" in accordance with Appendix N 2.

2. Recognize invalid the order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation dated July 8, 2002 N 218 "On the procedure for providing information about the state of health of children left without parental care, for entering into the state data bank on children left without parental care" (registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on August 5, 2002 N 3662).

T. Golikova

at the Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
August 23, 2010
registration N 18224

Annex N 1. The procedure for providing information on the state of health of children left without parental care, for entering into the state data bank on children left without parental care

Appendix No. 1

1. State data bank on children left without parental care (hereinafter referred to as the state data bank on children) - a set of information resources formed at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (regional data bank on children) and at the federal level (federal data bank on children ), as well as information technologies that implement the processes of collecting, processing, accumulating, storing, searching and providing citizens who wish to adopt children for upbringing in their families with documented information about children left without parental care and subject to placement in upbringing in families in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. The heads of educational organizations, medical organizations, organizations providing social services, or similar organizations in which there are children left without parental care (hereinafter - organizations), submit to the guardianship and guardianship authorities at the location of this organization a notice of the establishment, change , clarification and (or) removal of the diagnosis or change in other data on the state of health, physical and mental development in children left without parental care, the form of which is provided for in Appendix No. 2 to this order, within the following terms:

for children left without parental care - within seven days from the day when the heads of organizations became aware that the child could be transferred to a family for upbringing;

for children left without parental care, whose data on the state of health, physical and mental development have changed - within seven days from the day when the heads of organizations became aware of the changes, but at least once a year for each child.

3. Information on the health status, physical and mental development of children left without parental care is provided in accordance with the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th revision, adopted by the 43rd World Health Assembly.

4. Information about the state of health of a citizen, the diagnosis of his disease and other information obtained during his examination and treatment constitute a medical secret, the confidentiality of information of which is guaranteed by the state.

Appendix N 2. Accounting form N 470 / y-10. Notification of the establishment, change, clarification and (or) withdrawal of a diagnosis or change in other data on the state of health, physical and mental development of children left without parental care

Appendix No. 2

Form code according to OKUD

Institution code according to OKPO

Medical documentation
Accounting form N 470 / y-10
Approved by order of the Ministry
health and social development
Russian Federation
dated June 25, 2010 N 480n

Notification of the establishment, change, clarification and (or) withdrawal of a diagnosis or change in other data on the state of health, physical and mental development of children left without parental care

(Underline whatever applicable)

(full name and address of the organization in which there are children left without parental care)

2. Surname, name, patronymic

(in the presence of)

left without parental care.

3. Gender: male/female (underline as appropriate).

4. Date of birth: number

5. Insurance policy: series

date of issue

(name of company)

6. Medical report on the state of health and development of a child left without parental care.

6.1. Health and development prior to this medical examination:

6.1.1. Comprehensive health assessment date

6.1.2. Diagnosis

(ICD code 10).

6.1.3. Diagnosis

(ICD code 10).

6.1.4. Diagnosis

(ICD code 10).

6.1.5. Diagnosis

(ICD code 10).

6.1.6. Diagnosis

(ICD code 10).

6.1.7 Physical development: normal, deviation (underweight, overweight, short stature, high stature - underline as necessary).

6.1.8. Health group: I, II, III, IV, V (underline as appropriate).

6.2. Health status according to the results of a medical examination:

6.2.1. Date of examination

6.2.2. Practically healthy: yes, no (underline as appropriate).

6.2.3. Diagnosis

(code according to ICD 10):

(Underline whatever applicable).

6.2.4. Diagnosis

(code according to ICD 10):

a) functional abnormalities, chronic disease;

b) the diagnosis is preliminary or specified;

c) dispensary registration: was previously or taken for the first time

(Underline whatever applicable).

6.2.5. Diagnosis

(code according to ICD 10):

a) functional abnormalities, chronic disease;

b) the diagnosis is preliminary or specified;

c) dispensary registration: was previously or taken for the first time

(Underline whatever applicable).

6.2.6. Diagnosis

(code according to ICD 10):

a) functional abnormalities, chronic disease;

b) the diagnosis is preliminary or specified;

c) dispensary registration: was previously or taken for the first time

(Underline whatever applicable).

6.2.7. Diagnosis

(code according to ICD 10):

a) functional abnormalities, chronic disease;

b) the diagnosis is preliminary or specified;

c) dispensary registration: was previously or taken for the first time

(Underline whatever applicable).

6.3. Assessment of physical development:

6.3.1. Date of examination

6.3.2. For children 0-4 years old: weight (kg)

; height (cm)

head circumference (cm)

6.3.3. For children 5-17 years old inclusive: weight (kg)

; height (cm)

6.3.4. Physical development: normal, deviation (lack of body weight, excess body weight, short stature, high stature - underline as necessary).

6.4. Grade mental development(states):

6.4.1. Date of examination

6.4.2. For children 0-4 years old:

cognitive function (developmental age)

motor function (developmental age)

emotional and social function(age of development)

preverbal and speech development(age of development)

6.4.3. For children 5-17 years old:

psychomotor sphere (norm, deviation);

intelligence (norm, deviation);

emotional-vegetative sphere (norm, deviation)

(Underline whatever applicable).

6.5. Assessment of sexual development (from the age of 10):

6.5.1. Date of examination

6.5.2. Sexual formula of the boy: R

6.5.3. The sex formula of the girl: R

characteristics of menstrual function: menarhe (years, months)

menses (characteristic): regular, irregular, abundant, scarce (underline as appropriate).

6.6. Disability: from birth, acquired (underline as appropriate);

installed for the first time (date)

; date of last inspection

date of next inspection

6.9.1. Comprehensive health assessment date

6.10. The need for medical and pedagogical correction: does not need, needs (underline as necessary).

6.11. The need for medical and social correction: does not need, needs (underline as necessary).


1. The transfer of information about the state of health, physical and mental development of children left without parental care to the body of guardianship and guardianship is possible only with the consent of the person, information about whom is transferred, or his legal representative, with the exception of the list of cases specified in the article 61 Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of the health of citizens of July 22, 1993 N 5487-1.

Persons who, in accordance with the procedure established by law, were given information constituting a medical secret, on an equal basis with medical and pharmaceutical workers, taking into account the damage caused to a citizen, bear disciplinary, administrative or criminal liability for disclosure of medical secrets in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

2. The first copy of the notice is sent to the guardianship and guardianship body, the second copy remains in the organization.

3. All points of the notice are filled in legibly, in the absence of data, a dash is put. Corrections are not allowed.

Head of the organization


(surname and initials)

Date of completion "

Place of printing