Orphan payments. Orphans' pension - all types of social assistance to children left without parental care

Children whose parents have been deprived of rights in relation to them, or orphans, are a special social group persons whose maintenance is on the balance sheet of the state. In addition to material support, which is distributed across regions and district centers, the state provides numerous benefits to orphans and those who have lost their father/mother's guardianship.

To understand which of the children and what benefits can qualify, you first need to understand the definitions. To date, the state distinguishes two groups of beneficiaries:

  • orphans who do not have parents because of their death or they are recognized as dead;
  • persons under the age of 18 whose parents are alive but do not have either the right or the ability to support them.

There are several reasons why children with living parents come under the guardianship of the state. This happens if the father and mother:

  • deprived of rights to their children for improper care;
  • missing;
  • declared incompetent;
  • wanted;
  • are in prison;
  • suffer from an incurable disease that prevents them from properly caring for their children.

In practice, children often belong to two groups at once, when one of the parents has died, and in relation to the second, measures have been taken to deprive him of parental rights. Those whose status is not confirmed at the state level cannot be included in one of the categories of beneficiaries.

State priorities for young children

The absence of parental care does not mean that the child is left alone with his problems. His fate is decided by the state authorities:

  • by transferring a minor citizen to a boarding house;
  • the appointment of a guardian or custodian, to whom certain requirements are imposed.

Today social program guardianship is regarded as the most The best way distribution of children who have lost their father/mother for one reason or another.

A person under the age of 14 is taken under guardianship, and a guardianship is issued for a person older than this age. Both in one and in the second case, the distribution takes place either in a foster family or in a boarding house, where the children are created the most appropriate atmosphere for the family with full material support.

State support for children in need

The benefits that are provided to orphans and other needy children deprived of the guardianship of their father / mother are defined by law No. 159 and approved at the federal level back in 1996. It spells out all the social privileges that this category of children can claim. At the same time, the regional department for orphanhood and guardianship may also provide additional material assistance from the budget allocated for these purposes by the state.

Regardless of their status, needy minors are entitled to the same social package from the state. Thus, payments are made to beneficiaries under the age of 18, as well as to students under the age of 23.

Appointment of a pension

Orphans and children left without parental care are assigned a pension, which is transferred to their bank account, thereby providing a material base when they reach a certain age: 18 years for all beneficiaries or 23 years for students. Depending on the conditions in which a minor citizen is located, different pensions are determined for him:

A mother or father who has lost the status of a legal representative is obliged to pay alimony from his official income in the amount provided for by legislative acts. If neither one nor the other is employed, then payments are accrued and paid from the regional budget.

Preferential conditions for education

Benefits for orphans and children who have lost parental care are distributed upon their admission to the 1st year of state institutions: universities, vocational schools. Further studies for a master's degree are not subject to preferential coverage.

Having entered an institution of secondary special or higher education, this group of beneficiaries can count on:

  • the scholarship is 1.5 times higher than for students who are not entitled to benefits;
  • saving the scholarship in case the exams in the session were failed by the student, he was sent for a re-examination;
  • an amount of money 3 times more than the scholarship, which is paid to a student-beneficiary every year and is intended for the purchase of teaching materials and other scientific literature;
  • full salary, which is accrued during the period of internship;
  • the amount of money for the purchase of essentials, which can be provided both in cash and in kind: shoes, clothes, household items.

The provision of benefits to orphans and children left without parental care is considered to be the main one. Additional social support measures include free education in preparation courses for entrance examinations and the purchase of clothes and shoes immediately after graduation from a university or vocational school.

Favorable conditions for obtaining housing

Orphans over the age of 18 must be provided with housing. The same principles are provided for in work with children whose parents are not burdened with guardianship in relation to them. Housing is provided as follows:

  1. Due to the living quarters, which was left from the deceased parents.
  2. At the expense of the state at the place of actual location of the beneficiary.

The guardian has no right to sell this property of his ward without the permission of the relevant authorities. A minor citizen who has inherited or received housing from the state also cannot put it up for sale or exchange it, unless permission from the regional guardianship authorities has been obtained. Their task is to make sure that actions with real estate do not entail a deterioration in the living conditions of the owner.

Favorable conditions for utility bills

Guardians who have taken responsibility for the care and maintenance of an orphan or a child left without parental support may also apply for benefits in the matter of payment for housing and communal services. Their cost is reduced by 50% in relation to:

  • electricity;
  • water supply and sewerage;
  • gas supply;
  • square meters;
  • and other utility bills.

Those citizens who, at the time of registration of guardianship or guardianship, have a debt to the state for paying utility bills are not eligible for this benefit.

Beneficial medical care

Benefits for children from the category of needy are also provided in the medical field: services in health care institutions are provided to them free of charge. Some regional bodies additionally provide this group of beneficiaries with:

  • milk mixtures - up to 2 years;
  • other dairy products - up to 15 years in the presence of medical prescriptions;
  • medicines - up to 18 years;
  • medicines - up to 23 years of age, provided they study at a university or vocational school.

Vouchers to sanatoriums and health camps for orphans are issued on preferential terms, but only on prescription. You can also get such a benefit through the activities of charitable foundations that work with this category of children.

Other state privileges

State support in other areas is directed not only to the privileged category of children, but also to their guardians:

Type of benefitOrphanChild without parental supportGuardian
Public transportFor freeFor free-
Taxi- - -
Travel by trainFree once a year- -
Kindergarten- - For free
School of Music- - For free
Sport school- - For free
Art school- - For free
Cultural events organized by the state: circus, museum, exhibition, zoo.For freeFor freeFor free

In addition to the above benefits, guardians can count on a one-time payment of about 30 thousand rubles as state support for guardianship, as well as an amount of money equal to about 10 thousand rubles to ensure the life of the ward, which is accrued every month. The amount of payments is established by the local body for resolving issues of orphanhood and guardianship and does not depend on the financial capabilities of the guardians.

Procedure for applying for benefits

What benefits (for orphans or children without parental care) are provided additionally, it is necessary to clarify the guardians or trustees in the relevant authorities of the region where the family lives. The procedure itself does not depend on the place of residence.

To the local authorities of social protection and guardianship, the guardian or custodian must provide:

  • written application for benefits;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation applying for registration as a guardian or trustee;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • insurance certificate of the child from the state pension insurance authorities;
  • bank account details where payments for the maintenance of the child will be transferred;
  • a document indicating the status of the person under guardianship, classifying him as a privileged category.

Orphans and children on state support are handled by the local guardianship and guardianship department. In addition to psychological and material support for children, they also monitor compliance with legal norms on the part of guardians and trustees. However, do not forget that the benefit is the right of a citizen, for which he must declare on his own.

The state provides support various categories citizens, but on a special account are payments to minor children or orphans left without parental care. Financial support, benefits are provided even after 18 years of age, subject to certain criteria. The amount of collateral, the terms of provision and its nature depend on a number of factors.

Pension provision in case of loss of a breadwinner

The PFR provides for two types of payments assigned to children left without parental care due to their loss. Namely:

  • Insurance (labor)- paid to all family members of a deceased citizen, if he worked officially and made contributions to the pension fund. If there are several breadwinners, the option that is more beneficial for the orphan is used to calculate subsidies.
  • Social pension- is appointed if the parents had no work experience at all by the time of their death.

According to the law of December 5, 2012, provision is provided to orphans until they come of age. But students studying full-time in any state institution, payments are made up to 23 years. The exception is additional education.

Who is eligible for social benefits

An orphan receives a pension on the basis of documentation confirming this status. Children in this category include:

  • with an incurable disease of the breadwinner;
  • with incapacity that does not allow raising children;
  • after the death of guardians, parents;
  • when parents are deprived of their rights in relation to their upbringing, if the breadwinners are serving a criminal sentence or they are wanted;
  • if the guardians are missing (this fact is recognized by the court after the search).

Many cases fall under several conditions at once. For example, the mother of the child has died, and the father is serving a prison sentence. Such a minor is considered left without parental care. The status must be confirmed by the authorized authority, otherwise the FIU will refuse to pay.

How much do orphans receive in 2017-2018

Financial assistance from the state is provided to citizens left without parental care up to 18, full-time students of higher educational institutions up to 23 years of age, provided that there are no insurance accruals (“On state pension provision”).

Social support for children:

  • deceased both / one breadwinner;
  • deceased single mother.

Important! From 2018, a new social subsidy will be paid in Russia to orphans whose parents could not be found. Such benefits in monetary terms are equated to financial assistance for the loss of a breadwinner up to 18-23 years. Upon adoption, the right to receive monthly support from the state is lost.

Payments to orphans in 2017 are made in the following amounts:

  • a child who has lost one breadwinner - 5,034 thousand rubles;
  • an orphan who has no mother and father - 10,068 thousand rubles;
  • if the parents are not identified - 10.068 thousand rubles.

An increase in payments is planned from 04/01/18 by 4.1%. The amount of material support in 2018 will increase to 5,240 thousand and 10,480 thousand rubles, respectively (if the PFR takes into account inflation indicators).

What benefits are provided for orphans

Minor citizens left without parental care are entitled to financial support from the state. In 2017-2018, the following subsidies are provided for orphans:

  • social benefit in case of loss of a breadwinner of a fixed amount, which is annually indexed along with inflation;
  • when enrolling in a higher educational institution, children are entitled to an increased scholarship;
  • insurance pension - paid if the breadwinner acquired the seniority before the moment of death;
  • annually during the training, orphans receive financial assistance in the amount of 3 scholarships for the purchase of teaching aids;
  • free food, medical care in state institutions;
  • for the period of academic leave due to illness, the scholarship is retained for the student;
  • an orphan has the right to receive benefits when enrolling in higher, as well as professional state institutions.

This list of federal privileges is not exhaustive. There are privileges granted at the regional level by individual subjects of the Russian Federation. In each area, they can differ significantly.

Conditions for the provision of financial support

At the legislative level, it is established until what time children left without parental care are paid benefits (). Grants are received until the age of 18, they continue if the child is a student and is studying full-time. These conditions apply to all payments due to the orphan. When assigning a certain type of financial assistance, the length of service of the parent is taken into account.

Insurance pension provision for orphans is paid subject to the following criteria:

  • deceased parent, has a minimum work experience (from 1 day);
  • the breadwinner did not die because of the criminal act of the child.

The length of service includes the period of work during which insurance contributions were made to the pension fund of the Russian Federation. This includes non-insurable cases:

  • service in the ranks of the Russian army;
  • registration of benefits for temporary disability;
  • caring for a child under 1.5 years old, an elderly person over 80 years old, a disabled person of the 1st category;
  • participation in public paid works, scholarship for unemployment;
  • the stay of spouses of army servicemen in places where there is no opportunity to get a job;
  • other periods.

Important! Social payments rely on children left without parental care permanently residing on the territory of Russia, subject to one of the conditions (FZ-166 of 2001): the absence of the breadwinner's work experience or death as a result of criminally punishable acts committed by the child.

How to apply for a pension

To receive material support, the representative of the orphan child or the guardian will need to collect a number of documents. Only with a full package of papers a citizen will be able to apply for social support:

  • applications for benefits;
  • child's birth certificate (after 18 years of age a document proving his identity) passport of his representative;
  • papers confirming the fact of the relationship of the deceased person and the baby;
  • evidence of the death of the breadwinner;
  • a document from the registry office confirming that the deceased citizen independently raised the child.

To apply for an insurance pension, additional papers will be required: a certificate from an educational institution, documents confirming the fact of the applicant's permanent residence in Russia. If some evidence is not in hand, the FIU will accept the application and provide three months to collect the rest.

Attention! Transfers will be made from the date of submission of a request for financial support (provided that all documents were submitted in a timely manner).

Early termination of payments

According to the Federal Law-24 of the Russian Federation "On Pension Provision", persons who permanently reside outside the Russian Federation, as well as those who have several places of residence at the same time - abroad and on the territory of Russia, cannot count on state support.

Social benefits for orphans are not provided if:

  • the citizen has a steady income and pays insurance premiums;
  • the orphan receives pension insurance payments;
  • the recipient of the grant has changed his place of residence and the grant must be transferred to another territorial pension fund;
  • death of a child left without a breadwinner.

Recipient pension provision or his representative, upon the occurrence of one of the circumstances that annul the right to material state support, is obliged to apply to the employees of the pension fund with an appropriate application. If the transfers continue to be made, the FIU may request the return of illegally paid funds based on a court decision.

Benefits for orphans after 18 years

Upon graduation from an educational institution, children without parental care are provided with the most necessary items approved by the regulations of the Government of the Russian Federation. The grant is provided at the expense of the vocational education system. Such categories of citizens are also entitled lump sum from 500 rubles.

At the request of the child, material security can be replaced by monetary compensation, in the amount necessary for its purchase. Funds can be transferred to a deposit opened in the name of a graduate in one of the divisions of Sberbank of Russia.

Important! Unemployment benefits for orphans in the amount of average earnings in the region are provided subject to the absence of employment and confirmation that this status has been acquired for the first time. The scholarship is paid for 6 months.

Social benefits and benefits from the Pension Fund are interconnected with the minimum wage in different regions of Russia. It is not yet known how the subsequent recalculation will be carried out. The pension fund can take into account inflation indicators or leave everything at the same level. Changes regarding state support are not yet planned. In some regions, the list of benefits may vary somewhat.

The state takes care of children who are deprived of parental care. They are provided with a variety of benefits, paid money for living.

In 2017-2018, benefits for orphans are financed from the regional budgets of the Russian Federation.

Let's see what children with the status of an orphan can apply for and where to turn for a solution to their problems.

Before dealing with benefits, it is necessary to introduce the concept of status. There are two terms that describe the situation of a child left without parental care.

  1. An orphan is a child whose parents have died.
  2. A child deprived of parental care is a small citizen who finds himself in one of the following situations:
  • his parents were deprived of the right to take care of their child in the manner prescribed by law;
  • mom and dad are considered missing;
  • parents have lost their legal capacity;
  • mom and dad are serving time for a crime in prison, or search activities are underway against these people;
  • parents are terminally ill and unable to take care of the child.

It should be noted that many cases fall under two conditions. For example, mom died, and dad is serving time. Such a child is declared deprived of care.

The status of a child must be established by the state body of the Russian Federation. Otherwise, orphanhood is not recognized by organizations that provide benefits.

When a child loses his parents for one reason or another, the state determines his fate. There are two ways out of the situation:

  1. Place the child in a boarding school, where he will be fully supported.
  2. Designate a guardian for him.

The second way to decide the fate of a minor is considered a priority in the country. That is, civil servants, who are in charge of resolving this issue, are trying to find someone who will take care of the baby.

Moreover, if the child is less than 14 years old, guardianship is established over him; over teenagers older than the specified age - guardianship.

The state encourages citizens to take such children into their families. There are institutions:

They bring up children who have lost their parents.

The status of an orphan child, as well as the rights of children left without parental care, are established by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 12, 1996 No. 159-FZ “On additional guarantees for social support orphans and children left without parental care.

This document describes in general the measures taken by the state in relation to this category of small citizens. It is the basis for the publication of federal and regional documents regulating the activities of organizations of various forms of ownership in relation to orphans.

Article 5 of this law refers all the costs of social support for this category of minors to the regional budgets. The exception is children who study in educational institutions of the federal level.

The regions are developing their own activities to support orphans. They contain all those preferences that are specified in the Federal Law. However, it is not prohibited to provide additional guarantees to affected children. Download for viewing and printing

Preferences for orphans and children deprived of parental care

Although minors receive different statuses they have the same rights. All children who, for whatever reason, do not have biological parents are entitled to the care of the state.

All established state support measures apply to beneficiaries under the age of 18.

But if a young person - the owner of the status is being trained, then they are extended up to 23 years.

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First of all, they are given a pension. It is of two types:

  1. Labor - is appointed taking into account the experience of one of the parents. In practice, choose the one who has more.
  2. Social. This pension is paid to a child whose mother and father did not officially work anywhere. Its size is set by the regional government.

If a parent is deprived of the right to take care of a child, he is obliged to pay alimony. The court makes an appropriate decision. Based on it from wages person, a set amount is taken and sent to the child's account.

If this parent does not officially work, then the budget pays alimony.

They only need to successfully pass the entrance exams. On this basis, they are immediately enrolled in the first course.

All the time of training, young people receive a scholarship from the region's budget. Moreover, its size is one and a half times higher than that established for this educational institution.

The right to a scholarship does not depend on the results of the examination sessions. It is paid while a young person with the status of an orphan and equated, is listed as a student.

Every year pupils and students from among the orphans receive money to purchase books and manuals. The amount depends on the amount of the scholarship in this university e and exceeds it three times.

  1. Money is allocated from the budget to provide young people with clothes, shoes, and household items. This preference can be obtained in cash if necessary.
  2. If a young person from among the orphans is studying in an educational institution of the federal level, then all expenses for his maintenance are made from the funds of this institution.
  3. There is no fee for attending a preparatory course at a university for such young people.
  4. During their internship, they receive a salary of 100%.
  5. When issued, the budget provides them seasonal clothes and footwear, as well as material assistance.

The benefits do not apply to admission to the magistracy. The law refers only to preferential enrollment in the first year of higher education. Attention: since January 2018, a new social pension for children whose parents have not been identified. Such payments are equated in monetary terms with pensions for the loss of a breadwinner. They will also receive up to 18-23 years. Depending on the presence or absence of full-time education. The entitlement to social support also terminates upon adoption.

The state gives guarantees to its young citizens in the most sensitive area for many - housing.

It is clear that without the support of relatives, such a person will never be able to purchase his own home.

They are provided by the region in which he lives.

There are two ways to implement such a guarantee in 2017-2018:

  1. If the parents had own house or an apartment, then it is retained by the minor heir. At the same time, an orphan can live in the living space of the guardian or his own, together with the person who takes care of him. However, an adult cannot do anything with square meters without the permission of the guardianship and guardianship authorities.
  2. In the absence of an inheritance, young man provide housing upon reaching the age of 18. This responsibility rests with the regional government. In practice, it is implemented by local administrations. And this leads to big problems.

To sell or exchange an apartment, you need to obtain a document from the local administration that allows this real estate transaction.

Regions have different approaches to solving the problems of young people left without parental support. There are positive examples and negative experiences.

  1. In Ufa, for several years now, this category of citizens has been provided with apartments from a special housing stock. That is, part of the apartments being built in the city is bought out by the local government. They are transferred to orphans under a social contract of employment.
  2. In Novosibirsk, this category of young citizens receives an allowance for repairs. Its size in 2017-2018 is 60 thousand rubles.
  3. In the Republic of Crimea, an orphan was provided with an apartment in a destroyed building. This building has walls and a roof, but there are no interior decoration, window and door frames. Naturally, it is impossible to live in such conditions.

The work of local self-government bodies in the implementation of the rights of orphans is carefully controlled by the prosecutor's office. It is necessary to answer for the identified violations by specific employees in charge of this area of ​​work.

In almost all regions, orphans are provided with preferences in the field of payment for housing and communal services.

So, their guardians are compensated for half of the amount given for:

  • light (according to the norm per person);
  • rent;
  • water supply and sanitation;
  • garbage disposal and more.

Since these preferences are set by regional authorities, you should learn more from the local administration.

Children deprived of parental care receive medical services free of charge. In addition, in some regions they are provided with medicines at the expense of the budget.

For example, such a law works in the capital. Orphans who study in educational institutions of any level, from preschool to higher education, are paid for by the local budget up to the age of 23.

In Moscow, children in this category are provided with milk baby food for up to two years according to a doctor's prescription. If there is evidence, then this preference is maintained until the age of 15.

In all regions, orphans receive vouchers on a preferential basis:

  • in a sanatorium according to the testimony of a doctor;
  • to a recreation camp.

A ticket to the summer camp can also be obtained from charitable organizations. There are many foundations that deal with the problems of orphans and those equivalent to them.

  1. It must be indicated that children in this category are entitled to free travel on public transport. This preference applies to all types, except for taxis and private routes.
  2. Orphans also travel on trains for free once a year. This refers to the journey from the place of study to the house (there and back).
  3. Local authorities also support families who have taken care of an orphan child. Upon adoption, they are given financial assistance. And then a monthly allowance is paid for the maintenance of a small citizen. For example, in the Moscow region the following amounts are issued:
  • 30,000 rubles - one-time assistance;
  • 10,000 rubles - monthly allowance.

The amount of money depends on the standard of living in the region. The specific amount is set by the regional government.

In some regions, this group of the population is provided with:

  1. Advantages in the device in kindergarten. Guardians do not pay for preschool services.
  2. Free education in music, sports and art schools.
  3. Visiting museums, zoos, circuses, exhibitions and other places of recreation without paying a ticket.

clearance cash payments handled by the social security authorities.

You need to go to the local office, having the following documents with you:

  • guardian's passport;
  • birth certificate of an orphan, his SNILS;
  • information about the bank account for payments;
  • a document confirming the preferential category.

You will need to write an application to a government agency. It should be noted that benefits for payment of housing and communal services are not provided to debtors. That is, all invoices must be paid by the date of application.

Preferences in the field of education and medicine are provided by the respective institution. To receive them, you must present a preferential certificate. The same goes for visiting cultural institutions.

Pension payments, amounts of alimony, support for guardians and trustees, and other monetary preferences are handled by the guardianship and guardianship authorities. Specialists understand all the intricacies of the situation when establishing the status of a child.

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Situations in life are different, and it happens that children are left without parental care. The state provides them with comprehensive support, assigning benefits, allowances and all kinds of compensation and payments aimed at improving the quality of life of orphans in all areas. In the article we will talk about benefits for orphans after 23 years in 2019, consider the procedure for obtaining.

Federal law establishes privileges for children who are under the protection of the authorities or taken into the care of a family. Preferences apply to the allocation of housing to orphans, their education, the purchase of food and basic necessities.

Who is entitled to benefits for orphans after 23 years

As you know, many benefits and allowances are due to orphans only until they reach a certain age. To begin with, it is worthwhile to figure out who can generally claim the status of an orphan. Children are considered orphans:

  • whose both parents have died;
  • whose parents were not found during the search activities, in connection with which they were declared missing in judicial order;
  • whose parents have lost their parental rights, are put on the wanted list, or are imprisoned;
  • whose parents have been declared incompetent, and this does not allow them to care for the child;
  • whose parents are seriously or terminally ill, which prevents cohabitation with children.

Under whatever circumstances the child is left an orphan, until he reaches the age of 14, he is placed under guardianship by a close family member or a third party. When an orphan reaches the age of 18, a trustee is appointed. Read also the article: → "".

Benefits such as social and labor pensions can only be provided until the child reaches the age of majority, as well as some other preferences. However, if an orphan, after turning 18, continues to study full-time at a university (or secondary school) in any specialty, he retains his right to privileges from the state.

List of benefits for orphans after 23 years

Upon reaching the age of 23, an orphan retains the right only to those types of state aid, which continue to operate in connection with admission to an educational institution. Those who refuse to receive post-secondary education lose the opportunity to receive assistance in financial and in-kind terms. This happens because it is assumed that upon reaching the age of majority, a full-fledged member of society is ready to work and receive his own income.

All benefits have a specific purpose, they are provided:

  • for the purchase of food, clothing, footwear, etc.;
  • for the repair and restoration of the living quarters where the orphan lives;
  • for rent, housing and communal services, telephone communications;
  • for education.

So, orphans who have reached the age of 23 are supposed to:

  • monthly social pension (if the orphan continues education),
  • monthly labor pension (if the child receives full-time education, and if the parents or one of them had a work experience),
  • an apartment under a social tenancy agreement (if the orphan managed to get on the waiting list for improving housing conditions before he turns 18),
  • full state support in the case of education with money, clothes, shoes,
  • allowance at the beginning of each school year for the purchase of educational literature, stationery (in the amount of three scholarships),
  • free meals at the university,
  • unemployment benefit paid for six months, in case of registration with the Employment Service (in the amount of the average salary in the region),
  • preferential provision with housing (if an apartment is not assigned to an orphan, or it has not been inherited from parents),
  • free training for a new profession at the employer,
  • 100% student's industrial practice salary,
  • supplement to the scholarship in the amount of 1/2 (if the university has a scholarship),
  • free travel by public transport, as well as to the place of residence and back to the place of training (once a year),
  • admission to a higher educational institution on a budgetary basis without competition and preliminary free passage of preparatory courses.

Benefits for orphans after 23 years of age upon admission to a university

In the event that an orphan enters a higher educational institution, the state supports his undertakings in every possible way and fully provides the student, providing the following types of assistance (until receiving a diploma):

  1. Labor pension (if the student is disabled or disabled, and if the mother or father had a certain length of service).
  2. Social pension (the amount is indexed annually).
  3. A scholarship increased by 50% in comparison with its standard amount (and it is maintained even during the period of academic leave issued due to illness).
  4. Help in in kind- clothes, shoes, essentials.
  5. Allowance for the purchase of educational literature and stationery (the amount of the allowance is equal to 3 scholarships).
  6. Free medical care.
  7. Free meals in the canteens of the university.
  8. Free passage of preparatory courses at the university before admission.

In some subjects of the Russian Federation, additional benefits are also provided for orphans after 23 years of age who decide to continue their education after school on a full-time basis.

Former graduates are also entitled to some benefits. For example, when visiting a higher educational institution to attend event events on weekends, holidays, during vacations, orphans have the right to transfer to a budget boarding school for the entire period of stay there. Approves the application Council of the university.

Benefits for orphans after 23 years of age in employment

When an orphan completes his studies and looks for a job, the state will help him even then. If the employer is municipal institution or a commercial firm, in any case, the orphan will be provided with clothing, equipment and other necessary things for the period of employment.

The Employment Center is obliged, when an orphan graduate applies, to carry out career guidance work with him and assess his suitability for performing certain work duties. Any activities can be carried out after assessing the state of health of an orphan, received a specialty. Until an orphan finds a job, he is entitled to unemployment benefits paid for six months.

An employer who dismisses an orphan for any reason, including the closure of a company and a reduction in the number of employees, is obliged at his own expense to train him in a new profession and find him new job in your own company or in another organization (the form of ownership does not play a role). Read also the article: → "".

Travel allowances for orphans over 23

For the entire period of study at a higher educational institution, an orphan student is entitled to free travel by any type of public transport (city, intra-district, suburban), including along the route of the countryside. In addition, if the educational institution is far from the place of residence of the orphan, he is paid for travel to home for the holidays and the way back to the place of study (only once a year). The exemption does not apply to taxis and private passenger transportation.

When does entitlement terminate?

If, upon reaching the age of 23, an orphan does not study full-time at a secondary vocational or higher educational institution, he is deprived of the right to all the benefits that were in effect for him after the orphan reached the age of majority. If the child entered the university, upon graduation, he also loses benefits and payments, since now he is able to get a job and provide for himself.

Benefits and social guarantees are assigned to an orphan after the age of 18 if there is a medical certificate and he is recognized as a disabled person of any group.

It happens that disability is assigned temporarily, until the person fully recovers. In this case, if an orphan with a disability group used privileges until the moment when the medical commission established the fact of his recovery, from that moment he is also deprived of the rights to state preferences for orphans.

The amount of benefits in Moscow, St. Petersburg, in the regions

According to the regional program for providing benefits to orphans in Moscow, additional discounts were provided for payment of utility bills (orphans do not pay their share of the bills for public utilities). All sorts of payments are also established, but they do not apply to orphans after 23 years of age. With regard specifically to orphans over the age of 23, if they have children while they are studying or are also married to an orphan, they are entitled to a monthly allowance in the amount of 2,100 rubles for each child.

In St. Petersburg, additional benefits and compensations are also provided, however, they are also allocated to orphans until they turn 18 years old.

The size of the survivor's pension is set as follows:

  • 9919 rubles (for those who have lost both parents or a single mother),
  • 4960 rubles (for those who have lost one parent).

How to get benefits for an orphan after 23 years

Registration of all kinds of benefits and allowances for orphans is handled by the guardianship and guardianship authorities, but an orphan can take the initiative and collect the necessary package of documents:

  • passport,
  • documents confirming his recognition as an orphan,
  • birth certificate,
  • certificate of compulsory pension insurance,
  • a certificate from a higher education institution confirming full-time study (if the right to benefits must be maintained on the basis of education),
  • a medical report on the assignment of a disability group to an orphan (if the benefits continue to be valid due to the recognition of an orphan as a disabled person),
  • death certificate of the breadwinner (for payment of labor pension),
  • work book of the deceased or his military ID (for assigning a labor pension),
  • certificate 2-NDFL on the income of the deceased in recent months,
  • certificate of marriage by parents (if the surnames with the deceased parent are different).

You should contact the Pension Fund, the social protection authorities (or the Multifunctional Center), the Administration of the territorial entity, depending on the benefit being issued. Read also the article: → "".

Legislative acts on the topic

Federal Law No. 159-FZ of December 21, 1996 “On additional guarantees for the social protection of orphans and children left without parental care” On measures of state support for orphans
Law of the City of Moscow dated November 30, 2005 No. 61 “On additional guarantees for social support for orphans and children left without parental care in the city of Moscow” On one-time allowances for orphans in Moscow
Federal Law No. 166, Federal Law No. 400 On the assignment of a pension for the loss of a breadwinner (death or disappearance without a trace)
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 20, 1992 No. 409 “On mandatory urgent measures aimed at protecting orphans” On measures to help orphans who get a job

Typical mistakes during registration

Mistake #1. The orphan, who is 23 years old, is applying for a social pension while studying at the institute as a part-time student.

The right to benefits is reserved for an orphan in case of admission to an institution of secondary vocational or higher education exclusively for full-time education.

Mistake #2. An orphan who has reached the age of 23, after receiving a diploma of higher education, entered a university to receive a second higher education and applies for state support measures on the basis that he continues his studies full-time.

Benefits and payments are assigned to the orphan until the end of education in the event that he receives the first education.

Answers to common questions

Question number 1. Is there any way to get social housing for an orphan after he turns 23?

In some courts of general jurisdiction, cases were considered when the plaintiff (beneficiary), who had the right to receive an apartment, proved the fact of inaction or illegal action on the part of the authorities (in the case of orphans, we will talk about guardianship and guardianship authorities or the Administration of a territorial entity) regarding an explanation to a citizen his housing rights. It will be important to prove that the orphan tried to register as needing housing and that he made attempts to get it. If the court decides in favor of the plaintiff, the apartment will be provided even after he is 23 years old.

Question number 2. I am an orphan, before reaching the age of majority I was registered as a person in need of better living conditions, and applied for an apartment. However, at the moment I am 23 years old, and I have not been provided with housing, because my turn has not yet come. Have I lost my right to housing?

No. If you did everything according to the law, stood in line for the improvement of housing conditions and applied for an apartment, attaching all Required documents, your age does not matter, and you retain the right to an apartment.

Children who have lost one or both of their parents are orphans. Due to the fact that their only trustees have died, they are entitled to additional support from the state. In addition, the regions independently provide orphans with additional support measures. In the article, we will consider what benefits and payments are provided for orphans in Moscow in 2019.

Children left without parental care

Children can remain without a father and mother even if the parents are alive. This can happen if the mother or father:

  • are treated in a special institution;
  • deprived of parental rights or limited in them;
  • are in places of detention;
  • missing;
  • declared dead;
  • abandoned their children - they were not taken away from special institutions.

In these cases, children are left without parental care. Social support measures for orphans are regulated at the federal level by law No. 159 of 12/21/1996.

Pension for children in case of loss of a breadwinner

Important! Minors who are left without a breadwinner are entitled to a pension. It is available to children under 18, but in the case of full-time education, the payment is extended up to 23 years.

This type of pension provision is available to both born and adopted children. If a child is an orphan, that is, he loses both his father and mother, then he can receive the parent's capital in double form.

If the parent of the child during his lifetime worked unofficially and does not have insurance experience, then only a social pension will be accrued. The same payment is due to children if their parents are unknown. For 2019, the social pension is equal to the following amounts:

  • in case of loss of one of the parents - 5,240.65 rubles;
  • for orphans - 10,481.30 rubles.

How to apply for a survivor's pension

Insurance payment for those children whose parents had an insurance record. To do this, they must have at least 1 day of work experience. Labor pension consists of an insurance and a base part. The insurance part is calculated based on the seniority and income of the pensioner. Based on this, the IPC is established. The payment is accrued if the child did not work and was dependent on the deceased. The calculation is made according to the formula:

PV \u003d IPC x C + PV,

PV - size pension payment;

IPC - individual pension coefficient, that is, the number of points accrued during the period of work;

C - the cost of the IPK, which for 2019 is equal to 81.49 rubles;

PV - a payment in a fixed amount, equal to 4982.90 rubles for an orphan and 2492.45 rubles - if only one of the parents has died in a child.

In order to receive this payment, you will need to prepare a certain package of documents:

  • birth certificate or passport;
  • death certificate, certificate of missing breadwinner;
  • certificate of salary of the breadwinner;
  • labor breadwinner;
  • military ID (if the breadwinner is a man);
  • information about the status of the guardian.

Education for orphans

In terms of education, support for orphans is financial support. The state pays special attention to the possibility of orphans obtaining a specialty for work in the future. In accordance with the law, orphans have the right to enter any secondary and higher vocational institution, but if they already have a general education.

Those orphans who will study full-time receive at least 1000 rubles. lump-sum allowance, as well as clothing, shoes, implements or equipment, or cash compensation instead. These children are educated for free. Thus, they have the right to receive only two vocational education in any educational institution, with the exception of private ones.

If, for any reason, a student is unable to leave educational institution on holidays or weekends, the council of this institution may decide on its free maintenance. It includes both accommodation and meals. In addition, the university (other institution) where the child is studying assists in organizing treatment, for example, in providing academic leave. In this case, both state security and scholarship will be preserved.

Important! Those students who have already lost their parents while studying have the same rights.

The right to work of orphans

Children who are left without parental care have the right to work, the implementation of which takes place in the employment service. Work on career guidance and professional suitability is carried out by employees of the employment service with the child reaching 14-18 years of age.

When looking for work for the first time, orphans are registered as disabled and receive benefits for 6 months. The amount of the benefit is equal to the average salary established in the region of residence.

If an orphan quits, then the employer assumes the responsibility for his further vocational training and employment at his own expense.

Medical care for orphans

Children are provided with free medical care, including medical examination, examination, treatment, etc. You can get it in municipal or state medical institutions. If the child has indications, then he can also get a ticket to a sanatorium or a sports and recreation camp.

Payments to orphans

One-time assistance to orphans does not have a fixed amount. It is determined at the moment when the decision on adoption comes into force. The adopter or guardian will be able to receive payments for 6 months from the date of entry into force of the decision on guardianship or adoption, as well as when applying. To do this, you will need to apply to social security, providing, in addition to the application, also some documents. The list of documents will depend on whether the child is under guardianship or adopted (