Sad statuses about love. Short and sad statuses about different things Sad sad statuses

Sad short statuses - in case you suddenly got unlucky today. Such a phrase will help you get peace of mind or just tell your friends about your condition.

It's not a disaster, it's just life

  1. I can handle any set-up, but not the betrayal of friends.
  2. I would like a little bit of faith. into me.
  3. Someone will have a marriage, we will only have pain ...
  4. It is a pity that there is no panacea, or at least a small pill.
  5. Cancel plans that are not destined to come true, immediately cut off the traitors.
  6. Memories are something that heals and kills at the same time.
  7. Many laugh at failure, but all are silent before grief.
  8. Do you want my love? Pay less attention to me!
  9. Thoughts dim when everything is empty around ...
  10. If someone is as bad as me, write. Let's mourn together.
  11. It hurts that I can never wake up in your arms again.

Patience is what we are constantly promised

You should not waste time on endless self-digging, because everything can be expressed with the help of sad short VK statuses.

  1. Don't joke about my scars unless you've been hurt yourself.
  2. I'm putting up with this because I hope it's worth something.
  3. In my opinion, looking for something good in people is already in vain ...
  4. Remember, everyone around is even more indifferent than you think.
  5. There are too many grievances in my soul, and I no longer expect something good.
  6. Time to get rid. From unnecessary prejudices, ideas, people ...
  7. No matter what anyone says, I will never be able to accept what happened.
  8. There is a rotten thing in each of us. Some have more, some have less.
  9. I would like to change at least what I am able to change ...
  10. No matter how bad it is, remember that it could be worse.
  11. We dreamed of children, but now we pour mud on each other.

Don't cry, you'll have to dry your own tears

Short sad statuses in VK - for those who especially acutely feel silence and loneliness. Never let them overwhelm you!

  1. If you and your loved ones are not terminally ill, stop whining.
  2. If he finds good excuses, this does not mean that he wants to see you.
  3. Now I don't like spring, there are too many memories of you.
  4. If you remain friends, then you did not love.
  5. Silly, but I suffer from the fact that I do not fit your requirements ...
  6. Let's take pain easy. At some point you have to feel it.
  7. It's hard, but I'll try: I miss you a lot.
  8. I don't respect myself. For not appreciating loved ones.
  9. Being together doesn't mean anything these days.
  10. Do not be silent, please say at least something, at least a curse.
  11. Indifference kills us, but not distance.

Pain in the soul is one of the most easily achievable

Fate is a very insidious thing, and no one knows what it will offer us in the next moment. That is why it is important to set sad and short statuses in VK in time.

  1. I'm scared to live in a world where sex means more than love.
  2. I talked and talked so as not to notice his indifference.
  3. And let this be self-pity. I am unable to fight.
  4. Again she did not keep her promise not to invent something that is not there ...
  5. Instead of taking away the pain, you made it worse for both of us.
  6. I'm so tired of being silent that a little more, and I'll call you myself.
  7. I will fight for my love even if it wins.
  8. Over the years, I realized that there is nothing good in love.
  9. Let's get away from this nonsense...
  10. What are you up to! I don't want to believe that everything will be fine.
  11. I would at least see a horror movie, if only with you.

Love doesn't save, love burns

Short statuses about sadness are for those who suffer from unrequited love or difficulties in relationships. Throw out everything that has accumulated.

  1. It's bad that it used to be so good with you.
  2. It was important for me to know that you would come if I suddenly needed it very much.
  3. Love is when just hugging is enough for you to get goosebumps.
  4. Smoking is bad, but the worst thing is smoking because you can't calm down.
  5. It was only a chance meeting, but it would be better if it did not happen ...
  6. I hate you for your pride, and myself for mine.
  7. Where consolations no longer help, a cigarette will surely save.
  8. Don't fall in love too much, you don't need it!
  9. Whatever it was, but we could never meet.
  10. I wish I were as strong as I love you.
  11. Yes, I can leave at any moment, but I will never be able to forget the memories ...
  12. Sometimes you just want to be alone. Don't see people.

Music all day long

You never need to pretend, because even in weakness you can show strength if it comes from the soul. About this in short statuses about sadness.

  1. As soon as I turn on the headphones, the breakup doesn't feel so poignant.
  2. You don't need great deeds, you just need a good attitude.
  3. Yes, what kind of study, if everything is so bad?!
  4. It took you five minutes to collapse everything inside me.
  5. I want to go back to my childhood, there is definitely no place for me here.
  6. I had to give up so many things for you...
  7. It's good that there is music on the phone. She saves.
  8. No, I'm not suffering, I just once put too much on you.
  9. The black stripe ended, it began even blacker.
  10. I didn't need your money, but you didn't appreciate it...
  11. You have become too strange for me to return.

    Short sad statuses will definitely help you stand out from the crowd. But we all wish you never to have reasons for sadness again!

How bad it is when your favorite fruit is allergic. Some kind of forbidden love ... Do you have such a thing? You cry, but you don’t know why exactly ... You just got tired of everything. If happiness suddenly leaves. You don't be sad about it. After the storm, the sun rises, after a quarrel, wait for the meeting.

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The only thing that no one will ever take away from us is the past ... whatever it may be! it's ours! Take care…

It is especially bitter to realize that you are unemployed on a Friday night.

It's colder inside me than outside.

Never put a sad status... because every bitch wants to see how bad you are...

Sad statuses to tears

What a shame when your best friend does not appreciate you .... and you are nothing to him !!!

Windy in the head, rain on the cheeks.

You and I are the perfect couple ... We never quarrel, we will never change each other ... And we will never be together ...

Sometimes it's so sad to realize that no one needs ...

Sometimes even the most best friends you become unnecessary. because something more important happens in their life than friendship.

Statuses with meaning sad

Days, weeks, months pass, and you are still gone and gone ... (

You can miss everyone, you can love one, and at the same time you can be a draw

Why do we turn on sad songs when we feel bad to make it even worse?

Of all the sad phrases, the saddest is, "you know ... because everything could have been different" ....

This is what September means: going to a cafe with friends and discussing couples and teachers. sadly.

To return everything as it was - there is no more traction ... Clouds of the color of asphalt and your October ...

This November is very strange - everything is covered with a thin crust of ice, even the heart ...

Excuse me, does anyone know what street love, trust, mutual understanding live on ...? Long time no see just...

May holidays - to whom picnics and barbecues, and to whom potatoes and corns ...

Sadness test. Don't cry

It happens that when you reach the top rung of the ladder, you find that for someone it is the bottom.

If sadness rolled in, find someone who is even worse. It will get easier right away.

Sometimes you just need to be sad.

It's bad that our life cannot be corrected like a photograph. To remove sadness, add a little sun, paint love with bright colors, and just cut off loneliness.

Best Status:
Sometimes she looked into my eyes for a long time. At such moments, I became very sad.

Happy people make more mistakes than sad people. But the mistakes of sad people are bigger.

I had no idea that it was possible to make a person want to die. And there is only one reason - that you live in the world.

It would be great to apply photoshop to life. Everything sad I would take away, love would decorate like a rainbow. Loneliness in general would be covered up and would draw a laughing sun in the blue sky.

The only thing a person needs in this life is love, sincere, true. But, if there is no love, then all the blessings will not bring happiness and joy.

Many people think that I am a jester and I always laugh because I have fun ... but not many people know that under the mask of a jester there is sadness, and laughter only hides tears.

Sadness is an emotion of the strong, for the weak there is depression.

The subscriber does not answer or is temporarily unavailable. Try not to call again...

Cold floor... A pack of cigarettes... A glassy look... And in my head there is only one question: “Why is everything like this? So weird and complicated?

Find words for your sadness and you will love it.

She always looks into her eyes, but no one understands her. She loves flowers, but she doesn't know how to take care of them. She believes people, often regretting it...

In complete despair and hopelessness, close your eyes and imagine that you are blind, and then open your eyes - you will understand that you are happy!

There are a lot of adventures in my life, melodrama, detective story, comedy, thrillers...Sometimes I just look up and look for a camera...But it's not there...And then I understand - this is my life...Interesting and which sadness is only contrived by me - sad statuses

Sadness proves that your soul is not dead.

Today I accidentally found your scent in the bedroom. Never ... At the same time, the heart did not spin like that and the head did not shrink ...

I want gouache the color of her eyes. Outline all the walls and slowly die of happiness.

Sometimes we don’t run away from the person that hurts us at all, but try to be as close as possible to her ...

Beauty changes mood - sad statuses

As a rule, problems do not stand in line, they enter our lives all at once.

You begin to understand that everything is really bad when a person cries, who usually calms everyone ...

Sometimes we cry with laughter ... but lately, we are increasingly laughing so as not to cry ... we are swallowed by sadness

I miss you very much. I love you so much. I'm only asking... don't come back

Everything human is sad. The secret source of humor is not joy, but sorrow. There is no humor in heaven

You have to be able to close a boring and sad book, leave a bad movie, quit a bad job and part with bad people- sad statuses

When you are sad alone, the mirror doubles the loneliness.

As I often notice, and I don’t voluntarily admit it, my yesterday’s friends are hurting me today ...

If your path is written in chalk on the pavement, where will you go when it snows...?

In life, like in the rain - there comes a moment when it's just all the same ..

Know how to survive exactly that moment when it seems that everything is lost ...

Spring is the perfect time of year to cry and pretend it's just an allergy.

Putting an end is not more difficult. It is more difficult to marvel at how a person to whom you wished less pain all the time draws two more to this point ...

Never stop smiling even when you are sad, someone might fall in love with your smile - sad statuses

The worst thing is when you want to cry - but there is nothing; I want to say - but there is nothing; I want to leave - but nowhere; you can stay - but there is no need ...

Sitting in cheerful company and you laugh loudly to tears ... and at night you cry softly ...

how strange when there is not enough time for love. we scream, we whisper that this is the most important thing in life, but in the end, study_work_some other parallels and constant sad statuses turn out to be more important.

We make unhappy people who love us and are trying to make happy people who are happy without us.

I'm too happy to love someone... Love is an experience... But I don't want to worry, I want to live!... There is no place for sadness in my statuses... - sad statuses

I'm allergic to changes in your mood.

Lousy. Burn all bridges and understand that you are on the wrong side.

here you are cheerful and smiling, and there you are sadder than the Irish sheep Doris ... life is a game ... love ...

As soon as I find the keys to happiness, someone changes all the locks!

Sadness is sometimes the only happiness.

Dull thoughts, cigarettes, clubs... Find time to make up your lips... Find time to admit to yourself .. That's it. The End. time to change…

I will always smile....even when you are very that you can see how much I don't give a shit about you! - sad statuses

People are often lonely because they build walls instead of bridges and drown in sadness.

Look into my eyes and tell me what you see in them? Sadness, sadness, longing, deceit... Do you think it hurts? No, I'm used to it.

Sometimes it happens that love ends. And at this moment the world like disappearing. And in my head only pictures from the past, which yesterday was present

Look into my eyes and tell me what you see in them? Sadness, sadness, longing, deceit. . . Do you think it hurts? No, I'm used to ... - sad statuses

Take me back to the past, there was such a beautiful future.

Every minute you get mad at someone, you lose 60 seconds of happiness that you will never get back!

I will wait for you, just to know that you need it ...

There are simply not enough words and there is no more breathing ... After all, I love you and I don’t think it’s stupid! (With)

She almost did not love anyone, but if this happened, she was sincere, and gave herself all, without a trace. How stupid. Like a woman.

Sometimes I want to become a child… because only now I understand that broken knees heal faster than a broken heart…

All will be. Worth only rozkhotity.

The most annoying thing is when you lose what you wanted to live for.

What does it mean to be in high spirits? It is to smile slightly at your sadness.

Time heals, but the campaign needs to treat the liver .... - sad statuses

Calmness is stronger than emotions. Silence is louder than screaming. Indifference is worse than war.

Only the one who gave him the most happiness can inflict the most terrible pain on a person. - sad statuses

“... time does not heal. time only helps to come to terms ... heal deep wounds. But still scars remain ... just little souvenirs for life”

If FRIENDS do not call or write .... then everything is fine with them!

There are moments in life when there are no tears in the eyes, and a whole sea in the heart.

Angels don't judge krhanih... Angels just weep from the pain their loved ones have inflicted on them...

Sadness is a cruel ruler

Sooner or later you find out that Lady Luck is an ordinary prostitute, and you run out of cash and it's time for sad statuses.

Of all the sad and sad words in the world that can be spoken or written, the saddest are these - "It had to happen."

You have a wonderful memory when you cannot remember the reason for your sadness that tormented you last week.

Only cigarette smoke will dispel thoughts of you, but not for long... And only gray rain hides tears, it hurts to love so much... And I don't see flowers in my dreams - everything is erased from my soul... I love you, I'm dying Are you silent? shut up...

Well… the future, I will learn not to answer calls and emails! - sad statuses

I was sad - for fun, but it did not become more fun.

She quit drinking, smoking and falling in love. I take care of the liver, lungs and nerves ..

Strong is not the one who did not fall, but the one who fell and got up! - sad statuses

People cry not because they are weak, but because they have been strong for too long.

It seems that I live in a world where sadness and joy have no form - they are the same ...

Tears? No, it's rain. Hurt? No, everything is okay. Together? Alas, we are apart. Dreams? They are not clear to me. Memory? You won't erase it. Heart? Do not glue broken. Thoughts? They are all with you. Feelings? You won't change them

It is very sad when you do not love anyone, but it is much worse when a person is not able to truly love anyone at all.

If I am silent, this does not mean that I have nothing to say ... just silence is the most painless and sad status will not help here.

When the soul is sad, it hurts to look at someone else's happiness and sadness grows.

The greatest problem in life is the suffering you inflict, and the most sophisticated philosophy cannot justify a man who has tormented the heart that loved him. When you write sad statuses, you expect him to read them and understand...

In this fruit tree, we tried to collect various very sad status. Sadness in a person can be different - sometimes light, sometimes secretive, sometimes causeless, sometimes painful, and sometimes light. But no matter what she is, she is always accompanied by thoughts about love, life and current problems. Sometimes it is difficult to understand yourself and to formulate in an accessible way what is happening in your soul. And it is here that sad statuses can help, which can clearly reflect the entire depth of the state.

I would like to somehow see you, get closer, smile and softly whisper gently in your ear: I hate you, rubbish ...

It is a pity that our dreams rarely coincide with the dreams of others ...

I set another parameter - I don’t give a damn about everything ...

Happiness is when you are forced to do what you like ...

Taking a morning shower, only those who are happy sing. I've been crying lately...

Small chores, surprisingly enough, provide more fuss. Still, it is easier to dodge a huge elephant than an annoying fly.

I warned that girlfriends would lead to quarrels ... But you didn’t want to believe ...

My state of health is very familiar ... I am very bored and everything is so usual ... There are only frosts in my heart. Mimosas have not bloomed in my soul for a long time.

And I’m practically happy, after him there are only a few general shots and the habit of expressing himself in his phrases.

Tears are very good remedy make-up remover...

I am pleased to see how proud and beautiful women leave, quickly and arrogantly knocking with their heels and loudly slamming the door. Perhaps then they descend on it from the other side and sob sorrowfully, but they leave magnificently.

Please don't ask me why I'm so sad. Even if, at the moment, my soul is crying, but I don’t want to talk about it. I want to forget it all faster, not remember ...

I don't feel happy... I don't feel at all...

At a time when one gate of happiness is closed, the second is sure to open, but we often do not pay attention to them, looking with bewilderment at the closed gates.

If someday I have to die because of a man, it will only happen because of laughter.

Do not wait for her, today she will not appear on-line, she has started real life. It doesn't have you...

Only I know that my life does not predict anything particularly important, and everyone else will not even be able to guess about it.

... sometimes it seems that for me it would be the greatest joy if I could hug you, but I realize that for me the greatest joy is to know that you have everything and she loves you ...

I did not need any treatment: from body trembling, from joint pain, from cigarette smoke, from screaming and coughing. I just needed someone strong to want to go crazy with me.

I am a vulnerable girl, but in the event that you drop me head down. And the rest I will definitely survive ...

It’s easier to say that “everything is fine” than to try to explain why I have a huge desire to bang my head against the wall ...

Sad songs should be sung by people with a sad voice. These are those who wake up every time in tears, but without remembering the cause of their occurrence.

It is sad to meet those people who knew everything about you, even the most intimate, and now they pretend that they do not know you when they pass by.

I ran out into the street, I wanted to run away from my pain, but you cannot hide from what is in us.

Maybe around the corner I’ll squat down… I’ll take off my hairpins and cry… And at the moment I need to smile, pretend that everything is fine and pass you by… And then you can go around the corner…

I love winter because it is as cold as my attitude towards you ...

After all, you can suffer, cry, hurt yourself, wish for death, yell, knock your head against the wall, feel your heart break from the impossibility, change anything ... or you can silently leave and quietly close the doors.

No man is worthy of your tears, and those who are worthy will not let you cry!

Sometimes it's very sad, and sometimes it's very fun and no one even knows what kind of pain in the soul.

It is so difficult for us to find each other and so elementary to lose.

The path of life is very similar to a vicious circle, while I am looking for love, I only get on bitches.

Happiness is when it stops hurting.

Annoying in this deplorable situation is that the rest are just fine! As if I was the only one who was late for the distribution of happiness and there was nothing left for my share ...

My mind is in turmoil, he timidly informs me, his mistress and mistress, that never before have I been so perfectly prepared to try on a straitjacket.

Sooner or later you find out that Lady Luck is an ordinary prostitute, and you run out of cash and it's time for sad statuses.

Before, I did not know that a person can be hurt so much, after which one does not want to live. And there is only one reason for this - the fact of its existence.

Do not be sad, otherwise your breasts will not grow!

No need to shed tears, everything will be fine ...

Not autumn is to blame for our sadness, but only in the soul - the absence of spring

You won’t believe I didn’t know what heartache is until I met you

Don't be bored, I miss you too, Don't be sad, I'm sad too, In this world I need no one, I love, I love very much!

As soon as I find the keys to happiness, someone changes all the locks!

See also -

As I often notice, and I don’t voluntarily admit it, my yesterday’s friends are hurting me today ...

Sad as it may seem, people only agree with what they are essentially not interested in.

How tired I am… I want to wrap myself up in a warm blanket and, sitting in a comfortable chair, drink hot chocolate and not think about anything… And so that no one bothers with stupid questions… Just sit alone, hugging my beloved cat… Only he will look at me with understanding eyes and just bury his face in my cheek, as if saying: “Don’t worry, everything will be fine…”

What are the limits of your longing and your loneliness, if you dialed my number?

Quality "loneliness" is better than an ordinary crowd

The road, music, her soul just does not repent, sings something and smiles sadly.

It's annoying when you make a mistake in a person, but even more annoying when you were warned in advance

Do you think that when I roar I feel bad? No, it's bad, it's when even tears do not bring relief. . .

The soul experiences an attack of acute pain from deceitful faces, empty emotions, weak will...

His words turned out to be an empty sound ... And I turned out to be a naive fool.

If the world were a good place, we wouldn't cry at birth. ©

And if I meet you again ... I will hide the pain ... I am an actress, I will play my best role ...

And somehow cruel: they give you sadness, and you give laughter. Dimaestro - Clown Sad, Clown One

And I wanted to be sad, but this is an unaffordable luxury.

And there is nothing worse than worrying about those who do not need it.

And sadly looking at the ball flying at you, you smile broadly when you see Munchausen on it ..

And boring and sad, and there is no one to give a hand to ...

Toys… we only love them when we want to. That's how he loves me when he wants to. He thinks that I, like his favorite teddy bear, will sit and wait until they remember me ... he does not understand that I am alive and can leave ..

It seems that time heals. Doesn't he see me?

Everything worthy of respect is done in solitude, that is, away from society.

Everything goes well! Just past...

All tests are given to a person according to his strength ...

Everything changes. Life is changing. People are changing. And everything seems to be fine. But sometimes the old is missing. That life. Of those people…

We all say: life has brought us together, life has connected us, we have one path ... And a couple of years will pass, we will meet on the street and not even say hello. Here is your life...

- Go to sleep, your eyes are already swollen and red from the computer. - It's not from the screen, Mom ...

- Why do you love loneliness so much, listen to music and look at the stars? - because only in this way I forget about sadness and sadness.

So sadness is a place? - Yes. Sometimes people live there for years. Elizabeth Gilbert. Eat Pray Love.

Pain! Sounds like a guitar string, Dull pain! How my heart hurts without you.

Pain, melancholy, depression means the session is coming soon!

The most painful thing to lose is not love, but the dreams that were associated with it ...

It hurts - not scary, scary - when it no longer hurts ...

It hurts, my heart said. Forget it - time has calmed down. But I will come back sometimes, the memory whispered.

Sometimes you want to forget about everything: problems, enemies, and even friends you haven't seen for 100 years... and think only about you... but you're not around. sad.

It happens that a person, by his behavior, by his words, gradually kills in us all the good that we felt for him.

There are people who leave a part of you. You don't die, no Just not the same as before. You react differently to things. You think differently. Even the smile is different...

Spring in the soul ... longing in the brain

There are moments in life when there are no tears in the eyes, and a whole sea in the heart.

I'm trying to learn how to hide the terrible pain behind a sincere smile ...

I miss you at any time of the day, but especially at night it's hard without you. I miss you, I miss you, and I'm waiting, but you won't come, I won't bring you back...

I'm too happy to love someone... Love is an experience... But I don't want to worry, I want to live!... There is no place for sadness in my statuses...

I missed you and couldn't wait for Monday.