Work program “Child and the world around. Classes to familiarize with the outside world Interesting activities for preschoolers around the world

The natural world around us is rich, beautiful and infinitely diverse. To introduce a child into this world, to reveal its beauty, originality, to teach to love and protect nature is the task and duty of the teacher.

Nature is the most important means of upbringing and development of children preschool age.

In the period of preschool childhood, the child has the first ideas about the world around him, the ability to establish the simplest relationships and patterns about the phenomena of the surrounding life is formed, as well as to independently apply the knowledge gained in accessible practical activities.

The surrounding world is diverse. This is a family, and a kindergarten, and a hometown. This is the world of adults with whom the child communicates, the world of objects that help him to understand the surrounding reality [ Special Pedagogy: textbook. allowance for students. higher textbook institutions / L.I. Aksenova, B.A. Arkhipova, L.I. Belyakova and others; under the editorship of N.M. Nazarova. - 5th ed.ster. - M .: Publishing Center "Academy", 2006].

Nature surrounds the child early years. The largest representatives of classical pedagogy of the past paid great attention to the influence of the surrounding nature on the development of the child's personality. I.G. Pestalozzi noted that this is the source, thanks to which “the mind rises from vague sensory perceptions to clear concepts”, and the knowledge of various natural phenomena goes in unity with the mastery of the art of speech. He wrote about this: “From the earliest stages of development, I want to introduce my child to all the diversity of the surrounding nature; I want to organize his speech training, collecting for this all the simple products of nature ... The only true foundation of human knowledge is the contemplation of nature.

The special role of nature in the mental development of the child was emphasized by K.D.Ushinsky. He believed: "the logic of nature is the most accessible and most useful logic for children." It is the direct observation of the surrounding nature “... that will constitute those initial logical exercises of thought on which logic depends, i.e. the truth of the word itself, and on which logical speech and understanding of grammatical laws then flow by itself. In order to improve the child’s thought and word, it is necessary to enrich his soul with full, true, vivid images of nature, because everything “that is in the speech of the logical ... flows from man’s observations of nature ...”, and logic itself “is nothing more than a reflection in our mind the connections of objects and phenomena of nature.

Ya.A.Komensky, attaching great importance to education at preschool age, introduces a coherent system of elementary natural history knowledge into the program of the mother school. The child must directly learn the world:“The more knowledge is based on sensation, the more reliable it is. If we want to instill in students a true and solid knowledge of things, ... to teach everything through observation and sensory evidence, - says the famous rule of "Great didactics" by J.A. Komensky

Vinogradova N.F. mental education children in the process of getting to know nature: A guide for kindergarten teachers. - 2nd ed., add. - M.: Enlightenment, 1982

Methods for familiarizing preschool children with nature

In the pedagogical process kindergarten various forms of organization of children are used when familiarizing them with nature. Used and various methods learning (visual, practical, verbal).

Teaching methods are ways of joint activity of a teacher and children, during which knowledge, skills and abilities are formed, as well as attitudes towards the world around them. [Methods of introducing children to nature in kindergarten: Proc. allowance for ped. uch-sch on special. "Doshk. Education» / L.A.Kameneva, N.N.Kondratieva, L.M.Manevtsova, E.F.Terentyeva; Ed. P.G. Samorukova. – M.: Enlightenment, 1991.]

TO visual methods include observation, viewing pictures, demonstration of models, films, filmstrips, transparencies. Visual methods with the greatest completeness correspond to the possibilities cognitive activity children of preschool age, allow them to form vivid, concrete ideas about nature.

Observation- this is a complex cognitive activity, it involves perception, thinking and speech, steady attention is required. By organizing observation, the teacher solves a number of problems in a complex: it forms children's knowledge about nature, teaches them to observe, develops observation skills, and educates them aesthetically.

Paintings provide an opportunity to consider natural phenomena in detail, to focus attention on them for a long time, which is often impossible to do with direct observation due to the dynamism and variability of nature. In addition, many phenomena are inaccessible to direct observation; for example, with wild animals, animals of the southern and northern countries, children can most often be introduced only through pictures.

Practical Methods is a game, elementary experiments and modeling. The use of these methods in the process of getting acquainted with the outside world allows the teacher to clarify the ideas of children, deepen them by establishing connections and relationships between individual objects and natural phenomena, bring the acquired knowledge into the system, and exercise preschoolers in applying knowledge.

Along with observations, a variety of games are widely used to expand ideas about the available phenomena and objects of nature: didactic, mobile and creative. They accumulate sensory experience, creatively master the acquired knowledge. When introducing children to nature, they use didactic games with objects, desktop-printed and verbal.

Practical methods also include labor in nature. It has great educational value. Labor in nature creates favorable conditions for the sensory education of preschoolers. And it is also one of the ways to develop observation.

To establish by children the causes of certain phenomena, connections and relationships between objects and phenomena, elementary experiments are used. Experience is observation carried out in a special organized conditions. It involves an active impact on an object or phenomenon, their transformation in accordance with the task. Children take an active part in this transformation.

verbal methods- these are stories, reading works of art about nature, conversations. Verbal methods are used to expand children's knowledge of nature, systematize and generalize them. Verbal methods help to form in children an emotionally positive attitude towards nature.

Solving certain tasks, the teacher builds a story taking into account the experience and interests of preschoolers. The knowledge communicated in the story must meet the requirements of reliability, scientific character. The story should be entertaining, have a vivid dynamic plot, be emotional.

Based on didactic tasks, there are 2 types of conversations: preliminary and final. Preliminary conversation is used by the teacher before observation, excursion. The purpose of such a conversation is to clarify the experience of children in order to establish a connection between the upcoming observation and existing knowledge. The final conversation is aimed at systematizing and summarizing the facts obtained, concretizing them, consolidating and clarifying them.

In children's literature, nature is displayed by various artistic means. Being scientific in its content, a natural history book for preschoolers should be artistic at the same time. This is her specialty.

In the work on familiarizing children with the outside world, it is necessary to use different methods in a complex, correctly combine them with each other. The variety of the objects themselves and natural phenomena that the child must learn also requires the use of a variety of methods. The choice of methods and the need for their integrated use are determined by the age capabilities of children, the nature of the educational tasks that the teacher solves.

The world around in didactic games

For the development of cognitive activity of a child of preschool age, education is important. various kinds sensitivity and the formation of play activity, as well as special mental education.

The mental upbringing of the child is carried out in the process of various types of his productive activities, acquaintance with the outside world, through the special formation of mathematical representations and concepts in him, as well as in the process of speech development. In addition, didactic games are important for the development of thinking.

The game is an important condition for the successful upbringing and development of the child. Such well-known teachers as A.S. Makarenko and K.D. Ushinsky spoke about this.

K.D.Ushinsky wrote: “To make a serious occupation entertaining for a child is the task of initial education.”

Didactic games are a kind of games with rules specially created by a teacher for the purpose of teaching and educating children.

Didactic game is a multifaceted, complex pedagogical phenomenon: it is both a game method of teaching preschool children, and a form of education, and independent play activity, and a means of comprehensive education of the child's personality.

In the creation of a modern system of didactic games, the role of E.I. Tikheeva, who developed a number of games for getting to know the environment and developing speech, should be noted. Tiheeva's games are connected with observations of life and are always accompanied by a word.

The teacher relies on the game as the leading activity of the child with a delay mental development, however, it saturates the game with didactic rules so that the child needs mental stress.

Didactic game is considered to be one of the effective means learning. They are used both in the classroom and outside of them.

If during the lessons the teacher provides direct teaching, then in didactic game cognitive tasks (for example, determining the properties and qualities of an object, classifying and grouping various objects) are combined with game tasks (guess, play a role, etc.), which makes the didactic game a special form of learning - easy, quick and unintentional assimilation of knowledge by children.

In didactic games, children clarify, consolidate, expand their existing ideas about objects and phenomena of nature, plants and animals. Many games lead children to generalization and classification. Didactic games contribute to the development of memory, attention, observation, teach to apply existing processes, enrich the vocabulary, and contribute to the education of children to play together.

Didactic games are games with rules that have ready-made content. Games enable children to operate with the objects of nature themselves, compare them, and note changes in individual external features. Many games lead children to the ability to generalize and classify [Kataeva A.A., Strebeleva E.A. Didactic games and exercises in teaching preschoolers with developmental disabilities: A guide for the teacher. – M.: Humanit. ed. center VLADOS, 2001.]

Didactic games can be played with children both collectively and individually, complicating them taking into account the characteristics of each child.

By the nature of the material used, didactic games are divided into:

1. subject;

2. desktop printed;

3. verbal.

Object games- these are games using various objects of nature (leaves, seeds, flowers, fruits, vegetables). For example: “Find out by taste”, “Wonderful bag”, “What tree is the leaf from?”, “Whose children are these?” and others. In subject games, preschoolers' ideas about the properties and qualities of certain objects of nature are clarified, concretized and enriched. The value of these games is that with their help children get acquainted with the properties of objects and their characteristics: color, size, shape, quality.

Board games- games like loto, dominoes, split and paired pictures. For example: "Zoological loto", "Four seasons", "Pick up a leaf" and others. In these games, children's knowledge about plants, animals, and inanimate phenomena is clarified, systematized and classified.

word games- these are games, the content of which is a variety of knowledge that children have, and the word itself. They are held to consolidate children's knowledge about the properties and characteristics of certain objects. Word games develop attention, intelligence, speed of reaction, coherent speech. For example:

"When does it happen?"

Option 1.

The teacher has four plot pictures: winter, spring, summer, autumn. Each child has subject pictures that relate to different seasons (a starling near a birdhouse, a butterfly, a green leaf, skis, strawberries, a snowman, a yellow leaf, vegetables, skates, a snowdrop, a sled, etc. The teacher shows a plot picture and offers children correctly name the time of the year, and then choose from the available ones, show and name only those subject pictures that relate to this time of the year.

Option 2 .

The teacher shows the children a picture depicting one season (for example, autumn) and offers to clap their hands when they hear what happens in autumn: it’s hot, it’s snowing, leaves turn yellow, the first grass appeared on the ground, the children sunbathe, people harvest vegetables, buds swell, bees and butterflies fly , swallows fly away to warm lands, bear sleeps in a den leaf fall in the park, rooks arrived, etc.

When using a didactic game, the teacher must follow certain pedagogical principles:

1. rely on the knowledge already available to children, obtained, as a rule, through direct perception;

2. make sure that the didactic task is difficult enough and at the same time accessible to children;

3. maintain interest and variety in the game action;

4. gradually complicate the didactic task and game actions;

5. Specifically and clearly explain the rules.

Didactic game has a certain structure. Structure is the main elements that characterize the game as a form of learning and game activity at the same time. The following structural components of the didactic game:

1. didactic task;

2. game task;

3. game actions;

4. rules of the game;

5. result (summarizing)

Each didactic game contains mainly one or two tasks that determine the course of the game. For example:

Name of the game

Didactic tasks

Game progress

"Guess what grows where"

Clarify children's knowledge about the names of plants and their place of growth.

Develop attention, ingenuity, memory.

Children stand in a circle. The teacher (or child) throws a ball to one of the children, while naming the place where the plant grows (garden, vegetable garden, forest, field, meadow). The person who catches the ball must name the appropriate plant.

"What first, what next?"

Clarify children's knowledge about the sequence of the seasons. Develop the ability to establish consistent relationships, explain their actions. Develop attention, ingenuity.

Take out the pictures from the envelope and quickly arrange them in order (start with any picture or, on the instructions of the teacher, “start with this picture”). Explain why it is so laid out.

"Children on a branch"

To consolidate the knowledge of children about the leaves and fruits of trees and shrubs, to teach them to select them according to their belonging to one plant.

Children examine the leaves of trees and shrubs, name them. At the suggestion of the teacher: “Children, find your branches” - the guys select the appropriate fruit for each leaf.

The game can be played with dried leaves and fruits throughout the year. The children themselves can prepare the material for the game.

Didactic task determined by the purpose of teaching and educational influence. It is formed by the teacher and reflects his teaching activity.

game task carried out by children. The didactic task in the didactic game is realized through the game task. It determines the play actions, becomes the task of the child himself. The game task and the cognitive orientation of the upcoming game action are sometimes embedded in the name of the game: “We learn that in wonderful bag”, “Who lives in what house?”, “Who will quickly name objects made of paper, wood, metal?” etc..

Game actions is the base of the game. In different games, game actions are different in their direction and in relation to the players. Game actions are a means of realizing the game idea, but they also include actions aimed at fulfilling a didactic task.

Rules of the game. Their content and orientation are determined by the general tasks of shaping the child's personality, cognitive content, game tasks and game actions. In a didactic game, the rules are given. With the help of rules, the teacher controls the game, the process of cognitive activity, and the behavior of children.

Summing up (result)- To be carried out immediately after the end of the game. At the same time, it is necessary to note the achievements of each child, to emphasize the successes of lagging behind children. [Karpova E.V. Didactic games in the initial period of study. A popular guide for parents and educators. / Artists M.V.Dushin, V.N. Kurov. - Yaroslavl: "Academy of Development", 1997.]

In the didactic game, such conditions are created in which each child gets the opportunity to act independently in a certain situation or with certain objects, acquiring his own effective and sensual experience. This is especially important for children with mental retardation, whose experience with objects is significantly depleted, not recorded and generalized.

For a child to master the methods of orientation in the world around him, to isolate and fix the properties and relations of objects, to understand this or that action, multiple repetitions are required. The didactic game allows you to provide the required number of repetitions for different material while maintaining emotional positive attitude to the task.

The role of an adult in a didactic game is dual: on the one hand, he directs the cognitive process, organizes the education of children, and on the other hand, he plays the role of a partner, directs each child to perform game actions, and, if necessary, gives a model of behavior in the game.

Didactic game, like any other game, includes words

A.S. Makarenko: “A game without effort, a game without vigorous activity is always a bad game.”

| Classes to familiarize yourself with the environment

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Nina Rusina
Work program "Child and the world around"

Working programm« The child and the environment» . Explanatory note.

Work program on environmental world for children of the pre-school group is compiled on the basis of the main general educational programs preschool education "Birth to School" edited by N. E. Veraksa. Foundation of mental development child is sensory education, orientation to the world around. Section content « The child and the environment» consists of three constituents: subject environment, phenomena of social life, the world of nature.

Each component of the section has its own basic basis.

Introduction to the objective world involves the formation of ideas about the subject as such, and as a creation of human thought, and the result labor activity. In acquainting children with the phenomena of social life, the core theme is the life and work of people. Help is at the heart of connecting with the natural world. to kid in the awareness of oneself as an active subject of nature.

Natural environment. environmental education. The purpose of the section is to familiarize children with animate and inanimate nature, the formation of a consciously caring attitude towards it, the formation of the principles of ecological culture.

The goal is achieved through the solution of the following tasks:

Clarification, systematization and deepening of knowledge about plants, animals and natural phenomena; about the state environment.

Formation of knowledge about the life manifestations of all living things (nutrition, growth, development).

Formation of ideas about cause-and-effect relationships within the natural complex.

Development of an emotionally benevolent attitude towards living objects of nature in the process of communicating with them.

Formation of the need to take care of the environmental cleanliness of their yard, kindergarten, group, village.

Development of a conscious attitude towards oneself as an active subject the world around.

Formation of the habit of rational use of natural resources.

The development of skills to properly interact with nature.

Development of interest in the natural world.

Formation of an aesthetic attitude to reality, primarily to nature in all its manifestations.

Expanding children's ideas about their native land.

Raising respect for people of different nationalities and their customs.

Selection software material was carried out based on principles:

The encyclopedic nature of the formed child ideas and knowledge about everything that his surrounds;

naturalness (man is part of nature, and he obeys its laws);

Educational value of knowledge.

Mental education in program organized on the principles of communicative and cognitive activity of children and enriched with modern developmental content. It provides:

Formation child a holistic picture of the world;

Development of interest in objects and phenomena surrounding reality(the world of people, animals, plants, human habitats, animals, plants (earth, water, air);

Acquaintance with household items necessary for a person, their functions and purpose (clothes, shoes, dishes, furniture, etc.);

Formation of initial ideas about oneself, about the nearest social environment.

The program is addressed

Children of the pre-school group MBOU "Verkhnezhirimskaya secondary school"

Implementation timeline programs: given program 1 year - 34 hours (1 lesson per week).

Characteristics of age and psychological characteristics.

At the age of 5-7 years child gradually goes beyond family circle. His communication becomes extra-situational. An adult becomes not only a member of the family, but also a carrier of certain public information. Wish child perform the same function leads to a contradiction with its real capabilities. This contradiction is resolved through the development of play, which becomes the leading species at this age.

Children continue to develop perception, but they cannot always take into account several different signs at the same time. Generalization and reasoning skills continue to develop, but they are still largely limited to visual signs of the situation. The imagination continues to develop, the attention of preschoolers, it becomes arbitrary. Connected speech develops. In the pre-school group, the pre-school age ends. His main achievements are related to the development of the world of things as objects of human culture; children learn forms of positive communication with people; gender identification develops, the position of the student is formed.

Connection programs with related disciplines:

Physical Culture

Speech development

Organization of the educational process.

Game technologies.

Methods of education and learning:

verbal method (story, explanation, conversation, work with book and notebook).

visual method (showing pictures, cards, posters, presentations, etc.)

Method of didactic games

Problem Method

Partial search

Characteristics of competencies.

In progress programs key and general subjects are formed competencies:

Cognitive Competence

Personal Competence

Self-educational competence

social competence

Competent attitude to one's own health, personal self-improvement

Communicative competence

Information competence.

Knowledge, skills and abilities by the end of the academic year of the year:

By the end of the year, children may:

Distinguish and name modes of transport; items that facilitate the work of a person in production; objects that create comfort and coziness indoors and outdoors.

Know that objects are the creation of human thought.

Establish relationships between the properties and characteristics of various materials and their use.

Select and group objects according to the cognitive task.

Have an idea about the history of the creation of objects.

Know your date of birth, your middle name, home address and phone number; names and patronymics of parents.

Know the coat of arms, flag, anthem of Russia. Have ideas about the President, the Government of Russia.

Have an idea of ​​​​the native land; about people of different nationalities, their customs, traditions, folklore, work, etc.

Have primary ideas about school, library.

Take care of plants in a corner of nature.

Have an idea about various natural objects; about the vegetation of the forest, meadow, garden, field; domestic and wild animals, birds; the Red Book; nature of the native land.

Know the essential characteristics of objects, their properties and qualities.

Calendar - thematic planning.

Topic name Number of hours Date

September: Knowledge Day. (n.r.k. *) 1

Nature and man. 1

dangerous situations. 1

Autumn gifts. (n.r.k.) 1

My home, my family. (n.r.k.) 1

Where do frogs winter? 1

Rights and obligations of a preschooler. 1

Leaf fall, leaf fall - yellow leaves fly. 1

October: Excursion to the school. (n.r.k.) 1

Journey to the autumn forest. (n.r.k.) 1

Transport. 1

The cranes are flying. 1

At the exhibition leather goods. 1

How do animals prepare for winter? 1

Excursion to the school cafeteria. (n.r.k.) 1

Nature and us. 1


Our planet. Planet Earth is in danger. 1

The tree can swim. 1

Travel in Africa. 1

Six legged babies. 1

Excursion to the library. (n.r.k.) 1

Autumn came, brought eight weather. 1

December: Genus and genealogy. (n.r.k.) 1

Winter meeting. (n.r.k.) 1

Air Transport. 1

Underground wealth of the Earth. (n.r.k.) 1

Ground transport. 1

From what branch baby. 1

Where did the tree come from? (n.r.k.) 1

Who guards environment . 1

January: Journey into the subject's past. 1

Young ecologist. 1

Acquaintance with road signs. 1

Australia. 1

Water transport. 1

Wintering birds. (n.r.k.) 1

Excursion to the school museum. (n.r.k.) 1

The corner of the planet where we live. (n.r.k) 1

February: Meet A: My friend is a computer. 1

Domestic and wild animals. (n.r.k) 1

Teacher's story about groom work. (n.r.k.) 1

Animal world of polar regions. 1

Our army is dear. 1

Plants and life on earth. 1

Wonderful miracle. Marvelous marvel - golden Khokhloma. 1

We are all inhabitants of planet Earth. 1

March: Grandma's chest. (n.r.k.)

Holiday "Vesnyanka".

Dymkovo toy. 1

Forest and man. 1

Folk holiday Shrovetide. The birds have arrived - they brought spring. (n.r.k.) 1

Moscow is capital of Russia. 1

Introduction to reptiles. 1

April: Rules and traffic safety. 1

Plants near us. (n.r.k.) 1

I want to be an astronaut. 1

plant kingdom: herbs. (n.r.k.) 1

Earth Festival. The earth is our common home. 1

Who is in charge in the forest? 1

May: Our army. Victory Day. 1

Seasons. 1

Healthy food. (n.r.k.) 1

Seasonal clothes. (n.r.k.) 1

Hello red summer. 1

*national-regional component

Program content:

  • Introduce children to the taiga and the forest zone. To master the actions of using the model, reflecting the relationship of plants, animals and living conditions in a natural area (for example, a forest).
  • To consolidate knowledge about autumn phenomena in wildlife. Activate the mental and speech activity of children (the ability to form new words. Select definition words, form diminutive words).
  • Bring up careful attitude to all living things.
  • Cultivate an emotionally positive attitude towards the beauty of the surrounding nature.
  • Dictionary activation:
    Autumn, September, October, November, leaf fall, frowning, crimson, rustling, flying away, cooing, etc.
  • Preliminary work:
  • Examining the illustrations of "The Seasons", reading poems from works about autumn.
  • Acquaintance with folk calendar, signs, guessing riddles.
  • Material:
    Pictures-diagrams, model, sound recording, illustrations, ball, projector, laptop, board, leaflets.

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment (2 min.)

What miracles!
Everyone needs hands friends.
Strong hands won't rush into a fight.
Kind hands stroke the dog.
Skillful hands know how to sculpt.
Sensitive hands know how to make friends.

They say. That fairy tale characters love to travel.

Is it so?

Can you name these heroes?

(traveling frog, baba yaga, puss in boots)

Do you like to travel?

Today we will be on our way.

Before we set off on our journey.

Tell me, what time of year is it? (autumn)

What are the autumn months?

How else can you call the MONTH OF SEPTEMBER according to the national calendar.

SEPTEMBER - leaf fall, leaf fall.

Remember the signs of September.

  • In September, the leaf on the tree does not hold.
  • In September, the fur coat stretches behind the caftan.
  • September - collects birds on the road.
  • In September, one berry, and that bitter mountain ash.

OCTOBER - frowning, dirty.

Remember the signs of October.

  • October thunder - snowy winter.
  • Birds fly low in October towards early winter.

NOVEMBER - ice smith, semi-winter road.

Remember the signs of November.

  • In November, the snow will inflate - the bread will arrive.
  • In November, dawn meets dusk.

(an upset squirrel appears on the screen)

The guys took the squirrel away from their home, and in order to return home, is there a lot of light, heat, water, is the soil rich.

And I have hints - diagrams that will help you find the answers.

(sit down at the tables, on the board of the scheme)

2. Doing work by children at the tables (10 min)

The squirrel does not know what kind of soil it has, but there are many trees and bushes, the grass grows, thick, juicy, stores nuts and berries for the winter.

So what is the soil? Dry or fertile.

Let's agree that if the soil is rich, then denote it with a MUCH icon, ENOUGH smaller icon, LITTLE even smaller icon.

The soil is rich (a lot) (I expose the icon)

It is hot in summer, and cold in winter, all animals and birds have adapted to this, some fly to warmer climes, some fall into hibernation, some live on reserves.

So that she has not a lot of heat and not a little, but ENOUGH (I put up an icon).

In summer it is light, the days are long and the nights are short, and in winter, on the contrary, the night longer than a day, but there is enough light for both plants and animals, there is ENOUGH heat. (putting up an icon)

There is also enough water for everyone, in the fall. There is a lot of rain, there are dry hillocks, glades.

So water is not enough and not much, but ENOUGH

I think that we coped with the task and helped to tell about where the squirrel lives.

Did you guess (in the forest)

And what is the name of her house? hollow.

Look what we got.

What color will we designate the forest, (green)


Laying out the model.

In the forest there is enough light, enough heat, rich fertile soil, enough water.

And now, you build your own model on the tables. (children build)

3. PHYSMINUTE (3 min)

Hands raised and waved
These are the trees in the forest
Elbows bent, brushes shaken
The wind knocks down the dew.
Gently wave our hands.
The birds are flying towards us.
As they sit down, we will show the wings, we will fold back.

Guys, so we returned the squirrel home to the forest (show illustrations)

In gratitude, she wants to play games with you:

4.1 game "PICK THE WORD"(ball) (3 min)

  • Leaf - turns yellow, withers, falls off, dries, rustles, rustles.
  • Rain - drizzles, pours, goes, drips.
  • The wind blows, howls, howls.
  • Birds - fly away, fly over, sing. etc.

5.2 game "Call it affectionately"(2 minutes)

The word FOREST is a forest, a forest.

What is the name of the berries that grow in the forest? (forest)

  • What berries grow in our north? (blueberries, blueberries, lingonberries, cranberries, etc.)
  • Who takes care of the forest? (forester)
  • What is the name of the small trees that grow under the big trees? (undergrowth)

And now only boys answer

6.3 game "What does the forest do?"(3 min)

It grows, makes noise, burns, dies, lives, breathes, pleases, purifies the air.

And now the girls are answering

Forest, what?

  • Big, huge, dense, dense, autumn, beautiful.
  • What gives the forest to animals and birds? (gives shelter, food)

(forest slide show)

7.4 game "What is superfluous?" (5-6 min)

Slides animals, mushrooms, trees, berries.


(breathe fresh air, pick mushrooms, relax, collect medicinal herbs, etc.)

So our journey into the imaginary forest ended. During the trip, what did you do usefully?

  • Whom did they help?
  • With using what?
  • The forest is our wealth.
  • The forest is our friend, it retains moisture, helps a person to grow a good harvest.
  • The forest is a pantry. Free giving nuts, berries, mushrooms, fish.
  • The forest is the green dress of our planet.

At preschool age (from 3 to 7 years) there is a qualitative and functional improvement of all systems of the human body. By the level of his development, by the end of this period, the preschooler should be ready to enter school. On this will depend the success of his training in educational institution. A child entering the first grade needs a certain amount of information about the world around him - about objects and their properties, about phenomena of animate and inanimate nature, about people, their work, about the moral norms of human behavior in society. By the age of 6-7, a preschooler already has a certain amount of knowledge. Basically, these are ideas and initial concepts about objects and phenomena of the surrounding life. But it is not so much the amount of knowledge that is important, but its quality - the degree of correctness, clarity and generalization of the ideas that have developed in preschool age. As well as the level of development of cognitive interests and activities of the child, his speech. Therefore, the familiarization of children with social phenomena should occupy almost the same place in the work of the educator as familiarization with nature.
It should be remembered about the knowledge gained by preschoolers on this topic in other groups, try to enrich and consolidate the ideas of children; during the passage of each topic, the main attention should be paid to the central, pivotal issues. When communicating new knowledge, it is important to properly organize the work, taking into account the experience and impressions of the children, their desires, and the level of speech development. Therefore, the program is designed to form preschool children's ideas about social phenomena and nature, it pays much attention to the activation of children's vocabulary, speech, the development of certain moral qualities they need to succeed in school.

The main sections and topics of the program, the time of their study during the year.

social reality.

Knowledge Day. School.
School supplies.

Moscow is capital of Russia.
Saint Petersburg.

Russian folk -
Applied art.

House. Building.

Household technology.

Mothers Day.


The New Year has come to us.


Professions. adult labor.
Tools. Tools.


Space. Planets. Stars.
Our army.


Communication culture
with people around.


Man in space.
Security basics
on road.
city ​​industry.


Victory Day.

Communication in the city.
Fundamentals of home security.


Mushrooms and berries of our forest.
Vegetables. Garden.
Fruits. Garden.
Early autumn.



Gold autumn.
Wild animals
our forests and their babies


Migratory birds.
Trees. Forest. Shrubs.
Late fall.
Water. Reservoirs.


Water dwellers.
corner dwellers,
Aquarium fish.

(Preparation of animals for winter).


Russian Winter.
Winter fun.
Wintering birds.

Wild animals in winter.


Our planet.
Domestic birds.

Animals of hot countries


Early spring.
Migratory birds in spring.
Bread is the wealth of Russia.
Natural phenomena.


Human. The human body.
Health Day.
natural materials.
Garden berries.


Spring flowers.
Late spring.
Plants of meadows, fields.
Hello red summer!


Mushrooms and berries of our forest. (Ecology)
Topic content
Mushrooms are simple, dependent plants that lack roots, stems, and leaves. We collect the fruiting body of the fungus - its part, raised above the surface of the earth. It consists of a stem and a cap (a huge amount of colorless fibers - mycelium). Mushrooms are edible and inedible (poisonous). You need to collect only those mushrooms that are well known. Each mushroom in the forest has its own time and place. Berries are small fruits of some plants. Ripe (ripe) berry is fleshy and juicy, different in taste. Berries growing in the forest are inedible (crow's eye, wolf's bast, lily of the valley). In order not to get poisoned, you need to collect only known ones. Mushrooms and berries are harvested by people for future use. These plants excite our imagination with their beauty. They must be handled with care. It is necessary to collect the gifts of the forest carefully (do not trample the berries and mycelium) and in such quantity that a part remains in the forest itself. Generalizing concepts: "forest", "mushrooms", "berries", "edible", "inedible", "poisonous".

Goals and objectives
To consolidate children's ideas about mushrooms and berries in our forests. Learn to classify them into edible and inedible (poisonous). Introduce nouns into the active dictionary of preschoolers: basket (bast basket), mushroom, mycelium, mushroom picker, white (boletus), boletus, boletus, russula, honey agaric, camelina, chanterelle, morel, fly agaric, satanic mushroom, pale grebe; berry, wild strawberry, blueberry, blueberry, stone fruit, raspberry, blackberry, cranberry, lingonberry, jam, juice; verbs: look for, collect, salt, dry, freeze, pickle, harvest, cook; adjectives: poisonous, edible, ripe, juicy, tasty, beautiful, sweet, sour, mushroom. To teach to see the beauty in nature, to cultivate a careful attitude towards it.

Folk omens
Harvest of morels - to the harvest of millet and buckwheat. Mushrooms appeared - summer is over. If it's mushroom, so it's bread. The abundance of mushrooms - to rainy weather. If you go barefoot for mushrooms, you will find only old mushrooms. If, after the snow has melted, mold has appeared in this place, this is for mushrooms. Raspberries bear fruit early - by a warm summer. A large harvest of berries in summer portends a cold winter.

Alekseeva E. "Amanita"; Blaginina E. "Porcini mushrooms", "Raspberry"; Vysotskaya O. "Fungus"; Demyanov I. “A mushroom grew under the mountain”; Kubilinskas K. "Little Red Riding Hood"; Musatov V. "Ryzhik", "Russula"; Pavlova N. "Mushrooms"; Pikuleva N. "Honey mushrooms"; Romanovsky S. T. "Lukoshko"; Russian children's song "I'm in the forest on green delirium ..."; Rubtsov N. "At a rotten forest hut ..."; Suslov V. "Basket of raspberries"; Telegina V. "Fly agaric", "Borovichok", "Honey mushrooms".

Proverbs and sayings
Spring is red with flowers, summer is with sun and mushrooms. With happiness, it’s good to walk on mushrooms. They take every mushroom, but not everyone puts it in the back (basket). There will be rain, there will be fungi, and there will be fungi, there will be boxfish. They are looking for mushrooms - they are prowling through the forest. Without worshiping the mushroom to the ground, do not lift it into the body. To be afraid of wolves - to be without fungi. Who gets up early, he takes the mushrooms; and the drowsy and lazy go after nettles. Our lunch with smoke and dry fungus. A man is chopping a pine tree, and the wood chips are hitting mushrooms. Mushrooms do not grow on the window. Gruzdev called himself get in the body. Mushrooms are young, but there are worms in them. Wrinkled like a mushroom - morel morel. In winter, I would eat a fungus, but the snow is deep. Collect by berry - you will pick up a box. They take every berry in their hands, but not every one they put in the back. A mushroom is not bread, a berry is grass. These are still flowers, and berries are ahead. This is a berry from our field (boron). Not our field (boron) berry. From a good bush, a good berry. That bush, but not that berry. Not raspberries - will not fall off. Missing the summer - yes to the forest for raspberries. I gathered raspberries when the snow piled up. Sorry Akulina, but send raspberries. Fish in the river - and berries - in the grass.

Tongue twisters and tongue twisters
The porcini mushroom boletus from Borya hid his barrel. And - silence! At the edge of the forest, two old women took milk mushrooms and waves. The breast in the sun warms the side. Go to the box, fungus. Oaks on the mountain, mushrooms under the mountain. Would - would - would - mushrooms grow in the forest. Grisha walked, walked, walked, found a porcini mushroom. Ra - ra - ra - it's time to go to the forest. Kirill and Irinka went into the forest, and they had a basket in their hands. The stumps again have five mushrooms. Again, five guys found five mushrooms. Five ducklings, five mushrooms. Vitya has ducklings, Petya has honey mushrooms. Mila, Mark, Marina are picking raspberries in the forest. Raspberry beckoned Marina and Mila. All Marinas and Irinas love to eat raspberries. Yes, it's a pity: in the basket is half a half of the last raspberry. Have you washed the raspberries? - Washed, but not washed.

Didactic games
“Tell me a word”, “Guess the riddle” (“Guess”), “Describe we will guess” (“Riddles”, “What is it?”), “Count”, “The fourth extra” (“What is superfluous?”), “Find and name it", "Edible - inedible", "What's gone?" (“What appeared”), “Pick mushrooms in a box”, “What grows in the forest”, “What is the name?” (“What kind of raspberry juice?”), “What taste (color) are these berries?”, “Yes - no.”

Finger gymnastics
“For mushrooms”, “Strawberry”, “Where the finger dined”, “Basket”, “I take off the berries from the branches”, “Berries”.

Knowledge Day. School. School supplies.
social reality
Topic content
Every year, on the first of September, all children of school age begin their studies at school. Our whole country celebrates this day as the Day of Knowledge. First, the guys become first graders. In the first grade, they learn to write, read and count. You have to go to school for several years. The school gives knowledge about the surrounding life, teaches how to live and work. It is difficult to study in it, but at the same time it is interesting. In order to become what you want in the future, a true master of your craft, you need to know and be able to do a lot, learn a lot. Teachers (teachers) teach and educate children at school. A school is an educational institution where children study. School students are called pupils or pupils. The period of time during which students are engaged with the teacher in the classroom is called a lesson. Children need special supplies to attend school. After graduation, you can continue to study, or you can go to work. Generalizing concepts: "school", study, "student", "school supplies", "teacher".

Goals and objectives.
To expand and generalize children's ideas about school, about studying, about school supplies. Enter nouns into the active dictionary: school, student, class, classmate, first grader, lesson, call, teacher (teacher), study, student, knowledge, change, satchel (bag), pencil case, textbook, notebook, pen, pencil, eraser ( eraser), ruler, paints, brush; verbs: study, read, write, count, learn, get acquainted, work; adjectives: interesting, fascinating, first, smart, new, school. To develop in children an interest in school, a desire to learn as much as possible about school life, study in it.

Alexandrova Z. "To school"; Aleksin A. G. "The First Day"; Berestov V. "Reader"; Blaginina E. "Class", "Primer"; Block A. "Teacher"; Golyavkin V.V. “How I was afraid”; Dyakonov L. "For first-graders"; Koval Yu. I. "Clean Dor" - an excerpt from "Nyurka"; Marshak S. Ya. "Seven nights and days in a week ...", "Reader"; Mikhalkov S. “How would we live without books”, “Schoolchild for memory”, Naydenova N. “I hid the dolls ...”; Nigmati R. "Good luck"; Orlov V. "What is written in the notebook?"; Suslov V. "Merry Call"; Tokmakova I. "Soon to school"; Tolstoy L. N. "Philippok"; Florentyeva E. "If someone has their own textbook ..."

Proverbs and sayings
The pen writes, the mind leads. Alphabet - the wisdom of the step. Happiness happens to those who, in labor and in learning, are gaining intelligence. He got up late - he lost a day, he did not study in his youth - he lost his life. There is no science without pain. It is good to teach who wants to know everything. Learning is light and ignorance is darkness. Learning is better than wealth. Science is not flour. Our main work is learning. The bird is red with feathers, and the man with learning. Smart is not the one who talks a lot, but the one who knows a lot. I was in that school - you can't fool me. The student and the teacher are judged.