Scenario for the new year to celebrate at home. New Year at home in a warm family circle: ideas, contests and scenarios. Contests for the New Year for adults

But sometimes, just before the New Year, the mood suddenly becomes hooligan and mysterious at the same time. It is in this case that the thoughts themselves spin in the direction in order to come up with such and such, in order to surprise everyone and please oneself ...

The New Year 2020 scenario below is suitable for those who celebrate this holiday at home with family and close friends. Competitions are designed for an adult audience.

In order for the New Year's Eve to be the same as in childhood, it is necessary to create an atmosphere of a winter holiday and high spirits in the most magical way. Of course, in every house there is always a long-awaited coniferous beauty, pleasing the eye with a variety of Christmas tree decorations, gleaming in the light of lit lamps and candles. But the general interior of the apartment can be decorated with tinsel, garlands, rain and toys. Garlands can be made with your own hands from colored paper.

And who doesn’t love to carve snowflakes from childhood? It is these winter attributes that can be made multi-colored and glued on double-sided tape or in any other way in the most unexpected places throughout the apartment. But first you need to write a number from one to five on the back of each snowflake.

And for the planned draws and contests, we need:

  • false beard, mustache, Santa Claus hat or red Santa Claus cap;
  • 2 large sheets of drawing paper;
  • markers, pens, pencils;
  • notebook sheets;
  • block of sheets for records;
  • 2 envelopes;
  • symbolic gifts and prizes. For example, chocolates, small boxes of sweets, Christmas and soft toys.

The most serious preparations, thinking over the menu, purchasing and arranging the surroundings are behind us. The heartbeat from the anticipation of meeting with the long-awaited guests returned to normal. Everyone is already in place, seated at a hospitably laid table and having a leisurely conversation, warming up after a frosty walk.

And now, when the guests have already drunk a small amount of warming drinks for the meeting and tasted one of the tempting dishes, that same rebellious and cunning awaiting the onset of the most long-awaited event in the middle of winter, takes on the role of leading the home holiday of the New Year. They can be either the owner or hostess of the apartment, or one of the invited guests.

Leading:- Dear guests! I am authorized to inform you that Santa Claus contacted me and gave you a message in words. The fact is that our company consists of adults, and the time of the winter wizard is catastrophically short, so he will not be able to visit us in order to be in time for those who are waiting for him the most, children. But do not be upset and do not be sad from the vicissitudes of fate and from the indomitable fate of adulthood. Santa Claus generously appointed me as acting Santa Claus! And therefore, I will not let boredom and despondency settle in this New Year's Eve in our close and friendly company!

When pronouncing a fiery tirade, an authorized Santa Claus can extract a false beard, mustache and Santa Claus's hat from the stocked package. If there are difficulties with these attributes, then the red cap of Santa Claus, which has confidently flooded store shelves, can be a worthy alternative for the presenter.

From a secret place, small squares of note paper are removed and distributed to each of the guests, who must write the date and month of their birth on their piece of paper. Don't forget to write your name.

I. O. Santa Claus collects all the leaves and folds them, for example, under the tree, placing them in an envelope.

And now, - proclaims leading- Let's get to know each other or remember each other well.

Guests must be seated on the sofa and chairs placed so that everyone is sitting in a row.

I. O. Santa Claus:- Dear guests, we are setting off, take your seats and fasten your seat belts. And now you need to start the engine and for this everyone should clap. Go! Slowly at first. We stomp our feet. We pick up speed of 50 kilometers per hour. Faster! We pick up speed of 60 kilometers per hour. Faster! 80 kilometers per hour. Even faster! 100, 120 kilometers per hour. Let's turn left! We shake hands with the neighbor to your left. We're moving forward again. Speed ​​150 kilometers per hour! Now turn right and shake hands with the neighbor to your right. We're still going, we're going. We brake. We turn to any neighbor and kiss him on the cheek! We slow down, we slow down. All! We've arrived!

After such a closer game, the guests need to continue the meal and, depending on the general temperament of the company, start dancing. But the restless I. O. Santa Claus, having strengthened his strength and wet his throat, again turns to the guests.

I. O. Santa Claus:- Dear guests, let's find out what each of you did yesterday!

Everyone is given notebook sheets and prepared pens and pencils.

I. O. Santa Claus:- Now answer my questions and write the answers in a column.

  1. What is your favorite male or female name?
  2. Do you like delicious food?
  3. Write a number between 1 and 100.
  4. What is your favorite dish?
  5. Write another number between 1 and 100.
  6. Write your other favorite female or male name.
  7. Write the name of your favorite song?
  8. Did you study (study) at school?
  9. Do you prefer twins or triplets?
  10. When you go out, do you wear shoes?
  11. Write another female or male name.
  12. What phrase do you use most often?
  13. Why did you (go) go to school?

The host reads out new questions, and the guests read out what they wrote.

  1. Who were you with last night? (The guest reads the answer to question 1.)
  2. Did you kiss? (Reads the answer to question 2 and so on)
  3. How many times?
  4. What did it taste like?
  5. What age was he/she?
  6. Have you told anyone about this?
  7. What did he/she say?
  8. Have you had sex?
  9. What were the results?
  10. Have you reported this to anyone else?
  11. To whom?
  12. What did he/she say?
  13. Why did you do it?

I hope that after such a prank, I. O. Santa Claus will not become an object of resentment and misunderstanding, and all guests will look forward to what this magician and wizard has prepared yet. And he will not make anyone disappointed on this winter evening and, having given the guests a rest and relaxation, he will once again show remarkable activity.

On one of the sheets of drawing paper rolled into a tube, there is a wide smiling muzzle of a pig drawn with a felt-tip pen, but without a piglet. Piglet is drawn separately and cut out of paper. The missing part is attached to the muzzle with a pin.

Participants need to blindfold with a scarf and scroll around their axis once. The applicant for the prize must attach the part on a piece of drawing paper after going through a couple of steps. The winner is the participant who placed the piglet as correctly as possible.

The excitement from the competition will subside quickly. The guests, in anticipation of the milestone hour, will once again taste the delicacies from the festive table prepared by the hospitable hosts and, uncontrollably gushing with rallies and contests, the Host again captures the attention of the guests.

I. O. Santa Claus:- And now we need to learn the quatrain.

The New Year is already knocking
Open quickly.
Miracle, fairy tale, fiction
We will make our friends happy.

Everyone repeats in chorus after the Host, and he, in turn, gives out another stored envelope, which the guests, chanting, betray each other from hand to hand. On whom the quatrain ends, he takes out a card with the task from the envelope.

  • tell a joke;
  • sing a ditty;
  • dance the dance of little swans, taking those who wish to help you;
  • a kiss on the cheek of a neighbor on the left;
  • recite a New Year's rhyme;
  • persuade the neighbor on the right to drink a glass, drink it;
  • praise your favorite dish on the table;
  • create a choir from the guests and sing a verse of the New Year's song;
  • wish something to each of those present in the New Year;
  • say a toast in honor of the guests.

Time is inexorably fleeting and the onset of the New Year is very close. And again, the acting Father Frost takes the reins of government into his skillful hands.

I. O. Santa Claus:- Dear guests! Very soon the Kremlin chimes will notify us that the New Year has come. And by this magical hour, my telepathic magical abilities are gaining their maximum strength, which I certainly want to demonstrate to you. Think of any number. Multiply it by two. Add one to the amount received. Multiply the result by five and add three. Now let me know the result you got.

Everyone who decides to test the telepathic abilities of the Leader tells him the number, and the Leader, making a thoughtful face, discards the last digit in the announced result and announces the secret number conceived by the participant.

And now, a clear chiming clock heralded the New Year! In a few seconds, the most cherished desires are made! And the champagne flowed like a river, flavored with triple shouts of “Hurrah” and sincere wishes to each other!

I. O. Santa Claus:- Dear guests! Did you think that I forgot about my assignment to write the dates of your birthdays? But Grandfather Frost, whom you did not notice while your attention was riveted on the speech of the President and the battle of the Chimes, nevertheless found a minute and looked at us and left a whole bag of gifts.

With these words, the Leader can shake a real or impromptu bag, where he placed symbolic prizes.

I. O. Santa Claus:- So, I take out the envelope and look through the dates that are there! The gift is received by the one whose birthday is closest to our today's holiday.

After the participant has received his first prize in the New Year, the Host again addresses the guests.

I. O. Santa Claus:- Don't be upset. You have a great opportunity to win one more of the prizes and gifts from Santa Claus. And for this it is absolutely necessary to find all the snowflakes that are hidden throughout the apartment. And the one who collects the snowflakes must add the numbers written on the back to each other. Whose sum will be the largest, he will receive a prize for dexterity and attentiveness!

Traditionally, all home holidays in our country and not only are held at a richly laid table and the maximum that they can diversify is dancing and singing under karaoke. The bravest ones can go outside to take a breath of fresh air and admire the fireworks, the volleys of which are heard from all sides, especially on New Year's Eve.

But it was not there! Our daring I.O. Santa Claus does not throw the reins of power over the course of the holiday and again attracts everyone's attention to himself.

I. O. Santa Claus:

Here comes the New Year
it was twelve years ago.
Who ate a lot, who drank a lot,
But our strength is with us!

Now let's find out who of us is the strongest this year!

The facilitator distributes a newspaper sheet to each of those who wish. Participants hold a newspaper by the corner at arm's length. On command or from the beginning of the music that has begun to play, all contestants must collect the entire newspaper sheet into a fist. Whoever completed the task first is the strongest in the New Year and receives a prize!

Tiredness and cheerful drinks do their job, and I. O. Santa Claus notices that the time has come to hold another comic contest. For this, a second sheet of whatman paper is unfolded, on which a thermometer is depicted with a felt-tip pen.

I. O. Santa Claus:- And now let's find out who is the most persistent, strongest, most sober of us in the New Year!

The participant approaches a piece of drawing paper fixed on the wall and turns his back to it. The task of the participant, bending down and stretching out his hand to the alcohol meter between his legs, is to mark the lowest degree with a felt-tip pen. Everyone wants to be more sober, so the degrees are drawn from bottom to top from highest to lowest so that the participants reach as high as possible!

After the competition and the presentation of a symbolic prize to the most persistent and sober, the host addresses the guests.

I. O. Santa Claus:- Our company has gathered the strongest, most savvy, most cheerful and most sober! May the New Year bring you many fulfilled desires, ideas and prospects! Let good health and willpower help to overcome obstacles not only in the form of snowdrifts and impenetrable thickets, but also in all spheres of life! And let's try to make it around us a little warmer and more sincere, so that the kinship of souls and strong close-knit friendship are indestructible, that's how I tried to do for you today! And let in those drawings that the New Year will give you, you will be the winners with sincere smiles and a feeling of happiness! Happy New Year! With new happiness!

Especially! We offer a scenario for its organization, written by a talented author T. Efimova "Unforgettable New Year: memories - a year ahead!", which will help to entertain and captivate friends or relatives gathered at the same table to celebrate their favorite holiday. For the event, you will need simple props, which, like the holiday itself, are easy to make on your own by adding your own ideas and jokes to the proposed version.

Scenario "Unforgettable New Year: memories - a year ahead!"

What is necessary? Garlands, a box for New Year's mail, CDs with popular songs and melodies, adhesive tape, A4 paper, cardboard, pencils, paints or felt-tip pens, scissors (3 pcs.), Whatman paper (4 pcs.), plasticine, newspapers, corrugated and colored paper , bright paper rolls (the more the better), large plates (2 pcs.), chiffon shawl or scarf (4 pcs.), balloons (20 pcs. or more), cosmetics, jewelry, hat, thick mittens ( you can use oven mitts), a bag for gifts, ribbons (1 m long, from 5 pcs.), Rain.

What to make and how to do it yourself?

Christmas mailbox.

Cover a box (for example, from under shoes) on all sides with blue wrapping paper with snowflakes. In the upper part, cut a hole for letters measuring 0.5 by 10 cm and make a white large inscription "Mail". The box for letters and wishes is ready. Place sheets of paper, pencils and markers next to the New Year's "mailbox" so that everyone can send holiday messages to each other.

Poster with unfinished phrases.

On whatman paper, in large block letters, write the parts of the sentences and leave an empty space so that they can be added.

Snowman portrait.

On paper, draw a snowman in a bucket instead of a hat and with a broom in his hands. In place of the nose, cut a round hole, the diameter of which is equal to the diameter of the base of the cone, the carrot.


While all the guests are gathering, the presenters offer to cut out snowflakes, stars from colored paper and write wishes on them. All New Year's cards are mixed and put into a "mailbox". The holiday begins with a traditional congratulatory part.

Happy New Year,
I wish you happiness, joy!
Everyone who is single - get married,
Everyone who is in a quarrel - make peace,
Forget about insults.
Everyone who is sick - become healthy,
Bloom, rejuvenate.
Everyone who is skinny - become fuller,
Too fat - lose weight.
Too smart - become simpler,
Nearby - to grow wiser.
All gray-haired - to turn black.
So that bald hair
Thickened at the top,
Like Siberian forests!
To songs, to dances
Never ended.
Happy New Year,
With new happiness,
My dear friends!

Game moment "New Year's mail"

Leading: Dear guests, the snowy breath of winter brought us a huge number of letters with wishes for the holiday. They are stored in the mailbox. Throughout the evening, you can replenish it with congratulations and confessions to anyone. They can be either anonymous or named. Every hour the mail will be checked, new letters will be taken out and sent to the recipients. Well, now we will receive the first arrived "snow" wishes. New Year is a truly magical holiday! So let all the good things that will be said today come true, and all wishes come true!

I invite two volunteers to take part in the first New Year's competition. They will play the role of a blizzard that sends its messengers all over the Earth - snowflakes. And to whom they will fly and what kind of message they will bring, we will soon find out.

The essence of the game:

Two volunteers take a snowflake from the "mailbox" (one of those on which the guests wrote wishes). They put a snowflake on their lips, inhale the air and suck up the leaf so that it does not fall. After that, each player chooses the addressee of his message, comes closer to him and sharply blows the snowflake so that it falls into the hands of the addressee or as close as possible to him. After the New Year's messages arrive, the participants who received them read aloud what was sent to them, take the snowflake as a keepsake and become "postmen" themselves who must send the next snowflakes.

The game can be suspended at any time and resumed at the request of the participants or at the discretion of the host. It is not at all necessary to send out all the snowflakes - some of them can simply be read aloud to the hosts or distributed to guests at any time. One way or another, it is best to empty the New Year's "mailbox" after this competition so that the snowflakes do not mix with other congratulations that guests will write throughout the evening.

Competition "Continue the New Year's phrase"

Family New Year: games for children and adults, contests, script, free printables.

family new year

For our family, the New Year is not only a feast under the Christmas tree, but also pleasant moments of communication with each other. And without interesting contests, riddles and various unexpected magical surprises and notions, the New Year holidays lose their charm. And in creativity, the family unites and inspiration and new ideas are born!

We usually prepare the holiday very quickly - literally in a few hours on the last New Year's Eve days. We cook along the way, discussing it on the way to the store or in transport, as well as at night, so that no one hears anything from our surprises. And costumes are born from various improvised things. Baba Yaga appears from an ordinary dressing gown, a scarf on her head and a broom or mop in her hands. Snowman - from a sheet stretched over a gymnastic hoop, on which snowflakes are sewn. Koschey - from a tracksuit, a swimming cap on his head and a couple of lines of makeup on his face. Such characters do not scare and are very funny, amuse everyone.

This is not a fictional script, this is a sincere humorous family holiday in the home circle or with guests. It is performed without rehearsals and is based on improvisation.

Scenario family new year number 1.

We played out this scenario in the upcoming 2015 New Year. But you can use it not only on New Year's Eve, but also on any day when guests with children come to your house.

Let's start like this.

Action 1. New Year's letter from Koshchei.

When the New Year comes and it's time to find gifts under the tree, guests find a very beautiful festive envelope under the tree. Joyful, they open the envelope and read the message. And there!!! No, it's not New Year's greetings! In the envelope, instead of congratulations, there is a letter from Koshchei the Deathless!

It's like, "Happy New Year! Hahaha! Do you want gifts? Ha! You will not have a happy new year! I stole Santa Claus and hid New Year's happiness in a hot country. Soon Santa Claus will melt! You won't find anything! Koschei. (You can download this letter by clicking on the link and print it on a printer on a sheet of A4 paper) -

Action 2. New Year's trip around the countries.

We need to go save Santa Claus and we go on a trip to look for a hot country, Santa Claus and New Year's happiness. Along the way, we find ourselves in different countries and in games we learn a lot of interesting and funny things about them.

The first game. Let's all play together first. "Guess it." Questions are asked about how the new year is celebrated in different countries. In the game you need to guess if it's true or not. If it's a lie, then you need to correct it to the truth. Similar questions can be asked about Christmas.

Examples of tasks for the game:

- In Italy, there is a tradition at the very last minute before the New Year to throw broken dishes, old clothes and even furniture out of the window. Is it true or not?

— In Germany, Santa Claus comes to the children on an elephant. Is it true or not? If not on an elephant, then on what? Guess :-).

Tasks for this game on a holiday (questions and correct answers to them) You can free download

With young children, in the course of this game, you can depict how we either fly on an airplane, or ride a train, or sail on a ship from one country to another. And adults will guess. So we will occupy both children and adults in this game.

Second game. Rubbish. In the game you have to guess the meaning of the words. As a linguodidact by profession (i.e. a person involved in language teaching methods), I could not help but include humorous language puzzles for adults in the script. Almost all adult guests asked to give them tasks from this game in order to play later with their guests :). Therefore, be prepared - and print out several copies of the tasks for the game in advance.

Examples of tasks for this game. Guess what it is?

- What is "toadstool" in Czech: a) poisonous mushroom, b) buckwheat, c) an unpleasant incident?

- What is "bun" in translation from Bulgarian: a) homemade cakes, b) fat woman, c) bride, d) cake?

Want to know the answers? Then download the questions and answers from the links below:

You can play this game not only during the New Year holidays, but also at any family holiday.

While we are guessing these 12 questions, we are moving through the fairy forest to the fairy hut. The travel map helps us with this. The correct answer to one question of the game of nonsense is our one step forward to the hut. We move the chip across the field.

Action number 3. Tasks of Baba - Yaga.

We find ourselves in the hut of Baba Yaga. Yes, it was she who was drawn on our travel map. We remember how to get into the hut and all together we ask the hut to turn "back to the forest, and front to me."

Baba-Yaga meets us very politely and in a fabulous way: “You are my killer whales, where did you come from? On what business did the boyars and merchants pass by my hut?

She agrees to help us in search of Santa Claus and New Year's happiness, but only if we complete her tasks.

Baba Yaga gives a separate task to adults and children.

The task for children is riddles - tricks. They are constructed in such a way that some of the riddles require an answer in rhyme, and some - not in rhyme. You need to be careful and not make a mistake! Not only children, but also their mothers and even fathers are happy to guess tricks. And adults make mistakes just as often as children!

You can give chips for correct answers in this game (if even 7 people answered correctly at the same time, we give each of them a chip). At the end of the game, we count the chips and give out small surprises to everyone who has at least one chip.

Riddles - rhyming tricks alternate with regular riddles to confuse players. It is possible in snags to specifically pronounce the first syllable of the wrong word aloud.


"Night. Winter. There are stars in the sky.
The kids are sleeping, it's too late
The moon in the sky is a horn,
A little white fell out ... (snow)

Well, dresses - all needles -
They wear it all the time ... (Christmas trees)

many, many, many years
Grandfather gives us gifts,
Gives a Christmas tree, congratulations,
This holiday is the Day ... (this is the New Year holiday)

prickly needles
At the elegant ... (Christmas trees)

With grandpa down the street
Rushing in a sleigh ... (Snow Maiden)

Who is he, with a white beard,
Himself ruddy and gray-haired,
He is the best and kindest of all!
Guessed? - ... Barma ... (ley ?!) (No. Santa Claus)

Who came from afar

Lightly covered in snow?

Who brought us gifts?

All the guys like

Green beauty.

Balls, needles

January starts
We need a new ... (calendar)

Come join us for a ball!
So that no one recognizes you
Let your mothers sew for you
Carnival… Pi — …? jamy? (no, costumes!)

We looked out the window
Well, I can't believe my eyes!
Everything around is white - white
And sweeps ... (blizzard)

Bright glitter of silver
Glittered ... (tinsel)

Forget the whims
Sweets for everyone, surprises for everyone!
Don't cry on New Year's Eve
There, under the tree, ... an old bast shoe?!!! (no, gifts!)

Comes to visit us
Leads round dances,
Meet the New Year
Grandpa helps.
thin figurine -
Granddaughter - (Snow Maiden).

To brighten up the night
We need to help Grandpa.
All the children say on holiday
In chorus: “Christmas tree, ... turn off?” (no, Christmas tree, burn!)

Bach! Papers like from a cannon
They fly out of ... (crackers)

I love to skate on ice.
Hooray! Winter is getting closer!
I'm going to the skating rink with my friends
And there I will put on ... skis? (no, skates)

Flew, circled

Went down on the path

And sparkles like ice

Flying up with a roar
Multicolored ... (fireworks)

We can do it without error
Name all the months of winter.
Let's call first.
Of course, this is the month… May? (no, December)

New Year! There is no better day
For Bengal ... (fire)

The snowman has a funny nose
It is long, bright vegetable!
Now we need to think together
Which vegetable should we choose?
Who guessed - well done!
Of course it's... a cucumber? (no, carrot)

Near the Christmas tree in the New Year
Children lead ... (round dance)

Get into a round dance

Santa Claus is coming soon!

He walks down a quiet street

With granddaughter ... (Snow Maiden)

Are you my friend or not?
Get in a circle!
Hand in hand, kids
Friendly drive...? bear by the nose? (no, they dance)

We made a snowball
They made a hat on him
The nose was attached and in an instant
It turned out ... (Snowman)

We will arrange a “war” in the winter,
Let's build a snow fort!
How are we going to "fight"?
Every "warrior" should know!
Guess soon, my friend
Round ball - ... (snowball)

Santa Claus came to us
I brought my young granddaughter.
Children are waiting for her gift -
This girl is… Mermaid?! (no, this is the Snow Maiden).

Who is Santa's Helper?
Who has a carrot instead of a nose?
Who is all white, clean, fresh?
Who is made of snow? - ... Goblin? (No, Snowman)

Look through the crack in the door
You will see our tree.
Our tree is high
Reaches the ceiling.
From pedestal to crown
They hang on the branches ... (Toys.)

Here she is, beauty
Everything is overflowing!
They brought her from the cold,
This tree is... Birch? (no, tree)

Houses and parks are covered

Everything became white,

Outside the window it's snowing

The river hid under ... (ice)

Two birch horses
They carry me through the snow.
These red horses
And their name is ... (skiing)

We eat this fruit on New Year's Eve,

A magical smell in the house comes with it.

Eats with appetite Santa Claus

Orange and round... apricot? (mandarin)

Bouquets of roses on the window
We draw...
(Father Frost)

gray beard
Good old …
(Father Frost)

Paint the nose red
To all the guys...
(Father Frost)

Pulled the girls to tears
For pigtails...
(not Santa Claus, but a bully)

The shawl is silver on the branches of birches,
This outfit gave...
(Father Frost)

Who brought us gifts?
Well, of course, …
(Father Frost)

Electric locomotive on New Year's Eve
Gave me...
(Father Frost)

He grew up in hot Africa
(not Santa Claus, but a black man)

Punch us all seriously
Winter morning…
(Father Frost)

In the cold, the fierce did not freeze,
The cold is only happy ...
(Father Frost)

In the school of "twos" a whole cart
(not Santa Claus, but ...)

Bouquet of mimosas on women's day
Giving mom...
(not Santa Claus, but dad or son) "

The task for adults is a question-and-answer game. You need to tell the whole truth about yourself in this game.

You will need:

- printed tickets with questions and answers for the game (download them from the link below, print them out on a printer and cut them so that there is only one question or one answer on one narrow strip),

- two opaque gift bags. Put the questions in one bag and the answers in the other.

How to play:

The first player pulls out one strip with a question from the bag with questions and reads it aloud to the player sitting to his left. The second player pulls out his answer to this question from the answer bag.

Very funny combinations often turn out. We have this game going through several circles, because everyone really likes it.

In this game, children can help adults by pulling strips from bags. Many kids do it with great pleasure.

Action 4. Baba-Yaga's riddle.

For completing tasks, we receive help from Baba Yaga. Like this one:

In our case, we hid the letter under the largest flower in the house (the rose). Under the flower - a cart - a wheelchair. There was a note under the gurney. So we came up with this riddle:

“Find the biggest tree in the whole area (meaning in the apartment). Under the tree is a magical item. It contains 4 skewers, 2 sticks and 1 bed. Today he is here, tomorrow he is there. Under this item you will find a helper.

And you can come up with your own riddle. Here riddle form, in which you yourself can fill the frame -

Action 5. We get an assistant and a hint in our hands.

In our agreed place of the apartment (under our cart with a large rose) we find an assistant - a hint. It contains another mystery. And in it is a clue about where Santa Claus is hidden by Koshchei and our happiness in the coming year.

The riddle is complicated: “There are blue flowers on an iron flower bed - they help to cook any food.” If the players do not guess, then below there is a riddle - a hint, from which it is immediately clear that the hot country is ... in our kitchen! Next to the stove or in the stove! Let's go there!

(My husband and I thought for a long time where to hide the gifts - and decided that the hot country is clearly only a stove, more precisely, an oven. We came up with the riddle ourselves).

Action 6. We save Santa Claus and find New Year's happiness.

We come to the kitchen and find there another sheet with tasks. It turns out that Santa Claus is guarded by security. And we need to speak her teeth to save them. We play tongue twisters - “we speak the teeth of the guard”, at the same time we find out and discuss what this expression of the Russian language means (to distract the interlocutor with extraneous conversations). You can take any tongue twisters for this game. We had these this year.

After passing through the security, we find ourselves at the stove. And we find in it a bag with a toy Santa Claus and gifts, as well as another bag called "New Year's Happiness".

What is this bag of happiness - I'll tell you more. It contains New Year's wishes. Each wish is printed on a piece of paper. A sheet of paper is wrapped several times (as a result, a dense lump of 2-3 cm is obtained) and packed in corrugated colored paper (like in a bag). The pouch is tied with a gold narrow ribbon. Everyone pulls out their bag, unties it and reads out what they have for a wish for the new year.

Wishes can be different - you can find them on the Internet and change them a little - rhyme for your family.

For example:

Wish 1. “Many incidents await you
And interesting trips -
On courses, on vacation, abroad -
Where will fate decide!

Wish 2. “You have to, my friend, and henceforth
Burn with creative work.
But you won't burn your wings,
Take care of your health!”

Wish 3. “Your hairstyle, appearance
We will all be pleasantly surprised.
Since then you will continue
Everything is prettier and younger!”

Scenario of the family new year number 2.

If you are going to visit, it will be difficult to fully implement the first scenario without prior preparation. But that doesn't mean games are cancelled. You can play different games right at the table.

What can be done at a home holiday away:

- play in question and answer game(see description and download file above).

- And also to play the games described above: "Bullshit", "Guess: a journey through the countries" and in "Riddles - snags". For the correct answer in each of these games, we give chips to each player who said the correct answer. If five people answered unanimously correctly, then we give an encouraging chip to each of the five. At the end of the game, we count the chips. Whoever scored the most chips - he gets the right to be the first to take a bag of happiness and read out a wish from it aloud so that it comes true.

- play a game Activity (ready desktop - print game).

- play in games "Convolution", "Changeling", "Win-win lottery". We played these games last New Year, so we didn’t repeat ourselves. And you can read about these and other fun games with guests at a family holiday in the article

I wish you all a happy New Year and Christmas holidays! And let the games on family New Year's Eve bring joy, creative ideas to your home, unite your family and strengthen it!

You will find a complete collection of games for a family holiday, medals, certificates, chips for game winners, masks for staging in the book

You will find more games for the family New Year in the site article


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New Year is one of the most beloved, cheerful, magical. It is considered to be a family holiday. And, of course, it’s great if on this day both old and small will gather at the festive table. The holiday will become really interesting if everyone takes part in its preparation.

Gifts, greeting cards, of course, should be waiting for everyone.

How to hand them over? There are many possibilities - you can hang them on the New Year tree or entrust the "homemade" Santa Claus to do it, you can hide them in multi-colored stockings and offer to guess with the help of leading questions who exactly this gift should be given to, or maybe the festive dinner will begin with a concert , where each family member will give a creative gift, and in gratitude for this, accept gifts from other family members.

For the most active parent or relative, the entire program of the New Year's holiday can be a creative gift to loved ones and loved ones. Don't forget to take care of the prizes for the winners. Such prizes can be edible Christmas decorations - specially baked gingerbread or cookies, sweets, nuts, fruits.

Win - take a treat from the Christmas tree!

If the program of your holiday involves a carnival, inform all guests in advance. And, in case of unforeseen circumstances, it would be good to prepare masks, hats, some things from which it is easy to quickly build a costume. You can do it differently: hand over the blanks of masks and hats to the arriving guests, and let them make them themselves until it's time to sit down at the festive table.

A toast competition at the table can also be prepared a little in advance - cards with rhymes of the future toast are distributed to guests, and pencils and felt-tip pens are prepared in a certain place. Let the rhymes be simple: nose - goes - Frost - year, etc.

On New Year's Eve, you can also arrange a comic fortune-telling - bake small items into a "fortune-telling" pie, and invite each guest to choose a piece. And on that subject, one can guess what will happen next year - a bone - there will be a wonderful harvest on a personal plot, caramel - a "sweet" life awaits, etc. Just be careful with such a "fortune-telling" treat.

You can distribute "duties" among the guests like this. In a circle, both adults and children pass a specially prepared "snowball" - made of cotton wool, or white fabric, inside which sweet prizes can also be hidden. "Kom" is transmitted and the host says:

Snowball we all roll,
We all count to five
One two three four five -
You sing a song.

You dance here to dance.

You have to guess a riddle.

You have a gift to fulfill.

Before the arrival of Santa Claus, everyone must take part in a blitz poll, saying the words "True" or "false".

Santa Claus is known to everyone, right?
He comes at seven sharp, right?
Santa Claus is a good old man, right?
He wears a hat and galoshes, right?

Santa Claus is coming soon, right?
He will bring gifts, right?
The trunk is good for our Christmas tree, right?
It was cut down from a double-barreled shotgun, right?

What grows on the tree? Cones, right?
Tomatoes and gingerbread, right?
The view is beautiful near our Christmas tree, right?
There are red needles everywhere, right?

Santa Claus is afraid of chips, right?
He is friends with the Snow Maiden, right?
Well, the answers are given to the questions,
You all know about Santa Claus.

And that means it's time
All the kids are waiting for.
Let's call Santa Claus!

Santa Claus, appearing, greets everyone, but notices "disorder".

Father Frost:
What is this? What a mess!
There are no lights on your Christmas tree!
To make the tree burst into flames,
You use the words:

"Surprise us with beauty,
Elka, turn on the lights!"
There are no friendlier guys in the world!
You are ready? Three four!

Santa Claus "lights the Christmas tree", presents gifts to all guests and fun, fun continues.

Children are very fond of mass, general dances. Here, in the dance episode of the holiday, there may be a dance of "Little ducklings", and a dance game with repetition of movements after the leader "If life is fun, do this ..." Before each movement it is repeated: If life is fun, do this ...

Movements can be:
- two hand claps in front of the chest;
- two clicks of the fingers;
- two punches in the chest (like King Kong);
- two strokes with spread fingers, when the hands are attached to the nose (gesture "Pinocchio's nose");
- two hand pulls of one's own ears;
- two protrusions of the tongue with a turn of the head (to the neighbor on the right and on the left);
- two twists with a finger at the temple;
- two slaps with both hands on your own pope.

The game ends with the fact that at the last performance of the song, after the words "do it" all the movements are repeated at once.

You can invite children and adults to the music to repeat the movements, all the while accelerating the pace:

Everyone clapped their hands
Friendly, more fun.
Legs, legs pounded
Louder and faster.
Beaten on the knees
Hush, hush, hush.
Handles, handles raise
Higher, higher, higher!
twirled, twirled
And they stopped!

And in this game, it is proposed to first memorize the text:

Santa Claus is coming, coming to us,
Santa Claus is coming to us.
And we know that Santa Claus
Brings us gifts.

After the text has been repeated, it is proposed to replace words with movements and gestures. The first words that are replaced are the word "we".

Instead of these words, everyone points to themselves. With each new performance, there are fewer words, and more gestures. Instead of the words "Santa Claus", everyone points to the door, the word "goes" is replaced by walking on the spot, the word "know" - touch the forehead with the index finger, the word "gifts" - a gesture depicting a large bag. At the last performance, all words disappear, except for prepositions and the verb "will bring."

Another game offers to remember the motive of the song "Fried Chicken" and perform it with new words and new content.

We are in the south
in the hot south
The sun shines all year round.
And everyone is dancing
Everyone is having fun
When they celebrate the New Year!

Everyone sings a song, and then the host says: "Right hand!" And this means that he still performs this "chants" again, but at the same time they will shake his right hand. With each successive performance of the song, new tasks are given: right shoulder, left arm, left shoulder, head, left leg. With each new repetition, everyone should "shake" more and more parts of the body. Everyone is funny and funny.

You can invite the guys to become actors in the puppet theater. In this case, the roles are distributed with the help of answers to riddles.

She is smarter than all the animals
Red coat on her
A fluffy tail is her beauty.
Is this beast of the forest?

The child who first guessed the riddle and said the answer receives a Fox doll (glove) or a Fox toy.

He slept in a fur coat all winter,
sucked brown paw
And when he woke up, he began to cry.
This beast of the forest

Forests conceal many troubles,
Wolf, bear and fox.
There the animal lives in anxiety,
Takes away from misfortune
Come on, quickly guess
What is the name of the animal?

In winter, in the hours of fun
I hang on a bright spruce.
I shoot like a gun.
My name is

After all the roles are distributed, let the kids become participants in a small performance. Everyone, to the best of their ability, performs their roles in accordance with the plot. The plot may be simple.

Once upon a time there lived a cracker. She was evil, wicked, she fought with a hare, fell on the head of the Fox, substituted the “leg” for the Bear. The Hare was crying, the Fox was wiping her long nose, and the Bear was grumbling with displeasure. But one day the Bear called the Hare, the Fox, and they decided to teach the wicked-cracker a lesson. They surrounded her, pulled their paws towards her, and Flapper pouted, got angry, and burst with anger! And the Bear, the Fox and the Bunny began to have fun and dance!

A lot of things can fit in the program of your holiday - the game "Field of Miracles", and crossword contests, and much more. The main thing is to treat the preparation of the holiday responsibly, with soul, and then everything will work out for you!


New Year is a holiday of childhood and magic. The flickering of lights and the smell of fresh pine needles mixed with the aroma of tangerines - all this surprisingly takes us back to the time when we ourselves were small. Perhaps no other holiday is riddled with such a sharp foreboding of the Miracle. Give a piece of magic to your kids - arrange a memorable New Year's holiday. Believe me, it's not difficult at all.

Preparation. In vain we lose sight of this important festive aspect. The child has a completely different attitude to the celebration if he himself takes part in its preparation. This is a great opportunity for creativity and interesting ideas. And the most fertile thing in preparing for the New Year is the design of the festive premises:

  • New Year's garlands. They can decorate window openings, stretch them under the ceiling and hang them on the Christmas tree. They are paper, fabric, from various improvised means (beads, ribbons, toys) and natural materials (cones, etc.). Lots of options, take your pick!
  • Snowflakes. Windows decorated with openwork snowflakes look really fabulous. Children, as a rule, love this technique and are happy to come up with a variety of lace shapes, deftly wielding scissors. As an option - snowflakes made using the quilling technique.
  • Herringbone. A beautiful Christmas tree is the heart of a festively decorated room. A great option - fragrant from the forest. But there are also many ideas on how to make a miniature Christmas tree with your own hands: from paper, pompons, threads wound on a cone and well glued together, from natural materials, from balls, from sweets ... Such a Christmas tree will be a wonderful New Year's gift for friends and relatives .
  • Toys. Incredible charm and warmth have Christmas decorations made by hand. Wake up your imagination and decorate the Christmas tree with your baby. Believe me, this will be the most beautiful Christmas tree!
The next step is the New Year's costume, and then the festive menu.

After such responsible preparation, the last important point remains - New Year's Eve scenario . We offer a scenario that is suitable for celebrating the New Year at home, with family, and for a fun morning in a kindergarten, school, creative studio. This fun trip to visit Santa Claus will appeal to both the smallest and older children, it all depends on the content, which can be easily varied to your liking.

The host of the program is the Snow Maiden. And, if the group of children is large, then her assistants are the Little Dragon, Snowflakes, fairy-tale characters.

Music - New Year's, cheerful and bright.

The hall is beautifully decorated, the kids are here. A musical accent sounds, and a beautiful musical composition enters the hall.

Snow Maiden: Hello guys! You probably recognized me?
I am the Snow Maiden,
I live in the forest for a whole year.
Songs, jokes, and fun
I'm bringing you a holiday!
Tell me, what holiday are we celebrating today? That's right, New Years! And do you know everything about this amazing holiday?
Then if you agree with me - say "yes" in response,
Well, if you don’t agree, answer “no” together!

Game - chatter "Yes-no":

The New Year is coming - yes,
It brings a lot of joy - yes.
Is Santa Claus good? - Yes
He wears a fur coat and ... galoshes - no,
He is friends with the Snow Maiden - yes,
Loves to jump over puddles! - No
We can’t count winter fun - yes,
Let's eat cold snow! - No
Let's go ice skating - yes,
And swimming in the river in winter is not.
Let's spend the holiday together - yes,
And we will not take gifts - no!

Well done! Tell me, would you like to go on a magical journey to visit Santa Claus right now?

Then we take places in our New Year's train!

(Children stand one after another in a "train", the Snow Maiden is in front)

Dance game "Merry little train".

To the rhythmic festive music, the "engine" sets off. From time to time, the Snow Maiden gives instructions on how to move on to the “engine”:

  • The locomotive drives up the mountain and goes slowly, slowly;
  • And now the train is moving down quickly and cheerfully;
  • We drive past the den where the bear sleeps in winter, and move quietly on tiptoe;
  • And now we are driving through a cheerful clearing, where forest animals are dancing near the Christmas tree, let's hum them loudly!
  • To pass through a dense forest, the engine will have to squat;
  • And now - let's rise on our toes and light the way with flashlights (children hold each other with their left hand, and repeat the “flashlight” movement with their right hand), etc.
Snow Maiden: We rode and rode our train and arrived in the winter forest. What grows in our forest?

(Children list)

Tell me, are the Christmas trees in the forest tall? - Yes!
And the stumps? - small!
Now I'll check how attentive you guys are. Always show Christmas trees high (children stand on their toes and pull their hands up), and stumps - small (squat), and I will specially confuse you and show you either right or wrong.

Attention game "Christmas trees - stumps"

It will become much more dynamic and more fun if it is carried out to cheerful music.

Snow Maiden: Goodies! What are you all attentive.
And tell me, guys, do you really like riddles?

Riddles about forest dwellers:

1. What kind of bun is this -
All in thorns gray side.
No head, no legs
This is our friend... (hedgehog)

2. Long ears stick out
Paws white tremble.
Well guess what -
This is our coward... (bunny)

3. He knows a lot about bunnies -
It's a terrible gray... (wolf)

4. He is a sweet, kind fat man,
His friend is Piglet.
Honey has a sharp scent
Our teddy bear... (Winnie the Pooh)

Snow Maiden: All riddles were solved, nothing was missed! We get on the train and move on.

(The children stand one after another, and the “train” sets off to the music.)

“Having traveled” some distance, the Snow Maiden announces that the train is entering an ice tunnel, and you need to bend over it so as not to touch the hanging icicles.

Dance skill game "Rope"

A rope is stretched in front of the children, under which they have to pass. With each new circle, the rope falls lower and lower.

Snow Maiden: Our steam locomotive arrived at the station "Multi-Pulti". Guys, do you like cartoons? And you probably know all the cartoon songs well? Now famous melodies from cartoons will sound, and you try to guess whose song it is and what cartoon it is from.

Creative contest "Guess the melody"

For the children, small fragments of famous songs (backing tracks) sound, the first one to guess - raises his hand up and sings a song along with the Snow Maiden, and everyone else sings along with them.

Snow Maiden: Can you hear the little bells ringing? These are ice icicles on the roof of Santa Claus's house. Let's call him!

The children call Santa Claus, after which the main character of the New Year's celebration appears, and the fun continues with renewed vigor! Games with Santa Claus, dancing around the Christmas tree and, of course, New Year's gifts - all this is an integral part of a fun holiday. And after all the participants, there will be a festive feast and games on the street.

Happy New Year!