Congratulations on the anniversary of labor activity to a woman. Congratulations to a colleague in prose. Family congratulations to a colleague

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30 years today exactly
your working life.
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
With this date is not easy.

Let there be enough inspiration
Continue in the same spirit.
Happiness to you, love, patience,
Never lose heart.

Few can walk this path
And time will whisper its own: "Do not forget."
We congratulate you on the 30th anniversary of labor
And we certainly wish you all the best.

And we applaud standing stamina,
After all, your work certainly deserves it.
Let all troubles bypass you,
We wish you a stable victory in everything.

Thirty years of experience is an achievement!
At the height of your knowledge and skills,
You have to get to that level...
We wish you energy, kindness and good luck on your journey!

Be proud of your beautiful work,
May there be many sunny days
Hearts and eyes from the work of burning,
Exciting and real feelings!

Record holder you are at work,
The experience is not small - thirty years,
We congratulate you on this
Equal to you, believe me, no!

We wish you much happiness
Let it come soon,
Increase in salary
Very, very soon.

30 years - what date,
So much together we guys.
You are a model for us
And in everything you are great.

Worked with us for so many years
We became very close friends.
Congratulations with all my heart,
Happiness, great joy!

30 years of work experience -
The reason is good for a feast,
And the team got together
Today, honor a hero.

We all love and respect you
And we call you a veteran
Without you, the work will immediately get up,
It's too early for you to leave.

We wish you health and strength,
Good luck in life, inspiration,
In the family of kindness, in the work of happiness,
And new labor achievements.

You're a bit drunk today
Everything is fun with you:
After all, not everyone can zealously
Work for thirty years.

Do not crush water in a mortar,
And never say
That lived in vain
There were all these years.

They know the streets
And it's easy for us to understand
What is one such employee
Replaces five.

30 years, though not a joke,
They flew by like a minute.
There were stresses, there was happiness,
It was a gloomy storm!

But success is above all.
And now merry laughter
Distributed in the office.
You are always responsible for everything!

Be happy, our colleague,
So that health is mega!
Under sparkling cognac
We give you a nice congratulations!

Work thirty years for the benefit of the company -
This is part of your life.
Your work is a second home
And you are very happy with it.

You are assigned tasks
And they are complex.
But very artistic
You will perform them perfectly.

Colleagues highly respect
And, if necessary, help.
You, too, will not leave them in trouble,
Throw in a fresh idea.

So we wish you
Stay the same.
Be a model in your work
In examples to chant.

And our cheerful congratulations
Let it fly like a petal
Lies quietly on the hand
And he will tell you everything.

30 is not just experience,
This, I say, years
In life you treat
To people of a special breed.

Life and work for you
For a long time not just words,
Youth brought you here
And I found gray hair here.

Happy 30th anniversary
Please accept our congratulations,
You honestly deserve
Honor, glory and respect.

30 years of honest work
You gave without hiding.
You have an interesting life
Let and only in joy, relish!

You are an excellent worker
Excellent, keep it up
Let the income be decently large
Can support your spirit!

30 years is a sad date
You devoted half your life to us,
And there is no return to the origins,
But at work you are the best! There is and was!

Congratulations on your anniversary
So many years of work and care!
And we regret that every day
You wouldn't have any trouble!

30 years of work!
Time is everything, your worries,
It is worthy of respect,
And even somewhere worship.
About this our congratulations - accept,
Get our words as a gift!
Remember that these years you lived not in vain,
After all, friends are with you forever!

Three for ten - thirty years.
A lot has been passed.
imperceptibly, like water,
Time has passed.

The main thing is not to lose heart.
Is it about age?
Need to keep going
And work boldly.

So that in all your affairs
God did what he could to help you.
Well, we are always with you
Here's our congratulations!

With such a number it is not a sin to congratulate -
Already thirty years, as in the team you.
Keep it up - we want to do it
Twice as much! Here are your flowers
Here is a congratulation that the team composed,
Colleague, dear, dear,
We're lucky we got to know you
With all my heart, we are lucky to have you.

Three dozen work with us,
And all three are young, young and ready
For accomplishments that are not far off,
For victories and for new jumps!
Happy labor anniversary, colleague,
Can you read the greeting
Don't get tired of running fast
You can do everything, as before you could!

A new job is a little exciting
New job! You are at a new threshold.
We wish you success, good luck,
So that you can solve all the problems.

Colleagues wish understanding, simple.
And your days at work are only golden,
A lot of salaries, praise, awards,
We are very happy and happy for you!

Everyone has their own ghostly path in life,
Somewhere there are potholes, and somewhere there are plains,
You couldn't even breathe at your old job,
But don't be sad and don't be sad
New day brings new news
WITH new job congratulations,
You have diligence, will, patience,
So we wish you new heights here!

Fifteen years is a long time.
Our team is very simple.
We heartily congratulate you, dear.
We want to work the same.

May your path be adorned with rose petals.
May there be no worries and tears in life.
good luck and long life years
And may the green light always burn for you.

The team deserved love and respect,
Leave today but know without a doubt
Find something better. And that's without question.
We wish you success in your new growth career,
We wish you a white and big salary,
To make the work dust-free, but simple,
So that all the plans set themselves are fulfilled
And everyone would be surprised at your efforts!

Happy fifteen years anniversary
We hasten to congratulate you today,
And say that there is no more responsible
If the word we hear is work!

For your efforts completely,
You deserve a good word
Dissolved in wonderful work,
And for many, this is not new.

Thank you for this friends
For a good, good deed,
Everyone in the world needs a job,
We declare it boldly!

New work let a lot
Money and happiness will bring
And the road will be bright
What leads to a rise!

Let the head serve well
And her hands give her a head start,
Let success be friends with luck
They will invite you along!

To make your soul laugh
To join a new team
And everything in the world succeeded
You were successful and beautiful!

Proven to change jobs
We need every 7 years.
Yes, you are late for something
It's high time to answer!

So congratulations on your new place
Let there be a good team
And with a big salary together
Goodness and positivity will come!

30 years is a sad date
You devoted half your life to us,
And there is no return to the origins,
But at work you are the best! There is and was!

Congratulations on your anniversary
So many years of work and care!
And we regret that every day
You wouldn't have any trouble!

You're a bit drunk today
Everything is fun with you:
After all, not everyone can zealously
Work for thirty years.

Do not crush water in a mortar,
And never say
That lived in vain
There were all these years.

They know the streets
And it's easy for us to understand
What is one such employee
Replaces five.

Today important holiday- anniversary,
Already a quarter of a century in your service,
So accept congratulations soon
You need to get comfortable.

With all my heart, goodness, health to you,
Success, joy and understanding,
To bypass deceit,
So that despair does not touch you.

More success, it is most important
Let them accompany everywhere
So that this is not the last anniversary,
So that life does not happen badly!

Congratulations to Congratulations on your work experience
Congratulations on work experience How to congratulate?
congratulation text to Congratulations on your work experience

Congratulations on your work experience

Congratulations 20 years of work

Work given a wonderful twenty years
From morning to evening, through the heart, through anxiety,
With full dedication. There is no better in the world
For you, the way, than the road from home.
May your life be filled with goodness
For the fact that you gave it to others,
You worked great, you created at work
It was like a second home for you.

Congratulations on the Anniversary of 20 years

20 years is a time of accomplishments.
20 years is a time of victories.
20 years is the time for the right decisions,
A happy ticket to the world of discoveries!
20 years is a life without looking back,
20 years old - behind two wings.
When the nights are so long and sweet
And in love you burn to ashes.
At 20, all doors are open
Into the world of mysteries and colorful dreams.
Not all targets have been achieved yet.
Many words have not yet been said.
20 years is a lot and a little.
20 years - the triumph of bright thought.
20 years is just the beginning
Your wonderful life!

Happy birthday, 20 years old

It's your birthday today! You are celebrating 20 years! I wish you good true friends, a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bjoy and laughter, an ocean of goodness and love! So that you do not get upset over trifles, do not lose heart and easily cope with difficulties!

Personalized congratulations to a girl for 20 years in prose

___________(Name)! Congratulations on your twentieth birthday! I wish you to always remain as beautiful and young. May your angel not leave you in difficult times, but guide you through life and suggest the right path! You are entering a wonderful time of youth, which will give you new friends and true love!

Congratulations on 20 years from a friend

Congratulations, friend! What a wonderful date - 20 years!!! All roads are open before you, and there is strength to pass them. I wish you that your life path was interesting. If you wish it to be easy, well, it doesn’t happen, some small difficulties do occur anyway. I would rather wish you that you solve all the problems that arise with ease! I wish you confidence in the future and good mood. Be happy!!!

Congratulations on 20 years nominal

______________(Name)! Congratulations on your twentieth birthday! I wish you good, warmth, happiness and health! Friends to you are good, faithful and reliable! May all your undertakings be successful!

Congratulations on the anniversary of 20 years

You are 20 today
Great time!
And the thirst for travel and victories
Beckons you in the morning.
Admire life
'Cause she's beautiful
It's a little hard sometimes though.
In life you are complete
Try to do everything.
Fast, very fast
Years will fly by.
Leaving doubts behind
Go through life without hesitation.
You achieve your goals
Barriers not knowing on the way.
We congratulate you on your birthday!
We wish you happiness and luck
Good luck, success in any business,
Find a cherished dream!

Congratulations to the granddaughter for 20 years

My dear granddaughter! I wish that in your young life, everything was beautiful, clear and good! So that joy and happiness hurry after you, and grief and trouble never come! May everything in your bold and ardent dreams come true! May good luck be with you! Happy birthday!

Toast to a friend at 20

I want to tell this story:
“Once a dolphin and a lion met. And they decided to conclude an alliance in which they would be full. Both were kings, one of the sea, the other of the earth. Some time later, a lion had a fight with a wild boar. The forces were unequal, and the lion called the dolphin for help. But he could not get out on land, then the lion accused him of betrayal. To which the dolphin said: “Blame everything not on me, but on nature, which created me the way I am!”
I want to drink for your birthday! 20 years is a time when there is still so much interesting ahead. I want to tell you that I appreciate and respect you simply for the fact that you are in my life. You are my friend and that says it all!

Congratulations original, 20 years

You are twenty years old today
The age of accomplishments and victories,
Any business on the shoulder
There is nothing impossible.
Let everything turn out great in life,
And all your cherished dreams
Come true faster.

Happy birthday greetings for 20 years of a young man

Today, on your 20th birthday,
Let us heartily congratulate you.
Sincere and generous words from friends
Send to your address as soon as possible.
We want you to be confident
We wish you not to meet grief and misfortune.
Fly forward, do good, dare
And in the waves of beautiful feelings only to splash.

Congratulations on 20 years beautiful

Twenty years! Your spring!
Let it be easy, direct, clear
your path will be in life
To everyone's joy, by the will of God,
So that all your dreams
performed, and flowers
Happiness and love big
Bloomed before you
Giving a cheerful laugh
And success in all matters!

Congratulations to a girlfriend for 20 years

_________(Name)! Congratulations on your twentieth birthday! From the bottom of my heart I wish you to smile more often, be cheerful and simple! Stay as sweet and smart as you are now!

Congratulations on Anniversary, 20 years

____________(Name)! We congratulate you on your anniversary and wish you to remain young, beautiful and cheerful until the end of your life! Health to you, true friends, success, luck, good and promising work!

Congratulations on 20 years from friends

Today is your birthday and we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts! We wish you to always be in a good mood, stay young and beautiful! So that you always remember your young years only with nostalgia! Happy birthday!

Congratulations to Bronislav on his 20th birthday

So that those who are dear to the heart,
you were loved, understood,
To be the best for them
And in business to help,
So that at twenty yours
Life opens the way
To luck, happiness and love
And protected from trouble!
I wish all this
Bronislav, and congratulations!

Congratulations to my daughter for 20 years

My beloved daughter, I congratulate you on your twentieth birthday! I wish you joy, happiness, smiles, kindness, warmth and love! Let luck reveal its secrets! So that your life develops, so that you get married successfully and give birth to beautiful children!

Congratulations to Milena on her 20th birthday from a fan

I pray: "Let me out of captivity,
O incomparable Milena!"
I'm smitten by you,
I've become completely insane
All thoughts are only about you
You are the queen of my destiny
I write confessions to you
And I cry about my love
I send you congratulations
with your twentieth
Happy Birthday!

Congratulations to Rufina on her 20th birthday

Rufina, congratulations
With your twenty years
And I wish you everything
What good is there in the world!
Goodness and warmth
Let everything around light up
Always dream after dream
May it come true for you!

Congratulations to friend Boris on his 20th birthday

I will say, Boris, today
The most wonderful day
Let there be a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bgifts
On your 20th birthday!
Many achievements in life
So that you do not know defeat,
Friend, I congratulate you
From the bottom of my heart I wish you all the best!

30 years today exactly
your working life.
Congratulations from the bottom of our hearts
With this date is not easy.

Let there be enough inspiration
Continue in the same spirit.
Happiness to you, love, patience,
Never lose heart.

30 is not just experience,
This, I say, years
In life you treat
To people of a special breed.

Life and work for you
For a long time not just words,
Youth brought you here
And I found gray hair here.

Happy 30th anniversary
Please accept our congratulations,
You honestly deserve
Honor, glory and respect.

Congratulations on significant date, with honestly and soundly given 30 years of work. I wish you never to stop there and successfully conquer new peaks, I wish you to have a wide demand and universal respect, I wish you always to remain in good health and cheerfulness of the soul, I wish you family happiness and prosperity.

You worked faithfully for thirty years,
Even though sometimes it was difficult
Although there are many mistakes and misfortunes,
The heart has not hardened, it has not cooled down!

Let the years rush like a trio of horses,
And you stay in the ranks all the time,
There are so many loving people around
They will help you in everything, no doubt!

And you give us wisdom, your knowledge,
Give generously, without a trace,
Let the nightingales wake you up in the morning
And your life will be all right!

Congratulations on your 30th anniversary!
Let everything continue to be okay
I wish you success in everything
And so that dreams come true as soon as possible.

I wish you peace and health
So that loved ones are always waiting at home.
To fill the soul with joy with love,
Well, sadness never met.

Your grand anniversary
Thirty years already your experience,
You are easy and masterly
You will give odds to all beginners.

I wish not to be lazy
Continue the work path
Up to a hundred years to work
And shut everyone up by the belt!

30 years of work experience -
The reason is good for a feast,
And the team got together
Today, honor a hero.

We all love and respect you
And we call you a veteran
Without you, the work will immediately get up,
It's too early for you to leave.

We wish you health and strength,
Good luck in life, inspiration,
In the family of kindness, in the work of happiness,
And new labor achievements.

Few can walk this path
And time will whisper its own: "Do not forget."
We congratulate you on the 30th anniversary of labor
And we certainly wish you all the best.

And we applaud standing stamina,
After all, your work certainly deserves it.
Let all troubles bypass you,
We wish you a stable victory in everything.

The minutes go by so fast
Time has an important secret:
Thirty years is no joke
And where did all these years go?

You are an excellent worker, I know
You've always worked hard
I want decent pay
For the hard work!

You've been in this place for thirty years
Years fly by - incredible!
Always work with you
It's so easy for us, and so nice!

Thanks for the work, for the efforts,
You are no hard worker!
I want in one breath
We have been working for many years!

30 years to give to work,
Firmly harnessed to the furrow?
It's a feat, you know!
Where can I find such an example?
accept congratulations,
Listen to good words,
So that on a holiday bright, glorious
We were able to get happiness.
Great achievements for you
The meaning is to see the important in them.
And recognition, respect,
Striving for new frontiers.
May you be highly valued
Sadness will not break into the heart.

20 years dedicated to work
Gave a lot of knowledge, a lot of strength,
You breathe work, you live work,
Every day is like going to a party.
Congratulations, colleague, accept with all my heart,

Let the mood be wonderful
Let life give only inspiration.

20 years is a serious and long experience,
You are a real hero at work.
We need your experience
Your contribution to the firm has been invaluable.
On the day of the anniversary, accept congratulations,
May your dreams come true
Let luck knock on your door
I wish all your dreams come true.

20 years we are together in a team,
We work tirelessly
We love you, we appreciate you, we respect you,
Congratulations on your great accomplishments today.
We wish you good health, good luck,
All the best, prosperity in addition,
May your path be illuminated by a lucky star,
May the Lord always keep.

Today we celebrate a serious anniversary,
With 20 years of experience, we sincerely congratulate you,
We wish you good luck, joy, kindness,
So that strength, energy is enough for many years.
May your work inspire you
Let the salary always please
Let the mood be great
May fate generously reward you.

You gave 20 years to work,
Today all congratulations in your honor,
Recently you came to the factory, like,
And there are countless awards and accolades.
May God give you joy, kindness, patience,
Good luck and family warmth,
Let the mood always be excellent
May fate generously reward you.

You are an employee, just a class,
Everyone looks up to you
We need your experience, wisdom,
Your advice is so important.
Congratulations on your 20th anniversary,
We wish you peace, success in everything,
May health never fail you
May the Lord always keep from troubles.

You are a real hero
20 years is not a small experience,
You plunge into work with your head,
And fatigue runs away from you.
You are an example for each of us
We are always proud of you
Congratulations on your 20th anniversary,
We wish you good luck, health, kindness.