Pedagogical project with children of the middle group “Soon, soon the long-awaited New Year will come to us. Project "Our Merry New Year" (middle group) Didactic game "Decorate the Christmas tree for the holiday"

Chudinov Valery Alekseevich

born in 1942, Professor of the Department of Cultural Studies and Management at the State University of Management, Doctor of Philosophy, Candidate of Physics and Mathematics. Sciences. In 1967 he graduated from the physical. Faculty of Moscow State University, speaks German and English. Has over 120 publications. Scientific interests - Slavic mythology and paleography. Since 2002 - Chairman of the Commission on the History of Culture Ancient Rus' Council for the History of Culture under the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Recent printed monographs: Sacred stones and pagan temples of the ancient Slavs. 2004, 619 pages. Runitsa and the secrets of the archeology of Rus'. 2003, 425 pages. Mysteries of Slavic writing. 2002, 527 pages

Main achievements: Deciphered the Slavic pre-Cyrillic syllabary - runitsa stress on the first syllable and read more than 2,000 inscriptions to date. He proved the existence of three own types of writing among the Slavic peoples - Cyrillic, Glagolitic and runic. The presence of three own types of writing among the Slavic peoples is an unprecedented phenomenon in the history of culture and shows that the Slavs had the highest spiritual culture in antiquity ....

Alena Beletskaya
New Year's project in the middle group " Christmas story»

Municipal government educational institution cities Novosibirsk Kindergarten No. 428(middle group)

Project"Christmas story"

New Year's project in the middle group

Developed by the educator middle group:

Beletskaya Alena Evgenievna,

Novosibirsk 2018

Relevance project: everyone knows that the most favorite holiday of children is New Year. New Year's fuss, letters to Santa Claus, decoration of the Christmas tree and long-awaited gifts under it - all this cannot be compared even with a birthday. In preparation for the celebration new years, children often had questions Q: Why decorate the Christmas tree? Is Santa Claus real? Where does he live? Will Santa Claus bring gifts? To understand these issues will help the search and research activities carried out during the implementation project« Christmas story» .

Type project: information - practice - oriented, creative;

Target: familiarization with culture new year holiday, its traditions; development of artistic and aesthetic attitude to the surrounding reality, enrichment of children's impressions.


form positive attitude for family and community holidays. Familiarize yourself with the properties various items and materials, rules safe behavior V new year holidays.

Get to know diversity New Year's Christmas tree .

Development of artistic and aesthetic abilities, skills and abilities of productive activity.

To promote interaction between children and parents in making and collecting New Year's toys .

To form in children a cognitive interest in the traditions and customs of the celebration New Year with a Christmas tree, Santa Claus and gifts.

To introduce children to the homeland of Santa Claus - Veliky Ustyug.

To develop organizational skills in children in preparing and holding a holiday in kindergarten and family.

Improve cognitive and constructive skills to observe, consider, compare, analyze, reflect the results of their research in creative activity.

To promote the development of coherent speech; imagination; desire to memorize poems, songs.

Create New Year's Eve festive atmosphere in all activities.

Object of study: New Year as a source of joy.

Subject of study: New Year's traditions of our country, christmas tree.

Educational areas: "Knowledge", "Communication", "Socialization", "Work", "Artistic Creativity", "Music", "Reading fiction» .

Type project: short term.

Implementation stages project:

Stage I - preparatory.

Discussing goals and objectives with children and parents.

Creation necessary conditions for implementation project.

forward planning project.

Development and accumulation teaching materials on this topic.

Stage II - the main (practical).

Implementation in the educational process effective methods and techniques to expand the knowledge of preschoolers about new year holidays.

Stage III is the final one.

Registration of the result presentation project.

Organization and participation of parents in the exhibition "Christmas tree decoration".

Holding a final event "New Year"

I. Play activity:

Outdoor games: "Salki - Christmas trees", "Spruce, Christmas tree, Christmas tree", "Snow is spinning", "I'll freeze, Santa Claus", "Catch the snowball", “We will not say what we did, but we will show what we will do”, "Emelya catch up","Seeing off old year» , (singing with movement)

Didactic games: "Decorate the Christmas Tree", "Logic tree", "Collect a picture - Winter", "Cut Pictures", "Christmas toys are broken", "What's extra?", "Find differences".

Educational games: « christmas tree» , "Guess what tree?", "What branch are the kids from".

Dramatization: "How the animals celebrated the New Year".

II. cognitive activity:

Formation of a holistic picture peace:

"Christmas Toy Journey".

"Magic Box" (Consideration Christmas decorations) .


"On what geometric figure looks like a toy”, “Decorate the Christmas tree”, “What has changed”, “Find a couple”.

II. Conversations.

How to Celebrate the New Year;

“It’s good that every year the New Year comes to us”.

« Christmas tree» ;

"Where does Santa Claus live?";

"Veliky Ustyug - the residence of Father Frost";

“On safety rules when decorating a Christmas tree”;

Integrated classes to familiarize preschoolers with the traditions of the celebration New Year.

Conduct an interview children: What gift would you like to receive from Santa Claus?.

IV. Solving a problem situation.

"What can happen if the New Year does not come".

Participation of children in decoration groups.

decoration by children New Year's Christmas trees with their toys.

Decorate the playground with the kids using snow molds to create beautiful snow crafts and decorations.

VI. Communication.

Drafting stories"How we celebrate the New Year at home", "What toys are on our Christmas tree"

Drawing up a descriptive story about your Christmas tree toy,

"Christmas toys" - description according to the algorithm.

stories children about making toys in the family.

Reading S. Marshak "Twelve months", L. Voronkova "Tanya chooses a Christmas tree", N. Nosov "How we went for the tree", V. Odoevsky "Moroz Ivanovich".

Poetry memorization: S. Marshak "Christmas tree", "December" Z. Alexandrova "Father Frost", E. Ilyina "Our Tree", Ya. Akim "The tree is dressing up", K. Chukovsky "Christmas tree", E. Trutneva "Christmas Tree", E. Serova « new year adventure » . Learning verses for New Year's party.

Watching cartoons: "Wait for it!", "Santa Claus and the Gray Wolf" "Holidays in Prostokvashino", "Santa Claus and Summer", "How the Hedgehog and the Bear cub celebrated the New Year".

Learning verses for the matinee.

Learning songs, round dances, dances and games.

IX. Artistic creativity:

Drawing "Spruce branches", "Snowman", "Bullfinches", teamwork "Piggy", letters - drawings to Santa Claus.

Target: Teaching children to draw from nature spruce branch, conveying the features of its structure, coloring and placement in space, continue to teach children non-traditional methods of drawing techniques.

Modeling from plasticine "Ringing Bells", "Snowman", "Bullfinches", "Bear".

Target: To teach children to create voluminous hollow plasticine crafts. Improve visual technique - learn to sculpt from a ball by indentation and shape modeling.

Application "Christmas trees of beauty", "Snowman", teamwork "Bullfinches", "Northern bear", "pigs - toys", "Christmas Trees".

Target: Arouse the desire to create Greeting Cards with your own hands. To fix the method of symmetrical cutting of a complex shape along a drawn contour or by eye. Learn how to make postcards. Support the desire to independently combine familiar techniques for decorating an applique image. Continue to introduce non-traditional methods applications.

X. Music.

Song learning: "On the path we go", "The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree", "Crystal Winter".

XI. Working with parents.

Preparing costumes for New Year's holiday.

Participation in the exhibition New Year's toys"Miracles with your own hands".

Help with decorating groups.

Consultation: "What to give for the new year".

folder mover « Interesting Facts about the new year.

Help in carrying out new year holiday

Expected Result.

for children:

Introduction to culture and traditions new year holiday(acquaintance with the homeland of Santa Claus - Veliky Ustyug, customs of celebration New Year, to form a cognitive interest in diversity New Year's toys and the tradition of decorating Christmas tree).

Development of children's interest in artistic creativity.

Get an emotional response from your work.

Creating a festive, joyful and happy atmosphere New Year's fairy tale.

for teachers:

Decor project creating an atmosphere like New Year's fairy tale.

Formation of a positive attitude towards family and public holidays, to form in children a cognitive interest in the traditions and customs of the celebration New Year with a Christmas tree, Santa Claus and his Motherland, Christmas decorations, decorations Christmas tree and gifts.

Familiarization with the rules of safe behavior in New Year holidays.

Contribute to the development of coherent speech, imagination, desire to memorize poems, songs.

Improve cognitive and constructive skills to observe, analyze, consider, compare, reflect the results of their research in creative activity.

Creation New Year's Eve festive and joyful atmosphere New Year's fairy tale.

for parents:

Increasing the level of awareness of parents about the activities of preschool educational institutions;

Active participation of parents in the life of the kindergarten and groups.

To form a positive attitude towards family and public holidays and their traditions, familiarizing them with the rules of safe behavior in new year holidays.

Creation New Year's Eve festive, joyful and happy atmosphere New Year's fairy tale.

Members project: children middle group, parents of pupils, educators groups.

Completion project:

Exhibition New Year's toys;

Exhibition of children's drawings and crafts;

To express gratitude to the most active parents for participating in the organization project;

New Year's party"New Year in Sunny Limpopo".

Organization: MDOU Krutoyarsky kindergarten

Location: Ryazan region, p. Krutoyarsky

Project type:
cognitive - creative

Project participants:
children of the middle group, educators, parents, music director.

Project duration
short term (2 weeks)
Objective of the project:
introducing children to Russian national culture through acquaintance with the New Year holiday and its traditions.

Project objectives:


  • Acquaintance of children with the history of the New Year holiday in Russia.
  • Formation of children's cognitive interest in Russian national traditions(celebrate the New Year with a Christmas tree, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, songs)
  • The development of children's speech skills, the desire to memorize poems.
  • Development of imagination and creative abilities of children through productive activities.
  • Raising interest and respect for the folk traditions of the New Year, actively participate in the preparations for the holiday.
  • Creating a festive and fabulous atmosphere, joyful mood

Involving parents in active participation in the life of the group and preparation for the New Year's holiday

Organization and creation of a subject-game festive environment, holding a New Year's holiday


On the eve of the New Year, talking with the children, it turned out that they know little about this holiday. Children absolutely do not know the history of the origin of this holiday, its traditions and customs. Thus, the idea arose to carry out this project so that children could become direct participants in the preparations for the New Year, could fully plunge into the pre-New Year atmosphere of emotions and impressions, as well as learn the folk traditions of celebrating the New Year.

Relevance of the topic: This project aims to involve children in folk holidays, their features of carrying out. Children know little about the history of the origin of Russian holidays, their traditions and customs. Parents do not involve children in making or choosing gifts, but give everything ready. And how can children find out how long to wait for the New Year, what gifts to give, how to behave on a holiday, how does one holiday differ from another? Our project will help children and parents to become direct participants in the preparations for the New Year, to fully immerse themselves in the pre-New Year's storm of emotions and impressions.

Expected Result

  • Children will get acquainted with the history of the holiday and the New Year traditions of the Russian people
  • Children will enrich their vocabulary on the topic, children will learn poems about the holiday
  • Children will learn to show imagination and creativity when creating New Year's crafts, drawings.

Distribution of activities by project stages

The implementation of the project is designed for _2_ weeks: from "15" _December_ to "28"


Teacher activity

Children activities

Parents activities

1. preparatory

Determining the theme of the project. Formulation of the purpose and objectives of the project. Drawing up an action plan. Selection of conversations, physical education minutes, finger games, development of GCD.

Participate in the definition of knowledge on the topic of the project

Introduce parents to the topic of the project. Involve parents in project activities.


Conducting conversations, GCD, didactic games, finger gymnastics, outdoor games, physical education sessions on the topic of the project; organization of reading fiction, poetry. Learning songs, watching cartoons. Counseling parents "New Year and children"

Participate in project activities

Participate in preparations for the New Year's holiday, decoration of the group.

New Year's Eve.

Participate in determining knowledge about the New Year at the final stage; Participate in the matinee "Visiting the Christmas Tree"

Attend the exhibition creative works children, as well as a New Year's party.

Project work plan




1 day

Conversation « New Year traditions». Purpose: To acquaint children with the traditions of celebrating the New Year in Russia.

Lesson on FEMP "Snowman".

Target: Formation of elementary mathematical representations.

Finger gymnastics "Herringbone". Purpose: development fine motor skills fingers and hands.

Didactic game"Make a Snowman"

Target: to form a holistic perception of the subject, to teach how to properly arrange ready-made forms, to activate speech during and after the task.

NOD Application "Christmas tree in the snow"

Target: To teach children how to create an image of an elegant festive Christmas tree.

Watching the cartoon "Santa Claus and Summer." Purpose: to give children the joy of watching a cartoon, to teach them to share their impressions.

Reading the fairy tale "Frost is a red nose."

Target: Introduce children to new fairy tale. Learn to listen carefully, highlight the main idea.

GCD for the development of speech: "Winter". Target: To teach children to clearly answer questions, maintain a dialogue, retell in their own words.

Mobile game "Winter fun". Purpose: To teach children to repeat words after the teacher and perform actions according to the text.

Didactic game "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

Target: clarify and expand the vocabulary on the topic.

GCD for the FCM “New Year”.

Target: Expand your understanding of the world around you.

Watching the cartoon "Timoshkina Tree". Purpose: To give children the joy of watching a cartoon, to teach them to share their impressions.

Reading poems: “A Christmas tree was born in the forest” by R. Kudashov; "Christmas Tree" by K. Chukovsky. Purpose: To introduce children to creativity. Learn to listen carefully to poems, memorize poems.

GCD for drawing « Let's help the snowman find friends." Target: continue to teach children to draw an object consisting of several circles. To consolidate the skills of drawing along the contour without leaving it. Develop an eye, a sense of color, shape and proportion.

Work in the book corner: guessing riddles about winter. Purpose: To teach children to listen carefully and solve riddles.

Group decoration.




1 day

Conversation "Holiday is fun." Purpose: To continue to acquaint with such a holiday as the New Year; develop the ability to answer questions in full sentences, activate the dictionary; educate the ability to listen to the stories of peers.

Lesson on FEMP on the topic: "Journey to Zimushka-Winter". Purpose: consolidation of mathematical knowledge, skills and abilities through the game - travel.

Didactic game "Put down the tree."

Target: teach how to properly lay out a Christmas tree from triangles, focusing on their size, fix the dictionary on the topic.

Song learning:"Little Christmas Tree", "Father Frost Walked Through the Forest."

Modeling lesson on the topic: "The Snow Maiden is dancing." Purpose: To arouse interest in a fairy-tale hero, the desire to convey it in modeling.
finger game "Grandfather Freezing".

Watching the cartoon "Snow Maiden". Purpose: To give children the joy of watching a cartoon, to teach them to share their impressions.

Reading the fairy tale "Snow Maiden". Purpose: to introduce children to a new fairy tale. Learn to listen carefully, highlight the main idea.

Advice for parents: "New Year and children."

Finger game "Snowball". Goal: Development of fine motor skills of hands and fingers.

Outdoor game: Hello, winter-winter! Purpose: To teach to perform actions according to the text.

Teamwork teacher and children: "Christmas tree from the palms." Purpose: To teach children to self-prepare the material for the application. Instill a desire to create crafts with your own hands. The development of a sense of form. Learning to work with scissors. Creating a New Year's Eve!

Finger game: Walk. Goal: Development of fine motor skills of hands and fingers.

Didactic game: “What is on the tree, and what (who) is under the tree? ". Purpose: to consolidate the understanding of the prepositions on and under, to activate the vocabulary on the topic.

New Year's Eve.


  1. N.G. Zelenova "We live in Russia" Moscow 2007
  2. Z.A. Efanova " Complex classes in the middle group" Volgograd 2012
  3. D.N. Koldina "Application with children 4-5 years old" Moscow 2013
  4. O.N.Ivanishkhina, E.A.Rumyantseva "Development of coherent speech of children" middle group Volgograd 2014.

Project type: creative

Implementation timeline: short term project(3 weeks).

Project participants:



Relevance: This project is aimed at familiarizing children with folk holidays, their features. Children know little about the history of the origin of Russian holidays, their traditions and customs. And how can children find out how long to wait for the New Year, what gifts to give, how to behave on a holiday, how does one holiday differ from another? The project will help children and parents to become direct participants in the preparations for the New Year, to fully immerse themselves in the pre-New Year's storm of emotions and impressions.

The purpose of the project: to form the concept of "holiday", its characteristic features and significance in people's lives on the example of the New Year.

Project objectives:

To disassemble the concept of a holiday - the New Year, to highlight its characteristic features: paraphernalia, attitude and mood of people, rules of conduct, traditions.

Arouse a desire to participate in preparations for the holiday (decorating the group, making manuals, crafts, photo newspapers about the New Year).

Involve parents as active participants in the life of the group in preparation for the New Year holiday.

Expected result:

Enriching children's knowledge about the New Year holiday

Children's awareness of the kind, caring attitude of people to each other and mood during the holiday - New Year

Active participation of children and parents in preparation for the New Year

The question arose in the group how to find out how many days are left until the New Year, what we need to do. This is how the New Year's Eve Calendar was born.

2 Implementation of the New Year project

Preparatory stage:

1. Determining the theme of the project;

2. Formulation of the purpose and objectives of the project;

3. Drawing up a plan for the implementation of the main stage of the project;

4. Selection of informational, visual and technical material for the project;

Main stage: Joint and independent activities of children and adults

Thematic classes and conversations “What is the New Year”, “Rules of conduct at the holiday”, “What gift do I want for the New Year”, “How to decorate the house for the New Year”, viewing the presentation “New Year is coming soon”.

Didactic games "Who lives where", "Decorate the Christmas tree"

Descriptive riddles about animate and inanimate nature in winter (about animals, seasonal phenomena, winter precipitation)

Word games "Guess and name", "What's in Santa's bag", "Say the opposite"

Outdoor games “Freeze”, “Freeze” Role-playing game “Mothers and Daughters”, “Family”, “Kindergarten”, “Toy Store” Reading fiction. . Stories, tales and riddles about winter and new year holiday.

Cognitive fairy tales about winter nature.

Watching cartoons: "Snowman-mailer", "Snow Maiden", "The Tale of the New Year", "Santa Claus and Summer", "When the Christmas trees are lit." Books for reading, viewing and discussion: “When it happens”, “What is the New Year”, “Snow Maiden”, “Wintering of animals”, poems about the New Year

Artistic and aesthetic development.

Origami "Snow Maiden"

Postcard for the New Year

Santa's mitten

Plasticineography "Snowflake"

Collective work "In the New Year's Forest"

Drawings and applications on the New Year theme Interaction with the family.

Competition "New Year's toy"

Decoration of the group The final stage of the New Year's holiday "New Year's mail".

Antipyretics for children are prescribed by a pediatrician. But there are situations emergency care in fever, when the child needs to be given medicine immediately. Then the parents take responsibility and use antipyretic drugs. What is allowed to give to infants? How can you bring down the temperature in older children? What medicines are the safest?

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Romodanovsky kindergarten of a combined type"

Romodanovsky municipal district of the Republic of Mordovia

Project on the theme "We celebrate the New Year"

for pupils of the middle group

Developed by: Melnikova E.P.


Highest qualification category

Agreed: senior educator

I.A. Levashova


Relevance and significance.

The diversity, richness, and spiritual wisdom of the lives of our ancestors present excellent opportunities for the education of morality. Therefore, the main idea of ​​the project is based on the formation of love and affection for one's culture, one's people through the rational use of public holidays based on musical folklore, oral folk art, traditions and customs.

Everyone knows that the most favorite holiday of children is the New Year. New Year's fuss, letters to Santa Claus, decoration of the Christmas tree and long-awaited gifts under it - all this cannot be compared even with a birthday. In preparation for the celebration of the New Year, children often had questions: why decorate the Christmas tree? Is Santa Claus real? Where does he live? Will Santa Claus bring gifts? The search and research activities carried out during the implementation of the project "We celebrate the New Year" will help to understand these issues.

The purpose of our project is not only to acquaint children with the traditions of celebrating the New Year, but also to give the child a holiday and gifts, a real New Year's Magic!

An important place in this project is the study and preservation of the traditions of celebrating the New Year, which helps to satisfy the cognitive interest of children in this holiday. The project is aimed at children preschool age and allows you to create a joyful emotional atmosphere on the eve of the New Year holiday

Object of study : New Year - as a source of joy.

Subject of research: New Year's traditions of our country.

Project type:

According to the composition of participants - group (children, parents, teachers)

According to the target setting - informational, creative.

In terms of implementation - short-term (two weeks).

Target: To acquaint with the traditions of celebrating the New Year in our country.

- To acquaint with the traditions of the New Year holiday: making gifts, welcoming guests.

Develop cognitive and sensory abilities in the process of exploration various materials(fabric, paper, foil, plasticine, natural material).

Learn to create expressive images on your own in drawing, modeling, appliqué).

To develop motor, rhythmic abilities and the ability to create an expressive image in movement, dancing.

Encourage conversation on a variety of topics.

To develop organizational skills in children in preparing and holding a holiday in kindergarten and family.

Create New Year's Eve festive atmosphere in all activities.

Organization of activities within the framework of the project.

Conversation "It's good that every year the New Year comes to us."

Conduct interviews with children: "What gift would you like to receive from Santa Claus."

Selection and viewing of video cartoons on the New Year theme.

Reading and discussion of fairy tales, songs, poems, guessing riddles (New Year's theme);

Selection and learning of poems for the New Year's party.

Selection and examination of reproductions, photographs, postcards;

Selection of coloring pages on the New Year theme;

Organization of exhibitions of children's creativity.

Final event : New Year's holiday: "The New Year has come to us"

The theme of classes to familiarize preschoolers with the traditions of celebrating the New Year.

  • " Guests" Formation of a holistic picture of the world (cognitive development)
  • “Get up in a round dance to celebrate the New Year!” »Speech development, ( speech development)
  • "In the New Year's Forest"Construction (cognitive development)

Artistic and aesthetic development

Reading fiction.

Reading poems about the Christmas tree. Suteev "Yolka", trans. M. Mikhalkov "Two Frosts", A. Ganzen "Christmas Tree", M. Druzhinina "Santa Claus", "Clapperboard", riddles about the Christmas tree, snowflakes, Usachev "Santa Claus in kindergarten"

Workshop of Santa Claus.

  • “Snowfall”, “We dressed the Christmas tree with toys” Application
  • "Snowmen in hats and scarves", "Our tree" Drawing
  • "Snow Woman-Franky", "Christmas Balls" modeling

Listening to music, singing songs.

Cognitive and communicative activity.

Didactic games:

  • "What season?"
  • "What will we decorate the Christmas tree with?"
  • "Make puzzles"
  • "Collect the figurines"
  • "Give toys by color"
  • "What's in Santa's bag?"
  • "What does it look like"
  • "Help the Dunno count the snowflakes"

Word games:

  • "Present"
  • "Name four things"
  • "Bring the picture to life?"
  • "It happens or it doesn't"
  • "Who Can Do What"
  • "New Year's holiday soon?"
  • Why does New Year happen in winter?
  • "Writing a letter to Santa Claus"
  • "What gifts are you looking forward to?"

Examination of paintings, photos.

  • "Holiday in Kindergarten"
  • How do kids get ready for Christmas?
  • "How I celebrated the New Year in the family"
  • "Snow, ice"
  • "Colored ice cubes"
  • "Slippery Path"
  • “Who is coming to us for the holiday (footprints large and small)
  • "Heavy - light"
  • "Why did the snow melt?"

Game situations:

  • Santa's box.
  • "We're going, we're going, we're going"
  • "Decorate our group."
  • "Toy Holiday"

Construction games: "Teremok for animals", "Gorki"

Physical culture and recreation activities

  • Outdoor games: "Hares and the wolf”, “Wake up the bear”, “Mitten”, “I will freeze”, “Merry bell”, round dance “Christmas tree”, “Snow figure freeze”.
  • Breathing exercises:“How the wolf howls”, “Wind, breeze, windmill”.
  • Finger games: "Bunny”, “Whose ears?”, “Squirrel jumping on a branch”.


"Wait for it! ”, “Santa Claus and the Gray Wolf”, “Vacations in Prostokvashino”, “Santa Claus and Summer”, “How the Hedgehog and the Bear cub met the New Year”.

Interaction with parents:

  • Joint activities of parents and children. Exhibition of works "New Year's Tale"
  • Preparation of costumes for the New Year's holiday. Conducting the New Year's holiday "The New Year has come to us."
  • Help in the design of the group for the new year.
  • Communication with children in a group on the topic: “How we celebrate the New Year in the family” (preparation of presentations)
  • Advice: "What to give for the new year"
  • "Children's safety during the New Year holidays"
  • "Children's New Year. How to arrange a holiday.


1. Dybina O. V. Child and the world. program and guidelines. - M.: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2005.

2. Koldina D. N. Modeling and application with children 6-7 years old: lesson notes. –M. : Mosaic - Synthesis, 2012.

3. Kutsakova L. V. Design and manual labor in kindergarten. Handbook for the kindergarten teacher. - M .: "Enlightenment", 1990.

4. Lishtvan Z. V. Design. Handbook for the kindergarten teacher. - M.: "Enlightenment", 1981.

5. Lykova I. A. Visual activity in kindergarten. Senior group. –M. : Karapuz-Didactics, 2007.

6. Ushakova O. S. Familiarization of preschoolers with literature and speech development: Methodological guide. - M.: TC Sphere, 2013.

7. Ushakova U. M., Strunina E. M. Speech development in children aged 5–6 years: program, guidelines, notes of classes, games and exercises. –M:.Ventana – Graf, 2010.

Municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten of combined type No. 32"


Full name of the project: "New Year"

Project duration: one month (December 2012)

Project type: short-term, educational and creative

Project participants (adults, children): children senior group, teachers, parents.

Children age: 5-6 years old

The problem that is significant for children, which the project is aimed at solving:

The New Year holiday is approaching, and children know little about the history of the celebration, about the differences between Santa Claus and Santa Claus, about the ways of making gifts and congratulating relatives and friends.

Objective of the project:

The use of various types of children's activities in the framework of the project;

Creation of conditions for children's creativity;

Familiarization of children with the traditions of celebrating the New Year in Russia and in other countries;

Formation of holiday culture skills.

Project objectives:

For children:

Involve children in active participation in the preparation for the holiday and its holding;

Cultivate a sense of satisfaction from participating in collective festive activities;

Lay the foundations of a festive culture;

To evoke an emotionally positive attitude towards its preparation;

Cause an emotionally positive attitude towards the upcoming holiday, a desire to actively participate in its preparation;

Arouse the desire to congratulate loved ones on the holiday, present gifts made by oneself;

Get to know New Year's Eve different countries peace.

For teachers:

Apply various forms and techniques in the creative activity of children;

Improve interaction with the families of pupils;

For parents:

Learn about the history of New Year celebrations in different countries;

The form of the final event of the project:

Entertainment for children

The name of the final event of the project.

"Christmas Miracles"

Project products:

For children:

For teachers:

Project "New Year"

For parents:

Expected results for the project

For children:

Children should learn that the New Year was not immediately celebrated in winter; be able to distinguish Santa Claus from Santa Claus; should know that the Snow Maiden is only in Russia. be able to portray new year symbols: Christmas tree, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden; make simple gifts for relatives.

For teachers:

Increasing children's knowledge about holiday traditions; improving skills in the artistic activities of children;

For parents:

The desire to actively participate in the preparation and participation in the holidays of the group and kindergarten.

Educator _____________ Kamenskaya N.V.

Project stages


Actions of teachers


family members and social partners

Preparatory (problem, planning, forecasting the results / products of the project)

Memorizing poems about the New Year.

Examination of illustrations on the New Year theme

Studying, preparing material on the topic: conversations with children, memos for parents, do-it-yourself interior decorations.

By selection of children's fiction for reading.

Selection of didactic games on the topic.

Preparation of a computer presentation for children of senior preschool age.

Participation in the decoration of the group, help in the design of didactic games


(immediate project activities, step-by-step assessment)

    "New Year in the City"

Purpose: to tell and show the beauty of the winter city before the holiday.

    "Dreams of Santa Claus"

Purpose: to fantasize about the plans of Santa Claus.

    "Winter fun"

Purpose: to remember winter sports with children.

    "Ded Moroz and Snegurochka"

Purpose: to tell about the history of the appearance of the girl Snegurochka, that she is only in Russia.

    "How to congratulate relatives?"

Purpose: to tell children about ways to congratulate relatives and friends.

Narration based on the painting "New Year's Carnival";

A story from the experience "Let's order a gift to Santa Claus";

"Letter to Santa Claus";

Learning the poem "Yolka" by E. Trutnev;

Drawing up a descriptive story "Demonstration of the New Year's costume";

Compilation of a story from the experience of "New Year's miracles".

Reading fiction:

N. Nekrasov "Moroz-Voevoda";

V.Stepanov "Night";

V. Odoevsky "Visiting Grandfather Frost";

N. Sladkov "Why the year is round";

S. Marshak "Twelve months";

S. Yesenin "Bird cherry";

P. Bazhov "Silver Hoof"

- "Frost" in the processing of A.N. Tolstoy;

A. Ostrovsky "Snow Maiden";

V. Bianki "The Book of Winter";

- "Moroz Ivanovich" V. Odoevsky;

N. Nosov "On the hill"; E. Moshkovskaya "Lezheboka";

E. Trutneva "Yolka" (poetry);

K. Fofanova "Dressed up the Christmas tree" (poetry);

S. Marshak "The Song of the Christmas Tree" (poetry).

2 . Plot - role-playing games:

- "A toy shop"; - "The family is preparing for the new year"

- "Workshop of Santa Claus";

Outdoor games:

- "Frost Red Nose"

Physical education minutes: "Snowflakes"; "Our tree".


- "Big and small spruces (subject drawing)";

- "Snowman and Christmas tree" (on presentation);

- "Snow Maiden" (Goal: to learn to draw a female portrait);

- "What I liked most about the New Year's holiday";

- "Outfit for the Snow Maiden (decorative drawing)";

Modeling: "Girl Snow Maiden"

Application: "Snowman-mailer"; - "Mittens for Santa Claus";

- « Christmas tree"(volumetric application).

Manual labor:

- "Christmas tree decorations - a flashlight";

- "Throne for Grandfather Frost" (paper construction)


- "Winter" (music by P.I. Tchaikovsky);

- "Waltz of the Snowflakes" (from the ballet "The Nutcracker" by P.I. Tchaikovsky);

Reading a poem by K. Fofanov “Dressed up a Christmas tree”;

1. Registration of a game library of didactic games on New Year's theme :

- "Seasons";

- "What happens in winter";

- "Christmas tree";

- "Put the words in place";

- "Brothers months";

- "What season is it in the forest?";

- "Who winters where?";

- “Wintering or migratory”;

- "Whose traces?";

- "Bird on the feeder";

- "What happens in winter?";

- "White snow fell";

- "What is superfluous?";

- "Call me affectionately";

- "Make a snowman";

-"The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree";

- "One-many";

- "Decorate the Christmas tree for the holiday";

- “What is on the tree, who is under the tree?”;

- "What firewood?"

Consultations for parents;

- "Where did the New Year's holiday come from";

- "Traditions of celebrating the New Year in the countries of the world";

- "Safety of children on holidays";

- "Rules of conduct for parents at matinees" - a brochure).


(presentation of project products and reflection - reflections on new knowledge or experience)

Drawing up a story about the toy "A gift from Santa Claus";

Compilation of creative stories "What is the New Year" based on impressions of the past holiday.

Presentation of the New Year project

The children got to know holiday history, forms of speech work allowed them to enrich the dictionary, develop monologue and dialogic speech. In artistic activities, children expressed their attitude to the holiday with interest, their ideas about what the New Year is.

Play activity in role-playing games has become a source of new communication skills.

Waiting for New Year's miracles” brought a lot of positive emotions to the children. Preparation for the holidays as part of the project activities will allow you to get acquainted with the folklore and traditions of different countries, respectively children's age, questions in conversations will become more complicated, the level of complexity of crafts in artistic and creative activities will increase.

Parents of pupils are very fond of the holidays that take place in kindergarten. They are looking forward to the New Year with special impatience - they try to help decorate the group, prepare carnival costumes for their children. It was very pleasant and unexpected for them to find out what their children want to receive as a gift from Santa Claus, this helped them in choosing gifts for the Christmas tree at home. The interest of parents in participation and preparation and participation in group holidays has increased.

Proverbs and sayings about snow

    A lot of snow - a lot of bread, a lot of water - a lot of grass.

    No matter how you wash, you will not be whiter than snow.

    Will inflate snow - bread will arrive; water will spill - hay will be typed.

    Not the snow that sweeps, but that which comes from above.

    White snow on black earth and then to the face.

    The snow is deep - the year is good.

    There would be a snowball - so we roll up a lump.

    Whiter than white.

    There is no snow and no trace.

    Obtain snow in the fields in winter - you will be with bread in the fall.

    Snow will cover everything.

    The snow is cold, but shelters from the cold.

    More forest - more snow, more snow - more bread.

    More snow in the fields - more bread in the bins.

    Snow to the earth-breadwinner is a warm casing.



What is New Year?
It's all the other way around:
Trees grow in the room
Squirrels do not gnaw cones,

Hares next to the wolf
On a thorny tree!
The rain is also not easy,
In the New Year it is golden,

Shine that there is urine,
Nobody gets wet
Even Santa Claus
Doesn't pinch anyone's nose.

K. Chukovsky

Winter before the holiday
For the green tree
Dress white herself
Sewn without a needle.

Shake off the white snow
Christmas tree with a bow
And is the most beautiful of all
In a green dress.

Green color suits her
Elka knows this.
How is she on New Year's Eve?
Well dressed!

T. Volgina

What is New Year?
This is a friendly dance
This is the laughter of funny guys
Near all the elegant Christmas trees.

What is New Year?
Everyone knows in advance;
These are pipes and violins,
Jokes, songs and smiles.
The one who wants to be cheerful
Would this New Year
Let today be with us
Singing a loud song!

S. Marshak

What grows on the tree?
Cones and needles.
colorful balls
They don't grow on a tree.
Do not grow on a tree
Gingerbread and flags
Nuts don't grow
In golden paper.
These flags and balloons
Grew up today
For Russian kids
On New Year's holiday.
In the cities of my country,
In villages and towns
So many lights have grown
On merry trees!

S. Marshak

In December, in December
All trees are in silver.

Our river, as if in a fairy tale,
Frost paved the night
Updated skates, sleds,
I brought a Christmas tree from the forest.

The tree cried at first
From home warmth.
Stop crying in the morning
She breathed, she came alive.

Her needles tremble a little,
The branches were on fire.
Like a ladder, a Christmas tree
The fires fly up.
Flappers glitter with gold.
I lit a star with silver
Run to the top
The bravest bastard.

A year has passed like yesterday.
Over Moscow at this hour
The clock of the Kremlin tower strikes
Your salute - twelve times.

Trutneva E. - "Yolka"

Christmas tree grew
In the forest on the mountain.
She has needles
Silver in winter.

On her bumps
Ice cubes are knocking
snow coat
Lies on the shoulders.

Lived under the tree bunny
With my bunny.
A flock has arrived
Tap dance from the fields.

They came to the tree
And wolves in winter...
We took the tree
From the forest home.
Christmas tree dressed up
IN new outfit -
On thick needles
The sparkles are on fire.

The fun has begun
Songs and dance!
Is it good, tree,
Do you have us?


Dressed up the Christmas tree in a festive dress:

In colorful garlands, in bright lights,

And stands, sparkling, a Christmas tree in a magnificent hall,

Sadly remembering the old days.

The Christmas tree is dreaming of an evening, monthly and starry,

Snowy glade, sad cry of wolves

And pine neighbors, in frosty mantles,

Everything is in a diamond shine, in fluff of snow.

And the neighbors stand in gloomy sadness,

They dream and drop white snow from the branches ...

They dream of a Christmas tree in a lighted hall,

Laughter and stories of joyful children.

I. Tokmakova

It happens in the world
That only once a year
The tree is lit
A wonderful star.
The star burns, does not melt,
Shines beautiful ice.
And immediately comes
Happy New Year!

I. Chernitskaya

Who is in an elegant warm coat,
With a long white beard
Comes to visit on New Year's Eve
And ruddy, and gray-haired?
He plays with us, dances,
With him, the holiday is more fun!
- Santa Claus on our Christmas tree
The most important of the guests!


(to the New Year project)

    Didactic game "Christmas tree"
    The teacher asks the children to answer the question by choosing the right adjectives for the nouns:
    What is the Christmas tree? (
    Shiny, festive, fluffy, lively, artificial, elegant, prickly, green, slender, big, small, fresh, branchy, odorous )
    What does the Christmas tree do for us? (
    Shines, glows, shines, stands, smells )
    How does a festive tree appear in a house or kindergarten? (
    It was bought, cut down, brought, delivered, installed, decorated )

    Didactic game "Put words in place"
    Kids, with the necessary help of the teacher, make sentences from the given words and arrange the words in the correct order.
    Year, soon, the holiday, the New, will come. (
    New Year's Eve is Coming Soon )
    K, get ready, kids, him, everyone. (
    All the kids are getting ready for it. )
    Christmas trees, already, decorated, we, New Year's. (
    We have already decorated the Christmas trees )
    Boys, poems, songs, girls, study, and. (Boys and girls study poems and songs)
    They are waiting, Santa, with, Frost, everything, impatiently. (
    Everyone is looking forward to Santa Claus )
    Good, Frost, for kids, will bring, grandfather, gifts. (
    Santa Claus will bring good gifts to kids )

    Didactic game "Brothers-months"
    The teacher reads to the children of the group of months of the year and offers to determine where the “extra” month is, explaining this accordingly.
    March, April, October. (
    Extra October, because it is an autumn month, and the rest of the months are spring )
    December, July, January. (
    Extra July, because it is a summer month, and the rest are winter )
    April, October, November. (
    Extra April, because it is a spring month, and October and November are autumn )
    June, July, September. (
    Extra September, because the rest of the months are summer, and September is autumn )

    Didactic game "What season is in the forest?"
    The teacher reads a series of words to the kids and invites the children to name the season to which the given words are related, for example:
    Snowdrop (
    spring), strawberries ( summer), streams ( spring), snow ( winter), primrose ( spring), nuts ( autumn), blackberry ( summer), freezing ( winter), chicks ( summer), frost ( winter), leaf fall ( autumn), cobwebs ( autumn), thawed patches ( spring), heat ( summer), silence ( winter), gilding ( autumn), mushrooms ( autumn).

    Didactic game "Who winters where?"

The teacher throws the ball to the children and names the animal. The child catches the ball and names the place of his wintering.

    Didactic game "Wintering or migratory?"

The teacher throws the ball and calls the bird, and the child catches the ball and says what kind of bird it is - wintering or migratory. And vice versa.

    Didactic game "Whose traces?"

The teacher shows the traces shown in the pictures, and the child says to whom they belong.

    Didactic game "Birds on the feeder".

The teacher names the bird. Children choose food for her and name it.

    Didactic game "What happens in winter?"

Example. Snowing. There are no leaves on the trees. The river is frozen. Cold. People wear warm clothes. Children go ice skating and skiing.

    Didactic game "White snow fell"

Target: clarify and expand the vocabulary on the topic, learn to coordinate words with movement.

Equipment: real snow and icicles.

Move. An adult brings home snow and icicles of various sizes. Considers them with the child. An adult activates the child’s speech with questions: “What color is the snow? (white) And what kind of icicle? (transparent) What do they feel like? (cold, soft snow, hard icicle). Watch as snow and icicles melt and turn into water. The surveillance then continues outside or from a window. The child answers the questions of the adult: “What lies on the ground? What snow? What is under the roof? What icicle? After that, the adult offers the child to warm up, as it is cold outside. They will sing a poem, performing with the child all the movements corresponding to the text:

A white snow fell -

We all gathered in a circle

We are sinking, we are sinking

Let's dance merrily

Let's warm our hands.

We clap, we clap

For us to have more fun

Let's jump faster.

We will jump, we will jump

    Didactic game "What is superfluous?"

Equipment: pictures depicting items for games at different times of the year or real items (sled, ball, shovel, skates, bicycle, skis, paper boat, jump rope, etc.), a plot picture on the topic “Winter Fun”.

Move. The adult offers the child to choose and name only those items that are necessary for winter games. Extra items are removed. If it is difficult, an adult helps him. During the game, the child asks questions: “What is this? What is needed? How to play with it? Then one or more puffy pictures are offered for consideration, which show children skiing, skating, building a snowman, clearing the ski path, activates the child’s speech with questions: “What color is the snow in the picture? What's with the boy? What is needed? How is the boy dressed? Why is he warmly dressed? etc.

    Didactic game "Call it affectionately" ( with the nouns of the topic)

snow - snowball ice - ice

icicle - icicle sled - sleigh

hill - hill shovel - shovel

13. Didactic game "Make a snowman"

Target: to form a holistic perception of the subject, to teach how to properly arrange ready-made forms, to activate speech during and after the task.

Equipment: three white circles of different sizes.

Move. Following the model of an adult, a child lays out a snowman from three circles. The adult pays attention to the sequence of the figures, asking: “What is the name of this figure? What color is she? Which circle will you put on the bottom? (big) What then? (middle) Which circle will be at the top? (small) Call him affectionately (circle, circle).

14. Didactic game "A Christmas tree was born in the forest"

Target: clarify and expand the vocabulary on the topic,

Equipment: real or artificial Christmas tree.

Move. An adult invites a child to consider a Christmas tree. He explains that a Christmas tree is a tree, it has a trunk, branches, needles. The child’s speech activates with questions: “What color is the trunk? What color are the needles? Feel the needles, what are they? (sharp) Show the lower sources, the upper ones. Where does the tree grow? Then the adult and the child learn the first verse of the song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

15. Didactic game "One - many » (with related nouns)

Christmas tree - Christmas tree branch - branches

needle - needles bump - bumps

16. Didactic game "Decorate the Christmas tree for the holiday"

Target expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic.

Equipment: real or artificial Christmas tree, five to seven Christmas decorations.

Move. First, a Christmas tree without toys is considered. The child is asked to tell everything he knows about her. Then they specify what holiday will be soon and how to prepare the Christmas tree for it. After that, toys are considered. An adult activates the child's speech with questions about the color of toys, explains what toys are - glass, paper, plastic. Invites the child to hang the toy, specifying on which branches (lower, upper, long, short).

17. Didactic game "Call it affectionately" (with related nouns)

tree - herringbone needle - needle

branch - twig cone - cone

ball - ball

18. Didactic game "What's on the tree, and what (who) is under the tree?"

Target: consolidate the understanding of the prepositions on and under, activate the vocabulary on the topic.

Equipment: dressed up Christmas tree, toy Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, a gift under the tree.

Move. An adult asks the child to show and say what he sees on the tree, and what or who is under the tree. Prepositions must be voiced.

19. Didactic game "Fold the Christmas tree"

Target: to teach how to properly lay out a Christmas tree from triangles, focusing on their size, to consolidate the vocabulary on the topic.

Equipment: three green triangles of different sizes.

Move. A child, modeled on an adult, lays out a Christmas tree from triangles. During the task, he answers the questions: “Which triangle will you put first? (big) And then? (smaller) What triangle will you have at the top? (the smallest)". In case of difficulties, an adult helps the child. At the end of the game, the child talks about the Christmas tree (where it grows, what color the needles and trunk are, how they decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year).

20. Didactic game "What firewood?"

The teacher throws the ball and names the tree. The child catches the ball and says the name of the firewood that is obtained from it. And vice versa.


Georgy Skrebitsky "Winter Cold"

A cold, dim sun rises in the winter fog. The snow-covered forest sleeps. It seems that all living things froze from this cold - not a sound, only trees occasionally crackle from frost.

I go out into the forest clearing. Behind the clearing is a dense old spruce forest. All trees are hung with large cones. There are so many cones that the ends of the branches bowed under their weight.

How quiet! In winter, you will not hear the birds singing. Now they are not up to the songs. Many flew south, and those that remained huddled in secluded corners, hiding from the bitter cold.

Suddenly, like a spring breeze, rustled over the frozen forest: a whole flock of birds, merrily calling to each other, swept over the clearing. Why, these are crossbills - natural northerners! They are not afraid of our frosts.

Crossbills stuck around the tops of fir trees. The birds grabbed the cones with tenacious claws and pulled out tasty seeds from under the scales. When the harvest of cones is good, these birds are not threatened by the starvation of winter. They will find food everywhere.

I stood in the clearing and watched how the crossbills bustled about in their airy dining room.

The morning sun brightly illuminated the green tops of fir trees, bunches of ruddy cones and cheerful, feasting birds. And it seemed to me that spring had already come. Now it will smell of thawed earth, the forest will come to life and, meeting the sun, birds will chirp.

While admiring the crossbills, I suddenly saw how one of them, flying up to an old spruce, disappeared into the snow-covered branches, as if darting into a snowy cave. And then I remembered one remarkable feature in the life of these birds, a feature that I could never believe. And now I have the opportunity to check it out myself.

Stealthily, I crept up to that spruce and climbed up the trunk. Sharp needles scratched my face and arms, but I climbed higher and higher.

The summit is already close, but there is nothing on the tree.

I began to descend and suddenly, right in front of me, I saw the very thing that I no longer hoped to find: among the icy, snow-covered branches, I could barely see a small nest, and in it, as if in spring, preoccupied with fluffing, sat a greenish bird - a crossbill female.

With an awkward movement, I shook the branch. The frightened bird fluttered. I leaned over and froze in amazement: freshly hatched, completely naked chicks swarm in the nest.

Snow-covered branches hung over the nest. In the forest, the trees cracked from the frost, and here, between the branches of the old spruce, it was as if spring had already come: a caring mother was bringing out the chicks.

I quickly got down from the tree so as not to disturb this amazing family. I easily jumped into the snow, looked around, and the winter forest no longer seemed to me, as before, gloomy and lifeless.

Standing under a tree, I rubbed my hands, which had stiffened in woolen mittens, laughed at myself and kept thinking about the naked babies in the nest, who are not afraid of the winter cold.

Traveling with Santa Claus

Misha was walking through the snow-covered forest and suddenly saw fresh footprints. They interested him extremely: someone just recently passed here in huge, enormous boots.

- Who could it be? Is it Santa Claus!

And indeed, soon the boy saw Santa Claus in the distance.

- Are you surprised, baby, that I'm here? - Santa Claus asked Misha who ran up. - But I also have a magical high-speed cloud, which in an instant transfers to any place. Would you like to fly it with me?

Wow!!! Who would turn down such a tempting offer?! Santa Claus sat the boy next to him on a cloud, and they flew in the blue of the night over snow-covered mountains and valleys. The cloud either soared up to the bright stars, then descended, touching the tops of fluffy Christmas trees. What an extraordinary journey it was!

Soon, the lights of a big city began to shine below. All the children have long dressed up Christmas trees and now they were sitting at home and waiting for gifts from Santa Claus. Only now all the chimneys, unfortunately, were closed. “How to get into houses to leave gifts? Do the kids never wait for them? Misha got nervous.

- Don’t worry, it’s better to carefully watch how I’ll do everything cleverly, ”said Santa Claus, as if reading the boy’s thoughts, and scattered many small multi-colored parachutes with gifts from the cloud. To each of them was attached a piece of paper with the name of a girl or a boy. Parachutes slowly descended on the city ...

- Don't worry, - Santa Claus reassured Misha again, - below, all the parachutes will meet the brownies and deliver gifts to the children.

Misha really wanted to continue this wonderful journey with Santa Claus ... but then he suddenly ... woke up and realized that, unfortunately, he only dreamed of all this.

- Where is my present? Did the brownie manage to bring it? Misha exclaimed, remembering his unforgettable dream.

Jumping out of bed, the baby ran to the Christmas tree: what happiness! The gift in shiny paper was already in its place.

“But who knows,” thought a pleased Misha, “maybe what I saw at night was not a dream at all ?!”

Father Frost

One winter day, little Pavlik and his girlfriend Katya were skiing in the forest. It was already beginning to get dark, and they hurried home, when suddenly, among the pines, the kids noticed a large and beautiful house illuminated. “What if Santa Claus himself lives here?” - Katya had an unexpected thought, and the girl immediately shared it with Pavlik.

- Let's check, it won't take long," the boy continued, and the children immediately moved towards the big house.

Pavlik did not know if Santa Claus was at home, so he decided to look through the window first.

- Let's go see! - he suggested to Katya.

The children crept quietly to the window and saw: an old man was sitting in the room, all in red and with a thick white beard, and packing gifts. The real Santa Claus! Pavlik wiped the frosted glass better, and friends saw as many toys as they had never seen in any store.

The children quietly moved away from the window so as not to interfere with Santa Claus, and hurried home to write letters to him: after all, you need to help an old grandfather, otherwise he does not know who wants to receive what gift for the New Year.

On New Year's morning, Pavlik first ran to the fireplace. And he froze in surprise: there was a small carpentry table in front of the fireplace, and on it lay a set of carpentry tools! Wow! That's such a gift! And it does not matter that there were no toys, because now Pavlik will be able to make them himself, and this is much more interesting! He has made so many toys that not only he has enough, but all his friends!


    "Snowball" N.V. Nishcheev

One two three four,

(bend fingers, starting with the big one)

We made a snowball with you -

(“sculpt”, changing the position of the palms)

Round, strong, very smooth

(show a circle, squeeze the palms together, stroke the other with one palm)

And not at all sweet.

(threaten finger)

Once - let's throw up,

(throw imaginary snowball)

Two - catch

(catching imaginary snowball)

Three - let's drop

(we drop an imaginary snowball)

And ... break

(stomp foot).

2 "Snowflakes"

To the meadow, to the meadow
Quietly the snow is falling.
The snowflakes have fallen
White fluffs.
But suddenly a breeze blew.
The snow swirled
All the fluffs are dancing
White snowflakes.

3 "Our tree"

"Our tree is big"
(circular movement of hands)
Our tree is high (stand on your toes),
Above mom, above dad
(sit down and stand on your toes)
Reaches the ceiling (stretch).
Let's dance merrily. Eh, eh, eh!
We will sing songs. La-la-la!
For the tree to want
Come visit us again!


FATHER FROST (Morozko) - a powerful Russian character in Russian legends, in Slavic legends - the personification of Russian winter frosts, a blacksmith who ices water, generously showering winter nature with sparkling snowy silver, giving the joy of a winter festival, and, if necessary, in a difficult time protecting Russians from advancing enemies frozen in the ice hitherto unprecedented winter cold, from which iron begins to break.


Under the influence of Christianity, which brutally and bloodily fought Slavic paganism (a battle with religious competitors for profits), the original image of the Snow Grandfather was distorted (like all other Slavic gods), and Morozko began to be represented as an evil and cruel pagan deity, the Great Elder of the North, the ruler icy cold and blizzards that froze people. This was also reflected in Nekrasov's poem "Frost - Red Nose", where Frost kills a poor young peasant woman in the forest. widow, leaving her young children orphans.

With the weakening of the influence of Christianity in Russia in the late XIX - early XX century, the image of Morozko began to soften. Santa Claus first appeared at Christmas in 1910, but did not become widespread.

In Soviet times, after the rejection of the ideas of Christianity, a new image of Santa Claus was spread: he appeared to children on New Year's Eve and gave gifts; this image was created by Soviet filmmakers in the 1930s.

He comes to the holiday with his divine granddaughter - the Snow Maiden. The modern collective image of Santa Claus is based on the hagiography of St. Nicholas, as well as descriptions of the ancient Slavic deities Pozvizd, Zimnik and Korochun. Unfortunately, all the ancient myths and legends of the Slavs were destroyed, therefore, almost nothing is known to us about the ancient Slavic beliefs and traditions ..

The peculiar nature of the interpretation in Christianity of pagan deities (religious competitors of Christianity, albeit beloved by the people, whom the clergy certainly represented as extremely evil and cruel) determined the behavior of Santa Claus inspired by the clergy - after the introduction of Christianity in Rus', he began to collect sacrifices - to steal naughty children and take them to bag. Such a church interpretation made it possible to inspire rejection of pagan gods from childhood.

However, over time, after the introduction of restrictions on the irreconcilable ideology of Christianity and the spread of later post-Christian humanistic traditions, especially after the final ban on Christians burning people at the stake (in the first quarter of the 19th century), Father Frost, in the opinion of Russians, became kinder and began to give gifts to children.
The professional holiday of Santa Clauses is celebrated every last Sunday of August.
Recently, November 18 was announced as the birthday of the Russian Father Frost - according to long-term meteorological observations, a stable snow cover falls on most of Russia on this day.

Entertainment with older children "Christmas miracles"

Target:Involving children in a collective conversation, encouraging statements on a topic from personal experience, asking questions and answering them. Formation of the ability to compose a short sequential story on the proposed topic.

Equipment:visual picture "Winter", Christmas tree, Santa Claus, ball, "magic" wand, box, sweets

Vocabulary work: miracles, Veliky Ustyug, magician, New year's night.


1. Organizational moment

Teacher: What a wonderful day today! I am in a great mood and I want to give you my smile. And you do not want to smile at me joyfully, then it will become brighter in our group. Do you guys notice anything unusual in our group?

Children examine the group and approach the painting “Winter” by N.S. Krylova

2. Conversation about the painting

Guys, what season is shown in this picture?

What allows you to talk about it?

Winter. The roofs of the houses are covered with snow, the trees are bare, there is a lot of snow around.

3. Riddles

I propose to solve the riddle:

His days of all days are shorter

All nights are longer than nights

In fields and meadows

Until spring the snows fell,

Only our month will pass

The New Year is coming! (December)

4. Conversation

What miracles happen in the month of December?
I propose to consider the illustrations and choose the one that depicts fascinating stories - New Year's miracles.

On the eve of the New Year, it is customary to decorate a Christmas tree in houses - this is also a New Year's miracle. What is the Christmas tree?
In December, the nights are long, the days are short, at the end of the month the New Year comes, the children select pictures with the image: Santa Claus, the New Year tree, etc.

New Year's, beautiful, dressed up, sparkling, festive, magical

5. Physical education

6. Conversation

What can you tell about Santa Claus?

What would you do if you were Santa Claus? Don't forget that he is a wizard.

And who else with Santa Claus comes to you for the New Year?
Where does Santa Claus come from?

Guys, which of you wants to write a letter to Santa Claus?

Santa Claus is cheerful, kind, he loves to play with us, he gives gifts to children: Santa Claus is a “wizard”

If I were Santa Claus, I would make sure that all people on earth do not get sick (children's answers)

Together the Snow Maiden comes to us - his granddaughter

From Veliky Ustyug, he has a house there and children write letters to him there

7. Didactic game "Ask a friend"

Do you want to write a letter, we will find out now by playing the game "Ask a friend"

Children stand in a circle, throw the ball to each other and at the same time ask the question: “What do you want to write to Santa Claus?”

8. Compilation of the story "New Year's miracles"
calm music sounds

Now take a look at this wand - it's magical. And in order for the magic to happen, you need to close your eyes. (wave wand). One - two, one - two, miracle you come ...

Mysterious voice: You turned into Christmas decorations that hang on the Christmas tree, and everyone sees what is happening around them, and there came a magical New Year's Eve, where various miracles occur: tables and chairs began to come to life, candles began to talk to the clock from the cracks in Gnomes and fairy-tale little men crawl out of the floor and suddenly ...

What happened there? How do you think?

Children's stories (3-4 stories)

This project is aimed at familiarizing children with folk holidays, their peculiarities. Children know little about the history of the origin of Russian holidays, their traditions and customs. Parents do not involve children in making or choosing gifts, but give everything ready. And how can children find out how long to wait for the New Year, what gifts to give, how to behave on a holiday, how does one holiday differ from another? Our project will help children and parents to become direct participants in the preparations for the New Year, to fully immerse themselves in the pre-New Year's storm of emotions and impressions.
Project type: creative, group.
Project duration: short-term project (3 weeks).
Project participants: educators, children, their parents, music director.
Age of children: middle group.
Justification of the problem:
During the walk, I noticed the children that some windows in the kindergarten and nearby houses were decorated with snowflakes and patterns. Question to the children: why did they decorate the windows, and what holiday are people preparing for? Do you also want to decorate our group for the New Year and find out about this holiday?
The question arose in the group how to find out how many days are left until the New Year, what we need to do. This is how the New Year's Eve Calendar was born.
The purpose of the project: to form the concept of "holiday", its characteristic features and significance in people's lives on the example of the New Year.
Project objectives:
To analyze the concept of a holiday - the New Year, highlight its characteristic features: paraphernalia, attitude and mood of people, rules of conduct, traditions.
Arouse a desire to participate in preparations for the holiday (decorating the group, making manuals, crafts, photo newspapers about the New Year).
Involve parents as active participants in the life of the group in preparation for the New Year holiday.
Uncover opportunities and Creative skills children through a variety of activities.
Generate interest in the proposed activity.
To promote the development of imagination, attention, memory and speech of children.
Stimulation of the natural process of development of motor abilities and qualities.
Strengthen ties preschool with a family. Encourage parents to collaborate with their children.
Create positive attitude on the eve of the New Year's holiday.
Project methods:
Project organization forms:
cognitive activities (application, drawing, modeling, music, speech development, natural and social world);
didactic games;
viewing illustrations;
outdoor games: "Snowballs", "Chase the Bunny", "Snow Carousel", "Along the Snow Bridge", "Fluffy Snowflakes", "Find the Snow Maiden!", "Beware, I'll Freeze". Finger games: "Bunnies", "Winter walk";
breathing games: “Blow on a snowflake”, “Blow on a snowball”, “Snowfall”.
Forms of work with parents:
involvement of parents in preparation for the exhibition of children's creativity;
information in the parent's corner: Advice for parents "Safety of children during the New Year holidays", "New Year for children: How to arrange a holiday", New Year's issue of the kindergarten newspaper.
joint and independent;
acquaintance with fiction;
acquaintance with art;
getting to know the environment;
formation of temporary concepts;
development of communication skills.
Equipment and materials:
set for children artistic creativity(whatman, colored paper and cardboard, glue, felt-tip pens, colored pencils, paints)
illustrations about the New Year holiday;
new Year decoration;
split pictures on the theme of the New Year;
selection of works of art (tales about winter and New Year);
a collection of riddles, poems, fairy tales and stories about winter and the New Year holiday;
abstracts organized activities with children: joint activities for cognitive development on the theme "New Year's holiday", conversations, the holiday "Visiting Santa Claus".
Implementation period: December.
Expected Result:
enriching children's knowledge about the New Year holiday;
children's awareness of the kind, caring attitude of people to each other and the mood during the holiday - the New Year;
active participation of children and parents in preparation for the New Year.
an increase in the level of awareness of parents about the activities of preschool educational institutions;
Project products:
Exhibition "New Year's Tale".
New Year's holiday "Visiting Santa Claus".
Project stages:
1. Preparatory stage:
1. Determining the theme of the project.
2. Formulation of the purpose and objectives of the project.
3. Drawing up a plan for the implementation of the main stage of the project.
4. Selection of information, visual and technical material for the project.
2. Main stage:
1. Joint and independent activities of children and adults.
2. Cognitive-speech development.
drawing up and production of the "New Year's Holiday Waiting Calendar";
thematic classes and conversations “What is the New Year”, “Rules of conduct at the holiday”, “What gift do I want for the New Year”, “How to decorate the house for the New Year” (Appendix 1);
compiling descriptive stories based on the plot pictures "New Year Tree", "Santa Claus visiting the guys", "How the children prepared for the meeting of Santa Claus", "Winter in the forest";
didactic games "Who lives where", "Decorate the Christmas tree";
descriptive riddles about animate and inanimate nature in winter (about animals, seasonal phenomena, winter precipitation);
word games "Guess and name", "What's in Santa's bag", "Say the opposite";
outdoor games "Freeze", "Freeze";
tradition: meeting with an interesting person - a music director on the topic: "Soon, soon the New Year";
4. Social and personal development.
role-playing game "Mothers and Daughters", "Family", "Kindergarten", "Toy Store";
5. Reading fiction (Appendix 2).
Stories, fairy tales and riddles about winter and New Year's holiday;
educational tales about winter nature;
watching cartoons: "Timoshkina Tree", "Snowman-mailer", "Snow Maiden", "The Tale of the New Year", "Santa Claus and Summer", "When the Christmas trees are lit";
6. Artistic and aesthetic development.
an invitation to a holiday";
"Postcards for the New Year";
christmas garland from mittens;
tree - waiting and Snowman - a mailer from the palms;
letter to Santa Claus "My gift";
drawings and applications on the New Year theme "It's snowing", "Christmas branch", "Christmas tree", "Christmas tree garland";
collection "New Year's cards";
paper crafts (snowflakes, origami animals, flags, garlands);
album "New Year" (illustration);
photo newspaper "How my family celebrates the New Year";
symbol of the year in different techniques;
exhibition of children's drawings New Year theme;
christmas composition"Father Frost";
learning poems, songs, dances about the New Year.
7. Interaction with family.
design of the newspaper "New Year's Tale";
panel "Wish of the Stars";
competition "Exclusive Christmas tree";
consultation "Preparing for the New Year";
master class "New Year's toy";
group decoration.
3. The final stage.
New Year's holiday "Visiting Santa Claus".
Appendix 1. Conversations.

"Holidays are fun!"
Objectives: To continue to acquaint with such a holiday as the New Year; develop the ability to answer questions in full sentences, activate the dictionary; educate the ability to listen to the stories of peers.
1. Riddles:
Here's a beauty
It stands, shining brightly.
How lavishly trimmed
Tell me who is she? (Christmas tree).
He comes on a winter evening
Light candles on the tree.
He starts a round dance -
This is a holiday ... (New Year)
Who painted the cheeks of children
In red in winter, not in summer?
Who's pinching their noses?
Guessed? (Father Frost)
2.- Guys, what do you think, what holiday is coming up?
- Why did you decide so?
- New Year is one of the most fun and favorite holidays in the whole world. According to the calendar, the New Year begins when the last day of the year ends and the first day begins. next year. They are preparing for the New Year for a very long time, waiting for gifts.
- Tell me, how do people prepare for the holiday?
- Preparation for the New Year begins long before the holiday. Festive bazaars open, where you can buy various toys, souvenirs, jewelry, gifts. Streets, houses are decorated, Christmas trees are put up everywhere and decorated, gifts and postcards are made with their own hands.
3. Showing the picture "Round dance near the Christmas tree"
- Guys, look at the picture, what do you see on it?
How are the children dressed?
- What are they doing near the Christmas tree?
- What tree? What is it decorated with?
- Who came to the holiday to the children?
- And who is Santa Claus?
- What does he look like?
- Santa Claus is a kind wizard, plump and with a white beard. He wears a long fur coat, felt boots, fur hat, and in his hands he holds a staff and a bag with gifts.
- Who will tell me why Santa Claus is called a wizard?
What does he need a staff for?
- If Santa Claus blows on the window, the window will be covered with a magical ice pattern. And if Santa Claus waves his sleeve or shakes his mitten, then it will snow. He has a magic staff, which he will not touch with this staff, everything freezes.
- Guys, do you know where Santa Claus lives?
- He lives in the city of Veliky Ustyug. There, a palace of wood and glass was built for him. His granddaughter Snegurochka and his assistants live with him. Santa Claus has his own workshop.
- Why do you think he needs a workshop?
- In it, together with his assistants, he makes toys and gifts for children for a whole year.
- Guys, how does Santa Claus know what gift the children want to receive from him for the New Year?
- You can write a letter to Santa Claus, and send the letter by mail or put it on the window at night. And at night, Father Frost's assistants will take him and take him to the palace.
- Can he always give what they want? Why?
Santa Claus looks in his magic book, how many good deeds the children had, and whether they deserve the gifts they asked for. He will also never give dangerous, sharp objects. There are some gifts that Santa Claus cannot give without the permission of the parents, for example, a kitten or a puppy. And he cannot give everything, everything, everything that the child wants, because there are other children who also want to receive gifts.
How do people congratulate each other on New Year's Eve?
(They give gifts, send greeting cards, parcels, letters, make phone calls, etc.). Why do people give gifts to each other?
New Year is probably the most wonderful and favorite holiday. They are preparing for it for a long time, waiting for gifts, everyone is busy preparing surprises. New Year - the expectation of magic, mystery and happiness.
New Year is a holiday celebrated by many nations. According to the calendar, the New Year begins when the last day of the year ends and the first day of the next year begins.
Appendix 2. Fiction.
What is the New Year.
What is New Year?
This is a friendly dance
These are jokes, laughter and dancing
These are songs, games, fairy tales
This is Santa Claus
Our cheeks and nose are freezing!
It's skis and skates
These are hills and snowballs
It's funny guys laugh
These are dances near the Christmas tree.
This is a holiday of fun
Holiday of happiness for children.
Christmas tree.
Christmas tree grew
In the forest on the mountain.
She has needles
Silver in winter.
On her bumps
Ice cubes are knocking
snow coat
Lies on the shoulders.
Lived under the tree bunny
With my bunny.
A flock has arrived
Tap dance from the fields.
They came to the tree
And wolves in winter.
We took the tree
From the forest home.
Christmas tree dressed up
In a new outfit -
On thick needles
The sparkles are on fire.
The fun has begun
Songs and dance.
Is it good, tree,
Do you have us?
Trutneva E.F.
New Year's.
The New Year is coming.
What will he bring to the people?
Everyone who works
who is honest, kind and brave,
let the wish come true
what he didn't want.

Builder wants to build a house
to the delight of the newcomers,
so that everyone becomes in it
happy and cheerful.

What is the dream of a gardener?
In his dreams the whole world blossoms.
And people looking at the flowers
are getting better.
May these glorious dreams
will be fulfilled sooner.
Serova E.
Our tree.
Look through the door crack
You will see our tree.
Our tree is high
Reaches the ceiling.
And on it hang a toy -
From pedestal to crown.
E. Ilyina.
Christmas tree at school.
The school is noisy, the bustle and noise of children is heard ... To know, they are not for learning Gathered in it today. Horn. And lanterns, and stars, That burn with diamonds! Gold nuts! Transparent grapes! Be blessed, You, whose kind hand Chose this Christmas tree For babies! .
Pleshcheev A.
“A dress for a Christmas tree.” Before the holiday, winter for a green Christmas tree She sewed a white dress herself without a needle. The Christmas tree shook off the white snow with a bow And stands more beautifully than everyone else and the green dress. The green color suits her, the Christmas tree knows this.
T. Volgina.
In December, in December, all the trees are in silver. Our river, as if in a fairy tale, was paved with frost overnight, Updated skates, sledges, brought a Christmas tree from the forest. needles, the lights on the branches lit up. Like a ladder, along a Christmas tree, the lights run up. Flappers shine with gold. He lit a star with silver. The most daring light that ran to the top. A year passed like yesterday. Over Moscow at this hour The clock of the Kremlin tower strikes its salute - twelve times!
S. Marshak.
After the holiday.
The tree frowned, and it became dark. The lights are crackling, burning down. And another tree looks out of the snowy forest through the frost through the frost. I see: the moon lights snow-clad needles on it, covered with dust, That the wind does not shake its branches, stretched out like dark wings. The forest savage knocks on the glass, nodding at her smartly dressed friend.
S. Marshak.
It was in January.
It was in January, there was a Christmas tree on the mountain, And evil wolves roamed near this Christmas tree. Once at night, when it’s so quiet in the forest, A hare and a hare meet a wolf under a mountain. Who wants to fall into the clutches of a wolf on New Year’s Eve! The hares rushed forward and jumped onto the tree. They pressed their ears, hung like toys. Ten little hares hang on the tree and are silent - They deceived the wolf. It was in January, he thought that there was a decorated Christmas tree on the mountain.
** The girls stood in a circle, stood up and fell silent. Santa Claus lit the lights on a high Christmas tree. At the top is a star, beads in two rows. Let the Christmas tree not go out. Let it always burn. The Christmas tree has come to the children. The Christmas tree has come to the children, brought snow on the branches. in a round dance, Hello, hello, New Year!
A. Barto.
There was a Christmas tree in the forest.
There was a Christmas tree in the snow - a green bang, Resinous, healthy, one and a half meters. An event happened on one of the winter days: The forester decided to cut it down! - So it seemed to her. She was noticed, was surrounded ... And only late in the evening did she come to her senses. What a strange feeling! Fear has disappeared somewhere ... Glass lanterns burn in its branches. Decorations sparkle - what an elegant look! At the same time, no doubt, she stands in the forest. Not cut down! Whole! Beautiful and strong! .. Who saved, who undressed her? The forester's son!
S. Mikhalkov.
Riddles. It stands, prickly, like a hedgehog, In the winter in a summer dress. And it will come to us on New Year's Eve - The guys will be happy. holiday? ...(New Year)
The cold has come. The water turned to ice. Long-eared gray bunny Turned into a white bunny. The bear stopped roaring: The bear fell into hibernation in the forest. Who will say, who knows, When does this happen? (Winter) Snow on the fields, Ice on the waters, Blizzard walks. When does it happen? (Winter) Although she herself is both snow and ice, And she leaves - sheds tears. (Winter) The tablecloth is white The whole world is dressed. (Winter) I was not raised. Blinded from the snow. Instead of a nose deftly Inserted a carrot. Eyes are coals. Hands are bitches. Cold, big, who am I? (Snowwoman) Who whitens the glades with white And writes on the walls with chalk, Sews downy feather beds, Decorated all the shop windows? I have a lot of things to do - I cover the whole earth with a white blanket, I clean the ice of the river, I whiten the fields, houses, My name is ... (winter). Who with a huge bag Walks through the forest... Maybe it's a cannibal? - No. Who got up a little light today And carries a bag of sweets... Maybe it's your Neighbor? ? Will the Electrician turn on the light for us? - No. Who is this? Here is the question! Well, of course ... (Santa Claus) He comes on a winter evening To light candles on the Christmas tree. He has a gray beard, Who is this? (Santa Claus) Here comes some grandfather, He is dressed in a warm fur coat. There is a bag on his shoulder, In his beard is a snowball. (Santa Claus) We bought a hanger With a star on top. They hung on a hanger Not hats, but toys! (Christmas tree) To our house on New Year's Eve Someone will come from the forest, All fluffy, in needles, And that guest is called ... (Christmas tree) I come with gifts, Shine with bright lights, Elegant, funny, For the New Year I am the main ! (Christmas tree) Who is dressed up once a year? (Christmas tree) A prickly, green one. They cut it down with an ax. A prickly, green one Comes to our house. (Christmas tree) You can always find it in the forest, Let's go for a walk and meet. It is prickly, like a hedgehog, In winter in a summer dress. And the New Year will come to us - The guys will be happy, The hassle of cheerful mouths is full: They prepare outfits for her. (Christmas tree) She was born in the forest, There she grew and blossomed. And now she brought us her beauty for Christmas. (Christmas tree) The needles are softly glowing, The coniferous spirit is coming ... (from the Christmas tree) There will be a Christmas tree in the corner By the window on the floor. with a twisted ribbon. (Serpentine) Painted chains These are glued from paper by Children. (Garlands) In January, For an important holiday, It's raining Colored, paper. (Confetti) And decorating the top, It shines, as always, Very bright, large Five-winged ... (star) Apples on the branches in winter! Collect them quickly! And suddenly apples fluttered, After all, these are ... (bullfinches). Red-breasted, black-winged, Loves to peck grains, With the first snow on the mountain ash, He will appear again. (Bullfinch) Come on, guys, Who can guess: Two fur coats are enough for ten brothers. (Mittens) So as not to freeze, Five guys Sit in a knitted stove. horse They carry me through the snow. These horses are red, And their name is ... (skis). On a walk, runners of the same length Across the meadow they run to a birch, They pull two strips. (Skiing) I ride it Until the evening. But my lazy horse carries only from the mountain. And I always go up the hill myself, I walk And I drive my horse For a rope. (Sled) We stood all summer, We expected winters. We waited for the time - We rushed from the mountain. (Sled) I have two horses, two horses. They carry me on the water. And the water is as hard as stone! (Skates, ice) The river is flowing - we are lying. Ice on the river - we are running. (Skates) What kind of stars are through On the coat and on the scarf? All through, cut out, And you take it - water in your hand. (Snowflakes) An asterisk circled in the air a little, Sat down and melted On my palm. (Snowflake) Stars fall from the sky, Lie on the fields. Let the Black Earth hide under them. Many, many stars Thin as glass; The stars are cold, And the earth is warm! (Snowflakes) Fall from the sky in winter And circle over the earth Light fluffs, White ... (snowflakes). (Snowman) Winter rain From baby stars Doesn't knock on windows, Doesn't rattle on the roof. This rain sparkles in the air And then falls on the ground with a tablecloth. (Snow)
Without arms, without legs, But he knows how to draw. (Frost) A wonderful artist I visited the window, Guess guys, Who painted the window. (Frost)
Why is snow white.
It was a long time ago, when our entire planet Earth was completely colorless. Four sisters, four great craftswomen, lived then in the world. Their names were Winter, Spring, Summer and Autumn. Winter was the oldest of the sisters and the wisest, Spring was the most cheerful and restless, Summer was the most beautiful and unhurried, and Autumn was thoughtful and sad. The sisters learned from migratory birds that the Earth is a colorless planet, and decided to paint it, to show their skills. They collected more jars of paints and brushes of all sizes, Winter took out a Magic Book from her pocket, read a spell - and at the same moment the sisters found themselves on our Earth.
In fact, everything around was completely colorless. The craftswomen took their paints with brushes and set to work. Even Sister Summer hardly rested, even Spring did not jump, even Autumn forgot to grieve. But the only trouble is, they couldn’t agree on what color to paint. Spring will paint some flower blue, and Summer will remake it red. Spring immediately shouts: "Oh, you worthless, why did you ruin everything!" “I didn’t spoil it,” Leto answers, “but I decorated it.” And they will start arguing, making noise and swearing. Here Winter rather runs, separates them, calms them down. And so every day. Either Autumn does not like how Summer painted the frogs, then Summer does not like how Spring turned out apple flowers. Winter was tired of these quarrels, she began to think how to help the cause. I thought and thought and thought. She was also the wisest of the sisters. In addition, she alone had a Magic Book. One evening she gathered everyone together and said: "Ah, my dear sisters! Aren't we tired of swearing and quarreling?" "Oh, how tired, Zimushka!" the sisters answer. "Here, listen to what I came up with," said Zima. She suggested dividing the year into four equal parts and each sister should color the Earth in due time. Then no one will argue with anyone, each will do everything according to her taste and character. And at the end of the year it will be possible to decide which of them is the best craftswoman. The sisters rejoiced: Spring jumped merrily and clapped her hands, Leto embraced Zimushka tenderly, even sad Autumn smiled. They divided the paints and brushes equally, counted who should start working for whom.
Spring fell to paint first. She picked up her paints and brushes and set off. Sister Summer lay down in the shade to rest, Autumn sat down in a corner and thought, and Winter decided to keep an eye on Spring. Zimushka knows his frivolous nature little sister, afraid that she would spoil something because of her restlessness. It looks like it is: Spring began to paint the birch leaves with bright green paint, which pecked out of the buds, but she saw a large butterfly and ran after it. And the birch stands just like that, half colorless. Zima cried out: "Where are you going, where are you? And what about the leaves?" - but the sisters have already caught a cold, only spring iridescent laughter rings in the air. Then Winter found exactly the same green paint in her house, she began to paint the birch tree further. And Spring caught up with the butterfly, daubed it with yellow, and again got distracted, staring at the violets - they were blooming near the old stump. Winter is finishing the birch tree, and she herself notices what is happening around. Looks: an underpainted butterfly flutters. Winter was already old, it was difficult for her to run after butterflies. She waited until she sat on a tree, and completely painted it. A beautiful lemon butterfly turned out.
... And so all the spring time, Winter looked after her sister's work. Zimushka is tired of these worries and thinks: “Well, now Summer will start painting, we have a serious one, I won’t have to finish it for her, I’ll rest a little ...”
Sister Leto thoroughly took up the brushes, paints everything neatly, leaves nothing unpainted. Only soon she got tired, lay down under a bush and dozed off. And near the pond ducklings hatched, squealed. Zimushka saw this, tried to wake Summer, but could not. Summer just turned to the other barrel and then sweetly snuffles. Is it possible to wait until this sloth gets enough sleep? The colorless ducklings are about to get lost. Winter took her colors, began to paint the ducklings. Sister Leto then woke up, stretched, worked, worked, and she became hot. Again she basks in the cold, and in the meantime the strawberries ripen in the forest, new flowers bloom in the meadow. Winter is busy all day long, now berries, then flowers, then mushrooms...
But now the summer time is over, sister Autumn began to decorate the earth. Yes, he works so diligently, he will not sit down to rest for a minute. Winter looked at her and thought: "How nice! Finally, I will have a break." But as soon as Winter sat down in an armchair more comfortably and opened her favorite book, she heard that Spring and Summer were shouting angrily, and Autumn, it seemed, was crying bitterly. Winter hastened to the noise. "What happened?" he asks. Sisters Spring and Summer immediately to her: "Look what this nasty Autumn is doing! We are so beautiful green colors they picked up grass and leaves, but she spoils everything! .. "Poor Autumn sobs, tears flow down her cheeks in two streams. Zimushka became stern: "Ah, my dear sisters! Soon you have forgotten our agreement! After all, when you were painting, Autumn did not bother you! If you swear and quarrel, I’ll send you home in an instant and never again will I allow you to paint the Earth!” Winter’s eyes sparkled menacingly and she was already pulling her Magic Book from her pocket. Spring and Summer were embarrassed by these fair words and the cold winter shine, ashamed, they began to ask Winter and Autumn for forgiveness, and sister Autumn kept sobbing: “After all, Zimushka, they overturned all my favorite yellow and red colors. What should I paint with now?" Winter stopped sparkling with her eyes, stroked Autumn on the golden head and gave her her jars of yellow, red, orange. And so it happened that when the time of Winter came, she only had white paint left. And with colorless snow falls from the sky, and a lot of it flies. Then Zimushka took her biggest brush, began to paint snow and ice with white, then she took a thin brush, began to draw white patterns on the windows of houses. And she painted a hare with a hare white, and a whole family of partridges. Winter works, does not lose heart, she also sings songs. At first, the sisters were surprised: why does Winter get everything white? And then they realized what was the matter, collected how many paints anyone had left, they brought Winter and bowed low to her: "Ah, Zimushka, you did not spare your strength and colors for us, you taught us the mind-reason. Take it, there's a little left, maybe it'll come in handy!" Zimushka smiled, looked affectionately at the sisters. With the remnants of red paint, she painted the eyebrows of white partridges, pink breasts of bullfinches. remained in jars, spent on decorating the New Year tree.
As the sisters saw this Christmas tree, they gasped at once and said in unison: "Well, Zimushka, you are the greatest craftswoman of us!" - and imperceptibly mingled with the round dance, began to circle around the Christmas tree. A cheerful and colorful New Year turned out, both children and adults rejoiced. And Zimushka stood near the Christmas tree, congratulated everyone on the New Year. And no one was sad that the snow was not colored, but plain, white.

For preschool children

Project type: informational and practical.

Project implementation timeline: 4 weeks (from December 1 - December 26), short-term.

Project participants: educators of the group, pupils of the group, parents of pupils, music director.

Dominant area: cognitive development.

Region Integration: speech development, social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.

Relevance : Everyone knows that the most favorite holiday of children is the New Year. New Year's fuss, letters to Santa Claus, home decoration, gifts under the Christmas tree, a fun holiday - all this cannot be compared with a birthday. But as a result of a survey conducted by a teacher in a group, it turned out that not only children, but also adults, their parents, know little about the history of the holiday and its traditions, the traditions of celebrating the New Year in other countries. Therefore, we decided to learn as much as possible about it, as well as decorate the group for the New Year. It is no secret that it is most difficult for kids to wait, and even more so to wait for a holiday. Therefore, one of my tasks was to make this waiting fun, enjoyable and beneficial for children.

Objective of the project: expanding children's knowledge about winter, about the New Year holiday, the traditions of celebrating the New Year in different countries, about the symbols of the New Year.

Project objectives:

  • to form children's ideas about the New Year holiday, about New Year's customs and traditions in different countries of the world;
  • create conditions for children to consciously study the history of the New Year;
  • promote the development of imagination, attention, memory and speech of children;
  • arrange a mini-museum "Herringbone - Beauty";
  • create a positive attitude on the eve of the New Year holiday, develop the relationship of children, the ability to act in concert, experience the joy of the results of common efforts and joint activities;
  • intensify work with parents, involve them in cooperation on the basis of cooperation.

Tasks of working with parents:

  • to familiarize parents with the topic, goals, objectives and relevance of this project;
  • prepare advisory material for interviews with children;
  • motivate to resource support of the project;
  • encourage joint activities with children on the topic of the project.

Expected Result:

Children have developed extensive knowledge about the New Year holiday, about the history of the New Year tree, about the tradition of celebrating the holiday in different countries;

The mini-museum "Herringbone Beauty" was decorated;

Teachers, children and their parents actively cooperate in the process of project activities;

The subject-spatial environment in the group contributes to the study of the tradition of the New Year;

Children and their parents are in a festive mood.

Stages of project implementation:

Preparatory stage (November 3-4 weeks):

  1. Definition of the problem, purpose and objectives of the project.
  2. Drawing up a plan for the implementation of the main stage of the project.
  3. Selection of methodological and fiction literature on the chosen subject of the project.
  4. Selection of didactic, mobile, role-playing games.
  5. Selection of the necessary equipment and manuals for the practical enrichment of the project.
  6. Making a New Year's Eve Calendar.

Practical stage (December 1-4 weeks):

Target: familiarization of children with the New Year holiday, expanding children's knowledge about the traditions of celebrating the New Year in different countries.

date The content of working with children Content of working with parents Creation of a subject-developing environment

1st week of December

Theme of the week "Zimushka winter came to visit us»

Forms of work

Conversations:“Winter has come”, “Winter sports”, “What is the danger of severe frost”, “Dangerous situations while skating on the ice of the river, from a hill on a sled”.

NOD: “Winter. Animal life in winter.

Experimentation:"Turning Water to Ice"

What melts snow or ice faster?

K. Balmont “In courtyards and houses”, A. Yakim “First snow”, And Surikov “The days have become shorter”, “Winter” G. Skribitskaya “Who winters like this?”, A. Chelurov “It is difficult for birds to winter”.

Learning a poem about winter: A.Usachev "Snowflakes". Riddles about winter.

Finger gymnastics: "Snowball.

productive activity: "Snowflake" (drawing), "Winter in the forest" (application).

Listening to a piece of music Waltz of the Snowflakes from The Nutcracker (music by P.I. Tchaikovsky)

Outdoor games: “I will freeze”, “Who will collect snowflakes faster”, sports game “Hockey”. Physical education minute: "In winter."

Breathing exercises: "Let's blow on a snowflake."

Designing an information corner for parents “Winter Winter” (Nishcheva N.V. “Materials for decorating a parental corner in a group locker room.)

Carrying out the action "Give a book to kindergarten" about winter, about the New Year holiday.

Memo for parents: "Rules of behavior and safety of children on ice in winter."

Advice for parents: "Family leisure in winter."

Participation in the general garden exhibition - competition "Winter Bouquet".

Add to the group "Calendar of expectations of the New Year's holiday."

Exhibition of reproductions of paintings, illustrations on the theme "Winter".

Exhibition of fiction on the theme "Winter".

2nd week of December

The theme of the week: "What is the new year?"

Forms of work:

Conversation: "New Year at the gate."

Reading fiction: V. Suteev "Christmas Tree", S. Kozlov "Like a hedgehog, a donkey and a bear cub celebrated the New Year", V. Usachev " New Year's greetings snowman."

Riddles about the New Year.

Finger gymnastics: "New Year".

Productive activity:"New Year Postcard"

Watching a cartoon about the New Year: "New Year and a snowman."

Viewing a presentation about the traditions of celebrating the New Year in different countries "New Year is a holiday every year."

Role-playing game:"Family: family celebration New Year".

"Letter to Santa Claus"(composition of the text of the letter and the choice of postcards, drawings for Santa Claus).

Questioning of parents: "New Year's holiday in the family."

Information and visual materials for parents: "What kind of New Year's holiday?".

Master class: "What crafts to do for the New Year !!!".

Exhibition of fiction on the theme "New Year".

Preparing to decorate the group for the New Year (collection of Christmas decorations, Christmas decorations).

3rd week of December

Theme of the week "Herringbone Beauty"

Forms of work:

Conversation:"Dangerous Lights"

A. Barto "Christmas tree came to the children", G.Kh. Andersen "Christmas Tree", N. Telegina "The Tale of the Little Christmas Tree".

Finger gymnastics:

Learning a poem: S. Vysheslavtseva "Near the Christmas Tree".

Didactic games: "Let's make beads for the Christmas tree", "Find an extra item on the Christmas tree."

Role-playing game: "Shop of New Year's toys", "Let's dress up a Christmas tree."

Productive work:"Herringbone" (sculpting), "Our Christmas tree" (applique from carved palms).

Listening and learning songs: Z. Petrova "Our tree is great", R. Kudashova "A Christmas tree was born in the forest."

Competition of crafts "Christmas tree-beauty".

Memo for parents on fire safety measures during the New Year holidays: "Father Frost and the Snow Maiden warn!".

Exhibition of fiction on the topic. « herringbone beauty »

Decorating the group with the results of children's crafts and decorating the Christmas tree.

Design of the exhibition of crafts of children with parents "Herringbone Beauty".

4th week of December

Theme of the week "Father Frost and Snow Maiden"

Forms of work:

Interview children: "What gift would you like to receive for the New Year?".

Conversation: "The birthplace of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden", "Birthday of Santa Claus."

Reading fiction: M. Moskvina “How Santa Claus was born”, V. Suteev “Gift”, E. Blaginina “Paper Santa Claus”.

Learning a poem: Z. Alexandrova "Father Frost was walking through the forest."

Finger gymnastics: "Father Frost".

productive activity: "Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden" (drawing), "Mitten for Frost" (application).

Learning a round dance: N. Veresokina “There was a cheerful

Father Frost".

Conducting a matinee"Christmas story".

Advice for parents: "How to write a letter to Santa Claus with your child", "How to prepare a child for the visit of Santa Claus".

Making a "bag of desires" (information for parents about the wishes of the child for the New Year holiday).

Invitation of parents to participate in the New Year's party.

Exhibition of fiction on the topic.

Decorating the group with the results of children's crafts.

Enter the lyrics on the theme "New Year" into the music corner.

The final stage:

  1. Exhibition of the mini-museum "Herringbone Beauty".
  2. Demonstration of the presentation "New Year - a holiday every year."
  3. Participation in All-Russian competition presentations "New Year's Eve".
  4. Carrying out the New Year's fairy tale matinee.

Project in the middle group "New Year"

Description of work: this project will be useful preschool educators. The project helps to form children's ideas about the New Year holiday, about New Year's customs. develop the imagination of children and their parents.
Salimova Evgenia Igorevna, educator MBDOU kindergarten No. 65 of a general developmental type, Orel
Children's age: 4-5 years
Educational area– Cognition
Project theme"New Year"
Project type: informational - practical.
Project type: creative
Project duration: short-term (from 11/28/2016 to 12/27/2016)
Project product: exhibition of creative works "Winter Patterns", New Year's toys by children's hands, decoration of the group for the New Year, active participation in the exhibition "Santa Claus' Workshop"
Project participants:
*children of the middle group "B"
* teachers Druzhbina Natalia Alekseevna, Salimova Evgenia Igorevna

Project "New Year"

We all love New Year's Eve. It brings not only joy, but also a lot of worries. A wide variety of New Year's assortment in stores has led to the fact that the tradition of joint preparation of adults and children for the New Year holidays has been lost: making decorations for home decoration, preparing gifts with your own hands.
According to the results of a survey conducted by educators in the group, it turned out that not only children, but also adults know little about the history of the holiday and its traditions. Therefore, we decided to learn as much as possible about it, as well as decorate the group for the New Year.
Objective of the project: expanding children's knowledge about winter, about the New Year holiday, the traditions of celebrating the New Year.
Project objectives:
* to form an idea in children about the New Year holiday, about New Year's customs.
* contribute to the development of imagination, attention, memory and speech of children;
* arrange an exhibition of children's drawings in various techniques "Winter Patterns"

Tasks of working with parents:
* Activate the desire of parents to participate in the life of the group together with educators and children.
* Invite parents to participate in the competition on the basis of the Palace of Culture "Metallurg" - "Workshop of Santa Claus".
* Involve parents in preparing for the New Year holiday.
* Involve parents and children in the joint production of attributes to decorate the group.
Expected result:
- Enriching children's knowledge about the New Year holiday;
- awareness by children of a kind, caring attitude and mood of people towards each other during the holiday;
- Active participation of children and parents in preparation for the New Year.
- design of the exhibition "Winter Patterns".
-teachers, children and their parents actively cooperate in the process of project activities;
- the object-spatial environment in the group contributes to the study of the tradition of the New Year.
Project product:
New Year's holiday "Santa Claus and three little pigs".
Exhibition of children's drawings "Winter Patterns".
Competition on the basis of the Palace of Culture "Metallurg" - "Workshop of Santa Claus"
Festive decoration of the group, windows.

Stages of project implementation:

Preparatory stage (end of November):

Informing project participants about the relevance, goals and objectives of the project.
Drawing up a plan for the implementation of the main stage of the project.
Selection of methodological and fiction literature on the chosen subject of the project.
Selection of didactic, mobile, role-playing games.

Main Stage (December):

Target: familiarization of children with the New Year holiday, expanding children's knowledge about the traditions of celebrating the New Year.
Perspective plan of the project "New Year"

Game activity:
Role-playing game:"Family: New Year's family holiday", "New Year's toys store", "Let's decorate the Christmas tree."
Didactic games:"Let's make beads for the Christmas tree", "Find an extra item on the Christmas tree."
Communication activities:
Conversations:“Winter has come”, “Winter sports”, “What is the danger of severe frost”, “Dangerous situations while skating on the ice of the river, from a hill on a sled”, “New Year at the Gate”, “Dangerous Lights”, “Homeland Father Frost and the Snow Maiden”, “Ded Moroz's Birthday”.
Reading fiction:
K. Balmont “In courtyards and houses”, A. Yakim “First snow”, And Surikov “The days have become shorter”, “Winter” G. Skribitskaya “Who winters like this?”, A. Chelurov “It is difficult for birds to winter”.
V. Suteev "Christmas Tree", S. Kozlov "Like a hedgehog, a donkey and a bear cub met the New Year", V. Usachev "New Year's greetings to the snowman." M. Moskvina “How Santa Claus was born”, V. Suteev “Gift”, E. Blaginina “Paper Santa Claus”.
A. Barto "Christmas tree came to the children", G.Kh. Andersen "Christmas Tree", N. Telegina "The Tale of the Little Christmas Tree".
Learning a poem about winter: A. Usachev "Snowflakes". Riddles about winter. S. Vysheslavtsev "Near the Christmas Tree".

Cognitive research

Guessing riddles about the New Year.
The stories of educators on topics:
"New Year holiday. Elegant tree ";
"New Year";
"What is the New Year?";
“Why does Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden need fur coats?”

Speech development:
"We are preparing for the new year";
"What's in Santa's bag?";
Productive activity:
Exhibition of drawings "Winter patterns",
Making toys for the Christmas tree with your own hands. ("Angel" - natural material cone, acorn, leaves; threads. "Bell" - waste material bottle, plasticine, coffee beans. "Bird" - cone, plasticine, wire.)

Christmas application "Herringbone"

"Workshop of Santa Claus"
Motor activity:
Finger gymnastics:"Snowball", "New Year", "Christmas Tree", "Santa Claus".

Outdoor games:“I will freeze”, “Who will collect snowflakes faster”, sports game “Hockey”.
Physical education minute: "In winter."
Breathing exercises:"Let's blow on a snowflake."
Creative activity:
Listening to the musical work "Waltz of the Snowflakes" from the ballet "The Nutcracker" (music by P.I. Tchaikovsky)
Learning a round dance: N. Veresokina “There was a cheerful
Father Frost".

Interaction with family:
* Consultation “Getting ready for the New Year”, “WHAT IS A GREAT NEW YEAR HOLIDAY?”
* Competition on the basis of the Palace of Culture "Metallurg" - "Workshop of Santa Claus".
* Making attributes for decorating the panel and windows.

III. Final stage