How to bleach colored things at home. How to whiten white things at home: the secrets of housewives. Ways to wash different items of clothing and interior

Stylish and spectacular white clothes are admired by others. Sparkling white blouses and shirts are the prestige clothing for employees of offices, banks and many other organizations. Keeping things white is very important. If you properly care for white things, wash them regularly, the white-boiled color will delight for a long time.

But in most cases, white clothes can lose their qualities, turn yellow, turn gray and fade. We will share with you the knowledge on how to bleach whites, restore their shine and color purity.

Boil whitening

One of the effective ways to bleach things is boiling, which has been used since ancient times.

Pour water into enameled dishes or a stainless steel tank, pour laundry soap or washing powder with shavings, put on the stove.

As it boils, keep it on the water for another 30 minutes, constantly stirring the laundry so that it comes into contact with hot water and powder. You need to mix with wooden tongs or a stick. After the specified time, turn off the gas and leave the basin or bucket to stand on the stove until it cools completely.

The longer it sits in the hot soapy water, the better. It usually cools down after 1-2 hours.

Wring out the laundry, rinse, wring it out well, hang it on a clothesline to dry. You can boil mostly durable fabrics such as cotton and linen.

Synthetic in the process of boiling can creep. If you add 25 g of ammonia to a soapy solution and boil for one and a half to two hours, the effect will be much better.

Bleach baby clothes

When soaking and washing baby clothes, you need to use special powders that are non-aggressive, hypoallergenic. You can also use folk remedies. Boil baby clothes in a basin with water and 25 g of ammonia for an hour, constantly turning over.

Take 100g of soda, 100g of baby powder, 150g of hydrogen peroxide. Boil an hour.

You can do without boiling: soak white linen in water with soda. Calculation of soda - 25g per liter of water.

A good helper in washing white clothes is a washing machine. Laundry washes better in soft water. To make the water softer, add two to three tablespoons of baking soda to it. By adding bleach to it, you can improve the quality of washing.

Types of bleaches

Let's look at what bleaches are in the chemical industry, which are poured into the washing machine, and which in no case should be poured into the detergent compartment.

There are 3 types of bleaches:

The whiteness perfectly washed and disinfected. Only things after frequent use of bleach turned yellow and were torn.

Washed with bleach by our ancestors by hand. And now many women use chlorine-containing bleaches, but much less often than oxygen ones, because they cannot be poured into washing machines, woolen and silk things will fall apart from the use of chlorine.

Synthetics should also not be treated with chlorine bleach. Their hostesses buy because of the low price and excellent whitening effect.

Oxygen bleaches are gentle on the fabric. When you add them to the washing machine, things become cleaner and whiter.

They can be used for bleaching any type of fabric. They do not contain abrasive substances, do not harm health, are hypoallergenic. They bleach quickly, but are more expensive than chlorine-based bleaches.

Optical ones do not whiten things, but create the appearance of sparkling whiteness from the luminescent components - reflective particles that make up such bleaches. Sometimes they are added to premium powders.

How to use white?

Washing machine and white clothes

Liquid bleach added to the prewash compartment will help turn yellowed items from improper washing to shining whites.

Mix 2 tablespoons of soda, 2 tablespoons of 3% hydrogen peroxide and cover problem areas with gruel for 30-40 minutes. The spots will disappear.

If the places are very dirty, and this product will not completely remove the dirt, you can use a more saturated solution: 5 tablespoons of soda and 200 g of 3% hydrogen peroxide, 5 liters of warm water.

Stir until a pale pink shade, add washing powder or laundry soap, cover the basin with a film and leave for 2-3 hours, and then wash.

You can take 5 tablespoons of mustard, diluting it in 5 liters of water, and then add a little potassium permanganate. An hour of soaking will lead to an effective result. Mustard without potassium permanganate will also return whiteness to yellowed things.

It is necessary to pour water and mustard into a basin, 1 tablespoon per liter of water. Do not be afraid that the linen will turn yellow. The color will go away when rinsed. This tool is suitable for silk woolen and delicate items.

Laundry soap successfully disinfects and bleaches clothes. It is necessary to lather the stains on the clothes thoroughly and leave to sour for 3 hours. Soap will bleach old white things, wipe off old stains.

The bleaching agent is a mixture of 125 g of soda, 75 g of grated laundry soap and washing powder. Add them to 5l hot water. It is necessary to hold the laundry in the solution for 3-5 hours. The tool will restore the previous whiteness.

Nothing will happen to the drawing. Only you can’t boil such white things, because the pattern will peel off.

If a floral ornament is applied to a white T-shirt using a stencil or stamping, then do not be afraid to wash it with the product that you prefer to use for a white T-shirt. This method of applying paint is resistant to any abrasive substances.

If dark T-shirts with a white pattern, then you should not use bleach, because the pattern applied by stamping and stenciling loses its whiteness from dust and dirt, clogging into the paint.

Many hostesses are faced with the fact that over time, white things lose their original appearance - they turn yellow, gray. It is not at all necessary to say goodbye to your favorite wardrobe items, because you can return the former whiteness to things at home. Today we will reveal some secrets.

The most proven way to whiten white things at home is boiling

Remember the snow-white tablecloths and bedding of grandmothers? They managed to achieve this result thanks to boiling. Of course, the process is laborious, but very effective.

Place bleached cotton items in an enamel pot/bucket/basin. Fill with water. Add laundry detergent. Put on fire and boil for half an hour, periodically remembering to turn things over. Rinse and dry afterward.

Whitening white synthetics with salt

As a rule, synthetic items indicate that they cannot be washed at temperatures above 40 degrees, which means that boiling as a means of fighting a grayish coating on a white fabric will not work. In this case, saline solution will help you.

In warm water, dilute the salt in the proportion of 2 tablespoons of salt for every liter of water. Immerse things in the solution and leave for 20 minutes. After the time has passed, rinse things, wring out and let dry.

Whitening soap

Another assistant in the fight against the yellowness and dullness of white things, which came from grandmothers, is laundry soap. Yes, yes, the same brown bar on which 72% is written will help restore things to their former whiteness.

Soak the products in cold water for a couple of hours. Then wash them well with soap and pour hot water over them. Beat the foam and leave the things to "sour" for an hour. After washing the little things on your hands, rinse and let dry in the usual way.

hydrogen peroxide

In 10 liters of warm water, dilute 3 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide. Immerse the items that need bleaching into the solution and leave for half an hour. Rinse thoroughly afterwards and dry in direct sunlight.

If there is no peroxide available, then you can use hydroperite, replacing the indicated amount of hydrogen peroxide with 9 tablets.

With the help of peroxide, yellowed guipure and tulle can also be bleached. In a bucket filled with hot water, add a couple of tablespoons of peroxide and a tablespoon of ammonia. Immerse things in the solution and hold for half an hour, and then wash.

Boric acid

If you need to quickly bleach cotton socks, stockings and underwear, then boric acid will be a great helper.

Soak things for a couple of hours in a solution prepared from 4 liters of water and 2 tablespoons of boric acid. After the specified time, rinse the laundry, dry. Boric acid not only fights the yellowness of things, but is also considered an excellent prevention of fungus.

Potassium permanganate

In 10 liters of hot water, dilute 200 grams of washing powder and a little potassium permanganate (the solution should turn out slightly pink). Dip things in the water and cover the basin with plastic wrap. After the water has cooled, things must be thoroughly rinsed and dried.


You can restore the original beauty of white clothes made of cotton and linen if you soak things for 2-3 hours in a solution of ammonia (6 tablespoons of alcohol per 10 liters of water). For severe contamination, 2 tablespoons of turpentine can be added to the solution. After such procedures, do not forget to rinse things well and dry.

Washing, ironing and cooking is the fate of all women, and it would be a disastrous schedule if the housewives did not know some of the secrets of these processes, thanks to which the chores in question become less costly, complex, time-consuming and long. Below, let's discuss how to whiten white clothes at home what means are good in this matter, and how this or that whitening process is performed.

There are some tools whose range of application is quite wide, especially if the hostess is smart enough to use this or that tool not only for its intended purpose. In this case, hydrogen peroxide is no exception.

It turns out that hydrogen peroxide can be used to treat not only wounds, scratches and other mechanical damage on the body, disinfecting them, but also to use the product to whiten things.

The main advantages of using this product in washing are:

  • savings - peroxide is quite inexpensive, unlike cleaning and detergents used for similar purposes
  • availability - you can find it in any pharmacy
  • ease of use - you do not need to have special skills and knowledge to use the product in the wash
  • effectiveness - is a fast-acting whitening agent
  • practicality - will help to get rid of stains of varying complexity of pollution quickly and easily

Hydrogen peroxide is used to bleach stains:

  • clothes (from a variety of materials)
  • furniture (upholstery, bedspreads, etc.)

It should be noted right away that the main thing in washing is to choose the right stain remover or bleach, as well as the temperature regime, because if you choose the wrong detergent or wash a thing in water at the wrong temperature, you can subject your clothes to serious tests. , which may end with:

  • loss of color
  • "Shedding" clothes
  • thinning or even tearing of tissue

Experienced housewives know a number of “golden” rules that must be followed in any scenario when washing things in order to get clean clothes without color loss:

  1. heavily soiled linen should be soaked for a while before washing;
  2. use for washing certain things special means suitable for these purposes (study the label on clothes or underwear, etc.);
  3. do not wash multi-colored and white items in the same water (do not mix them during this process, and it does not matter if you wash by hand or not);
  4. it is undesirable to boil things, this affects their durability and strength;
  5. it is possible to use folk methods in washing (including the use of hydrogen peroxide);
  6. you need to dry any clothes under ultraviolet rays (white things, you can take longer, colored things - take off a little more damp so that the sun does not have time to burn out their color);
  7. you can not often bleach things;
  8. do not bleach together things from different fabrics and materials.

Everything is quite simple, but it is these rules that become the key to success in washing.

In bleaching with hydrogen peroxide, there are also rules that you must know before using this product in the wash:

  1. If you decide to bleach cotton items or items made from synthetics, linen, then you can perform the bleaching process in washing machine. To do this, add 100-120 ml of the selected laundry detergent, only 10 ml of peroxide and wash the products for about 5-6 minutes. The temperature in this case can be 60-80 0 .
  2. Whitening of woolen things with the considered means is carried out as follows:
  • prepare a solution - 10 liters of water (can be hot) + powder + 200 ml of peroxide
  • immerse wool items in the solution for 4-5 minutes
  • rinse things in cold water (carefully)
  1. Since underwear is most often made from fairly delicate fabrics, it is best not to bleach them by washing them in a washing machine. Produce this process better manually:
  • we collect a full basin of warm water (not hot)
  • make a solution: add a few tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide to the water
  • stir well
  • leave the underwear in the prepared substance for an hour and a half
  • then wash normally

As you can see from the information above, bleaching with peroxide is not difficult, the main thing in this process is to take into account the material from which things are made.

How to bleach white things with soda?

It is quite difficult to exaggerate the usefulness of soda, because this substance is a universal remedy. It is used in:

  • medicinal purposes (heartburn, teeth whitening)
  • cleaning (washes different kinds pollution)
  • washing (bleaching of various fabrics)

If your whites need bleaching, you can use soda for this, but bleaching will be most effective if ammonia is also added to the soda. So, here's a simple way to make things whiter than white:

  • 6 tablespoons must be dissolved in 6 liters of non-hot water baking soda and 3 tablespoons of ammonia
  • mix everything well
  • soak whites in the solution for several hours
  • after which it is necessary, as expected, to rinse them
  • wash in normal mode (depending on the material of things)

You can also bleach a white tablecloth in the process of automatic washing. To do this, you just need to pour a few tablespoons of soda into the drum of the machine before starting it.

If the stain is fresh, you can pour a little soda on it and moisten it with water, hold it in this state for half an hour, and then start washing the thing.

Delicate fabrics need to be bleached wisely, so in some cases it is better not to use bleaching soda. Keep in mind that baking soda can corrode your hands with prolonged contact with it, so gloves will not interfere with this process.

How to whiten white things?

Inexperienced young housewives do not often buy white things, bed linen, because they believe that after just a few washes, the linen will become dull, and it will not be possible to restore its radiant whiteness. We must say right away that this opinion is erroneous and now we will prove it.

A rather old method of bleaching linen is the use of whiteness. Our grandmothers still used this method. Let's find out the details of this method:

  • do not forget that the whiteness is made on the basis of chlorine, which means that this remedy is effective and quite caustic
  • it is better to work with whiteness with gloves
  • the product is intended for bleaching dense materials
  • whiteness cannot be used for silk, colored fabrics, wool

The use of whiteness in hand wash:

  • draw water (temperature depends on the type of fabric)
  • add the right amount of whiteness (there is a detailed instruction on the package)
  • stir the solution
  • soak things in it (25 minutes will be enough)
  • rinse things in cold water (at least 3-4 times)

It is better not to use hot water for bleaching whiteness.

Whitening in the washing machine:

  • dilute whiteness 1:3 with water
  • pour the solution into the drum of the machine
  • things before bleaching in the machine, it is advisable to moisten a little
  • start the selected program (do not use high temperature modes)

It is necessary to use whiteness in a machine wash in extreme cases, because this agent can damage both fabrics and the washing machine itself.

How to whiten white things with aspirin?

When you find out that it turns out that aspirin can whiten things, it becomes somehow uncomfortable, because usually they drink it for headaches or fever. Despite such an impressive statement, the effect of this whitening method is excellent.

So, let's take a closer look at the whitening method by using aspirin tablets, which we all know, in washing:

  1. For 8-10 liters of water, you will need a handful of aspirin (namely, 5 tablets);
  2. We choose from dirty things those that you want to bleach (remember that these should not be colored things and not too thin fabrics);
  3. Completely immerse things in the prepared aspirin solution;
  4. Leave them soaked for 6-7 hours;
  5. For maximum efficiency and cleanliness, you need to wash things after soaking in the usual mode in the washing machine or by hand.

It's also worth noting that aspirin tablets do a great job of removing blood stains, so keep that fact in mind (especially since it's been proven time and time again).

How to bleach white things with ammonia?

Ammonia is an excellent ingredient for a bleach solution. Usually it is not used as an independent remedy, because it can be most effective in combination with soda.

In order for grayed and not quite new things to acquire their former whiteness, it is necessary:

  • pour 5-7 liters of water into a bowl
  • add a few tablespoons of regular baking soda to it
  • mix everything well
  • pour a little ammonia
  • dip things in a previously prepared solution
  • leave them in solution for a few hours
  • then wash them as usual
  • rinse very well
  • dry under ultraviolet rays

It's really effective method, which is time-tested, the main thing is that the things that you decide to bleach are not made of too thin fabric, because the components of the solution can affect their strength and even contribute to their “corrosion”.

How to bleach white things with vinegar?

Another in a good way to keep your whites clean is to add distilled bite (white) when washing:

  • preserves whiteness (restores it if necessary)
  • softens the fabric
  • Helps prevent the materials from which white things are made from rolling
  • reduces the possibility of an allergic reaction to other components involved in the washing process (detergents)

Bleaching and washing things with distilled vinegar:

  • it is enough to add half a glass of the vinegar in question to the linen and put it on a regular wash in the washing machine so that the color of things remains for a long time;
  • just 1/4 cup of vinegar can remove food stains from a white garment;
  • add a little soda (it helps to roll various kinds of dirt) and distilled vinegar (only half a glass) into a bowl of warm water, where you are going to bleach things, and your things will become snow-white, clean and soft.
  • If you need to restore whiteness to clothes or other things, soak them overnight in warm water, to which a glass of vinegar is added, and wash in the morning (you can do it by hand or in a washing machine)

A great way to whiten laundry is to add one and a half cups of the product in question to the rinse cycle, or soak clothes in vinegar for several hours, then launder them.

We bleach things from various contaminants

Clothes, bedding, white underwear require additional care, which is why every housewife must know how to bleach this or that thing.

How to bleach faded white clothes?

“How to bleach white things that have dyed in the wash?”- this question is asked by many inexperienced or inattentive housewives. You can purchase special laundry detergents for this purpose, but remember that the sooner you start bleaching faded items, the more likely you are to succeed in this matter.

Folk remedies are proven methods in this difficult matter:

  • Immediately after you find that white items have faded, wash them thoroughly with laundry soap.
  • If the fabrics of faded things are dense enough, whiteness can be applied.
  • If you have oxygen bleach in your closet (it's the easiest way to bleach faded clothes), then your whites will return to their original color in a few minutes after washing with it.

How to bleach yellowed white things?

White things, unfortunately, turn yellow over time, and some housewives believe that the time for such things is over, and it's time to dispose of them. In fact, there are several effective ways to return snow-whiteness to your things:

  1. An integrated approach is to mix persalt and regular washing powder:
  • You will need several glasses of washing powder for several tablespoons of persol
  • add this compound to water
  • put on fire
  • put laundry in there
  • boil things well
  1. Washing powder with potassium permanganate is a great option for bleaching things:
  • you will need 5 liters of water
  • you need to add a little potassium permanganate to it (such an amount that the water is slightly pink) and powder - 100 g
  • whip the foam on the resulting solution
  • place yellowed linen there
  • boil
  • do not remove things from there until the water is completely cold

How to bleach white things from sweat?

This problem concerns everyone and everyone who likes to wear white things. So, let's talk about how to whiten armpits on white clothes:

  • If a thing from thick fabric, sprinkle kitchen salt on the yellow spots and pour alcohol over them. Leave it like this for a while, then wash the item.

  • If the sweat stains are fresh, then laundry soap will help whiten them. Soap the yellow areas well and leave for half an hour, then rub these places well and wash the item as usual.
  • Mix 200 ml of ammonia, 200 ml of denatured alcohol, pour 800 ml of water and wash things with yellow spots in this solution.

If you wash white things more often, then the yellow spots will not have time to eat into the fabric.

How to bleach woolen whites?

Things from such fabrics are considered quite delicate, so the approach to bleaching them should be the same:

  • Hydrogen peroxide - add a little of this product when machine washing.
  • Bleach (special for woolen fabrics).
  • Baking soda - soak clothes in baking soda solution, then launder.
  • A safe way is chalk, but it will take a large amount. To wash one large woolen item, you need at least half a kilogram. Add the right amount to the water, soak the thing for half an hour, then wash it thoroughly. Everything is quite simple and fast.

If you are interested, how to bleach white synthetic clothes, review all of the above methods, they will work great for this type of fabric.

Whichever of the presented methods you choose, the main thing is that you take into account the complexity of the pollution and the density of the very fabric from which things are made. Whitening cannot be called a very simple process, but in order for things to acquire their former whiteness, you will have to try.

Video: Ways to whiten things

white clothes creates an elegant and festive appearance. It is in everyone's wardrobe. The disadvantage of things of this color is frequent pollution. After numerous washes white fabric acquires grayness and yellowness. This article will be of interest to those who do not know the product without damaging the fabric and financial costs.

A quick and effective way to clean clothes is washing in a machine. It is not enough to simply immerse the clothes in the drum, add the powder and turn on the household appliance. Failure to follow the rules of machine washing can ruin white things forever. Therefore, it is important to take into account. Be sure to carry out the preparatory procedure. We will tell about them further.

Do not rush to put white things in the washing machine. Follow these guidelines:

  • Check your clothing for coins, bills, and other items in your pockets. Otherwise, during the washing process, they will get wet or crumble in the drum of the washing machine.
  • On the dress, shirt and trousers fasten zippers, buttons and Velcro.
  • Turn the product inside out so as not to damage the fabric during washing. Before washing the bra, you need to remove the solid elements.
  • Use special laundry bags and balls.
  • Wash with quality powder.
  • Soften the water in which you will wash whites.
  • Things will become snow-white if you dry them in the sun.
  • Sort clothes by type of fabric, color, size and degree of soiling.

Wash whites and coloreds separately, as white fabrics may become dyed. Each type of fabric uses a different wash cycle. Cotton and synthetics can be washed together. Such fabrics are resistant to pressing and high temperature. For clothes made of wool and silk, a gentle mode without spinning is used. Therefore, wash cottons and delicate fabrics separately. White bedding is washed separately from. More soiled clothing is soaked or boiled before machine washable. Wash white clothing with slight soiling immediately.

The result of washing white items depends on the quality of the detergent used. Give preference to powders and gels with a whitening effect: Ariel, Tide, Persil, Domol and others. Refrain from using products that contain chlorine. Their frequent use leads to the destruction of the fibers of the fabric.

Properly selected water temperature and washing mode is the key to maintaining the shape and properties of the fabric. Before washing, read the manufacturer's recommendations for the care of the product. Such information can be read on the tag attached to the inside of the clothing. If the tag is lost, follow these rules:

  • Cotton products are washed at a temperature of 40-95 ° C.
  • Clothes made of wool and silk at 30°C.
  • Synthetics at 40°C.
  • Lace underwear and colored fabric 30-40 C°.

Boiling - a universal method

The boiling procedure is effective for removing stubborn stains, dullness and yellowness of the fabric. This bleaching method is suitable for cotton and linen products.

To perform the procedure, you will need a bulk enameled container. It can be a bucket, basin or pan. It is necessary to fill the bucket with water so that the product floats freely in the solution, since in the process of boiling it will be necessary to periodically mix the contents of the container. Prepare a stick in advance or wooden spoon 50 cm long. Washing soap and powder can be used to prepare the solution. For 8-10 liters. water will need 50 ml. powder or 5 tablespoons of laundry soap shavings. Place a container of water on the stove. When the water is hot, add detergent. After dissolving the product, immerse the laundry. The duration of the procedure is 45-60 minutes after boiling the liquid. Turn the clothes over throughout the procedure to evenly boil the material. After the specified time, turn off the stove. Then cover the container with a lid. Leave the clothes in it until the solution has completely cooled. After the procedure, you need to rinse the clothes in running water.

Making water softer

To achieve effective whitening of the fabric, soft water must be used. When washing, it is recommended to add 2 tablespoons to the powder. baking soda.

Soda and ammonia. The use of soda in combination with ammonia gives good result whitening. To apply this method, you need to take 2 tablespoons of ammonia, 6 tablespoons of soda and 6 liters of hot water. Follow the soaking procedure for one and a half hours. Then wash things by hand. Use this recipe to remove gray and yellow cast from white fabric.

soda with peroxide. This combination of products will help remove pollution in problem areas. Prepare bleach from the indicated components in a one to one ratio. Treat the fabric around the collar, cuffs and under the armpits. After 30-40 minutes, wash the clothes in a washing machine. You can fix the bleaching result by soaking white linen in a solution of 5 tablespoons of soda, 3 tablespoons of peroxide and 5 liters of water.

Children's bed is bleached with soda solution. Use the proportion: 3 tablespoons of soda and 4 liters. water. You can soak and boil diapers in it.

Baking soda and whitening soap. Take 3 tablespoons of soap shavings and 4 tablespoons of baking soda. Add the prepared mixture to 7 liters of warm water. Soak your dirty clothes in there for 2 hours. Then rinse.

We use improvised means

Peroxide works great on stains delicate fabrics. For soaking white clothes, you need 50 ml. antiseptic and 9 l. warm water. The duration of the procedure is 40 minutes. After that, wash the product with washing powder or laundry soap.

Potassium permanganate on the tip of a knife and 35 ml. detergent. Dilute the ingredients in a glass of warm water until completely dissolved. Then pour into a 6 liter container with warm water. Load your white clothes. After an hour, wash by hand with laundry soap.

5 spoons of powder mustard dilute in 200 ml of water. Pour the resulting mixture into a bowl with a solution of potassium permanganate. To prepare it, take 4 liters. water and 5 crystals of potassium permanganate. Soak the product for 45 minutes. Then wash in the washing machine.

citric acid used for natural cotton products. In 100 ml. warm water, stir a bag of lemon. Pour there 2 tbsp. l. starch and laundry detergent. Then 3 l. salt. The mixture should be in the form of a slurry. Apply bleach to dirty areas of fabric for an hour. Then wash off with warm water. If necessary, use a soft bristled brush. Fix the whitening result by washing in a washing machine with a bleaching detergent.

It will help restore the whiteness of wool products. The color of the solution does not affect the whiteness of the laundry. Dilute in 200 ml. boiled water a spoonful of funds. Pour the liquid into an 8 liter bowl of warm water. Stir the water with your hand. Then put the clothes in the container to soak for half an hour. Rinse first in warm, then in cold water.

3 tablets aspirin for 5 liters of water. For quick dissolution of the drug in water, grind the tablets into powder. Stir the solution by hand. Carry out the procedure for soaking clothes overnight. Take out your clothes in the morning and wash them with laundry detergent. Acetylsalicylic acid is effective in removing blood and juice stains. Take half a glass of water. Add powder from 3 aspirin tablets. Treat the stains with the solution cotton pad. You can make lotions using a cotton swab. Apply a cotton swab dipped in the solution to the stain for an hour and a half. Then wash the item as usual.

3 tablespoons salt per liter of water. Using this method will bleach washed items. Can be used for synthetic products. Immerse the dirty item in the soak solution for 3 hours. Then wash by hand with soap.

We use special tools

Many housewives prefer to bleach snow-white products with industrial bleaches. Their advantage is fast and effective whitening and stain removal. There are such types of bleaching agents:

Oxygen bleaches- Means containing oxygen. Available in the form of tablets, powder and gel. Suitable for delicate fabrics. Safe for wool and silk products. Carefully affect the fibers of the fabric.

Optical brighteners- do not bleach the fibers of the fabric, but give only a white tint to things due to the coloring pigment.

The safest way to bleach your laundry

When it comes to bleaching clothes and bedding for children and adults with allergies, there is a need to choose a safe bleach. For such a case, children's washing powder, laundry soap, soda, salt and potassium permanganate are suitable.

For boiling, you can use the following solution recipes:

  • For 8 liters of water, 5 tablespoons of crushed soap. The duration of boiling is one hour.
  • 10 liters of water, half a glass of salt and potassium permanganate on the tip of a knife. The digestion procedure should be carried out for 2 hours. After the time has elapsed, turn off the burner. Cover the container with a lid. After cooling, rinse clothes with cold water.
  • Baking soda is added during soaking and boiling. And also, during and typewriter machine. The product will help disinfect and soften the water.

Is it possible to return faded things to their original appearance?

As a result of violation of the rules and washing techniques, white things change color. You can save your favorite clothes by boiling. This recipe is suitable for clothes made from organic cotton or linen. To do this, you need a quarter of the household or bleaching soap to grate. Add the product to a 6 liter enamel container with warm water. Stir to get a homogeneous solution. Put the pot on the fire. When the liquid is heated to 60 ° C, immerse the damaged product. The duration of boiling is 50-60 minutes. After boiling, turn the clothes over every 10 minutes for even bleaching. Finish by rinsing the clothes in the vinegar solution. A spoonful of acetic acid per liter of water.

If the white thing is made of synthetic material

Synthetic clothes are bleached with such folk remedies:

Whitening mixture of baking soda and salt. For a liter of water, a spoonful of soda and salt. Soak clothes for an hour. Then wash with laundry soap. Rinse with conditioner.

Whitening solution from 200 ml. warm water, 30 ml peroxide and 2 tbsp. baking soda. Carry out the soaking procedure for 45 minutes. Then wash the product as usual.

Bleach silk and wool

Fill a six-liter container halfway with warm water. Add 3 tablespoons of ammonia, laundry detergent and 3 tablespoons of salt. The soaking procedure lasts one hour.

Pour water into a five liter basin. Then add half a cup of mustard powder. Mix thoroughly. Soak the stained clothes in the prepared mixture for an hour.
Complete the procedure.

White clothes require proper care. The bleaching methods presented in the article will help restore the original whiteness of the product. Choose a more suitable method. Leave feedback in the comments.

White things look elegant, but quickly get dirty. Due to frequent washing, they acquire an ugly yellow color. In these cases, tips on how to whiten white things come in handy.

Consider the most common and practical ways to help resolve the issue of how best to whiten white items when hand washing and in a washing machine.

Whitening in the washing machine

If you do not know how to bleach things, when washing clothes in washing machine then apply:

1. Liquid or bulk bleach:

  • chlorine-containing - aggressive products that cope with the yellowness of white things even at a temperature of 40 ° C;
  • oxygen-containing ones are used for bleaching products from all types of fabric. Most work effectively only at a temperature of 80-90 ° C, some - at 50-60 ° C;
  • optical brighteners do not bleach, but “recolor” things, because they contain luminescent dyes.

2. Soda ash.

3. Table salt.

If you don’t know how to bleach with soda or salt, then mix washing powder, soda ash and salt (take 2-3 tablespoons of all substances) and pour into the detergent compartment.

The bleaching procedure in the washing unit depends on the design of the container that supplies the detergent to the drum. Therefore, there are two ways to return whiteness to things using a washing machine:

Method 1 apply if the machine has a compartment indicated by a triangle. This is a bleach bottle. Then:

  1. Sort the laundry into the drum before putting it into the drum.
  2. Set the required mode and start the machine.

Method 2 effective when the bleach compartment in the washing machine is not provided. Then:

  1. Lay out the laundry and run a normal wash.
  2. Wash your laundry a second time with bleach only. Pour it into the powder compartment.

If the bleaching agent works effectively at a temperature of 50-60 ° C, then mix it with the laundry detergent and pour it into the appropriate cuvette or into the drum. Run the wash in the desired mode.

These methods will help whiten voluminous things: tulle, bed linen. Washing powder with a bleaching effect will help to avoid the use of these products. Use it with every wash to keep things radiantly white.

Whitening in hand wash

If you are looking for methods on how to bleach yellowed white things when hand washing, then here is a list of tools that will help resolve the issue:

1. White. If you bleach sheets, duvet covers, etc., then:

  • add whiteness to the water at the rate of 3 tbsp. l. for 9 liters of water;
  • soak the laundry in this solution for 30 minutes;
  • rinse bed linens.

2. A solution of soda and ammonia will help those who are looking for a way to whiten things so that grayness and yellowness go away. For this:

  • dissolve in 10 liters of hot water 10 tbsp. l. soda and 4 tbsp. l. ammonia;
  • soak the laundry for several hours and wash with detergent.

If the yellowness remains, then you will have to boil things in a soda solution. This method is effective only for cotton products: bath or kitchen towels, bedding, socks.

3. Laundry soap and potassium permanganate will work if:

  • thoroughly soap the linen with laundry soap;
  • type in a bowl of hot water 70-80 ° C;
  • dilute 10 crystals of potassium permanganate in 10 liters of hot water;
  • put linen in a bowl with this solution and leave for several hours;
  • take things out and rinse thoroughly.

This method will help restore whiteness if it has turned yellow or you accidentally washed colored laundry with white.

4. A mixture of hydrogen peroxide and soda ash help if:

  • in 5 liters of water heated to 50 ° C, dissolve 2-3 tbsp. l. hydrogen peroxide and soda ash;
  • soak products made of thin fabrics in a solution for two hours;
  • periodically turn things over, and after the time has passed, rinse them.

5. A solution of salt, hydrogen peroxide and ammonia useful for bleaching wool and cotton products:

  • in 2 liters of hot water 60-70 ° C dissolve 3 tbsp. l. salt and hydrogen peroxide, add 1 tbsp. l. ammonia;
  • lay out the laundry for 2-3 hours;
  • wash in washing powder.

In a similar solution, but without salt, guipure products can be bleached. The exposure time for such delicate things is 30 minutes.

6. Boric acid. To bleach cotton items (t-shirts, socks, socks, scarves, towels), dissolve 2-3 tbsp. l. boric acid in 2-3 liters of warm water, soak the laundry for several hours, rinse.

7. Mustard Powder Excellent effect on dirt and yellowness of kitchen towels. Dilute 2-3 tbsp. l. powder in 3 liters of hot water, leave things for a few hours and wash in the usual way.

Boiling and using bleach is not a panacea for whites. Frequent exposure to aggressive substances will lead to rapid wear of products, since the threads of the fabric will become thinner. To avoid the appearance of yellowness or gray deposits, sort the laundry before washing and choose the right washing powder.