Thick white rods are squeezed out on the nose. How to squeeze out black dots on the nose at home? Is it possible to squeeze black dots on the nose? Baking soda scrub

Some women are very upset by enlarged pores on their face, and some are not aware of their existence. If you belong to the first category of women, there is no need to be upset. Of course, we cannot change our skin type, but we can make it better. In fact, everyone has the mouths or pores of the sebaceous glands. In some people, they are almost invisible, while in others, due to enlarged pores, the skin resembles an orange peel or the surface of a thimble.

Unfortunately not one, even the most best laser will not be able to make porous skin smooth. However, there is good news, and it lies in the fact that enlarged pores can be narrowed, cleared and masked.

How to remove enlarged pores?

In fact, oily skin with enlarged pores is not so bad - it ages more slowly and retains the greatest supply of vitality. But if you do not take care of such skin, it quickly loses its attractiveness, becomes rough, thick and looks untidy. Proper care for porous oily skin, both salon and home, is to reduce the thickness of the stratum corneum, reduce the secretion of the sebaceous glands and optimize the release of fat to the surface.

What determines pore size?

The size of the pores is determined by the level of the male hormone and heredity. The male hormone androgen stimulates the production of sebaceous glands. In people with dry skin type, the pores are invisible, in people with oily skin type, the pores are usually enlarged. The size of the pores directly depends on the production of fat - the more fat is produced, the wider the pores, and vice versa. The elasticity of collagen fibers decreases - it becomes more difficult for them to keep the skin in good shape. In addition, ultraviolet and sun exposure weakens and damages skin cells around the pores, which stretches their walls. Dirt is sebum that changes color when it comes into contact with oxygen. It oxidizes and darkens. Bacteria actively multiply in sebum. It also gets melanin (skin pigment), in a certain amount - therefore, the darker the skin, the darker the fat.
Enlarged pores of the skin of the face on its surface mean active sebaceous glands under its surface. Under the surface of the skin, excess fat, dead cells accumulate, which clog pores and cause acne. Chronic acne can expand and stretch the pores. You don't need to squeeze the pimples, as this damages the tissue around the pores. Regular and proper cleansing- this is the main thing in the care of porous skin. The more fat accumulates in the ducts of the glands, the more the mouths stretch. The stagnant fat in the pores goes rancid, so an unpleasant odor sometimes comes from the skin.

All dermatologists recommend cleansing the skin in the morning and evening with soft gels or foams that do not contain soap. They wash away and loosen fatty acids. The water should be cool or warm, as hot water expands the pores. It is ideal to wash your face with mineral water or boiled water. In the morning, it is enough to use a light cleanser or just wash your face and wipe your face with a tonic. The evening procedure should begin with the removal of makeup, using a special lotion, after which the remaining lotion, sebum and sweat are washed off with water and a cleanser. It is useful to sprinkle the face at the end of washing with thermal water. Since often after washing there is a feeling of tightening, but it does not mean at all that the pores have shrunk. It simply indicates that aggressive detergents have dissolved the hydrolipidic film that retains moisture. Such funds only temporarily remove fat, but then the sebaceous glands begin to produce it even more. It must be remembered that the more you degrease the skin, the more actively it will produce fat, and therefore the fatter the skin of the face, the wider the pores.

The layer of keratinized epithelium, how to deal with it.

Porous skin has a thick layer of keratinized epithelium, which thickens even more with age. Therefore, it needs to be exfoliated regularly with scrubs or peels. But make sure that they do not injure the epidermis, so it is better to use softer gommages that do not contain solid particles. Such funds are used no more than 1-2 times a week. Not so long ago, "thermal scrubs" appeared on the market, which warm up the skin, the pores expand and this provides deep cleansing due to the fact that the active ingredients penetrate inside. The action of thermal scrubs is based on the content of locally irritating components in it: arnica, red pepper, cinnamon, camphor. They cause vasodilation by stimulating the sensitive receptors of the skin, and open the pores, thereby ensuring blood flow. Due to this, pollution is better removed. The best time to apply peels is in the evening.
Exfoliating masks are also useful, which tighten pores and remove excess fat. The mouths of the sebaceous glands pull together clay-based masks well, and especially blue.
Masks can be applied 1-2 times a week. In the morning or evening, apply on well-cleansed skin for 10-15 minutes. After this procedure, your pores will become noticeably narrower for a few days.

Enlarged pores of the skin of the face, treatment with folk remedies.

If you are a fan of home cosmetology, you can make face masks from acidic foods: fat-free cottage cheese, kefir, sorrel, strawberries, red and black currants. Also useful are lemon juice or sauerkraut. But it is necessary to ensure that the mask does not dry out on the face, otherwise creases may form. Rinse your face after 5-7 minutes with cool water.

Creams and serums.

Special serums and creams, which are designed specifically for porous skin, will make basic care more effective. Since these funds help to narrow the pores, and also improve the complexion. They will have a gradual effect, strengthening the stacks of pores, as well as an instant effect - they will give the skin a matte effect, thanks to optical diffusers. Vegetable natural extracts (for example, soy protein) in the composition of such serums and creams prevent the destruction of collagen in the skin, providing elasticity to the walls of the mouths of the sebaceous glands.

There are tiny holes in the skin through which oxygen enters the cells, and decay products formed as a result of metabolism come out. These are pores. They allow the epidermis to look flawless.

However, in a normal state, they can be found very rarely. Someone suffers because they are very narrow. Some of them are too wide. In the latter case, clogged pores, which are a serious hindrance to skin breathing, will become a problem. Her solution is a thorough cleansing of the face and additional care for the epidermis.


To begin with, it’s a good idea to find out why the pores on your face are clogged. There may be one reason, but most often there is a whole combination of factors. Think about which of the following is present in your life and how it could affect the condition of your skin.

  1. With and types of skin, the glands produce too much fat. If these circumstances are complemented by insufficient care for the epidermis and the wrong lifestyle, you should not be surprised that your pores are clogged with sebum.
  2. If you do not clean your face regularly, the pores will accumulate cosmetic residues, dust and dirt particles. Forming a dense mass, they clog holes in the skin. Subcutaneous fat is added to them from the inside, the production of which does not stop for a minute. The result is inflammation on the face in the form of acne and blackheads.
  3. If you use cosmetics that are completely unsuitable for your skin type, pollution cannot be avoided.
  4. Abundance on the face (in several layers) is another reason for our misfortune. Thus, a non-breathable mask appears on the skin, which is harmful to the health of the epidermis.
  5. The glands begin to produce a lot of fat when eating “wrong” foods: fast foods, smoked meats, marinades, chips, crackers, carbonated and alcoholic drinks, hot spices, sauces, mayonnaise, sweets.
  6. rare minutes of fresh air and his preference for a dusty office or apartment is another circumstance that provokes such a phenomenon.

Knowing why the pores are clogged, you can analyze your lifestyle and the features of using cosmetics and draw the appropriate conclusions. It's time to change something - otherwise the condition of the epidermis will only worsen every day. But before jumping into action, make sure that you actually have clogged pores, and not some kind of skin disease.

Helpful information. Comedogenicity is the ability of cosmetic products to contaminate and clog pores.


It may not be possible to recognize the problem right away, since clogged pores on your face will begin to spoil your life only after all the debris accumulated in them begins to rot. It is at this moment that the most unpleasant surprises await you. The main symptoms are the following manifestations:

  • the relief of the skin is changing: if earlier it was more or less smooth, now it is covered in small tubercles, wavy and looks very untidy;
  • inflammation begins to appear: acne and acne, as in adolescence;
  • black dots form on the nose, chin and forehead;
  • the complexion has become a reddish-blue hue, a healthy and natural blush has disappeared;
  • when looking in the mirror, you can see how, which also does not color your appearance.

If you sin on some kind of cosmetic product and do not know how to understand that the cream clogs the pores, conduct an experiment. Stop using it for a while - if the above symptoms begin to gradually disappear, your suspicions are not in vain. But throwing it away is not the solution. He will be replaced by another remedy, which will also lead to pollution on the face. Therefore, the only sure way is to start regular cleaning of the epidermis.

Cleansing methods

Ultrasonic face cleaning

Don't know how to get rid of clogged pores on your face that prevent your skin from breathing and looking flawless? cleaning - here The best way to fix this cosmetic defect. But you can go through this procedure at home, or you can make an appointment with the master in the salon.

Salon face cleaning

If you want to clean clogged pores on your face for a long time and with high quality, it is better to sign up for one of salon procedures.

  • Manual

Manual cleaning is one of the most effective methods get rid of clogged pores on the face, despite the fact that it is gradually being replaced by cosmetic devices. First, the skin enjoys a steam bath on herbs (the pores at this moment open to the maximum). Then the doctor removes acne, blackheads, blackheads manually. It is applied, which relieves irritation, makes the complexion even and natural. But there are also disadvantages - this is the soreness of the procedure and high trauma. The rehabilitation period is several hours (5-7), during which severe reddening of the skin can be observed.

  • Mechanical

Mechanical facial cleansing is another way to clear clogged pores, no less effective, but just as traumatic and painful. It is produced not by hands, but with the help of special tools - spatulas, spoons and a strainer.

  • vacuum

Vacuum cleaning allows you to get rid of clogged pores with the help of hardware cosmetology. Black dots, sebaceous plugs, exfoliated and already dead cells, dust, dirt - all this is drawn out by air through a special nozzle on the device. The advantage is painlessness, the minus is the insufficient depth of cleaning: garbage can still remain on the lower layers of the epidermis.

  • Ultrasonic

Ultrasonic cleaning allows you to clean heavily clogged pores - that's why it is so in demand today. In this case, the specialist adjusts the wavelength depending on the depth of the blockage. Ultrasound levels the relief in parallel, narrows the pores, makes the blood pulsate faster, gives the epidermis a blooming appearance.

  • laser

The laser, like ultrasound, penetrates to a sufficient depth, splitting subcutaneous debris there and clearing clogged pores. This is a completely painless and safe procedure.

Do not forget that you will have to pay for salon services. Whereas you can clean clogged pores at home using the most common improvised means.

Home face cleaning

To free clogged pores from excess debris on your own, at home, you must first choose a facial cleansing method that is right for you.

  1. Daily cleansing in the form of washes in the morning and evening (at least) with the help of various serums, gels, foams, milk, etc.
  2. Steam bath with herbs (you can take calendula, celandine or pharmacy chamomile) 1-2 times a week.
  3. After it, every time it is good to treat the face with a scrub.
  4. Sensitive skin need a homage.
  5. With clogged pores after the scrub, you can use a cleansing film mask.

All cleansers can be bought at the store (or pharmacy). Can you cook with my own hands Houses. It all depends on your individual preferences and financial capabilities.


  • Oatmeal scrub

Dilute oatmeal crushed in a coffee maker with water to a creamy consistency (read more about oatmeal scrubs and their benefits).

  • Clay masks

Powder cosmetic clay diluted in warm water to the desired consistency and applied to the face for 20 minutes.

  • swedish mask

3 tsp low-fat cottage cheese mixed with 1 tsp. honey. Action time - half an hour.

  • Gelatin mask

Mix 2 powdered activated charcoal tablets with 2 tsp. gelatin. Pour 4 tsp. milk. Stir, break up lumps. Action time - 7-10 minutes.

  • rice scrub

1 st. l. chopped rice mixed with 1 tbsp. l. honey and 1 tsp. lemon juice.

  • Argan oil

Argan oil also helps with clogged pores: they need to lubricate the face with a thin layer an hour before bedtime. Before going to bed, remove leftovers cotton pad.

With the help of these tools, clogged pores on the face will no longer interfere with your life. The relief of the skin will become even and smooth, the complexion will noticeably improve. But don't let that discourage you: don't lose your vigilance. From now on, regularly carry out such cleanings. And in order to prevent re-contamination, take into account the advice of cosmetologists and dermatologists.

Clean fresh skin looks attractive even without makeup. On the contrary, if the pores on the face are enlarged, clogged, inflamed, then it looks repulsive. But black dots are not only an aesthetic problem. If timely measures are not taken to remove them, they turn into comedones, acne, and this is already a dermatological disease. To prevent and overcome it, you should not only visit a beautician, but also clean the pores on your face at home. It is necessary to carry out the procedure for any type of epithelium, it is especially important for fatty ones.

Causes of clogged pores

Everyone has pores on their faces. The dermis “breathes” through them, and sebum is secreted through them, which is necessary to protect against negative external influences. People who have almost no protective fat layer notice signs of aging on their faces earlier, but owners of a fatty type of dermis also have a hard time. They, as a rule, have dense, with wide pores, excess sebum, covering the face with a greasy layer, create an unattractive shine.

Most often, blockage of pores suffers from those in whom they are naturally enlarged. This usually happens with an oily type of face, in which there is also intense sebum secretion, which exacerbates the problem. Dust and dirt get into the pores, blocking the exit of sebum, which accumulates in the pores. Inflammation in such a situation is almost inevitable. As a result, acne appears on the face, which creates many problems, up to low self-esteem, self-loathing. The more sebum secreted, the higher the risk of acne.

The reasons for the increased formation of fat are most often a genetic predisposition, metabolic disorders due to hormonal surges, malnutrition. So, love for flour, sweet, fatty and all kinds of smoked meats is reflected on the face with black dots and pimples.

Blockage of pores can also occur at a normal level of sebum production, if its release to the outside is difficult due to the use of improper decorative cosmetics.

How to clean your face at home

Cleansing of the pores must be carried out regularly, regardless of the type of dermis. You can focus on the following recommendations: for oily skin, it is recommended to use scrubs every other day or two, in addition, about once a week or a little less often, it is desirable to carry out a deeper cleansing. At normal skin procedures are carried out twice as rarely, with dry - 3-4 times less often, that is, in this case, the scrub should be used twice a month, and deep cleaning should be carried out only if necessary.

There are several methods for cleaning pores that can be successfully used at home. The easiest and safest is the use of cleansing masks. They can be of several types. The gelatin film mask allows you to “pull out” the dirt from the pores, it is especially good when you need to clean the pores on the nose. Egg helps at the same time "close" the pores, tighten the skin. Kaolin mask perfectly removes all impurities, smoothes the epithelium and gives the face a fresh tone, mattifies. Pore ​​cleansing with it can be used at any age, even when caring for mature skin. A soda mask is considered quite effective, which acts as a scrub. When you need to clear the nose of oily points, this tool is perfect. Oatmeal mask has a complex action: cleanses, nourishes, balances. Read the detailed recipes for each mask below in the article.

The second method is deep pore cleansing. It is produced in several stages:

  1. Washing with a special product: gel, foam, camphor soap cream.
  2. Steaming the face. During this procedure, the pores expand even more, the skin softens, so that after that it is possible to better clear the nose of blackheads, remove black spots on the forehead, chin mechanically or in another way. You can soar your face by leaning over a container with a hot liquid in which soda or a decoction of medicinal herbs is first dissolved. The fire should be minimal, the exit of the steam must be blocked by covering with a towel. Steaming lasts 10-15 minutes. If the skin is very sensitive, then it is better to steam it at home with compresses: dipping tissue paper in a hot (moderately) infusion or decoction of herbs, applying it to the face for a couple of minutes.
  3. Now it's time to move on to acne removal. mechanical method when they are simply squeezed out with fingers, effective but risky. With it, it is important to observe sterility so as not to spread the infection throughout the face. At home, it is better to choose more safe way: Applying a scrub or using a cleansing mask.
  4. After removing the mask after the required time has elapsed (usually 10-20 minutes), the pores must be narrowed. For this purpose, special masks and tonics are used at home. You can simply wipe your face with a piece of ice, a slice of lemon, raw potato juice. After using a cleansing mask with egg white, lemon in taking additional measures there is no need to narrow the pores.
  5. Finish off with a moisturizing and soothing cream. You can replace it with aloe gel or the juice of this plant.

The third method is honey massage. It will appeal to those who are looking for a way to clear the pores on their nose without purchasing a special patch. Honey is melted, applied to the nose and other problem areas. After five minutes, you need to touch the skin with your fingertips and tear them off sharply. There is a kind of vacuum, and impurities are drawn out of the pores. It remains only to wash and narrow the pores. The procedure is contraindicated for those who are allergic to bee products.

You can clear the nose of black dots using a special patch. The adhesive substance applied to it begins to act upon contact with water and dissolves sebum. The nose needs to be wetted, stick a patch on it, after a while remove it - all the dirt will remain on it. Cleaning the pores on the nose in this way is safe and painless.

How to keep the effect for a long time

In order for the effect to last for a long time, you need to exclude fried, fatty, flour, sweet, smoked foods from the diet and start taking proper care of your face:

  1. Cleanse your face twice a day with cleansers, tonics, lotions.
  2. Do not abuse decorative cosmetics.
  3. Regularly use scrubs, cleansing masks that are easy to make at home.

Masks for cleansing the pores on the nose and face

For the preparation of cleansing masks, you can use proven recipes:

  • Gelatinous. Pour a bag of gelatin with three tablespoons of water or milk, heat in a water bath until completely dissolved, when it cools down, beat the protein into the mass. The composition is applied to the face warm, waiting for solidification, removed from the bottom up. For greater effect, you can add a tablet of crushed activated carbon when dissolving gelatin. This DIY mask is no less effective than similar purchased products.
  • egg. The protein must be combined with the juice of one lemon, beat, add a few drops of tea tree ether.
  • oatmeal. Oatmeal should be brewed with hot water or milk, wait until it swells, apply thickly on the face, wait a quarter of an hour, rinse.
  • Egg-oatmeal. A large spoonful of oatmeal is mixed with whipped protein, used as oatmeal.
  • Kaolin. white clay diluted with warm water or milk to the consistency of sour cream. For problematic skin you can replace half of the white clay with blue. At home, this mask is made most often.
  • soda. Three teaspoons of baking soda should be mixed with one teaspoon of melted honey. Apply by lightly massaging. Before removal, you can conduct a honey massage according to the method described above.
  • Berry. Five berries of strawberries or grapes need to be mashed, mixed with a teaspoon of lemon juice, egg white. In addition, it is necessary to regularly wipe the face with tonics that narrow the pores. Tonic can be replaced with cucumber lotion or cucumber juice, citrus juice (you can just cut off a slice and wipe your face with it), potato juice. A good result is rubbing the face with a piece of ice. It is better to freeze not just water, but birch sap, decoction of chamomile, calendula.

Deep pore cleansing: advice from a beautician

Blackheads on the face can cause acne. Clogged pores need to be cleansed. Pore ​​cleaning can be carried out at home. Preventive measures will not allow the pores to clog, and the effect after the procedure will last for a long time.

This post is dedicated to the girl i_beauty and her brand new Clarsonic device.
I won’t say anything new about clogged pores and why mechanical cleansing seems to me less successful than chemical cleansing: the information is mainly taken from " New cosmetology"Margolina and Hernandez, well, plus what the magpie on the tail brought from the vast Internet space, and my personal conclusions, both practical and theoretical.

Why do pores get clogged? Why is the entire Internet replete with the eternal question - oh, but this cream won't clog my pores?
Such a property as comedogenicity is most often attributed to emollients - substances in cosmetics that are designed to soften the skin, like its own sebum, smooth skin scales, give it healthy look. They also talk about the possible comedogenic effect of irritating substances, for example, sodium lauryl sulfate.

It must be borne in mind that the pores are still clogged not by some cosmetic ingredients, but with its own fat and dead cells lining the ducts of the sebaceous glands. When sebum has the wrong chemical composition(and this often happens with acne, oily seborrhea), then it ceases to be liquid, due to which it normally flows freely from the pores and softens the skin, and becomes thick.
It expires with difficulty, so it remains in the pores, mixes with dead cells, and now it is ready - a sebaceous plug. And when its end darkens under the influence of oxygen, a comedone is obtained. Similar problems with sebum leakage can also occur in owners of deep, narrow, irregularly shaped pores.
Various cosmetic ingredients can only aggravate the process of clogging pores with their own fat - due to the fact that they create a film on the skin, stick together dead skin scales, and prevent the leakage of fat.
Sensitivity to one or another component in terms of aggravating the process of clogging pores in each individual. In addition, much depends on the concentration of a particular substance in the product, and on its combination with other components.

The question arises: what to do? For cleansing is not a panacea.

1. Liquefy sebum. This is a long and not always successful path, but ingestion and external use of products with gamma-linolenic acid (and these are oils of hemp, blackcurrant, borage, evening primrose) can give their effect.

2. Do not aggravate the problem with cosmetics. That is, painstakingly, through trial and error, calculate which ingredients cause a sharp deterioration in your situation - faster formation of comedones, their formation in unusual places, and so on.
So, for myself, I know that silicones are not afraid of me, with natural oils you should be careful, but arachnidyl and benehylic fatty alcohols are very scary for me

3. I remember that an amazing woman and a competent cosmetologist Tiina Meder (aka gracebirkin) said a brilliant thing. Pores cannot be empty - they must contain fat. And if you see comedones, then this means that there are problems with cleansing, because with adequate cleansing, the black top of the comedone does not appear immediately. Of course, this is not a direct quote, but the meaning is this.
That is, proper cleansing and exfoliation, which reduce the manifestations of hyperkeratosis (excessive accumulation of dead cells on the surface of the skin and in the ducts of the sebaceous glands), greatly help in the fight against clogged pores.

The topic of exfoliation, mechanical and chemical, as well as possible irritation with them, and what is better and worse, is the next extensive block of information that requires preparation. But it will definitely be, only later. So - to be continued

The main reason for clogged pores is the excessive production of sebum, which is necessary for moisturizing the skin and maintaining its protective mechanisms. This explains the fact that the problem of clogged pores mostly affects people with oily skin types, and the most problem manifests itself in the so-called T-zone of the face, namely the nose, forehead and chin, where most of the sebaceous glands are located.

Excessive sebum production can be caused by factors such as hormonal fluctuations during puberty and the menstrual cycle (in women), as well as the use of certain beauty products.

Large clogged pores

The clogging of the skin pores and their expansion are interrelated. When sebum and dead skin particles mix, a plug is formed that stretches the pore. As a result, the natural outflow of fat stops.

There are many ways to help clear pores.

How to clean?

The cleansing process is based on removing excess sebum and dead skin to prevent clogged pores. Here are specific cleaning tips:

  • Use once a week clay mask. Read more about it below.
  • Scrub your skin 2-3 times a week. It will also help clear your face of excess oil and dead skin cells. For oily skin use a scrub that contains salicylic acid. Dry skin more suitable cream scrub.
  • For a better effect, you can use special cleaning tools with a cleaning roller. It can be used along with your cleanser. Be careful with this tool, using it too often can cause irritation and worsen the situation.
  • Use matting wipes
  • Make an oatmeal mask every day. To do this, you need to take 1 cup of oatmeal, pour them into a cup hot water and mix thoroughly. After the resulting mixture has cooled, apply it on the affected areas for 2 minutes. Wash off the mask with warm water.
Effect of BRTC Perfect Pore Set treatment for clogged pores (taken from their advertisement, as an example of a general understanding of the desired results)

Is it possible to squeeze the contents out of the pores?

Many have itchy hands to squeeze out the contents of the pores. But it is better not to do this, since you can only harm and aggravate the situation.

First of all, you can increase the clogging of pores with oil and dirt from your hands.

Secondly, there may be bacteria on the hands, if they enter, inflammation can begin.

I think the last thing you want to do is make things worse. So keep your dirty hands away from your face. If necessary, a special tool for cleaning the face - a loop - can be used for this. But it is better to let specialists in beauty salons use it.

Extrusion of clogged pores with a special tool - a loop

How to get rid?

At proper care your pores will be almost invisible. Here are some tips on how to get rid of clogged pores on your face, as well as on your chest, arms, and other places.

Wash your face with cleanser 2 times a day

Paula Begun, author of Don't Go Makeup Without Me, recommends using gentle, water-soluble cleansers And try not to use regular bar soap, as the ingredients that help the soap hold its shape clog pores.

Choose the right skin care products

Avoid using soaps that contain ingredients that dry out the skin. This will contribute to even more intensive production of sebum.

When it comes to moisturizers, choose water-based ones. Avoid products that are too heavy in texture and high in oils.

The WebMD website suggests looking for the term "noncomedogenic" ("does not clog pores") on product labels.

Remove the layer of dead skin in time

Salicylic acid, which is found in exfoliating products, is also effective tool from clogged pores. These products remove the plug from the pores, thereby improving the flow of sebum. Another advantage of such products is the fight against wrinkles and the stimulation of additional collagen production.

Products containing retinol

Another option that you should pay attention to when choosing anti-acne products. Retinol is a derivative of vitamin A, and is sold at any pharmacy.

Products with retinoids

If you have a difficult enough case of acne, you can try products containing retinoids such as Avita, Retin-A, Tazorac, Differin and Renova. More powerful than retinol, these products improve cell production, which then restores pore function.

Cleansing strips for the nose

You can also try using nasal cleansing strips. This simple remedy helps to remove the top layer of impurities from the pores. Use the cleansing strips exactly as directed to avoid skin irritation.

In addition, your dermatologist may recommend the following acne treatments:

  • Chemical peel
  • laser resurfacing
  • Microdermabrasion

Folk methods

In the current state of the economy, many prefer folk methods to going to the pharmacy. Below are some of the most commonly used folk methods against clogged pores.

Baking soda scrub

Baking soda, or sodium bicarbonate, is a great way to cleanse your skin of excess sebum and dead skin cells.

And thanks to its antibacterial properties, it has an additional effect in the fight against acne.

The easiest way is to mix a tablespoon of baking soda with water and apply the resulting paste on your face for 2 minutes.


This is the easiest and very first method to use at home. Hot steam expands the pores and makes it easier for the contents to come out of them. All you have to do is lean over a bowl of hot water and cover yourself with a towel. Stay in this position for about 10 minutes. Repeat 1 time per week.

clay mask

A clay mask is an excellent tool for degreasing and removing the dead layer. By using this method twice a week, you will soon see a significant improvement in the condition of your skin. Apply the mask on your face, leave it to dry completely, then rinse it off with plain water.

Lemon juice

Another miracle cure for clogged pores. Lemon juice provides a deep cleansing action that washes away dirt and oils from your pores. For this method, squeeze the juice of half a lemon and apply it on the acne affected area with gentle massage movements.

Before and after cleaning clogged nose pores with baking soda and lemon juice


Papaya is rich in papain enzymes which are very effective in clearing the skin. When applied to the face, they can help get rid of clogged nose pores. Simply wipe your nose and other acne-prone areas with papaya peel to cleanse your face of dead skin cells, dirt, and excess sebum.