Proper cleansing of the skin of the face every day. Deep cleansing of the face - maximum cleansing of the skin from various impurities. Complete facial cleansing at home

Adalind Koss

Purity and beauty are two interconnected things. When it comes to cleansing the skin at home, people refer to this as washing. But this is only a reduction in pollution. For effective cleaning, deep cleaning is required. Many people do this sort of thing themselves. This saves time and money.

Facial cleansing

Before each session of cosmetology at home, do facial cleansing. A lot of dirt, microbes, dust, cosmetics remain on the skin. This can be easily removed with the usual tool. Gel is used to clean the skin with excessive fat content. If it is too dry, then milk will help.

After washing, massage your face with a scrub. For this, a product with small granules is suitable. In addition, there are . It turns out natural remedy. Mix fresh sour cream with natural ground coffee. The scrub is rubbed into the skin with gentle movements. This method is not suitable for sensitive skin. A mask-film is suitable for cleaning this type of skin.

Now wipe your face with tonic and move on to the next step.

Steaming the skin

The salon cleaning procedure is impossible without steaming the skin. Cosmetologists open pores with a hardware method. But the house requires a simple, but no less effective remedy. For this, a pot with a decoction of medicinal herbs and a towel are suitable. Herbs are selected according to skin type. Pour water, add herbs, boil, cover and turn off the heat.

Now the steaming process begins. It is necessary to keep the face over the steam, covering the head with a towel. It is important that the steam "does not escape" from under the towel, otherwise the procedure will not be effective.

Breathe in the steam, after a couple of minutes the skin will begin to sweat. This means that the pores open up. It takes 15 minutes to prepare for deep cleaning.

Deep facial cleansing at home

At home, ultrasonic facial cleaning is available. You will need a special tool. It sends vibrations through the epidermis. The skin is cleansed of impurities, the flow of blood and lymph is activated, and the elasticity of the skin increases.

In addition, the manual cleaning method will bring benefits. It will take time, but in effect it is no worse than the previous one. Before you start cleaning, it is important to wipe your face with peroxide.

Wash your hands and wipe with salicylic acid. Fingers must be wrapped with a bandage. Gently press the edges of the pores to remove plugs from the fat. After removal, wipe the skin area with peroxide.

To remove comedones, shaving cream is used, it is applied to areas that need correction. When the cream penetrates the pores, a wooden knife is taken and wrapped in gauze. Run them over your face, pressing down a little. Foam will come out of the pores, and with it greasy dirt.

Well, we've cleared the skin. Now it is important to carry out proper care after cleaning.

Facial care after cleansing

If wounds appear after cleaning, they need to be smeared with iodine so that acne does not occur. Proper care behind the face after cleansing is important, since the regeneration of skin protection processes begins. Do not expose it to temperature extremes and direct exposure to the sun.

At first, wash your face with mineral water, wipe your skin with a tonic without alcohol. Before each exit from the premises, the face must be lubricated with a cream to protect against UV rays, even in cloudy weather.

Clay gives an excellent effect of narrowing the pores. To do this, it is diluted with aloe juice or tonic, applied to the skin until dry. Wash off with chilled water. Handles well too. The average vegetable is rubbed, the resulting composition is applied to the skin for a quarter of an hour.

If you notice peeling after cleansing, then use more moisturizer than usual. Do not touch the skin for no reason, try to use less foundation.

Recipes for cleansing masks and scrubs

Recipes for cleansing masks and exfoliating products contain solid particles that unclog pores. There are many preparation options. Within the framework of one procedure, the use of both a mask and a scrub is allowed. So, scrub recipes:

grind the oatmeal into flour. Mix 1 tablespoon of flour with water to get a thick porridge;
to create a scrub from rice, you will need to mix ground rice grains with liquid honey and lemon juice in a ratio of 1: 1: 1;
to prepare a bean scrub, boiled beans are passed through a sieve. The puree is diluted with lemon juice in a ratio of 1: 1, then 1 part is added.

As mentioned, cleansing masks are effective in combination with a scrub:

Clay is known for its ability to cleanse the skin. Main - right choice colors. 1 tablespoon of the powder is diluted with water to obtain a thick mass. The composition is kept on the skin until dry;
flour from potatoes or wheat is diluted with water. Porridge is applied to the skin for a quarter of an hour;
3 tsp low-fat cottage cheese is whipped, then combined with 1 tsp. warmed honey;
to remove black dots, such a mask is useful: crush 2 tablets of activated charcoal, combine with 2 tsp. natural gelatin. Composition pour 2 tsp. milk or water. Mix until smooth. The mixture is heated in a microwave oven for 15 seconds and cooled. This peel-off mask removes impurities from the skin. But it should be used with caution in rosacea;
1 part sauerkraut, finely chopped, mixed with ½ part milk and oatmeal flakes. The resulting mask is left on the skin for a quarter of an hour.

Homemade recipes for masks and scrubs help get rid of rashes and blackheads. If you regularly clean your face at home and make masks, then the skin condition improves.

January 29, 2014, 11:28

It is safe to say that cleansing is the most milestone skin care. Cleanse your face thoroughly enough and any products you use afterwards will work more effectively. That being said, serums, gels, and moisturizers can be quite expensive, so you want to get the most out of them. And if something works effectively, then the amount of product can be slightly reduced, which will lead to significant beauty savings in the long run.

In other words, proper cleansing of the skin of the face should concern you no less than hair balm after each shampoo. Don't know where to start? In an interview with Byrdie, dermatologists list the mistakes most clients make and how to avoid them.

Mistake #1: Cleansing your face once a day

We are almost certain that if you only cleanse your face once a day, then you are doing it in the evening. Meanwhile, cleansing the skin in the morning is strategically important point. “Just as an evening cleanse rids the skin of makeup and impurities, in the morning a treatment awakens cells, increases blood circulation, has a slight lifting effect and prepares the skin for subsequent treatments,” explains dermatologist Keith Kerr. At the same time, experts recommend applying products on the face with massage movements to give the face a fresh and healthy look.

Mistake #2: Don't wash your hands before cleansing

I bet you don't wash your hands before you wash your face on purpose. So are we, but as it turns out, it matters. “For the most effective cleansing, wash your hands before proceeding with the operation. This is necessary in order to get rid of the dirt and bacteria that you can transfer to your face,” says skin care specialist Debbie Thomas.

Mistake #3: Use an abrasive

Cleansing and exfoliation are not the same thing. While you should exfoliate twice a day, exfoliate no more than 1-2 times per week (depending on skin type). “Patients with dermatological problems sometimes think that the more aggressive the remedy works, the better. But in fact, overly harsh cleansing with abrasive particles can irritate the skin and worsen the situation,” explains consultant dermatologist Alexis Granite.

Mistake #4: Practicing Contrasting Wash

Water temperature is also a key factor here. You may think that you should use hot water to open pores during cleansing and cold water after cleansing to close pores - but this is not true. “Choose warm, but not hot water,” advises Hollywood beautician Shani Darden. “Too hot as well as too cold water can lead to dryness, irritation and flaking.”

Mistake #5: Doing the Double Cleansing Rule

Two-stage cleansing is a beauty system originally from Asia, which is especially popular today. But it will be useful for you to know that not all experts consider it correct. "I'm pretty sure one cleanser is more than enough," says dermatologist Sam Banting. "The secret is to find a product that is designed for your type of koi and designed to solve the problems that you face." According to the expert, the problem with double cleansing is that this approach sometimes disrupts the natural functions of the skin barrier. In other words, "crystal clear" or "squeaky clean" is not always good. This means that you have gone too far in the fight for perfect skin, and you need to slow down.

Are there exceptions to this rule? Undoubtedly. "After intense exercise additional cleansing - for example, using wipes after the gel or foam - will not hurt. But I would recommend applying an intensive moisturizer after that so as not to overdry the skin,” says Alexis Granit.

Mistake #6: Using a cream or balm

Naturally, the type of cleanser you choose is, if not decisive, then still of great importance. But thanks to the experts, the choice will be less difficult than you might expect. “I recommend betting on a gel or foam, rather than a cream or balm, since the latter type of products are less washed off, which means they can remain on the skin, clogging pores, causing irritation, rashes and disruption of the skin’s natural moisturizing processes,” explains Keith Kerr. In addition, it may interfere with the effect on the cells of products that you plan to use later.

Mistake #7: Betting on Gadgets

Facial brushes can be a useful addition to girls who live in an urban environment. Because pollution environment contribute to the appearance of the first signs of aging, this becomes all the more important for you, the more cars pass outside the window every day. But, as with all aspects of cleansing, don't use your gadgets too much.

“You should be guided by the type of skin: in the case of oily / combination, more frequent use of the brush is allowed than in the case of thin, dry and sensitive skin. I also advise caution when dealing with inflammatory issues such as acne and rosacea. In order not to harm the epidermis, use your fingertips as the main tool, ”comments Banting.

Mistake #8: Avoid acids

Acids - best friend your skin (and we are absolutely serious). “If you use daily products with the right and balanced ingredients, such as salicylic, lactic or glycolic acid, this will result in an effective, but at the same time quite gentle cleansing,” says Debbie Thomas. Tip: If you are new to using products with active acids, start with the gentlest possible product and only use it in the morning to let your skin get used to it. new scheme, which, however, will give results very soon.

In order for the skin of the face to always remain fresh and young, to have an even, pleasant color, so that inflammation and irritation do not appear on it, it is important to provide the skin with regular and deep care. The most important procedure in this matter should be daily cleansing of the skin of the face.

The procedures for cleaning the epithelium are different, and their main gradation takes place according to the following principle: there are daily and deep cleansing of the skin. Let's talk about what stages there are in these processes, with the help of what cosmetics, devices and, in general, methods, you can clean the dermis.

Daily cleansing routine

Proper cleansing different types facial skin should be carried out every day, morning and evening. It is important to know that simply washing with water is not enough to fully cleanse the dermis, and even the water for washing must be able to choose.

You can not carry out this process using cold tap water. Firstly, the water from our taps is often overloaded with chlorine, which is not at all useful for the human epidermis, and secondly, too cold (as well as too hot) water can injure sensitive epithelium.

Professionals advise replacing washing with cold water by wiping the dermis cosmetic ice, which is easy to prepare at home - it is enough to freeze herbal decoctions in ice molds.

Herbs that are ideal for morning washing and facial cleansing according to the rules are: sage, chamomile, yarrow, mint, calendula and string. Rubbing is done with massage lines in the directions they provide, and the wiping procedure should not exceed 5-6 minutes.

It is also useful to know that cosmetic ice is not stored for longer than 7 days. Herbs during this period lose beneficial features, and using such ice is not only useless, but also harmful.

A deeper cleansing of the skin of the face should be carried out in the evening.

Here are the main stages of proper cleansing of the skin of the face, of which it consists:

  • Complete make-up removal. Suitable means for this procedure are tonics, foams, gels, lotions for washing. You need to choose a specific drug depending on the type of skin, since various means have a different composition, for example, for the care of mature skin, cosmetics are maximally saturated with antioxidants, products for cleansing problematic and oily facial skin are enriched with substances with an antiseptic and drying effect;
  • Protecting the skin cleansed of impurities is also an important care procedure. For this purpose, you can use a special night cream, which contains all the nutrients necessary for the epithelium.

We talked about the stages of daily cleansing of the dermis, but from time to time it needs to carry out more complex cleansing activities that affect not only the surface layers of the epidermis, but also the pores. What are these very events and how to carry them out at home?

Complete facial cleansing at home

The frequency of deep cleansing procedures is closely related to the type of epidermis. So, for a dermis prone to frequent irritations and rashes, it is good to conduct cleaning sessions every 7 days. For normal, such a procedure is needed no more than once every 10 days.

Here are the main methods for carrying out such procedures:

  • Steam bath. A bath with a couple of medicinal herbs helps to deeply cleanse the skin of dust and dirt particles, open the pores and remove accumulated harmful substances from them. You can prepare a decoction of medicinal herbs for such a bath or simply add a few drops of natural essential oil in boiling water;
  • Peelings. Peeling is a very special tool for cleaning the epithelium of the face. The peeling procedure removes dead particles that clog pores. The dermis begins to fully breathe, and from its saturation with oxygen, the processes of regeneration and renewal take place in the cells more actively. Peeling is a generalized name for a number of procedures, but at home it is most accessible (and safest) to carry out its mechanical variety. For mechanical peeling at home, scrubs and their softer variety - gommages are used;
  • Effective facial cleansing folk remedies carried out using a variety of homemade cosmetic masks. Such masks are easy to prepare from products that are always in the refrigerator - eggs, fresh vegetables, cereals, dairy products. Recipes for masks without any problems can be found on any women's forum and choose the composition that is most suitable for your type of epithelium.

We talked about the standard methods of cleaning the epithelium at home, but there are ways that are more advanced and original: we are talking about devices for cleansing procedures and a diet that allows you to make the skin cleaner and healthier. Let's learn more about these methods.

Cleaning procedures with special devices

A device for cleansing the skin of the face is a device that is definitely correct and useful. By purchasing it, you can forget about expensive salon procedures, because such devices are professional equipment used by employees of beauty parlors.

Devices for this purpose are different: for vacuum, ultrasonic and galvanic cleaning of the dermis. The vacuum tool will be the safest in home use: with the help of suction cups, it will simply suck out the dirt from the pores during the session and remove dead scales from the surface of the epithelium. It is impossible to damage or injure the dermis with this method of cleaning, moreover, the procedure does not cause any irritation or redness on the skin.

An ultrasonic cleaning device acts on the epidermis using short waves, breaking all the accumulated impurities in the pores. Scrubber gives a good effect in cleansing and rejuvenating the skin, but has a significant disadvantage - sessions must be carried out several times a week, which requires a significant amount of time.

The galvanic tool acts on the contamination of the epithelium with a low voltage current. During a galvanic session, cosmetic preparations are better absorbed into the dermis, therefore, professional cosmetologists treat the skin of the face during the procedure with oil with the desired properties - antiseptic, moisturizing, rejuvenating.

There are many devices for cleaning the dermis on the modern market, but it is best to get expert advice before purchasing such a device and be sure to familiarize yourself with the literature on hardware cosmetology.

Diet for clear skin

Another original method to restore the face to its original purity and freshness is a diet for cleansing the skin of the face. The essence of the diet is to minimize the intake of fatty, starchy and sweet foods and consume foods rich in B vitamins in the daily menu.

  • Signs of dirty skin
  • Why you need to clean your face regularly
  • Rules for daily cleansing
  • Deep cleansing rules
  • Cosmetic procedures

Signs of dirty skin

The polluted air of the metropolis is nothing good skin does not promise faces. That is why make-up in big cities is called the first line of defense against aggressive environmental factors. But it also needs to be removed at the end of the day. The process of cleansing the skin in such conditions must be approached with all seriousness.

How to determine that the usual washing is not enough? We list the signs that indicate that the skin needs serious, deep cleansing.

    Dull complexion.

    Uneven terrain.

    Abundance of small pimples.

    Black dots.

    Enlarged pores.

    Feeling of a greasy film on the face.

Fundamentals of skin care, classification of procedures

Cleansing procedures can be systematized as follows.

    Home daily is a mandatory surface cleansing with make-up remover, as well as gels and foams for washing.

    Home weekly - a deeper effect on the skin with the help of scrubs, gommages, masks.

    Cosmetological procedures that involve both hardware techniques and the use of professional preparations.

Rules for daily cleansing


The first stage is the removal of make-up, removal of surface contaminants. In the morning, cleansing is no less important than in the evening, since at night metabolic processes are actively going on in the body, internal cleansing and restoration takes place. By the way, the peak production of sebum falls on 4-5 o'clock in the morning. If you wipe your face in the morning after washing cotton pad soaked in tonic, the disc will not remain clean.

So, at this stage, use:

    micellar water;

    cleansing oils (hydrophilic oils are also good for oily skin);

    milk, cream - for dry skin;

    lotion or tonic - as an express method;

    make-up remover wipes - optional or as a travel option.

It is important to understand that every type of skin needs a cleansing procedure from time to time, not only prone to oiliness. © iStock


At this stage, surface contaminants are removed.

    Eliminates the remnants of sebum from the surface of the epidermis.

    The particles of cosmetics or other contaminants dissolved at the previous stage are removed.

    Everything that remains on the skin after preliminary cleansing is washed off, which ensures the opening of the pores.

Below is a list of cleansers.

    Gels are suitable for oily and combination skin.

    Foams and mousses are for all types, but are especially good for dehydrated or sensitive skin.

    Milk, cream, balm - for dry skin.

    Oily skin shows combined products that combine, for example, the properties of foam and scrub for daily use.

Additional cleansing

With the advent of the fashion for cleansing the skin according to the Asian method, special sponges and brushes have replenished the arsenal of skin care products.

    Konjac sponges have taken on the role of not just a sponge for foaming the gel, but an independent cleanser. They gently massage the skin, improving blood flow and, accordingly, the complexion.

    Brushes are built into the bottles of some products for oily skin. Special villi deeply cleanse pores without damaging the skin.


This stage is often forgotten or deliberately ignored, and all because not everyone understands what it is for. Meanwhile, the tonic

    Restores the pH balance on the surface of the skin, which is disturbed by the action of cleansers and hard tap water.

    prepares the skin for further care and improves the penetration of beneficial substances of serum and cream.

Features of cleansing different types of skin

We write about this separately, because in some cases the differences will be significant.

Oily and problematic

It requires increased attention in matters of cleansing due to excess sebum, which clogs pores, provoking the appearance of comedones and acne. Trying to dry your skin with alcohol-based products is a bad idea. This only stimulates the increased production of sebum. The same result will give cleansing "to the squeak".

Wash your face with lukewarm water and rinse your face with cool water at the end - to narrow the pores. Cold water is taboo: it constricts blood vessels, which means it impairs blood circulation.


Do not forget about scrubs and peels, otherwise guaranteed:

    dullness of the skin;

    decrease in the effectiveness of moisturizing and nourishing products.

Switching to waterless cleansing is not worth it: it will not be possible to fully eliminate pollution with the help of indelible products. In addition, this method will deprive the skin of that light exfoliation and massage that occurs when washing.


There are no limits when choosing formulas and textures, but it is still important to take into account the current condition of the skin and do not forget about regular exfoliation.


It is not necessary to purchase a double set of cleansers for the T-zone and U-zone. Modern formulas are universal. For washing, choose a foam.

    Pay special attention to additional products and use, for example, a brush on problem areas.

    For deep cleansing, multi-masking is suitable.

Among cosmetic methods, three types of cleaning have proven themselves. © iStock

Cosmetic procedures

Among cosmetic methods, three types of cleaning have proven themselves.


As a result of ultrasonic vibrations, keratinized particles are exfoliated from the surface of the skin, microcirculation improves. The procedure is considered gentle, suitable for any type of skin.


It can be compared with vacuuming - the pores are cleaned approximately according to the same principle, and at the same time lymphatic drainage massage, which heals the condition of the skin, improves complexion.

Galvanic (disincrustation)

Good for oily and problematic skin, which usually has a high density. A saline solution of a certain composition is applied to the skin, after which it is exposed to microcurrents using a special nozzle. As a result, the content of the pores dissolves, old comedones go away.

Instead of cleaning, the beautician may advise:

    Microdermabrasion - skin resurfacing with fine abrasive particles (promotes epidermis renewal).

    Chemical peeling is the dissolution of dead skin particles with the help of acid-based formulations. The surface layer of the skin is renewed. The procedure is effective for correcting various imperfections - from post-acne traces to age spots. The composition of peeling, depending on the type of skin and purpose, is selected by the doctor.

Deep cleansing products for different skin types


Exfoliating scrub with absorbent charcoal "Clean Skin Active",Garnier

charcoal and salicylic acid

Deeply cleanses pores, narrows them, effectively removes excess sebum.

7-in-1 Deep Cleansing Pure zone, LOré al,

salicylic acid, exfoliating particles

Deep cleansing oily skin encourages renewal. Suitable for daily use.

Soft scrubGommage Surfin, La Roche-Posay

specially selected ingredients for high tolerability, free of soap, alcohol and dyes

Gently and deeply cleanses the skin, leaving a comfortable feeling. Suitable for dry skin.

Facial scrub "Pineapple Papaya",Kiehls

pineapple and papaya fruit acids, apricot kernel powder

Softens and renews the skin. Apply to wet skin, massage, leave for 2 minutes and rinse.

Gentle exfoliating face creamExfoliation Confort, Lancô me

extracts of almonds, yeast and honey, microgranules

Releases dry skin from the stratum corneum, evens out the relief and complexion.

Purifying masks

Steaming mask « Clean skin",Garnier

zinc, clay

Upon contact with the skin, it warms it up, facilitating intensive cleansing of the pores. For oily and problem skin.

Mineral Peeling Mask "Double Shine"Vichy

fruit acids, exfoliating particles of volcanic origin

Deeply cleanses, saturates with minerals. For all skin types, including sensitive, prone to flaking.

Deep pore cleansing maskClarifying Clay mask, SkinCeuticals

clay, hydroxy acids

Suitable for deep cleansing, removes excess sebum, evens out the relief of the face.

Clay mask that deeply cleanses and exfoliates the skin,Purefect Skin 2 in 1 Pore Mask, biotherm

white clay, seaweed extract

Draws out impurities, unclogs pores and visibly tightens them, provides micro-peeling and refreshes. Apply once a week.

Intensive Purifying Mask Energie de Vie, Lancôme

white clay, extracts of lemon balm, ginseng, cranberry

Gently cleanses the skin from external impurities and sebum, frees pores. Suitable for use 2 times a week, for all skin types.