What oils are good for skin and hair. What oils are good for hair: a description of the best natural remedies. Mythic Oil by L'Oréal

Not so long ago, the range of oils consisted of two or three items. In those days, the excitement was caused by burdock oil, which almost every woman dreamed of buying. Absolutely everyone knew that burdock has a beneficial effect on the structure and growth of hair.

The modern market offers a huge amount of product. But unfortunately, it has lost its popularity, as ready-made hair care products have appeared, the use of which does not take a lot of time and effort.

Why not chemicals, but oils? Yes, the latter are more troublesome, but the effect is worth it, especially since the advantages are obvious:

  • Naturalness. In such products there are no preservatives, fragrances and other artificially made components;
  • Process duration. For many, a long application procedure seems to be a significant disadvantage, but this is not so. The longer the mixture is on the strands, the deeper the beneficial elements that help strengthen and develop the strands will penetrate.

The most useful oils for hair - what are they?

Oil is a natural product. It is made from seeds, bones, etc. Cold-pressed products are especially useful, as this method allows you to save all the useful properties. The effect of using oils is as follows:

  • Improving the general condition of the strands;
  • Complete elimination of dandruff;
  • Increase in volume;
  • growth stimulation;
  • Return of natural brilliance.

Of course, it is impossible to achieve all the above results in one application. This requires long-term use of the chosen means.

On average, the procedure of treatment with the help of such means lasts about six months.

Each type of curl has its own treatment

This is a postulate that you should pay special attention to when choosing products for strands. The classification of hair types is different:


  • Thin;
  • Medium thickness;
  • Thick.

Depending on the amount of sebum that the scalp secretes:

  • Normal;
  • dry;
  • Fatty;
  • Mixed.

The most problematic hair are thin and greasy strands. They need more careful care, which, preferably, should be prescribed by a specialist. Oily curls are often soiled due to the high secretion of sebum. To solve this problem, you can use flax oil.

As for dry and thin strands, caring for them is a little easier. The main problem with this type of hair is that they are often confused and because of this they lose their natural shine.

Thick hair of a normal type practically does not require care, so these owners are lucky. However, not all representatives of the weaker sex naturally have such curls. Therefore, the question arises: How to choose the right oil for hair care?

Choosing a hair oil

Of all the wide variety of products, finding an acceptable combination is not difficult. But it must necessarily correspond to the type of strands, scalp, etc.:

  • Ideal for combating dryness and brittleness. Affects the strands, nourishing and giving them volume;
  • Avocado. This remedy contains a huge amount of vitamins. They help restore the structure of the hair and moisturize them. Especially well suited for hostesses who love experiments. As a rule, several options for avocado oil are on sale. Choose only what is prepared by cold pressing;
  • Bergamot. The oil from this plant prevents hair loss. Ideal for owners of oily strands, as it reduces the activity of glands that secrete sebum;
  • From grape seeds. Makes hair elastic and restores its natural shine. The tool is an excellent antioxidant, which will not only protect the strands from harmful external influences, but also charge them with the power of youth. Can be used on any type of hair. Vitamins A and E are able to restore the water-lipid balance of the scalp. Unlike many other oils, it can be used in its pure form without dissolving;
  • Suitable for thin and weak curl. Returns natural shine and strengthens the structure. To increase the effectiveness of the oil, it is recommended to use it in a mask, combining it with other oils or fat-soluble vitamins. Such a product has been tested by many generations and is not only effective, but also a budget option;
  • The lemon remedy will give the strands a light platinum tint and a beautiful life shine. Recommended for women with dry and brittle hair;
  • Due to the huge amount of vitamins, burdock oil works wonders in the field of actively stimulating hair growth. It is advisable to use not in its pure form, but in a mask. This will speed up the effect;
  • Wheat germ. The product contains everything that is necessary for high-quality and gentle care behind the strands: acids, vitamins and antioxidants. But in its pure form, it is not recommended to use it because of the thick and viscous structure. Therefore, you should add the product to the masks. Suitable for dry hair;
  • Jojoba. Useful for the curl in all respects: strengthens, nourishes, moisturizes, strengthens the structure, restores natural shine and elasticity. Often used in professional nourishing masks.

The above list does not include all the oils that will be useful for strands.

Selection of essential oils

Essential oils have a strong odor, volatility and insolubility in water.

  • Lemon essential oil. It is one of the best dandruff remedies. "Revitalizes" strands, giving them a natural shine and increasing volume;
  • Anise. Anise essential oil is great for strengthening the structure of the curl and preventing their loss;
  • Mandarin. Used as a treatment for dandruff. Helps reduce brittleness and stimulates growth;
  • Melissa. Recommended for those with oily hair. The product normalizes the secretion of subcutaneous fat, increases the overall tone of the strands and prevents them from sticking together. The effect of the application will be noticeable after a couple of weeks. Curls will become fresher, dandruff will decrease, and hair growth will accelerate.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like gem: the simpler it is, the more precious :)

Hair shining with health and beauty is a real treasure. Herbal or essential hair oils will nourish your hair with irreplaceable substances and restore its former beauty. Which oil to choose, how to apply it to give curls a stunning look?

What oils are good for hair

The best hair oils are natural essential and herbal substances. Each of them is especially intended to improve the appearance and general condition of the hairstyle. It is important to purchase the one that best suits your needs: oil for hair growth, strengthening the roots, nourishing the root zones, a remedy for split ends or a complex mask. Buy the best means you can in a cosmetic store, specialized centers or pharmacies.


The absence of harmful substances contributes to the active effect on curls. The best are made vegetable oils for hair based on vegetable fats, without the addition of chemicals. The prices for such products are affordable, they are much cheaper than essential oils, and the health benefits are invaluable. Find out about the best products in order to choose the most effective in terms of composition and effect.


The most fragrant version of all presented on the shelves of stores, which is considered a hit with Indian women. Coconut oil helps to improve shine and increase volume, protects curls from the negative effects of the sun and does not deprive them of useful elements when washing your hair. The oil is applied as a mask for three hours, then washed off with shampoo. As the best sun protection apply before going to the beach.


A useful product is obtained using burdock roots, which contain a large amount of mineral salts, vitamins, proteins, tannins. Thanks to palmitic, stearic acid, itching, dryness of the scalp are eliminated, damaged hair. Burdock oil is known for its quality of improving hair growth, preventing hair loss. You need to rub it into the skin a couple of times a week, then after 20 minutes wash it off with shampoo.


You can use this oil in its pure form or by adding it to shampoos, masks. Beneficial features for hair:

  • Sun protection;
  • better hydration and nutrition of the scalp;
  • acceleration of growth;
  • dandruff treatment;
  • improves hair structure and restores after chemical exposure;
  • means of prevention for the improvement of the hairline.

grape seed

The product is saturated with vitamins, antioxidants, sodium, calcium, iron, potassium, but the main highlight of the product is linoleic acid, which affects not only the strands, but also the root zone. Grape seed products will help you forget about such problems:

  • slow growth;
  • oily scalp;
  • inflammation, irritation of the epidermis;
  • fragility of the tips;
  • dandruff;
  • dull and bad appearance.


A tool made using a useful nut, after a couple of procedures, will allow you to note the softness, obedience of the hair, their natural radiance. Apply not only to the ends, but along the entire length of the hair, which is convenient, because it is absorbed quickly, does not weigh down the hair. What is useful tool for strands:

  • eliminates dryness, brittleness;
  • gives radiance, healthy shine;
  • strengthens the roots, subcutaneous bulbs;
  • treats damage to strands;
  • accelerates growth;
  • optimal for any type of epidermis, is hypoallergenic and therefore there are no contraindications for use;


A time-tested remedy of organic nature, which confirms its hypoallergenicity. A hair mask made from oils or a pure product is up to the consumer to choose. What did our grandmothers like the best remedy:

  • active strengthening of strands, accelerated formation of keratin in the follicle;
  • gives shine, smoothness, silky strand structure;
  • eliminates, prevents dandruff, peeling of the epidermis;
  • increase in volume, splendor;
  • protection after curling, dyeing.


According to the Greeks, this product is liquid gold, because its benefits and power of influence are invaluable for health. A firming, smoothing agent is the prevention of dryness, brittle curls. To make it beneficial, use it as part of a mask in a heated form (about 40 degrees). Half an hour the mask is kept under a plastic wrap, then, until the hair is dry, it is washed off.

Essential oils

Improvement with the help of such oils is ensured, they help prevent loss, brittleness, and accelerate the growth of your strands. The choice on the shelves of shops and pharmacies is great. The best essential oils are: juniper, lavender, clove, fir, rosewood, lemon balm and others. Such oils are individual, soothe the scalp, accelerate hair growth, nourish and treat an unhealthy look.


The regenerating properties of the oil are very effective for oily hair types. It dries, relieves curls from greasy, ugly shine, you can use it without adding other components, dripping into shampoo or balm. To restore hair growth, it is better to use in combination with rosemary and sage. Such a tandem strengthens the roots and the curls themselves.


Severe damage, malfunction of the follicles are treated with tangerine ether quickly and effectively. What will help fight tangerine oil during the first month:

  • any type of seborrhea;
  • dandruff;
  • itching of the scalp;
  • slow growth of strands;
  • brittle, split ends;
  • dryness of the hair and epidermis;
  • dull, unhealthy appearance;
  • insufficient silkiness of the hair, damaged structure.


It is used not only as part of masks, balms and shampoos, but also for head massage. Prevents and fixes the following problems:

  • bacterial skin lesions;
  • fragility, loss;
  • increased secretion of fat;
  • loss of shiny appearance;
  • inflammation, irritation of the epidermis;
  • reduced activity of the follicle;
  • cut ends.


The best active ingredients act to regenerate the scalp and hair. Brittleness, damaged structure, dry hair, reduced follicle function are easily eliminated with rose oil. The elasticity of curls, elasticity, volume is restored. No less effective in the initial forms of alopecia (baldness). Any procedure with 5-7 drops of ether will be useful for both treatment and prevention.

Which oil is best for hair

The type of hair, the layer of the epidermis is a purely individual concept, therefore, the selection of types of oils for each person should be carried out in the same way. Problems of growth, strengthening strands, nutrition and care of the tips should be carried out by the best oils, the active components of which are aimed at resolving hairstyle problems. What are the best remedies to tame stubborn strands?

For hair growth

The best vegetable oils that are effective for accelerating the growth of curls:

  • olive;
  • burdock;
  • castor;
  • mustard;
  • coconut;
  • Flaxseed;
  • peach;
  • almond.

The benefits of aroma oil for hair growth are also high. Suitable tools are:

  • jojoba;
  • tea tree;
  • citrus;
  • mint;
  • lavender;
  • cornflower blue.

To strengthen

In this case, the best essential oils are highly effective. They are used as part of masks, often in combination, to enhance the effect on curls and get maximum result. These include oils:

  • rosemary;
  • lavender;
  • eucalyptus;
  • jasmine;
  • ylang-ylang;
  • sandalwood;
  • basilica;
  • cassia;
  • citrus oils;
  • bergamot;

For split ends

It is best to use unrefined or special oil for brittle slit ends. The best herbal remedies to help get rid of the cross-sectional problem:

  • from burdock;
  • almond bones;
  • castor;
  • coconut;
  • corn;
  • Flaxseed;
  • from wheat germ;
  • argan.

The best essential oils for hair:

  • from geranium;
  • grapefruit;
  • clove;
  • lemon;
  • fir;
  • rosemary;
  • ylang ylang.

For moisturizing

A few useful drops in the composition of the balm or mask will improve the condition of the hair after a month of use. Dry curls spoil the healthy appearance of the hair. The best basic products that moisturize and nourish the hair structure:

  • peach;
  • almond;
  • hemp;
  • Palm;
  • argan;
  • anise;
  • apricot;
  • burdock;
  • sesame;
  • castor.

Video about oil hair masks

Beautiful and healthy hair- the pride of their owner, the subject of admiration for men and the envy of women. Beauty salons offer a diverse range of services for those who want to get the hair of their dreams, but there are more affordable and no less effective means to achieve the desired effect at home - hair oils.

In the video, the opinion of a trichologist about hair oils.

Types and benefits

The main advantage of oils is that they consist of natural natural components. The most useful are those obtained by cold pressing. They contain proteins and fats, tannins, various vitamins, macronutrients and fatty acids, which help to normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, have a positive effect on the condition of the hair, make them healthier, shiny and silky.

High-quality, properly selected oil can be a real lifesaver for damaged hair. Due to their valuable composition, various oils strengthen and restore hair from root to tip, help solve the problem of dandruff, itching and seborrhea, are able to nourish the hair, moisturize it, facilitate combing, give a healthy look and natural shine, and replace several jars of various means on the shelves of many beauties.

They also create the thinnest protective film on the surface of the hair, which retains moisture deep in the shaft and protects curls during styling using hot air and high temperatures such as a hair dryer or curling iron.

How many oils - so many effects

Despite the fact that any oil has several properties at once, for proper use it is necessary to understand what types of oils generally exist and what problems they can solve.

Traditionally, it is customary to distinguish basic, essential, cosmetic.

Basic or vegetable- these are the oils that are used as the only component or as the basis for masks from several types of oils, various components and esters. Popular representatives of the species: unrefined coconut oil, external castor oil, burdock, olive oil, flax seed, corn, peach, almond oil. An important feature of base oils is their ability to penetrate the hair cuticle.

The better the penetrating properties, the more effective the use will be. Coconut, olive and avocado give the maximum result. The rest are unable to penetrate deep into the hair cuticle, but can have a healing effect, especially due to penetration into the scalp. Among them are peach, almond, linseed, argan and burdock oils.

The fat content of the oil is the key to a cosmetic and healing effect. According to this quality, dry oils, semi-fat and fatty oils are distinguished.

Dry obtained from cocoa beans, grapes, jojoba. Products of this type are absorbed by the skin as much as possible, do not weigh down the hair, and are suitable for thin and brittle curls.

Bold- olive, almond, avocado - the most complementary means. Suitable for treatment and nourishment various types hair, are an excellent base for therapeutic masks and are washed off after application without any extra effort.

The fatty ones are such as argan and castor oils. Such products are good because they activate the hair follicles and have a firming effect on the curls, but they make them heavier and require additional efforts to completely wash off.

Aroma oils and essential oils - applied externally. They must be of natural origin, and used only in diluted form and in small quantities can be in the form of a spray. Esters are produced by cold pressing of vegetable raw materials. Due to the peculiarities of the process, they retain all the natural properties of the plant and are remedy high efficiency. Improvement with the help of such oils is provided. Look for them on the shelves of pharmacies and stores specializing in the sale of eco-products.

cosmetic oils industrial origin are the fruits of the work of cosmetic companies. As part of such a product, it is easy to detect several natural oils, both base and aromatic or essential, and many other components, including silicones, glycerin, dyes, preservatives, stabilizers, perfume elements. In addition to the main elements, the composition may include additional vitamins, mother-of-pearl pigment, protective UF filters. The primary task of such products is express care, nutrition and cosmetic effect, therefore they are distinguished by ease of use, functionality and compact packaging.

Leave-in oils are very convenient and popular in the format of serum, spray, fluid and conditioner. These include products to repair split ends, to straighten frizzy hair and tame unruly curls, to increase volume, to give smoothness, softness and radiance, and thermal protection products. All of them have a delicate texture, are easily distributed through the hair, without leaving a greasy film on the hands and without weighing the strands, and give a tangible result from the start of application.

Application methods

Cosmetic products are undoubtedly a lifesaver for many types of hair damage, but they must be used with care so as not to get the effect of unwashed patches instead of luxurious curls. The main condition is to apply funds without getting on the roots. The best way- gently distribute the oil over clean, dried curls, focusing on the ends, then the hair will look alive and radiant, without heaviness and oiliness at the roots.

Features of choice

All oils differ in individual properties. Some have a complex effect, others have a local effect, some are more suitable for thin ones, others for thick ones, and others for normal ones. There are oils that need to be distributed along the length of the hair, and those that are intended for application to the scalp, there are products for natural, and there are for dyed or bleached hair, to protect against problematic dryness and to get rid of oily sheen. The choice of the appropriate option always depends on the initial data and the desired effect.

How many types of hair - so many varieties of oil treatment.

Hair is dense and thin, thick and sparse, prone to oily, dry, normal or mixed type. Each of them requires special treatment and care. The most capricious in the care of thin and prone to fat content. Representatives of these types often bypass the treatment with oils, for fear of using thick and dense textures for hair that is already quite oily. However, they also need hydration and nutrition, you just need to choose the right solution.

Jojoba oil is the best oil to combat oiliness, it provides the necessary nutrition, hydration and softness. And juniper oil dries and eliminates the ugly shine at the roots. Can be used as an additive in shampoo or conditioner, or in tandem with others such as sage oil.

Slightly less demanding are prone to dryness and thin hair. The ideal oil for curls of this type is obtained from wheat germ. It contains essential vitamins, antioxidants, acids and trace elements that will give the hair a luxurious look and saturate them with moisture. It is also suitable for representatives of the naughty curly hair having a porous structure.

Normal hair types that do not need special care should choose products that provide density, accelerated growth and maintain them. natural beauty. For example, burdock, as well as broccoli, camellia and flax oils.

Natural oils will be useful for lovers of coloring and lightening hair. new color they will make it more pigmented and expressive, and reduce the risk of overdrying. And, if the hair has already suffered, you can reanimate them with castor oil. This tool can work wonders and bring back to life even dull, weak and lifeless curls.

For problems with seborrhea, itching, dandruff, excessive dryness, tangerine oil will help. Patchouli will save you from bacterial skin lesions, and rosewood contains the best active ingredients that act to regenerate the scalp and hair.

For those who want to grow a Rapunzel braid, the best helpers will be: traditional olive, burdock, castor, mustard, coconut, linseed, peach and almond, representatives of citrus, mint, cornflower and tea tree.

To make your hair strong, you should use oils of eucalyptus, jasmine, ylang-ylang, all citrus fruits, sandalwood, basil, bergamot, rosemary, bay oil.

Burdock, almond seed oil, Iranian, castor, linseed, unrefined coconut, corn, argan, wheat germ will save from split ends.

For moisturizing and against brittleness, vegetable oils of peach, almond, hemp, apricot, anise are perfect, and palm, argan and sesame oils will also be good.


There are about a dozen ways to use oils, which should also be selected taking into account the condition and characteristics of the hair. Very damaged hair will help ghee in night masks. To prepare them, a mixture of oils is preheated in a water bath and applied to the hair warm. The procedure is carried out at night, the hair is wrapped with a cotton cloth on top or a hat is put on. In the morning, wash your hair well with shampoo. Restoring damage, the oil is applied with massaging movements to the roots or scalp, then kept under a warm towel for as long as prescribed in the recipe for a particular mask.

Positive changes will be noticeable in a few weeks if you drop a little of your favorite oil into a bottle of shampoo and hair balm. Also, a couple of drops can be warmed up in the palms of your hands and applied to clean, damp hair, gently spreading over the entire mass of hair no closer than 5-10 centimeters to the roots. Such procedures enhance the effectiveness of cosmetics, make combing easier, protect hair from high temperatures, UV rays, disinfectants in the pool, and also allow hair to be treated with maximum comfort.

For quick effect and reliable styling, you can apply a cosmetic product in the form of a spray, conditioner or serum to your hair

Top 10 rating and reviews

Like any other product, hair oil can be of more or less quality, deserving positive and negative reviews. You can buy pure oils at a pharmacy or store and experiment with the composition and proportions, or you can look at ready-made cosmetic products that have already proven themselves on the market. Including budget options, which you can safely entrust your hair.

Opens the top ten Elixir Ultime from Kerastase. It is difficult to call this product a budget one, but for one application it needs so little that economical use on wet and dry hair fully justifies the price. The elixir contains four important components: corn, camellia and argan oil, and the secret ingredient is Pracaxi oil, which is the development of the brand itself. This product will nourish and revitalize the scalp.

hair type: all hair types

Will help: strengthen, restore, stop loss

Recipes for burdock oil for hair have been known for a long time. Burdock has a huge amount of useful components necessary for healthy hair. It grows in abundance in Russia, due to which this oil has a number of advantages over many others. The first is, of course, affordable price and high prevalence, in a rare pharmacy there will be no burdock oil. Secondly, it is believed that plants of the band in which he was born are most useful for the human body. Therefore, for most residents of our country, burdock oil is more effective and can be presented as the best oil for hair. It is suitable for general strengthening and restoration of the hair structure during unfavorable periods of stress, loss of strength, lack of vitamins. Burdock oil helps with hair loss, a recipe with hot pepper tincture is especially useful and effective:

  • 1 st. l. burdock oil
  • 1 st. l. olive oil
  • 1 st. l. hot pepper tincture

Mix all the ingredients well until the most homogeneous consistency is obtained and rub into the hair roots. With a slight tingling and warmth - everything is fine, the mask works, we hold it. If there is a strong burning sensation, the mask must be washed off immediately. Under favorable conditions, keep the mask - 25-45 minutes. Then wash off in the usual way. Hot pepper tincture stimulates blood flow and improves the nutrition of hair follicles.

!Note! If there is inflammation or damage on the skin, it is better not to use this mask.

Burdock oil can be used in its pure form or with the addition of other oils, castor, olive and even sunflower. Detailed recipes and uses in the material

#2 Castor oil for hair

hair type: for dry, damaged, brittle and tired hair

Will help: with problems of the scalp, seborrhea, makes the hair smooth, gives them strength, eliminates split ends

Castor oil grows in tropical and subtropical regions. In Egypt, it has been grown for over 4,000 years, and mainly for the oil, which they consider to be the best oil for hair!

Castor oil is very thick and viscous, it is rather problematic to use it in its pure form, since it is difficult to apply and not easily washed off. But there are a few tricks.
1. Castor hair oil can be heated, then it will become more liquid and convenient to use.
2. Castor oil can be mixed with another oil of a lighter texture, such as burdock.

Castor oil can revitalize hair after almost any damage. It restores shine, gives hair strength. With regular use once a week, it can simply work wonders. This oil is a great solution to many problems!

Vitamin hair mask with castor oil


  • 1 tablespoon burdock oil
  • 1 tablespoon castor oil
  • 1/2 teaspoon of each vitamin (B6, E, A)

All vitamins in liquid form are sold in pharmacies. Vitamin B6 will help eliminate dryness and unpleasant itching. Vitamin E will provide nutrition to the bulb. These vitamins can also be purchased at a pharmacy and added by a teaspoon to a mixture of burdock and castor oils. Vitamin A should be added if the hair suddenly becomes thin, dull, brittle, starts to split. Heat the mixture in a water bath. Apply to hair, put on a shower cap and wrap your head with a towel. It is recommended to keep the mask from 40 minutes to 2 hours. Then wash your hair in the usual way.

Learn more about mixing ratios with other oils and

#3 Coconut oil for hair

hair type: all hair types

Will help: strengthen, grow healthy and strong hair, accelerate growth, for constant care, maintenance of beauty and health

Coconut oil for hair is actively used by girls and women in the eastern countries of the world. This is where coconut oil is considered the best there. Use it to grow long and healthy hair. From young to old, both poor and rich, girls and women throughout their lives take care of their hair with the help of coconut oil and are proud of their luxurious braids. The whole secret lies in the regular use of oil to strengthen hair. Coconut oil contains a huge amount of vitamins, minerals and fatty acids, which are essential for healthy hair. With a shortage of them in the body, it is the hair that suffers first. Therefore, by using coconut oil for additional hair nutrition, you reduce the load on the body and provide the hair with the missing elements.

Coconut oil will make hair stronger, smoother, accelerate their growth, restore the structure of damaged hair. Regular use of coconut oil will make your hair healthier, shinier and fuller.

Coconut oil for hair growth


  • 15-20 ml coconut oil
  • 5-10 ml castor oil
  • 15-20 ml of good cognac


We heat coconut oil in a water bath to 37-40 degrees. Add cognac. We apply the composition to the hair roots, cover the head with a plastic bag or a shower cap. We hold 30 minutes - 1.5 hours. The longer, the better, but if a strong burning sensation occurs, the mask should be washed off immediately.

№4 Avocado hair oil

hair type: all hair types

Will help: add shine, moisturize, strengthen, grow healthy and strong hair

Few avocados for hair have a unique complex of useful fatty acids. This oil can rightfully be considered one of the best oils for hair. It will not only provide enhanced nutrition, but also give the hair a healthy shine. According to this parameter, only linseed oil can be compared with avocado oil. It is suitable for all types of hair and for the care of the ends.

Avocado oil for hair care

To care for split ends and brittle hair ends, avocado oil can be used both separately and together with jojoba, grape seed, and macadamia oils. Selected oils are mixed in equal proportions and applied to the ends of the hair 20-40 minutes before shampooing.

Recipes for all types of hair, against hair loss and dandruff you will find in the article

№5 Linseed oil for hair

hair type: all hair types

Will help: general restoration and strengthening of hair, accelerate growth, get rid of dandruff, hair loss and split ends

Flaxseed oil for hair is extremely useful, as it has a unique complex of OMEGA fatty acids. In this oil, they are collected in a wide composition and will help solve a whole range of hair problems. The effectiveness of linseed oil compared to other oils is quite high. Just 1 application is enough to evaluate the result of its impact.

Linseed oil for strengthening hair

To strengthen the hair, you can use flaxseed oil in its pure form as a mask. To do this, you will need 2 tbsp. linseed oil. Keep this mask for 40-60 minutes, then wash off in the usual way.

Detailed recipes, the composition of the oil and its properties in the article

#6 Olive oil for hair

hair type: all hair types

Will help: restore, strengthen, improve, restore shine, accelerate growth

Olive oil is versatile and can be used for all hair types. But in order for the application to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to add additional components to this oil, since in itself olive oil may be inferior in performance to other oils.

If you ask any woman from the Mediterranean countries what is the best hair oil for hair, each of them will answer unequivocally - olive oil.

Greek recipe:

Apply 20-30 ml of olive oil to slightly damp hair, put on a shower cap and wrap your head with a heated towel. After 20-40 minutes, wash off the oil in the usual way. After such a mask, the hair will gain a healthy shine and strength.

The answer to the question of how to choose the right olive oil, and many useful recipes with it, you will find in the article.

№7 Argan oil for hair

hair type: for normal to oily hair

Will help: strengthen, restore, make more magnificent, healthy and strong

Argan oil for hair is considered one of the most useful, it is added to shampoos, conditioners and hair masks. Argan oil has a light texture and is suitable for oily and normal hair care. This oil will not weigh them down and at the same time provide additional nutrition and hydration.

Argan oil for hair shine

For hair shine, argan oil is often used mixed with macadamia oil. These oils have a full spectrum necessary elements for shine and healthy hair. Moreover, argan oil and macadamia oil will strengthen the hair, restore its structure and restore its radiance.


  • 10-15 ml argan oil
  • 10-15 ml macadamia oil

Then we act as usual, rub into the roots and scalp, put on a shower cap or plastic bag, wrap a towel on top or put on an old hat. It is recommended to keep such a mask from 40 minutes to 1.5 hours, then wash your hair in the usual way.

Hair masks with argan oil for oily hair, for shine, for restoration and a recipe for caring for the ends of the hair you will find in the material

#8 Almond hair oil

hair type: all hair types

Will help: almond oil will help in general strengthening and restoration of hair, add shine

Often recommended for hair care, sweet almond oil is excellent at nourishing and restoring hair from root to tip. It is effective to use this oil not only as part of masks, it can be used for combing, express masks, head massages and added to shampoo.

To strengthen hair and accelerate their growth:

  • 2 tbsp linseed oil
  • 1/2 tsp liquid vitamin A
  • 1/2 tsp liquid vitamin E
  • 5-10 drops of lavender or ylang ylang essential oil

This composition provides the hair with the components necessary for their active growth. The mask is applied 1-2 times a week.

No. 9 Grape seed oil for hair

hair type: for oily and oily hair

Will help: restore the structure, remove the cross-section of the tips, regulates the sebaceous glands, nourishes, moisturizes

Grape seed oil can be used for all hair types, but it is especially suitable for oily and oily hair. This oil has a light texture and does not weigh down the hair after application. It can be used as an independent tool and as part of masks for better results. As an independent remedy, it is used once a week before shampooing. It is applied to the roots and distributed along the entire length of the hair. It is necessary to withstand 30-60 minutes and then wash your hair in the usual way.

Mask for oily hair with grape seed oil

  • 3 tbsp grape seed oils
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tbsp cognac

Mix everything and apply to the hair roots for 25-30 minutes. Then rinse off in the usual way. The mask helps to strengthen the hair follicles and gradually increase the density of the hair.

No. 10 Wheat germ oil

hair type: for dry, brittle and damaged hair

Will help: heal damaged hair, restore structure, moisturize

Wheat germ oil is most suitable for repairing dry and damaged hair. It gently moisturizes, nourishes and promotes rapid recovery. After applying this oil, your hair will become smoother, shiny, in a word, healthy.

Nourishing Maca with Wheat Germ Oil for Dry Hair

  • 2 tbsp wheat germ oils
  • 1 tbsp avocado oil
  • 1 tbsp olive oil

The composition can be slightly warmed up in a water bath and applied to the hair 30-45 minutes before shampooing. For regular hair care, a mask is done 1 time in -2 weeks. For urgent recovery after hair damage 2-3 times a week.

No. 11 Mustard Oil

hair type: for dry, normal and damaged hair

Will help: against hair loss, early unified, grow thick and long hair, nourishes, moisturizes, promotes growth acceleration, elasticity and obedience

Mustard oil for hair will help in solving many problems. Like many others natural oils, but helps restore hair, make it healthier, lush and well-groomed, smooth and manageable.

Regular application of mustard oil to the entire length of the hair will help prevent early graying. With the help of this oil, you can grow healthy and strong hair, for which you need to use the following recipe at least 1 time per week:

  • 2 tbsp mustard oil
  • 1/2 tsp dry mustard powder
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 7-10 drops of ylang ylang essential oil

We mix all the ingredients and apply to the roots and distribute along the entire length of the hair. We leave for 30-40 minutes. Wash off in the usual way.

No. 12 Jojoba oil

hair type: dry, brittle, dull and oily

Will help: moisturize, restore, used in the complex treatment of hair loss, heal the tips

Jojoba oil moisturizes and nourishes hair well. It has a light texture and is one of the best oils for oily hair. For dry hair, jojoba oil is also suitable, as it intensively moisturizes and restores the hair structure.

Jojoba oil mask for dry and damaged hair

  • 2 tbsp jojoba oil
  • 1 tsp a spoonful of liquid honey

The mask is applied 30-40 minutes before shampooing. Then I wash my hair in the usual way.

Essential oils for hair

Essential oil will help maintain the beauty and health of your hair. It should be remembered that essential oil in its pure form is practically not used. It is added to base oils. Essential oils penetrate the hair structure better than base oils and contribute to better absorption of the beneficial elements contained in base oils. In addition, most essential oils regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands. So they are indicated for the care of hair prone to oiliness.

essential oil of lemon

  • activates metabolism, hair follicles receive more nutrition, become stronger and stronger.
  • regulates the work of the sebaceous glands, oily hair stays clean longer.
  • promotes the acceleration of hair growth, due to its composition.
  • brightens hair.
  • promotes healing of the hair structure.

Lemon essential oil is used to activate hair growth in the following composition:

  • 1 tbsp coconut oil,
  • 1 tbsp linseed oil,
  • 1 tbsp macadamia or grape seed oils,
  • 1/2 tsp vitamin A,
  • 1/2 tsp vitamin E,
  • 7 drops of lemon essential oil

The mask is applied first to the roots, then distributed along the entire length of the hair, not forgetting the tips. A shower cap and a towel are required. The mask is kept for 45 to 60 minutes, washed off with regular shampoo. Using this composition once a week you can grow beautiful well-groomed hair. Hair growth with regular nutrition with vitamins is noticeably accelerated.

This mask will also be useful for those whose hair grows very slowly.

Essential oil of lavender

Lavender essential oil is used to solve a wide range of problems, it

  • nourishes, improves blood circulation and the flow of nutrients to each hair,
  • soothes the scalp, eliminates redness, inflammation, itching, irritation,
  • awakens dormant hair follicles and activates the growth of new hair,
  • with regular use, it helps to increase the density of hair,
  • restores the structure of the hair, they become smoother and more manageable,
  • helps stop breakouts
  • used as an aid in the fight against seborrhea,
  • regulates the sebaceous glands, useful for both oily and dry hair,
  • helps get rid of various kinds fungi and dandruff.

Lavender essential oil has a disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effect. Therefore, it is often used to combat various troubles: fungi and dandruff. The most effective is this recipe:

  • 1 tbsp castor oil,
  • 1 tbsp burdock oil
  • 10 drops of lavender essential oil,
  • 10 drops of tea tree essential oil

All ingredients are mixed and applied mainly to the hair roots. The rest is distributed along the entire length. Keep this mask for 30-40 minutes, then wash off in the usual way.

Essential oil of ylang-ylang

Last but not least, ylang ylang essential oil for hair. This oil can do wonders. For example, cure split ends.

So, ylang-ylang essential oil has the following properties:

  • It improves blood circulation, which primarily activates the nutrition of the scalp, hair follicles and the hair itself.
  • Prevents hair loss mainly by improving nutrition.
  • Acceleration of new hair growth. Pipten, which is part of the oil, awakens dormant hair follicles and thus stimulates the growth of new hair. Gradually increasing the density of the hair.
  • Regulation of hair fat balance. For oily hair, ylang-ylang oil will be an excellent addition to the care. By drying your hair, the use of ylang-ylang oil will allow your hair to retain freshness a little longer.
  • Protection. Due to the presence in the composition of a large number of antioxidants, ylang-ylang oil protects hair from the adverse effects of the external environment.
  • Antibacterial properties will help in the fight against bacterial seborrhea.


Any oil or any mixture based on it must be tested for individual tolerance before use. Apply a small amount of the product to a sensitive area of ​​​​the skin, on the bend of the elbow or on the wrist and evaluate the effect within 20-30 minutes. If there are no unpleasant symptoms, the remedy can be used.

Nature tells a person the best options for maintaining beauty and health. And we have learned a lot: for example, we understand and know which vegetable oils are good for hair. Their advantage is in naturalness, because each remedy is a rich complex of substances that have a beneficial effect on our hair.

So, which oils can be beneficial for your hair?

The benefits of base (vegetable) oils

Burr oil

It is obtained from the roots of burdock, where there are a lot of tannins and fatty acids. The tool is used for all types of hair to stop the process of oily hair loss, to eliminate dry brittleness, give elasticity, improve growth, nourish roots and cleanse dandruff. When heated and with the addition of other products, burdock oil acts faster and more efficiently.

Castor oil

It has a viscous texture, enhances hair growth, strengthens them, eliminates dryness and damage at the ends, moisturizes and adds shine. The treatment course of masks guarantees the restoration of damaged hair after aggressive coloring and perm. The tool is often used to care for eyelashes and eyebrows.

Video: Effective base oils for hair.

Coconut oil

Saturated fatty polyacids of the oil are necessary for damaged and thinning hair. Apply to the entire length or to split ends, but do not rub into the roots and scalp to avoid clogging pores. Coconut remedy perfectly eliminates dandruff, refreshes hair. Suitable for everyone, but it should be used with masks or balms.

Linseed oil

Fatty acids and antioxidants act in a complex way: they nourish and strengthen the bulbs, make the hair soft, shiny and elastic. Flaxseed oil gels are especially useful for curly hair. The tool is combined with other ingredients, it can be applied with shampoo and balm.

Video: Linseed hair oil in Elena Malysheva's program “Live healthy!”

Argan oil

Obtained from the bones of the "iron" tree. This is perhaps the most expensive herbal product from Morocco. The oil is rich in omega acids and vitamin E, which provide effective care for problematic hair. It reanimates their structure, prevents falling out, moisturizes and makes them elastic. They treat seborrhea and dandruff.

Sea buckthorn oil

A high concentration of saturated polysaccharides and organic acids, vitamins and minerals gives hair shine, softness and a healthy look. From sea buckthorn oil hair grows, bulbs are strengthened. In case of prolapse and seborrhea, the agent is rubbed into the roots. May cause allergies, burning.

Almond oil

It has a beneficial effect on the hair along the entire length, nourishes and moisturizes, therefore it is ideal for healing damaged dry hair. The almond complex normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands, fights dandruff, eliminates itching.

Olive oil

Perfectly softens and cleanses, eliminates dryness. hair follicles quickly absorb olive oil, which has a regenerating effect on all types of hair. Applying it regularly, you can get rid of seborrhea, brittleness and loss.

Jojoba oil

A light, nutty-scented remedy is the best remedy for thinned hair. It is no coincidence that it is called liquid wax: amino acids and fats envelop the hair in a thin layer and strengthen it. The oil is quickly absorbed, does not clog pores, eliminates stickiness and dullness of hair, gives it a beautiful shade and makes it elastic.

Video: Natural oils for hair care and growth.

Peach oil

The tool is extracted from peach seeds, rich in fatty acids and useful trace elements. It works great when applied to brittle and dry hair, it can quickly restore their strength and elasticity. Peach oil nourishes and moisturizes, relieves irritation on the scalp. Only overdried hair can be treated with heated oil in its pure form, in other cases it is better to dilute it.

Grape seed oil

A high percentage of antioxidants has provided this oil with the glory of a universal remedy for any hair. Easily absorbed, damaged hair after its application gain beauty, elasticity and strength. When rubbed into the scalp, the remedy eliminates excessive oiliness and itching. It is used in pure form and in mixtures.

Wheat germ oil

Wheat sprouts are rich in protein, copper, zinc, sulfur, thanks to which the hair becomes strong. Using oil, you can cope with dandruff, brittleness, loss. There are many vitamins in the natural remedy that help the hair stay beautiful, healthy and elastic. In the treatment of seborrhea, it can be combined with jojoba oil.

avocado oil

The unique composition of vitamins and minerals makes allegator pear oil similar to human lipid subcutaneous tissue. Easily penetrating into damaged hair, it restores their structure, activates growth, nourishes and moisturizes, eliminates brittleness and dandruff. With it, the hair becomes energetic and acquires a natural shine.

amla oil

Due to the high concentration of mineral paraffins, the product literally envelops the hair in a dense layer. To wash it off, you have to use shampoo several times. But the effect is obvious: the hair is healthy, elastic, shiny, thick and strong. An extract derived from Indian amla is greenish in color and may stain blonde hair. The oil dries oily hair, prevents baldness and dandruff, and gives vitality and shine to dry hair.

Shea Butter

The extract is obtained from the tallow tree, which contains a lot of saturated fatty acids. Solid oil has to be heated to apply to the hair along the entire length. Without weighing down or greasy, it nourishes them, strengthens them, makes them hardy. With it, you can get rid of excessive dryness and brittleness, stop the process of loss. The oil is combined with other ingredients.

macadamia oil

Tropical tree nuts are high in palmitic acid, a powerful antioxidant. Being absorbed, the oil cleanses the hair well, nourishes it, makes it alive. Split ends bounce back very quickly. With frequent use, the hair begins to shine, become light and fluffy, acquire a beautiful golden hue.

Sunflower oil

Affordable and very effective remedy for any type of hair. Unrefined sunflower oil is rich in useful substances that prevent hair loss and stimulate hair growth. Regular use in a small amount leads to an increase in the density of hair, normalization of the sebaceous glands. Curls begin to shine, acquire silkiness and elasticity.

apricot oil

It is obtained from apricot kernels, where there are many different acids and vitamins. Absorbed into the hair, the oil eliminates dryness and provides protection. It gives the hair splendor, restores shine and elasticity to the hair. Effective for all types: for oily hair, it is enough to lubricate the ends, for dry hair, the product should be applied from the roots along the entire length.

Cacao butter

A piece of frozen fat is rubbed into the hair roots, activating the growth of bulbs. Thin, brittle and weakened curls acquire elasticity. Unruly curls with the help of this tool are smoothed and become soft. Cocoa butter is used for hair loss, to give them shine and a beautiful shade.

Camphor oil

A colorless liquid with a characteristic odor contains many oxygen organic compounds. The essential agent quickly penetrates the hair structure, nourishes and moisturizes, gives elasticity, tightens pores on the scalp and balances the work of the sebaceous glands. There are contraindications: wounds on the skin and an allergy to camphor.

Mustard oil

Stimulates growth, revives weakened and brittle hair. It contains a lot of vitamin A, thanks to which the strands become alive and shiny. The oil has a beneficial effect on the blood flow of the scalp. If it is regularly applied along the entire length, then the hair acquires a light golden hue. An allergic reaction is possible.

Black cumin oil

Astringent with astringent odor, rich in omega acids and zinc, prevents hair loss and brittleness, promotes their rapid growth, nourishes and cleanses. The drug perfectly relieves inflammation on the scalp, is extremely effective for excessive greasiness and dandruff. To obtain a lighter consistency, it must be mixed with other oils.

Sesame oil

Sesame (sesame) oil contains glycerides, fatty acids, a lot of calcium. When applied to the scalp, a viscous liquid quickly heals wounds, eliminates excessive oiliness, restores elasticity and shine to dry and weakened hair. It is often used to protect hair when swimming in the sea under the bright sun.

Cedar oil

It is obtained from cedar nuts, where the unique amino acid arginine was found, a lot of phospholipids that supply fats at the cellular level. The oil is heavy and very fatty, it is used together with lighter products. It gives shine, softness and splendor to dry and brittle hair. Ideally protects the tips from splitting, stops hair loss and stimulates hair growth.

Video: What Natural Hair Oils Work?

Using essential oils for healthy hair

Tea tree oil

There are many substances in essential oil that help improve the appearance of any type of hair. The tool gives them silkiness and elasticity, activates growth, regulates the secretion of the sebaceous glands, eliminates brittleness and itching on the scalp. With it, you can get rid of dandruff and pediculosis.

Ylang Ylang Oil

The tool has pronounced antiseptic properties and a memorable smell. It can be used for all types of hair, it well eliminates oiliness and dryness, makes curls well-groomed. The oil activates the follicles, strengthens the bulbs and eliminates irritation on the scalp. It can be used by people with hypersensitivity to essential drugs.

lavender oil

The oil contains over 250 ingredients. Hair becomes alive and silky, acquire shine. Lavender oil sets the water-salt and sebaceous balance at the cellular level, gently moisturizes and nourishes the hair, relieves inflammation on the scalp, heals wounds and improves blood flow.

rosemary oil

The raw materials are flowers and leaves of "sea dew" with a high content of unique resins. Thanks to them, the essential oil has a beneficial effect on the hair: nourishes, activates growth. The product is suitable for both oily and dry hair: in one case, it perfectly cleanses, eliminates dandruff and sebaceous plugs, and in the other, it strengthens and prevents hair loss. It has a calming effect on the scalp, relieves irritation. Application is contraindicated in some cases (pregnancy, epilepsy, hypertension).

oil bay

A highly concentrated essential agent is obtained from the leaves of an adult laurel, in which the content of a unique substance, eugenol, is increased. By nourishing the bulb, the oil promotes hair growth, making them thick and strong. It is often used for baldness. It eliminates brittleness and dullness, prevents hair from falling out, has a calming effect on the scalp and relieves inflammation. Bay oil in its pure form can burn, it must be diluted. Do not use for convulsions, pregnancy, hypertension.


And these are not all types of vegetable oils that are good for hair. Herbal preparations are not the same in composition, they have different effects, however, they all perform perfectly. main function- heal strands and make them beautiful. When choosing a remedy, it is worth paying attention, first of all, to the main properties that are inherent only to it.

And by and large, all natural oils are good for hair, and it’s not a sin to try as many as possible.