Laser facial peel is the best way to get rid of wrinkles, scars and scars. What is the difference between erbium peeling and carbon dioxide peeling. Expectation and reality: laser peeling reviews

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Facial laser peeling

Facial laser peeling is one of the physical methods of rejuvenation. It is based on the use of monochrome light radiation, which is a single wavelength, which, when exposed to tissue, leads to selective photothermolysis. As a result of this reaction, more than 95% of the laser radiation energy is absorbed by one target tissue and its further conversion into heat. As a result, the patient undergoes selective evaporation of skin layers, which allows to remove dark spots, acne scars, mimic wrinkles and some other skin defects.

Devices for laser peeling

The procedure of laser peeling is carried out by two types of devices - carbon dioxide or erbium laser.

Carbon dioxide laser (CO 2 laser) used for "hot" laser peeling, during which the tissues of the treated areas are subjected to significant heat. With this method of processing, there is a high risk of burns, and the healing period increases. In this case, special care should be taken when treating the neck and eyelid areas. With the help of a carbon dioxide laser, effective resurfacing of stretch marks and scars is carried out, as well as removal of neoplasms of the skin.

Erbium laser ER:YAG used for "cold" laser peeling, during which the tissues of the treated areas do not heat up. This method of treatment is painless, and also has no risk of side effects. The erbium laser can safely treat delicate skin areas such as the neck, eyes and décolleté.

Also for laser peeling, devices are used that combine the technologies of carbon dioxide and erbium lasers in their design. Thus, it was possible to improve the efficiency of the procedure while increasing its safety.

How does laser peeling work on the skin?

Devices for laser peeling provide precise control of the power of laser radiation and, accordingly, the depth of its penetration - from the surface layer of the epidermis to the dermis. Thus, the necessary accuracy of the removal of dead cells is achieved. After removal of this stratum corneum, the mechanism of active regeneration of the skin is launched, which leads to its restoration and a significant improvement in appearance.

There are three degrees of laser exposure to the skin: superficial, deep, and laser surgery scar tissue. Superficial exposure, which refers to laser peeling, is not accompanied by damage to the basement membrane and can be “cold” (ablation without coagulation) or “hot” (ablation with coagulation). Surface treatment also includes aesthetic resurfacing (ablation with coagulation). Since basal keratinocytes are not damaged, the wound surface is restored quickly and efficiently, which minimizes the rehabilitation period. The process of restoring the surface of the epidermis in this case is performed with accelerated proliferation of keratinocytes. Due to the preservation of the basal layer of keratinocytes, there is no violation of the process of natural melanogenesis, which eliminates the occurrence of hyper- and hypopigmentations in the postoperative period.

The difference between laser peeling and is the depth of exposure. For laser peeling, it is 20 - 30 microns, which improves the optical properties of the skin, evens out the thickness of the stratum corneum of the epidermis and stimulates neurohumorally the proliferative activity of keratinocytes. During aesthetic resurfacing, the depth of surface exposure lies in the range of 100-150 microns (depending on the depth of the basement membrane), which makes it possible to achieve ablation of the epidermis and even out the relief of the skin.

Indications and contraindications for laser peeling

The laser peeling procedure is effective when it is necessary to remove such facial skin defects as age spots, wide pores, uneven skin surface, crow's feet, shallow wrinkles, as well as to make postoperative scars, scars, etc. less noticeable. Laser peeling will cope with various defects located in the neck, forehead, upper lip, neckline and hands.

From the contraindications of this procedure, one can single out inflammatory processes on the skin, its tendency to develop keloid scars, exacerbations of chronic diseases, herpes, epilepsy, diabetes, oncological diseases, previous strokes, tuberculosis, blood diseases and the presence of a pacemaker. It is highly undesirable to perform laser peeling during pregnancy, lactation, as well as within a week after undergoing a standard facial cleansing procedure and within two weeks after undergoing a deep chemical peeling procedure. Two weeks before the laser peeling, you can not sunbathe, and 3 days before you steam your face.

Advantages and disadvantages of laser peeling

Penetration of the laser beam to a depth of 1 - 20 microns ("cold" polishing) leads to instantaneous evaporation of liquid from the tissue structure. The heat in this case does not have time to reach the deep subcutaneous layers, which excludes skin burns. Repeated exposure to the same area of ​​the skin does not cause increased tissue necrosis, so the risk of possible complications is significantly reduced.

Among the disadvantages of this procedure, one can single out a higher cost of the procedure compared to other types of peeling and a small depth of penetration of the laser beam into the subcutaneous layers, which excludes the possibility of removing deep-lying pigment spots and deep wrinkles. As well as the possibility of pain during the procedure.

Laser peeling: result and effect of the procedure

The launch of the recovery process of the skin is guaranteed with simultaneous photothermal damage to the dermis and epidermis. Its consequences are a linear reorganization of new collagen fibers located between these layers of the skin. It is with the flattening of this area that the characteristic signs of skin aging are observed. It also weakens trophic bonds and slows down the metabolism in the epidermis, which increases the sensitivity of the skin to shear loads and leads to tissue damage. Partial restoration of the basement membrane as a result of laser peeling leads to the removal of wrinkles and other defects, forming a persistent rejuvenating effect.

The course of the laser peeling procedure

Before you start doing laser peeling, you need to prepare the skin. First, it needs to be thoroughly cleaned. This is done by washing with a soft gel and then wiping with a soothing lotion. Secondly, local anesthesia is performed. Moreover, if the patient has previously experienced allergic reactions, then he needs to take antihistamines. Thirdly, an anesthetic cream is applied to the treated areas of the skin under occlusion in an even layer. After 30 - 60 minutes, the cream is removed and the face is wiped with a special lotion.

Before the procedure, the cosmetologist puts on goggles for himself and the patient. The laser peel itself takes an average of 20-30 minutes. It consists in the directed action of a laser beam on problem areas of the skin, as a result of which they receive thermal damage of the required degree. This leads to accelerated epithelialization and the formation of a small number of side effects. By changing the irradiation power, it is possible to achieve the removal of 15 - 20 microns of tissue. The optimal parameters of the procedure depend on individual features skin integument of patients and can vary by changing the following parameters of laser devices: the power of the energy flow, the size of the light spot, the duration and nature of the pulse.

After the end of all laser peeling manipulations, a soothing cream is applied to the surface of the treated skin, and in some cases special lotions are used. After that, the skin is treated with a special moisturizer. In rare cases, redness, swelling, peeling and discomfort are observed, which disappear within 48 hours. A cold compress and water-based moisturizing ointments are used to speed up getting rid of them. Cosmetics and creams can be used the next day after the procedure. Also, be sure to use the sun. protective cream with a factor (SPF) above 40.

Laser peeling is carried out in a course of 2 to 8 procedures with an interval of one month.

Skin condition during and after laser peeling

During the laser peeling procedure, most patients feel only warmth on their skin. Only a small part of them experience discomfort and pain, which are eliminated or reduced with the help of an anesthetic cream. There is practically no peeling of the skin, which is another advantage of laser peeling.

Possible complications after laser peeling

Immediately after the completion of the procedure, the skin on the face has a reddish tint, acquiring slightly pink color two days later. The main complications after laser peeling are redness and swelling, which disappear on their own within a week. Inflammatory complications may also occur, which require the use of anti-inflammatory, antiviral drugs and antibiotic ointments.

Laser peel cost

To determine the cost of a laser peeling procedure, it is necessary to take into account the area on which it is performed, as well as the cost of anesthesia and gel for skin restoration after the procedure. So, one session (its duration in most cases is 30 minutes) of this procedure on the upper eyelid costs 5000 - 8000 rubles, on the lower eyelid - 5000 - 8000 rubles, on the nose - 5500 - 6000 rubles, on the neck - 6000 - 17000 rubles, on the cheeks - 5000 - 10000 rubles, on the chin - 4000 - 7000 rubles, in the areas around the lips - 5000 - 8000 rubles, in the forehead - 5000 - 10000 rubles. Removing the effect of "crow's feet" will cost an average of 3,000 rubles, stretch marks (10x10 mm) - 9,000 rubles, scars and age spots (2x2 mm) - from 3,000 to 4,000 rubles.

If laser peeling is carried out in a complex way (in several areas at the same time), then its cost is noticeably reduced, while its duration can increase up to 60 minutes. For example, performing this procedure on the entire face area costs from 12,000 to 22,000 rubles, and on the face (including the eyelid area) and neck, it can reach 26,000 rubles.

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Beauticians love to show their patients impressive photos before and after deep traumatic peels, but they often “forget” to mention that the time difference between them is at least a month. And this month needs to be experienced, because immediately after the procedure, the face is one continuous wound.

From how skin care is organized after laser resurfacing or peeling largely depends on the final result of the procedure. In fact, it is about the treatment of burns. This is a complex and responsible event that requires patience and persistence, especially in the first two weeks.

What exactly should the patient prepare for? What medications will you need to take? Is it worth buying professional cosmetics For home care Or can I get by with Vaseline? Do you need to remove the crusts? This site answers these questions and more:

Features of the recovery period after laser resurfacing

  • Immediately after the procedure, the skin has an intense red color, actively becomes wet due to the release of serous fluid, it is sore, and hot to the touch. Brown spots may appear in places where the patches were previously located. Small red holes are visible throughout the treated surface, which are located at a certain distance from each other - these are traces of the laser beam.
  • During the first day, edema is actively growing, which is especially pronounced in the eyelid area. Also, due to the influx of tissue fluid, the volume of the lower third of the face increases. Wrinkles and folds become more visible. Puffiness reaches its peak on the second day after the procedure. In the next 3-4 days, the swelling gradually subsides.
  • During the first week, crusts will form on the surface of the skin. They will need to be actively softened and carefully removed. In fact, this is the most difficult recovery period, as there is a high risk of scarring and impaired epithelialization of laser-damaged skin areas.
  • Redness to one degree or another can last for about a month. Its intensity depends on a number of factors: the depth of exposure to the laser beam, the characteristics of the blood supply to the skin, the quality protection of the skin from ultraviolet radiation and other irritating effects.
  • Restoration of the skin begins approximately 24 hours after the procedure and takes from 1-2 weeks to a month or more - depending on how deep the peeling was and on the individual characteristics of the body. This process can be slightly accelerated, but it will not be possible to significantly affect its timing, it remains only to wait and try to make it as comfortable as possible.

The nuances of preparation: how to minimize adverse effects?

To speed up healing and alleviate your condition during the rehabilitation period after grinding or peeling, a set of procedures aimed at preparing the skin for laser exposure helps. They are selected by a beautician, individually. The general principles are:

  • for at least a month, you need to protect your face from ultraviolet radiation. At a minimum, do not sunbathe, and ideally, apply a protective cream with SPF 50 on it daily;
  • in the presence of purulent-inflammatory elements on the skin, mechanical cleaning is carried out, care products are prescribed, medications, physiotherapy procedures;
  • common foci of hyperpigmentation require the use of bleaching agents, glycolic or retinoic peels;
  • Dehydrated skin needs extra deep hydration. Ideally, this should be a course - it significantly speeds up the regeneration process and increases the efficiency of grinding or peeling.

For laser procedures, you need to choose the right time:

  • Firstly, it should be a period with little solar activity - in Russia, the "season" of laser procedures begins in October and lasts until the end of March. Even a small amount of ultraviolet light can cause the development of intense pigmentation, and constantly, for several weeks and even months, it can be difficult to use creams with a high SPF level.
  • If the patient has periodic pustular rashes on her face before menstruation, then it is better to set the date for laser resurfacing at the very end of menstruation so that the skin has time to return to normal.

In addition, to prevent complications of a bacterial and viral infection, in particular an exacerbation of the herpes simplex virus, antibiotics and antiviral agents may be prescribed a few days before the proposed procedure.

How to care for skin after laser resurfacing: a calendar of events

We will consider the main recommendations of doctors, but in each specific case, depending on the type and depth of exposure, they may vary slightly - the precise instructions should be given directly by the cosmetologist conducting the procedure.

First 1-3 days: treat the burn

In many clinics, after deep laser peeling, patients are offered to stay at least a day, or even more, in a hospital. This is convenient, but, unlike more serious operations (such as or ), it is not vital. If there is no desire to pay for the stay in the clinic, and there is an opportunity to devote all your free time only to yourself, you can go home.

It will be necessary to stock up on sterile bandages or other types of dressings, purchase cosmetics that the doctor will recommend, and pick up an easy-to-use gel cooling pack (heater) that can be cooled in the freezer before use. The main components of skin care during this period will be:

  • Bandages. They will be needed if the most traumatic types of resurfacing were performed, for example, deep peeling with a CO2 laser. As a rule, special nets impregnated with petroleum jelly are used, less often - ordinary sterile bandages. They need to be applied to the treated areas of the skin and changed 4-5 times a day.
  • Cold. Apply ice to face necessarily wrapped in a towel) or a cooling pack is needed several times a day for 15-20 minutes, right on top of the bandage. One of these sessions should be carried out closer to the night, since swelling increases much faster in the supine position than in any other.
  • In parallel, with the help of an acetic solution, you need soften crusts and remove dried ichor. Take a tablespoon of white vinegar in a glass of water, then wet wipes in the solution and apply them to the burned areas of the skin. Change wipes every 5 minutes or as they heat up. Cold and softening compresses should be done until the skin cools and stops sore and sore. Damaged areas should stop bleeding and secrete ichor, and the crusts should soften and be removed easily and without pressure.
  • Medications. Rawness and soreness can be removed with any painkillers such as Tempalgin or Baralgin. They are sold in a pharmacy without a prescription and do not affect the result of laser procedures. In addition, the doctor may prescribe broad-spectrum antibiotics to prevent pyoinflammatory complications. Another frequent companion of the first days of rehabilitation is chlorhexidine, which will need to treat the skin every time after performing cold compresses. But washing is absolutely impossible.
  • Moisturizing cosmetics. For oily and combination skin the ideal protection against overdrying will be ordinary cosmetic petroleum jelly. For dry and / or sensitive, you can choose a cream, serum or ampoule concentrate with a moisturizing and revitalizing effect. It is best to store them in the refrigerator to further cool the skin with each application.
  • Special position during sleep. It is desirable to sleep on a high pillow, and even better on two, so that the head, neck and top part breasts were raised relative to the body. Here it is important to control yourself in order to stay lying on your back all night and not roll over on your side or stomach. This is not as difficult to do as it seems: our brain does not turn off completely even during the deep sleep phase, and if we give ourselves the necessary setting in the evening, it will try to fulfill it.

The use of decorative cosmetics in the first days after laser resurfacing is undesirable, since its application and removal irritates the skin, increases swelling and redness. Sunscreens also not applied: this time should be spent indoors and not expose the face to ultraviolet radiation at all. In addition, the impact of additional harmful factors environment, such as dust, cold or too hot dry air can cause dehydration, as well as contribute to infection.

The first week after the procedure: actively moisturize

Gradually, the skin will stop oozing with ichor, become covered with crusts, and then begin to peel off. During this period, the focus should be on intense hydration and UV protection. It is no longer necessary to wear bandages, but vinegar and saline compresses can be continued.

The course of antibiotic therapy is usually 7-10 days. Vaseline can be replaced with an ointment or serum with a regenerating effect. It is necessary to apply such funds to the skin up to 5 times a day. In no case should you:

  • try to tear off the skin, which begins to peel off;
  • use products with acids and other irritating components;
  • actively rub your face although it will itch a lot);
  • pull out hairs on it.

The less stress the skin is exposed to, the better. You can even replace the usual washing with irrigation of the face with special means from a spray bottle.

Second week after the procedure: maximum protection

At this point, the exfoliation process comes to an end and the face is more or less back to normal. You can gradually return to your daily skin care products. If the skin reacts calmly to them, you can gently and gradually add makeup. Ideal for removing redness Foundation with a greenish tint.

The main thing you should not forget about is regular moisturizing and mandatory use sunscreen. Even better, when going outside, completely cover the treated areas from the sun - for example, with a scarf or a wide-brimmed hat.

Third-fourth week: the worst is over

At this point, it will be possible to draw the first preliminary conclusions about the results of the procedure. Specialized care, as a rule, is no longer required, but it is worth taking care that the skin remains sufficiently moisturized. It’s too early to sunbathe and, in general, open your “new” face to the sun: you should wait at least another 2 months ( ideally 3-4) so that all the efforts of the previous weeks were not in vain.

Usually, it is during this period that a face-to-face examination by a cosmetologist is scheduled, at which he will evaluate the effect obtained and, possibly, offer additional procedures, such as biorevitalization, or another peeling session.

In the list of the most cosmetic procedures, a separate place is occupied by laser facial peeling, carried out in situations where the skin needs urgent renewal and cleansing. This type of peeling is not considered the most gentle. Possible risks are justified by a high-class cosmetic effect that does not leave the face of patients long time(sometimes whole years) the field of intervention.

The action of the laser modern procedure, aimed at improving not only the upper, but also the inner, deep layers of the epidermis. During its development, such an impact has undergone significant changes and modifications. At the moment, there are multiple varieties of these procedures. The choice of a particular option depends on the characteristics of the client's skin and medical indications.

Some patients are terrified of the effects of a laser on their face, believing that the results of this intervention can become not so much positive as frankly terrifying. Insufficiently qualified actions of the master can cause significant damage to the skin. Too intense exposure to the apparatus can provoke skin burns and delay rehabilitation for an indefinite period.

And yet, patients often turn to a qualified master. In such cases, laser peeling will solve multiple problems of the face, changing it for the better, simply beyond recognition. Early or late signs of wilting, problematic dermis, as well as many other nuances can be completely eliminated if the professional and the equipment work together.

What is laser peeling

What is laser peeling? This is a process of skin rejuvenation with a laser, which is performed through a controlled burn. In this case, the light energy is transformed into heat energy. In this case, the outer cell layer evaporates, bringing undamaged tissues to the surface.

To reduce the invasiveness of the impact, the rays are "dosed" on the flows and the impact becomes local. That is, the rays act on certain skin areas. This makes cleaning much more gentle, allowing you to reduce the rehabilitation period.

The intensity of the laser exposure is controlled by a specialist cosmetologist, whose qualifications in this matter must be impeccable.

There are several types of such cleaning: hot, cold, fractional, as well as carboxylic, carbonic and erbium peeling.

Indications for use

In order for the face to become cleansed and well-groomed after laser peeling, you need to follow the rules for the procedure. For a number of patients, this type of cosmetic intervention is not recommended at all, while for others it will be a real salvation.

Laser peeling is indicated in a number of cases:

  • photoaging of the skin;
  • dark spots;
  • vascular network;
  • striae, scars, scars.
  • black shadows under the eyes;
  • enlarged pores;
  • creases and wrinkles;
  • folds, bumps, sagging;
  • "Floated" facial contours;
  • comedones;
  • pimples, acne, acne;
  • insufficient synthesis of collagen or elastin;
  • loss of skin trugor
  • the need to remove the tattoo from the lips, eyes or eyebrows.

Are there any contraindications to the procedures?

Laser peeling has contraindications:

  • heat;
  • diabetes;
  • tuberculosis;
  • oncological diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • pregnancy, breastfeeding;
  • violation of the functions of the cardiovascular system;
  • the presence of pacemakers;
  • face tattoos;
  • exacerbation of skin pathologies
  • papillomas, nevi;
  • subcutaneous fillers - fillers;
  • taking oral contraception;
  • recent chemical peel;
  • blood clotting problems.

By the way. Patients who decide to undergo laser peeling should be prepared to undergo a preliminary medical examination to identify existing contraindications.

Laser peeling, namely its varieties depend on the following factors:

  • cleaning depths.
  • Applied additional funds.
  • The type of device used.


Cold laser peeling - evaporation of the superficial layers of the dermis. Such manipulation is carried out permanently and requires the use of anesthesia. Cold laser peeling lasts from 10 minutes to 1 hour, it depends on the complexity of skin problems. The effect of the intervention lasts up to 5 years.


This laser skin peeling involves cleaning with a hot laser. With its help, the epidermis heats up, and the skin layers evaporate layer by layer. Such manipulations exfoliate dead cells, while renewing and rejuvenating them. This cosmetic procedure is characterized by a high risk of skin burns and the so-called "gauze effect". Patients who decide on hot peeling need to be very careful in choosing a practicing cosmetologist.

The effectiveness of such peeling gradually increases over time.


In essence, erbium is a soft metal, a chemical element. Erbium peeling uses this substance in the device, while not performing cardinal deep changes in the skin. The laser beam penetrates into the upper layers of the integument, ensuring the evaporation of their layers. The cellular features of the skin remain unchanged, but the condition of the integument improves significantly. This type of cleansing is recognized as the most gentle and delicate in the list of such peels.


Carbon or carbon dioxide peeling is carried out with a specialized apparatus. The latter stimulates the beam to dive deep into the layers of the skin, involving the most inaccessible areas. The actions of this type of laser peeling for the face are aimed at destroying obsolete collagen, as well as stimulating the formation of a new one. Carbon laser facial peeling is mainly used to solve complex problems of aging skin.


It is considered one of the youngest facial peels. Fractional laser peeling of the face consists in a point effect on problem areas of the skin, as its name suggests. The peculiarity of this method is the thermal shock after exposure to the rays. Fractional deep laser peeling starts the mechanisms of cell rejuvenation, improving the process of their metabolism.


Carbon laser facial peeling is one of the most popular cosmetic procedures. The procedure is carried out by exposing the skin to a laser beam through the applied gel mask. It contains a particle of carbon dioxide (carbon). A feature of this cleansing is anti-inflammatory, as well as rejuvenating effect.

Laser peeling for the face includes 3 stages: preparatory, main and final.


At the first visit of the client, the beautician should ask a number of clarifying questions:

  • About the general state of health.
  • About the medications you have taken recently.
  • About previous cosmetic procedures.

The next step is to examine the dermatologist and determine the prospects that laser facial peeling will produce in this particular case. It takes into account all possible factors, including the thickness of the covers and so on.

  • Clients prone to frequent herpes rashes are prescribed antiviral drugs.
  • Smokers are advised to refrain from consuming nicotine for 2 weeks before and after the procedure.
  • Before peeling, it is necessary to stop taking medications that affect blood clotting.

Cleaning steps

The procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. The master cleans the face from decorative cosmetics, determines the most suitable option for anesthesia (local or general anesthesia).
  2. The dermatologist protects the patient's eyes with goggles and starts the procedure. When using an ablative apparatus, the peeling time will be from 30 to 120 minutes. Non-ablative devices involve the application of a water-based gel. In this case, the laser does not act on the epidermis itself, but on the collagen inside. The beautician's working time is 15–90 minutes, depending on the area of ​​the zone and the type of equipment used.
  3. In order to alleviate the pain syndrome, the master applies cooling compresses and a soothing mask.

Advice. You should check with the beautician in advance what will be needed during recovery after the intervention. Indeed, after a superficial or deep peeling, it will be necessary to stay at home for some time. Therefore, everything you need should be at hand.

Detailed video about the procedure:

Are there any side effects?

In some cases, laser peeling can provoke various complications. Although this type of exposure does not provoke such consequences as, for example, chemical. To prevent problems, you should strictly follow the rules of the procedure and take into account the existing contraindications:

  • herpes in the acute stage;
  • hyperemia;
  • dermatitis;
  • swelling, wounds on the face;
  • acne
  • erythema;
  • the presence of allergic reactions or a tendency to them;
  • hyperpigmentation.

Despite the possibility of complications, the latter are still quite rare. Rehabilitation after laser peeling usually goes quickly and without problems. The salon in which the procedure was performed is responsible for possible complications, as well as eliminate all shortcomings free of charge.

How to take care of the skin after laser peeling? There are basic rules:

  • Do not expose your face to temperature changes, cold or hot air.
  • The humidity of the premises in which the convalescent is located must comply with the standards.
  • Regardless of the season, you need to use products with a SP filter in the composition.
  • Immediately after the laser peeling procedure, decorative cosmetics should not be applied.
  • It is forbidden to sunbathe.
  • It is impossible to remove the crusts formed during the peeling.

The recovery period depends on the type of intervention performed, and therefore may take different periods of time:

  • superficial dermabrasion - 7 days;
  • median cleansing - 14 days;
  • deep impact - up to 21 days.

Advice. After the procedure, the patient will have to stay at home for 1-2 weeks. The skin, with crusts that have appeared on its surface, is not the most beautiful sight. It is worth worrying in advance about a vacation or an unscheduled weekend.

Photos before and after procedures

The effectiveness of laser exposure to the skin is obvious, just look at the photo report of those who have successfully undergone this intervention.

Consider all the pros and cons

Laser peeling for the face, like any other cosmetic procedure, has pros and cons. Having studied both lists, the client decides whether the intervention is appropriate.

The minimum level of trauma.An indispensable condition is the use of anesthesia.
painlessThe recovery period after laser peeling is somewhat longer in comparison with similar options.
Long lasting results.A number of existing contraindications.
The possibility of exposure to delicate areas: eyes, lips.It can lead to a number of complications. The exception is erbium peeling.


Laser peeling is a modern procedure for cleansing, rejuvenating the integument of the face, enjoying unprecedented popularity. Carried out by a professional, it negates all possible complications, shortens the rehabilitation period and is considered a highly effective cosmetic cleansing method. Before peeling, the patient must certainly be examined for possible contraindications. This item is necessary to exclude side effects or complications after the intervention.

With the advent of laser technology, medicine has succeeded in rejuvenating the skin through the laser facial peel procedure, because it is one of the best of its kind, applied without the involvement of a plastic surgeon.

Laser peeling of the face (what it is and how it is carried out will be described later in the article) is a medical procedure.

Widely used in the field of cosmetology for the treatment and elimination of skin defects:

  • wrinkles;
  • scars;
  • pigmentation etc.

This method is based on the destruction (removal) of skin cells at different depths using evenly distributed laser microcurrents of various origins (carboxylic, erbium, neodymium).

Mostly laser peeling is used for the face, but it can also be used on the arms, neck, abdomen and other parts of the body.

Action on the skin

Laser peeling of the face - what it is and how it is done, will become clear if you understand the methods of its implementation. The procedure is based on one of the methods: traditional or fractional.

Laser traditional face peeling is such an effect of a laser stream that is distributed evenly over the entire specified area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe integument. The effect of such a procedure is insignificant, but it will help to refresh the look and evenly lighten the skin.

Fractional laser peeling, which has a number of subspecies, is characterized by a fragmentary (point) effect on problem areas, and usually up to 25% is processed. problematic skin in the given area.

The effect of fractional peeling is much stronger:

Fractional peeling can be cold (erbium) and hot (carbon) type. With the cold type, gradual destruction of the tissue is carried out in the specified areas of the stratum corneum, while open wounds are not formed. The tissues are damaged, forming zones of active recovery, but the destroyed cells remain inside, so the effect is slightly pronounced compared to hot peeling.

With a hot type, tissues are burned out, which leads to the complete removal of cells. The area of ​​the skin is reduced, due to which, during the restoration, the effect of tightening is immediately visible.

The difference in the result is explained by the aggressiveness of the action on the skin to provoke the active production of collagen by the body, which is involved in the formation of new dermal cells: the deeper the microdamage, the more collagen will be synthesized in the cells during skin restoration.

Carbon laser peeling

Carbon (carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide, carbon dioxide) laser peeling, or carbon exfoliation, is one of the oldest types of medical procedures in cosmetology. It is used for dermabrasion (laser resurfacing) of the lower layers of the epidermis. Simply put, the beam of this type of laser penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin, thereby provoking an accelerated production of collagen.

The carbon dioxide laser has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, which prevents infection of the skin, but if it is erroneously set up and exposed too strongly, it can lead to the formation of scars and scars.

Carbon laser peeling is suitable for people with serious skin defects:

  • post-acne;
  • papillomas of non-cancerous species;
  • various colloid scars.

Therefore, it should not be used by people with minor skin problems.

The recovery period is relatively short (sometimes up to a month), the effect of the procedure is long-term, but if the device settings are incorrect, skin pigmentation may increase or decrease.

Erbium laser peeling

This type of laser is used for "light" peeling, i.e. acts on the upper layers of the skin (up to 30 microns), thereby removing the risk of the formation of new defects to zero. The laser affects the water structure of the cells.

What allows you to evaporate the upper keratinized layer of the skin without injury with minor skin problems:

  • small age-related changes;
  • scars;
  • pigmentation.

Erbium peeling is suitable for people who want to refresh and tighten uneven areas of the skin on the face, hands, décolleté or neck.

If skin problems are more serious, but not so strong as to use a carbon laser, clinics practice combining procedures on carbon and erbium laser peeling devices.

There are Fraxel devices with a patented fractional peeling method that uses an erbium and thulium fiber laser. The combination of these types of laser provides an excellent replacement for carbon fractional peeling, but increases the number of procedures to achieve the best effect.

Fractional laser peeling

In clinics, fractional laser peeling procedures are called differently, moreover, most often clients are not explained that this is the same procedure.

For example, in some clinics, the procedure may be called:

  • DOT therapy (dermal optical thermolysis);
  • laser lifting;
  • drilling.

Sometimes they give wrong names, for example, rejuvenation of the fraxel type or simply fraxel. Fraxel is the name of the device from Reliant Technologies, with which procedures are carried out, and there are several dozen of them from the most different manufacturers.

The only difference is what type of fractional peeling a particular clinic offers: erbium (cold) or carbon (hot) peeling, or both.

Types of laser peeling machines

Manufacturers claim that laser peeling is a great alternative plastic surgery Therefore, they are actively developing this area, improving existing technologies and developing new ones. The created devices allow using the methods of cold and hot peeling without any special difficulties.

Laser cold and hot facial peeling differs in that these are such temperature regimes of laser exposure, under which you can get a completely different effect from the procedure.

Erbium peeling is considered cold, and carbon and neodymium peels are considered hot. The exposure temperature depends on the depth of laser penetration into the skin: the higher the laser heating temperature, the deeper it enters the epidermis, without heating neighboring areas.

The most popular cold peeling machines are:

The following devices are more suitable for hot peeling:

As you can see, many devices combine the functions of both cold and hot peeling, which greatly simplifies clinics to provide all types of laser peeling.

Pros and cons of the method

The general advantages of laser peeling include:

  • almost always painless procedure;
  • the absence of chemical effects on the skin with various drugs;
  • relative ease of use of devices during procedures;
  • minimal exposure of foreign objects (hands, various tools) to the skin, and, as a result, minimal risk of infection;
  • visible effect after the first procedures;
  • long-term effect (up to 5 years);
  • helps to fight with any skin defects;
  • relative cheapness of some types of peeling (for example, removal of age spots - from 3000 to 4000 rubles).

But the minuses of this procedure are relatively few, they are mainly explained by a large number of contraindications:

  • the effect of "gauze", which may not go away with time;
  • an allergy to painkillers and anesthetics used for aggressive effects on the skin is possible;
  • the high cost of some procedures, and, as a rule, they are prescribed from 2 to 8 times (for example, laser peeling of the entire forehead area costs from 5,000 to 10,000 rubles).


Laser peeling of the face - what it is and what indications for use for this procedure have become approximately clear from the above details.

However, the full spectrum of action is much larger and suitable for people with almost any skin defect:


For each individual type of laser procedure, there are a number of contraindications, and the list can always be different: what may be prohibited in one procedure may not be taken into account in another.

And yet, since this is a rather serious thermal procedure, it has a large number of general contraindications:

Preparation for peeling

Laser peeling of the face - what it is in practice and what steps precede this procedure are described in detail below, indicating all possible requirements and recommendations.

Preparatory stage The final laser peeling procedure may include the following items:

Stages of the procedure

All people who want to resort to laser peeling need to undergo a thorough examination before the procedure, since even one procedure is quite expensive and you don’t want to spend money on the “wrong” effect.

To do this, it is best to find out the condition of your skin so that the doctor gives the clearest possible idea of ​​the subsequent effect (whether the problems will disappear or whether the peeling will simply correct them).

Since doctors use different devices for different types laser peeling, the order and duration of action will depend on the thickness and characteristics of the patient's skin.

Laser peeling of the face is practically painless. The photo shows the procedure carbon peeling

First of all, the device is adjusted taking into account the characteristics and thickness of the skin. There are special ultrasound devices that allow you to determine the thickness of the skin and its condition in order to correctly adjust the depth and power of the laser impact on the epidermis, and at the same time not damage the stratum corneum.

Both the patient and the physician wear goggles to protect the eyes from the radiation, and the patient's goggles may be completely covered to prevent the laser from accidentally hitting the retina.

Next, determine the type of anesthesia or anesthesia if aggressive peeling methods are used. If the peeling is superficial, then most often they manage with a stream of cold air to reduce discomfort.

The procedure lasts about 30 minutes, but can be extended up to 40-60 minutes depending on the type of painkillers and anesthetics used.

rehabilitation period

The most important thing during the recovery period is to influence the skin as little as possible, since after the procedure it becomes very vulnerable to various infections due to the lack of an upper protective layer. With shallow peeling, the recovery period may take up to a week, but with deep (laser resurfacing) it can take from 3 weeks.

In the first days, you should use emollient and healing preparations, for example, panthenol, as prescribed by the doctor. To prevent infection, you also need to use chlorhexidine or preparations based on it.

After the procedure, it is not recommended to visit places with a sharp change in climate (for example, go outside at low temperatures in winter) without applying protective preparations. In the event that the skin cannot fully recover due to the patient's age.

From the fourth week, you can resort to a laser resurfacing procedure to remove the resulting scars, if any. Two months after the procedure, you can undergo a course of chemical peeling if there are still problem areas on the skin, for example, the “gauze” effect.

Side effects, complications

Side effects after the procedure include:

With the right approach and procedure side effects can be minimized, but the “gauze” effect can develop into a complication, as it tends to persist for several years.

Complications can also appear in the form of acne, infection or scarring, so both the doctor and the patient must follow all the rules for preparing for the procedure, as well as keep in mind a number of additional procedures that will need to be addressed in case of complications.

Skin care after the procedure

Sun exposure should be avoided to avoid serious skin damage. If there is a need to go outside, then it is necessary to use a cream with a protective factor.

  1. Be sure to use an antiseptic preparation to prevent skin infection.
  2. After the recovery period, residual redness is possible, which can be hidden with light cosmetics, but only after all wounds have healed.
  3. It is better not to touch the formed crusts and let them fall off on their own, so as not to bring the infection through the hands.
  4. It is better to choose the time for the procedure during the holidays, so as not to attract the attention of people, especially in the early days.

Expert opinion: how peeling will help rejuvenate

Most experts come to the conclusion that laser facial peeling is one of the safest methods of treatment and facial rejuvenation. This service is especially popular with popular personalities who want to keep their youth and attractive appearance longer, but who do not want to “shred” their face under a surgical scalpel.

Ordinary people are no exception either, because by the age of 50 age spots, deep wrinkles and sagging areas may appear on the skin, and laser peeling can help rejuvenate the face by 10-15 years, and maintain this effect for a long time.

Experts recommend resorting to laser peeling of people after 50 those who want to rejuvenate the face without surgery, especially if it is contraindicated for them or if there is a fear of scars and scars. Not an exception are also people who are tired of the constant use of expensive cosmetics that do not significantly improve the overall condition of the skin.

If you need a long-term effect without the constant use of cosmetics, it is better to resort to several laser facial peeling procedures, because what is it compared to the constant purchases of expensive cosmetics that do not give the desired effect.

Video about laser peeling of the face

Laser resurfacing. Pores and post-acne:

Laser resurfacing:

In the arsenal of modern aesthetic cosmetology there are many techniques that can correct age-related changes and rejuvenate the skin. Not the last place among them is laser peeling. Manipulation is based on the evaporation of the surface layers of the skin by rays different lengths. As a result, collagen production is activated, the face is smoothed and tightened.

Methods for laser peeling

Laser peeling refers to hardware methods of exposure. For the first time they started talking about it in the mid-80s of the last century. It was then that doctors learned to regulate the wavelength and processing time. In 2003, the technology of selective photothermolysis was created, which significantly expanded the boundaries of aesthetic medicine and made it possible to fully control the process.

Thus, today there are two methods of laser peeling:

  • classical;
  • fractional (or DOT - dermal optical thermolysis).

The traditional option captures the entire surface of the treated area. The procedure allows you to correct minor defects in the dermis and initial age-related changes.

Fractional or laser microperforation of the skin is distinguished by selectivity. The total impact of points (fractions) cannot exceed a quarter of the entire treated surface.

As soon as modern cosmetologists do not call dermal optical thermolysis - fraxel, LAFT-rejuvenation, drilling, DOT Therapy, fractional remodeling. However, the terminology does not affect how DOT therapy works. In all cases, the wave beam acts selectively, burning microchannels in the dermis at certain intervals.

Fractional laser peeling of the face is able to tighten sagging tissues, give clarity to the oval, reduce the severity of wrinkles, scars and post-acne, make the skin healthier and more elastic. At the same time, the procedure is safe, suitable for any age and can be performed both on the face and on the body.

Types of lasers in cosmetology

In Russia, laser peels are most often performed using the carbon (carbon, CO2) or erbium method. In clinics in the USA and Europe, these methods have long supplanted alternative ones, but they are still popular in our country.

CO2 carbon laser has been used in cosmetology for over 40 years. It has a deep thermal effect on the skin, and under certain conditions is able to cut it. Recommended for use with pronounced scars, post-acne, tattoos, unsuccessful permanent makeup, wrinkles.

CO2 laser procedures have a significant disadvantage - the result of exposure is monitored only by a change in skin tone. It is very difficult to control the depth of penetration of the beam.

Erbium laser refers to more modern, cold technologies and, unlike carbon, allows you to visually determine the reduction of wrinkles. Erbium (a chemical element from the lanthanide group) does not allow the rays to penetrate to the basal layer and allows you to perform both one deep and several superficial procedures without causing tissue overheating. Thanks to such a delicate effect, the dermis is quickly restored.

The method is more suitable for patients with minor age-related changes and skin defects. Peeling starts collagen synthesis and increases the elasticity of the dermis, which means you will look younger without much difficulty.

Large clinics are often equipped with neodymium lasers. The scope of their application is very wide - from the elimination of tattoos to the implementation of epilation.

Pros and Cons of Cold Laser Facial Peeling

Cold or non-ablative fractional photothermolysis allows you to remove the top layer of the epidermis without heating the lower levels and is suitable for light exfoliation.

The manipulation is characterized by low invasiveness, is performed under local anesthesia and does not require a long recovery period. The shallow depth of exposure eliminates the risk of dyschromia (natural color changes).

The care of skin treated with a cold method is minimal. The effect of the procedure is usually good, but only extends to the surface layers. Cold peeling is not capable of exerting any significant dermoplastic effect.

The big advantage of the technique is the speed of action. The skin becomes soft and velvety after the first session. But in order to achieve a lasting result, it is necessary to repeat the manipulation several times.

Advantages and disadvantages of a hot laser

If you want to correct serious age-related changes or get rid of a defect, use hot peeling.

Ablative fractional photothermolysis burns and heats tissues to a considerable depth. Provides excellent lifting, but at the same time forms a large number of microtraumas and requires a long recovery.

This type of exposure is referred to as medium or medium-deep peelings. The procedure is quite painful and is performed under anesthesia.

The disadvantages of manipulation include a delayed effect, a large number of adverse reactions and a high percentage of post-peel scarring.

How is laser peeling different from resurfacing?

Often, patients of beauty salons do not see the difference between resurfacing and laser peeling. As a result, signing up for one procedure, and implying another, a woman does not get what she wanted at all.

So what are the differences:

  1. Laser peeling of the face is a superficial cleaning and penetrates deep into the tissues by only 30 microns. Grinding, having a median or deep impact, passes at 100-150 microns and affects the basement membrane.
  2. The grinding efficiency is much higher. The procedure is great for tattoos, deep wrinkles and scars. Peeling is more often used to eliminate minor defects.

When going to the procedure, decide what you want - to clean or polish the skin, and convey your desires to the beautician. This will save you a lot of problems.

Which laser will get rid of stretch marks

Striae (skin atrophy) are familiar to many women. A defect in the form of longitudinal stripes of a white or burgundy hue appears as a result of stretching of the dermis and damage to collagen fibers. It is usually localized in the chest, abdomen and thighs.

Dermal optical thermolysis will help get rid of atrophy. Especially well this technique copes with old stretch marks. As a result, the depth of the stripes decreases, they acquire the color of healthy skin.

With the help of an erbium laser, fresh postpartum striae can be polished. This gentle and safe procedure evens out shallow stripes in one session without damaging adjacent tissues.

Which is better: laser or chemical peeling

If we talk about the deep impact, then we should compare phenol peeling and laser surgery. Both techniques are very painful and traumatic, requiring general anesthesia and hospital stay. There are many contraindications and adverse reactions in both cases, so leave the choice to the cosmetologist.

How are things going with superficial peels? At first glance, it may seem that the option of laser cleaning is more preferable. It is believed that the beam injures the skin less than acid, its penetration is better controlled and quite predictable.

However, recently there have been chemical peels, which are not inferior to the laser in the delicacy of the impact. So, the effect of the application can be compared with non-ablative cleaning.

A huge advantage of laser peeling is the absence of hypopigmentation, while with chemical peeling, the probability of complications approaches 100%. Thus, ceteris paribus, laser therapy clearly wins.

Types of devices

The oldest and well-studied is the CO2 emitter and its modifications. But cosmetology does not stand still, and today there are many devices that combine the best qualities of erbium and carbon radiation sensors. With their help, you can carry out effective and safe manipulations.

Consider some of the modern devices.

Device nameImpact FeaturesAverage cost of the procedureLaser of the Slovenian brand "Photona"The device is characterized by deep (up to 0.8 mm) penetrating power. It is used to treat rosacea and acne, has a moisturizing, rejuvenating effect, restores contours.Hot peeling of the eyelids and crow's feet - 14,000 rubles. the whole face - 28,000 rubles. neckline - 20,000 rubles.Halo system (Heilo)The hybrid device allows you to combine the effect of laser resurfacing with a short recovery period. Heilo in one procedure eliminates stagnant spots, scars, post-acne, removes pigmentation, rejuvenates. Recommended for women with severe rosacea.One face treatment will cost 8,000–10,000 rubles.Resurfx m22 instrumentFractional apparatus M22 is suitable for any skin. It has a complex effect, rejuvenates and tightens. Has a short recovery period.The average price for the procedure is 10,000 rubles.Laser Fraxel LightDot therapy Fraxel Light is based on gentle photothermolysis. Starts the processes of remodeling and skin renewal. Available to women over 20 years old.Fractional remodeling of the entire face will cost 5,000-13,000 rubles. Treatment of the face and eyelids will cost more - from 9,000 to 12,000 rubles. The price of exposure to the areas of the face, neck and decollete is 8500-12000 rubles.UltraPulse system from Lumenis, USAThe device belongs to the group of carbon lasers and has a wide spectrum of action. Allows you to work in the deep layers of the skin with minimal trauma. The only device among CO2 lasers that allows you to adjust the required level of beam penetration.UltraPulse full face - 28600 rubles. face and neck - 35500 rubles. laser eyelid surgery - 16,000 rubles. UL belly - 24000 rub.Pearl technology on the Cutera laserage-related changes, removal of scars and age spots." data-order="Pearl peeling technique maintains the optimal ratio of coagulation and ablation, has a short regeneration period. It is recommended for the correction of age-related changes, the removal of scars and age spots. "> The pearl peeling technique maintains an optimal ratio of coagulation and ablation, has a short regeneration period. It is recommended for the correction of age-related changes, the removal of scars and age spots.Face - 10,000 rubles. Face and neck -13500 rub. Face + neck + decollete -18000 rub. Hands - 5500 rubles. Lips -4000 rub.Erbium apparatus MCL 31 Dermablate from the brand Asclepion Laser Technologies (Germany)The multifunctional system is suitable for all ages and skin types, absolutely safe and less traumatic. Perfectly copes with flabby, withering dermis, gently treats delicate areas around the eyes and lips, neck and décolleté.Peeling only the face will cost 11,000 rubles.

It is impossible not to mention the latest development of Italian doctors - laser Anti-age peeling. The procedure allows you to get a great lifting effect with minimal time and effort. The anti-aging system includes five steps and in just 30 minutes returns beauty and youth.

You can enjoy a high-quality Anti-age peeling procedure in Karlovy Vary. Not everyone knows that this is not only a famous resort city, but also a wonderful center of aesthetic medicine. All Karlovy Vary clinics are different the highest quality equipment, well-trained specialists and reasonable prices.

Who is eligible for laser treatments?

Laser peeling helps to get rid of many problems. The indications for manipulation are the following disadvantages:

  • acne, comedones, post-acne, stagnant spots;
  • scars of various origins;
  • wrinkles - mimic and age;
  • pigmentation;
  • bags and dark circles under the eyes;
  • saggy, flaccid skin;
  • low-quality permanent make-up, tattoo;
  • enlarged pores;
  • vascular network.

After laser therapy, tissues acquire an even, healthy color, texture becomes denser, firmness and elasticity increase.

Contraindications for use

Laser peeling, like any cosmetic procedure, has a number of limitations.

Temporary contraindications include:

  • exacerbation of the herpes virus and other chronic diseases;
  • wounds and injuries in the treatment area;
  • period of pregnancy and lactation.

By agreement with the doctor:

  • predisposition to scarring;
  • diabetes;
  • mental disorders (epilepsy);
  • poor skin clotting;
  • oncology.

If these contraindications are ignored, complications and adverse reactions may develop: thermal burns, bruises, active rash of herpes, edema, inflammation, deterioration of health.

How is the procedure in the clinic

Regardless of the type of laser used, peeling is carried out only in a salon. To obtain the best effect from cleaning, it is necessary to carry out pre-peeling preparation. It includes a conversation with a doctor, during which the specialist is interested in the state of health, the presence of chronic diseases and the medications currently taken.

Then the doctor tells you about the procedure, possible complications and expected effect. With frequent rashes of herpes, antiviral drugs (Acyclovir) are prescribed.

The main peeling stage includes several steps:

  1. The patient is placed on a couch with a slightly raised head.
  2. The skin is cleaned of cosmetics and treated with an antiseptic.
  3. Depending on the depth of the peeling effect, a local anesthetic is applied to the face or general anesthesia is resorted to.
  4. The patient's eyes are protected with special glasses and the treatment of the skin area begins.
  5. After peeling, the doctor makes a soothing mask and lubricates the epidermis with a regenerating cream.

The duration of therapy depends on the type of laser. With hot exposure, the session time is 45–120 minutes. Non-ablative cleaning is faster and takes no more than an hour and a half.

Skin care during the rehabilitation period

A good result from the procedure is 50% dependent on post-peel care. Usually, the specialist recommends smearing the treated skin twice a day with creams with bepanthen or any anti-burn agents. When redness and swelling appear, cold compresses are recommended.

In addition, during the rehabilitation period, it is necessary to remember the following points:

  • refuse to visit the bath, sauna, solarium and pool until the skin is completely healed;
  • protect your face from cold, wind and sun, use creams with SPF filters;
  • forget about decorative cosmetics for 5-10 days.

With pronounced dry skin, the cosmetologist can prescribe injections hyaluronic acid or other restorative procedures.

A good result is the use of Danne (USA) and Dermaheal (Korea) creams in post-peeling care. Means prevent the development of hyperpigmentation and reduce the recovery period.

The duration of regeneration depends on the type of laser. The non-ablative technique is less traumatic and traces of peeling often disappear as early as 3–5 days. Hot technologies have a pronounced damaging effect, so the recovery period is often delayed up to 20–25 days.