4 weeks of pregnancy what happens to the embryo. Possible complications during pregnancy. Protection from harmful factors

Signs and symptoms

In obstetric practice, the fourth week of pregnancy is equal to two weeks of pregnancy from conception. The actual pregnancy has already occurred; the embryo is still classified as an embryo, but it has already established itself in the uterus. Now its development is inevitable, and with each new week, including week 4, the woman will increasingly feel the gradual growth of a new life inside her. In the meantime, the first 4 weeks of pregnancy are usually almost invisible to a woman. Although in some cases, pregnancy is still indicated by not yet strongly and implicitly expressed symptoms and signs.

Some signs and symptoms of pregnancy at 4 weeks are similar to those before your period. So, a woman may notice irritability and nervousness, and rapid fatigue. In rare cases, a change in taste preferences and mild nausea may be added to everything else - especially due to intolerance to certain odors.

Feelings at 4 weeks of pregnancy

The emotional background of a woman often changes: while some women do not even suspect the presence of pregnancy for 4 weeks, for others the sensations at 4 weeks of pregnancy can be much more pronounced. Tearfulness, causeless touchiness, increased emotional reaction to irritating factors - all this may indicate the “arrangement” of an embryo in the womb of a woman, which in the future will turn into little man.


The breasts also undergo certain changes: swelling of the mammary glands is noted, sensitivity and soreness of the nipples appears. Again, these changes can be explained by premenstrual syndrome if the woman does not yet know about pregnancy. In fact, the breasts at the 4th week of pregnancy change due to hormonal changes in the body, adaptation to new conditions for further functioning.


A woman who does not know about pregnancy “writes off” all the changes that occur in the body to the upcoming menstruation. And just around the 4th week of pregnancy, according to the laws of anatomy, menstruation should begin, but!.. Due to successful fertilization and subsequent implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterus, there are no periods at the 4th week of pregnancy. There is a delay, which can also be considered one of the symptoms and signs of pregnancy at 4 weeks. In some cases, a pregnant woman may experience spotting, which has nothing to do with menstruation. This is the so-called implantation bleeding, which occurs due to the attachment of the blastocyst (embryo on the 5-6th day of development) into the wall of the uterus.

Discharge at 4 weeks of pregnancy

Not only a delay in menstruation and scanty bloody discharge can instead indicate the fourth week of pregnancy. Also, discharge at 4 weeks of pregnancy may be more abundant, have a whitish or transparent color without the presence of any odor. This situation is also explained by hormonal changes, and also by increased blood flow. However, only discharge at 4 weeks of pregnancy is considered normal, which is colorless (although it may be white) and odorless, and has a thick consistency. Bloody, brown, painful discharge accompanied by back or lower back pain, as a rule, has nothing to do with pregnancy.

Bleeding and miscarriage

As does bleeding at 4 weeks of pregnancy, which is usually mistaken for menstruation by a woman unaware of her new position. Bleeding at this minimum stage usually represents a miscarriage at 4 weeks of pregnancy. It occurs painlessly; the woman usually does not even understand that she was pregnant and mistakes bleeding at the 4th week of pregnancy for menstruation. Many unfavorable factors can lead to fading of pregnancy, death of the embryo and subsequent miscarriage at 4 weeks of pregnancy, for example, an infectious disease with high fever, alcohol abuse, and excessive physical activity.

Pregnancy test

Such bitter consequences can overtake a woman if the pregnancy was not planned and expected, because a pregnancy test at 4 weeks of pregnancy usually gives a negative result. The fact is that, despite a slight increase in human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood, there is still quite a bit of it in the urine. Therefore, a pregnancy test at 4 weeks of pregnancy may not yet “recognize” an already existing pregnancy.


An ultrasound at 4 weeks of pregnancy, in turn, can show the corpus luteum of pregnancy, which gradually increases in size, nourishing the embryo until the placenta is formed and fully functioning. Among other things, the task of the corpus luteum is also to produce progesterone, the hormone responsible for maintaining pregnancy. In addition to the corpus luteum, highly sensitive ultrasound machines at the 4th week of pregnancy are able to detect the embryo that has settled in the uterus. But such examinations are carried out extremely rarely: at this stage, a woman often only suspects her possible “interesting situation”, doubting whether it is worth doing the appropriate test.


If a pregnancy test at 4 weeks of pregnancy is not yet able to “determine” the presence of pregnancy, then blood tests for hCG at 4 weeks of pregnancy will clearly give a positive answer. Indeed, at this stage, the membranes of the embryo “release” a significantly larger amount of hCG into the blood, and its sharply increased level in the blood becomes confirmation of the presence of pregnancy. The same applies to progesterone, which is actively produced by the corpus luteum for the normal course of pregnancy.

Uterus at 4 weeks of pregnancy

Under the influence of progesterone, the uterus undergoes changes at 4 weeks of pregnancy. This hormone “helps” the embryo to settle in the uterus - the uterus, due to the active production of progesterone, swells and softens, but does not yet increase in size. In addition, a special dense mucus plug is formed in the uterus: it will protect the baby’s “house” and himself from infections throughout his intrauterine development.


The fetus at the 4th week of pregnancy is still undergoing transformation from the fertilized egg itself into an embryo. Externally, it is similar to a flat disk, which consists of three layers. In the future, they will serve as the basis for the formation of tissues and organs of the baby. Thus, the inner layer will determine the appearance of the lungs, liver, digestive system, and pancreas. The middle layer will become the “base” for the formation of the skeleton, kidneys, blood vessels, muscular system, and heart. The outer layer, in turn, is responsible for the formation of the skin, scalp, nervous system, tooth enamel, hair, eye lenses. The size of the fetus at the 4th week of pregnancy reaches 2 mm, its length is 5 millimeters. Yes, the embryo is still tiny, but its development is rapid. Thus, at this stage, the so-called extraembryonic organs, which are extremely important for the embryo - chorion, amnion, and yolk sac, are actively developing at this stage. Their main task is to provide nutrition, breathing, biochemical support and a variety of protection for the baby. In the future, the chorion will turn into the placenta, the amnion into the amniotic sac.

Stomach hurts and pulls

The “activity” of the embryo in terms of development and the woman’s body being rebuilt in accordance with the new position often lead to pain and tugging in the abdomen at 4 weeks of pregnancy. This situation is explained by the changes that occur in a woman’s body. In addition, at the 4th week of pregnancy, the stomach hurts and pulls often in women who have had painful menstruation in the past. However, it should be borne in mind that the 4th week of pregnancy is a critical stage - during this period, the pregnant woman would usually begin her period. Thus, a “pulling” stomach may also indicate an increase in the tone of the uterus. Unfortunately, it also happens that painful and nagging sensations end in failure - a fading pregnancy and spontaneous abortion (miscarriage).

Colds and fever at 4 weeks of pregnancy

An ordinary cold, which is not at all dangerous under normal conditions, at the 4th week of pregnancy can also lead to the fading of pregnancy. During this period, the embryo is unusually vulnerable; even the most seemingly insignificant factors influence it. But you shouldn’t immediately get scared and panic about this: nervous breakdown and psychological stress in many cases are even more harmful to the unborn baby than a cold in the 4th week of pregnancy. If you do not experience a high temperature, it is enough to simply avoid going to crowded places and take care of yourself at home for a few days. Rinsing your nose with salt water, drinking plenty of warm tea with honey, and cough syrup with licorice root will help you quickly cope with cold symptoms.

But the temperature at the 4th week of pregnancy - about 38 degrees and above - is very, very undesirable for the development of the embryo. High temperature can negatively affect the development of the fetus, and even lead to miscarriage. Therefore, it is necessary, even before pregnancy, to prepare for the subsequent bearing of the baby and do everything to strengthen the immune system.


Alcohol in the 4th week of pregnancy is also extremely dangerous, as it can cause irreversible development of pathologies in the fetus and another cause of spontaneous abortion. As mentioned above, the formation of all organs and systems of the baby occurs unusually actively, therefore, drinking alcohol at 4 weeks of pregnancy has a significant damaging effect on this process. Alcohol, as a highly toxic substance, causes significant disruptions in the normal formation and development of the embryo, sharply increasing the risk of ultimately giving birth to a child with developmental defects and all kinds of anomalies. Therefore, for those mothers who are interested in having a healthy and strong child, it is more logical to completely exclude alcohol from the diet from the first weeks of pregnancy. And even better - several months before its onset, in the process of planning and preparing for pregnancy.


But sex at 4 weeks of pregnancy usually does not pose any harm. True, this applies to those women for whom the threat of miscarriage is not relevant. Another thing is that in the first weeks of pregnancy a woman is not always aware of her new position, so sex at 4 weeks of pregnancy does not undergo any changes. And, of course, one should not ignore the fact that during this period to the expectant mother There may no longer be time for sex: symptoms and signs of pregnancy in the form of irritability and nervousness, fatigue and heaviness in the stomach may already make themselves felt.

Nutrition at 4 weeks of pregnancy

The issue of nutrition during the 4th week of pregnancy will also be relevant for a woman planning a pregnancy. The fact that the embryo at this stage is very susceptible to the influence of any negative factors has already been discussed above. One of these factors may be a lack of vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal formation and development of the fetus. This means that the problem of a healthy and balanced diet takes on a new meaning. Nutrition during the 4th week of pregnancy involves eating exclusively natural foods, foods containing sufficient amounts of vitamins and microelements. Smoked meats, canned food, semi-finished products, fatty and salty foods, and sweets are best left in the past. It is advisable to exclude “artificial” products from the diet - with all kinds of dyes, flavors, food additives, sweet and colored soda. Priority is for lean meat, dairy products, cereals, vegetables and fruits, fresh and natural food. You should also forget about diets and fasting days: for the fetus, the lack of nutrients and beneficial substances can be disastrous, at a minimum, it delays its formation, development and growth.

The 4th week after conception (6th week of pregnancy) is a fairly early period and the appearance of the fetus does not yet affect the appearance of the mother, i.e. the stomach has not yet visually changed either shape or size. The enlargement of the uterus at this time is comparable to its condition during menstruation and does not attract attention.

There are several ways to detect pregnancy during this period:

  • recording the absence of menstruation (however, if there is a delay, it is very insignificant);
  • using a special test (but, due to insufficient production of human chorionic gonadotropin, this approach is usually ineffective);
  • by making an appointment for an ultrasound.

The work of higher nervous activity will be adjusted under the influence of the dominant pregnancy. This can be expressed in the desire to comfortably arrange the place where you stay (even a work place).

In addition, tearfulness and irritability should be replaced by calmness (in the absence of exposure to strong irritating factors from the outside). But, in some cases, harmonious emotional condition may change to the point of depression.

A change in taste preferences and a reaction of rejection to certain aromas (or, on the contrary, enjoyment of toxic odors, such as the smell of fresh paint) are expected. Appetite may increase sharply (most often this happens), or, on the contrary, sharply decrease, then you may have to eat almost forcefully in order to provide the embryo with nutrients.

A violent reaction occurs not only to the taste and smell, but even to the sight of food (regardless of whether this reaction is positive or not). In some cases, the 4th week from conception does not affect the condition of the expectant mother in any way and no unusual symptoms are recorded.

It is noteworthy that those women who are very passionately waiting and hoping for pregnancy may experience a so-called imaginary pregnancy.

From the outside and from my own feelings, it looks like a real pregnancy, with the only difference being that the main element is missing - the embryo. But this does not prevent the formation of a dominant pregnancy and even the cessation of menstruation (this phenomenon is called amenorrhea).

Characteristics of a woman’s sensations during the 4th week after conception

The 4th week from conception is characterized by increased activity of fetal development.

All signs and symptoms characteristic of early pregnancy appear at this time. Typically, a woman is particularly sensitive during this period.

She carefully monitors all changes in her internal state. The “basic” set of sensations a woman experiences in the 4th week from conception (6th week of pregnancy) include:

  • emotionality associated with hormonal surges;
  • nausea and general weakness (toxicosis), but this symptom is usually characteristic of a later period;
  • pain when palpating (feeling) the breasts;
  • Painful and pulling sensations may appear in the lower abdomen;
  • drowsiness.

However, these sensations become truly problematic only in isolated cases.

In the absence of a threat of miscarriage (this is detected by a gynecologist), various unexplained discharges, as well as increased uterine tone, then you can safely continue to live in your usual rhythm, without excluding the lungs from your daily routine physical exercise. In part, this not only will not harm, but will also help the proper development of the fetus, and will also reduce the risk of gaining excess weight until the end of pregnancy.

Fetal development in the fourth week of pregnancy

Of course, girls are interested in what happens in the 4th week of pregnancy from conception directly to the fetus? During the fourth week, the embryo has not yet reached the point of final localization. Therefore, at this stage there is a risk of formation ectopic pregnancy(fixation and further growth of the embryo inside the birth canal).

At the end of the week, the embryo normally reaches a size of 5.4 mm.

A special place in the fourth week from conception is given to the formation of extra-embryonic organs, which make it possible to organize the environment where the fetus will live.

This implies the creation of systems that provide breathing and nutrition to the embryo, as well as hormonal regulation of the process of gestation. But unborn child still extremely defenseless until the placenta is finally formed.

Vaginal discharge during the 4th week after conception

The criticality of 4-5 weeks from conception is due to the fact that with a stable cycle, the next menstruation should occur during this period. Over the years, an established cycle can to some extent influence the course of pregnancy, causing changes in hormonal levels and the occurrence of spotting. However, usually everything ends in half measures and real menstruation does not occur.

However, you should not let your guard down. If there is discharge Brown, one may suspect detachment of the uterine mucosa.

In these circumstances, the situation is not critical, but alarming. It is advisable, with all the necessary precautions, to go to the doctor who is observing you. You may have to lie down for conservation.

During the fourth week of pregnancy, as well as during the first trimester in general, the hormone progesterone has a strong influence on the state of the body. In particular, it changes the biochemical nature of vaginal discharge.

Their viscosity and elasticity increases, the color acquires a whitish tint. But, as long as the discharge is not accompanied by itching or burning, this phenomenon is within normal limits.

But abundant transparent discharge should alert you.

This is usually a consequence of an excess of the hormone estrogen and this situation requires the intervention of a specialist.

Tests and ultrasound

When performing an ultrasound in the 4th week after conception, it is possible to establish the presence of a fetus and its localization in the uterine cavity.

During an ultrasound, the fetus looks more like a small dot on the screen and you can’t really see anything there. Accordingly, it is still impossible to determine the sex of the unborn child.

A four-week period is a fairly early stage of fetal development, so examination using ultrasound is carried out only with the instructions of a doctor. The procedure itself is performed using a transvaginal sensor, which is inserted shallowly into the vagina.

In a situation where the test shows the presence of pregnancy, but the ultrasound did not detect the embryo in the uterine cavity, a repeat ultrasound examination is mandatory (after about 7 days).

In addition, a referral will be given for a test that detects beta-hCG. These measures allow you to detect an ectopic pregnancy in the early stages and take the necessary actions.

It is also possible to carry out duplex scanning, which reveals the dilation of the uterine vessels (a normal condition during pregnancy, ensuring the delivery of nutrients to the fetus).

How to recognize a threat of miscarriage?

The level of vulnerability of a four-week embryo is very high. If the symptoms of pregnancy (previously quite noticeable) suddenly disappear, then there are good reasons to suspect the possibility of a miscarriage. In this case, you need to visit a specialist as soon as possible.

Another risk vector is uterine tone. May manifest itself through lower back pain. To overcome the problem, a drip will most likely be prescribed.

There is also a high risk of miscarriage if you have a severe cold.

Another danger: hormonal imbalances. They provoke pathologies of fetal development, miscarriages and fading of pregnancy.

In addition, expectant mothers should be wary of endometritis (uterine inflammation). This problem can lead to placenta previa.

If at this stage the fact of pregnancy is no longer in question (thanks to a special test or ultrasound), then it is necessary:

We hope that the article was useful to you. See you again!

For more information about the 4th week of pregnancy, see the following video.

Pregnancy is a magical period for every woman, because everything inside her grows and develops day by day. new life. An interesting fact is that at this time many processes occur in the expectant mother’s body that affect her well-being in different ways. These can be either attacks of unprecedented joy or states of deep depression. Often a woman may feel sick, tired and very weak. But no matter what happens, this is always a very exciting period, because very soon there will be a long-awaited meeting with a tiny little man.

4 obstetric week pregnancy is 1 month, first trimester. The first month of pregnancy is coming to an end, and most women can only guess about their interesting situation, since no doctor can give 100% confidence that pregnancy will occur.

What happens in a woman’s body at 4 weeks?

At 4 weeks of pregnancy, the embryo can only begin to penetrate the uterine wall. When this happens depends on the patency of the fallopian tubes, the woman's menstrual cycle and individual characteristics. Therefore, at this stage there is still a risk of ectopic pregnancy.

If the tubes have poor patency, then the embryo moves through them very slowly, overcoming many obstacles on its way. As it progresses, it constantly increases in size, as the cells continually divide. As a result, a situation may arise when the embryo cannot reach the uterine cavity, and begins to grow and develop directly in the fallopian tube. This is very dangerous and can threaten a woman with dire consequences, including losing her pipe.

Fortunately, ectopic pregnancy is not a common occurrence, so there is no need to worry or be upset, especially since all the mother’s experiences are now reflected in the condition of the baby.

If the fetus is attached to the wall of the uterus at 3 weeks, then at 4 weeks of pregnancy hCG level should reach a level of 10-156 mIU/ml. This means that the first tests will show the coveted two stripes. The second stripe may still be pale, but already visible. By repeating the test a few days later, you can finally confirm that pregnancy has occurred.

What happens to the fetus at 4 weeks?

At the fourth week of pregnancy, the fetus looks like a small grain. In length it measures no more than 0.35-1 mm, and weighs about 0.5 grams. Despite the fact that your baby is still just a baby, he is constantly actively developing. It is now that the baby's head begins to develop. Now he no longer looks just like a ball, but becomes like an embryo.

At week 4, the placenta and amniotic fluid begin to develop.

The fertilized egg at this stage consists of three layers, from which the baby’s skeleton, nervous system, brain, liver cells, pancreas and all other tissues and organs will subsequently be formed. This is a very complex process that will take as long as 9 months. It seems incredible that just two parent cells can produce a little person.

Feelings and first signs of pregnancy

Pregnancy at such an early stage often goes unnoticed by the expectant mother. Changes in hormonal levels have already begun, but so far they have no effect on overall well-being. Most likely, a woman at 3-4 weeks of pregnancy feels the same as before her period: the lower abdomen pulls, sometimes the lower back hurts and stretches (the pain is aching, not severe), the breasts fill up and become more sensitive, the emotional state is characterized by sudden changes, Appetite disturbance may occur.

Each woman experiences the first signs of pregnancy to varying degrees, everything is purely individual. Expectant mothers with a highly sensitive body may experience dizziness, weakness, lethargy and drowsiness, and in rare cases, even toxicosis is possible.

In women with a short menstrual cycle, at the 4th obstetric week there may already be a delay. And this is a clear sign that the baby has already settled in the tummy. You can confirm your assumptions using a test.

During the examination, the gynecologist can also draw conclusions about the onset of pregnancy by changes in the cervix; it becomes looser and softer, and acquires a bluish tint.

It is too early to do an ultrasound, because the baby is still very tiny and cannot be detected by an ultrasound machine. The first ultrasound is prescribed at the first screening at 12 weeks. But if there are pronounced painful sensations in the lower abdomen, brown or bloody discharge, then it is better not to delay the first ultrasound examination and do it at 5-6 weeks to exclude an ectopic pregnancy.

Caring for your baby from the first weeks of pregnancy

It is very important for the mother to maintain the pregnancy and adhere to all the recommendations that doctors can give. For example, during planning and throughout the entire period, it is strictly prohibited to drink alcoholic beverages. The first trimester of pregnancy is a time of active development of the fetus and the period of formation of all major organs and systems, so the mother must create all the conditions for the normal development of the baby.

In addition to maintaining healthy image life and limiting the intake of alcoholic beverages and nicotine into the body, care should be taken to ensure that the child receives all the vitamins he needs. Many doctors recommend starting to take multi-vitamins for pregnant women while planning. This will help the child receive all the necessary substances for proper development, and the woman will keep hemoglobin levels under control.

If you haven't started taking folic acid yet, now is the time to start. It has a huge positive effect on the development of all the main organs and systems of the child, including the nervous system. It should be taken throughout the entire 1st trimester of pregnancy.

You should refuse any antibiotics, and take medications in case of colds, allergies and other diseases in consultation with your doctor, since many medications are contraindicated for pregnant women. It is also better to postpone dental treatment for 15-16 weeks, because any anesthesia is very harmful and dangerous for a baby for such a long time. early stages.

Frequently asked questions on the forums

V.: My husband and I dream of having twins. The test showed a positive result at 4 weeks. Is it possible to find out now whether there will be twins or one child?

A: It’s impossible to know for sure now. Fact multiple pregnancy confirmed by ultrasound at 5-6 weeks.

Q: 4th obstetric week, how long is it from conception?

A: Conception occurs differently for everyone, depending on the length of the menstrual cycle. With a cycle of 28 days, conception occurs on the 13-14th day of the cycle, respectively, the 4th obstetric week is 2 weeks from conception.

V.: The temperature has been 37.3 for two days. The test showed a weak line, there are still 2 days left before the delay. Is it normal to have a fever and there are no signs of a cold?

A: During pregnancy in the very early stages, a slight increase in temperature up to 37.5 degrees is possible. This is how the body can react to an increase in progesterone. If the temperature does not return to normal after a couple of days, it is better to consult a doctor, as this may be a symptom of inflammation or a viral disease.

How to find out your due date?

The first thing a woman thinks about after calming her emotions after confirming her pregnancy is: “When will I give birth?”

Of course, it is impossible to calculate the exact date of birth, since each organism is individual. On average, babies spend 38 to 42 weeks in the womb. The expected date of birth is calculated by adding 40 weeks to the first day of the last menstrual period.

The 4th week of pregnancy is considered very important stage in the life of an unborn child, although the embryo still looks like a small disk. A woman’s sensations may be similar to mild malaise, premenstrual syndrome, and sometimes others are added. However, it is still difficult to determine pregnancy using them.

The 4th week of pregnancy is the 28 days that have passed since the start of your last period, or approximately 14 days after conception. During this period, a woman usually expects the start of her next menstruation. Her absence is the first and most main feature pregnancy.

In addition to this, there are other signs:

  1. Emotional instability, which is characterized by frequent mood swings, resentment and irritability.
  2. The breasts become larger and more sensitive.
  3. During the day you feel very weak, tired and drowsy.
  4. In the morning, nausea and vomiting appear, called toxicosis.
  5. Food preferences change.
  6. Sometimes nagging pain appears in the lower abdomen or lumbar region.
  7. Urination becomes more frequent.
  8. There is an increase in basal temperature to 37°C.

Child development

At 4 weeks of pregnancy or 2 weeks after conception, the fertilized egg becomes a full-fledged embryo. By appearance it resembles a disk that consists of three layers.

The outer layer forms the yolk sac, chorion and membranes. Each of these organs plays its own special role.

  • The chorion will become the placenta in the future. This transformation will last until about 12 weeks. Thanks to the placenta, the fetus will be able to receive the nutrients it needs from the mother.
  • The fetal membrane is also called the amnion. It represents the cavity in which the embryo will grow and develop. As pregnancy progresses, it will turn into a fertilized sac. Inside this bladder there is a liquid that protects the embryo from damage and is its drink and food.
  • The yolk sac is responsible for the blood circulation process.

The outer layer of cells is also responsible for the formation of skin, nervous system, teeth, etc. The middle layer is called mesoderm. It is involved in the formation of bones, muscles, ligaments, circulatory, excretory and reproductive systems. From the inner layer, the organs of the digestive tract, pancreas and thyroid glands, lungs and other organs of the respiratory system will later develop.

In the last days of 4 weeks, the embryo develops a head. A plate is also formed, which provides the basis for the formation of the spinal cord and brain. During the same period, the child develops a face and even the rudiments of eyes.

Changes in the mother's body

Something new is happening in almost all organs and systems of the female body. After conception, hormonal levels, the condition of the uterus, vaginal discharge, etc. change.


First of all, the changes concern hCG and progesterone. HCG is formed due to the work of the chorion. This substance helps maintain and develop pregnancy. It performs several functions:

  1. Promotes the development of the corpus luteum up to 7 weeks.
  2. Protects the embryo from rejection by the mother's body.

HCG levels rise every couple of days. Starting from 10 weeks, it begins to decline. The presence of hCG in the body is determined using a blood test or a regular pregnancy test.

The amount of progesterone also increases. It is first produced by the corpus luteum, and then by the placenta. Progesterone is very important both in the 4th week of pregnancy and in the following days, because it:

  1. Promotes enlargement of the uterus as the embryo grows.
  2. Prevents the muscles of the uterus from contracting, protecting pregnancy from miscarriage.
  3. Thanks to progesterone, the mother’s body accumulates useful substances that the embryo will need in the future.
  4. Prevents a woman’s body from rejecting an egg with foreign (paternal) genes.
  5. Prepares the breasts for the process of lactation, and the bones and ligaments of the pelvis for childbirth.
  6. Participates in the development of some fetal organs.

In most cases on this period the amount of progesterone is 18 nmol/l.


What happens to the uterus in 4 obstetric weeks, or 14 days after conception? It increases in size and becomes softer. This is especially true for the neck. In the mucous surface, blood circulation becomes more intense. This leads to the fact that it acquires a bluish tint - this can be seen during an examination by a gynecologist.

A mucous plug appears in the cervix, which acts as a protective barrier. Throughout pregnancy, it will protect the fetus from infections.

The endometrium becomes cyanotic. Glandular cells appear on it, due to which the embryo is nourished. In the future they will become the placenta. Every day the endometrium becomes thicker. By 4 obstetric weeks it reaches 20 mm.

Mammary gland

The breast continues to prepare for feeding. It increases in size and becomes sensitive. The nipples and the area around them darken. Sometimes pain appears.


Nothing is happening to the abdomen yet, because the uterus does not protrude beyond the pelvis. Sometimes a pulling sensation may appear in the lower abdomen. This is fine. They usually disappear after a couple of days.


During the fourth week of pregnancy, the discharge becomes thicker. They are white or transparent, odorless and do not cause any discomfort. Sometimes light brown mucus appears. This indicates that the implantation of the egg has ended. If such discharge goes away after a few days, there is no need to panic.

Possible violations

During this period, a woman should listen carefully to her feelings. Inattention to your health can lead to serious problems. What should you pay special attention to?

Brown or bloody vaginal discharge

Light brown mucus is normal. Its appearance is due to the fact that a woman’s body is adjusting to pregnancy and childbirth. But if the discharge turns dark brown and there is pain in the lower abdomen or lumbar region, you should immediately consult a doctor.

This often indicates the death of the embryo, ectopic pregnancy, threatened miscarriage, or the presence of erosion.

Bloody discharge may appear in several cases:

  • The embryo has implanted outside the uterine cavity.
  • After sexual intercourse.
  • As a result of examination by a gynecologist.
  • The embryo froze.
  • There is cervical erosion.

Pain in the lumbar region

Appears for the following reasons:

  • the woman’s body is preparing for future childbirth;
  • body weight increases;
  • there are postural disorders, osteochondrosis, etc.;
  • the woman suffers from kidney disease.

Abdominal pain along with bloody discharge may indicate a threat of miscarriage. Contact your doctor

Body temperature

On average, the temperature reaches 37.3°C. She can remain this way until childbirth. If there are no accompanying symptoms, there is no need to worry. The temperature may rise due to acute respiratory viral infections or inflammatory processes inside the body, for example, pneumonia.

At the 4th week of pregnancy, many organs and systems of the child begin to form. Therefore, you should not ignore the increase in temperature. Also, do not self-medicate. The attending physician should prescribe treatment and monitor the condition of the pregnant woman.


It often appears in pregnant women, which is associated with hormonal changes in the body. Accompanied by itching in the genital area and the appearance of white cheesy discharge. If thrush appears, it is strictly forbidden to undergo treatment. traditional methods. Firstly, they will only relieve symptoms, and secondly, they can harm the child.

In order for the pregnancy to be easy and the baby to be born healthy, you must adhere to some rules:

Starting from the first day of the fourth week of pregnancy, serious changes occur in the body of the expectant mother. He is preparing for pregnancy and subsequent childbirth. This period has its own characteristic signs, for example, toxicosis, frequent mood swings and breast swelling. To provide the fetus proper development, you need to be attentive to your feelings. If you feel the slightest discomfort, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Often, a woman does not suspect that life is beginning in her body when she is in the 4th obstetric week of pregnancy. What is happening inside her, are there any unusual sensations, and should the usual rhythm of life of the expectant mother change?

Fetus at 4 weeks of gestation

The fourth week of pregnancy does not mean that the unborn baby is also in its fourth week. The problem is that the period from conception and the obstetric period differ by about 2 weeks. Doctors, due to the fact that it is difficult to reliably establish the date of fertilization, set the first day as the starting date of pregnancy last menstrual period. It is more convenient to use the obstetric method of determining the due date, which will be taken into account when calculating the date of birth, onset maternity leave and all prescribed tests and procedures.

Size and weight

Has the doctor determined that you are 4 weeks pregnant? It’s only the second week since conception, which means that the actual age of the fetus is the same. So, what is he like, the future baby at 3 full weeks by obstetric term?

The intrauterine development of a child is usually divided into 2 periods: embryonic (development of the embryo) and fetal (development of the fetus). A person is considered a fetus (embryo) until the end of the 10th week of the obstetric period. In addition, the entire pregnancy is also divided into trimesters - three main stages of fetal development of approximately 12 weeks each. And, if we are talking about 4 weeks of pregnancy, this means that we mean the embryonic period of development and the first trimester of pregnancy.

At 3 full obstetric weeks, the embryo consists of only a few dozen cells. It seems like so little! But the cells are dividing at an exponential rate, and only a few weeks will pass, and the future baby can already be seen on the monitor screen during an ultrasound scan! In the meantime, the embryo weighs about half a gram! And the size does not exceed 1 millimeter! If you think about it, the embryo is now the size of a poppy seed. But it is developing, growing by leaps and bounds - and this is a real miracle of Nature.

What develops in the fourth week?

The development of the future baby began from the moment when the mother’s egg in the fallopian tube was fertilized by the father’s sperm. From this hour, the union of the parent cells gave rise to a new life: a zygote was formed. The first three days it moves towards the uterine cavity, and already “along the way” it grows, dividing, or rather splitting up, since the embryo is not yet increasing in size, but only the number of its cells is increasing.

Having left the fallopian tube into the uterus, the embryo already becomes like a ball - this stage is called a blastocyst. At first there are only about 30 cells, but by the end of development there will be seven times more of them. The blastocyst, formed from trophoblast cells, contains embryoblast cells inside, from which the development of the embryo begins. Sometimes a blastocyst may contain 2 sets of cells that will become two embryos - how an identical twin pregnancy begins.

At three full obstetric weeks (approximately 7 days from fertilization), the blastocyst is implanted into the uterine cavity. The development of embryonic tissue begins. When talking about the structure of the embryo, doctors use the term “germinal disc.” It is made up of germ layers - three layers of cells:

  • endoderm - the inner cellular layer that gives rise to development internal organs: liver, lungs, digestive organs, pancreas;
  • mesoderm - the middle layer, which serves as the beginning of the skeleton, muscles, kidneys, blood vessels and heart;
  • ectoderm - the outer layer that will develop into the nervous system, head, skin of the child.

In addition to the rudiments of the organs of the child himself, extraembryonic organs also develop. They provide the embryo with nutrition and everything necessary for growth. This:

  • chorion is the basis of the future placenta;
  • amnion – future amniotic sac;
  • The yolk sac is the source of nutrition for the embryo until the placenta is formed.

The future little man is translucent and unusually small. And mom may not realize that it already exists.


Can a woman know without examination that she is 4 weeks pregnant? Some women, especially those not with their first pregnancy, feel the signs and sensations of starting a new life quite clearly.

Physiological changes in women

In general, the sensations at 4 weeks of pregnancy are not much different from those experienced by women before the onset of menstruation. As such, there is no delay yet, so symptoms such as nausea, drowsiness, dizziness, changes in taste preferences and panting in the lower abdomen can be attributed to the approach of menstruation.

Outwardly, the expectant mother may change a little: even in such a short period of time, her waist circumference may increase by a couple of centimeters, and her usual clothes will begin to fit a little differently. The tummy itself still doesn’t show itself at all.

How does the uterus react in the fourth week of pregnancy?

At three obstetric weeks, the fertilized egg is implanted into the uterine wall. The blastocyst sheds the top layer of cells (hatching), and the trophoblast cells release small processes that are needed to immerse themselves in the endometrial cells of the uterus. The thickening endometrium envelops the blastocyst, and a special hormone begins to be produced - human chorionic gonadotropin (or hCG), which is called the pregnancy hormone. HCG also stimulates the production of progesterone, produced by the corpus luteum. Progesterone reduces the immune response, allowing the endometrium of the uterus to accept the embryo, and then regulates the contractile function of the uterus so that the embryo is not rejected.

Sometimes the implantation process can be accompanied by bleeding, which is called implantation bleeding. Some women mistake it for menstruation - and this is common reason that pregnancy is detected quite late. Discharge during implantation bleeding is usually more scanty and short-lived compared to menstrual bleeding.

Breasts at 4 weeks of pregnancy

Typically, women notice engorgement and slight enlargement of the breasts, which, again, is considered a harbinger of menstruation. The breasts, indeed, may already be undergoing changes - this is due to the influence of hormones. Nipples become more sensitive. There should not yet be any discharge from the mammary glands. The exception is the situation breastfeeding previous child. At the same time, many mothers observe that the child may refuse milk - perhaps, under the influence of hormones, its taste changes.

Nausea at 4 weeks pregnant

Nausea is a common companion of pregnancy. It often appears in the morning on an empty stomach. Sometimes I feel sick when traveling in public transport, at the sight of certain foods, or from smells. Nausea is often accompanied by vomiting. Nausea also occurs during normal pregnancy. For the most part, it disappears by the end of the first trimester. There is no reason to panic if nausea and vomiting occur up to 2-3 times a day and do not affect the general condition of the expectant mother. However, it happens that nausea is a symptom of severe toxicosis, which can cause hospitalization for a pregnant woman.

Discharge at 4 weeks of pregnancy

As mentioned above, implantation bleeding is normal; discharge of this type does not pose a threat to either the woman or the child. Under the influence of hormones, quite abundant mucous discharge may appear, which is odorless, whitish or transparent in color. This is also a variant of the norm.

The presence of pus, bloody clots, or an unpleasant odor is a reason to visit a doctor. Quite often, candidiasis or vaginal dysbiosis can be observed in the early stages - they are caused by changes in the body’s hormonal levels. As a rule, these problems are easy to treat, but it must be prescribed by a doctor: not all drugs are indicated for pregnant women!

Problems in the fourth week of pregnancy

The gestation period of 4 weeks is the very beginning of the child’s development. However, even at the very beginning there can be many problems.


Toxicosis is considered a pathological manifestation of pregnancy. This term is used for the first trimester. Further, in the second and third, pronounced clinical symptoms of toxicosis are called gestosis.

Toxicosis is accompanied by dyspeptic disorders and disorders of all types of metabolism in the body.

Symptoms of toxicosis:

  • vomiting - mild to excessive;
  • salivation;
  • heartburn;
  • dermatosis;
  • bronchial asthma(rarely).

The causes of toxicosis have not yet been established with certainty, but the most likely are:

  • neuropsychic changes in the mother’s body;
  • hormonal changes;
  • mother's immune response to the fetus;
  • lack of folic acid.

Mild toxicosis can be successfully treated on an outpatient basis, but in severe cases, inpatient treatment is required.

Stomach hurts and pulls

At 4 weeks of pregnancy, slight stretching in the lower abdomen is not necessarily an alarming symptom. It may be accompanied by pain in the lower back and sides of the abdomen. If these sensations are not constant and are not accompanied by bleeding or temperature, most likely the discomfort is caused by stretching of the abdominal muscles due to an enlarged uterus.

Sometimes abdominal pain is caused by a banal digestive disorder - this is a very common nuisance during pregnancy.

In case of severe pain, you should immediately call an ambulance! The threat of miscarriage is quite possible.

In any case, even minor regular abdominal pain should be discussed with a doctor.

Bleeding at 4 weeks of pregnancy

The big problem is that during this period many women are not even aware of their situation and mistake bleeding for menstruation. A very large percentage of women experience spontaneous abortion without even knowing that they were pregnant. But bleeding, unlike menstruation, is longer in nature and often does not stop on its own. The woman experiences severe pain, the sanitary pad gets wet through and through in less than an hour. All this should alert you and serve as a reason to contact a gynecologist.

What should not be scary: minor light pink or brown leakage lasting no more than a day without abdominal pain is a symptom of implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterine cavity.

Threat of miscarriage at 4 weeks of pregnancy

Why can early miscarriage occur?

There are quite a few reasons, including:

  • fetal genetic mutations;
  • physical stress of the mother;
  • stress;
  • history of habitual miscarriage;
  • previous abortions;
  • infectious diseases;
  • abuse of bad habits.

A miscarriage can occur over a short period of time (in an hour or less) or over a long period of time (within a week). The threat of miscarriage, as a rule, can be detected during a gynecological examination (uterine tone, for example) or by the woman herself, who is aware of her situation.

Symptoms of threatened miscarriage:

  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • cramping pain in the lumbar region;
  • ineffective frequent urge to go to the toilet “in a big way”;
  • heat;
  • bleeding, increasing every day (hour).

According to statistics, up to 20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage. But in a large percentage of cases, timely application for medical care allows you to maintain pregnancy and the health of the expectant mother.

Ectopic pregnancy

Even after fertilization, there is a risk that something will go “wrong”. For example, with an ectopic pregnancy. The egg is fertilized as expected, but does not implant into the uterus, but instead attaches to the inner surface of the fallopian tube. This type of pregnancy is called tubal pregnancy. In some situations (2% of all non-uterine pregnancies), a fertilized egg develops in the ovary, cervix or abdomen.

With an ectopic pregnancy, the symptoms are the same as with a normal one, and even the test shows 2 stripes. Pathology can be accurately diagnosed only with an ultrasound scan or examination by a gynecologist.

With an ectopic pregnancy, the woman has no chance of becoming a mother this time. This pregnancy requires surgery. If not diagnosed in time, it will lead to rupture of the fallopian tube and can be fatal. Timely detection of pathology (up to 6-8 weeks) allows you to avoid removal of the fallopian tube and preserve the patient’s reproductive health.

What are the prognosis after successful resolution of an ectopic pregnancy? In 50% of cases, a normal pregnancy in the uterus is possible, in 20% of cases it is repeated outside the uterus.

Frozen pregnancy at 4 weeks

A frozen or non-developing pregnancy is a condition in which the growth and development of the fetus stops. Spontaneous abortion does not occur, which is why the term “delayed miscarriage” often occurs. As a rule, this occurs in the first trimester, including at 4 weeks of pregnancy.

The prerequisites for frozen pregnancy are mainly:

  • maternal infectious diseases;
  • fetal mutations.

Indicators of a frozen pregnancy are:

  • stopping the growth of hCG levels;
  • Ultrasound diagnosing the absence of embryonic development dynamics or an empty fertilized egg.

After medical removal of the fertilized egg, a normal, progressive pregnancy may occur, but it is recommended to start planning it no earlier than six months later and after a detailed examination of both partners.

Termination of pregnancy at 4 weeks

A woman can intentionally terminate a pregnancy at 4 weeks, this is called an abortion. Abortions are officially permitted in Russia for up to 20 weeks, or, if it is not possible to determine the exact period, until the fetus reaches a weight of 400 grams.

Induced abortion can be:

  • medicinal, for a period of up to 12 weeks using the drugs Mifepristone or Misoprostol or a combination thereof;
  • surgical: vacuum aspiration or curettage.

But abortion can also be natural (spontaneous). The reasons may be infectious diseases, genetic mutations, low progesterone levels, and so on.

Usually, physically, a woman quickly returns to normal after a miscarriage, but mentally it can take a very long time to recover, especially if the pregnancy was desired and planned.

Colds. ARVI, fever, flu. Can I take antibiotics?

Getting sick during pregnancy is dangerous. And it’s not just that choosing medications for an expectant mother is not easy. A common cold at 4 weeks of pregnancy can turn out very badly for the fetus. Complications can affect the child’s health, and especially his cardiovascular system.

Meanwhile, the sores still stick to the pregnant woman. This is because nature provides it this way: so that the fetus, as a foreign object, is not rejected by the mother’s body, immunity decreases. How to be?

Of course, prevention is more effective than treatment, and therefore a pregnant woman should avoid contact with sick people, maintain immunity during the cold season and protect herself from hypothermia. But the widely recommended flu shot as a preventive measure should be excluded! Even if a woman only vaguely understands her situation and symptoms of pregnancy do not appear at 4 weeks, a trip to the medical office should be postponed: the vaccine is contraindicated for pregnant women!

If a pregnant woman does get sick, no self-medication is appropriate. The doctor will examine the patient and prescribe adequate treatment using safe medications. But what if it’s bad here and now, but it’s impossible to call a doctor?

As the temperature rises you can:

  • rubbing with cool water;
  • paracetamol tablet (Panadol).

For a runny nose:

  • toilet of the nose (rinsing with saline solution);
  • inhalation (without fever);
  • some vasoconstrictor drops (Pinosol, Nazivin), approved during pregnancy.

When coughing:

  • folk remedies (for example, milk with honey);
  • some pharmaceutical drugs approved during pregnancy (Gedelix, Stodal, Doctor Mom).

Treatment with antibiotics is possible when the expected benefit to the pregnant woman outweighs the risk to the health of the fetus. Antibiotics are prescribed only by a doctor, who also controls their intake.

Food poisoning - what to do?

No one is safe from poisoning, including a pregnant woman. The situation is aggravated by the fact that the expectant mother does not yet strictly control the diet, since she is not sure that pregnancy will occur.

Poisoning is quite dangerous for the fetus because general intoxication of the mother’s body develops, which disrupts the blood supply to the fetus.

As soon as the first symptoms of poisoning appear, it is necessary to empty the stomach. Vomiting often occurs on its own, but it can be induced artificially.

Then it is important to take sorbents (for example, activated carbon) and drink plenty of fluids. Consulting a doctor in case of poisoning is mandatory!

Analyzes and examinations

Despite the fact that the 4th week of pregnancy is a short period, and even for registration in antenatal clinic They haven’t placed it yet, the expectant mother will have a lot of procedures ahead of her.

Ultrasound at 4 weeks of pregnancy

Ultrasound diagnostics are prescribed at this time to confirm pregnancy. There is still no question of what gender the baby is (this can be found out later, for example, at the 12-week screening). An ultrasound will show whether the fertilized egg has attached to the uterus. Nowadays, a “frozen pregnancy” may even be mistakenly diagnosed due to the fact that the embryo in the fertilized egg is difficult to see. It’s too early to panic: the diagnosis can be repeated in 2 weeks.

HCG at 4 weeks of pregnancy

At 4 weeks of pregnancy, the test may not yet show 2 stripes: the level of hCG in the urine is still low. But in the blood its concentration is noticeably higher, which is why the hCG test is a reliable way to confirm pregnancy.

Progesterone norm

What role does progesterone play during pregnancy? Considerable:

  • helps the uterine endometrium grow to a level sufficient for implantation of the fertilized egg;
  • reduces the contractility of the uterine muscles, which can cause miscarriage;
  • participates in the formation of embryonic tissues;
  • helps prepare the mammary glands for lactation.

What will a progesterone test show at 3 obstetric weeks of embryo development? Progesterone monitoring is not usually carried out in the first trimester of pregnancy, but analysis may be required for timely detection of pregnancy complications. For example, low progesterone signals a threat of miscarriage. Elevated levels can indicate problems such as:

  • malfunction of the mother's adrenal glands and kidneys;
  • diabetes;
  • formation of a cyst in the corpus luteum.

The rate of progesterone is an average indicator, but at week 4 it should not be lower than 35 nanomoles per liter and no higher than 200 nanomoles per liter.

Endometrium at 4 weeks of pregnancy

The endometrium is the cells of the inner lining of the uterus. It creates conditions for normal implantation of the fertilized egg into the uterine cavity. The endometrium thickens by the 4th week of pregnancy. By its thickness you can judge whether the pregnancy is proceeding normally. In the first weeks of development, it is from the endometrium that the embryo receives what it needs for development. On average, at this stage the thickness of the endometrium should be 17-20 millimeters.

Ultrasound helps determine the thickness of the endometrium.

Sex at 4 weeks pregnant

Often at 4 weeks of pregnancy the “belly” is still unknown, and intimate life spouses proceeds as usual. And this is not bad: mom just needs positive emotions now! However, if pregnancy proceeds under the supervision of a doctor and has potential risks, you should abstain from sex in the first weeks or resort to alternative methods of sexual satisfaction.

Sometimes it is sex that can cause a threatened abortion: this happens with increased uterine tone.

Sports at 4 weeks of pregnancy

It is known that during pregnancy the level of hormones increases, and many champions achieved unimaginable records precisely in an “interesting position”.

However, it is better to postpone professional sports until the baby is born: excessive physical activity is dangerous for the normal course of pregnancy.

However, this does not mean that, having learned about impending motherhood, a woman should remain in bed. Pregnancy is not a disease! And sport is very useful in this state. True, not all. If mom is a weightlifter, of course, this will not do her any good, as will:

  • deep sea diving;
  • a ride on the bicycle;
  • long distance running;
  • horseback riding;
  • jumping.

But useful:

  • water aerobics for pregnant women;
  • fitness for expectant mothers;
  • Pilates;
  • general strengthening exercises for the muscles of the back and spine;
  • yoga for pregnant women.

An alternative to sports can be regular walks in the fresh air.

Travel: transfers and flights

Positive emotions for an expectant mother are good. However, traveling during 4 weeks of pregnancy should be taken with caution. Climate change can with equal probability have both positive and negative effects on the body of a pregnant woman. In addition, a tiring road, increased nervousness and anxiety are also bad.

Air travel during three full obstetric weeks of pregnancy is safe only if the pregnancy proceeds without pathologies. Pressure changes during takeoff and landing, the mother's weak vestibular apparatus, severe toxicosis - all these are good reasons to reconsider, if not the time of travel, then at least the type of transport.

Diet in the fourth week of pregnancy

Eating for two, as our mothers and grandmothers taught us, is not true today. But there is a reasonable approach for two. Not only her well-being, but also the health of the unborn baby largely depends on the mother’s nutrition. So how to eat during three obstetric weeks of pregnancy?

What you can't eat

Firstly, you should forget about fasting days and mono-diets - this is not necessary for the child, and it is harmful for the mother. With a rational approach to nutrition, the mother will not gain extra pounds, maintain her beauty and give birth healthy baby. You should avoid foods that contain a lot of sugars, dyes and preservatives.

You need to exclude or limit from the menu:

  • white bread and baked goods - they contribute to gas formation and constipation;
  • fast food;
  • sausages (especially smoked);
  • citrus;
  • chocolate;
  • coffee;
  • mushrooms;
  • soda;
  • mayonnaise;
  • blue or very salty cheeses;
  • semi-finished products;
  • chips and crackers.

Spicy foods should also be limited.

What you can eat

What can a mother eat at 4 weeks of pregnancy? Healthy and wholesome food!

It is convenient to adhere to the principle of the Food Pyramid: this is a nutrition system developed at the National Institutes of Health of America. It allows you to understand what foods are important for a balanced diet not only for the expectant mother, but also for the population in general.

A pregnant woman's diet should include:

  • soups with meat broth (secondary);
  • wholemeal or wholemeal bread;
  • porridge (excluding semolina and peas);
  • milk (not whole) and fermented milk products, cottage cheese;
  • boiled eggs (up to 2 pieces per day);
  • meat – veal, rabbit, poultry;
  • lean fish (cod, navaga, pollock);
  • vegetables and herbs (boiled, raw);
  • fruits (except citruses);
  • natural juices and fruit drinks, compotes.

But how to deal with the irresistible craving for certain, often harmful, foods - after all, the food preferences of pregnant women are sometimes surprising? “Forbidden” is possible, but occasionally and in small quantities. It's so nice to pamper yourself!

Supplements, vitamins

At 4 weeks of pregnancy there is no need to take vitamin and mineral complexes if the woman’s nutrition is complete. It is much healthier to get vitamins from food. However, for some complications or for preventive purposes, the doctor may recommend taking additional vitamins.

In addition, all pregnant women would benefit from taking:

  • folic acid – it is important for the prevention of toxicosis and is necessary for the formation of the child’s nervous system;
  • Vitamin E – it stimulates the production of hormones and protects against harmful effects environment;
  • vitamin C, which is involved in the development of the child’s cartilage tissue and strengthens the mother’s immunity;
  • vitamin A, necessary for the development of the placenta;
  • iodine, which normalizes the functioning of the endocrine system.

An excess of vitamins is not always good, and sometimes even dangerous! Everything should be in moderation, and therefore there is no need to rush into taking dietary supplements and vitamin complexes.

Is it possible to drink alcohol?

Alcohol is a taboo for a pregnant woman, especially in the first trimester, when all the fetal organs are formed. Thus, even a small dose of alcohol in 3 weeks of pregnancy can cause pathologies in the development of the fetus and manifest itself in the external deformity of the baby or cause the non-viability of the newborn.

It is worth eliminating alcohol consumption already at the stage of pregnancy planning, and not only for the mother, but also for the father!

So, the 4th obstetric week of pregnancy is a short period. But now the expectant mother should reconsider her lifestyle, give up negative habits, eat right and get a lot of positive emotions. And, perhaps, the most important thing is to strictly follow the recommendations of the gynecologist!

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