What born babies. What do newborn babies look like in the maternity hospital in the first minutes of life? What does a healthy newborn baby look like?

Helpful Hints

A person's horoscope is not limited to the sign in which the Sun is located. It is a complex and multifaceted mechanism,collection of special threads and weaves , a photograph of the sky, according to which one can read fate and predict the future.

The time of birth determines not only exactly how your horoscope will look visually, but also distributes all its points according to certain places- houses of the horoscope.

It is these places that determine how a person has the opportunity to realize his qualities in life, where his energy will be directed and how his fate will develop.

People who were born on the same day but at different times, have a similar character, but fate develops in different ways.

The "day" horoscope will not be similar to the "night", "evening" or "morning". Moreover, your character, even if you initially have the same set of qualities with a person born on the same day as you, over time through the prism of events and internal changes will also change.

An important factor that gives very striking characteristics is the birth at the change of day, there are four such points in a day: dawn, noon, sunset and midnight. We will tell you more about this time of birth.

But, of course, many of us were born somewhere between these periods, read about it below.

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Dawn: King

The moment of birth at dawn (plus / minus 10 minutes) is a very important indicator that indicates that this person is special. This birth is often called by astrologers "Birth of a King" because it comes into being very bright and self-willed personality.

At worst, he is an egocentric who cares only about himself; at best, he is a leader, a self-confident person who is able to lead others. He has a strong character, usually knows perfectly well what he wants, knows how to use his talents and achieves a lot in life. This will be especially true for LIONS and ARIES, but other signs can demonstrate leadership qualities.

But LIBRA or AQUARIUS, born at dawn, are often prone to self-centeredness, have a painful sense of pride, and can step over other people in pursuit of your goal. They can be arrogant and very selfish.

People who were born at dawn or about 10 minutes before or after it do not tolerate criticism well, but more often they do not show their insult and act very proud. If the soul strives for development, then such a person easily overcomes all obstacles, asserts himself, finds his own path. In any case, this is a very auspicious time of birth.

After dawn (approximately 10-90 minutes):

People who were born around after 10-90 minutes after the sun rose, one might say, the least lucky. They no longer have those bright leadership qualities and the desire to lead others, like people born near dawn or 2 hours before it.

Usually such a person is faced in life with loneliness, various misfortunes, misunderstandings from loved ones. He is pessimistic, depressed and often cannot find himself, hiding behind someone's back. It is believed that at least a third of this person's life will be miserable, and only very great efforts and the pursuit of happiness will help him achieve what he desires.

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Loneliness and exile will be familiar to him. A person can use them to their advantage: for example, choose to work alone at home, or travel on their own. He will also suit work in charitable organizations, hospitals, that is, where he may be useful. He can choose the work of a psychologist, but he will also be interested in occult knowledge, esotericism, etc.

In the worst case, such a person may himself end up in places such as a hospital, prison, mental hospital. His psyche quite unstable and is subject to various changes, it is easy for him to inspire something, it is easy to convince of something. such people are often victims of scammers and dishonest people.

Most likely, with his father, this man had cool relationship or did not know his father at all.

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Noon: Careerist

If you were born around 12 noon (plus/minus a few hours), when the Sun was very high, in its highest position during the day, you have the quality of career drive. Usually such a person is open to society, swims in a certain environment, has ambitious plans and is ready to work hard and hard in order to achieve professional success, or success in the activity that he performs.

Even if a person does not choose a leadership position for himself, he is likely to shine in the business he does. Many politicians and businessmen are born in the middle of the day . Leaders and executives born at noon, most often become ARIES, TAURUS, LIONS, VIRGOS, SAGITTARIUS. CAPRICORN,

If you were born under a water sign (CANCER, SCORPIO, PISCES), then you can succeed in independent work in which you need to show your imagination, creative qualities. But GEMINI, LIBRA or AQUARIUS, born at noon, achieve heights more easily through contacts and acquaintances the ability to negotiate.

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Time of birth: features of the horoscope

Sunset: Popular Personality

If you were born at or around sunset 2 hours before, then your fate will be closely intertwined with the fate of other people, you will be more dependent on them, you will not be so independent in making decisions, and the need for society will be very high for you.

Sometimes such a person can become public figure for which attention from the public is important. He chooses the appropriate professions. For him, the opinion of other people is important, as well as what others think of him personally. If he is praised, he will act even better, if scolded, he will withdraw into himself, lose optimism. If he does not become a celebrity, he will strive to surround himself with people who will compliment him and praise him, he will always be popular in his circle.

Such a person is often fluctuates in his decisions. Even if he was born under the fiery sign of ARIES, he will not make decisions so easily and quickly.

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Midnight: Family Man

People born in 00:00 hours (plus/minus hour), strongly immersed in their inner world, have a strong dependence on family members and strong roots with the clan. Usually these people tend to family life, because family values for them - not an empty place.

Career for them usually does not matter much, especially for women. But it’s harder for men: even if they try to achieve something in society and fly up the career ladder, it’s not easy for them to do it, constantly there are some restrictions and obstacles that prevent them from making a great career, and they often underestimate their talents. However, most often such people do not aspire to great heights. Their life is usually the opposite of that of those born at noon.

Before Dawn: Successful Personality

People born around 2 hours to 10 minutes before dawn, are self-confident and successful individuals. This is a very auspicious time of birth, when a person brings with him great potential, which he will realize in life.

Such a person is very passionate about what he does. He is interested in life, it is interesting to learn everything new, he expects a lot from life, he sees prospects, he is not used to being discouraged, even if there are difficulties along the way, he does not like being criticized.

The need for self-assertion such people have a very high level, so they do everything to represent themselves, achieve something, become the best in their niche, and so on. This is a very good time of birth, perhaps the luckiest of all!

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Horoscope by time of birth for free

If your birth takes place between periods that divide the day into 4 equal parts (dawn, noon, sunset or midnight), then you will have other features.

ATTENTION! Approximate time, which will be indicated below, may vary slightly if you were born, for example, in more northern latitudes. It is relevant for the middle zone and the south of Russia. For example, sunrise in St. Petersburg in the summer can take place at 5 am, and sunset at 23:00, almost at midnight!! Therefore, this must be taken into account if we are talking about the time “between periods”. To determine exactly what period you were born in, you should build a horoscope of your birth to a specific area!

Between the period "after dawn" and the period "noon": Friends, like-minded teams are very important to you. We have prepared different pleasant surprises in life, including helping influential people and even winning the lottery. Particular success should be expected in the middle of life and in its second half.

Your child. Everything you need to know about your baby - from birth to two years William and Martha Serz

Chapter 4

While you were carrying your child, time passed very slowly. It seemed that the day of childbirth would never come. And now this long-awaited hour has come, everything happened very quickly. Yesterday you were still pregnant, and today you are a mother.

The first minutes of a child's life

The child leaves the mother's womb and begins to breathe air - it needs to be in good hands.

First events

The first thing to do when the baby is finally picked up is to make sure that everything is all right with him and that he is healthy. At birth, the baby's mouth and nose are filled with amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid). The midwife sucks out this liquid, opening the way for air. The baby blows its nose for the first time a few seconds after birth, sometimes even when only the head is born and the rest of the body is still inside. After suctioning fluid from the baby's airways, the midwife pinches and cuts the umbilical cord, and life begins outside the womb. Sometimes these procedures are performed with a child lying on your stomach - this soft pillow, with which the baby begins a new life.

First touches

The birth of a child is inextricably linked with the touch of hands. During childbirth, many mothers bend over and touch the baby's head as it emerges from the birth canal; it seems to be an instinctive need. (If the period of contractions is long, touching a small area of ​​the baby's head, which has not yet completely come out, gives the mother strength.) Some obstetricians welcome when fathers touch the head of an incompletely born baby, or even allow them to run their hands over the calf, slipping out of the birth canal, and the father has a feeling of participation in childbirth.

I distinctly remember the feelings I had at the birth of our sixth child, Matthew. The doctor was late and I had the privilege of picking up our baby. (When I bragged to my friends that I had a baby, Martha immediately corrected me. She gave birth to Matthew, and I caught on. Martha is right: why should a father get all the praise when mom does all the work?) I also remember the enthusiastic feeling that I experienced when my hands first lay on my son's head. This is a special connection that is formed at the moment of birth; we still feel this connection many years later. That first touch Matthew will never remember, and I will never forget it.

As I gained experience in picking up a newborn, I also watched over the birth of our seventh and eighth children (I was also present at the birth of our adopted daughter). Many midwives these days allow fathers to in an unusual way feel an unbreakable bond with your child. This first contact is not for all fathers (and mothers too), but if it is important to you, ask to be allowed to do so.

First change of scenery

After the umbilical cord is clamped and cut, the baby makes the most important transition of his life - from placental breathing to air breathing. Some babies start crying right away. Others need to be given a few sips of oxygen and stimulated to start breathing.

First meeting

With the words “all systems working” (medical jargon, meaning that the baby has turned pink and breathes well), the doctor puts the baby on your stomach - skin to skin, the baby’s head rests between your breasts - and covers the newborn with a warm absorbent towel to dry him and don't let him freeze. Help the baby to sit cheek to breast and lick or suck on your nipple. If he's restless and keeps screaming, it's because he just got hit hard. Put your warm hand on the back of the child - this will give him a sense of security. He is calm, warm, he sucks rhythmically, and his nerves calm down after the stress of childbirth.

The way a child was treated makes sense not only from a psychological point of view, but also from a medical point of view. Newborns are chilly. In the position on the mother's stomach with the cheek to her chest, they are warmed by the warmth coming from her. Suckling stimulates the production of oxytocin, a hormone that helps contract the uterus and reduce postpartum bleeding.

This first meeting should be intimate. After the doctor makes sure that everything is in order with the mother and child, and the curtain falls over the scene of the birth, the family hour comes - you are left with only the three of you: mom, dad and newborn (and other children, if they want and allow them) . This is a special time of family intimacy, it should not be interrupted by normal procedures.

First Impressions

Immediately after birth, newborns usually have a pained expression: a painful grimace, a wrinkled forehead, swollen eyes, tense arms and legs, clenched fists. And after a few minutes, babies look calmly focused. This is the basic state of the newborn, it the best way facilitates its interaction with the new environment. The child is calm but attentive, eyes wide open and looking for others - let them be your eyes. The child looks into your eyes, nestling comfortably against your chest, his fists open, he relaxes and rests peacefully on your body. Both need this intimacy: the child needs warmth and peace, and the mother needs to feel the baby's body. During this first interaction, the baby perceives the sound of your voice, your smell, the warmth of your skin, and the sweet taste of your first meal. He keeps sucking, you keep recovering, you both feel good. About an hour after birth, the baby falls asleep.

First feelings

Try to imagine how your child feels during this first meeting. They tried to soften the transition from the shelter inside the mother to the shelter created by your skin, hands, breasts. Difficult experiences are replaced by peace, warmth, comfort, the baby learns that the world outside is a good, comfortable place. The old connections remain, only the way they are manifested has changed.

The newborn that you now see is the child that you felt day and night, whom you already knew and finally met with him. We noticed that at the first moment, mother and father look at their newborn as if through a wide-angle lens and see the overall picture of the uniqueness of this new little man. Then they gradually begin to notice particulars. First of all, young parents notice family traits: “She has your ears,” mother says to father. “She has a grandmother’s nose,” dad might exclaim.

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In a newly born baby, the skin, as a rule, is bluish in color. This is due to which the child experienced when passing through the birth canal. The cyanosis of the skin of the newborn will pass in a few minutes, when the baby begins to breathe on his own and his blood is saturated with oxygen. The skin of the newborn becomes, as a rule, bright red. This is due to the state of the subcutaneous vessels, which first narrow after childbirth due to a sharp change in temperature, and then expand reflexively. This reddening of the skin persists for the first 2-3 days of life.

If the baby is premature (born before 37 weeks of gestation), the skin may be dark red. This is due to the fact that the subcutaneous vessels in these children are located very close to the surface of the skin due to the fact that the subcutaneous fat layer is very thin. That is why the skin of premature babies easily gathers into folds and forms wrinkles.

The palms and feet of the crumbs may remain cyanotic for some time. This is due to the imperfection of the circulatory system: the parts of the body that are more distant from the center are less well supplied with blood in the absence of active movements. As soon as the child becomes more active, he will move his arms and legs more, the skin of the palms and feet will turn pink.

2. Original lubricant on the skin of a newborn has a bactericidal effect

Another feature of the skin of a newborn baby is a curdled lubricant, consisting of fallen skin epithelial cells, fats. Before birth, she protected the skin from soaking, as the baby was in a liquid environment ( amniotic fluid). During childbirth, this lubricant helps the baby pass through the mother's birth canal. It also has bactericidal properties, preventing the penetration of infection. More lubrication occurs on the back of the body, on the face, ears, in the folds of the skin (axillary, cervical, inguinal, etc.). At the first toilet of a newborn, which is carried out by a midwife already in the delivery room, the original lubricant is removed, as it becomes useless.

3. The head of a newborn usually has an elongated shape.

The head of a newborn baby looks large compared to the body. The head circumference of a newborn is on average 33-35 cm, while the girth of the chest is on average 30-33 cm. This is normal. These two values ​​\u200b\u200bare aligned only by 3 months of the life of the crumbs, and then the girth of the chest gradually becomes larger than the circumference of the head.

7. A newborn has fontanelles on its head.

Stroking the baby on the head, the mother can feel two soft grooves. These are large and small fontanelles of a newborn. Fontanelles are formed at the junction of the bones of the skull. The large fontanel of a newborn has the shape of a rhombus, is located on the top of the head at the junction of the frontal bone with two parietal bones and comes in different sizes (usually about 2x2 cm). By placing your hand on it, you can feel its pulsation. A large fontanel closes by 12 months. Small has a triangular shape, is located in the back of the head and is formed at the junction of the parietal bones with the occipital bone. His larger size is about 0.5 cm. But most often, by the time of birth, the small fontanel is already closed. If it is still there, then in 2-3 months it will completely close.

8. The face of a newborn in the first hours of life may be swollen.

And sometimes, because of the swelling, the baby cannot even open his eyes. This is due to a violation of the outflow of venous blood from the face when squeezed during passage through the birth canal. It's not worth worrying about this. Such edema quickly passes in the first days of life.

On the face of some babies, red stripes or irregularly shaped spots may also appear - vascular spots of newborns. It's nothing but shining through thin skin bundles of blood vessels. Most often they are located in the upper eyelids, between the eyebrows, on the back of the neck and in the ears. Some babies are born with these spots, and for some they appear on the 2nd or 3rd day of life. They usually disappear by the age of three without outside intervention.

9. There may be vellus hair on the body.

In many newborns, on the skin of the body, you can notice the original fluff - lanugo. This fluff covered the entire body of the fetus from about the 7th month of pregnancy. Most of the original cannon disappears before birth, but some of it can be seen after birth, more often under the shoulder blades and on the shoulders. And in premature babies, the cheeks can also be covered with fluff. As a rule, vellus hair disappears by the age of two weeks.

10. The genitals of a newborn seem very large.

The appearance of the genital organs of a newborn can also cause many questions for mothers. At birth, in both boys and girls, the genitals are most often swollen and appear very large. This is due to the presence of placental estrogens in the blood. This is a temporary phenomenon. The swelling usually subsides within one to two weeks of the baby's life.

11. The skin of a newborn may have a yellowish tint.

This is physiological neonatal jaundice. It occurs in many babies, their skin and mucous membranes become yellowish. Jaundice occurs most often on the 3-4th day after birth. It is associated with the breakdown of erythrocytes (red blood cells) that contain fetal hemoglobin (a protein found in red blood cells that carries oxygen to body cells) specific to the fetus. One of the breakdown products of red blood cells is bilirubin. The enzyme systems of the liver are still imperfect and do not have time to quickly remove bilirubin, as a result of which it accumulates in the blood, causing a yellow color of the mucous membranes and.

Jaundice disappears within one to two weeks as the bilirubin excretion systems mature and due to the completion of the breakdown of red blood cells with fetal hemoglobin.

With severe jaundice, the baby may be prescribed intravenous infusions of glucose, UV irradiation, choleretic drugs that help remove excess bilirubin from the body. Thus, doctors help the child's body cope with this condition. Ignoring severe jaundice can cause irreparable harm to the child's body due to the pronounced toxic effect of an elevated level of bilirubin on the baby's body. There is a general intoxication of the body, especially suffers nervous system, in particular the brain, as well as the liver and spleen of the newborn.

12. You can often see "pimples" (milia) in a newborn.

On the 2-3rd day of life, the child may develop a small rash in the form of yellowish blisters filled with a clear liquid. These are the so-called milia, or "millet spots". Their appearance is associated with blockage of the sebaceous glands of the skin. Usually, milia disappear in the first months of life and do not require special treatment.

13. The skin of newborns is very flaky.

On the 3-5th day, peeling of the skin may begin, which is more common in post-term children (born after 42 weeks of pregnancy). Thus, the skin adapts to new conditions. environment. Since this condition is not a pathology and does not require any medical intervention, you should not lubricate the skin of a newborn with a moisturizer: this will only interfere with the natural process. Peeling goes away after 5-7 days on its own.

14. The mammary glands of a newborn swell.

It happens that on the 3-4th day, both in boys and girls, swelling of the mammary glands occurs. Within a week, they can increase in volume. Moreover, they swell symmetrically, there is no redness around, but a white liquid similar to milk may begin to be released from the nipples. The composition of this liquid is similar to the mother's colostrum. Such changes occur due to the circulation in the blood of the newborn mother's sex hormones - estrogens (they are transmitted to the child through the placenta). Soon these hormones will be removed from the body, and within a month the mammary glands will return to normal.

15. After giving birth, the baby will have an umbilical cord remnant.

The navel of a newborn does not immediately take on the form we are used to. After the umbilical cord is tied up during childbirth and then cut off, the umbilical cord remains, which doctors remove in the maternity hospital for 2–3 days. An umbilical wound remains in its place, which heals by about the 20th day of the baby's life. Until that time, it requires careful care and careful attitude. In the hospital, the children's sister will show. For this, hydrogen peroxide and an antiseptic solution are used (“potassium permanganate”, “brilliant green”, chlorophyllipt solution). During processing, you need to carefully remove dried crusts. It is necessary to treat the wound twice a day in the morning and after bathing the crumbs until it is completely healed. Until the umbilical wound heals, it is recommended to bathe the child in a baby bath, adding a solution of potassium permanganate to the water until it turns slightly pink.

You need to constantly monitor the condition of the wound. If you notice reddening of its edges, an unpleasant odor or various discharges (usually white or yellow color), you should immediately consult a doctor, as all these can be signs of infection.

16. Strabismus in a newborn is a variant of the norm.

Another feature of some babies is strabismus. The eyes can periodically move apart in different directions or, conversely, move to the bridge of the nose. This is a completely normal phenomenon due to weakness of the eye muscles. The child cannot fix his gaze on an object for a long time, the eye muscles get tired and stop working normally. For most children, this goes away by 3 months, but for some it lasts up to six months - this is a variant of the norm.

Young parents know only by hearsay and represent a sort of angel. It's all the fault of photographs in magazines, when the baby was just born, and already is a rosy-cheeked toddler. However, such expectations begin to be justified only by the third month of the baby's life. Therefore, the first meeting of a child and his mother is sometimes quite exciting, and adds stress unusual view for which parents are not ready. Often they are frightened and suggest that the child has various non-existent diseases. But usually such fears are completely groundless, which is why it is so important to understand how newborn babies look in the first minutes.

Features of the skin

As soon as the baby is born, his skin looks bluish. This is due to the lack of oxygen that the child experienced while passing through the birth canal. But, as soon as the newborn makes the first cry, the skin turns pink and even turns red. This means that the body was saturated with oxygen, and the blood vessels from a sharp change in temperature first narrowed, and then gradually expanded. This phenomenon is completely normal, and you should not be afraid. Within 2-3 days, the skin color returns to normal.

However, what do newborn babies look like when they are born? ahead of time also need to know. Their skin may be dark red. This is due to the fact that the subcutaneous tissue is practically absent, and the vessels and capillaries are located very close to the surface. Due to the thin subcutaneous layer, these children often develop folds and wrinkles.

If the torso of a newborn soon becomes pleasant pink shade, then the feet and palms can still give off blue. This is due to an imperfect circulatory system, when distant parts of the body are not supplied with oxygen at the required rate. But as soon as the baby becomes more active, constantly pulling his legs and arms, then the skin color is restored.

The presence of original lubrication

Not everyone knows what newborn babies look like. The photo conveys the appearance in more detail, it shows that the baby's body is covered with a grayish grease. It consists of dead epithelial cells and fat. While in the womb, the fetus floated in amniotic fluid, a protective layer was needed to protect the skin from soaking. In addition, the lubricant has a sliding effect and helps the baby to pass through the birth canal.

Doctors of the maternity hospital know about how newborn babies look in the first minutes and warn the mother that the lubricant does not harm the child, but performs many functions. In addition to protecting the skin and helping in childbirth, one can single out such a feature of it: it has a bactericidal effect and prevents infections from entering the skin from the outside.

If you carefully examine the baby, you can see that the most lubrication can be observed in the ears, in the armpits, the neck crease and on the back of the body. The midwife removes the primordial plaque while still in the delivery room, since it has already fulfilled its role and is becoming useless.

Skull features

Knowing what newborn babies look like in the early days is important because babies have a lot of features that indicate their health. So, the head is always large and significantly exceeds the size of the body. If usually the girth of the skull of a healthy baby is 33-35 cm, then the girth of the chest is 30-33 cm. But if the head is much larger than the prescribed norms, then this signals an illness and requires a doctor's consultation. By about three months of life, the indicators of the size of the skull and girth of the body are aligned. Further, the chest increases and always exceeds the size of the head.

Parents can be frightened by what newborn babies look like in the first minutes of life, because their skull is elongated at the top. But the bones are still mobile and shift relative to each other. This is necessary so that during the passage of the birth canal, the head can pass such a complex barrier. But with active squeezing during contractions and attempts, the baby's head takes on a shape similar to an egg, which is what the mother sees after childbirth. But after a few days, the bones of the skull fall into place, the head gradually acquires the usual rounded features.

Possible problems on the baby's head

To assess the situation, one should understand what newborn babies look like. If the baby was born using obstetric forceps, then a small hematoma may be observed on the head, which is filled with blood. Its location is most often fixed on the back of the head or in the region of the crown. A similar problem is called cephalohematoma and requires only observation. Usually, the pathology disappears after 2-3 months and does not require special treatment. Larger formations may take a little longer to resolve. But the doctor and mother must constantly monitor the swelling, because sometimes suppuration occurs. In this case, surgical intervention is required.

Not everyone knows what newborn babies look like. Childbirth is difficult not only for the mother, but also for the child himself. That part of the head that first passed through the birth canal is under great stress, there may be birth edema on it. The tumor is usually localized in the parietal or occipital part and is more pronounced during prolonged labor. Usually the problem does not require treatment and resolves on its own after 3-4 days.

Attention to the baby's face

Almost all parents, especially new fathers, are concerned about how the face of a newborn child looks. They peer into the features of the baby and try to see the resemblance to themselves. However, the baby after childbirth may have such a swollen face that even the eyes are closed all the time. During the passage of the birth canal, constant compression occurred, which disrupted the outflow of venous blood, resulting in swelling. Do not worry about this, this condition passes in a few days.

Some newborns may have red spots on their face. These are just bundles of blood vessels that show through the baby's thin skin. They are usually fixed:

  • between the eyebrows;
  • in the area of ​​the eyelids;
  • behind the ears;
  • on the neck.

Sometimes spots can appear 2-3 days after birth, and some are born with them. They do not require medical intervention and resolve on their own by the age of three.

eye color

The photo clearly shows how newborn babies look. Sometimes all babies have the same eye color. It is this indicator that always worries parents, and they wonder who the heir will go to. But it is known that up to six months the color of the eyes can change, so you should not say that you had a blue-eyed boy until six months of his life. Most newborns are united by this color, but by the month the iris begins to change.

The baby still has little pigment, which causes the same color of the eyes of many newborns. But as it grows, the eyes darken, but the reverse situation may also occur if there is an appropriate heredity.

Immediately after birth, the whites of the eyes may be red. This is due to bursting of blood vessels during childbirth and hemorrhage. The symptom goes away within a few days on its own.

Characteristics of the baby's body

We find out further what newborn babies look like. The baby's torso is usually dressed up, the fists are tightly compressed and pressed to the chest, the legs are also bent. This position is close to the one in which the fetus was still in the womb. Doctors always diagnose increased tone in a newborn baby, and this is normal. But it is important that gradually the palms begin to open, the legs move. There are certain medical standards by which the development of the baby is judged:

  • hypertonicity of the upper extremities should pass by the fourth month of life;
  • increased tone in the legs - in the fifth month.

If the problem persists, then massage, physiotherapy exercises and other procedures are prescribed.

Is there hair

All parents are interested in how newborn babies look. Appearance sometimes makes you smile when a newly born baby has thick hair. Yes, a child may well have hair, but their complete absence is also considered the norm. It is noted that during the first year of life, the first hair is gradually replaced by permanent ones. In addition, their color may also change slightly.

The presence of fontanelles

All newborns are characterized by the presence of several fontanelles on the head. These are places where the bones of the skull are mobile and converged during childbirth, facilitating the passage of the head. Distinguish between a large fontanel and a small one. The large one is located at the very top of the head and has a diamond shape. Most often, it has dimensions of 2 x 2 cm. According to its parameters, the condition of the baby is judged. If you put your palm on it, you can feel a slight pulsation. It should close completely by the age of the child.

In the back of the head is located and resembles a small triangle. Its side can be no more than 0.5 cm. It should close completely by 2-3 months.

Special features of the genitals

Of course, many people find out the sex of the child even before birth, but they always look at the genitals after birth to confirm the information. Here, many parents can expect a surprise, but not related to the appearance of a girl instead of a boy, or vice versa.

Immediately after birth, in children of both sexes, the genitals appear very large. If dads of boys can even be proud of this, more sane parents are worried. But the problem is usually associated with the presence in the blood of a newborn of a large amount of estrogen received from the mother. The swelling is temporary and disappears without a trace after 2-3 weeks. If the pathology does not go away, then a doctor's consultation is required.

The navel is important

We continue to consider how newborn babies look in the hospital. Basic hallmark a baby who has just been born is his navel. During childbirth, the umbilical cord is cut off in this place, and the remainder is tied up and the so-called clothespin is put on. For 2-3 days it is removed, and the umbilical wound must be treated for another month at home.

In the maternity hospital, all mothers are taught to take care of an unhealed navel. To do this, use hydrogen peroxide or the usual brilliant green. In order not to bring the infection, at first it is recommended to bathe the baby in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Signs of infection may include:

  • reddening of the edges of the wound;
  • white or yellow discharge;
  • bad smell.

If at least one of the symptoms is noticeable, it is important to show the child to the pediatrician.

Is strabismus the norm?

Some babies may experience strabismus in the early days. In this case, periodically the pupils converge to the bridge of the nose or, conversely, disperse. Ophthalmologists warn that such a phenomenon is a sign of the norm, and explain it by the weakness and underdevelopment of the eye muscles. The baby is not yet able to fix his gaze on a particular object. However, if such a problem does not go away on its own by six months, then medical correction is necessary.

Physiological jaundice

A few hours after birth, the baby's skin may acquire a yellow tint. This problem is physiological and is associated with the breakdown of bilirubin. This pathology worries many babies. In this case, the child turns yellow not only the skin, but also the sclera of the eyes. Bilirubin must be actively excreted by the liver, but its enzymes are not yet completely perfect. Therefore, fetal hemoglobin accumulates in the blood, which causes the yellowness of the skin.

As all the organs of the newborn mature, bilirubin also begins to be actively excreted. Therefore, within 1-2 weeks the problem recedes. However, sometimes medical and physiological treatment is required. In this case, doctors may prescribe:

  • UV irradiation;
  • the introduction of glucose;
  • choleretic drugs.

Such a condition cannot be ignored, because an excess of bilirubin causes severe intoxication and causes great harm to a small organism.

Swollen mammary glands

Sometimes mothers may notice swollen mammary glands in their newborns. It doesn't matter if it's a girl or a boy. Within a few days, the glands become larger, and this happens symmetrically. Interestingly, no other changes are observed. There is no redness, but a white liquid may start to come out, which causes fear of the parents. Experts even analyzed the composition of this liquid and found that it is close to colostrum.

Do not be afraid of such a state. The reason for the swelling of the mammary glands is the presence of a large amount of mom's estrogens, which were passed through the placenta. Hormones are gradually excreted from the body of the crumbs, the baby takes on a familiar look.

When there's a problem

Unfortunately, children are not always born completely healthy. There are diseases that can be identified by one appearance already in the maternity hospital. Find out what newborn babies with Down syndrome look like:

  • Raised eyelids and narrow eyes.
  • Flattened face and nape.
  • There is a characteristic fold on the neck.
  • The ear canal is narrow.
  • The back of the fingers is folded.
  • Growth is below normal (in the future it threatens with obesity).
  • Limb movements are chaotic and too active (as a result, there is a high risk of dysplasia).

Doctors know what newborn babies with Down syndrome look like, but a definitive diagnosis can only be made on the basis of additional research. The main problem is considered to be some deformation of the skull. As a result, deviations in the development of the brain are recorded. But if you develop such a baby correctly, take rehabilitation courses, then there are great chances for successful training and socialization.


It is useful for young parents to know in advance what a healthy newborn baby looks like so as not to be afraid of the usual things. The baby will soon become a rosy-cheeked toddler who often looks from the pages of magazines. However, in the delivery room, the baby sometimes resembles a shriveled old man, whose palms are clamped, legs are raised to the chest, the skin is covered with gray grease, and the face is swollen.

With proper care, the appearance will soon return to normal. However, it is important to know which signs do not require close attention, and which should alert. Often, a preliminary diagnosis can be made by the appearance of the newborn. The earlier the problem was identified, the greater the chance of a correction of the condition.

He was born, finally you can see your baby and touch him. And this child is completely dependent on you, your love and care. But what to do next?

No matter how difficult the birth was, you will probably remember this day as one of the happiest in your life, because the most important event happened.

Maybe you experienced love at first sight. But also it is possible what you it will take several days or weeks to really accept a new family member.

Don't worry if you feel insecure and don't know what to do with your baby. Although you could take a pregnancy course and read every possible book and article. Especially if it's your, you probably need time, to gain confidence in your new role.

Use every opportunity to relax and bond with your child

At this time it happens

  • postpartum recovery,
  • adaptation to,
  • and feeding the baby.

Feel free to ask your loved ones for help.

Try to get rid of all other obligations at home and devote yourself to your child.

While he sleeps try to sleep and, choose a position comfortable for breastfeeding, for example, lying down or reclining.

Impact of childbirth on breastfeeding

Contrary to popular belief, birth affects breast-feeding IN many respects. Often, health workers, as well as parents, perceive pregnancy and childbirth separately from. The truth is that the way , with which women give birth , affects the how is she will feed her baby.

Maybe you are faced with some problems related to the health of your baby or, for example, problems with. Remember that in all these situations there is someone who can help. Do not be afraid to ask questions and seek the opinions of more experienced people.

We hope that you will also get the support and necessary information on our website and wish you a happy start to your new life!

Do you need a belt after childbirth

Video guide: how to care for a newborn in the first days of life.