What to do if you have been ill with orvi in ​​early pregnancy. Orvi and pregnancy: treatment by trimester How to treat orvi in ​​pregnant women

During childbearing the woman's immune system weakens. This is a necessary condition so that the body cannot reject the fetus, and this is especially true for the first trimester, when the fetal egg has just attached to the wall of the uterus. In this regard, a pregnant woman is prone to various kinds of diseases, including SARS.

ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection) is a whole group of infectious diseases that have a viral or bacterial etiology. As a result of the lesion, the mucous membranes of the nose, throat, bronchi and even the eyes become inflamed. SARS include: influenza, rhinovirus and adenovirus infections, etc.

You can get sick at any time of the year, but the most unfavorable period is the off-season. It is then that there is a sharp contrast in temperatures, which can lead to hypothermia.

Get infected with SARS possibly from an already sick person by airborne droplets or household (which is less common) ways. The latent phase (when the disease does not manifest itself in any way) lasts an average of 3-7 days. After that, the first symptoms begin to appear.

Signs and Diagnosis

Among the common signs ARVI can be distinguished:

  • increased body temperature and headache;
  • general weakness and malaise;
  • nasal congestion and runny nose;
  • sore throat and cough.

When infected, these symptoms may not appear all at once. As a rule, at first the person feels unwell. Then there is an increase in temperature, and for about 2-3 days other signs appear. It is not difficult to make a correct diagnosis yourself, but in any case it is recommended to consult a doctor.

How to treat SARS during pregnancy

Sometimes the disease can be "intercepted" even before the onset of the main symptoms, such as a runny nose or sore throat. Usually 1-2 days before this point, a person may experience weakness and drowsiness. At this point, you need to listen to your body and give him rest. Warm tea with lemon or a rosehip decoction, vitamins and a full sound sleep can stop the virus.

If the disease inevitably occurs, it is necessary to urgently begin treatment. During pregnancy, it is somewhat different from the methods that are used in this case by an ordinary person. And here are the highlights.

  • The first thing to be clear is that never self-medicate. Many drugs are even more prohibited for use during pregnancy, as they can cause serious harm to the health of the unborn child and the mother herself. Consult your doctor, because only he will make the correct diagnosis and prescribe an effective and safest treatment.
  • If body temperature rises over 38 ° C, it must be knocked down. Do not rush to do it with pills. Plentiful warm drink (fruit drinks, rosehip broth, tea with lemon), wiping the body with a sponge dipped in cool water will help in this matter.
  • To eliminate the common cold and sore throats, a saline solution with the addition of soda is perfect. They can rinse the nose and rinse the larynx.
  • Nasal congestion can be removed with an Asterisk-type balm by rubbing the wings of the nose with it, as well as massage of the paranasal sinuses.
  • Treatment of SARS will be faster and more effective if ventilate the room regularly and monitor the humidity in it (it should be at least 50-60%).
  • It is necessary to observe bed rest so that the body has the strength to fight the virus.

If the disease has overtaken at 2-4 months of pregnancy, when the main organs of the child are actively formed, it is necessary to contact a gynecologist for examinations to exclude fetal pathologies.

Prohibited drugs for SARS during pregnancy

Prohibited There are such drugs that adversely affect pregnancy and fetal development:

  • Aspirin (negatively affects the blood of the mother and child).
  • Tetracycline, Levomycetin, Streptomycin - antiviral drugs that adversely affect the organs of the fetus;
  • Analgin.

What is dangerous SARS during pregnancy

There are scientifically proven consequences of SARS, which may take place.

  • With ARVI in the first days or weeks after conception, there is a possibility. Such cases are approximately 20%.
  • During the period of formation of vital organs in the fetus, ARVI transferred by a pregnant woman can provoke the development of malformations.
  • In late pregnancy, ARVI increases the risk of preterm birth, and can also cause a lot of blood loss during the birth process.
  • The development of the disease during childbirth aggravates the postpartum recovery of a woman.

Any disease it is better to prevent than to cure. And SARS is no exception. Simple actions will help protect you from the disease or, at least, greatly facilitate the recovery process.

  • After visiting public places of mass congestion of people, it is necessary to rinse the throat and nose with saline solution: this will help prevent the introduction of viruses and bacteria into the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract.
  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap every time you return home.
  • Don't forget to accept. This will help strengthen the body and make it more resistant to diseases.
  • Take care of strengthening the immune system and all family members with whom you live.
  • If someone close to you is still sick, give him a separate room and dishes. Arrange chopped garlic or onions in the room, which kill the virus. Do not neglect the use of medical protective masks.
  • Walk more and.
  • Ventilate the room you are in 3-4 times a day: fresh air is not the best environment for viruses.
  • Feet need to be kept warm. Woolen socks will do, but hot baths should be avoided.
  • Sufficient humidity in the room will help to cope with difficulty breathing.
  • Sleep is of no small importance during the recovery period: it should last at least 8-9 hours.
  • Avoid stress and overwork.
  • : it should be balanced and useful. At the same time, avoid overeating and overeating.
  • Aromatherapy with thyme, pine or geranium oils has a beneficial effect on the elimination of cough and inflammation of the respiratory tract.
  • Drinking plenty of water (at least 2-2.5 liters per day) will help the body recover faster.

Acute respiratory infections are considered the most common diseases in the world. Approximately 95 percent of all respiratory infections are based on a viral nature (ARVI). Every year, every third inhabitant of our planet is ill with an acute respiratory viral infection. The most common complications of this infection are inflammatory changes in the middle ear and paranasal sinuses.

The elderly, children and pregnant women are at increased risk of this disease. According to various sources, SARS occurs in pregnant women with a probability of 55 to 82 percent.

Acute respiratory infections are a generalized name for a number of infectious diseases that are caused by bacteria and viruses and occur with symptoms of damage to the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract (bronchus, nose, trachea, larynx), and sometimes with damage to the conjunctiva of the eyes.

Such infections include influenza, SARS, parainfluenza, rhinovirus and adenovirus infections, as well as some other diseases.

Infection is carried out from already sick people. The main route of spread of this virus is airborne, but it is also possible to become infected through some household items (towels, toys, dishes, and so on), as well as when a few drops of the patient's saliva enter when sneezing and coughing.

The incubation period averages two to seven days. The virus with the air flow enters the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and is introduced into the cells of the upper layer of the mucous membrane (epithelium), as a result of which endotoxin is released, causing intoxication - poisoning of the body.

SARS symptoms

The most common symptoms of the onset of the disease include: weakness, general malaise, "congestion" of the nose, cough, watery eyes, runny nose (rhinitis), sometimes fever and headaches. These symptoms may not occur at the same time and usually do not go away immediately. Some, such as "congestion" of the nose and cough, may still remain after the disappearance of the main symptoms.

Often the very first signs of an approaching disease can be cured at the first approaches. Listen carefully to yourself. If you suddenly have weakness, sore throat, weakness, drowsiness, or you are cold - you must immediately drink hot tea with honey and lemon, start taking vitamins and ... get a good night's sleep. A couple of days spent in bed can do wonders.

Treatment of SARS during pregnancy

If you still get SARS during pregnancy, remember that not only viruses, but also the increased body temperature caused by them, can harm your child, especially at the very beginning of pregnancy. If the body temperature of a pregnant woman rises above 38 degrees, the disease may not have the best effect on pregnancy. How to treat SARS during pregnancy?

1. Consult with your doctor immediately about the competent treatment of SARS. In no case do not self-medicate and do not take antibacterial drugs and antibiotics without a doctor's prescription during pregnancy. Some of the modern drugs can have a very negative effect on the fetus itself, as well as cause a number of complications in the newborn and expectant mother.

Doctors estimate that about one percent of all congenital anomalies diagnosed in infants are caused by drugs. In order to minimize the impact of SARS on your pregnancy, the choice of drugs for treatment can only take place under the supervision of a doctor. Nose drops, aspirin, and even some vitamin preparations can contribute to pregnancy complications.

2. Try to bring down the temperature without the use of drugs. To do this, you need to drink more fluids, wipe yourself with a sponge, take a shower or bath. The water in the bath should be slightly cool, as hot water can raise the temperature even more.

3. For therapeutic purposes, pregnant women are advised to frequently drink warm tea, such as green tea, with milk added to it. During pregnancy, you can also gargle with a solution of baking soda, sage. The same solution is quite suitable for instillation into the nose. The potion with thermopsis, marshmallow root helps remarkably.

It is better to consult a doctor about the use of drops with medicinal substances. As a rule, the use of such home remedies and adherence to the regimen is enough for your general well-being to improve fairly quickly.

4. If you fall ill with SARS in the third or fourth month of pregnancy, we strongly recommend that you undergo tests that can determine whether the virus caused any complications in the child or not. The timing of the examinations and their volume should be appointed by the gynecologist with whom you are observed.

It is worth noting that serious health problems in pregnant women are quite rare. A careful attitude towards the unborn child and towards herself allows a woman to easily cope with a viral disease or not let him on the doorstep at all.

Consequences of SARS during pregnancy

Why is SARS dangerous during pregnancy? Some studies have proven the following effect of SARS on pregnancy:

  • Danger for the child. In the second and third months, when tissues and organs are laid down, the consequences of SARS during pregnancy can be the main cause of any malformations.
  • SARS in early pregnancy. The frequency of premature termination of pregnancy in the disease in the early stages of SARS reaches approximately 13-18 percent. Sometimes a woman may not even know about pregnancy if the infection appeared in the first two weeks after conception.
  • Miscarriage. Infectious agents sometimes contribute to miscarriage and increased blood loss during childbirth. Such viruses can also cause dangerous infections that can contribute to the development of some inflammatory diseases of the genital organs. This negatively affects the condition and development of the fetus, especially if ARVI manifests itself in the early stages of pregnancy. If a viral disease appears during childbirth, the likelihood of complications in the postpartum period increases.

It must be remembered that a pregnant woman, even with a slight malaise, is likely to experience complications. You need to take care of yourself, be less nervous and listen to your doctor.

Prevention of CVD during pregnancy

Many doctors believe that almost any disease, including SARS during pregnancy, is easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, very close attention should be paid to preventive measures that can help prevent the occurrence of SARS during pregnancy.

Basic preventive measures:

1. Rinsing the mouth. After returning home, it is good to rinse your mouth with a decoction of herbs or tincture of calendula, chamomile, eucalyptus (20-30 drops per glass of warm water). Thus, microorganisms that can lead to disease are effectively removed from the oral mucosa.

2. Hygiene. A simple and simple action - namely, washing your hands with soap and water can significantly reduce the risk of SARS during pregnancy.

3. Room ventilation. Even if the weather is cold outside, you need to carefully ventilate the room 2-3 times a day, in which the most pregnant woman is. After all, warm air and high humidity are a favorable environment for the reproduction of viruses and bacteria that cause SARS. Make life difficult for viruses and make life easier for a future mother!

4. Taking vitamins. Vitamin preparations, especially those specially designed for use during pregnancy, will significantly strengthen the body's defenses, thereby protecting a pregnant woman from SARS.

5. Reducing the risk of getting an infection from outside. In this case, we are talking about strengthening the immunity of all family members of the expectant mother. After all, even if a pregnant woman often tries not to be in crowded places, the life of her children, parents, husband goes in the usual way. This means that they go to school, kindergarten or work every day, shop in large stores, use public transport - that is, they visit those places where it is most possible to get SARS.

The Russian drug Derinat is well suited to strengthen the immunity of the whole family. Its use mobilizes human immunity to protect against viral invasions. This drug has a minimum of side effects and contraindications, is well tolerated and is sold without a prescription in many pharmacies.

6. Reducing the risk of infection. If any of the family members of the expectant mother is still ill, emergency measures must be taken to prevent her from becoming infected. For example, you can use special medical masks. Good helpers in the prevention of SARS during pregnancy are finely chopped garlic and onions, which are rich in phytoncides. They need to be laid out on saucers and placed in all the rooms where the expectant mother is.

How does SARS start?

Despite the strictest precautions, it can be very difficult for a pregnant woman to protect herself from this disease, especially during epidemics. Therefore, it is very important to recognize the disease at an early stage in order to begin therapeutic measures as soon as possible. This can reduce the intensity of the disease, and several times reduce the risk of all kinds of complications after SARS.

The first signs of an acute viral respiratory illness include:

  1. The appearance of transparent abundant discharge from the nose and "congestion" of the nose.
  2. Weakness, the appearance of a feeling of "ache" in the muscles and joints.
  3. Headache, mild at first, then worse.
  4. Drowsiness.
  5. Increase in body temperature
  6. Cough and sore throat join this "company" on about the second or third day.

1. Regularly do wet cleaning of the room. To breathe more freely, you need to increase the humidity in the room. To do this, you can put an open container of water on the battery or next to it.

2. Ventilate the room regularly while avoiding drafts.

3. Feet must be kept warm. It is recommended to wear woolen socks. Attention! Hot baths are not recommended during pregnancy. It is also forbidden to soar shins and feet in hot water, to carry out mustard wraps. Such procedures greatly increase the risk of premature contractions and bleeding.

4. Sleep should be full, within 7-8 hours. Be sure to clean your nose before going to bed: breathing should be completely free. Sprays and drops with vasoconstrictive properties should be used with great care and only as prescribed by a doctor.

An overdose of these drugs can lead to heart palpitations and high blood pressure.

5. Emotional physical peace is extremely important for a pregnant woman. especially when you are unwell.

6. Aromatherapy can be done. Buy essential oils in pharmacies according to their effect. Pine facilitates breathing and eliminates cough, geranium treats inflammation of the ear-throat-nose, thyme has an expectorant effect.

Do not use essences of eucalyptus, ginger, verbena, cinnamon, camphor, cloves, hyssop, rosemary. They can have a bad effect on the body.

As dietary supplements, cinnamon, ginger, rosemary and cloves are not contraindicated.

7. Steam inhalations are very useful.. For them, you can use a potato decoction, a decoction of mint, sage, calendula, St. John's wort, chamomile. Now on sale there are many already prepared inhalation mixtures for electric inhalers. This procedure will allow you to facilitate breathing, improve blood circulation in the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract, and stimulate the immune system.

8. Nutrition during the period of illness should be saturated with proteins and complete. The foods you eat should be easily digestible. Strong chicken broth with roots is very useful. Add boiled fish and lean meats, fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet.

During this period, foods that contain vitamin C (blackcurrant, cranberries, citrus fruits, blueberries, apples, cauliflower, spinach), zinc (legumes, poultry, liver dishes), folic acid (blackcurrant, melon, legumes) are very useful. , potatoes), iodine (fish and seafood). Eat often, but in small portions.

9. Drink as much liquid as possible, the optimal amount per day is up to 1.5-2 liters. It is better that these are acidic drinks, for example, tea with lemon, cranberry, lingonberry fruit drinks. Warm milk with raspberries or honey will help you warm up quickly, and active sweating will remove toxins from the body.

Also very useful tea with blackcurrant, linden, birch sap with milk, green tea. Minimize the consumption of carbonated drinks and coffee. If you still get sick, do not despair. Be sure to call the attending physician at home, take sick leave.

Do not forget that the health of your baby and your own health is much more important than any force majeure at work.


Tatiana Veselova

Bacterial respiratory infections can occur as a disease on their own, and more often they are a continuation of SARS in the case of the addition of bacterial flora. Then the disease flows longer and harder and often requires the appointment of antibiotic therapy.

The impact of SARS on pregnancy

Recent studies have shown that the transfer of SARS in pregnant women can lead to the appearance of anemia, which is detected by a general blood test in the form of reduced hemoglobin.

In addition, with influenza or other acute respiratory viral infections, there is a risk of intrauterine infection of the fetus. If this occurs in the early stages of the development of the fetus, then the pregnancy may spontaneously terminate. SARS in the first trimester of pregnancy leads to an increased risk of developing certain birth defects. Among them are "cleft lip" (non-closure of the upper lip), hydrocephalus (excessive accumulation of fluid in the cavities of the brain and spinal cord) and other pathological changes in the child's nervous system. The listed defects are most likely if the pregnant woman abuses drugs. Infection at a later date can lead to placental insufficiency, a condition in which the fetus does not receive oxygen and nutrients. Therefore, if you get sick, you need to see a doctor and do not self-medicate. The specialist will establish the correct diagnosis and find out what measures should be taken in case of your disease. After suffering ARVI, you should pass a general blood and urine test, as well as inform the obstetrician-gynecologist about the disease, so that he can prescribe the studies necessary to clarify the condition of the fetus.

The course of the disease

The source of a viral infection is only a person - a sick person or a virus carrier. The patient is contagious within 5-7 days from the date of onset of the disease. Transmission of the virus from person to person occurs mainly by airborne droplets (when coughing, sneezing, talking). Infection through household items (dishes, towels, toys) is also possible. The incubation period can last from 2 to 7 days. The first symptom of SARS may be pain or sore throat. Then nasal congestion, coughing and sneezing, eye pain, watery eyes. The sequence of appearance and severity of certain manifestations depend on the type of virus. Different viruses (influenza, parainfluenza, adenovirus, etc.) “prefer” different organs and tissues. Viruses also differ in the severity of the disease they cause: some of them, such as the influenza virus, seriously disturb the state of health, and some (rhinovirus infection) are much easier to tolerate. So, for example, with influenza, chills, high fever, sweating, a sharp headache, aches all over the body are noted, and cough and runny nose are slightly expressed. With parainfluenza, intoxication is less pronounced. Adenovirus is characterized by the appearance of conjunctivitis, manifested by a burning sensation in the eyes, redness and lacrimation. Since adenovirus is able to infect the intestinal mucosa, it is characterized by diarrhea.


Elevated temperature. Fever is the most typical manifestation of SARS, lasting 3-7 days. An increase in body temperature is protective: most viruses lose their ability to reproduce at temperatures above 38C. In addition, in this way, the body stimulates itself to produce substances that will fight the pathogen. One of them is interferon. Many have heard about him, if only because in the form of drops in the nose, he is quite often prescribed by doctors. Interferon is a protein that is able to neutralize viruses, and its amount is directly related to body temperature: the higher the temperature, the more interferon. Its amount reaches a maximum on the second or third day after the temperature rises, and that is why most SARS end safely on the third day of illness. Because of this, it is not recommended to reduce the temperature if it is below 38.5C. If for some reason little interferon was produced (there was no temperature reaction or the temperature was “knocked down” too early), then the probability of ending the disease in three days is significantly reduced. In this case, all hope remains for antibodies - special proteins produced in the body that fight infection. They will definitely end the viruses, but the duration of the disease will be completely different - about seven days.

With an increase in body temperature, everything must be done to ensure that the body has the opportunity to lose heat. Heat is lost in two ways - by evaporation of sweat and by warming the inhaled air. Accordingly, sufficient drinking is necessary. You need to drink as much as you want.

The most suitable drinks for the expectant mother will be: dried fruit compote, green tea, tea from linden flowers or dried raspberries, a decoction of dried apples. It is permissible to add a teaspoon of honey to a hot drink. Although honey is one of the potentially allergenic products, in a single use in small doses it will not cause harm, unlike unnecessarily used drugs. A good antipyretic and thirst-quenching remedy will be freshly prepared juice of carrots and white cabbage (3/4 of carrot and 1/4 of cabbage). Unlike canned, fresh juices contain biologically active substances formed by plants - phytoncides. They kill or inhibit the growth of microorganisms, thereby preventing bacterial complications. Since most drugs cross the placenta, the use of antipyretic drugs (usually PARACETAMOL) is justified only on the advice of a doctor if the temperature is above 38.5 ° C.

Cough. This is not only a symptom of many diseases, but also a protective reaction, moreover, a reflector and a subconscious one. Just as you pull your hand away from a hot kettle, so unconsciously you cough up foreign bodies that have entered the respiratory tract and the sputum that forms in them.

Cough can be with phlegm (wet) or without it (dry). Wet cough is aimed at expelling sputum from the respiratory tract, which is a favorable environment for the vital activity of microbes. Accordingly, when coughing with sputum, drugs that depress it should not be taken, but expectorants are needed to facilitate sputum discharge. With a wet cough, any warm drink will do. It will help thin the sputum, thereby reducing its viscosity and making it easier to remove from the respiratory tract. Dry cough occurs due to inflammation in the pharynx and is a faithful companion of perspiration and sore throat. To mitigate these symptoms, it is recommended to rinse with decoctions of herbs: sage, chamomile, St. John's wort. They have a softening, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic effect. Warm drinks, taken in small sips with sufficient frequency, and humidifying the air in the room help to reduce the discomfort in the respiratory tract, leading to coughing. The nocturnal cough, which occurs as a result of the flow of mucus along the back of the throat, is quite annoying. To reduce these phenomena, you can arrange an elevated headboard by choosing a high pillow or by stacking 2-3 pillows together. In any case, if a cough occurs, it is recommended to consult a doctor, because serious diseases such as tonsillitis, scarlet fever, infectious mononucleosis (a viral disease that occurs with an increase in lymph nodes, liver, spleen, fever, tonsillitis) can hide under the mask of SARS.

Runny nose. If the runny nose persists for more than 10 days, then it is necessary to exclude the development of inflammation of the paranasal sinuses. To do this, you should visit an ENT doctor, who, if necessary, will prescribe an X-ray examination of the sinuses. The recovery period is lengthened if the cause of the disease was 2 or more viruses at the same time, or if a bacterial infection has joined and caused complications.

To cope with a runny nose, it is often enough just to wash the nose with saline solution, it is more convenient to carry them out with the help of nasal sprays, such as SALIN, AQUAMARIS. To do this, it is enough to do 2-3 injections into each nostril with a warm (room temperature) solution 4 times a day. After the solution has been completely used up, fill a convenient bottle with saline (0.9% sodium chloride solution), which can be bought at a pharmacy. Such a solution will in no way be inferior in cleansing properties to its "brothers" - branded saline solutions. As a result of washing the nose, dust particles, allergens, microbes are quickly and completely removed from the surface of the mucosa, which allows you to restore and maintain the protective functions of the nasal mucosa in a normal state.

If, in addition to the secretion of mucus, nasal congestion is of concern, then the doctor may prescribe vasoconstrictor drops (XYLOMETAZOLINE, NAPHAZOLINE or OXYMETAZOLINE 0.05%). These drops reduce the diameter of the blood vessels in the nasal cavity. The blood supply decreases several times, the swelling of the mucous membrane and the secretion of mucus stop. As a result, the free space in the nasal cavity increases, nasal breathing is restored. You should strictly follow the prescribed dosage and do not use these drops for more than three days. Long-term and frequent use of the drug leads to drying of the mucous membrane, addiction to the drug.

Lachrymation. This symptom may develop against the background of a runny nose. The lacrimal gland, located behind the upper eyelid, and several small glands in the thickness of the eyelids are involved in the formation of a tear. With each blink, the eyelids smear a tear across the surface of the eye. In the inner corner of the eye are two thin lacrimal ducts into which excess tears flow. The lacrimal ducts empty into the lacrimal sac, which through a special channel (nasolacrimal) is connected to the nasal cavity. If a person has a runny nose, then the mucous membrane of the nasolacrimal canal also swells and the tear cannot “run away” along it, and therefore “rivers of tears” flow. To avoid this, clean your nose regularly and, if necessary, use nasal drops. Redness of the eyes, accompanied by burning, pain and tearing, is possible with the development of an adenovirus infection, which was mentioned above. Lachrymation itself is not dangerous and passes fairly quickly. In order to avoid infection of the mucous membrane of the eyes, you should not rub them with your hands - the tear should be carefully (without touching the eye itself) wiped with disposable handkerchiefs.

Prevention of anemia

As you know, the best treatment is prevention, so your diet should include a sufficient amount of fresh vegetables, fruits, and herbs. They are the sources of vitamins and trace elements that stimulate the immune system. A woman's need for vitamins and minerals during pregnancy increases significantly. Conventional products to meet these needs, especially in the spring, are not enough. Therefore, doctors recommend using special vitamin-mineral complexes or specialized products that are additionally enriched with minerals and vitamins.

Viruses and bacteria are spread to other people through objects that come into contact with the mouth or nose. These include the glasses and cups from which the sick people drank, their hands and handkerchiefs. Every time a person sneezes or coughs, many small droplets are thrown into the air. If someone touches the places where these droplets have settled, then he “picks up” them and after that he can become infected himself by touching his own nose or mouth. This means that if you keep your hands away from your face and wash them regularly, you can reduce the risk of contracting SARS. If people with colds cover their mouths and noses with cloths (or better, disposable tissues when coughing and sneezing), this can also help limit the spread of infection. Handkerchiefs should not be left there, other people can touch them. In crowded places during an epidemic, it is best to use a disposable mask, remembering to change the bandage every 2 hours. In order not to get SARS, it is recommended:

During an influenza epidemic, minimize visits to public places (transport, cinemas, concerts, families with small children, etc.);

Ventilate the room as often as possible: fresh air reduces the concentration of painful microbes;

Wash your hands regularly;

Eat rationally (vegetables and fruits, meat must be included in the diet);

Sick people in your family need not only to be isolated, but also to provide them with separate dishes;

Linen, towels and handkerchiefs of patients must be boiled without fail (when washing in a washing machine, select the appropriate function);

If you get SARS during pregnancy:

You cannot self-medicate. Consult a doctor, and he will give the necessary recommendations after confirming the diagnosis.

To reduce the temperature, you need a sufficient warm drink, it is possible to use PARACETAMOL in the dose indicated by the doctor.

To combat a cough, humidify the air in the room (with the help of special humidifiers or water containers placed in the room), gargle.

If you have a runny nose, rinse your nose with saline solutions, use vasoconstrictor drops for no longer than 3 days in a row.

Eat well.

Get more rest, get enough sleep.





Incubation period

From several hours to 1-2 days

The onset of the disease


Acute, possible diarrhea


Temperature above 38.5C

Temperature below 38.5C

Most often the temperature is below 38.5C

temperature below 38.0С

Symptoms of general intoxication

(headache, sweating, body aches, weakness, etc.)


Weak or absent

Weak or moderate

Weak or absent

Severe dryness and itching in the throat, dry and often painful cough, often rawness behind the sternum

Dry paroxysmal cough

Possible cough

Cough with scanty sputum, aggravated by lying down




Severe runny nose, copious discharge from the nose

Pain in the eyes

Possible pain in the eyes

Not typical

After 2-3 days from the onset of the disease, pain in the eyes and severe lacrimation appear.

Not typical


Approximate reading time: 8 minutes

Colds in the first trimester of pregnancy and all kinds of viral diseases (ARVI, adenovirus infection, influenza, and others) are the most common diseases. By themselves, they are not particularly dangerous. But you should not neglect them, because complications can be very complex and threaten both the health of the baby and the expectant mother. Therefore, as soon as you discover symptoms of the disease, be sure to consult a doctor. It is strictly forbidden to self-medicate!

The frequency of SARS and colds at the beginning of pregnancy is approximately 2.5 to 8%. The peak incidence is observed in the autumn-winter period, at which time epidemics can often occur. Such statistics may be higher, because no more than 20% of pregnant women seek help with such diseases, the rest suffer from the disease “on their feet” or are at home. Pregnancy does not increase your risk of getting a cold.

Symptoms and their features during pregnancy

Colds and viral diseases manifest themselves in almost the same way. The following main features can be distinguished:

The manifestation of viral diseases and colds during pregnancy is almost the same as in non-pregnant women. Nasal congestion may be more pronounced. This is because the increased level of progesterone affects the nasopharyngeal mucosa. Because of this, swelling and nasal congestion increase.

SARS and colds in the first trimester of pregnancy most often go easily, complications are very rare.

More difficult for expectant mothers is the flu. With this disease, the frequency of complications is higher.

In most patients, the disease has an acute onset. The temperature rises to a very high, 39-40 ° C, but more often this is observed in the first 2-4 days of illness, then it quickly returns to normal. Sometimes the so-called second wave of flu is possible, when after normalization of temperature after 1-2 days it can rise again.

A detailed picture of the disease is observed at the end of the first day. The peculiarity of influenza from other viral diseases is that signs of intoxication predominate (muscle aches, headaches, severe general weakness, high body temperature). Early and persistent symptoms of the disease are dryness and redness of the mucous membrane of the pharynx, nasal congestion (the appearance of mucous secretions is possible on the 2-3rd day from the onset of the disease). A characteristic feature is the graininess of the pharynx, the protrusion of small lymphatic follicles above the surface of its mucous membrane. This symptom can be observed even after the temperature has normalized, up to about 7-8 days of illness.

Along with an increase in temperature, dizziness, headache, nausea and vomiting, pain during eye movement, sleep disturbance, and abdominal discomfort occur. There is a sharp pallor, although sometimes the cheeks may turn red, the lips and nasolabial triangle acquire a bluish tint, the face is puffy.

Danger during pregnancy

The most unfavorable infection with ARVI during pregnancy is in the 1st trimester, since during this period all organs of the fetus are laid. At this time, the virus itself and the high body temperature that always accompanies the disease can affect the baby's body. In case if more than 3 days there is an increase in temperature of more than 38 ° C, then there is a violation of protein synthesis, and this can adversely affect the formation of the organs of the crumbs. Therefore, with viral infections, the risk of malformations in the fetus, spontaneous miscarriage and miscarriage increases. At a later date, SARS infection is no longer so dangerous.

The danger arises when a bacterial infection joins a viral infection. In this case, inflammation of the lungs and lower respiratory tract develops, but this is rare.

Risk of flu during pregnancy

More dangerous is the influenza virus. In the first trimester of pregnancy, this virus can have a detrimental effect on the laying of the organs and systems of the embryo. The possibility of malformations and even death of the fetus increases. To a greater extent, there is an effect on the nervous tissues of the baby, resulting in malformations of the nervous system.

Studies have shown that 60% of young children whose mothers had influenza during pregnancy in the 1st trimester had developmental abnormalities. Most often, there were endocrine pathologies, late teething, SARS in the neonatal period, allergic diseases, a complication of a viral infection with pneumonia.

Cough is a common symptom of viral diseases and colds. Firstly, when coughing, the expectant mother strains the diaphragm and stomach, and this can increase the tone of the uterus. In addition, a woman, coughing, is in a state of stress, as she worries about the fetus and her health. Because of this, cortisol, or the so-called stress hormone, is produced in an increased amount. It has the ability to easily cross the placenta and can harm the developing embryo.

Why do you need to take tests?

If you had SARS or a cold during pregnancy in the 1st trimester, take tests that will reveal the possibility of exposure to the virus on the child. But you should not panic, since such diseases during pregnancy occur in almost every second woman, and serious complications are extremely rare.

In case of influenza in the early stages, it is recommended to conduct a “triple test” at 16-20 weeks of pregnancy, in which the level of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), estriol and human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is determined. It is imperative to see the level of three hormones, because it is impossible to assess the risk of a possible pathology from one or even two. It should be borne in mind that the results of such a test are indicative and if there is a suspicion of deviations, a series of examinations should be carried out. The first is an ultrasound. His results, as well as the results of the “triple” test, will show whether you need to be examined further. If necessary, a woman is referred for a consultation with a geneticist.


How to treat a cold during pregnancy in the 1st trimester? What are the features? The principles of treatment for all viral diseases are the same. They include:

Expectant mothers are recommended a dairy-vegetable diet enriched with vitamins. Hot drinks made from wild rose, linden flowers, chamomile, elderberry, raspberries, viburnum, etc. are widely used. These plants have a diaphoretic effect, due to which viruses and toxins are excreted from the body. In the absence of contraindications, the amount of fluid drunk should be within two liters per day.

Be careful when using means of folk medicine. Indeed, among them there are those that are contraindicated during pregnancy. For example, some infusions of medicinal herbs can provoke allergies. It is also forbidden to soar legs.

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How to lower the temperature?

First of all, in order to improve the patient's condition, it is necessary to reduce body temperature. This needs to be done differently:

  • If the elevated temperature in the first trimester is accompanied by hyperemia (redness) of the skin, physical cooling methods are used (cold on the main vessels of the neck, groin area, using a fan, rubbing the skin with a warm solution of 0.25-0.5% vinegar, cold cleansing enemas.
  • With an increase in temperature with a pronounced sharp pallor of the skin, drug antipyretics are used. In order to eliminate spasm of peripheral vessels, no-shpa, eufillin, papaverine are shown. The patient needs warming - a hot drink, warm heating pads at the feet, rubbing the skin with 60-degree alcohol.

It is strictly forbidden for expectant mothers to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as analgin, acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), mefenamic acid, ibuprofen, indomethacin, naproxen.

The drugs of choice during this period are paracetamol and its analogues.

Studies have shown that when taking it, no undesirable effects were observed both in the health status of the pregnant woman and the baby.

Therefore, during early pregnancy, this drug can be taken in a short course.

Sore throat treatment

Let us dwell on how to treat a throat during pregnancy in the 1st trimester. After all, a sore throat is a fairly common symptom of viral diseases and colds. The safest way to eliminate discomfort, perspiration and swelling is inhalation. They can be carried out with infusions of sage, mint, calendula, chamomile, saline, Borjomi, etc. Or you can breathe over the steam of potatoes boiled in uniforms. The duration of this procedure is 5-7 minutes.

Cough treatment

With a dry cough, the use of antitussive drugs is indicated. But it is important to remember that such drugs as ethylmorphine hydrochloride, codeine and iodine preparations are contraindicated for pregnant women. In order to slow down a cough, marshmallow root is widely used in the form of a decoction in 4 doses of 1 tbsp. spoon. Imupret has a decongestant, antiviral, immunostimulating and antiviral effect. Licorice root and alkaline inhalations are also used.

Of the mucolytic agents for viral diseases and colds during pregnancy, mukaltin is used. In the early stages of pregnancy, ambroxol, lazolvan, bromhexine are contraindicated. The use of acetylcysteine ​​is prohibited during pregnancy at all stages.

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Antihistamines have an anti-inflammatory effect and prevent the development of edema. But in the early stages of pregnancy, it is better not to take them.

Runny nose during pregnancy

A runny nose during pregnancy makes it difficult for a woman to breathe, as a result of which the fetus may suffer from oxygen deficiency. Safe remedies for colds at the 9th week of pregnancy, and in general in its first trimester, are saline solutions - aquamaris, salin, nosol and their analogues. They allow you to reduce the local inflammatory process, eliminate nasal congestion and facilitate breathing. Vasoconstrictor drugs during this period are strictly prohibited.

When choosing an antiviral drug, you need to consider that it should not only help the mother, but also not harm the baby. The list of approved drugs in the 1st trimester of pregnancy is small. These are homeopathic preparations - aflubin, oscillococcinum. They can be used only in the indicated dosage and only after a doctor's prescription.

Sometimes there is a need for antibiotic therapy. Antibiotics are prescribed for extremely severe ARVI and influenza. Indications for their use are signs of a bacterial infection, a high body temperature for more than 5 days, the presence of chronic foci of infection, immunodeficiency states. Expectant mothers are prescribed macrolides, protected aminopenicillins, II-III generation cephalosporins, but this should be done with great care.

What is contraindicated?

During pregnancy at any time, the following drugs are contraindicated:

  • levomycetin - increases the risk of inhibition of bone marrow functions;
  • all tetracyclines - have hepatotoxic properties, can disrupt the process of bone formation in the fetus;
  • biseptol and its analogues - increase the risk of congenital anomalies in the baby;
  • fluoroquinolones - during the period of embryo growth, they act damagingly on interarticular cartilage;
  • other drugs - lincomycin, rifampicin, delagil, levorin, ethionamide, griseofulvin.

Prevention measures

Of course, it is easier to prevent a disease than to try to treat it. To prevent the risk of contracting viral infections, the nasal mucosa must be treated with oxolin ointment before going outside. For the first trimester of pregnancy, this is the best option. After all, it is not advisable to take any medicines, even, at first glance, absolutely harmless, during this period. In the event of an epidemic, you must:

  • If possible, use a gauze bandage;
  • Try to avoid visiting crowded places;
  • Gargle and rinse your nose after each exit to the street;
  • Use a complex of vitamins and minerals prescribed by a doctor;
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