The most unusual things crocheted. Chic unusual knitted blankets from stripes Unusual types of knitting and patterns

Girls, everyone has probably already seen this scarf. You can even buy it from the link below. But I'm not talking about buying, but about the approach! After all, the most common facial and purl loops are used here, and what an effect! Everyone is looking for a description, and some girls take knitting needles in their hands and do it! Below is a hat and scarf with descriptions. The main thing is to want!

I want to appeal to girls who know Portuguese, can you tell me the names of the loops in the description of the scarf? Google did not pull at all!

3 novelos de Cisne Cetim na cor nº1539
Agulha para Trico Corrente nº6
Com 1 fio de cisne cetim colocar 52 pontos na agulha nº 6 e fazer 18 cm do ponto sanfona 1/1 (1tr,1m).
A seguir fazer as carreiras abaixo começando pelo lado do direito:
- 20 pontos sanfona 1/1, 6 tr, aumentar 8 pontos, 6 tr, 20 pontos sanfona 1/1

- 20 pontos sanfona, 20 tr, 20 pontos sanfona
-20 pontos sanfona, arrematar 20 pontos, 20 pontos sanfona
A Seguir fazer 23 vezes as 8 carreiras abaixo:
1ª carreira: 20 pontos sanfona, recolocar os 20 pontos, 20 pontos sanfona
2ª, 4ª e 6ª carreiras: 20 pontos sanfona, 20 m, 20 pontos sanfona
3ª, 5ª e 7ª carreiras: 20 pontos sanfona, 20 tr, 20 pontos sanfona
8ª carreira: 20 pontos sanfona, arrematar 20 pontos, 20 pontos sanfona
A seguir para terminar o trabalho fazer da seguinte maneira:
- 20 pontos sanfona, recolocar 20 pontos, 20 pontos sanfona
- 20 pontos sanfona, 20 m, 20 pontos sanfona
- 20 pontos sanfona, 6tr, arrematar 8 pontos, 6 tr, 20 pontos sanfona
Fazer mais 18 cm de ponto sanfona 1/1 (1 tr, 1 m) e arrematar o trabalho.
Colocar franjas e passar uma argola por dentro da outra formando a trança, depois no final dar um ponto na ultima argola com um ponto invisível.

Materials: Angora RAM threads 1 skein 100 g/500 m, 40% moheir 60% acrylic, N4 knitting needles, N3 circular needles, N2 hook, 5 beads, sewing threads to match knitting.

Description of work: Cast on 45 stitches.

1 row: 45 facial loops

2 row: 45 purl loops

so repeat 6 more rows.

Next, we knit 3 facial loops, close 18 loops, knit 3, close 18 loops, turn the work over. Next, purl 3, dial 18 loops, purl 3, dial 18 loops. So knit the whole canvas, every 8 rows make "slots" in the canvas. Make the resulting strips in the form of loops and connect them together, threading into each other (as the loops on tights are connected), so we get two braids. So we knit to the length we need, according to the girth of the head. The last two slots do not connect to the main canvas, this can be seen in the photo below:

Connect the strip with braids into a ring, trying to thread the initial and final loops into each other so that the junction is not visible. Sew.

From the side of our circle, dial the loops evenly on the knitting needles (I dialed like this: from one loop - 1 loop, from the next - 2 loops and repeat like this). Knit rib for 20 rows (knit 2, purl 1).

The bottom of the cap (crochet):

Connect 6 air loops into a ring and tie with single crochets.

1 row: 2 columns b / n in each column of the previous row

2nd row: 1 b / n column in the column of the previous row, increase (2 b / n columns in the next column of the previous row); and so on until the end of the circle

3 row: 2 columns b / n in the next columns of the previous row in order, increase; and so on until the end of the circle

4 row: 3 columns b / n in the following columns of the previous row in order, increase; and so on until the end of the circle

5 row: 4 columns b / n in the next columns of the previous row in order, increase; and so on until the end of the circle

6 row: 5 columns b / n in the following columns of the previous row in order, increase; and so on until the end of the circle

7 row: 6 columns b / n in the following columns of the previous row in order, increase; and so on until the end of the circle

8 row: 7 columns b / n in the following columns of the previous row in order, increase; and so on until the end of the circle

So knit, making increments and increasing the number of columns between them with each row by one, until you reach the desired diameter of the bottom.

Sew the bottom into our hat.

Crochet 5 flowers (whatever you like) with crochet N2 (yarn in one thread). Sew flowers on the edge of the bottom of the hat. Decorate the hearts of the flowers with beads.

Our hat is ready!

And this is the well-known "Asian spike"! Doesn't it remind you of anything? Paul picture link to description. The main thing is to want and not be afraid!

I wish you all inspiration, don't forget, SPRING will come soon!

Fancy knitting

This article is for those who already knit for sale, but are dissatisfied with their earnings. You may be interested in unusual knitting techniques that can be used both independently and combined with the usual ones.

Some of them came to us from ancient times, others appeared more recently. Some you may already be familiar with, others you've never heard of before.

Unusual knitting techniques for craftswomen of the XXI century

I’ll make a reservation right away that this is just a brief description of the different types of needlework by the names of which, you can easily find training diagrams and videos on the Internet. It is also easy to buy tools for them through the World Wide Web, order a master, or even make it yourself. Here is the list itself:

  1. Brioche.
  2. Short rows.
  3. On a fork.
  4. Irish.
  5. Friform.
  6. Knucking.
  7. Tunisian.
  8. Tunisian double-sided crochet.
  9. Pooling
  10. Needle.

And now about each method in a little more detail.

brioche(brioche stitch two color) - two-color double-sided knitting, suitable for creating a wide variety of products from clothing to blankets.

Short rows(elongated rows, turning knitting) - allows you to create stunningly beautiful and completely unusual things with knitting needles. Also suitable for everything from shawls and slippers to plaids and cardigans.

Fork- for this, a hook and a fork are used - a wire arc in the shape of the letter "U". The openwork stripes crocheted on it are removed and connected to each other. This technique is suitable for shawls, scarves, openwork blouses, blankets, as well as for decorating products knitted in other ways.

Irish knitting(Irish lace, stacked lace). Crocheted separate elements (motifs), usually vegetable, which are collected in one canvas and connected. For this, a hook or needle is used. This is how shawls, blouses, summer dresses, swimwear, underwear are made.

Freeform(free form). Appeared in the twentieth century, thanks to Prudence Mapston, who showed the world that irregular knitting, without rules and patterns, can be incredibly beautiful. It, like the Irish one, is knitted from separate motifs and assembled into a single canvas. A variety of techniques, styles, thicknesses, as well as additional elements - rhinestones, beads, ribbons, etc. are welcome in one product. Suitable not only for clothes and blankets, but also for paintings, bags and various decor items.

Knooking- products are knitted with a special needle with a hook at the end. It turns out a dense elastic fabric that looks like knitted knitting. This technique is convenient to knit socks, mittens, toys and other small gizmos.

Tunisian an unusual way of crocheting a large length (at least 30 cm) with a limiter at the end so that the loops are not lost during work. During operation, the fabric is not rotated - it is knitted first from right to left, then from left to right. The product of such knitting keeps its shape perfectly, so that high-quality slippers, blankets, bags, coats are obtained from it.

Tunisian double-sided crochet. For him, two double-sided hooks are taken, and each row is knitted with its own crochet and, often, with its own color. Both of these unusual crochet techniques are all the rage right now, used on their own or in combination with others when you need a piece that holds its shape well.

Pooling- knitting sectional yarn on knitting needles not with our usual spots, but with vertical stripes or other geometric patterns.

Needle (digging, nalbinding). For sure, knitting with a thick wooden or bone needle is the most ancient way to create a canvas from individual threads. This needlework has been preserved in the Russian north and in the north of Western Europe. We call digging, there nalbinding. A couple of years ago at the Museum of Archeology of Moscow, I photographed a medieval thing connected in this way:

And these are modern socks:

Of course, these are not all ways of knitting with unusual techniques, there are much more of them, so this article will certainly have a continuation. If you know knitting methods not mentioned in this article, write in the comments, I will add them to the next one.

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    Elena at 08:59

    Interesting article, I have been knitting for a long time. I have not heard about the freeform technique and pooling. I really like products made in the technique of brioche and Irish knitting, but so far I have not mastered them.


    Konstantin at 07:02

    My mother graduated from the famous "technological school" with a degree in light industry technologist and for professional and personal interests, she studied various types of knitting a lot. And she even taught me - when my daughter was born, I knitted a set for her - a jacket, a hat and a scarf. But now is not about that.

In our age of new technologies and speeds, everything old is so often forgotten that has been valued for many centuries, and was worth its weight in gold. What am I talking about? About the handicrafts of women of all ages and peoples - about knitting. Crochet is not a forgotten and sunken art, perhaps partly thanks to the famous Couturiers.

Everything that is crocheted is a small work of art and it is amazing how a small masterpiece is born from a ball of thread or a piece of wire with pebbles. Just looking at the product, you can not always feel all its uniqueness.

I suggest you now plunge into the world of knitted things, so unusual and unique, beautiful and perhaps somewhere old, because crocheting, as it were, brings us closer to the past.

Shawls and sweaters, ponchos and gloves, children's toys and bedspreads, rugs and pillowcases, mittens and swimwear, bags and covers, scarves and napkins, underwear and socks, hats and skirts, and, as it turned out, this list is not yet complete.
The most amazing, in my opinion, knitted product is marine life. You will not even immediately realize that they are crocheted. Many inhabitants of the seas, corals and reefs, tiny sponges and shells, jellyfish are connected here.

If you need to complement the interior of your home, cafe or restaurant with a type of food, you can complete this task with the help of thread and a hook, and you won’t lose, see how peas, ham and cauliflower with broccoli poured with sauce look advantageous on a plate. You can complement this picture with fish and lemon.

If you have a desire to decorate your home with a knitted clock, a completely feasible desire, your clock will be airy and look like a pattern on glass on a frosty night.

You can make vases and boxes, lids for needle beds with a hook. They will be not only comfortable and beautiful, but also practical for storing needles.

And if you are constantly “in the saddle” of your bike, then a cover knitted from warm threads will help to insulate it or make it softer.

A crocheted chandelier will help make your home or office special, the airiness of these products continues to amaze and fascinate with its fragility.

A grand piano decorated with related motifs can decorate the interior.

Crocheted rattles will pamper your baby, they will be lighter than ordinary toys, which means that the baby will be able to lift them with ease.

Crocheted jewelry for women and men is generally a separate topic of discussion, because if you talk only about products crocheted only from threads, then the story will not be complete, because you can knit jewelry from wire with stones and not only.

Both the kidneys with the lungs and the brain are affected, such products can easily be placed on the clinic stand.

From such a weapon, you most likely will not shoot.

Key chains for phones can be very different.

And if you add beads to knitting, then knitted jewelry is not the only use. With the help of beads and a hook, you can also knit pictures.
Your shoes can also be crocheted.

It would seem that interesting things can be created using knitting needles or a hook? It turns out that with the help of a simple set of tools and a skein of thread, you can create unusual knitted things that will easily stand out from the crowd and attract everyone's attention.

Varieties of cool knitted things

Knitting allows you to show imagination, experiment with colors and types of yarn. Unlike a standard ready-made item, clothes sewn by yourself can embody everything that you have been dreaming about for so long but could not find on the store shelf. Among the interesting knitted things, the main types of products that are most popular can be distinguished:

  1. Hats. Here needlewomen can fully show their imagination and indulge in experiments. Hats can be made in an animalistic style, decorated with funny horns, ears, eyes and nose. Hats with a hole for the tail, with a relief pattern in the form of braids, or with disproportionately large pompoms look interesting.
  2. . They can be made from yarn of different lengths and thicknesses, as a result of which the product acquires an unusual texture. Snoods or have gained great popularity. Due to the annular shape, a feeling of infinity is created.
  3. Sweaters. They can be knitted in an unusual way and include pieces of fur or exotic accessories. These unusual things knitted or crocheted can become an interesting element of the outfit and emphasize your individuality.

In addition to the listed unusual knitted things, there are a large number of other equally interesting products. Socks in the form of boots or knitted according to the principle of a wicker basket, mittens decorated with Scandinavian patterns and much more. Each item, made in an unusual form of knitting or using original patterns, will become the highlight of your wardrobe. The main thing is to combine it correctly and not to overdo it with the exotic.

Knitted pouffe

Let's start with the fact that this element of decor has gained its popularity for a reason. Given that few can boast of the immense size of real estate, the use of knitted poufs is not only beautiful, but also convenient. They can become a bright accent in the interior and take up little space. If you choose the right material and pattern, such a pouffe may well replace classic furniture and will please you for a long time.


Knitted organizers will save a lot of space and decorate your interior. It doesn’t matter if you prefer a crochet hook or knitting needles, with the right choice of yarn, the thing will turn out not only beautiful, but also functional. Such organizers will look stylish in the bathroom, on the dressing table, in the nursery and even in the workplace. In addition, they are “more useful” than plastic and do not require special care.


Knitted blankets in the list of the most trendy things occupy a very special place. They can make even boring interiors cozy (remember the Scandinavian hygge style, which is impossible to imagine without such items). A warm plaid of large knitting will become an indispensable thing in the cold season at home, and in the warm season - during a trip out of town.


For lovers of home plants, there is also an interesting idea. If you tie the pot along the contour, leaving a few free threads for fastening, you get an original planter that will not only save the plant from drafts, but also add elegance to the interior.

Cup warmers, coasters and coasters

There are no neat owners who would not be annoyed by the stains remaining on the furniture from glasses. If we are talking about hot drinks and dishes, then the surface of the table or the armrest may swell from overheating or crack. The problem can be easily solved by knitted coasters and hot coasters. Do not forget about the warmers on the cup - they will not only keep your drink warm, but also absorb excess liquid if it is accidentally spilled.


Unusual lampshades are now appreciated not only by the townsfolk, but also by designers. Even if your interior is very concise and restrained, a small accent in the form of a knitted lampshade will be more than appropriate. Thanks to a wide choice of yarns and a variety of patterns, you can easily choose the right tone and texture.


What could be cozier than a big warm blanket? Only a pillow! In addition to its direct purpose, it will serve as an excellent element of decor. Don't be afraid to place pillows on the floor, on chairs, armchairs, window sills, or sofas. There are never too many of them!


A small knitted clutch or a spacious bag-bag is not only stylish, but also eco-friendly. If you choose a hard yarn and a small loop step, then the product will turn out to be very durable and will keep its shape well. If, on the contrary, you give preference to soft yarn and large knitting, you will get a capacious voluminous shopper bag.


Hand knitted rugs are the new trend in home decor. They are considered a designer thing for "lazy people". In addition to large bamboo needles, these rugs are hand-knitted with decorative yarn. Due to the size of the thread, it is easy to get a fairly large product in the shortest possible time.

Chair cover

The binding of stools or chairs, which has become almost traditional for knitting lovers, has long been accustomed to. But the strapping of large chairs is something new and very original.